n gupi PLUTO NT THM IIKM NMWI HKHVIO m t f tuititig HefaU.. ' EVKKIKO ITIWITi PRINT TOR NBWa NOT J Hctmlfi Vwi-' KLAMATH VAUA OHMSON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER , Ivll Taft May Call Congress to Order Mexican Invasion Sickness in WAR NOW THREATENS Ot-MCKItrt OK THK WAH DKPAHT- MKNTAHKKKPTHUIsY Mrsugr Kitp Hi Wire lluay Be tween tin Numnirr Capital awl ' U'mIiIiikIihi .iHultirr Kntlua of Xalhr hmiI American From Met (oi mrun 'umIHIihm Are Hal.) In lie Mint Hrrioua IbIIkI l'li Birth J WAIflllNOTON, I). (.'.. Hil, 7. A voluminous exrliaugn or telegrams U been exchanged today between iTwMrnlTnlt at llererly anil oRUIalt brt. II II l deded lu rail a tpe till irulun nf rongreta Id lake up la trouble mi I hit Mexican frontier II U irrlcil Hint ll will be maili to- . Kepuili limp liti received here Utl a Uf rnoli haa been atarled In southern Mexico The report wa ronHiitnllat anil nut made piiliUe Bill lixli) The war ili'i'iirtniont la active den rial Wood . t bla office at an early Bour. lie niuiuttad with hli "Ian I'Rllla lain liimr laat lilht. It It mil believed that Prrtldrnl I Tilt all! permit an Invasion of Mn. It allium! (lip consent of rongrean. Ijiml Bring a too an Arr I Fred McKcndree, whom, ranch 3 It lllllea I lilt tide of Merrill I. wall known, haa aoM 40 acre oft llm rn-, erty to (J. M lllldebraud or Kurt lll.l well. The tramier Incluilea full wm ler right from the Irrigation aytteni. Tim price ialil waa U0 per acrn, Tim' deal did not Include, any buildings. and tin. greater part or tlio acreaa- U lu aUalfa. TURKS REJECT PEACE TERMS No Malary Cut In splto or tho prediction, or th Northwestern, the city council did not make any cut lu the talary of pollen officer FIRST OUTFIT IS IN THE FIELO ANOTHER I'ltOPOMITlOV TO END TIJK WAR WITH ITALY IH turned iniw.v, according TO A ItEI-OIIT 'lilted I'rraa Service UIIIAHKO, Hwltierltml. H.l.t. II 'Turkey's repretentathca herr have 1 1 ejected another proK.a for peace, 'made by the Italian government, ar. hording to a report received here O'BRIEN WANTS DAO TO COME VOl'.MI MAX HELD O.N HKHIOUM CHARGE (IKTH DELAY Ctiargr from Himph- Larreay la Cliaaged to Larreay From the Per oa, Whkli Mean a Term la Pen itentiary Upon 'avlriloa of From Me lu Tea Veara Father la a Prominent Oakland Attorney PAISLEY MEN ARE I NJURED It DX A WAV IIOItMFM HKHI'O.VHIIILK FOIt TWO HA.VCHKBH HKI.VO IIAUI.V HL'rtT Ml'PPtV WAOO.V OOFJi OVF.H A BLUFF TllllrMIIIMl MAIIII.VK I lluy Conrirte I'laat J H Hlllott nnd J (I .we. local nrick contractom, hate purchased the cement block plant of M. It. Lee rtTAnw ,or,"u "n Hl, ' Mr. I.'lllott In order that Ma rather, an emi nent California attorney, might bt here to conduct hit dereuae, Wlllla O'llrlen aaked Juitlce Oravea tbli morning to continue the caae in TO WOIIK OV H. II. McMI.N'M I'LACKi-m: Mianox iiki.vvh Ol'rIIUTIOMI omrrmHIiiil CalUd I'rtta Hervlca MKXICO CITV, Kept. V, Confeaa. It that they had partlclated In the iotlBC nl a rlty, Antonio Zerba and llrre llrutrnanta wre executed by nog aijuail today. -In' Itaachea lUhlrtl CaltJ I'rta Bervlc W0I.K A8B. Triaa. Hept. ,witrBi condltlona In Mailco are fulng auuthrr etodua of Awerlcana ml ntllvra, Tho refugee iay that non-comhaiania have been kM(Ml. Tee r.bel. are operating all along lift ltA.l. I.-. ..... .