' tktt r rn ww f vftm '" ' fr,)1 I " , "J, UMRTTIII ' nbws sbhvicb & i . t Uefalft. ifcW.lij.v. tib w "fl,f . " r r . "Ail -3 V - i"l"7 jT rT r 1 inlh VeerNu. lfMf 51 KLAMATH FALLS. OaeaMMff, HDAV, AVUVHT 81, lfl Would Force City to Adopt Commission Form s are Likened to McNamaras as Dynamiters MIE SAM WILL mw plot utiaxxrr: manwaoturwui MCK UB.WK CHAHOK i Print Stary Hnrtaaf af , Itrfurv Wmwy h Aee Ms4e--4Iraal Jarf WW Iw aisrtaefHsaufarteMwenMeiNewa ftftr Men fherge fa Made) That Workers Hsvo Kronen Chargw tilled frees Service POTTON, Au. J I. Ilerauee a de Mbki atcouat nf the "dUorjf" ol trualtt alltied lo have boon ea MtM br lb Uwrenee atrikera wm ritud la a local paper before tko MflMitt attually round, Dietrlct Alterwr IVllltlcr believes tkat prom letet n not yi Banted aro In- Tet probe will be cenMaued, and 'near prominent mIH aoVlala aad steeMprr "" HI called kefem lb gratd Jurjr In aa endeavor to aa ternls where thy ebtalaeg.thatr la kraetloa roarernlag Hm Mm t wm found. 11. it Carte Bam j, - .. eswoe nves ervrse WASHINOTON. II. C. Aug Tee krierrtt or the depart hag bet developed la tka 'ekiu planting hy tho efapterere f tee lettlle mill ttrlkera la Uw- ! ante. Mat. Slates IMetrlet Attorney I Involuting Mia aliened eMeatat of djrntmlu laat Jaaaarr nit ailoU m feaad IM lo tba fntU of a frelghi car In Paltatftt' l. It u ihlpM from Varaioat. n ctr ptMrd ihrouih Uwraaea. u4 It It tbirctd llitt Ilia atrlkara ara npoatlkl. Watt t Ham. Talks Siktd Prat BtrvlM NBW VOIIK. Aug. 31. Oatactlva VUHtai Burnt drclarad taday that V Woad. tho UitlU king, la guilty, W It la tho tame ratagery aa tka Wtoaarat, and dtatrvaa tka aama laakkBMt. Klrfay Makra DafaMa M(llrfMlirTtea DAYTON Ohio, Aug. It. Joka rtr Jr.. irrtary of tha Maaafao ww' Attotlttlon. tUtad today tkat J" Woad Indlclawnt la rldleuloua. ' knowa nothing about Wtttf, but on gcnaral prlBclplaa Mlkma It It a "(raat up." "'. Klrby italad tkat ka kad aavar H wood, but that kU InpraaalM w tbtt ht It a man of klgk lUadlag gl-d tkaractar. , BANK BUILDING DESIGN GOOD I1KNT NATtO.VAl, WIU, HAVK RaV VltVT HUNK THAT WIM. AT tWACT gtHHlOM IH CAHKrULLV mnrAiiiw bv AHanTNcrr A (raal traaaforaiatloa la aooa to apptar la tka rirtt National bank building, according to tha daalga of Jay Knapp, tka architect. Tha draw lag akawa a baautlful iterlor la the Carlatblaa ordr of arckltectura, arhlca la tha noat handaona of tha tkrao original anclaat order. Tha front trtatratnt conalata of four atuara pltaatara at agalntt tha praaaat building and four raaaaWe celuaina In front. Tha coluntu will ba St Inchta In diameter, and 17 feat high, reatlng on pedeatata three feat high. The columns are Inlthed with clastic baaaa and adorned with kaadeoate capltala. The aide on Fourth atreel la treat ad with all pilasters of width equal ling diameter, aad are tarried out la tka same detail aa tka columns. Hotk colamaa aad pilasters ara Muted from bottom to top of akafu. Tho whole Is aurroaadad wKk a haadaoma cor nice, eaten feat Ufa. wltk atoutdlaga.1 madttlMaa aaa.daatHa.,aara(ally aad prooiAImation H 4 Monday. September. 