GET YOUR KODAK SUPPLIES Complete new line of Eastmans New Improved Hawk Eye Cameras Your yacation will not be complete without an outfit. Our past experience en ables us to correctly demonstrate the easy methods of taking pictures. We can save you money on anything in our line. We do expert developing and printing. Leave your orders with us. Ail work guaranteed. New developers In tablet form-most convenient method yet devised Films, Plates, Papers, Tripods, Trays and Printing Frames Gall and, see us in our new location 520 Main; St. NOW w Z jzj. vfwHf Whitman Drug Company m business for your health HE IS THE MAN- lortgiiei iployera Uabll- -Thit buTi aotea, warraatt aatL -TUt sells Iniaraace, Boadi,, My and Plate Claia oi Mir term - l-room hoeae. modea, aleam-beaud, food loco- Hot v. (tilth atroet, part easb, kflaace can be paid In mmh tun. small monthly payment 11.100 A good MMHN Mil lift Springs Additien: 1180 down, blDr 110 pr month. IH0--A ood tut racing two straits, email bouse; 1100 down; onl ine 110 Mr month. i 00 Three good Iota In MllleAddltlon; partly Impreved: lrmi "w. J 11,000 TtkM iftaacree of Utd mar Merrill; $100 raah; balaae In Bios rear. V SJBjBJBJ) J. W. HJOIIH CO. 40 Main Street i Klaaath FtUa GOOD PRINTING ("4i" Is an important factor in any business, and often contributes toward success Let us show you our stock of bond paper and print for you a line of office sta tionery which will prove a business-getter W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. IrTOUHTH TftKKT, IITWIIN MAIN AND KLAMATH I'llOPEMIONAL CARD' Cheap Excursioalfates rSB CIIIOAQO DENVER ! Vlti Xlie Bouthaf n Paolflo AND CONNECT! The Double Track. Safely Block Llnea of tke Weat Good for retari Tr aatll October 31 sei $80.50 MW YORK . U0.50 "" ,, ,,,y, ,,..,, 'JOo.tU ST. PAUL . $81.50 KANSAS CITY . . . A . . j. $08.00 "8TON g $118.50 BT- I'Ouis $78.00 NKW ORLEANS jf $78.00 Correaaoaalii latea to ataer Polata VIA ANY UIRBOT MOTS UCT US FIX IT FOR YOV We will give you tin feat, cheapest nnd aafest. Take la Yel owitona National Park Art Uka Tnkoa. Chtap tlda trip to each. rat InfurmaUam ar aitraMaa Call me Writ. S. J. BAItl AKentVcliiinih FaIIa JAMES OGAKA, i lt .a and lyA D. F. ... 801 K St., Sacramento. Cal. on. o. a. luatao, All Work ftaarajfteed. Odllowa' Bslldlag. Room 111. H Pboae III. CITY AND COUNTY AHHTHACr COMPANY Abstracts, laaaraac Member Oregon Aanoclatlom Till Man. If MMCKLLANROt lUMHIIY'M KXT If you want youf stuff moved nnd moTed'eulckgat Ramaby'a Express to do It. JCoraor Seventh nnd Mala ttreetg, Ptioa IIS EMPLOYMENT f Cnll up COMBJtCK. III. If you want aay kUl of HELP. Rgttri COMBTOCK If you want easfioymint. MADAM AND MIOF. TIMMsl Masseur andCfclronodaH Cura torna.jtunlona nnd In crowing toandtli. Mm. Ttmma atopa hair from falllag ont la Ave treatmfata, and n perma nent er Mr dandruf. OIt n a cnll. t No. MT Klaaaath A. I bar a numbar of now that In watchra In various sites. Jsffave th Naw Howard, th Trlplewatch for tadlai and the 11-0 Am with th knlU-hlada ckaa for affntlaman. 