Bwrumt uv thk VNITMlt I'HMW NMW HKHVIVK V- Pe f tuning BtfaU.. KVKKINO imW; PRINT TUB NBWS, NOT fteventh Vmi So. l.sVHI KliAMATH PALL. ORBOON, HATUIIDAY, HKPTKMUKR 7, 1018 Fries, aTt) California Taf t Supporters Cannot Express Choice American Soldiers Engage In Battle With Rebels Sheriff Aids Police In Making Important Capture IT ORDERS YANKEE HELP AMMUNITION AND OUNM TO HK KOIIWAIIDKD SOUTH Graftal Wood aad Ilia Preside! Kn at In TrlcpUoa Oiau'eraara aad Hlluatlon I Conrrttad to II Urate Mrtlran Rebel Three!) Hi American Froallrr Two Itegt aral Are Hrl to Uorder WABIIINUTOif. D. C, Spl. 7. prealdent Tlt today ordered lb Ueeairr drfartuient to (wait the x pcrttilon ot Suo rifle ltd lto.000 cirtrldiea for lb " ' Amsrlcans l Meilco. The srme will ! forwarded lo th NMultr urnli l Canenea (or distribution. rotlualni a long distance 11 thost conference with (letters! Wood. rrialdeM Tatt appruvd of an ordr trsdlsi two more leglmeata lo th Vulcan border. Ttis regiments ara at Port Itlley, Kant., and Fort Raasell, Wro , and will War Innt-dlttelr. OSlceri on tb border bav urgent- j rtutitt(1 (Iviieral Wood to aaad reliforcement. blipatcht- received hrre plainly ladltatc that elasbea between lb rebel and tho Americana at llachlta an doe tu direct order from Halaiar, cenmsridlng hla troops to forage In Anerlrtn territory to reptrulah their applies of prorlilnus. It li reported tier that flvo rebate been killed, but It la Inpoaalblr lo secure confirmation of thla. (Users) Hterw reporla engage U it the Culberson and Uu ruths. He ears that Halaiar hat U0 men at the boundary, WOLGAST IS NOT IN BAD SHAPE CHAMPION I.IOHTWKIOHT'H IV JURIES A IIK NOT AH NKIIIOUtt AM OIIIUINAI.I.Y REPORTED UK WILL HtlMT SOON TONH Of ICK LOST . Heartily of Highballs Halil to H IIm i The drinking of blgbbatbj In United Prua Hervlr OIIICAUO, Hnpt. 7. A wire re reived her from Cadltsr, Mich,, say (bat Ad Wolgaat was not ao serloualy Injured aa It waa Drat reported He will atart training In a few dayi for hla fight with McFarland. IS RAYMOND IS FOUND DEAD NMOVM ium, 1'i.AYKIt LOHKH OW TO kl.Wl ALCOHOL AFTKIl A U).U IIATTLK HK WAN K MMOVH STAR CHICAOO, Bupt. 7. "Iluga" Itay. d, one of tho moat famoua pitch J l the hlttory ot baseball, waa MM dead in n room In th Vely Wei her today. wu a victim of tha d alcoholism. oitreme Will llull.l Home Charlra D Up baa aold to Mr. F It. Kwlng of Hefcteyvllle, Alaska, hi 76 acre eeros the road from lb Henley ranch, for f 6.000. Mra. Kwlng wilt neit iprlng build a IS, COO home on the property. The aalr was mad through II. II. Carroll of Heattle, who formerly realded In thla rlty. Klamath Pall Is decreasing. This la evidenced by the fact that the Klamath Valley Ware- houae and forwarding company. Ice maker, waa not able to get rid ot the supply of Ice fast enough Oil scaiou, and a num- bor of cakri, 25 feet high, hare melted together. It Is said that th maaa welgha HO tons. The management of the com- pany has been at loa to dlapoae of the ma, o ho haa concluded finally to removn the entire building and wait for the Ice to melt. ) ACCUSES PAL OF ROBING HM i O'lllUKN DROUGHT TO THIH CITY TO FACK CHAKOK PHONE COMPANY HAS A REQUEST I'KHMIHIO.V WII.I. IIK AHKKO TO PIT C.MII.KH It.VllKIl TIIK PAVK MKXT ACIUMiH KMMATII AVIN MIK ON hKVKMTII UTRKKT Tonight a meeting of the city coun cil Is scheduled, and with better weather poulbly a quorum say turn out. On of lh things wbtcti may be brought to tho counrll'a attention la the request of Hi Pacific Tele plion and Telegraph company to put It cable under ground across Ktam at avenue at Hetenth street, to II new building, and along Seventh street lo Pine. The new street paving laid by the Warren Construction company haa been down about a year, and tho tel egraph company proposes to open tho