V kinds The Majestic tipr how, Majsei to Bath," Imp tfa t(MI, RemM' AJmiMina iec "A Soa'a iBgratltude." "A War 'Tales "The Distant Westera. "A Desperate odr. lair dram. te drama. ture. America NttUr com- Matinee each change day. Program changea Mondv. Wedaea 47, Friday, Saturday and Bandar. The Temple Theatre QUALITY ONLY MATINKB DAILY AT TewJatit aid "The Lalraf the Wolf," HfUm drama "A ttaaaUoaBtSlte." Patfe Americaa coxaedy, "A Wife of la 1II1UK aftaaaay Weei- "The End of Robespleel." C. 0. P. C drasma. AIX UCKMBSO PIOTCRM Jericho Club - FOR - Jf Odd Feljows JV Ke, KWU I VUMMW SItIS y. a I I fflll3 tin ctuSfi ...... v r rac urai.ia m. . i rvm ffcj. lT !. In basement of I. O. O. pkt. BowllBg, Billiard. dard Room. Reading Rooi Jprlval Httlag Room for Ra-) f bekahs oaly. VleltlBg Brothers and Slsttra always welcome. DANCE The Fraternal JJrott crhoed Lodgewlll give a dance at tie Pavil ion, Wednatday eve- ninf , Seatii. ION 50c Free Wood Wood Oreea 16 i. SUkWn. .L- WaasI Bob " nwFct IrySlibWN. MUM 12.5IC. f(jii. JT" k $301 A uc. Usb iM My wt Nfc li 12ii LeaW rder5 at O.K. Trarnaltr Co. fateae 871 Car. 6 aad Mala P. C. Carlson Cluster Peanuts . The best grada of tfaslab aeaauU. roaaUd to ji good brews aad dlppad hvftershey'a awaat chocolate. A' good, elsaaf satisfying eeafecUon, strict fresh aad Bill UTalamatMFslU. Til 49 Mala sH. a ait a FISHING TACKLE W aave everything jou I far tkat ashlngtrlp: k, Uaa, rodaJfrseM, ate. W rent tasta, UI aadf camplug STORE Jacobs Bl. BMd eel a H BB IHllwrf riwMiM ' Our Huataea la Good! "$ Oar Cweiomero are flood! j$ if Because our Groceries! .,- order will mwtx 1aaI ' V4VWMK- A complimentary convince you. Ato Your aailo pleat. Monarch Irocery Try a raa of oar "ALTA OOFFKK" Noae Bettor. Phoao IMI POLK'S. OaVEOON aaA VAaotWOTONl BusiiMK Directory 'Mch Cttr. Town aad dMcrlrtlr tkttcli t Milan. popmUlloa. ttt b4 bsaklac pout I Dlmtarr. complltd by lw. co, lunu Home Canning la Economy Jars Oao tke mammmf Jar atary day ta tao yaar, Jast at yoa to aay otkar eokai a4aaafl, at ap BMata, aaaaa, aaaay latt- ifMaV aWk afJftaajBla CM- eM VM fralta aad yoa wtUka raaaK. Wkotaar yeii eaa far plana aro, for faatlv aaiaa or proflt. tbero la oaly Im aktlgkt Jar thaEcoao .A book offrodpaa for tba aaklag. 'f Riper 11M51 Bros. Pho Kxtlualte Ageata for Cbaae Hanbora Traa and t'offrra. FEEL LIKEJIVING UP? Maay Klaaaath FaUa People oa tfae Verge) of OoUapeo Dark daya come when tbefldneya are alek. A bad back makea yo mlaerable all the time Lame erery moralngaore ail da7, It hurt to atoopA-lt bnrta to atralghtea. What with beadajhe, dluy tpella, urinary weakneea. None endoraed Mte Doan'a Kidney Pill. A. B. Scofleldf of Aabland, Ore. aey: "It glreaf me pleaaure to en- 'Idney Plllf. They m a aeyere attack of , and I am now ea- tbe trouble. Doan'a a be relied upon to ckache and dlflculty y accretion." people are dlaeouragdd know the kldneya cauaa dorae Doan'a brought relief kidney compli tlrely free fri Kidney Pill dlipoie of with the kldi No wond Who do ni It all. aire the help. Use a remed: For tale afclall Getter. Price 60 cent. FoeteMMIIburn Co., Buffalo, Vow York, aole agent for the United State. Remember the name Doan'a and take no other. bakened kldneya needful and proven kidney W. M. T1MMS feienl flrase Clewhit Bhctric Vmcu aflmrptt mmipnamry ghamlag Ifa reatoraau apota aad dirt froaaravtaTaad raaa by the electrle fkf4m proeaaa. Pboae SClTWee 1T KUatata THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH. Editor Publlaked dally axeapt taaday ay Oa Herald PublUhlng Ooatpaay at Klamatk Falla, at 111 FoarU M. Batered at Ue poetoee at KlanaU ralto, OregoB. tor traaaailaaloB through the mallt aa eeeoad-eJeea aUer. 8ubcrlptlon terma by mall to aay ad- draaa la Ue Ualted aXatea: OalV) TMr aaaaaaaeaa f ItQw Oat9 MOAtk & ' KliAMATV rAUA . . ORJMON WKDNrSDAY, SEPT. 11, lata KLAMATH LAKE IS ON THE MOVE OBSKRVATIONH MADE UV THE OOVERNMKNT !PIiOYK8 SHOW THAT THE WATER KlaEtt AND KAMA AT 1NTKRVAUJ People who regard Upper Klamath Lake aa a peaceful and atatlonnry body of water may hare another gueaa, for they need one. The fact la that no matter how calm the lake may appear to be, outwardly, It la conatantly on the more, up and down. ObaerTatlona officially taken by the United State reclamation aenrlc itow that tkla year the lake baa va ried In It lurface lerel almott a foot and a half, or, (peaking accurately, 1.48 feet Taking January lit aa the aero mark, the lake roee .17 foot In a month, while March lit It bad rlaen 88 feet In the two month. The monthly ctagea aubeequent were aa follow.: April 1, .68 foot; May 1, .38 foot; June 1. .SO foot; July 1, .17 foot. Prom July 1 to Auguct 1 the lake fell .67 foot, and In the month of Auguit It dropped .30 foot, the Aug ut stage being the loweat thla year, a compared with the blgheet early In March, the difference between the two datee being 1.48 feet. Some folk wonder why the ralaa of late have not Increased the waer, In- itead of It falling, which la accounted for by the fact that not a great deal of water fell, and the land absorbed practically all of It, Instead of run ning Into the lake from the blgbn ground. When the anowa begin to come off the mountain In the cold month It Increase the atage of wa ter. The Klamath River I high In April and May and low In September and October. Unle there I co-operation be tween the railway and the hlppera, It I predicted that Micro will be a Lerlou thortnto of rnr next month. Word to thl effect ha been recelrcd b) Agent llalley of the Southern Pa cific from the traffic offlclal of the company. According to offlclal Information, unlet preparation are made at once land ahlppera act with the railway, the dluatlon next month will be the ort lnce October, 1907, when the thtpper and railway suffered. Condition that are likely to caui a heavy demand for and n rapid re duction In the aupply of cara exUt. The amount of traffic handled varlc greatly during the different parta of the year. During about eight bontht there are uiually large car turpluie During about four month, beginning around October ltt. thire are apt to be ehortagea. Thla I owing chiefly to the fact that that I the eaon of Will Hold Wladow Hale The Ladle Aid Society of Orace M. E. Church will hold a window aale next Saturday at the Monarch Oro cepr. At that time they will offer for the delectation of the general public a tpe.'lnlly prepared, home cooked line of cake, pie and cblckea. There will also be aalada aad home made eand All memberajer the aoclety are earnestly requlaaid to contribute to tle aalf. Skating, laa healthful, graceful and enjoyabj) pastime. Rollar rlak open nexftkaVlday. ,-f l-tf Tf Cut flowera a) 44 Mala street- P tafead. "J Fy ma, aaa a a aw a luViwi, a aaevutflt Btel. GOOD I always cheapest la laad la dear at oa the fa ad. If pay come la Next to America Poor I grew ap f little about farm that will over. Pboae Ml A dew line of Still I wish to announce that I.feave put In the famous Cutler lineof Solid Oold Jewelry. To those (Who, wbsn buying, desire the best, J Invite you to call and see thla Uaa. It Is the Jewelry for a life tlafo. Thla line Includes Sleeve Links (from fl.BO to $9 per paku Broocbea?from f 8.60 to 118.60; ScalKfias from fl.II to 180; La VallsrW aiom fT.IO to 118.60, and LockeflKkoai ff.10 to 110. FRANK M. UP Block Wood Tba eceaeailcal fuel Jar sum mer use. Leer orders arLawrease's Cigar ataa. Pkjke If II. JgT i I W. ftATH J CAR SHORTAGE IS NOW THREATENING bcavlrtt crop movement. Now, the crop prutpectt In the West thl year .ro unusually good. That helps to mnku Hie propet of a car hortg unuiunlly bad. it ha been auggeelcd that the hlp- pera and contlgnee cn co-operate lu tho following way: llr moving all lumber, col, cement ami other freight that can within the 1u.1t few week. Intad of delaying and throwing It all on the railway when they are lUmtorln. under tlie irop movement Bhlppert and contlgneet can great ly help