.': Hlll'I'MKI) II V TIIK UNITKO I'llKHH NKWM MKItVICK w t fUrnina BcfaU.. ritlNT THB NEWS, NOT MHKHIf Kevralh Year No. I .Ma KLAMATH KALI. OfUMON, It KDXKHIIAY, HKPT. II, 10JU Local Wk File) ? Grand Jury is Working ok Charges Made by Herald RICH ARRESTED IN CALIFORNIA Kelly Hrr. I. I.. Kelly of Hacrnliirnto. travel. Iiir freight Mlltl passenger agent of thu Southern Pacific road, wu , im Cny today on bualiioaa for Urn lln II.. coiiftirrnl Willi Samuel J llallry, ,. local uml of Hip corporation, ami MUnl on n number of Klntnnth Kail bualiirsa men. MILL10NAIK HrlKllIrl' IIAHXKH MAKKM CAP -nut: IN HMIOHD TIMK It Vrry Hlmrl Time Afler Wife .Vo. t Mahra ""' OmiHiI, Word lanr I'liuil III Houtli Thai III tVrtag Man Ha Hern Plarrd la Cariodj II I. .Vol Thought Mr h OK TIIK COl'XTY AHNKMHOH Will UroiX Hrlng llrouglil Hare W. T. LEE CORES ON BRIEF VISIT IE IS IN GREAT LUCK 'iMHfiLAH MAKKM IIIN KMCAPK FROM MEXICAN IIKHKLN COLLINS WILL INVOLVE WOOD , VOl'MI WOMAN FIRM a llUh MmI Anirr In Cliargr of digamy . IIKCMIIKN THAT THIM CITY SHOWN WO.MIKHKI'L IMPROVE MENT IIUHI.MJ TIIIIKt, YKAHH INtulliirn I'arlDr Aaka tr Piotrrlloa f.r PntN-rly I" Mnl.o Kiatnneal U Made Tluil Fifty llrlilgra Havr Hren Pal Out of 'oiiiiiiImos la illan Capture Paaarngrr Train and I'oaal In a Village i Unlti-d press Service DOUUI.AH, Arli., Kt.pt. II Kvad- In Ihr lliror and half years since'""' ,0" M,,,l" "" detailed he sa laat In Itiln city from Hani '""" ' rapture ntnl liolil lilm for inrn rouiiiy, i.niiiornia, w T Lee, "anaoni, waller Douglas, t tier million coxfehhion ih mark iiv iiv.na. MITK PLANTER Hrail of I In. Ttnflle Trust I I a vol red In a I'M ( Discredit l Ik. Hlirtklag Worker la Km- Yawrrnre Mill. Om of The lavohed llaa Cum milled Halrtde' All Art. Wealthy Men IIOBTON, HepL II, Dennis J. Col lin, Indicted with William V. Wood. liiad of (In. teitllo trust, will bo a star witness for.tlie state In the cuo III . hlch Iho defendanta arn chara-tnl TURKS TO HAVE ANOTHER WAR IIULGAHIA ISSUES A STRENUOUS ULTIMATUM I Visiting la AshUad J Mm. II. E. Duncan and Will Weed ,cn are vIsltliiR at tlio homo of llielr I'l'itnn, jiir. ami r. r. II. wecdon In Aihland. They wra called lheri on account of an accident to1 Mr. Wcden, who fell from an atml traa laat week, atrlklnc on hla ahouldar! - . 4 . . ... I anu ureaKiiic aercral rlba. Ilia enn. alltlon waa critical for a lime, but ba la now much Improved. JKi r k. ;.. yr: ::: !": """ of -:-'- ;... 0n..wio drn.m..e .. or-er A t.tfarallt Kiirnftia titt ilia, afa 1 . -.. ... .. hu nol )rl .rrn alU lo In.liir. ,1,.,,. ,. i.. n, " . . mm 'r"m Mru"rl. th roHwc Urania I'... woman iho wl,,irr..f IK90 .... Lcn r..i., '". MM ",M c"r)r Mige lc .boha.bkn..l,.r.aahU II. W iVw """ ,hr 'r,"r M .If. (,. iihdniw lh rhar.r of '. "- "... ..,'.. . ' ". f '" '" ,,1"""1 Th. country I. llv.. - "' iiui' in I. lilm Hiiifir. iMtui w .... ... . . ... --whii rriiria, ilfimr "hlth ilir haa made ifiliul lil m ' U'hllr lllrh waa In Ilir city Un. Itlrli No, :, declined to tajir f uy ileti agalnat him, but now I tar l drtrrinliirtl to U the law takr Ha rnnri. m ,ll U ant eiprla4.lbal. Rlclir t aill rr.j( ntradltlon, and an oBcer w be ,ent lo Dunimulr t toaliht to hrlnr him bark to thla city. la Im than to hoitra after a war. tutcbarilni 1 II. Hlch with blaamt- Ud b.n awurn out In Juallro Charlea Onm' court, Hherlff llarnra an OBBced that the defendant had been irrwiM m Dunamulr. Mra. Itlrh No :, accompanied by n ll known local woman who haa Im. Ir'tftiltd ihn youn woman In her ' dUtrraa, called on blalrlct r Kuykrndall ahortly baforn m today and atated her raae. A 'rraiit waa authorlied. and the rla office notified riff llarii got buay at one. ; H m not long before meaaage :,' 'n "wnamulr atallng that ' bad been arreted and waa balog wUliigailce. from here. " u lm.o.,e thl afternoon to w Wo c0mmunlitlon with Mm. W No. 2. fihe haa d.nlad heraelf "Z",onr ,""'," ' ' iIilH1,M1c,,No'l""'frlidifi ;'"'h"l' would he joined aome- RM . rrn U,U '' Ohlco ty tlmTI''lwf,lilc1coi1lolb, .... ,r.e!d '" ,or" "r .on If ho Twn to bla Rn Franclaco Injured by the rains which hare bean laiiini auice lie left, laat Wednesday. He aava Hantn Clara rountr aeta the pare for Iho world on nrunre. and that wheu he came away from thero there were acre of the trull, on Haa around. The anil dar ha laariu.il r ralna havlog eel In, and realltad that there waa a puaelblllty of ronalder alile loaa In III product. M'COMBS W7LL KEEP HIS JOB ItKI-OItT THAT WIIJMI.VK MANA. Kit IH TO yt'lT IH I1MITIVKI.V IIKMKIb HK WILL UK IN K.V. TIHK CHAIKIK OK THK IIATTI.K m-mnnl lnecln United I'reaa faarvlc NKW VOItK. Hept. II The 8outh- vrn Taclac Itallwar comoaar'an. "liounrcd today that a formal demand had hern made lo the atato depart ment that tirotrctlon be riven the railway mmpany'a Mexlrau IntureaU. iln thU atatement It waa declared that ' fitly brldcra of the railway company 1 1 l?Ahiia I.b.I t..... .... a. a tin rMMMHH ii u urvn wrreKpu, j The Vaqula hate attacked Colonlo,,h ,,0,,c Hi llrnllto, kllllnat nine people. Thu Indiana raptured a paaaenger train, put tho puaaenicera In one roach and con licit to .Vaco, burnlnx the remain der of the trala, to dlacredll iht Lawrence elrlkera. t'olllna haa made a complete ecu feaalon to Ulatrkt Attorney Pelllter. and la now In tao aame poiltlon aa JlcMnlnl. whoae roufesilon broucht uhciiit the arreat Mid conviction of the MtNauiara brotbir. In hla roafeaabaii Colllna M ihai he met John ftrean and Rirnui put. man of Iloatoa MTlhe night of the al leged dynamite pUatlng. IMttmaa delivered a narkaara in Hraaa. arhni. ldrd It Into a number of bundlea and rive theni to Colllna. Coltlna look the bundlea lo U irnrc and placed each package where llreen Inatructed him lo place them. nnd where they were later found by Klahllrut Haa Alreaily Deen HUrted Along I he Frontier llalgarlaaa Klre on a lluacli of Turfca, aad a Hatlle la at Oare I'rerlpliated Mperlal to German I'apee Indicate Intent of I he llalgarlaa United l'raaa Service nKRUIN, Sept. 11. A apeclat to the Frankfort Oaiette aaya that Ilut- garla haa laaucd an ultimatum and an appeal to the powera that unless Tur key granu autonomy to Macedonia, a