avrruKD hy thb vinwu mmm J11 "v ibe betting Hef aid. RVKlflKO PRINT THB NEWS, NOT fTOSY sjriath Vmi No. I8I KLAMATH PALLS, OH1MON, I'HUrAY, SEPTEMBER 6, ltla Strike of All Workers is Ordered by Hay w MKl as a Protest Against Confinement of Two Strikers Prisoners are Brutally Beaten by Their Prison Guards Leather Paddles Soaked In Brine are Used on the Bare Backs of Leaders in the Recent Revolt in the Michigan State Penitentiary. Warden Silent BIOWS BRING FORTH BLOOD g.XUOr'TlllM'HIMJN IIIOTINO HAM IIKKN ATTAINED COLONEL WILL TELLF ARMFRS HUM. MOOSE CANDIDATE IH MAK- Nil A CAMPAIGN FROM THE HEAR PLATNiHM IN STATE (IK .SOUTH DAKOTA STRAUS HEATS TEDDY'S MAN HYUACUHK, Sept 6 Just utter Woodruff withdrew the nsmo of t'rrridrricmat, Itooaevcll'e choke for tlm gubernatorial nomination, the progreMlto convention here stamped nl for Oirar Htrnum m n compromise candidate, SPUDS DO WELL . BY DRY FARMING H. ;. EA8TWOOB) BRINGS HOME TO SAMPLES OF MM GARDEN TIIIH CITY HAS HIX ACRES IN CROP I Ai mi evidence of tba effectiveness of drr farming In ttili section, S. C. Eastwood brought to till cltr today aome potatoes grown on bis place on tbe Hill road, about fourteen mllca aoutb of Merrill. The tuber range In length up to nine Inches, and are a good a any railed In any manner In thla aectloa. Mr. Kaatwood haa about alx acre Governor Joluuon of California was!'0 Potatooa. This U tba flrtt year alvpn n nine ulnutea oratlou. Men and Women are Urged ; to Leave Their Jobs Soon Former Secretary of the Western Federation of Min ers Declares That the Feeling Among the Foreign Speaking Laborers is Intense and is Increasing APOSTLE THATCHKR IH EN ROUTE HERE ttelnaation 'f l't ' Hog. HOOHCVEI.T tla' l' !""'' ' lni-lhlr loiKOIIKS, N, I).. ferarr Horr l'ilner air 8Ulrl tur PaaUliiurnl Tialay Nlar Ho iftt Terrible I'linUtimriil Yi"lrr ! ItloHa trrr Srvrtr Ca'.ted 1'ress Hen It JACKSON, Mich.. Hept. . The re- volt of prisoners In the alatn peniten tiary U no ofer, ami the punlahmenl dike rlailtadcri la now In progress. Wtstn mm will lr flogged today. Mni mm were whipped ycaterday, trcerdlag to a guard. These prison tn vire tlJ over barrel, gagged U4 tuUJ with threo-luch leather tiHt loaked In brine. Tie mil were given front ten to uMtty blows each Ulood was almoal tttiri drawn Ttswardtn ot the penitentiary haa ttfued to contlrm the atory of tbe twin- Tt police hare reported that el coatlcts art gathering In group on tU Wests bare. There arc thousands ct t.m In the city, and It I feared iltt thy are planning to attack the illtl Bta. Tl sx-convlcls aay that the pun nt Inflicted ou the cnnrlcta waa Mt. and that their bodle wero horrible condition after whip-. Pupil, to HrgUlrr Yttttrday and today warn Ihn dava hrtktpuplla to noisier at tho Klant- tconty hlKti acliual for tho term With open nett Monday. It la i l4 that with the growth of tho tt a material Increase In tho number WPlIt will be shown a compared Uit year. IP E SENDS A FULL STATEMENT T.VB8H OK ROSENTHAL MUH W IK)K8 NtrT WANT TO RE U'IW 1 TIIU UNITED STATES fllVKTKHTIMONV l'""4 J'rets Horvice ! "oU"'t ho know concerning iiiT murde wai corn, "" York Eli,', CUDi whom i' nn th,,t h "w " n i ..,.? 'Mum to be the murder lllhf .!n? lnU n Mtomobllt. A M B . n ioii Mn tbat h b I'Mt St 4 i "0,,ID "WIW l,,urd oclock 0 fi Biornlni of Mr. Miller, a farmer, who became ratlatled that tho Klamath country ai uld ault him before atartlng to tho TIIAIN, (lltANU coast, arrived last night with an ami Mrpt. Colonel ftrant car laden with Implements, live. l.iIIMeVelt and party arrived here thl L""" "nu ""i"I or larra.nr, llfnill ttlA l'ftrnel VaIIav Hjitlt h wnf Mtn III. program In thl. mu Vrt M,1t(Ji Member, f w f iiiornliig rinaUls of t litre scheduled speeches and a number of rear platform talks. The Colonel ripecta to talk mostly on rn-operatlvn farming, back to the soil movenient, reciprocity, the tariff and the trusts. lly preceded him, and have been here for about two weeks. DAIRYING GOOD IT TUE tdOT HI IIIL lUHH i I HON OK NKCHKTAHV OK KOHT! KIMATH CKICAMKIIY TKI.I.H OK PIKKIIIKJIH MADK IN THE INUt'HTRV THERE Krank M. Looslsy, son ot M. K. lAoaley, aecretary of tho Kort Klata.. ath Creamery Association, Is here to day from tbe Kort. He says tbe In dustry Is In a flourishing condition, Ith 360 milker furnishing lacteal liquid to the creamery. The demand for butter la far great er than the supply, and a largo pnrt of the product la ahlppcd to thla city. Owing to tho outalde call for tho