SIII'I'UBD BY THB VNITKIt FltWSS NKWH SRHVICB m t toning lUlb. KVKMNG WBWSPAPBM PRINT THB NKWH, NOT HMTORT gevrelli Vrar Xo. I,MT KLAMATH KAMA, ORBOON, 1 KIIMV, HKITKMIIKIt IS, 1012 Price, fire Oeate Extortion by Aldermen versus Robbery From, the Person The Herald ho made aome serious charge against men elected bv th . u x, eriJrS the name time the grand jury is inveatigating a complaint against one Wl m-nSEui u . vt Cfny " the bu,ineM of the city- The Klamath County grand jury is now investigating these char.. A the merits of th. chge against O'Brien, except a. tnJJSL L "" ' n wlth whom he - orid ruTted hirS "5! tao32 The Herald does know considerable about the chorees nuainst the th i county jail, solicited money, promising in return their favorable consideration of the "an fer'oTawZn fZJ?!!Z ST. Th ""t, "? & httoi w "d 'rably known in this community, InT ff.i.TSTi ThCy Were.t,,,C feP"tiveH and the friend, LtShSat KL nlT' K H?, Kh J78"8 dty C0Unc"' of whIch a three hd but "" willing to admit hat there is but one notable difference in the cases: O'Brien is in jail where?. IftWSukri tt r " ? ., ?U .V & the r friend' ju,t as lt is chlirKI that 'Brien "? The Herald is The Herald ha. no way of knowing what the grand jury has ascertained after 1 IT . T , ' " m "' 8tl" "Ctlng M membera of the K,amath Fa coundl. . Ihe facts a. The Herald know, them are as follow.: ' emined after an lamination of many witnesses. The Herald known what several of these same witnesses have sworn to before. Briefly ' bar nttnchTwYcffi' .Vd, InX SIJIZ The,ncurred " of oblla'Jon omd the city which they were unable to meet. The httel with equipped bar and a stock of liquor. There was but one thing lacking I w JuSnt SZ ? """V'"' bldder ml the "herir8 M,e' and to Pn He found himseU wuh a fea weU ,o Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler made application to have ISZllTrml " " ', .WM fU"d that !t W0U,d necMsary the transfer of the city pSt from theeni. About this time a new city council assumed office Amnno th n k- u a;-''!' on the night of June 3d. Before this memorable meeting, Messrs LvWm oSSi !i S2C StVWge' . "J" f the firm f Savidge Bro"' The fim meetin of th new city council was to occur and did occur and interviewed Mr Wheeler. The spokesman of th pa ty d'cUrfj Kftnte mmXTZu """ S bfther ? ,lw a,derml,n' and Marion Hanksfvisited the L verSoTeEr taVEJy liquo. license as asked for by Mr Wheeler. ' Y "" Mr' WnM,er Pld ,om f-vermores obligations, aggregating some $1,600, the city council would refuse to grant a trawfer ofthe "Black Bart," the famous California stage robber wi in id hi,i. r -r : u j ..' .c,ptl, to the l.w wM wltked , .Ithou.h th Uw wi, S 7hSST w tte Llor. tS. . S rfilLSTh", Sulfl"'S;vh-- Whit. Pdiom hotd . complettd l m t1BX34.10.!hVeUy?,,m,Un,l', ,"i""'- Th H,"k''' d- " Condta " Cyr,ttaretad..uPbyUd-c.rfrepnUb1.d. ALLEN PINCHED EN ROUTE SOOTH WW MAS WHO RAIHKH CMKCN MINT IIK-Tt'ltN- TO CITY lH AMomohllr IUil la h Mm. U W UtlfuroU lor SiA Atll Who I. Chargrd Wkh IUlaa in Bi 10 ssoo-.lUrM WHI BHag rXMrr lUrk Robtrt Allan. a.ll b-.-. a prlioBihtr, wm sr. ' w ia niMon last night ok Ul- Jtnphlc tdvkM from this . Hu thried with rshlat Kk from II to f loo, sad m- : r,,l8 !" mony ou H. ! "' " rl In tola ' lit It dtac.nit of J ' of ,h" "HiImI Aatrlcau. !! rt AllfU. ChftrsTarl with Ml.l.- ll. ..r ,0 ",k0 h" ' ari. wit rrit..l . . ... 'B 1 ' '';,"""" lo thaelty with ril.. ,h' " wuth for th. --- uniini. COONS WATCH OVER THE BODY CaatlaatU IWka Job llnltad 1'raat Mtrvlca HACKAMKNTO. Hpl. II. Htn. tor t'aiuliinttl nnnounrad today that h I a randldatp for the chairman thlp of iht democratic atate ronren I'on. It U bprd that h It cat lain In ho chottn. CUNNINGHAM IS DECLARED LOSER MOTHKH OK MHM. JACK JOHNHON IH UIVK.N A MHOCK WHK.V NIIK lllALMNOKIt . fll'COKXHEIM tl'. I KODK IH H.VAI.LY RN'DKD IUIIihIbk IMayed Uulltd rrM fltrrlct I.O( ANVH-'ll-Q 14 Tk. HKKH TMK lk)UV OF IA)VKOl,hnlf. f . ,..,(. Ku '... .k'. ,.