Turko-Dulgarlan war la Inevitable WITNESSES ARE DEFORE JURY Troopa Are Kn Koate CO.N8TANTINOPI.K. Sept. 11. Tho war office la ruahlng troopa to the Hulgarlan frontier. Cabinet officers cbaracterlie the at. Illude of tbe Dulgariana aa an Inter ferenre In Macedonia with the Intar. Inal affaire of Turkey. "RED" CROSBY IS NOW BENEDICT WKI.I KXOW.V CHAfKKKUIt AH. HIVKH IX TIIK CITV ACCOMI'A NIKU IIV IIIH IIIUUK, WHO WILL NOT ALLOW RKCORD TRIPH MAVOH MCHOLAH AND CHIKP Of lOI.ICK AHK HirMMOXKD llreen has since been fined I .'.00 for Wanting dynamite. I Itlmau hna committed aulrlde. I Keawrt la Coalrasetl VIENNA, Bept. 11. PifbtJng baa nroaen out on the frontier twtween Turkey and Bulgaria. Meaaagea from ConsUntlnoDle and Sofia confirm the report of the fighting. Tho Dulgariana II red upon a Turk. Ish patrol and the Turks returned the! fire, killing Ave. Anyone desiring a "ride for llfu'T In an auto will have to skirmish imunii and "discover" a new"rlde for life" auto driver from thla time on. "Red" Crosby Is out of tbe "ride for life" game. Little old Dan Cupid has got bla goat, and Mra. Crosby, ac companied by her husband, the form er Intrepid auto driver, arrived In fhe city laat night from Champaign, HU., where they were married a few daya ago. C. A. Crosby, well known aa "R4 boa been engaged during tbe paat summ'erln drlvtag autoa'for th. White Pelican Uarage. MaayMf th rust trips to different parts of this section have been credited to him. District Attorney Pelllter said to-' T,,e '"J ra,d " dr' 1"1 ll ' ... -. i reported that there were many cas- vv.uiiiuiuru on i age i 'ualtlea. Put Cotton in Your Ears, WILSON WILL MAKE A FIGHT MAKK WKKKLY TRIPH Place of Mck Jaror Is Take ? Ufa of W. M. Hlomth or This City Befctg lrara aa a flraad . Ing Alloraey KaykeadaH ly Takes Charge of the laveatlga lion for Ihe Htate 'A GRAND JtRV e ! Tltvso Mea Are Coaslderlfa; CUf Oraft Chanrea 4 . Charles K. Worden, foreauui. of Klamath Palls. csBttaltet A. D. Uvermors of KlasMU s Falls, hotel man. C. A.Arnold of Klasaatb Paita, t contractor. K. W. Millar of Roratsa. raaaaar. Oscar Shires of KUataU'FaUe. grocer. ! W. 8. Slough of "''-ht'- PaMt, w real sstat daajac,, rfU '' ' - -- - Untied I'reaa Barvlra JKUHKY CITY. Sevl. 11 I'osltlvn ilrnlats were made today by Woodrow Wilson that Chairman McComb of the national committee would be forced lo resign. Mr. Wilson declared that McComb would remain throughout the cam paign In eupremc command of the campaign. p. & . . KlCT Klct fan h C- nl '; aawXlV V M. M. t'nlted Press Service DanlnMtoiJAM C ..-.! . A . J mm m. - rvvwiailiailUII aCrVICC Arranges tO SCI Off a PO WerfU I rlpafromtbUtlmauntll election day. . 1IIA Will InllVa Wrtm flweaanaa ..l a. a "w vas.v aw tijs.UaC wUHlSUl Charge of Explosive in Order to Carry on Some rluch Needed Irrigation Canal Work POINDEXTER TO MAKE ATTACK J0iilntn.d tia Page 4) BECK ER WINS A T VICTORY COUR mm '"MCK LIKUTKNANT H WMWI WIIK.V COURT IIKCIIIKH ( THAT MK MAY UAVK TIMK TO Ktl,,K KANHAH KVIDKXOK NEU' v.... ' . " lc,ory odav ,i.. 1...1 .. .'a arum... " 'uui nia- October i. ft" con"i"iw until llo 7o, .""'a nUo "ntadn bo. plMa "r,n' Ark" wher' Nt in 7C "'l i00n r hla r- m..L "Wr WSH IMn.nl i .. n "'urdar, MW1 TWi KORMKH UKM(M!IIAT HUT NOW A HKPUIIMCAX PIMKHlKftHIVK HKNATOR, WILL NPKAK TO. NK1IIT AOAIXHT LA KOLLfrTTK United l'raaa oarvlca MII.WAItKRM. 