2, Ium Mi set atfde m a legil koliday In recognition of tte lsttMt (tifft United Itttef of Lafeor, and, fittingly, the occttlon ItaaJMen delfated labor Day. It la the custom on this day for dtJaane to daalat froai th Jr naval vo cations and participate in the proper coavnunMration of the occasion. ' '4 Now. I therefore, by firtne of aiy office as mayor of the City of Klamath Falls, designate Monday, September 2nd, as a mnn ldpal hoUday; and nrge the cWaeU to dose their places of bnai ness, suspend their work wlMrerer poadUe, aid join in the ob senrance of the day. T. F. NICHOLAS, Mayor HOTEL MAIL TO BE DELIVERED ! moihkicatiom of roarorpicii OMHtB WILL KOT OftXATLY M. COXVKNIKXCK THK BCHVWM "AJTB THAVaUNG PUBLIC tka work la eampleted wHI praaaat a beautiful aad perfect wkate. Hayn BALL GAME TO BE ON MONOAY i THK AtUUKtlOt AND OUVKK'H NI.NK WILL HATTLK XH THK CHAMI'IOMtHlf OV UIHTHICT ON HOUBAIT Tkallrat of a aerlea of baseball garnet to decide the championship of tha Klamath country wll be played at Modoc Park Monday afternoon. Tka game will be contemn ay mo let lea and Ollrec'a aggregatloa. It was .Intended to atari thta aerlet of throe famee tomorrow, but be cuuse of Moaday being a legal holi day, It waa decided to postpone tka opening tame until tken. Mora Mariaeo Hall WAHIIINOTON. D. C, Aug. 81. Klgkt kuadred marlaea nailed for Ntaaragua today from Panama on board tha California. This will make a force of 1,100 American sailors and marlaea la Nicaragua. es Sees Few Tracks of Bear Homesteader From Aspen Lake Dis . trict Brings News to Captain Applef ate Tracks Large tt.j r.:.ii.... who w?v .! aiuii. 4 :."". wao.aaniB aamw V bVaat mil, tadVknH want at ,TJ2 we. waa la tka lty Ucar, ta?a25lrt.OB ?,pu,n -'- ,Hitib' I!.rNtl ,0 that vateraa hunter tka ftSa:.0 Wadtaator algkt.M 1 .aaay mornlna-. . He. Uu h.a item .- .. . . ' -tti "ri - Mt. ey front hla plaea far a time, ZJMJn rtturnlng.tkat ka dU JTJJdJha Imprint of tka bearV feet Ml land ?JWl Vera '"SMl waa Urga aad soma amall," aald Mr. Hayaaa. "I judja tkat It waa a moth ar bear wltk a eoupla of cuba waa dariiuf around looking for aomatktag to aat. Tka larger traeka ! stepped la wltk tka No. I boot I had on, aad they measured aa Inch and a half of tiro laakaa longer tkaa my boot prlat Tko traeka ware about twenty roda from tka houie. I would Ilka to gat a'aood ekaace at tkaaa brutes wlljk a gaa I kava. wklek aeada a ,40-eallbar Wiaaad m U 4) , fcV V jt-,5T X . . ' WOMEN BUY GARBAGE CANS 1'I.AV TO KKKP THK NTRKKTH CLKtN M IX WOKKIXfl (HUMHL tlVIC LKAQVK TAKHB IMTUL HTKP IN MovtancxT At considerable aapeaae tke Wo men's Civic Uague haa purckaaad treaty largo and commodloua gar bage cans, of commanding preeeace, which will be placed In prominent place In the city, Kacb caa will be square, with a adding top, which, when opened to admit refuse, wasto nr garbage, will automatically fall back Into place. On top will be the word "Refute." whllo on tho face of the can will appear 'Tor City Beau tiful. Women's Civic league." The league hopes by the Introduce