8 no If you nd MellatUn. GENERAL NOTICES DlaaolaUoa Notka Nolle la hrby gltan thnyA co tiartnarahlp btratofor aiknlni tween Kdmund M. CblleoK and Oaa. II like, undar tha flrnyiama of Chll- coto A lllce.aa b( dlaaolrad by mutunt ronarnlW ifr. Chllcot will contlnue'tha builal" and aaaum nil obllgatloni. l- r Notlca to KMu Tbara will ba a leaclal ataatlnt aturday aranlnc, Ac II. A clua from UkeTlavwIltfba hara for Ini tiatory work. V L. II. dlTH, BaeroUry. fl Datter hnva your uafbralln rei- red now and then, kf will b uiful whan tbara la fl MoHattaa CRATER HIKE NEWS Cratar Iaka company automobllaa ,ir maatlna all 8. P. train at Chllo- quln. Round trip far, Chlloquln to CraUr Lake, a a Whan advlMd by phon. automo blta will mt launeha at Agency Landing. Rund trip raU naaia u Ohltoqula. a Antomnhllaa from Cratar Lnk to Madford. Monday and Thursday, far 111, III round Ul. U. S. REPORT SAYS CROPS ARE GOOD The Reclamation Bervlce Record hai the following to aay about th Klamath preject: Weather condition were favorable and the crop, particularly grain and potato, promlao large yield. Tha demand for water Increaaed each week and 12,000 acre-feet were di verted through the main canal dur ing lha month. The flrat crop of hay waa light, owing to the cool aprlng. The aecond unit lateral construc tion waa eatabllahed at Olene on the lit, and work waa at once lUrted on the eitcmlon of the cut branch canal and on the Olena croailng. Two Urge pier of the main apan of thl flume, together with aeTcral of tha aaaller ticatle footing, were completed. Framing thl itructuro wi begun and a bridge acroaa the eait branch waa completed. Water taa dlacharged through the Loil Mer dlreralon channel the flnt week of the month, atter which the rciervolr waa drawn down to permit the foundation work at Olene to pro ceed. Thli garo an opportunity to Inipect the Lot Rlrer dam, and make lome repair. Freeh ll-lnch slab wod at fl.10 ixr cord load la thar at buy you ever mad. uPAjrarly, doa't wait O PEYTON. Phlfa 1171. 7-1 1 tf GAME WARDEN MAKES ARREST UIUM CHANCELLOR OF THE KNIGHTH OF PYTHIAH ADMIT TKD THAT HE HAD MUTILATED CAHCAHM OF FKMALE DEER ROSKDURO, Aug. 19. Mutilating tho carcaii of a female deer he had killed In order to dligulie the net wai an act to which a plea of guilty wai entered In tho juitlce court hero b) Frank T. Wrlghtman, ei-ahertff of Marlon county. He paid the mini mum One of C0. Wrlghtman waa camped near Cow Creek canyon, aouth of tbla city, with a party of friend, one of whom waa tho preaent aherlbT of Marlon county, Harry Mlnto. A ha waa on hi way to camp with tha carcaaa of tha doa Wrlghtman waa Intercepted by Dep uty Game Warden P. D. Harrington of flranta Paia, whoae curloalty re- lulled In Wrlghtman' arreit on th pot. Wrlghtman la the preient grand chancellor of the Knlghta of Pythlaa of Oregon, and waa for a number of yeara chief clerk of the corporation department at Salem, under the late Becretary of State Prank Demon of thli city. I have alarm clock for moatany price. Dig Hen, Baby Baata. 1-day alarm and vlotermlteaf alarm la three ilia it KW UM of Stili 6oW I with to announce that I hi In the famou CutUr 11 Oold Jwlry. To tho buying, deelr the belt, to call and thl llni Jewelry for a Ufa tli Include Bleeve Link l per pair; Brooch from 11.10 to 111.50; Scarf Plniffrom ll.ll to ISO; LaNkUler jTrom 17.10 to 12. SO, and Hack) from 16.60 to 110. FRANK Ma IPP jr Mr put e f Solid wMo, when Ulnvlt you Tit la the mf Thl line rom 11.10 to LEGAL NOTICES Herald Want Ads I FOR BALK FOR BALE 440 acre of unimprov ed land, iltuaUd about 4 mile loutbeait of Donania, Ore.150 acre of farming land; 100 acraof timber; balance mahogany andydtratlng load; abundance of water arm depth of nine feet or lea; achoolitt mile; beat grain In the county growing on Join- log land. cldNM H.ff. Ke. Klamath FaluMr. JJ-tf 1 FOR RENT 1- OR RENT Double boa, pletely furnlibed for kooaekaaftaa;. ullabl for two families. Iaqalro at Herald ofllce. 