W v unum wr n Man raw MMVK -- ' ' - ' fMg Vssr No, JUS ONLY TM Ml PWI5HHI m f tteninc Uefalu. y.i nvwnRiitinmrAnM t y PRINT THE NRWB, HOt amwTllHI i KLAMATH PALI, OMOON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 80, IMS iNSfWAI 0OV..RNOH MM AtfKVtt CONUKMNKD MAN ..Jtl.r"" " mttm 0f, i,,, Wallace Takes Artiea Ultif Uin ' Hmtc to -II Will llfNUIMl , MM 1rl Agsdast Other liCMMKNTO. Aug. 10. Deelar M that l7 1st Por IM U l " MlUl tf,rtt b wlrrited, LUuteaaat do. mtr Wallace sBBouaced today that b)tM reprlave ror two ihh un. fMTM. IB4r mWN 10 BSSU. r4tBr lib. uut it to in sctlBg governor's la mum to look Into tbe crimes tarts! saalsst Willi Luis aad Wll- ma Itrke, "bo hue been reprieved hM aseterubsr 1 1th. Five other Mfcaaid men will be given the ben ttetlislaaulry. Mil III SHI, MVMCC NELO If NRW YOHK, Aug. JO.-Bupreme Court Jui tic Amend denied motions made by Anna Held's attorneys to eeaarm tho report of Referee Edward 0. Wbllsksr and grist hr an lntr locutory decree of divorce from Flor mi tlegfotd. Il found IbBt tho wit M hd not signed ths evldsncs. m reaturea oy tbe rodB of court pro- MIm Held will Lave (o appeal to tho court lo permit tho rtferee's report to bo BfBla submlttsd and eouflrmed. It wm rumored today that these wit NotM would not again appear before lb referee ualeaa ordered to do so by (Be court. Aa tbere le an provision fa tba decUloa for a rehearlag before tbt refer, Mb Held msy havs to begla action aaaia. MANY AUTOS EN ROUTE TO PARK NKANON H DRAWING TO CLOSE. MOWKVKIt, AND IT IN NUT HK LIKVP.D THAT TIIK PACK WILL III: KKIT UP SUNDAY DELIVERY NOT AUTHORIZED STRAIT WILL DE " IUIMT CLOSED nuuiaa mknsauk from AUMU MKAMO a.100 MILM TALUUO, Aug. II. The Brit dl (WtwawiiilriiloB belweoa tb Mare Wats Miy yard and the receatly ajBaMed I'rlbylow wlreleaa autloa a Abets was established thla weak. Tweseraiers convened freely ever 0 earner of J.IOO aille. Tke akamitatlea receatly wa overhaul (4 by twilBM eiperU froai Mar W kalBBeer tbe coBwuad of UeaUa mi M1a H. Dodd. Tb aarty km tw la AltaU tbree Bioalba. BORAX KING TO HUNT HERE W FELLOWS . EET APPLICANTS MTkUROIAI, 1IWIIKK WILL UK rwruuu:! at thk nkxt -Wmxo-KII'TKK.V HKKK TO MX THK OKIIKH FUtMa appllratlonj for meraber ") t,f. rtiTtd lut night at tbe lM cf Eeaunt Kncaupiaent No. . i. u. O. r. There wm a larae "nwemtion of the meatberablp on mm. tii tome drill work was done rMBintlon for conferring tb HU Degrtr at the next meet Mh will be held Btptember II, -wmu from Imi night. -" ai Mil mrtln thr will ha "w it fj ,,, Wn, workf Bna ' will mirk the event. A !M wu pK)nted laat algbt iilt for the gaitronomle part ".f, to conilit of Jaiper Pen . klrn! Kr.d lluoelng and ' Korlh. The chilrm.n .n ,.,. '"4 tO inltri Ihn rnlhn , l t contingency. V. M. MMITH OK NAN KHACMV) NKNIIN TKLMKAM ANNOUNO I.M1 HK WILL ARRIVK HUIK NATVRDAV r. M. Hrattb, lb borai king of flan rraacltco, It to well pleased with tbe Klamath country that be la coming back. He waa here a week or two ago, and apeat ee rel day look lag oter tb district. I la a telegram received at tb White Pelican garage laat night Mr, mlth states (bat as wHI arrive bar alurday afteraas wltb a party of frleadi, and would alart at oace for llarrlman lxdge on a bunting trip. An Auguvt wanei the number of tourliU paaalBg through the city In auto decreaaea, August la the laat month of the warm seaaon uaed by Muet people, and It la believed that It approaching end and the cool, Mlnr weather of tbe week about to i lose has been rveponalble for ths