street fur the block from Klamath to Main under the upw parement: The properly owners on both sldea of the street having paid assessments lo get the pavement down want the council to make an arrangement with Ihe company which will Insure Ihe pave ment, If It I cut open, being replaced In as good a condition aa prior to the cutting. The block of pavoment cost about t,500. Europe Interested in Haywood Strike Italians are Preparing to Order a General Walk-out ai a Meant of Forcing Government to Act K01IB, Bcpt. 7 A. a means of " lbs government to make rp "nation, Washington In behalf , "" Olovagnlttl, who are JJ ' Prison in Uwrtnc, labor UlaVlUrou,,bout "' " " bit..,, "" strlka llrlUn lo Protcat LONDON, Bept. 7. An English de fense committee haa been formed for tho release of Ktter and Olovannlttl. A demonstration In Trafalgar Bquaro has been arranged for. It Is ox lected that at this meeting resolu tions ot protest will bo adopted mid sent to Ambassador Rtld. RAIN HANDICAPS NEW BUILDING IIIIOKKX IIY MUOII HAY AM TIIK WKATHKIt, OPKKATIONH HAYK IIKKN IIKMItMKO ANU WII.I. IIK lll'HIIKII TO (XIMPLKTIO.V Wel weather the past weak bas ma tirlally Interfered with building oper ation In thl city, some ot the crewa having to abandon work entirely. The fsrt that Monday was l.nbor Day and a holiday cut one day on Ibe week, for practically all tho artisan In the tultdlng line. On the court houae, for Inatanre, the crewa got a day' vork done on Turaday and Wednes day, but on the following day work had to be abandoned out ot deference lo J, Pluvlus, whose can waa tilted to a sharp angle. Other new building work was sub jected lo the same stoppage of opera tions, although some got started again today. The new structure on the north aide of Main street, Just wet of Hoventh, whose foundation Is under ay, has considerable water In tho cellar, and men were busy this morning getting the soiled aqua out of ,11111 way so tbey could do their work. Other buildings at Ihe founda tion stage have had accumulations of water In the basements which have boen a decided Interference lo prog ress. Mast Anretsal llecause It Wn Tltought Ha Waa Inloilrated tilvt Infortnalloai That laila to the IS lief That Me Waa the Victim uf a (.'rime HIivrtaT He-tula Word to fa I cirri Trass at Uorria Pardoa for Mc.V Hotight If Protataea Fall i TEDDY WOULD NOT BE KIN6 IIKAD OK HUM. MOOHKK8 Fl.V.Vt- I.Y IIKC1DKH A QUKHTIOX THAT HAH IIKKN CONHIDKKKH rX)lt A VKIIY l-ONO TIMH United Praas Bsrvlca nilXlNOB, Mont., Bept. 7. "I would not bo king for anything," Thvodoro Hoosovolt declared her to. itny In a speech. i-t.....l AAnalti,llAtial mnii. urchy a "cross betweon being perpet ual vice president and a leader or :n four hundred." He declared that there were other things be would Ilk to be, but not a king. Roosevelt will be In Montana all to day. He speaks In Helena tonight. As a result of the active co-opera tion of the police and sheriff's osace, Willi Ollrlen was arrested at Dorrls last night and brought to this city, vi here he was charged with robbing a fellow worker of f 2R In gold. It Is charged that O'Urlen "doped" whisky given George Uarlck and then took the gold from the pockets of the un conscious man. Thursday O'Urlen and (larlck, who had been working together In the woods near Dorrls, started for this city. Ilolh had been drinking. Be fore thl city was reached Qarlck lost consciousness, and when the train bad reached here he waa har ried off by O'Urlen, aaajsted by Ihe train ursKeman. The unconscious man was carried to the sldo or the depot and left there. Depot employes declare that Imme diately thereafter O'Urlen ran away. Boon after Chief of Police flmlth and Officer Halt discovered O'Urlen and HTKPKK.NH MAKKH THKKAT May It United Press Service PORTLAND, Sept. 7 