n VPI'UKU H TIM uWTW PRISM MIIVICH i tlje f taenia Htulb. evening MBWMApaw PRINT TIM NEWS, NOT KTmUi Ye ! KLAMATH FALL. ORSUON, THURSDAY, HKPTKMIIKR B, 191B wed, Roosevelt Sees Women and Children Hurt Fake Story Results in Encounter Between Officers RUNAWAY HORSE DISPERSES MANY OOUMKIrt HT. PAUL SPEECH m INTERRUPTED A Hum' u IVopI ! the A)dlo Ar Kaorkol !. aad Haven) Are Married in ! Mo4Ut Ki-Preas-diet Omllnura Ilia Harecr la aa Kterl In Quirt llw Vaav Crowd of latrreeinl IWI Vsiu4 Pre Herrlc ST. I'AUI.. Minn.. Sept. 6. Juit M Celostl llooaeroll began speaking it Ut tuts fair grounde tier today u nuwtr tiort plunged Into the crowd stoat tht itand. levta perauua ra Injured and naked to Ihn huapital. Thirty olh an war knorknl down, but wara not W4IT hurt. Mm. woraru and children wara (raapltd under toot by tha bora attain a f feat 11 f wbara Hooevelt M speaking. Colon! Itooaevtlt waa unmoved. Hi ralatd bit vole and continued hla ack In n effort to raaaaura Ida troag. Twaaty thousand paople baard tb speck. There waa a tremeadou re- WOLGAST WILL CROSS BIG POND (MAMMON LIGHTWEIGHT NOTI FIES HIH MANAUKIt OF HIM IN TKNTION TO r.iKK OX TIIK CLAIMANTS FOR THK TITI.K DA6GETT QUITS TWO POSITIONS CAIITKIt HUCCKKDH HIM WITH WAIIKHOUHK AND JOE MOOHK TAKKH POHITION AH AGENT OP STANDARD OH. COMPANY United Pre Hart Ira CAUILAC, Mich.. Hept. 5 Ad Wol- gait kavarcly Injured hla right arm today while cranking an automobile. Au old wound waa ra-opnad. Tba cbamplon aald that be would not light McKarland Heptember S7th, and It It not believed thai ha will ba abla to enter the ring again for a month or all waaka. CADILLAC, Mich., Hi.pt. S. Ait Votgait wired Joaei, hi manager, In California, today authorising him In cloaa contract! with Rltcht. Rlv- ora and Mandot, which might be offer til for a fight In November or Decem ber. Ha aayi ha la going abroad nettj year to fight In Kngland and Aua tialla. Claudo Daggett ha realgned at manager of the Klamath Valley Ware houae company and aa agent of the Htandard Oil company. Ha left last evening for Oakland for a abort visit, after which be will make a trip through the Willamette Valley. Ha la aucceeded at the warehouae by Oecar I.. Cartor, while Joe Moore ha taken the oil agency. L. W. Cope Ukd, a prominent Port Klamath rancher, la rale- e Ing orange aad temona on hla place. Ha waa In tba city yeater- day and reported great luce. One lemon raised on Mr.Cope- land'a place measured 10 Inch e In circumference. Tha orangea ar bow ripening, and, whlla tha crop will not ba Urge It will ba e) greatly appreciated. e Net oa of the Injured la Mpacted teal. Rouecteli Mm Itnaa Catted Press narvtc IT. PAUL. Hept. 6 Colonel Room vih'e program her Included a eon lertaca lth the prujreulve leader la MlBBMota. an addreea at tba atalr far, aa automobile rid to view the fair, dinar and conference tbla ore ilag. II llt depart tonight Drake Hay aa At Cltr Attorney Thomas Drak pacta In a few daya to go out to hla Wood Hirer ranch, what ha wlahet. lib the aaalaUnce of Couaty Hurray r Kuaeae B. Henry, to bare tba prop -My llaaa determined eaattly. The aurveyor will probably uea a traailt and lerel, while the city attorney will ut a ahovel and ate,, but la a perfectly legal manner. OFFICERS SAVE A BLACK FIEND Prewdcraaat I Out flYRACURK. N. Y.. Hept. 6. I'ren- dergaat, admittedly Rooaevelt'a choice for the progressive nomination for governor, eliminated hlmaelf for the plac today, following a