ab tnc of tourliU In Oil city, la late June, July and Auguit they are moat numerous. J. J, Keller, who keep a feed alora for human., ear a high aa twsaty rnc auto atopped In front of hi I lace In one day, but that will doubt l' bo the eeaaon'a record, for, the tourlat In an auto la now abovt as ware aa the proverbial hea'e teeth. PKOPLK WILL MAVK TO WAIT UNTIL MONDAY FOR MAIL HTAR ROUTKN AMI HTAOK I.INKN TO ABTKCTKO oJa HOOD RIVKR, Aug. SO. After apeadlag two month at hla Hood Riv er orchard, "Hilly" Sunday baa left for Chicago, where he will open a large revival meeting. Ill family ac companlt him. i? I. HILL TO HURRY BACK EAST ttnflriliej(TM WILL PRKVKNT nU MAONATK PROM ""WO HMpKLAVKD TRIP 'W.'Oal THIS HieCTlON tbaa i-,. . .... I. Hill ,C ' 1 50rwm MM k'1 in ii, thairman of the board or nwiof the of.i m..i. .... r". lll sot vi.i. .. ".TL -"'" "V F. Hak. ..'"J"" u " ,nw miueiTk """", "andlBi tho M of th, central Oregon Dsyel- Z l'u I" Ukovlow. but waa "'"Uuitaanswaa l0ton the trip Into Can- Hill time w. . Vlkinl... . " " WOO out ku . . ""vewieu carry m k. -"' "ww ceruia that MoBBrr l0 r,tUTB t0 stt I kr - -aa aoms import nmt UMtlaga there. Huterlnindnt Itosell II, Dunbar of tho city achoola aunouncN. that to morrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock In the eighth grade room of the Central achool there will be held a meeting of teachers, at which all are requested to be present. The object of tho meeting la to dlacuaa plans for the coming school year, which will open Beit Monday. MILLIONAIRE'S WIDOW IS DEAD MRH. HKNRV H. KOOKHM PAMR AWAV WHILK IN A DININU CAR P.N HOUTK PROM HKK HUMMKR MONK TO NKW YORK Postmaster Clyde K. tlrandenburg has rorelved emclal notice from Washington that hereafter the local office shall be claatd on Buadsy aav for tbe delivery of special delivery letter and baadrlBg and dispatching of outgolag mall. This mnsna that tbe general delivery window will be closed, and that there will be no dis tribution to lock boies. Kverybody who la being aenrod by the Klamath raits poatofac will have to wait until some time Monday morning for their mall. Bur routoe, or stage linen, which are served from tbe Klamath Pal la office, will mlas tkslr mall on Mon days as n rssnlt af thla new ruling, but they will get tbe news of the dsy promptly, for ths cbsngo wilt not af fect the delivery of dally papers. The Saturday arrival of mall, Including The Herald, will reach them Sunday, aa heretofore. But the mall that lands here Bunday and has been go ing to them Moaday, will not gel Letarted until a day later. ItOATM WILL NOT RK ABLK TO PAHH TO THK LOWKR LAKK WITHOUT BKINO MAULKD OV KRLAND FROM NOW ON It If eipected that ths Southern Pacific's force oY'vorkmen, directed by Assistant Knglneer C. II. BeatU. will today complete the work of fill ing the Klamath atralt, which has so long been a passsgo for boats run ning between Lake Ewauna and Low er Klamath Lake. This will "cook tho goose" of the boat In that respect, and those that set past tbe railroad will either bar to dive through tbe gates south of tbe old strait channel or use an air ship. MARSHPIBLD, Aug. 10. Return from tb special election held yester day to vote oa formlag a new port of Coo Bay show that It was carried by about 10 to 1. At tbe aams Urns the people also voted for their choice for port commissioners. These votes will be canvassed by tbe Chamber of Commerco aad Oovernor West has agreed to apaoktt aa commissioner the nve men who received tho high est