-, in iieiwren nagie raaa and W rao. Many ranch have beea fined. ItoUaeoM io Wta Called l'r Barvlca MTTI.H HOCK. Ark.. Hept. ,t wattdiMl that joaeph T. Roblnaon. mocrat. win he elected governor to. r. There wai no progreMlva tick H In the field, li. Mrlaa DkmI ltel flew Rervlca "Alt IIAIllinn u. a.... o u... - ... e-ewil WV caSfP II. McUan died ai 6:65 thla 'log. Her al.ter. Madam Oak- "fiei. wife of the Ituaalan arabaa "or, and her n. Kdward, wn at r bed.hle when the end cane. Ihrrahlng wa atatted Hilt morn lug on II II, MrUlu'a place aouth of til It rlty Ho far aa ran he aarer- mined thla la Hie flrit work of liar veiling that haa been done In thla county. Miirhlne which have been walling elnre the first of the month Io work on the harvesting In thla vicinity are mill standing on the order or their Inning work, for the reaion that It will bo a few daya yet until tho grain U eiirnlrenlly dry to permit the ma. chlnea working It. Thla delay la only a part of tin damage of the recent wet nerlod. lie Idea thl; there I tone loaa of grain Itself, and much of what remalna la o heavy that It will bo hard to Ihteah. Considerable wheat will shell before ll ran be gathered. Much grain waa allocked Juat preceding the start of the rain, and being loose, has ab sorbed a good deal of moisture and may suffer a little mould, unleaa cool weather saves It, lu some placet the heavily laden grain haa lodged or fall en over, making It difficult to pre serve. Home alfalfa of the second crop la still lying out, and will probably be slightly bleached and Impaired In quality. While the rain waa never vary heavy, at leatt not for any lengtu of time, It waa very atrady. Farm ers ar thankful that It waa light. The atanda of grain In thla aectlon thla year have bean unuaually One, hlch la tome consolation to tho farmers affected by the clement. Thad Mcllatton, the Jeweler, left Sunday afternoon ror Kan Francisco, wnere ho will select Ills rail stock of Koodt Ua brick mawui and Mr i.tt-n rii.ln,ch ,,e enarged "Hn larcany rrole worker, and tiny will maiiufar-,'""" "10 ,r0, for one week. The Hire cement blocks In addition to do-irvqut " rol'. ud O'llrlen' lug a genernl hulldluc contract hutl- ,,0,", " flicd at $1,000. In the iieta. meantime (he young man la confined in in county Jail. The original charge agalntt O'llrlen waa larceny, and conviction would have meant a term In the coun- t) Jail. Th charge waa Increased. however, and now young O'Urlen fare a term In the sute penitentiary of from one to ten year. It Is alleged that O'Brien, havlna 'doped' a fellow worker la "i -irsiasj; robb-J him while on a train en rout to thla city of fIS In gold. He waa arrested In Dorrl Friday night and brought to thla rlty. roung O'llrlen haa wired to hla lather, Judge O'llrlen of Oakland, i-aui.. nut so far haa not received n reply. GRANO JUROR HAS PNEUMONIA riKNMIO.V OF TIIK I.VgllHITOIIIAt IKIIIV H IICiaVKII UXTII. TO. MOIIIIOW OHAFT CAHFJi TO tXJMK t'l' FIIWT '- A. Wltlmrd. who for some time ",' Mit M home In Han rranclaco. wurne.1 to u,U city t night. Mr. nhrd expecta to locate here. THciilis HORSES HELP AUTO'S RETURN I.OCAI. IIKAIi rMTATi: MAX HKAI,- l.i:S THAT Tlli:ilK AUK TIMFJt WIIKX IIOHHi: FI.KNII IIKATH A Ill'IIIII.K WAIIOX llecaute or the serious lllntsa of one member und the Inability of an other to get her In time, th Klam nlli County grand Jury did not con triio this morning aa excepted. Ma Jor Worden, foreman of the Jury, atarted from Fort Klamath In an auto latt night but the machlno broke down, and he will not be here until tonight. II. F. Toole, another mem ber of the Jury, I III with pneu monia at hla home In Merrill. It It probublo that he will not be able to serve at thla term. The first case to be proacnlcd to the attention of the grand Jury when It meets tomorrow will be the graft charges agalntt three. Klamath Fatla councilman. The witnesses In this matter were auminnned to appear be fore the Inquisitorial body thla morn ing, but because of the delay In open. Ing the Investigation, they will not bo required to appear until tomor row morning. Charles Low was sworn In this