tlon of the receptacles to make for a much cleaner city street system. In- cldentally, one jovial woman of the league haa auggaeted that people be cautioned agalaat mailing tettara Ja the cant, which havo an opening something Ilka the openings In large package mall boiea In tome cities. WOULD-BE ELKS GRAND JURY TO ARE IN THE CITY MEET SEPT. 9 Roy Taker aad Jeea Otto of Dorrlt are la tha City today on buslneee. NEW TEACHERS ARE NOW HERE MX BTATHH VURMHH RKCRUITS TO THK TKACH1XG STAFF IN KLAMATH 'FALLH OMBOON I.KAMt WITH TMRNK Tbera will ba ntae'teackera la tka Ktemath schools this year who have aever kafora taugh't here. Michigan. Mtaaeeota, Oklo aad Wyoming each eoatrlbuta oaa recruK to tka taaeklai sua, while' Kaaaaa la credited wltk two and Oregon three. Tha following la tke llat of tke new tajMBSrS! ,"Mlaa AdaUtda Anderson of Patoaky, Mick., Eighth grade, Central aekool. M(m Daisy Chandler of Jaaaavllle, Mlaa., Seventh grade, Central aekool. Mlaa Sua Burnett and Mlaa Paarl Talley of Anthony, Kaaa., probably Mllla AddlUea aeaaal, Mlaa Augusta Parker of Oraata Pasa, BUkh grade, Central aekool. Mlaa Haiel Baeley of Delta, Oklo, Plftk grade, Central aekool. Mlaa Margery Sellera of Topeka, Kaaa. Mwa Raekaal Maneraau. of Sump ter, Oro., riftk grade, Rlvaralda. Mlsa Winifred Wlanard of Hep aer, Ore., SUtb grade, Rlvaralda. Mlaaaa Flaaale aad ..Dora Cramp. Oueraate, Wyo. W. LAIK S HltlMM A bi'.vch or.rjova to hk ixm- ATM TOMMHtT ANOTMHR LOARMAYCaJMIC,. Four candidate arrived la aa'auto In tka city this aheraoea fraaa Lake view to ka ushered lata the myeterlea of Klkdom tonight. They were es corted here by W. Lair Thompson, ft It possible that another automobile load of candldatea will arrive here before the aesslon starta tonight, but no definite Information has been re ceived by Secretary Bath. The arrivals were W. J, Prouafoot, N. A. McCurdy, (leorge llanklaa and II. K. Snyder. 1'HOMHCL'TI.XO ATfOHNKY HOLM CONMITLTATIOX WITH JCTKW BKNNON AX fMTK M I'PON . - iw BODY HERE TO BE INTERRED KKMAIKH OF AQKU INDIAN WO. MAN WHO DIKB IN SOUTH BA KOTA TAKKN TO RRHKRVATION FOR BURIAL Yesterday morning "tke body of Mellum HarrU. aa ladlaa woaua, aged 71, paaaed through Ule city oa tho way to Cblloqala to bo Darted ea tke Klamath ladlaa reeervaUea. Tka remains came In ky Walla-Fargo aa press from Lincoln, Caatea county, Soutk DakoU, where tka waaaaa died August It of pulmonary tuberculo sis. Aa aear as could ia learned aha had no relatives. Superiateadeat M- aon Watson of the KJaawth raaarra- tlon had Sheriff. William B. Baraaa meat the body here, aad ka turned it over to n young maa wko kad beea sent to.accompany It to Ita daatlaa- tloa. v Attar a coaaaltahtaa wHk Judge this moralac. Proaecutlag At- taraay Kaykaadail aaaaaaeed that tha KiamaUi eauaty araad Jury would ba.ealled to meat la tbla city Septem ber lk. Ureal Interest haa beea aroused la tbla seaalon because It Is expected tkat tbhr Jury will probe tbe chargee.made against Klamath Falls councilman. There Is but one prisoner In the county Jail awaiting the action of the