conference with Htat Chairman llotchkla PRISONER IM HPIIUTED AWAV WHILE MOII HTORMH THK JAIL. BLACK IH ACCL'MKD OP AH HAULT1NO WHITE GIRL United Press Service III.UKriKI.DH. W. Va., 8pt. 5. Waller Johnaon. a negro, accuaad of attempting to aaaault Nlta White, a 14-year-old girl, narrowly etcaped bring lynched here today. One hundred cltlten itormed tha jail, but officer iptrlted Johnaon away on horse back. Dlatrlct Attorney Dell V. Kuyken dall la at llonanta today on bualneat, and will return thla erenlng. r fiTMM Hot Wave Sweeps Over the Entire fliddle West Many Prostrations are Reported inChicago and From St. Louis Comes the Report of One Death. Hum idity is About Eight Degrees Above the Normal Hatted Praia Hervlc CIIICAflO, Hept. 6. With tha tern- Hrtture here from S3 to t, many a - prostrations have been reported. The humidity le It degree, eight degree above normal. From Bt. touts come the report of KIRK LINE TO BE OPERATED WJRMAI, TitANHKRH OP THK NKW LINK TO THK OPKRATINO WCPAUTMKNT WIIX HK MADK MMT rillDAY Thirteen ami one-halt mora milt to tb Natron-Klanuth branch of tha . mibi-d I'acinc, In Orgon, will be , Hied to tbo traveling publlo Btxt "Way, September tb. Thla aaw Mete Of track In h nuud ruai frnta Uoquln to Kirk, and will ba uader ""jvntdictlon ot the Bhatta dlvUlon. A Wetklv mlil utliu olll hi aa. , hhed in the beginning, a better JM more frequent ttrrlca to b given ' " Urn to time u tha butlaaa WttlaLi. Tha .a. .. 1l.a.aih " to Kirk, tba aad of tht lla. rjJ H.6; to iprague and Meva, aJSjatateatatloaa, 11.46 aad fl.10 aiiavaiy, oiie ilea tli from the heat. The wholo Middle Weat la taetler- Ing from tbo hoi wavo now paaalng over the country. INDIAN KEEPS HIS PROMISE 3 OKOKOK HAY IlKTURNH TO PORTLAND TO HKRVK A BKN TK.NCK FOR G1VINU MQUOR ON TIIK RKMKRVATION That he waa worthy of the trutt re- poted In him ha been proved Dy Oeorge Oray, a Klamatr) lndlau. Whan Oray waa aentenced to alaty daya Imprltonment for living away liquor on the Klamath Indian reaer ratloa he aakad United Statea Dlttrtct .....-- n..n that tha aantance b aut- juuaa "a ..- -- pended two montha ao that he might ratura pome and narTai ni rt. rha enurt arantad hla raqueat, and Q ray rturned at the proper tlma aad cava hlmaelf up. Oray' trouble waa tba reeult of the birth of an hair. u. ei mn hannv ha obtained tereral allona of whUkay and eharad It with hti aelthbon. POPULAR YOUNG PEOPLE MARRY MIHH THKRKHA YADKN AND W. V. POHTKR UNITKD IN WEDLOCK LAHT NIOHT URIDK IH DAUGH TER OP MR.AND MRS J.L.YADKN ti.. marriavn of Mia TUereaa Ya- .i.. .nrf w. u. roatar waa aolemnltad at the Methodltt paraonago Wednea day evening at 7: so, kt. u. n. Peete officiating Tho ceremony waa wltneaaed by a number of frlenda of the bride and gr.oom. Mla Carrie u. roaver aun Upward B. CleaTeiana aiooa p wu the couple. The brld It a daughter ot Mr. aad Mr. J. L. Yaden aad haa attaaded .... wiw ..km hara. Mr. Potter U an employ ot tho Oregon-California Power company, air. ano ar. .ma ter haa reatod apartmeaU la Dr. Laonard'a horn. PARMKR OCT LEMON e L. W. CupaUad of Port KUaa- ath Kalaaa CMrua Prwlt LODGE HONORS GEORGE NORTH HE IH ELECTED TO HE DELEOATK TO THE ORA.ND IMDOK MEET ING OP THK KNIOHTH OP PYTH IAN IN PORTLAND At lie regular meeting laat night Klamath Lodge No. , Knight ot I'ytblaa, elected Oeorge North dele gate to the grand lodge at Portland late thla month. P. D. Brmaer waa choeen alternate, both for two year. Albert K. Elder aa