Lincoln Bteffens, magaslne writer, aald today Ibat If the business men of Los Angeles did not keep their promises, made when the 0 Mc.N'amaras pleaded guilty, and give labor a iquare deal, be, personally, will circulate a pell- Hon In California asking Oorer- nor Johnson to pardon them. "I have not taken the matter up yet with tha California labor leaders," said Mr. Bteffens, "but 1 will, and I don't doubt but that there will be plenty of slg- nature." (Continued on rage df WALDO IS NOW UNDFR FIRE, TOO IIKPOHKD IN (LICK IN8PKCTOR MAKKH HKRIOUH CHAROKS AHAINHT TIIK HKAI) OP THK KW YORK POLICK United Press Benlre NKW YORK, Bept. 7. Inspector Hayes, who has been dismissed from pollco duty, resumed tho stand at hla trial today. He declared that Waldo ordered that there be no raids on gambling houses and resorts with out explicit orders. Consequently there had been no arreata made. LADIES' SOCIETY WILL ENTERTAIN MU8IOAI.K, TIIK FIRST OF THK HKASON, WILL UK GIVKN UN DKR UIRKCTION OF MRS B. F. OAMIIKLL NKXT FRIDAY The first musical event for the sea son will be a concert given at Grace Nethodlst Episcopal church next Fri day evening. It will be under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid Society , n moat popular organisation ot that church, aa well aa ot tha city. Tha concert will b conducted by Mra. Rlrdean Fraker Gambell, who ha procured the voluntary aervlcea of aome of the best talent In the city. Instrumental and vocal solos, orches tral numbers, quartets and a pleasing variety of popular and high class mu sic will constitute tha program. A 0 E FIRM- GETS CONTRACT BIG BLAST TO SHAKE TOWN ACCLAMATION HKRVICK IS PLAN- NINO TO SET OFF A HCORK OF MO.VHTER CARTMIMKH TO WIDKN IRIIIUATION CANAL MAMKY BROH. CO. NOTIFY UM CAL OFFICE OF THE RECLAMA TION SERVICE THAT THEIR DID HAH IIKKN ACCEPTED Word from Maney Uros. A Co., the llolse contractors, has been received by Project Engineer W. W. Patch, of the reclamation service, to the effect Ibat as soon as the firm gets an offi cial notification from the government It will be on the ground here ready to go to work on the excavation of the thirty mllea ot second unit laterals. Tho Uolse Arm's bid tor the work was about 12,500 lower than any other bid or combination ot bids when the sealed proposal were opened in the office ot Mr. Patch a fortnight since. . The bids were sent lo the reclama tion headquartera at Washington for the final award of the contract, and aa Maney Uros. have operated on tha Klamath project before, and did sat isfactory work, there is no reason, It la said, why their bid should not be accepted. Their proposal was to do all tbe work for I67.1 13.50. Tbey For a genuine "big noise" tbe rec lamation 'ervlce will shortly Indulge In a stunt which promises to cause more and heavier vibrations than a Fourth of July In this vicinity ever knew. A score of monster cartridges, each six Inches In diameter, about three feet long and weighing thirty pounds. wilt be set off simultaneously by an eloctrlc battery. The ammunition has not yet ben made, but will be within a few days, and shortly after that will come the reverberation. The blasting will be for the purpose of blowing out a bar or dam left at tho junction ot tho Loet River diver sion canal and tha Klamath River, below the city diitanc of about tCoattemd I .i Pag') BULL MOOSE IN ENTIRE CHARGE THEFT IS THE WAT T. RKOARO SITUATION ? EXCEPTIONS TO P.O. RUING Oflrial CotutraiaUoai at to Leave California, to Wl Roosevelt WW Cos Secretary ot Coeaaaitt That No Ttas Olvea to Proper PeUUoa NEWSPAPER AND HOTEL MAIL MUST HK PLACKD IN TOP OK SACK IN ORDKR TO UK DKL1V KRKD SUNDAYS Postmaster Clyde K. Drandenburg has received more explicit Instruc tions from the department at Wash ington about tbe handling ot Sunday mall. It