grand Jury. He le charged with Incest, but there Is a possibility of tbo case being dropped because of tbe reluctance of the family to preaa the prosecution. Jt la claimed that tha man la In sane, aad in tha event of hla being tried, this, undoubtedly will be hie defense. PAPER MONDAY NO , a Labor Day WW BerOhaenred by a Laying Of . e Tbera will not ka aa leeue of a The Herald oa Moaday. e Thle .decision waa reached lata tkta arteraooa when it baeama a known itkat tha day would ka ' a generally .observed, by tha. bast- neaa houses of tka Jty, a ThU will aaabte Tka Herald a atat to. go out kuaUag; laklag, ' a aad attend to a lot of other mat- a (era tkat kava beea waitla. e a a.a . a a a e a a Dr. R. R. Hamilton thU moraiar reported tho birth of a 10-poaad girl to Mr. and Mrs. Barrel! Short, who live about aevea miles south of the ally. JUDGE LOVETT . VISITS THIS CITY INWBCTIOK TMF TO KIRK M MABC BV HEAD OF THK HAH RIMAN LINUS RKTUHN ABOUT O'CLOCK, KN ROUTK SOUTH Judge Robert 8. Lovett. head of tka llarrlmaa linea, waa In tha city a few Mtautee last night oar a trip of ia pectloB. Hla special train arrlred hare about 6 o'clock, aad proceeded to Kirk, returning to tola city about & o'clock ea route to Saa Fraachtco Wltk Judge Lovett were Mrs. Lov ett, W, 8. Bproule, preeldeat ot tke Koutkera Paelle, K. E. Calvin, traUc auaager of tha aama road, and J. W. Metcalf, auperlntaadaat of tka Shasta division ot the Southern FaaUe, la which Klamatk Falla la eltueted. of madid tatloaa made ia tka original order preveattag Saday delivery of Ualted SUtae mall kava bee raaelred hare. - Tka carrier aad woadow daMvertea ara atlll ferbhtdea, bat loekbec koM ers will be parmUtedaeeaaa to tkatr. New railway mall aerriee arraaaja BMata kave beea aeada provldlac far epeelal aortiac while aa route of all hotol aad aawapapar aaall hi order to facilitate Sunday delivery in tueh places. a u Postmaster Oeaeral Hltckcoek aajra that the relaxed orders aat ally ao lnconvealeace' to bin the general pubUc, but wiU reoaU merely ia tho cloatag of tka awaaral delivery, windows. He fartker etatek that tka, law greatly baaafta tke pos tal eppleyaa. parttcularty dmtrtbat- ers, who were formerly held far Saa day work- v Taiftla Haeao' ttaJH'lA',BarfiaT ' BOSTON. Aug. 1 Preatdeat TaJt arrived kere tkla.matalag' Ha west MANIAMUS WRIT: IS APPLIED LHONAKB AND aLtBaMM i AN PLAIN 1WFH FN Tko Charge) la Made Tmat eke) OKf OBIriale save Nat Cawtaaal Ow aha WhH of MM Fpapla m Bamresweel aa aa Flrrtlna Tadam TTnna la direct to Beverly ia aa aata. L0UHI1L IS IN DISTRICT HKAD OF THK OKKAT NOanSHRN PORTLANB TO LOOK IN WHICH HK HI HKAVILY INTER LKAVI OVBR LAND Be Called at Declaring tkat tke etty Ittntt ot Klamath Falls, have But carried oai tha wishes of the people, a patHioa for a writ of maadamaa waa Mad hi tbe circuit court tbla afteraoea to re quire tbe 'calling ofa epeelal election at oaee and to aoaslaaH 'threw eem mlmlaaira to carry oa th baalaiaa of the cltriof KUawU FaHs.tf ? ' ' Tka writ la aaka for.;by A Leonard aad Henry RakbwtTln a leagtay deeanaant