delegate, aad Cbarlea C. I-ow aa alternate, were) elecfed lait year to aerre for two year, which provide for two dele gate and two alteraataa for tha com ing convention. No action waa taken laat night on the anticipated duck bunt and ban quet, aa no word bad yet been re ceived from the lodge at SUaon, which ha been Invited to come to Klamath Pall and enjoy the dlveralona with the local brethren. JOHNSON HITS AT PRESIDENT CALIFRONIA OOVERNOR DK- CLAREfl THAT TAFT IH MAKING A HPKCTACLK OP HIMSELF THAT IH HUMH.IATING Mayor and John Schallock Engage in an Argument Reports to the Authorities Indicate that Fallen Women Have Taken the Hunch and are Leaving the City Rapidly L A. WEST BUYS 90 ACRE RANCH PROPERTY ON THE MERRILL ROAD CHANGEH HANDS FOR TIDY HUM OP aiO.00 PROFIT IH MADE 0. W. Kutch baa aold to L. A. Want the 90-acre ranch be haa bees oper ating twelve mile aouth of Klamath Fall oa the Merrill road. Tha prtca paid la underatood to have been doe to 1 10,000, -aad a handbomo proflt orer tho coat to Kutch when ho bought the plac two yaara ago from Robert Short. Mr. and Mr. Kutch expect to apend the winter near Med- ford. Mr. Weat la not a atranger to the Klamath country, having for aome year worked a ranch near the one be haa Jutt purchaeed. Deputy Sheriffs Deny Interview as Published Wheeler and Schallock Declare that They Made No Such Statement as Credited Them in Paper MEDFORD MEN SHOOT DUCKS ON THEIR RETURN HOME THEY DIHTRIRUTE THEIR GAME TO F1UENDB ALL OF THK HUNT ERH ARK WELL FLEAHED CIGARETTE IS DEATH CAUSE MAN IS SUFFOCATED TO DEATH WHEN HIS ROOM CATCHES FIRE STUMP OF COFFIN NAIL HTARTED CONFLAGRATION Ualted Pre Bervlca COLUMtlUB, Ohio, Sept. &. In an addreea here today, Qovarnor John- ion of California, progreaalve candi date for vice prcaldent, aald that the progreaalve propoganda waa "the part of the men who ar not afraid.' II reviewed tbo California fight, handling the conteata In Chicago. He declared that Taft waa a negligible quantity. "We neod not give him a thought," he tald. "It la with ahame aa a clt lten that I view thla rnott humiliating tpectacle of American life tuch aa tha president now dtaplayt." Nearly every other man In Medford laat evening carried home duck for upper following the return ot Bert Harmon, Shorty Mllea, Art and Frank Durgeea from Klamath Lake with 148 mallard aa the reeult ot one day'a thoottng on the lake, aya the Med ford Tribune. The boy had an excellent time, and report the (port thl eaon very good. The ducka were moatly of thla year' hatching, and conaequently were young and tender. It waa one ot the prettteat bunch ot ducks ever brought back from the lake to this tide of the mountain. PRETENDER AND EX-KING MIX MANUEL OP PORTUGAL AND PRE TENDER TO TMB CROWN HOLD A CONSULTATION WITH A VIEW OF GETTING HACK POWER MUNICH, Sept. 6. Hx-Klnf Man uel ot Portugal arrived hara today to confer with the pretender, tha Duk Braaaata. It u presumed that tha.purpoea ot tha consultation la tho atartlag ot a& other attempt to ragala coatrol la Portugal. 