morning to be bailiff for tho grand Jury. Ho la engaged today In some preliminary work. ASHLAND MAN "OU.UKMI..T OF THK MAIL HAr: ll LAl),A KM)KN uojf. BV IK lli:ci: VKI HKIIK WILL IJVK IX ASHLAM) . j!,Ma l,oro Vo received tho an "cement ,,r ' marriage of Mlsa ai! ?.,,; cu (:ol,rcy ni1 Qw - U, 1? '" Uou' ,0i Heptem J' I They W uo ,,t home , ju. w;0r-'ter October 1st. ksr. il"1111" ' very well known wur high .ohool latt year. i:. M. Chllcntc, nftcr ilrngglng hla uutnmoblto out of two feet of snow nt tho rim of Cmler Lake, with the aid of n tunui of husky horses on gaged for tho orcnslou ut Foi t Klum- ath, arrived In llm city Haturduy night. About ton day ago Mr. Chllcoto with a party of friend took a trip to the lake, and, on tho return, when about a mile from tho very top, the auto broke. Tho party was forced to abandon the machine nnd reach thla city In dlverao way. Thursday Mr. Chllcoto went to the scene, accompanied by horses from Fort Klamath, and hauled, (kidded and by other means, got the automo bile to Fort Klamath, where repalna wr mad, AMBROGETTI IS OWN LAWYER I'OltCIONKIt CONDUCT) A HI) IT FOH MONKV DDK. IT IH AI.LKO KI, FOII WOIIK IMiXrJ ON THK I.OHT IIIVKIt DAM REFUSE TENDER OREGON ELECTRIC MKDFOHD WOULD HAVR FIVE I'ltll t'KXT OF THK KAItXINT.8 OF LIGHT COMPANY IX8TKAD OF LUMP HUM OF t,9M MKDFOR1), Sept. 9 Refuting a tender of $20,000 In lieu of th 5 per cent of the annual gross earning j of the Oregon and California Power company In Medford,' the city will probably bring suit In tho near futuro to annul the contract of the electric company In Medford. The company recently made the tender of 120,000 under the terms of lit 25-year franchise, which the city nuthorltlca now claim Invalid. An attempt to settle the matter out of court la being made, but It aoema probable that th case will go Into court tooa. Monday of this week P. C. Coon and Jack Miller met with an accident on the road to Little Chewaucan, which might have proven fatal to both, ayt the Chewaucan Pre. They ware taking a load of aupplle to the round-up camp, and bad Juat crossed the mountain and started down the other side when the team they were driving broke away annd ran down the mountain side. They left the road and atarted off through the mahogany. The hill la very ateep at thla point, and the horsea had not run far before Coon and Miller were both thrown from the hack. When Jason Elder and A. K. Ban later, who were following In another wagon not far behind, arrived upoa i the arene, they found Coon lying In the road and Miller alttlnz on the hillside a few roda farther. Coon had evidently been dragged about 100 yard. Both were In a semi-conscious condition and badly bruised up. i ne wagon waa tying -agaloal a Juniper tree farther down tho moun tain aide, bottom-aide up, with part of the wheel entirely missing, and the team had continued its Journ alone. Cider and Banister loaded the crip. pie In their wagon and brought mm to Paisley aa quickly a possi ble, arriving about 3 o'clock In the afternoon. Dr. Thayer was summon ed at once, and an examination re vealed that Coon had broken a bone In bit arm and several rlba, betides cveral minor brulset. Miller waa but little moro fortunate, and re ceived a dislocated shoulder and a deep gath on the aide of hla head. Loth at this writing are pretty stiff and tore, but a few week will prob ably see them well again. floen lit Frozen Xortli I Mrs. Fred Mills left Sunday night for rirnssy Lake, Alberta, to visit a short time with her two brothers, who aro operating a large wheat ranch In that aectlon. Mrs. Mllla will be acompanled, on her return, by ber niece, who will attend school here this winter. Kama Arrive TOKIO,8ept. 