Iff vvA 1 , ! t , ' a t -, o fi tfStf H'ft. K Bbe i.t 'f peninn Befttlfl f PRINT Tin KIWI) WOT' ")' , ?! fi1 ! KLAMATH PALLM, OBJKJON, TVHUAY,.HKPTKMHKRM, 1M1S nftiv Mro nffragettes Take Active Part, in Spite of Hard Rain Convicts Rattle Bars When Companions Punished $& m i 'v J m a saunaa Muraer case witness Concludes to stay in Europe m DECIDES 19 KEEP AWAY KyMfiMI NMU UMMK MAW MHMTaALMOIIMNt Ifcaaae.b Heart Vl M-,, feaajasss to Come Re to tap Viae atatr ' K Cfcalaw Mi MM aad Xaw Triable la hi . unaroot, M.-AH wKcwVarkto mMwtftafcefohaaaeawlis with the manlcr ot Met- BIG REALTY DEAL CLOSED RKPORT BAM IT THAT TMCMMOOK ItAXCN NKAR DAIRY MAM RKKh PURCHASED RV A DAVENPORT, WASH.. MAN Jl U reported that lb Hhook raach Mr Dairy ku been ult lo J. A. Taylor "of Davenport, Wash. Trm reaaldsratlon U aald lo have been IXi aa acre. Mr. Taylor has Jeen In Urn city sev eral days. Ho If ft Monday morning, and U expected lu return o thla city In about a week. Iln recently sold n large ranch la lb vklnlty of Davea- port for 176 an acre, anil U bringing hla money here to Inveat. Tho Hhook raucli Include about 1,000 acres. Tba rtport of tho calf could nut be coafnasd bar today. DRAKE LOOKING OVER DOCUMENTS i t!ITV ATTORNEY, HKRK 'FOB A HHORT TIME, IM INVKHTIOAT I Ml HUT NTAHTKR TO COMPEL CIIARTKR CLAUSE OUTBREAK LEADS TO TROOP m ICHMAN PKNlTRBTlARY HCKSK OP A ROT ; MR? YORK. aea. I laJlaMtlawal Mbijaf ,tcday m fm 1 I VLw M ftwaVM WC RMIf f rattles llestaaaat charge with r ceaaectloa with tba death i Raaaatkal. Jean Uaff tied th data of trial rfeRsabrr tllb. " i ' w heaasrvtee UTRIPOOL. Sept. J, Thomas k ttork ef tk New York Rika , m lapertaat wltseas of tba Mai amdtr. waa taken to do. hasiuarteni htrn on Ihn arrival ai Laskwla today. Ila waa art ft u he aiprnard a wlllla- W RWM to tba Uallad Mala 'MMMf. 'Caapa w tba four nun MMOaka I fra I...,. U25B,8TOf. O. C, Bapt. I " raw, haad of tba Naw "Nttat ba will taka abarca of ww or tba RooMlbal tad chargM of corrupt LHjHMMWJv Tjiaat r. L'lJi'JJ Warentad tba Kla. rvMttlUry band from blowing - w luuri nouaa areao. Ual ! rttular rnnu Mill k. Mtirn.. k ..... y , ""io jrara lomor 'W, wltb Ivan Uanltla. Impraa- ornaiutioa, wlaldlai tba PaHawy fa WaMiM Work oat tba now pMMt of the Kwauaa Hot coiaaoay om Mtitk atraal oppoalta tba aaw warrhMaaa of.Marila Hrothara, NdMaiiaa aattTf" Cbarlaa MHIowan. lc prmldant aad aianaicr of tbo company, la autwrlnttndlag tba work of balldlag fba plant, wblch la aipaclrd to continue for about tbrct aaora wvaka Nfom tho vatablUtimvni la rady to tarn out box abook. Kliht carpaatara am buiy on tha gulldlnc. WEATHER STOPS LAWN JUDGING PINAI. AWARII OK PIIIXKM IN' TIIK CITY MKAUTIPUb MOVKMK.N'T WILL RK MARK ON THK PIRMT C1.KARDAY Owing to tha woathar Monday not balng of tha pacllc varlaty, but rather on tba rampant ordar. tha committco cboaaa by tha Women'a Civic Leaguo to Judga tha lawna aubtalttad for tba prlaaa ofarad by tba leaguo waa un able to wake the rounda of tba prcuv laea to nuke IU awards. Chairman Klmer I. Apptegate an nounced that the flrat bright, clear morning, tha committee will arrange to make IU tour. Tho committee eon lata of Mra. J. I. !ee. Mra. I.. P. WIIMtU. Mra. George I. Wright, Mas. A. McCall and Mr. Applegate. ealthy Woman Not Law Violator fruit Mm WUtirmmn PlrpH -.. - avaa m aBaaBB7aaBB a From a flotor Boat is Denied hy Young; Woman's Friends A ft. . t- . 'wk7:.:,J-?