1-tt FOR RENT Store Main atreet.'iaou chain. 3G nr -RoT Ward Obea Jl-tf NICELY furnUhed room at tha Ore gon Houaa, BUth and Klaatatk FOR RENT fr-room on Beccnd betw Inquire at aadfe Mala miimmiti acottaajo, aad t'iaa. tdlo. l-z-tf FOR SALE BafeUmoat naw. In quire HaralaVanc. ll-4St ItO ACRE8 of good farmiiaUid, in Crook county. Ore., for ul or trade for land near Klamath Palla. bee E. E. Thcmppaoaf or phoae Sit. 1-1 -l FOR SALE Cheap; Olendanalag'a barn y 9 aftie- good team. I-St We uu iouie very jKairaoi air treet property ror aie aiepneae Hunter Realty talnlng to aald land, Including furni ture, fixture and Iron afe In the building on said prcmUe. Dated tbla 28th day of Auguat. 1912. ETTA M. KILGORE. Administratrix of Bald Eatate. 29-9-6-12-19-36 h FOR RENT Four-room aoaae aaar Catholic church; furalahed; 1 per month. Inquire at County Clerk' office. Il-lt HELP WANTED WANTED lapeajeneawaltraaa jit f y tha Hall grUl. f HcHantaa. Cut flowera at 44 MnUfitraet MMIMMXoMMMMl fhrti By Joe Buia There wa comlderable excitement on the iteamer Wlnema Tueaday night during the moonlight excuralon. Juit beforo the boat turned to return to the city a popular young lady could not be found. "Bha'a fallen overboard," walled her (titer. Thereupon a March of the boat wa made, with tha reault that tha min ing young lady waa found In tho pilot houie. Of court, her "young gen tleman friend" waa with her. Notice of Hale of Heal Iroperty by Administratrix In the County Court of the 8Ute of Oregon, for Klamath County. In tha Matter of the Eatate of Roy I. Kllgore, Deceaaed. Notice la hereby given that, In pur auanre of an order of the above-entitled court, made In the above-entitled matter, on the 24th day of Auguat, 1912, the underilgned, aa administratrix, will tell the premt hereinafter described at prlvata aal. to the highest bidder, uch sale to be made for cah, provided 1 am offered over 14,000 for ald property, other wise I ihall aell the aame to tha eeUc of 8. W. Kllgore, deceased, for the aum of $4,000, the amount of In debtedness due the latter estate by the estate of Roy I. Kllgore, de ceaaed; aald aale'to be made on or atter tho 28th day of September, 1912, at my residence, In the town of Bonanta, Klamath county, Oregon, aubject only to the confirmation of uch sale, aa by law provided. The property hereinbefore referred to la particularly deacrlbed aa follow, to-wlt: An undivided one-third interest In and to all that part of block 101 In Bowno Addition to the Town of Bo nanta, according to the recorded plat thereof, deacrlbed aa follewa: Com mencing at the northwest corner of aald block and running thence aouth along the weat line of aald block one hundred and fifty (ISO) feet to a point; thence east on a Una parallel to the north Una of aald block two hundred (200) feet to a point; thence north on a line parallel to the weat line of aald block one hundred and fifty (150) feet to a point on tha north Una of aald block; thence weat on tha north llaa of aald block two hundred (100) feet, to th place ot beginning; all la Klamath Couaty, Oregon; Together with the tenement, here ditament, and appurtenance there unto belonging or la aaywlaa anaar- Notice of Bale by lUfetee In the Circuit Court ot the 8UU ot Oregon, for Klamath County. Roslna Burkhardt, Marie Jalaar, and Karl Weckert, PlalaUt. v. Fred Weckert, Defendant Notice la hereby given that, in pur suance of decreea, made and entered In the above-entitled court and