IDITMKD IIY TIIK vnm 'MM sum "w,mm He mxim lefald. KVKNIXO NIWHA! PRINT TIIK NEW, NOT aUaVTOftY HrffM'1 fr! o, IiHAM KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, TUIMDAY, HKITKMIIKH 17, lew Prlca, Ffv. CU love Defies Traditions of Centuries, According to Story that is Told in Defense of Former Shoe Dealer CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENCYARE SCHOOLS KEEPING ON GO tKtSt WMNTH TIIK REFORM MKTHMIM OK ItOONKVKLT TWI It Coandenl That an Km of htawiHl I In Hlurt fr llir t'aun trj, Mil Tint llli AiliulaUtratloN ( Koaillr Hi I Hurr Thai latTtde la Turning Touartl Repute i All Over Hip Country WILL BOLD T CAR ESPEF FACES HELP AT FAIR BANDIT MAKES A RICH COLLECTION 1'iM PrtM Servlra UVKRI.Y, Hepl 17 President Tift lll fonff r with lllllla when thu laMtlkM convention convene In hntoti. Tall l confident. Up be. tiiM lit twins tuwerd republican kaiMtttlted. He think an era (if rratt rrotptflty It near , TW president eipect bumper rtf til our the country, anil In nmt tuitneii activity lln Inslit ttaC l protperlly It duo largely ti Mtrlolai the tariff bill, thu reaa I It bgilnrnt Interest. Ha la that IliHwaralt will draw 1 from democrat than rtpub CITY AMI COUNTY SCHOOL OKKI CIALH VINITTIIi: Mill (HtOUNI) and hi:m:t sites kok two HOOTHS Accompanied by representative of the rlly and county achoali, Hecrn lary Oliver of the fair aw lallon vil li ed lh fair ground thin afternoon and tucceeded In Informing the rhool authorities lo tucli an eitent that the declalnn Wat made. In hav two booth, by the city and county arhoot at the fair lhl year Accompanying ir Oliver vrero I'rofeator Kaughl, principal of tho Klamath County High Hcliool, I'ro feator Dunbar of the city aclmoli, I'rofrator Carpenter of the dniwatlr aclenca department aud Will lint J In The irhool boot In will be ISx3 feet and TIlIC feel, and eihthlt wilt ha prepared lnthu manual training tine and domrttlc science. Theae. el blblta will be In addition to that ho. Ing prepared by I'rofrator Swnn HARRY BARR IS MURDERED Johawia Active lltftdlTtM Utrvire rtOgU, lilt, Kept 17. (lover mMmoo tpokr today In Lincoln,! fikiaa, Moomlngton, Champaign,1 tawW, Dertlur, Hprlngfleld, Taylor1 14, Put. Vaudalla and Central!. mimwi by big crowd, , HOIIY UK PROMINENT IIUSINKHS MAN OK 1-OKTI.A.M) IN FOUND OX COUNTRY HOA MOTIVE REMAINS A MYSTERY WEALTHY RESIDENTS OK HIGH TONED DISTRICT TKIMMKII Piwwa Alt Searching the lllllt for llandlt ItvcauMi He Killed Haa Ma. lew City Attorney The Men Warn Lined I'p and Women were Korcedl In Clirulatr With Hat In Which Valuable tirrr Hmpptil A BI6 SUIT KHESNO AM) HAX FRANCISCO MEN SEEK TO KKCOVKII VAST HIM FROM TIIK RAILROAD. VALIDITY OK ALT QUESTIONED nieil i'iim farvlca HAN MATEO, Sept 17 I'oiaea are aesrrhlng the hill for tho ttreet car bandld who held up and robbed two ttreet car early thlt morning. and fatally abut City Atorney Kirk. hrlde of thlt city when he tried to graap tho biudU'x revolver All of the men In tho car wen- forced to itand up and tho women. wie ordered to paa a hat. When the car met near Katton the bandit left the flrtt car and crowed to the second, In which Klrkbrlde and hi party, nearly all rich realdeuta of the llurllngame aectlon, were riding. The bandit got 12,00 In caah and jewelry. He put platol to the ear ol the raotorracn and forced them to go on, while the bandit dripped off Into the shrubbery. United I'rett Service LOB ANHELKS. Sept. ,17. A bill In equity agalnit the Southern Pacific railroad and corporation Involving 14,000 acre of oil land In Kern and Kretno counttaa, valued at 150,000. 