-.".,ea aaifoa Ti ' ,1t Mbi:."raWM lM-ZT"wg !n a Northwaat-iZS"11?- 0etra4 that Pojij.v ,r hf ,aot tba ammS?Mon' M PrlU4 Is liZVHMr, la untrue. aM""V . i2i?!.Wh'?". a A" ri """ ww Mr . u, Vobnaoa, ml ur d...i Fm. fc -Jr Jobnaon from Harrlmaa liodg for tha favorite reaort of ducka. Tbay proceodcd'in a motor boat, towing be hind a aklir. Aa aoon aa u pari reached tha acene for tbo propoaad activity, the quartet tranaferred Into tbaaaklt, and It waa from thle craft that Mra.. Whitman red the abot that brought down a fat mallard, Mr. Whitman waa formerly Riaa JMa Crocker, and , one ot the wealthleet halraaaaa Ib tbo Weat xv . - ,ftRv))isv.i ;vy Clly Attorney Thomaa Drake, who liaa Just returned from hit ontlag al Wood Hirer, aald tbla aftaraooa tbaj hr bail not had a chance to laapeej tlm ianrn nird by Henry Rabbee aw 1)1. William A. Ionard, aaklaga n'undamua agalnat the city lo aeeurn a tpeciai meciion. Owing lo thle fact the city atlor- liey waa unable to make any aute- tr.iiht aa to what course might be fug v(ed for the city otflclali wha am expected lo make answer to thi ault for the city. It la believed that at tba ouncll meeting tonight noma Racuv klju of the suit will be bad. ,' , Hherlt WUIIam U. Rarnea and hU v;;daf aberlaR were Viay today aeaa Ing papers In, tba ault" oatia. eky. rounetlmen. ' PROTEST SAID TO BE ON WAY KMlMNirH ORIKCTIOVTO I'AXA. MX CAN'AL TOLIJi RH.IKVKD TO RK K. IIOIITK IN HfTK OP THK IIK.VIALH United l'reee Service LONDON, Sept. 3. autementa ac credited to the foralgi omco yeeter day to tha elect that Ragland'a de mand for the arbitration of the Pana ma canal tolU queatlei waa en route lo Washington haa bean denied here today, It la generally billeted that the statement la on the way, but that the foreign offlca does tot want the fact to become known ntll the demaada am preaenled to the United Statea government. CLEPPARD HAS MADE RECORD KLAMATH PALLH MAN DRIVRfl PROM RIM OP CRATKR IiAKK TO TRIM CITY IN THRKK HOURH IN A HNOW HTORM niek niaonard. driving before a snow ator. Monday eeUbllshed a new record between the rim at Crater Lake and this city. He made tho trip three houra In n 31-horaepower runabout. "There waa two Inches of snow on the ground whan I awoko at tha rim," said Mr. Cleppard, "and there was now falling wbon wo passed through fort Klamath, wnon wo ieu we sjetinnil Park oeoplo wore getting ready to leavo for tho year." ttlmaeB ta TroveMag United Praaa Service AN PRANCIIOO. Sept. . eero- Uryrof War Mtlmaen arrived bere from Washington today on n tour of Inspection of eoaat army poata. There will be a big rovlaw of troops at the presidio tomorrow. I . . i PrHy t'osrvtria Hsmfi tha' Pottery ssd Rkchm; Wreck Macblaery aad ParaHare A Oward Mheata Osm of the Rloiera aad laasirwctlaa la PlaaUy Put Rowa by the Htite MIMtia United Preaa Service JACKSON, Mich., Sept. I. Aa out break' occurred In the bull pen where have been ronnaed tho rioters ot yes terday at the state paattanUary. Plfty convicts rushed the factory and kitchen. Much machinery aad furaltara was demolished. A guard abot oae prieeaer ta tba arm. The dtatarbaac waa sjaeHad by tha mllrtla. !Ji" Prisoners In the cells screamed aad pounded tba bare to aipreee their aympatby wltb the rioters. JOHNSON MEETS TfltCOMMOfiER CALIFORNIA'S OOVKRNOR ANB WILI.IAM JKNNINOM BRYAN RRKAK RRKAD AT A LVNCHRON I OIVKN IN UNOOLN DRUNKEN MEN FRI6HTEN GIRL pHPt'ir trnmonr anb pouck VBH'aTwar AaTVasmmmawaV TaVaPJeTsHB aaaUBM aVK y VIRGINIA STORM FATAL TO MANY DKATH UHT RUNM PORTY AND FIFTY PKOTLH ANB MKVKRAL MHCTKI.SM ABB YBT TO BR HKARB PROM Called Praaa Service WHKEMNO, W. Va.. Boat. . Be tween forty and Bfty people lost Uoir Uvea In the atorm which haa boea rag ing bere. Several sections kaowa to .have been visited by tba atorm bava aot yet been beard from, and It la feared that the death list may ba Increased. 