cause on June 24, 1912, and Auguat St. 1912, respectively, the undersigned, as referee, will sell the premises hereinafter described, at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, such sale to be at 10 o'clock a. m., on Tuesday, the 24th day ot Septem ber, 1912, at the front door of the court bouse of said court, In Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon. The property to be sold being par ticularly described aa followa, to-wlt: The BE U otNEU and the NEK ot 8EK of Sec. 4; the 8WH of NWK and the NWVl of SWK of Sec. 3, all In Township 27, 8. R. 9, E. W. M In Klamath County, Ore gon. Dated thla 26th day ot Auguat, 1912. O. A. KRAU8E, 26-2-9-16-2S h Refer. Notice ot Bala of Real Property TJaeto KxecaUoa In the Circuit Court of th State ot Oregon, for the County of Ktai atb. Fred Noel and Lena Noel, Plaintiff, v. Bird Looeley, Defendant. Nolle la hereby glvaa that bv vir tue of aa execution aad order ot aale duly Uiued out ot tha above eatltled court and cause on the ltd day ot July, lilt, upoa a decree made aad entered ot record la aald court and caute, aad la aald couaty aad etate oa tha Sid day of Juae. 1911, la favor of tha above aamed plalatlfe and against tha above aasaad dtfead ant, directing tha aale of cartala real property to satisfy tha sum of $1,017.11, plaintiff' debt, aad tke further aum of $160 aa attoraaya' fa,and tha costs aad dleeunameate WANTED Twa aoya of uram is yeara, for mitagar aafiln Ap ply Waatera Caloa Tajtgrapa com pany, -avtf Sl-tt. of aald ault taxed at $15.20. tegotaec with InUreat thereoa at the rate of 8 per cent per aaaam from tae Sid day of Jon. 1111, aad the etpoaae of such aal. Now, therefore, by virtu ot aald execution and In compliance with aald writ, I have duly levied upoa aald premtiea and will, oa tha Slat day of Auguit, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m. oa aald day, at the front .door ot tho county court house la Klamath Fall. Klamath county, Oregon, aell at pub lic auction, to tho highest aad' beet bidder for cash la head, subject to re demption accordtag to law, all the right, title aad latereet ot the above named defendant la aad to tha tal lowing described real property, to- wlt: Th east halt ot the aorthweet quarter, aad the weat half ot the aortheaat quarter of Seetloa to, rownihlp 37 South. Raaga 11 H Bast f Willamette Merldlaa; said poprty being situate la Klamath couaty, Ore gon, together with the tenements, hereditament and appurtaaaaeee thereunto belonging or la aay wis appertaining, 'or so. much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy aald execution. Dated at Klamath Palls. Oregon, July 24. 1I1S. W. B. BARNE8, Sheriff of Klamath Couaty, Ore. GEO. A. HATDON, Deputy. 26-1-S-16-SS-S9 h Notice of 0ardsaaa Bale la tha County Court of the State of Oregoa, for Klamath Couaty. In tha Matter of tha Batata aad Guar dianship of Edwla Lawreaee Newbanka, aa Insane Person. Notice Is hsrahy glvaa that, pursu ant to license ot said court under data of August 1, 1912, I will sell at prl vata aale, to the highest bidder, for caab, oa aad after the Slit day of Auguit, 1912, at th law oSco of Stone Barrett, la the America Bank aad Trust Company bulldtaff. Klamath Palla, Klamath couaty. Ore gon, th following deacrlbed real property, to-wlt: The Southeast M, Seetloa . Towaihlp 41, South of Raaga I, East of Wllamatta Meridian, la Klamath Couaty, Oregoa. Dated thla Sad day ot Augurt. lilt. N. B. NEWBANKA, Uuardtaa of Bald Batata. 2-9-16-2MI h,