4viil. II (Inveruor Johnson of California will address the progreaslvo convontlon here tonight Senator Polndextttr of Wishlnttou will apeak this vifii'inoon, and It la i.n iiuatnoil that Ho ulll attaCK l.n roi- lotto. . ; It Is practically assured that the convention will not name a state ticket. Polndexter waa originally a demo crat, but became it republican after ha had an opportunity to become" Judge 'of Hpokane county, several yeara ago. l.n Fnltutlo linn been tho tnruot of many stinging attacks before the con vention. McCormlck waa applauded when he assailed tho sonator. He de clared that U Poltette had once pro posed that Roosevelt should become a candldato, and had promised to lend his support, - - lly the time the reader geta this Isauo of The Herald the battery of cartridges to blast away the earthern v.nll between tho Lost Illver diversion channel and Klamath River will have boon flred and tho broken cloda of earth washed away by a strong rush of water through the canal arranged for that purpose days work In arranging for tho per- ( was about 60 feet long, 20 feet thick filrmiinfat VL'kati PAHlaaalAM 11 tfl 1 a .. a. ... fornmnce. When Contractor W. H IMaaon cut the channel some montlte ago at trie timo or high water, the wall waa left to make work nermla. alble, and now that tho Lost River diversion dam, about 8 miles away, la completed, the reclamation aarvtm has decided to open Iho channel at the and 5 feet deep, and the bla 30-nound cartridges, with which the blasting was done were all made by Project Kuilneer W. W. Patch and his force. A large part of today was spent by As- sistant fcnglncer John C. Cleghorn, John C, Yadeu and (liiy Walton In making the charges, under the direc tion of the project engineer, and some Tho firing waa scliediiled(.tr"4:30 !" end. tlon of the project engineer, a o'clock this afternoon; otter several, Tho wall of enrth to.be blown out " 'Contlniiea'oh'PagY Crippled Vets flake One flore Long. Hot March Vast Throngs Witness Parade of Country's Defenders in Los Angeles, rlany of the Old Soldiers are Compelled to flake the Journey on Crutches Because of the lllaeaa or M. P. Tolle of Merrill. It became niraaaan this morning to draw another aaase rrom the Jury panel la order to complete the personnel ol the Klaaa. ath county grand Jury. The aaaee of W. 8. Slougb. the well knowa real estate dealer of thla eltv waa 4ra l.n4 lm.JI...I. . ...a... .... j...... .WU.WMIVI ia ueiioerBUOaa Of (the jury were commenced In tho ofloe nf niaf Ht lllAMIM. IT.. I. J.. . v. -.... ..wiuv suaaau la UKMOCRATIC CANDIDATK WILL ,h )Vn,,e-M',do building on Mala latraaf. OVKMOOMK HIS SCRUPLES AND Wlfm .. ..... K IX 'to testify In the Klamath Palla manic llpal graft cases were on hand, aad.lt I waa Indicated that the chargea made 'against the three councilmen would vr...... ............ ...... .. oo vigorously prosecuted. -Woodrow Wilson .nnouncl W"', W" ,h "T that he would make weekly campaign1, ' fr C)"l" "" trlD. from thl. ... onfn ..J" lfarra'r of " Valley dlatrtet. I He bad Indlrnted early this moralag his desire to appear before the la- lm.lflltrttl.l knil. ... -...... mil), This afternoon Mayor Nicholas. Chief Of Police Smith and Pnllaa Magistrate Leavltt were1 a'arvad with subpoenas lo appear before the grand jury. There has been coaslderabla speculation as to the purpose of the Jury In asking for the presence of these witnesses. tM Prosecuting Attorney Kuykendall na not able to attend the grand Jury Heehorn Ktaua Watch W. B. Seehorn, the well known wood dealer, found a cold watch on the Port Klamath road Tuesday. So 'far he haa not found an owner. TEDOY WALKS ON ROSE BED IHRTLANI l'IX)PLK TRKAT THE CHIEF OF THE HULL MOOSKRS WITH CONSIDERATION CON 8UI.TS STATE POLITICIANS LOS AN0ELK8. Sept. il. With heads high, ihouldera aquarred, but many supported by caues, 13,000 vet orana marchod In the 0, A, K. parade here today.. It required more thau three hours for the procession to pass along the business streets of tbe city, and 100, 000 people were spectators. Tired from the long trip, li was not until this afternoon that the fee ble soldiers of the past were relieved from duty. The national convention of th Daughters of Veterans, the Women's Relief Corps and the Ladles of the CI. A. R. were called to order todav. Every park and many .churches were requisitioned lor the state and na tion gatherings. Tonight the Women's Relief Roma will hold a reception In the bla Aix. andrla hotel ball, room for the vhv-Itora, PORTLAND. Sept. 11. Theodore Hoosevolt walked over a bed of rosea when he arrived here at 7 o'clock this morning. He trod gingerly over the flowery pathway and regretfully step ped on tbe blossoms. There was a big crowd at the train. Colonel Roosevelt consulted wltn political leaden here until noon, when be lunched at the Rotary Club. in the afternoon he greeted crowd at the varloua city parka, winding up wun a speech at the OIdsv Smith tab. ernacle. " In his address, aa plauned. the Col. one! will outline hla views on the trust question, tho recall of Judicial decisions, the Panama canal and wo n.en's suffrage. Tomorrow the Colonel will laava roe l Grande, Huntington, Nampa and Ilolae. Friday he will sneak In I'ocatailo, (Contluued on Page i) PEYTON SUES FOR A HORSE FOLLOWING DISMISHAL OF AC TIOX FOR HORSE STEALING, SUIT IS ENTERED IN THE CIR CUIT COURT AGAINST RAR.NUM Following the dismissal .of the i In Which F. M. Barnum waa eharaaa with stealing a horse from'Osear Pey ton, suit was started'by Peyton In tae circuit court thla morntna to recover possession of the animal alleged la have been stolen and damages to the amount of $81 for the use or the ani mal for 81 days. In hla complaint Peyton sets forth. that Darnum wrongfully took nnassa slou of the animal, a 4-year-old Meek vork horse, on June 8th. aid aaa slnce had possession. " Keesee lroesbeck are attorae Jfor the plalntlf. (;,-& -