9. Philander Knoi". special envoy of the United State to the funeral of the late Mikado, ar rived here today. He was greeted by a vast throng of people. CHURCHES WILL AID GOVERNOR IIKHOLLTIOXH ADOPTKD AXD AJtF. FOIIWAIlDKU TO HALRM SALESMEN GET APPEAL BOND Vice of All Klads I Derrted. Md law Htate KxersxJve Is Urged ! Gets Hour Hi Cleanla Up -"- -'r Coavcntlott of tttusday Hcheol Close a Till CKy After a Twe Dara' Heaaloa Jl'HTICK MIIAVKS IIKI.KAHKH CAHII IM. OF MKHHHH. HKAflH AXD IIUXTKIt AXD ACCKITH KtltKTV APPKAL UOXD Justlc Grave today released the bond of 11,000 cash, given when Walter Sears and Charles Hunter were arrested for peddling, and ac cepted a surety company' bond N f GOO for the appeal of the case whioJs the two men have taken. ' Bear and HunUr war employed by a wagon manufacturer, and war arrested'toat time age: ror pddllag In this coasmuBlty without state license. They were bald for trial. and notice of apepal was given. Tho case of Ambrogettl v. Clark Is being heard In the circuit court this afternoon before Judge llenson. ,lle la prosecuting hla own cote, and be Iiik a foreigner, and not thoroughly conversant with (he lauguage of hi adopted country, he hat caused some amutemont. Tho action I brought to recover money alleged to be due for services rendered In the conttructlon of the .oat rtlvtr dam. . i . ' 1 JOHNSON WAS NOT INFORMED WILL ASK ANDY FOR A LIBRARY JU1KIK WOKDKX OIVKS THK CITY COUNCIL A Til COUNCIL WILL WII1TK A LKTTKR MAKING THK PHOPKIt ItKQUKHT nEItLLV, Sept. 9. One hundred men were killed and 200 were wound ed in a battle between the mutinous Russian engineers and a regiment of the czar's Infantry, according to me. aagea from 8t. Petersburg today. It Is reported that the mutineer surrendered after a desperate resist. once. Concerning the mutiny at Sebasto- pol, the Russian government bo auppreated all dctalla beyond declar ing In a proclamation that martial law bad been declared and that the mutiny had only spread to a few ship. CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR PLKADM IGNORANCE OF TIIK AGREE. MKNT PRIOR TO TIIK HENTENC , ING OF MeXAMARA BROTHERS '. DETROIT, Mich.. Sept. . Gover nor Johnaou aald today that he had heard nothing of the plan of the Mc Namaraa securing liberty. "All 1 know," be tald, "la what I have read about the Interview with Steltent." The goveruor declared that he had never heard of an agreement between the bushiest men of Lo Angela and the friend of the McNamara. He refused to discus what he would do -U lbeaaattr-wa takes up. --u. Klamath county appears to be near to tho realisation of a now Carnegie library, according to County Judge William S. Worden, who appeared at the council meeting Saturday night and gave the city council the tip. He slated that the couuty court had been In communication with Andrew Car. negle, and that the coreapondence led htm to believe this county was In a fair way to secure $16,000 for an In stltution from the famous library distributor. "There It now about 13,000 or $4,000 in the county treatury for library purposes," said the Judge. His object in calling on the council was to get a letter from the city coun ell stating that Klamath Fall was a slteable, prosperous place, which needed a library, and would be abl to ute one to advantage, and so ou. On motion of Councilman Herbert 8avldge, seconded by Councilman Hamilton, it waa decided to give the requested letter, and tender a vote of thank to the county Judge for hi interest In the matter. Thank you, gentlemen, and 1 wish to assure you the county court alway stand ready to co-operate with you In anything It U able for the good of the community," said the Judge, aa he departed, ii j u Prise Dancer