number. According to tb returns received so far those probably chosen are L. J. Simpson. Peter Loggle, A. H. Pow. era, A. O. Rogers aad Henry Sengs- tackea. TEDDY COMPARES SELF TO LINCOLN TKLLH CROWD IN ABOUT RID NKW. PARTY POOR HEALTH SAVES A WALK I'nlted Press Service NKW TORK. Aug. 10. Heary H. Itogers' widow died suddenly la a dlnlag car while ea root from Bret ton Woods, N. II., to New York to lay. Me was oa bar wsy to open l.r home here. Captain II. II. Itogers, her sos, has been notified. . IIUIiop le Dead KONDUI.AC, Wla., Aug. 30. DUh- op Charles C. Urafton, age 81 years, head of thtl dloreai of the Kplicopal ihurch, died hern today. NO FRICTION FOR THE PROSECUTORS CKRTIPICATKH OP HKALTH IV- KN LAHT YRAIt Ml'NT HK RK- NKWKD IP PUPILH WANT TO NAVK LONG HIKK JIMPSON WEED MAKES TROUBLE HOLLAND MAN HEARS OF NKW CURK FOR RHKUMATIftM AD TRIKS YT DOCTORS AND A HTOMACM PUMP SAVE HTM Former Presides Declares, aires WW Have X With Former Nays That Wmmsaeasa Lap ami WhJga There Were Bwaas Mamas Who WowMaVt Biaajdl WMk Ram United Press Seme ST. ALBANS, VI, Aag. 10. Om of a crowd of 1,000 people hers to lUten to ..Colonel Roosevelt, later rupted the speaker to ask If ths aaw party waa to be "progressive rapab llcan." "No, sir," shouted Roosevelt. "Thai Is a brand new progreeslvs party. When Lincoln left tba Whigs there were some bigots who wouldn't rote for him. it Is the same bow. Thar are some bigots who won't staad with us. Do you get ma" J. Yordy and II. J. Winters secured licenses snd started In an auto on a hunting trip this afternoon. JUDGE RETAINS DOLLAR BILL IMPHKMIVK HUT MIMPLK CKRK- MONIKH MARK THK START OP WORK ON THK NKW KLAMATH COUNTY COURT HOUHK Impressive reremoaes marked the start of work on the foundation of the new court house Thursday. The leading figure In thla were County Judga William B. Worden, County Commissioners Bamuet T. Bummers and C. Ouy Merrill. Tbe foundation la to bo of concrete, and tho solemn doings were the official aaaembllng of the first batch of material for the roller. County Judge Worden put In a aack of comonl, County Commlaalonor Bummers whoeled up a barrow load of gravel, whllo County Conimlaslonor Merrill's contribution to tho vora cious maw of the machinery was a load of rock. Building Superintend ent Harry Anglln asked Judge Wor den If It would not bo wolt to throw dollar Into the mass for good luck, but the judge rondered an advorae decision. Tho ground of the de cision was that If the public learned that a dollar was trying to requlescat sn pace In the foundation, ths scram- bis for tb coin would bo such that tho court bousa would bs demolished. Thus It la that tbs flnanclng of the atructura wu not al tared. LITTLETON NOT OFFERED A JOB IIKCKKH DKNIKH THAT HK HAD OPPKRKD TO PAY CONOREHH MAN 100,000 TO MAKK H1H Dh'. PKNNK ON MUKDKR CHAIW1K I NITKD NTATma DMrTRIOT ATTOH NICY MLLHK DECLARE THAT HK AND OACAR LAWLOR HAVE NOT HAD ANY TROUBLE United Press Service INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Aug. 30. United Statea District Attorney Miller stated today that there bad not been any friction between him and Oscar Ijiwlor aa to who would have charge .of the case against the union men I who aro charged with being Imptl 'rated In the transportation of dyna mite. The raiea will be atarted here In October. Mr. Mlllor atated that ho bad not I eard tho report of friction, and said that If It had been circulated It bad been by none one with a vivid Im agination. He aald ho did not know whether Lawlor