0, A. Johnson, tho Sacramento traveling man who has been conlaed In tho Illackburn hospital for several weeka wltb a broken leg. eapecta to leave for home on Friday. Ho waa about the streets In an Invalid cbalr this afteraooa. United Preaa Service LINCOLN. Nab., Sept. S. Oocer- nor Johnson of California waa tbo guest of honor at a luaeheon before he addressed the republican state convention bare today. There were nboutVoae hundred present. Includ ing Bryan aad Oovernor Aldrlcb. D. L. Lowe, treasurer of the Taft Ml ate central committee, announced hWmjgaatioa. Ha declared that be ould wwk for Roosevelt. It baa been decided that the pro- greealvea In tbla etate wilt aot have a third party ticket ' HOUSTON-WILL MANAGE HOTEL PrONRKR BONIFACE WILL RK- KVMK CONTROL OP HJM MAIN HTRRKT PROPERTY PLACK WILL RK REPURNWHKD J. A. Houston Is going back into the hotel business. He made tbla an nouncement tbla morning. For years Mr. Houston haa been Identlded wltb the hotel business In this section, nnd baa still retained hla Interest In the Houston hotel proper ty on Mala street. Now Mr. Houston announces that he will taka over the active manage ment of tba Houston hotel. Ho will refurnish the place and make a num ber ot Improvements. NAT GOODWIN TO BE INVALID PAMOVM ACTOR SUSTAINS DUOaV IKS THAT MAY PRKVKNT MM KVKR APPEARING ON THK HTAGK AGAIN LOS ANUKLKS, Sept. 3. Whether Nat C. Goodwin, who has delighted a generation In two hemispheres with bis gentle art ot acting, will ever ap pear before the publlo aa an actor, la hanging by a slender thread. It Is believed hla acting days are over. Tba danger canters about n crushed pelvis which waa not discovered la tbo hur ried eamlnatloa after hla reeent In jury. Ooodwla waa struck ,1a tba lower abdomen aad at tha base of tbe spine.'' Ho loat tha uaa ot hla lower limbs, but a nbyataal examina tion failed to shew that tho pelvis had beea fraotarad. Marloa Haaka aad family returned Sunday from a visit with Mr. Haaka' parents at (Mandate, Oregon. Tba trip waa made by automobile, and tbo entire distance ot 34) miles, golag aad coming, waa made without a puncture or accident to tho machlaa. TAFTITES WILL CARRY 'FRISCO HOOMKVRLT PARTISANS CLAIM THK BTATK IN THK PR1MAKIHM. POLUNO IS HKAVY IN ALL SBC- ' TION'H OP 8TATK United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, 8ept. 3. Heavy polling Is reported In tbe state prl marlea In progress throughout tbe state today. It la' the expectation bere that tbo Roosevelt partisans will be successful generally outside ot San Francisco, where the Taftttea claim they have a good chance to win. Baker aad Kaowland have a good chance to wla. Tbe voting la San Francisco aad throughout tbo southern part of tbe state, according to reports received lata tbla afternoon, was light. There Is a hot Sght oa batwi Stetson and Wilson trlct MtwaVn Knowland. B'9 Wh fkn noM crrr abb mm PINGTON THEY ABR FDfBB Deputy Merit Wbeeier aad Chiaf Smltb were summoaed lata Maaday afternoon to taka ta caatody