lhciiielvM, the railway and .11 nihur lilnnrra and contlgtkee by loading and unloading all cart detlv- rred to them at oxpedltloutly at prac ticable. Eveiy time the loading or unloading of a car It needlessly de layed the available aupply of car I needlrttly reduced. Mhlnucr ran help greatly by loau- 1.,. u rara to a ntar their capacity aa condition make practicable. SCIENTISTS WILL VISIT THE LAKE Next Monday the party of eminent European aclentlits who are touring the United 8Ute will leave Medford for Crater National Park. They will ipend Tuesday In going over the fa mou lake, and will then atari for Klamath Fall. Some time ago It waa the plan to end a committee of prominent cltl tens from thl city to meet the emi nent European at Crater Lake and eacort them to thl city, but the pian waa dropped. It t pottlble that tomr arrangement may yet be made to en tertain the visitor. The following scientists from abroad are la the party: Austria Dr. Eduard Bruckner, University of Vienna; Dr. Frltt Mach schek, Vienna; Dr. Eugtn Oberhumm, Vienna. Belgium Jules LeClercq, Brussels, Paul Elsen, Antwerp. Denmark Professor Ole Olufs, Copenhagen. France Henri Baullg, Parla; Albs Demangeon, Paris; Emmsnusl De Margerle, Paris; Edouard-Alfred Mar tel, Pari; Luclen Oallolt, Paris; An tolno Vachen Lille; Pierre Battaln, Parlt; Antolno Vachet Lille, Pierre llaataln. I'arlt; Jacijurt tlaubert. Par- lr; Francola llerbelle. I'arlt. tlerintny Dr. Krlch von Drygaltkl. Munich; Dr. Krll Jarier, Berlin; Dr. (lottfrled Mersbacher, Munich; Dr. Joteph Parttch, Lelpilg; Dr. Al fred lluhl. Berlin; Dr. Carl Uhllg. Tublnten; Harry Waldbautr, Ulp- ilg; Krlch Wunderllch. Berlin: Dr. duitav W von Sahn. Jena. (treat Britain Henry O. Becklt, Oxford, (leorge O. Chliholin, Edin burgh, Alan arant Ogllvle, Oxford; William II. Miles, Dunbar, Hcotlaad. Hungary Dr. Eugene de Cholno- ky, Kolouvaar. Count Paul Telekl, Budaet. Italy Dr. Otlnto Marlnelll, Flor ence; Dr. Declo Vlnclguerra, Reme: Profcuor (I Rlcchlerl, Mlltn; Dr. Ceatare Calclatl, Placenta. Holland J. F. Nlermeyer, Utrecht; Dr. Carl Oeitrlech, Utrecht. Norway Werner Werentklold, Chrlttltnla, Ituula Waldlmlr Doublantky, Bt. Pctenburg; Julet M Schokattyk, St. Petertburg. Sweden l)r (lunnar Anderson, Stockholm. Swliterlnnd Emlle Chslx. Ocueva: Dr. Frltt Niuibaum, llerne; Andre Cliaux, Geneva. PIONEER CLEARS AN OLD MYSTERY Captain O. C. Applegate's knowl edge of the death of a man at Crater Lake over two teore yeara ago baa enabled him to aatltt In clearing up what was, to the fsmlly, a rather mysterious matter, and will tend to enable the widow to secure a pension. The man who died waa Dr. W. C. Munaon, who waa appointed by the government to be phytlclan to the Klamath Indian reservation, and who went there In the spring of 1871, dying In the mountains the following August, while on an exploration trip with two other young men. Mrs. Mary Munaon Whitney of Chi csgo, now In Central Point, Ore., wrote to Captain Applegate asking If he could give her, a daughter of the deceased, some Information a to the manner and circumstances of Dr. Uunson's death. She aald that Ue best Information at the family's com mand waa that the doctor and his companions bad gone In search of Crater Lake, and after climbing two or three rugged mountains In the fruitless search, the phytlclan had tuddenly expired. Captain Appltgate also received a letter from Mrs. Whitney's step mother, Mr. R. M. Munion, of Weat Dvrlluaton, Iowa, widow of Dr. Mun aon, saying the wi endeavoring to get a petition, aa the doctor had serv ed In the Civil War, and that the pen Ion waa all arranged tave for data a to the pott mortem papera or evi dence of the death. Captain Apptegate recalla that the unfortunato phytlclan'a companion were a man named Ilentley, of Ohio, and William F. Maxwell of Edin burgh, Hrolland, a nobleman, who has tlnco becomo Kir William F. Maxwell, baronet, to whom the captain had written a letter In 1806. at the time