-. OSK IM MTIMNOK XMPANV jrcnilon of tho (l. A. H. aa not a of cu,m, , AUukm fa u'mlc today. l forfeited by the Uorrniit, ami $50,000 I'al.l la by ih Claim, anta Will Oo to the People Fraud li the- llrawm (Jlvra by the Govern' MMit fur the Uraatic Artloa. Ted4jr Reattac Cnlttd Prna Scrrua POCATBLLO. Idaho. Sent. IX Colonel RooieTelt took It eaay here today. He dallrered addretiM bir- Und In ulackfoot to good crowdt. SNOW DOES NOT L B. RICH IS (MIK'AfUV Hani. II Unmnl k. her molher'a love to claim the body IDuIiTlOT IflrfT of bar daughter, Mra. David Terry of rll II I iJ I H I llroohlrn arrival! liara Ihl. mnrnla. WlB.Wi Iflblal to arrange for the burial of Mm. Jack. Johnaoa. The mother declared that ahe be. Ileved her daughter to have been ln tana. IS ARRANGED Will HoW Window Hate The Ladlea' Aid Society of Qrace L K. church wilt hold a window aale tomorrow at the Monarch Grocery. At that time they will offer for the delectation of the general public a tpeclally prepared, home cooked line nt cake, pin and chicken. Tharu win alto be aaladt and home made candy. BOTHER Y0UN6 M)CAL AUTOMOBILE DRIVER TAKK8 PABTY TO CRATER I.AKK IX SPITE OF FALL OF I UK I1KAUTIFUI Jack Johnton met Mra. Terry at the elation, and took her to hit home, where the body lay turrounded by negro watchers. Mr. Terry would not ear whether. or not tho body would be burled la ( the family plot In llrooklyu. IT IH KXPKCTKI) THAT HAYWOOD WILL AUDHK88 A Hl'GK I'RO TKHT MEETING TO UK HELD IX I'XIOX HgilAHE TOMORROW ANOTHER SCRAP IS REPORTED WILSON FAVORS THE COMMONER u it fh...... ... . ... 'I'el i fklV '" "v,n " ".rttatd i7 " ' Bh0" ror VHU 11, rrs in- " uiu o c, ik.. .' lihouah Mr. OutU d.7.bS?"4Tkl, ettttr i li. 'u nl rPn the lor a i.i. ; """ " gsr KHoPsh8,,OM,C." ""rofi..; " 8",ui rllS f,"'ornl- Ths.uto Vk5V.!,,w,to,i'tt " u r., 7 r "a Mfore) ,C ,h Tos. tk MEETING IK ARRANGED BE. TWKKX DEMOCRATIC PRR8I. DKNTIAL CANDIDATE AND THE NEHItAHKA LEADER Cnlted I'rttt Sen Ira NEW YORK. 8ept. IS. Complet rrranxementa have been made for a jtte neral parade tomorrow of Indui trial workeni of the World membera to proieit agtlntt the Imprltonment (if Kttor. A mevllng will bo held In Union Square, and It It planned to have Haywood addrraa tho meeting. United Pi ea Service JUNEAU, Alatka. Sept IS. The regular of tha land once here haa re ceived ordert from the general land office In Wathlngton that there has been placed on record In the capital 'the cancellation of thirty-two of the 'to-called Cunningham coal claims In Alatka. The reaton for cancellation woa fraud. According to the lnetrucUoat re celved here, the landa are to become n part of the public domain, and the 150.000 paid Into tha United BUtaa treatury by the Cunningham claim. autt It forfeited. Thla decltlon thua endt the nal.i it u nimriiui ih.i .. ...... i... n.. i llnger-Quggenhelm affair. iMotnet will be ordered to the tcene. HANTA DOMINGO IH SAID TO BK THK HCKNK OF AN IXSUHREC TlOX HTATE DEPARTMENT HKFUHEH TO DENY OK AFFIRM Untied Prernt Service Oeo'rge D. Hauptman. aceom- I anted by Mlta McDonald and Mlaa Slmmi of San Krancltco, made a trlii to Crater Lake Thureday and riturn In spite of the anow. They 'were In a car drives by Carl Young. "We had to puth our way through about nine Inchee of enow up near tho rim," tald Mr. Young, In detciib Ing the trip, "but we' got there." W. 0. SMITH IS DEFORE JURY NOW IN JAIL 8HERIFF RARNE8 MAKES A DEAL WITH HM PRISONER Kxpeawe to the County le Saved by the Action or County Ottclal ta Ulag Diplomacy fat Order to Brimg Back to Thla City Man Charged With Having Too Many Wreea. Urariag Haa Bee Delayed 'Costlier;,, rtf-ft United 1'reteBervce NEW YORK, Sept. II. The flrtt meatlna of the camoalan be tween Hrynn and Wilton will be Is Lincoln In