but ter It often leaves the local neighbor hood abort of "spread." LAKEVIEW MEN TO DECOME ELKS ANOTHER CLASH OK NINE WIM COME HERE TOMORROW FROM THE I.AKE OOUNTV METHOIHI 1,18 FOR INITIATION Tomorrow evening Klamath Lodge No. 1247. II. I. O. Elks, Is to confer the initiatory degroo on a bunch of candidates from l.akovlow, who will make tho trip to thla city purposely in loin tho antlorod throng. Thoso expected to como and bo taught thu first myaterle of an order witn wnicn Mm never seta later than 11 p. m., are J. P. Hanson, W. 3, Proudfoot, I.t H. ItcRully. M. IV. Ulce. editor or. the Ukovlow Herald; Ooorgo llankln, 0. K. Crowder, W. K. Palnc, n. K. Sny der and N. A. McCurdy, making a class of nine men. The class will come undor tho es cort of James Dodson, Peter arob and W. Lair- Thompson, who are already dyed-ln-the-wool Elks. A'blg tlmo la anticipated, and tho local kik arc preparing to make It highly enjoy able. SHERIFF FAILS TO APPEAR HERE SHKItlKK FROM CALIFORNIA NTARTS 11)11 HALEM FOR EX TRADITION' PAI'EIIH, AND HIH ARRIVAL 18 WAITER II Kill: UherlR Colllui, who wo duo here from California edneaday to look over tbn prisoner held In the county Jail here on ausplclon of bclnc Cliff Itvgau, l.aa uot yet arrived In thU city, and no word haa been received from him for several day. Sheriff Huniaker ot !.aren county, California, who came here Immedi ately upon rocelpt of tho telegram that the sheriff here had arrested n man auepectod of being Hegan, left the city last night, tired of awaiting the arrival of Collins, who alone can Idoutlfy ftcgan. A few day ago tho sheriff's ottlce hero recolvcd a mcMflgo from Collins stating that he was en routo to Salem to secure extradition papers for He Kan, so confident was ho that the rlKht man was being held here. Since then no word has been received from him. In tho meantlmo tho suspect Is being held In the county Jail. that he haa attempted to ralne veget able on bts place. HILL MISSES A TRIP TO CITY UltlKXT Hl'HlNKtM CALLS RAIL WAY MAGNATE TO HT. PAUL AFTER A TRIP TO 8EOT10N NORTH OK HERE After a trip through the country north of here, Louis Hill waa called back to St. Paul, and will not be able to visit this city thlsyear. He baa made two atarta for this place this year, but each time something has prevented his coming this far. lleforo starting for the East, Mr. Hill stated that he had found crop conditions In Central Oregon very satisfactory. Charles W. Thatcher, the good roads apostle, la expected to arrive In the city with his famous mulo team before night. Ho delivered a lecture In Crescent on the night of September 3d, ana waa scheduled to arrive In thla city at noon today, but It ia presumed that he was delayed by bad weather. During hla stay In thl city Mr. Thatcher will be the guest of County Judge Worden. He will deliver a free lecture here. O. I). Cravens, tlmberman and a homeateader on Aspen Mountain, was In Klamath Palla last night, return ing home today. ,tt'V ROAD TtSHASTr IS NOW READY HIHHON ROOSTER CLUR MAKES IT EASIER FOR TOURISTS TO VIBIT THE FAMOUS MOUNTAIN BV RUILDIN'O TRAIL ARMY OFFICERS FALL TO DEATH IIODIEM ARE CRUSHED BEYOND RECOGNITION AFTER l,e FOOT DROP WERE FARTIC1 PATING IN MANEUVERS United Press Service LONDON. Sept. Captain Patrick Hamilton and Lieutenant A. K. Stew art ot tbe Royal Flying Corps of the army, fell 1,000 feet from a tying jarblae fday And. ,wece tnetaitly tbe killed. They were participating In army maneuver near Cravely. Tbolr monoplane waa broken in two and the two bodies were man gled beyond recognition. It FIRST CASE IS NOT TRIED YET SUIT AGAINST THE BONANZA SCHOOL DISTRICT IH SET FOR TRIAL NEXT WEDNESDAY NO MORE DELAYS ANTICIPATED Although It wa the flrtt Jury caso tq bo called for trial at thl torm of courtutbe action ot the Klamath County bank against School District No. 1 and R. K. Wattenburg haa not yet been started. Judge Benson haa tContloued on Page 4) The Mt. Shasta national forest offi cials, assisted by tbe Stsson Booster Club, has Just completed tbe building ot a splendid trail to tho timber line on Mt. Shasta, costing $S68. This, It Is asserted, boa changed tbe Journey from a toilsome one to a pil grimage comparatively easy, at no place over a 16 per cent grade through abady groves. There are signs Indicating water as well a mile posts, and between the public square in Slsson and Horse Camp there are eight of the post. The distance from the town square to the summit Is 11.17 mile. To Hone Camp, 