would bo here at tbe time tho cas waa called or not. He Is now arranging to bring McManlgal here' from Los Angeles. Health certificates Issued laat year for the achool year of 1911-1912 bave been revoked by the city school board, and scholars wanting them will have to obtain new ones from tbe family physician. The certificates are Issued to such scholars as are belleyed to be unit for either tba long walk or hill climb that attendance at Riverside achool necessitates, and who, by tbs certifi cate, aro eligible to attend Central school. A 7-pound girl waa born this morn- ng to Mr. and Mrs O. A. Douglas. Jlmpson weed, a peat In many lo calities, came near proving the undo ing of "Humphrey" Millar, a rancher In the vicinity of Holland. Miller baa suffered much from rheumatism, and when told that Jlmp son weed waa a aurs cure for tbe complaint, be gathered a Quantity of the plant, put It on to stsep, aad drank a pint of tho brew. The rheumatism waa tba leait of Mr. MHlacX troubles thereafter for some tlms, bat Dr. Dteksoa of Ear- by end a stamaak bmbs) sara tba serf. rarer relief, thaagb. far a UamlUs condition was' desperate. Oraats Pass Courier. PAHNKNC1KR TRAIN. HITS SOME MACHINERY intted Press Serrlee P1TTSBURO. Aug. 10. L. Coagh- enour, engineer, a watchman aad two laborers wsrs killed aad sevea aasa wsra Injured today when a Paaasyl vanla passenger train sa route to Cleveland dashed Into part of the ma chinery of a "wrecking train at Con way, pena. B. C. Atkinson, as drygoods deal er, wll spend Sunday and Moasay at. Crater Lake. United Preaa Service NKW VORK. Aug. 30. Formir I'ollco Lieutenant Decker dented thla morning tho report that he had of lerrl Congressman Littleton 1100, 000 to defend him, and that tho con fri'inuun had rofuiod' tho offer. iMstrlct Attorney whitman plana to havo Decker tried neroro juago doff ueit month. Dr. Oeo. W. Wright reports the birth this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. lllehn of COO Walnut strset, of a 9-pound boy. A suit waa started In the clrcjlt (dirt thla afternoon by John T. liar rU against, Mlnnto Montgopiery and L. !' Montgomery to foreclose a mort gage for SGOO. W. S. Wiley Is at torney for the plaintiff. REGAN SOUGHT BY THE OFFICERS MKHHAGK FROM THK SOUTH IN DICATKH THAT FOUR COUNTIES IN CALIFORNIA HAVE IIKKN HCKNE8 OF HIS OPERATIONS In response to a message sent from here with Information concerning the capture of Chrla Regan, a message was received at the sheriff's office yesterday from Sheriff A. K. Smith of Modoc county, stating that the sus pect Is wanted In thro, counties la California besides Modoc. Tbe message from tbe South states that sheriffs of tho other counties havo been notified, and Sheriff Barnes waa requested to hold Regan until an officer could be aent here. Six CawitesoxxMbe Sheriff of Klamath County Hawxhurst Piles his Petition to Run In dependent and it is Rumored that Origsby and Bishop will Follow The suaplclon exlits In aome quar ters that II. 8. urigsuy, repuuiiwu, and B. Bt. Oeo. lllahop, democrat, may file Independently aa candldatea for the ahrlevally. At tho prlmarloe they were candldatea for tho nomina tion which were given respectively to O. 0. Low, republican, and Samuel L. Walker, democrat. While It cannot bs teamed at ibis early dato whethor any such Inde pendent filings aa Indicated are like ly, both Orlgaby and Bishop ar cir culating In the city, which gives rise to the reports. Bishop has said that he would file Independently If Orlga by did. The