appears that mail for ho tels and newspaper offices, aa well as newspapers to dealers, are to be band- led Sunday aa far aa the public assists In expediting them by putting on proper addresses. Mall for a newspsper office or ho tel must have that tact set out In tho address distinctly, In order that all offices whero such mall Is depos ited will noto the tact and put them did not bid on any subdivisions, wish- Prominently In the outgoing packages BAN FRANCISCO. gt 7. Tkvs California TaftlUa hav pmUeaUJr decided to abandon all attaatBt to get Taft electors on tha ballet by f tltlon. A final dtclalon will b gaads at a meeting ot tha Taft atato laasV era thla afteraooa and rnnala?. Charles Forbes, secretary c tk Taft county central rfussallf. Isaasdl the following statement; W fel tnni It wanM a nnsw- iutely u!es to atUatpt to at U necessary 11,009 slgnaUr to ant Taft electors on th btUlot kr, fU- tion. Th poas Re the" uffiWsgggggggggggggggggggggaP("e)r Wlh "Mosti ' anrty kadbjra am stat share the views. We e net believe that we can do mere, aa It la Impossible to getjuScdent slgistar to tho petition within Ue Urn allotted." Ing to do all or none. GONG SAVES LUNG POWER CONTRIVANCE IS ARRANGKD ON NKW KXCAVATOK WHICH DOES AWAY WITH CONSTANT SHOUT ING OF ORDKRS Unusually good work for a new machine Is being done for the recla-J uialton service oy mo seu-propeiiea excavator which la cleaning out the Weed drain about seven mllea south of the city. It cuts from twenty-five to thtnty cublo'yarda ot earthper hour in a day with an eight hour shift, and accomplishes about 200 linear feet In the same time. Tbe canal baa a six-foot bottom, and is about twenty feet wide at the top, while It Is six or seven feet deep. The machine is operated by M. R. Taylor, who worked on th Klamath project last year and haa nine bean In the Umatilla district, and George 8. Whitehead, who Is from Stockton. Project Engineer W. W. Patch ha (Continued on Fas; 4) of mall. The Instructions from the department that such mall should go In the packages next to the top, which Is the place for special de livery letters. In order to facilitate the delivery ot Sunday mall to the excepted classes every postofflce In the United States must every day In tho week put the newspaper and ho tel mall next to the top of the pack age. United Press Srvlc TOPEKA. Kans., SpL 7. FurUer effort to put the Roosevelt electors off tbe ballot in Kansas will be taken Immediately, according to a statement msde today by R. D. Hite, attorney for the Taftltes. It Is proposed to take an appeal from Judge Sanbron'a decision deny ing the Injunction asked. The Taft ltes claim that with' Roosevelt abact or on th ballot the Taftltes are vir tually deprived ot votes. Judge Sanborn held that tbe su preme court had already disposed of the point, stating teat there was pre sented no cause ot nctloa in eoaity for Injunction to keep th electors ot tbe ticket. Rumor Denied United Press Servtr NEW YORK. Sept. 7. Th report that Sherman's health la broken and that he may retire as n candidate for the vice presidency, la denied as an absolute canard. In n statement leased by Secretary Reynolds ot the repub lican commltt. Militia Fire After the Trouble is Over Trouble in Weit Virginia Orer the Situation in the Minet hai Led to the Shedding of Much Blood CHARLESTON, W. Va., Sept. 7. The first trouble in connection with marital law near Sharon occurred to day, when one of a group ot men waa shot and killed by militiamen, long after tbe soldiers bad been ffred upon. Shots were also exchanged near BurnweU. The miners from the Kanawha set- trlct returned to their homes today. Troops prevented their gathering at the ststa capltol last night The miners peacefully wiineXer and held their meeting nt the cenft bouse. '"