000, wa filed In the United HUtsa dlttrlct court today. The ault 1 to teat the vallldty of the withdrawal net of September 17, lt0. The plaintiff are T. H. Mlnot of Han Prancltco and thirty-two other from Man Francisco, San Joaa aad Preano. Prisoner Declares He Was Not Married to Pretty Jewess MERCHANTS ON BOOSTER TRIP I'.UITV I.KAVKM MKRIC TO VIM1T KAHMKHH IN THK HII.VKR I.AKK HIXTIOX" AND AMU TO LOOK nvRit coxnmox ok koadh MEXICANS ARE STILL SCRAPPING lUN'CIIKIt nm.VGH HEPOHT OK AN K.NOAOF.MK.NT IN AN ISOLATE!) PART OK THK COUNTRY HK CAMK IIY AUTO (Jailed I'rea Bervlca TUCSON, Sept. 17. General Cam-: pa and 12S rebela and 200 federal j under Colonel Sola are fighting at I Kaaabe, Altar dlttrlct, today, accord-1 log to dlipatchea brought here by I J. M, Ronttadt, an Arlxona border cattleman. The flghtlnr began at noon, and waa raging fiercely when the courier left the acene In an atuomoblle. Objections of Parents Leads to Immoral Life C. F. Stone, Attorney for Former Shoe Dealer, Gives Out First Statement Since the Arrest JUD6E DRAKE TD BE CANDIDATE Satabe It Itolnted from telegraph I VK1.L KNOWN LAWYER WILL GO r. I wlrea Ceoa With WIImik llMrrMtHmicn CUNTOS, Iowa Kept 17. Alex- Htnnlnf, negro, and for!o H t body tervant of tho demo "tk Wttldtntltl candidate on hit n)lM trlpt, Mid today I "It bctn Vtlth them all. atari. JJ4 ltb Cleveland and Including f7, bttl I iterr anvv croada mi I ul enthualn.tlc nt during thlt ftl ltb Wilton." "ItOtl ItolVi In Rlnii I'llt. uh.l IjJMFiltalhl afternoon. Then he '"iroloallnneApollaand St, I'aul. Ilrfaa lliuia ti.i Ir.ii.i .. --, v 'w itmi service I'OIITI.ANI), Hept 17. Tho body of Harry Ilarr, the owner of the Multnomah Hotel omnlbut line, wat found on the Linton road, a few mljf from the city There wna n bullet wound In hit head, and hit head had alto beeu badly battered The murderer drove the auto back to the city, aud It wa found today with tho teat covered with blood. Hu vent y dollar-were found lu hi pocket, to robbery vvaa not the mo tive of the crime. No clue ha been dUcoverod of the murder, and the police are at a lot a In the motive for the deed, WILLIS O'BRIEN IS NOW FREE Local merchant are 'beginning to leallie that there I a large trade lu Northern Lake county which I worth going after. Kitantlve ln. provcuicnl have, been made tbl year on the road between thl city and the Silver l-ake irctlon, and an effort I belug made to Induce the farmer 'of that territory to come to Klamath BOULEVARD PLAN HELPED ALONG 'IT AGREES TO Rt'lLD BRIDGE IT THE CROHNING ON HKCOND AM) OAK HTRKKTM WHITE EXPLAINS OI'T AITKR OKF1CE OP DIS TRICT ATTORNEY FRIENDS URGE HIM ON ' Judge Drake aaaoane4 tecar tkt h would be a candidate for tha otlot lof dUtrlct attorney. ' "I bad not Intended making tha rrace," declared Judge Drake, "until !a few of my friend became ao loalat- ent that I concluded to please them by throwing my hat In the ring. It'a In there now." That tho city council I co-operating with the Second tret boulevard eiiAiiei: ok itoitiiLitv kiiom Tiu:,f,u ,0 "'' A parly conilttlug of Krank Van-.commlltco In the plnn to provide a I'KHNON IX WITHKHAWX AND THE YOC.MI MAN IS GIVEN IIH Evan, of tho Suntet (liocerr. and Ar- ,nlco of tho (lolden Uule atore; 8yd iUjuble highway on the wet aide of I.IHEIITY IIY COURT litis Iftlraw una Mwlflaklifatl at ihu faaaTlt. tluir I.Mla. of Ihu Karmgarai Imnltwl ment and Supply llou.e. left Monday J,ar mttUng of the city council last, CITY DADS IN PEACEFUL MEET In the former's uuto tor Chlloauln. The Klamath count) grand Jury nd from there they will go to Sum- failed to find a true bill agalnit Wllllt mer take, Silver lvkc and Chrlttmas O'llrlen, and thl afternoon the caso Lake, In order to get better acquaint agalnit the young man waa formally 'cd with tho resident of 'those sec- Hlbbert thri-ahlug outfit tva tuc li a luudhole beyond tho depot Mon- M'rnt,. .. . ' ill a luuuuuio ueyunu no ui-pui jnun Hill). Coin.. Hunt 1? ii... . -. . .... .... ... . loktii ik "w"juy