'lilted Pre Service FRESNO, Bept. 5. Jam W. Con rad ot San Francisco waa tuffocatert to death here thla morning when the room In which he wa sleeping caught flr. The caute ot the Me la not known. but It Is supposed a carelessly drop ped clgarett wa rceponsUle. GAME WARDENS ARE KEPT BUSY REPORTS REACH OFFICERS THAT GAME LAWS HAVE BEEN VIO LATED BY WEALTHY CALIFOR NIA DUCK HUNTERS YOUTH MUST GO TO PENITENTIARY SAN FRANCISCO JUDGE BENDS A BOY OF TWENTY YEARS TO PRISON FOR LIKE FOR KILLING SWEETHEART BAN FRANCISCO, Bept. 5. Super ior Judge Dunne today aentenced Cbarlea Bonner to the penitentiary for life for the murder ot hla aweet beart, Barak Oodalr. The prUoner la 10 yaara ot ago. Aalde from a heated 'argument be tween Deputy Sheriff Jobs Schallock and Mayor Nlcholaa. that war ao development la the aU-v1c rraaada tarted yeeterday. Tha encounter between tha mayor and tbo pioneer deputy ahertK oc curred oa Mala street sear Fifth, aad waa tbe result ot a faked Interview which appeared la the Northweetera thla mornlag. Thla Interview haa been positively dealed by Mr. Schal lock, to whom It had boea credited. Keporta to the aherlS'a omco aad the police today Indicate that tho wo men ot the restricted district hara taken good counsel, and either left the city this morning or are preparing to leave tonight. Considerable interest has boea manifested In the announcement ot tbe autboritlea that the street walk ers living In private home will be kept under close watch, and that any Indication ot an Infraction ot the law will be followed up carefully. "The aherlS'a office baa been ad vised that there are a number of young girls In tbe city who aro ao better than many of the professional women living In the restricted dla trlct," aald Deputy SbarlC Wheeler thla afternoon. "We know some of these girl, and will heap a doe watch of their action." The city police have been active, and, assured ot the co-operation ot the sheriff's office In the doting of placea outalde ot tbe city limits, are positive In their declarations of i Taylor Wilton of Olene, who haa been 111 for teveral daya at the Black burn hospital, under the care ot Dr. Oeorge H. Merryman, Information recently reached Dep uty Game Warden Jack Furber to the effect that a very wealthy woman who had been having an outing In this vicinity had shipped out ot. the state with her 15 Mallard ducks, which Is contrary to law. The war den'a Informannvwhen pressed to glra further Information about the caae, shut up like a clam, It la said. The warden, from reporta he haa heard, la led to believe that tbe practice this fall baa not been confined to any one case. Sbootlug out of aeaaon, or, rather, before the seaaon commenced, It known to have been practised. A wealthy man named Tousey, visiting John Ellis at Fort Klamath, waa Ined f IT.E0 for thla offense. The story la told of Tousey, who la deaf, that one aeaaon when he was visiting there he shot some grouse, and a man who aaw them tald to Tousey, "You have aome fine grouse." "How muchi" asked Tousey reaching for his money, think ing he was fined. Warden Furber was up Short Creek recently on the trail ot some violat ors, but failed to land them. He Is out once found a box full of duck leathers, I however. (Continued on Page 4) COUNTY TO GET SOME BACK TAX DEPUTIES OF THE OFFICE SECURE LIST OF LANDS WHICH WILL BE ASSESSED FOR TIIK FIRST TIME THIS FALL Mlaaea Agnea and Louise Lee of the county assessor'a office, who receatly returned from Lakevlaw, where they went over the records la the land office, aecured a list ot Klamath eoaa- ty lands aggregating 103.000 aorea which will tbla fall be ataeased ler the flrtt time. , Some ot the land waa patented as'. far back aa 1871, and much of be newly assessed land comes fro aha old military road grant. It la esti mated that' the couaty wlU get about 135,000 in taxea from tha land. t