October. Wilton baa an nounced that he and Ilrvan will art- drees a big gathering of NebreeV.ani then. Wilson will go to Indianapolis. where ho will addrcta the conierva- tlon concreaa on the 3d. He may apeak in Omaha and Dee Molnee. Wilton on hit return to Baa Olrt raid that be wat well tatlifUd with the reiult of hie visit to Syracuse. He refuted to make a statement oa bis refusal to have his picture taken with Murohy and Dlx. but made It plain that he did not intend to per mit them to claim that they had Ma endorsement. Nogi and Wife Take Lives to Pay Respect to flikado Famous Japanese General Shows His Devotion by Committing Mara Kiri. Wife Follows His Exam ple. Students Are Hurt When Hall Collapses WASHINGTON. D. i. 8enL 13 Reporta have been received here that mere haa occurred an outbreak in iUnto Domingo. , ' The atate department refutea to P'KIDEXT OF THE (cither deny or confirm the reports. ITIILIHIUXti COMPANY IH CALL. YD TO TESTIFY PAUL JOHN. SON IH ALSO CALLED HERALD TOKIO, Japan, Sept. IS. Qentral .N'ogl, hero of tho Ruttlan-Japanese wnr, and his wife took their own liven, committing hara-kiri as they followed la the wake of the funeral ttrocaailon of tha lata emperor, and Just a the coffin containing tha re liaulns was started on the journey to Its' final renting place. Qenersl Nogl took part la the siege of Port Arthur. Ho was made a baron In 1906. The emneror haa Droelalmad an amnesty, but the Kotoku anarchists are not inoluded. The funeral start. ed at 8:08 o'clock this evening. The weather is fine. The MoUl University hall col. lapsed today. It waa crowded with studenU, gathered to pay respects to me ute emperor. About loo atu. denta were Injured. W. O. Smith, president of the Her ald Publitblna company, waa tun. nioned aa a wltneaa before the Klam ath rounty grand jury this afternoon. Up to a late hour this afternoon Mr. Smith had not concluded hit testimony. Immediately after the noon ad. journment of the jury Bailiff; Low eppeared at The Herald office and bentd a aubpoenae on Mr. Smith, with Instructions to be within call at 1 1 SO. The flrtt witness to face the coun- ty Inqulaltors this morning was P. R. ma., a local business sssa, who had been a creditor of the Lrrarmoraa. lie was a witness Thurtdsy afternoon, out ine grand Jury wanted to bear tnnre of his story, so he was recalled, This afternoon. In addition t Mr. Kmlth, the grand Jury wilt hear the testimony of J. A. Maddox and W. Paul Johnaoa. L- B. Rich waa eecorted lot cell In the county Jail thla morn- ing. Ijitt night he waa kept a prtaoner under guard In the Ho- ! tel Hall. In accordance wltb a promlte made by Sheriff Oarnea. Thtt morning Rarnca Inatruct- ed hit deputies to lock the prls- oner up, snd from now on Mr. Rich will receive hit mall In the county Jail. e L. 0. Rich, accuted of having too many wlvee, was brought back to this city teat algbt by Sheriff Barnes Hit arrival had been predicted by The Herald last night, and there waa a crowd at the depot to wltneaa the return here of the former Klamath Falls butlneta man. Deputy Sheriff Marlon Barnea mat tho train with an auto, and hurried up town with bla father and the pris oner. They stonoed at Keller's of. where the sheriff and hla prisoner ste at the lunch counter. A curloua crowd gathered outside and blocked the sldewslk In an endeavor iomIi glimpse of Rich. Last night Rich slept under suard la the Hall hotel, a promise made by Sheriff Barnes thua being tuUlted. When the sheriff arrived In Duma. mutr. where Rich was arrested, tha accused bad already made arrange menu to fight extradition. An at. Itomey had been engaged sad habeas corpus pspera were already draws up, Sheriff Barnes held a consultation with Rich, and the attorney who had been engaged. Finally the sherMt. convinced Rich that a legal battle MMeJeiWaafaMeMeiwtjeaNe " wierMeeww (Continued on Pag 4)