mieruoon, aim up in a laio nour j ' I!, ""e flr t.ul""'lt "' thla afternoon the machine had not ft'onilnue.! ,in 'U10- j) 'been extricated. Judg dlamlited In Juttlco Gravea' court. Young O'llrlen wa charged with 'robbing a companion, aftor flrnt drug ging him. It dovcloprd thut both of tho men were under the Influence of liquor, nnd hnd been drinking out of the same bottle. tion and to too lu what condition the roads are. They will return by way of I'alsley. e Drake Denies That He is Retained by the Accused rind Jury Starts Campaign of Secrecy of Operations. Two Indictments are Said to be Ready to Return to the Court. Developments Expected Soon WALL STREET THE CAUSE TOM LAWSON HAYS STOCK SPEC ULATION IS HESPONSIULE KOK THK HIGH COST OK LIVING. RESUMES HIS K1GHT PWlUttSl rumor curront nn it.. '"U afternoon that three mem- ""clty council had been In- ' th Klamath mii, .,.a U7 Charge af arsfiln. .A tk.t ll 'rady ",cure' thB ' 'I Judt. n.-i.. .. . , io ma. tneir uZtruM not b conflrra, p Iiln!U """ r'U,ned t0 Mm mT Crltltr and QoniUrvi v.... Tdai-V ,hU "OOB. Ink, idid wwcuaT" Judg. wwmd tha Judtr. "There's a rumor," "I havo been romultnd by mem bers of tho city council regarding mattora pertaining to tho city," then replied Judge Drake, "but I havo not been retaluod by Individual mem bers of the council." Judgo Drake explained that an at torney? definition of the word re tainer was an Invitation to conduct n trial, accompanied by coin of tho realm. "I have not received a retainer from any on. of tho mon mention ed," said Judge Drake. The grand Jurv hu beeu working all day. Two Indictments agalatt mon already In Jail havo been drawn up, and It Is probablo that they will Im reporlod to tho court beforo ad journment this afternoon. It la not expected, however, that the charges against city councllmen will flnnlly be disposed of for n couple of dnys. Tho following witnesses wero call ed for teday: Dr. Truax, city health officer; Dr.'llamlUon, W. n. Doty, member of the city council; Illll Ross and William Hall, police officer. Tho rule has boon established by the grand Jury of strict Bccrccy from this tlm. on. It was learned today that member of tho jury had com plained of "leaks," and It was pro posed that these be stopped. United Press Service I NEW YORK, Sept. 17. Thomaa W. Lawaon, the Doston financier, In tends to resume hit tight against the monoy kings on Wall street, and will again use Everybody's magastne as his medium. Law son charges that tho real cause of the high cost of living Is the sure thing gambling on tho stock exchango and assorts that through jthe ex changee the people of the United States are robbed of $2,000,000,000 or 1 2,000,000,000 annually. Lawson will demand tho closing of' all exchangee and that a atop be put to th. speculations In stocks and food stuffs. , The ladles of th. Christian church will give a Sliver Tea at th. hoss. of Mrs. William Bandbam In Mills addi tion Thursday at 2:30 p. a. Come and enjoy th. afternoon with the ladles. night, when the city agreed to pay all of tho expenaes Incidental to the building of a bridge at the crossing at Second and Oak streets. The original motion In this connec tion was that the city should furnish the lumber for the bridge, but after a short address by O. W. White, the council decided that the entire ex pense of the work should be borne by the city. In answer to a query by City At torney Drake, Mr. White stated that the boulevard committee had secured all of the right of way required ex cept that across the laud of a non resldont property owner. "This man will be here In October or November, said Mr. White, "and there appears to bo no queatton but that we will be able to get the right of way at that time." TWO DISSENTING VOICES ARE RAISED WHEN CONTRACT