aaUiac rVU tka eontaaUeaa ot Ua plataUeT. C M. OaarH t,Verf aHaraay-t ia I ll, tka eleetara of eko aatr-Twaad f -a T at wkeak Unas taara vara - caat far tha mtaaara MT roaaa aadl J SSI aaataac Hkaeaaatlr. . at" a lion ratarae warn eaannaaad .aa4 av proTWbTthaettreaaMaM. ', Bx-Mayar Saadareea.m aaatod aa expreeawc hla appreial at the) aetlan of tho electors, aad H la aat leetk that tko praaaat etty eeaaetl haa aiatlnaal to refuse to act la ar-enrdaaia wath ' tbe direct exproatlon of Oaa will at tbe people, aa Indicated by then ratea. ' , . v ' It Is" set forth that the "charter, praparlpnadopted. prwdlii,; that - a special election be held far tka pur- of aamlng three. eeaiUBlaaaaMra to act under tko teraea of tka ehartar. '. Tbe two petltleaera Loam W. HilU chalmaaot Ue toard of dlractara of tka Oreat Nortk- era railway, U la Ceatral Oraajoa. Ha to reaulre tke eHy aoaiaH U eaH a left Portland Tkursday for' Bead, aaeetal election ajU earrr oat tka mHH wh'na ha whM aaind a day or eo going f of the people, aa exartaatd laL the over tka laad of Orefoa WaaUra Col-1 election when tbe. charter waa aaop onlaattan company, In which he m ht 'ted. & r " te retted The compaay own about S0O.00Q acraa of land In a atrip running acroae tka atate from .east to west, aad tke object Is to sell It to settlers at aa reasonable flgurae aa poaalble. It la possible that Hr. Hill will ytalt Crater Lake aad tkaa come oa to tbla city, bat ao deaalte word' haa yet beea received here. Halted Preaa Service V " WA8HINQTON, D. C. Aug. CI. Postmaater 'Oeaeral HUekeock haa asked for reports from the prlnetpal poetoHoea ot tke coaatryuoa tko working of the new Sunday saaM rag ulatleas, la affect for the drat. Ume tomorrow. Rules of Judging iC Are Hade Public Prize Winners in the City Beautiful riovement Will Keep up to High Standard. Rules Given , WOMAN SBKKS LBOALDCATH NBW YORK, Aug. SI. Tke legal and moral laauaa of tke, appeal of Mrs, Barak, Harrla' to' tka people of tbla atata ara kalas dlaeuaaad. Ska la aa lacurable paralytic, aad aaka tha eaaetmant' of, a law permUtlag pkyat- clana to aad kar aulerlaaa by kllllag Ik. i,-. fH , ' , The Womaa'a Civic League 'will hold a meaUaa; Monday, -at watah tliaetke prlsea wtU ha awaraM tot tke'"CKy BaamWulV.' eoataat whten haa reoeatly elaaad, ,u . I'i Tbe eommlttoa kaa. anaauaead tka rakm whkk.wUI goveni tka' Jadgtng. They ara aa fallewa: , ' vOntllae far naaaf Boat Lawna I UnltarmJty.rKvaaaeeand tktckaaaa of ataad. If a mUtara of two or apeeae, tka even dlatrlbutloa a eaen ayeeiea over tne mwb naoata ka eonaMarad., " . ' . S CandKloaA l goad, bjtyht. green coler: bare and browa apota and dead leavea ara aa Indication t lack of care. Should show tke eBaet of coaa'tant mewlag'aad trimming. Uneven cutting and any uat.'la condition next walks, faaaaa. Sowar,, beaa'buUdtaga, etc.should baaotad. 3 Weedineas. -- Any weediaaaa demands a cut. v I 4 Tha Oradlag. Tfce'preaeaeeof" -depreeeloaa o'r.aay unaveaaWaf gan-. eral aurfaee akoald ka aotadwH aae. mi iesaaBamnyst1''aaBlsyifv,lfi ' v;d v V ."fk , W- i iV . ' ' 0 :