8 mllea, tbe trip may be made on honeback and tbe traveler may rest until early the neit morning to undertake tbe steep ascent ot S.27 miles. There has been an unusual number ot climber up the mountain this sum mer, attributable largely to tbe Im proved road. LOS ANGELES GETS SHOCKS TWO TREMORS ARE FELT IN THE METROPOLIS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RATTLI.NO OF WINDOWS ATTRACT NOTICE Rain Causes Hitch Loss to the Crops in California Storm is the Greatest Experienced Since 1851. In the Middle East the Heat is Terrific and Four Persons Have Lost Lives as a Result. Great Suffering: . United Preee Service L03 ANOELES, Sept. 6. Two alight earthquake shocks occurred here at 8:15 and 8:27 this morning. Tbe ahock were not generally felt In tbe itreets. and If It bad not been for tbe rattling ot window there would have been but few aware ot the earth tremor. MOTHER JONES EXCITES MINERS EFFORT WILL RE MADE TO PRE. VENT WOMAN FROM BPEAKINO AT WEST VIRGINIA STATE CAP 1TOL TONIGHT ONIONS ARE NOT ADVISED OF PLAN ALL LINKS OF INDUSTRY MAY BS AFFECTED BY STRIKE Date of ladaetrlal Upheaval la Fhwd a Septeeaber iWHIi Flam etf etw ProeccsUois of Striken la Tel by trial Workers of World Are Fare NEW YORK. Sept. In pretax t the Imprisonment of Etter and Oiev vaanlttl, striker who are atlU Isptle- oned In Lawrence. Masc. WUllaaa Haywood announced today thai all member ot tbe 4ndutrial Workers ot tbe World, men and woomen. ot all trades, would be called on to go on a atrlke on September 30th. Haywood will Issue a call to all worker of the country to strike. The call will be printed immediately ta all possible language and will he di rected to all classes of worker, with out regard to union organisation aJU-llattona. Haywood declarea that ha had die- covered that the prosecution ot the Lawrence striken plana to hold the men In Jail for aa indefinite time, and will not permit a trial at the tall term of court. Tbe labor leader say that feeling It bitter, especially among the foreign speaking worken. A committee has completed ar rangement for a general strike with out limitation. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. . Regarding Haywood'a threatened strike, Secretary Frank Morrison ot the American Federation ot Labor said: "Organised labor will not quit work In response to any call ot Hay wood. I am quite sure that there la not a member ot any union aSUlated (Continued on Page 4) SAN FllANCIBCO, 8ept. . The hoavlott rainfall since 1861 ha oc curred here. Up to noon even-tenth of an Inoh had failed. The rainfall at Bed Bluff for 24 hour up to this morning was three Inches. When the storm reaches Southern California, much damage to the fruit will lurely be done. OAKLAND, Sept. 6. Tho rainfall hero ha been 19-100 of an Inch In 14 hour. SACRAMENTO, Sept. 6. Thous ands of dollar damage haa been done to the cut alfalfa and grape In thl section. The rainfall was 18-100 of an Inch In 24 houn. STOCKTON, Sept. I. The fall of 21-100 ot au inch In 24 houn hss cauiod tremendous damage to the grape and bean. Hot la Chicago United Proas Service CHICAOO, Sept. . Four people are dead and score are prostrated by the terrlflo heat here today. Tbe tem perature at noon wa 81 degree. Shower are predicted for tonight. United Press Service CHARLESTON. W. Va.. Sept. 6. Effort are to be made to prevent Mother Jonea from speaking at the state capltol tonight. Mine are idle In the Kanawha dis trict, and 10,000 mlnen are coming to Cbarleaton for the demonstration against the government. Mother Jonea will lead the parade to the state capltol and learn from the governor whether guard will com back after martial law ha been lifted. The streeta are crowded with ex cited people, and the militia haa beea ordered to be in readiness. MARDI GRAS TO BE FAIR FEATURE SECRETARY OLIVER IB AMUNfl- INQ FOR SOME ENTIRELY NSW FEATURES FOR ENTERTAIN MENT OF VISITORS William OUt I preparing- to leave tonight or tomorrow moraine tor Honolulu, where he will engage la tbe electrical bullae. Secretary Oliver of the fair elation I busily engaged ta prepar ing plans for the Mardl Ore feature cf the Klamath County fair. Tba night ot September 27th haa beea designated for the occasion ot the fes tival hilarity, and perailailoa haa been given by the city council far the us ot the city streets oa that . lag. All ot the usual feature wlU be la evidence oa that night, and, la addi tion, Mr. Oliver la aow engaged In preparing aome noveltlea. 1H"'J-