KOR Kim: HOSE IS AWARDED TO THK BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. With the exception of two dissent ing volcos to one proposition before the city council last night worked hurinontoutly, aud the business of tho session waa transacted with dis patch. When the motion to award the coutract for tho supplying of n'we for the Shlpplngton dlttrlct to the Baldwin Hardware company waa made, Councllmen Miles and Oweas (Continued on Page i) RUNS- TINE OF FORK IN CHEEK DRYS MAKE A DECISION G. A. JOHNSTON KUKKERS PAIN- KUL INJURY KAILS TO SE CURE MEDICAL ATTENDANCE AND POISON BKTB IN G. A. Johnson suffered a very se ver, accident Friday, when ho ran a tine of a fork, through his cheek while loading bay for Frank Ira White. He did not consult a doctor until 8unday, and by that time the wound bad becomo Infected with blood poisoning. He la now under tho caro of Dr. Truax, aud It is ex pected that h. will be all right In a few day. NO VOl K WILL BE TAKEN ON THE LIQUOR QUESTION HERE UNTIL SPRING MEETING HELD IN THE CITY LAST MGHT A meeting of local optlonUU was held laat eveulng In the court house. About fifteen enthusiasts were pres ent, and endorsed the report ot th. committee which had been previously appointed to determlno th. advisa bility ot placing th. local option on th. ballot In November. Th. report which waa adopt! rec- ommendod that no action b. taken nt th. fall election, but that the mat ter bo flrtt decided at a city election. If -they were success fi la voting Klamath Falls dry, then th. question could b. put to th. voters ot th. en tire county. A lingering regard for th. tradi tions of centuries, L. B. Rich haa oalr himself to blame for being a artaoasr in th. county Jail, awaltlag U. ar rival her. of an offioar to take alaa : Oranu Paaa to answer to th. charge of bigamy, which haa tea rrafarrsal against him there. Thl la th. declaration of C. F. Stone, attorney for the yoaag aaaa. aad th. complete recital of tha atorr that will b. told la coart u aav. the yoaag aaaa from a term la ta. BsaUaatlary roads Uk a oaaaaar from a French novel. For tho fiat time, sine th. afreet of Rlea, as' authorised version of th. saarttal tangle la which the young aaaa to In volved haa been glvea toaigat. Mr. Stone will leav. for Ban Francisco to Investigate the Strang, story told alaa by hbj client, Here Is th. war Rich defoada atoa- self, according to Mr. Btaaa. The Rich and Cohaa faaUllea, well known residents ot tho Jewish col ony in San Francisco, naa dom friends for years, aad little Nlaa Cohea and Lawrence Rich wero irst child playmate., and, UUr, aa they grew to womanhood and aaaa hood. lovers. But there arose a dloagrMsasat be tween the parenU of th. yoaag couple. "You will never havo say coaatat to marry that Cohen girl," Papa Rich stormed. "I would rather see you dead taaa married to that Rich boy," th. head of the Cohen family Informed hbj pretty daughter. But love laughs at more thlaga than locks, and Rich saw his awot heart frequently. "Let's elope and get married," Rich auggeated. But there arose the tradition of the Jews, and neither would coaseat. on deliberation, to take tho chaaeo ot offending their religion. But love (Continued on Page ) STREET LIGHTS TO BE PUT IN COUNCIL GIVES THE STREET COMMITTEE POWER TO ACT ON PROPOSITION TWO MORS LIGHTS FOR 11KIDGK If the street committee of the city council approve, atreet lights will bo provided on the corner ot Lookout and McDonald streets, Wright ava. and Wilbur street, two on th. Wash ington street bridge and on. mora near the depot. The light matter was brought UP lutt night and briefly discussed. It war. finally agreed to allow tha streot committee to deelda. the seed of th. light JtRfetof' atilfBAtaa,, sad ordvrihem put la.ll thi the committee approve'; '