Independent filings may be made until October 5th, J. W. Hawxhurst has filed bis pe tition to run as an Independent can dldate for the office of sheriff of Klamath (county. In tbe ovent of Messrs Bishop ami (Irlgsby concluding to make the race, tuere will be sis candidates In the field for the office of sheriff. In addi tion to the regular republican and democratic candidate, there will bo ,ne socialist candidate, L. Simmers Mr. Hawxhurst's petition bora the signatures of 71 voters. Mrs. Whitman) Operated oa Mrs. A. E. Whitman, wife of tbe well known druggist, waa operated on at 1 o'clock thla afternoon la Black burn hospital for appendicitis. The operation was performed by Dr. Mer ryman. assisted by Drs. Hamilton and Taylor. The patient waa doing fine at a late hour this afternoon. Champion Fly Swatter LONO BEACH, Calif.. Aug. SO. Johnny Mosher, 15, swatted 163,151 files In two days, thereby winning f 10 offered by a fly hater. Ha carried his catch to the Judges In two five-gallon oil cans. Final proofs on timber clalma were made at the office of County Clerk Do Lap today by James Brlsco., Jas. B. 8bort and Attn G. De Up. MOTHER AND HER CHILDREN BURNED PATHEK AND ONE BON ESCAPE FROM A BURNING HOME BY JUMPING FIVE tfrriXK ONBB ARE KILLED r"' "' United Press Service KINQSLAND. N. J Aug. 30 Mrs. hoslo Barbane, age 35, and Ova chil dren ranging In ag from 5 months to 13 years, were burned to death In their home last night. The father and Wlmle, n son 14 years of age, escaped from the bunt ing building by Jumping from n window. TWO ROMANCES WRITTEN ON THEFT OF THE "MONA LIZA" PARIS, Aug. SO. Qabrlel d'Aa nunslo, the Italian poet now llvtng la France, Is writing a romance called "Tbe Man Who Stole Moaa Lisa, Rene Fauchols, a French; poet, almost simultaneously announced that he nns aeariy computed a romance oa precisely the saps subject. Mr, John Irwin, republican candi date for prosecuting .ttorney, la the latest to file hla acoatanoe of tho nomination. WINER ESCAPES TO FEED CATS FUGITIVE MAKEH A LONG OF 40 MILES ON THE DBSERT. IS CAUGHT BY SHERIFF AT HIS CABIN SAN BERNARDINO, Calif.. Aug. 3 b. The story of how a miner broke Jail and tramped forty miles across the desert In order to feed hla pet cats, haa Just reached this city from Searchlight. Nsr. Tbe miner waa Joseph WatkJM, Imprlooned on the charge of harktg stolen a pair of lace curtains. Whaa placed in Jail be asked tba Jailer to see that bis cats wsre fed. Tba Jailor laughed, but Watklna was serleas. He wanted the cats fad, aad wham the Jailer would not attend to hla pets, he decided to break Jail aad do It himself. He did so that algbt. The sheriff followed Watklas la aa automobile the next day, aad took him Into custody again Just after ha bad given his pets a bountiful MESSENGER GIRIi MAY BE HIRED INABILITY OF WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH OFFICERS TO SE CURE HOYS MAY RESULT IN CHANGE BEING MADE Messenger girls may be Introduced In Klamath Falls. This may be necessary If the loeal office of the telegraph compaay is to maintain the delivery service. A few days ago tbe two messenger boys now employed gave their aotlee. They are both pupils of the high school, and will not be able to attend school and deliver messages, too. So far there have been no applleatteaa for tba Jobs soon to be vacant, aid U Is possible that girls will be asked to act. Oirl messengers ars aot uncommea In tbe East. It Is said that they give aa good If not better servlca tana do boys. -.1