tkroa mea who bad frightened a little girl between tbla city aad Sblpplagtea. They hurried to the scene and arrest ed A. C. McCarthy, Jacob Jacobe aad Carl Burke. la tbe police court tala mea elaissed that they ware aa roata to Shleplagtaa, where tbe ara em ployed, aad atopped at a koaaa to gat a driak of water. There was a Uttla girl la tho bouse, who became fright ened at their prassaes. Tba mea aa- Itted that they wero drSak. aad wem' daed IS aaeb. Tbey promleed to pay as aooa as taoV roaatvad taotr WOMEN WATCH VOTING PLACES HPHCLti; SLMCTJOR IB PLBTE' BVirty-Two taaloa Arw Basac Y h BmaMl NsaaaamlsmaBBi aamt dwmsm Pgr aagsjaw sTamBEa)SHSjm egaa, BHgmj seat pay eaeeas.. -; 8. 8. Jobaaoa, a young attorney from Oregon City, baa eesaa to Klam ath Falls to locate, aad will shortly eetablleb oatcea dowa towa. Mr. Johnson compliments tba etty as Its apeparance, aad says It looks good to him. Mra. Frederick Moore baa goae to Seattle to visit her aUtar. FORBES BIES AT POOR FARM NATIVE OF MCOTLANB, WHO MA8 BEEN IN TRW SHCTtON, IS VrO TIM OP HEART DWRAME HAB NORRLATIVBM Ocorge Forbes died at tbe couaty poor farm Moaday, aad will be burled today in the county's plot la tba local cemetery. Forbes waa a native of Bcotlaad, and has lived la the Klamath couatry only a few months. So far aa caa bo ascertained, be has no relatives. The cause of death waa given aa heart disease. He waa about (0 yeass of age. amss, laealaatew bmawaaaa aM Bajssa to to. i wereataMaCtVe . Uaiud CLEVBLANO, Moat. eettaa featured tba baRetlas day la the spesss veto oa ferty-two roastKatlea. Mauada of woom tolling fAaemat ta b'Uflai; "4ld aad rala. Fair ' imvalhtd la otter parts at tha seat Tbe fblet lar.es t worn tr.Uletrve, mm I illpt m4ma aajMdtt FortbabaaMtoftaa tra at tas PavMtaa. daaaaa war gtvea yeeterday aitaraaoa aaM i were well attsaded. Taa coaalau of Harry Berai, vteMa; MrsJ Lottie BaHey. ptsao; AraaHmld T. Tladall. tuba; HaraM Pease, coraet; Ord Arnold, emriaat; Clair AraeM, arums, tbo puyers astted a desirable sum out of tba WOOBPLKABM i T&&4 NOTOVaLTY V United Preaa Menrtea BOSTON, Sept, . W. Use ton- tile manufacturer, waa arralgaed la court Uls atonic. Ha ateasmd aat guilty to the ladlctmeat charglajg Men, wlUi coaaplracy la tbe Lawrence dynamlts There are six counts to tbo fadwt meat. ' Wood's ball of IS.eeo waa esa- tlnued. All doubt aa to the Identity of taa third man Indicted wUa Wood waa dispelled today whea Frederick At teaux, prealdeat of tbo ee assay wblch furaUaad tbe Lawrsaee awRa with accessorna aad auppMaa appear ed in court aad pleaded aat guRty at being Implicated' la thedyaamlRag plot. Ho waa released oa fantasias S, 000 bail. " -? , Stock Growers tb ; Auction off Cattle . k Scarcity of Beef flay Result in the Adoption of Plan Used by Wool Growers. Buyers in City Auction salaa of cattle la tbla vlda- Ity may be the outcome ot tbo coa- dltlon of the cattle market, according to Fred McKeadree, who baa aa alfal fa ranch about 3H miles this aide of Merrill. Mr. McKendree was la taa city this morning. It appears that owlug.t"- ty, ot cattle tba-' sr.ri " r i gather their berda aad have sales from tba block, as have beea arae- - tlcad la, other cattle marketa of tha West, jn tbe wool bnalaaas Us sue- wua km nave mwai ,asra yraaatae,. luUMotUoMaaaMsjCM aa,aiewawiwa iaas wRjigaaiasssT j ---- -teemmsp rn-w ti i It. kv WHH segstteraj M wsj jjIMMsBaiel , WaU I KM' " , sa3ggrimW6afi