Picked Out At tho Pavilion dance laat Saturday night Manager George Klein gave the terpalcborean devotee! a chance to dance for a priie. To the strains of! tho "Druid' Prayer" the varioua cou plea made their way around the floor before the discriminating eyee of Miss Santlmau and F. L. Lane, who bad been appoluted Judges. ' The couple adjudged at possessed of most grace and technlc were Mrs. B. D. Burton and Albert McCoy. Pledging their support to Governor West In hit campaign against vie In Oregon, th Klamath County Sunday School convention was concluded af ter a two day' meet In thla city, gffc Resolutions embodying the eomdp sus of sentiment were adopted by the convention, and tbete will be for warded to the governor at one. ( The attendance at the convention during the two day' mmIob waa bat ter than in the pact, and, aa unusual thing, erery speaker on the program kept himself within the alloted tint. Each talk showed careful preparation and tb Interest taken by th audi nc waa indicated by the liberal col lection taken at each nmtlag The outgoing oflcan, C. C. Hon. president; Rer. E. M. rMM.rM president, and E. M. Chltcote. acre tarr, were unanlmoualy relucted. The Methodist Sunday school at Merrill waa rpreatd by Mr. and Mr. W. H. Hadlry. and taw Prat-ay-terlan 8unday school at ML Lakt by Mr. Theodore Caae. All talk were well worth hearing. but the clolng talk by Rev. Caarl A. Phlpp waa especially noteworthy. He appealed to church member to look at the question of sport from a irommon sense point. He urged them '(A .I.W 1. .. .1 . M . m ii iiuui mc siaaQpoini or a boy or a young man, to think back to the time when he was a boy, and try to look at modern (porta with the eye he had for the sport of that day. He aald that too many church mem bers had been giving th devil the long end of the stick In thl matter, and that he would win out un!aa 'they changed their tactic. Th resolution of support for Gov ernor West follew: Whereas, In view of the unique NATIVE SONS IN BIG CELEBRATION SUSPECT SHOWS HIS INNOCENCE STOCKTON 18 OVERRUN WTTH LODGK MEM11ER8 PARADE U FOUR MILES LONG FEATURE IS A STAGE ROBBERY United Pr Sarvlc 8TOCKTON, Sept. 9 The Native Sons' celebration here today brought the greatest multitude In the history of this city. The parade this morning was four mile long, and consisted of native sons and daughter marching four abreast. The big feature of the parade waa a ataoacn robbery. In the after noon there waa on athletic meet. more than 100 competing, and Includ ing auch noted athlete aa Ralph Rote, Peter Gerhardt and Oeorge Horlne. Oakland I fighting for the 1913 convention. The largest delegation hero is from that city. but consistent attitude of our Gover nor West with reference to tb no tice and enforcement of the law of our state and thereby recognltlng the value and sacredneta of his oath of office; Whereas, Because of the plain per formance of his duty a governor of the State of Oregen: and Whereas, Because of this, certain elements of our state who evidently -re ln Jrn'P-hy with vice, coruptlon. (Continued on Pace ") " " " L. WILBUR 18 .NOT IDENTIFIED AS NOTORIOUS BAXDIT WANT. ED IX CALIFORNIA COUNTIES, AXD 18 RELEASED I.. Wilbur, who haa been held In the county Jail for aeveral daya on autplclou of being CHS Regan, notor ious bandit, was released last night after It waa 'conclusively shown that be was not the fugitive. Sheriff Charles Collins of Inyo county, California, who know Regan, arrived In tho city Saturday night. After looking Wilbur over he at one declared that be waa not Regan, al though the retemblanee waa marked Regan Is wanted In several plate In California on charge of bora stealing and highway robbery. 'I v 4 1 .