of tho dedication of the lake, and re ceived a thankful acknowledgement. Tho captain wat one of tho party who went thirty miles Into tho mountain at night to aulit In bringing the body of Dr. Munion back, and helped In the pott mortem examination. There wa no trail to Crater Lake, and the work wa difficult and dan- gerou. Dr. Munion was a large, fleshy man, and to get the remain down the itoep bluff It waa neceuary to lowtr them by rope a distance of about 600 feet, a short distance at a time. The pott mortem examination demonttrat ed that the dead man had fractured a small blood vcttel of the heart, caus ing apoplexy of the lungt, to that he imothered to death. Captain Applegate has uUo helped the relatives to get from Sir William F. Maxwell his evidence as to the manner of doath of Dr. Munson, which, with his having named Mun ton's Point near the place of the doc tor's doath, at a monument to the ex plorer has won for blm their strong gratitude. -y'- m Up and Down 7 Go TtfYour Doctor iy a cHuaapansM w a laauc. u OOewnot It mulate. It docs no! k not . drop of alcohol to Yfi have the steady, even fla n that come from a strong ton Ask your doctor all about this Trust him fully, and always do Ajtesays. fcffi. ,i?: k Clean Scalp And Healthy Hair 4f Maay of your frleadt hare fouad that a luxuriant irowtt of Ualr-sett and gloaty-and a aralp free fromdandruff, will rt,B( from the us ef nyal'b aiMuroftic This Is the procedure Wash the hair with warm water aid a pure oap rim tBW, nughly rub the ecatp with a atlsT hrgh apply lllrsutonsrub It In well and dry the nalr before combfag. Please understand that lltreulens la not merely a hair with It I u tonic a food. While It Uioroaghly rldaaeaa, II also ptaveaU Uc terial aetlea Bearish aaJ attatalale the roots of the hair aawoTsa all daawra areveat Ma aatara ad prewrveallstaaiaral beaair aad color of the hair. Nyars lllrsursgkf snoum so oa your areaaiag laoit, It aslls at 80 ceflwvaad II lb the bottle. CND iW o o o V WESTERN TRANSFER GO. Offlre Phoae IMI. KraMra aKHVICI osm aa. llt'M HACMIAUM -KMOMT MOVINt! AND UKNkViL TRANIFIW PUNO MOVINaa TaxaAivrT rassMgvre PtekedYla astC OeUveewd aay Place la Tewa JOB MOOR! Proprietor "" 1 ? w HOU UP TO YOUI HT and girl, loo, the nrceaitly ( saving. ..Teach th IllUt eat that a.renny vel It two reaa earaad. Teach thtm that to at pfesperou snd Indipeaeeit 'Saving It abtoluttly nKseauy. ' And prove your sincerity y having a tarings acouat tt your own at thl Unk, T-V - First Truitxaid Savings Bank Kla..at.vf.ll., Orcfioa DOM . Sl'MWAITr, PrieldfC K. M. Bl'HH, Vke-Prrs. sad Tress. IIKRT K. WtTHIIOW. ecretary. Klamath County Abstract Co ABSTRACTING Smrfeyon na Irrl0tloi .Kaglneera i i mapm, plan, hlvkpiunth, me. KlaUaiaUi f alia, OrM defer Howewiret the World Over are Mlag the " Weller Guernsey Ware lly uilng It you will get all the flavor of th nirat or vcftUttK. Berv the meal hot from the dish, aa you hare a handium pltce el table ware aa well aa a serviceable kltcbsa utsatll. What If the butbaad to a few hours ait to hi meal I A dliatr cooked In this way ataya hot for liourafand lose none uf It ttrtr through waiting. The Dries U vsrVllttle hlaher afaa that of good grtnlt wtr. and the quality la mucarkatUr. Claie la and see our ComblaatlN Bets. WM. HURN GET GLASSES IN TIMS Aay persra who aaaaa gdaee al aM, as they caa be had. Ilccaase each day that la allowed to Jutt tliat aaach atora, We have a free aervleo of Bsi aad everybody. We employ oaf the eye, aad results arw Hayaya Take advaataae at? H T. KVintorai Qradaate aad Mate WiaUaatiad Oatletaa). MeUBe2iutMaeisBV eat aasffai larrasses the MeaaW hero that U for aarMf d taeihode for tstttaj " yabewMbe. Ii I Presldeat, AUx Martla. Vtea Presfdeat, dies. Caahler, LaaHeltogira THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ., Cap4tal M0.000 WeaavluAe slat Baaka, .takers, laaaulaetarii a- haato aad IadlvlddBV, . rostera L. F, WHIM, hasjf . Meere, Atog. htaraia, . H. Reaatai , p.McCr