vppmk" nr tiim UK1WU MIW" KW HVIOB mi Unlm tMk KVatNINO NKWMArUM PRINT THK NKWS, NOT HMTOMT itout I fMrth Year No. !, KLAMATH PALLS. OHNGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST W, 1919 Price, fin Omm Demented Woman Tries to Assassinate President Taf t U.S. SOLOIERSTO GUARD RAILROAD BASKETBALL TEAM CLARK POUNDS WILL BE CLASSY DESK TO PIECES JWIMJMTIOX IN NICARAGUA TO (KWH NKT WKKK -.-. .. Hrail Teatli Infantry lu Icm of Truuhlr Had Mood Knrt Alkkeagh Order fur Mo v leg of the frwfs Wm ItHM-ladrri at Midnight. CtoaWeea Have Improvrd la the HIGH SCHOOL IIOVN AUK PHK- PARING FOR THK COMING HKA HON EXCELLENT MATKIHAL IM AVAII.AIII.K FOR THK TKAM Ciltel Pri Bervlc. WAIIIINOTON. 1. C. Aug. 19. Tin thouund marine and lion UlBOblllu In Nicaragua nett ttk. Tti ordr ttiidliia (lis Tenth Infantry Coitato hut a salutary effect on tU Mrsrsguans, although It wm r. sltfol kt mtdnlxht 11 tU itatn department It waa Htl that the blue Jarkat would liitrt-eptn Ibe Manacua and Curlnto Hursts' snd then irattcr along the twloprtitnt tb molestation of the tfilu. Atlnt bVntary u( Htate Hunting tot Wlboa telegraphed I'rmldent lift Uit toailltlom In Nicaragua had IciraTtd. IUUIOPbOOKCAHKH WOKHItH TWO ATTOIINKVH It will bo "aoiue" basketball loam representing th. Klamath County high arliool llila fall It tho plana of the bora are carried out. Ijit year Hie gulntrt did aonio splendid work under William A. Hliaw, roach, and It la expected that the Men who are chosen ttila year will be up to thoao of laat year, One of the achetnea under content- Illation for tho coming athletic eeaaou la to have the boya go to Medford and Aaltland and play the loama there. It It not yet known who will be the coach thla year, nor haa the personnel or the team been decided, hut ahortly after (tin high school opens for the season the choice or talent will be made. Among the available men are Har din Carter, (llenn Garrett. lon Hol ler, Harold Hargent, Krneat Nail, Har ry Meainer, Italph Hum. Itobtrt Itlgga and Paul Noel. DEMOCRATIC HIKAKKH WIKLDH OAVKI, WITH A VKNGKANOK. IIKPAIHKHH KIM) KKHULT OF HIH EFFORTS WAHIIINOTON, I). C Aug. 19. Ilepalrmen today, eiamlnlng the fur nlluro of the faouae, discovered that Hpeaker Clark during tho lait nine month had used the gavel with audi effect that virtually the entire top of thn dek waa wrecked. On 0 entire eectlon had been pound- id away, leaving a largo hole con reeled by the green felt that cover tho doak. The ipoaker all through tho actalon made vlgoroua uie of the navel on all ocraslona. According to GENERAL BOOTH LAID. TO REST TMO MILLION PKOI't K SKK FUN KKAL PROCKHMION inl Mayor of Load, la OaVJ.1 Kobe, SUad. at Halate Before Bl Official ItaaJdeace While ubo Pun eral 1'aaeee Member, of Uie Houtli Family Follow the Hearae oa Fuut to Abaey Park OeaBeirrr old memhera no apeaker atnee Thomai II, Heed employed the mallet with Mich freedom, inert; J. II. Carnaban waa some vut nrprlMd when there waa de- lirret la the door uf hla office a van Wf took catn, which ho had not fiTtftrl There were enough of tbatoooitmat lawyer. Itae.med. It ImaedUuly gui busy to find an ;lutloa of the ahlpment. for tUWaeUd ordered a book caae. ha tt lot oiptct a car toad. no eight of the book caaaa mad. Iter that William II. flhaw, hla tr iiiorney, and lilmi.lf might WUW Utlr anticipated outing at ni' Ultnd. It developed, how. ver.Uat lhr( w, mliunderatand l l the order for the book "".Us (bote which Mr. ('.mil,... M" tot tie wera in.in4 i.n k. '" a Botenlc. who dlopeniM legal nwi la the me building. ""WO KXI'KCTfi LINK TOKmK hay cm km WttmiRO. Am- k..., i,., -", itwauuri 3ft"' nlUoti o.tween thla city -.?, mou'ln lh once . m the rent ,ro ot Wt E "J Wilo, of ,lollc Idllh0 Mr wn. rJfT" "" l"n ,0 - ifi .. " "waea uy mat. ll country. Mr. Here.. , pre... ttl aZ .I""1 w,,h cn"n. - i Ihn miinrl. LI. ft fmtnr.l.l. ii . I (kanaka r'"""". """Tg IB..:;,.. "up" or road to '" do in f,,r w,r ,0 b0 INDIAN WANTS TQ BE CHAMP BAND CONCERT TO BE SATURDAY DATK IH CHANOKO KltOM TO MOIIT II' WKATHKIt IM NOT GOOD, COXCKHT WILL UK POST l-OXKO AUAIN TO HUNDAY United I'reaa 8nrlo. I.ONIJON, Aug. St. Twenty thous and memhera of the Halvatlon Army, comprlalng CI brigade and accom panied by 100,000 eympathlMrt, inarched through crowd eat I mated at 2,000,000 poop!, to Abney Park cemetery, where Oeneral l)ootb vu burled. The proceaalon from the Victoria Kmbankment atarted at 11 o'clock and paeaed the Salvation Army head quarter, wher. the hearae Joined the marcher.. A Salvation Army flag draped the coffin, on which waa (leneral Ilooth'a uniform. Captain lllble llramwell Booth and other member! of the Uootb family followed on foot. The lord mayor In hi official robe. alood at aalut. before bit official rea- Secret Service Officers Take the Weapon From Assailant Woman Declares that She is the Wife of the President and Followed Him to See that He Remained True , to Her BANK TO FIX UP FORMER HOME OLD nlWT NATIONAL BANK llt'lLDI.VO WILL BK ItKMOD KLKD, HO AH TO CHANOK THK KNTHANCK WAY CAIH.INI.K MAN WILL OO OUT AKTKH THK AI.IAItOUND ATM LKTIO CHAMI'IONHHII' IIKI.D HY MAHTIN HHKIUDAN NKW YOltK, Aug. !. Jamra Thorpe, the Carllile Indian athlete, hopea'to achieve a now wortd'a record In all-around athletic champlomhlp at Celtic I'ark neit Monday. Th. pteeent record la held by Martin Hher- niua, wno maue a ioibi or ( 'popular poinia in mo cnampionanip or ivov. Thorpe bellevea ho can better the acor. by nearly 700 If he la lu top form. PYTHIANS WILL HUNT FOR DUCKS COMNITTKK IH AI'POINTKD TO IXMIK OVKH THK rilOHI'KCTH Hill AN ANNUAL OUT! NO A 0(M)D TIMK IH IIKINU PLANNED Tho weather permitting. Uia Klam ath Military band will play la U. court houa. aquar. on Saturday wa ning. In th. .vent of th. weather preventing, th. concert wilt be given Hunday afternoon. It waa Intended to play th. con- curl till, evening. The pregram: March "llrlde Klect" Souta Selection from "Lucia" Donltlltl llrldat aong from "Itural Wedding Hymphony" Ooldmark Seloctlona from "Three Twlna." Koachna aong, "Moonlight Hay." - Wenrlch Teller', aong from "Carman". .Hint "Wedding U.lla Hag" Coney National Anthem Idenc. SHIPBUILDING ERA PREDICTED IIUILDINQ OP "OKKAT UtTCH" IH KXI'KCTKD TO OIVK IMPKTCH TO AMKIHCAN IAKINK AND KINDHKD INDUHTKIEH When th. Pint National baftk re model. Ha former home building at Fourth and Main, Into which It will move after making alteration!, th. banking room will not only bo on th. ilret level, but will be larger than It la now. It will be larger by th. width of lb. preacnl atalrway, whoa, room will b. uied therein, and th. atalr way dlapena.d with. Th. entrance lo th. Plrat National building will then be th. earn, atalrway aa that to the White Mad'dog building. In ord.r to provide a hallway from the Whlte-Meddox building Into th. Pint National block a room In lb. latter, adjoining th. former', hall, wilt be cut out and ui.d aa an entry. H'hcn th. bank block la remodeled th. law office, of Jamea C. Rutenlc and Joseph S. Kent will occupy thro, loom. In It. FREE DELIVERY NOT IN SIGHT POHTMASTKIl BRANDENBURG DE- CLAIIKH THAT THE GROWTH OP THK CITY HAH BEEN BUFFI CIKNT TO WARRANT ACTION "SACRED" KNIFE IS DISCOVERED WOMAN HAD fM IX CAM OT HER POSSESSION MOTOR BOAT IS RETURNED HOME K.yiINK OP LAUNCH OP MIKEL AND DOLMAN FAME STARTS AT THK PlltHT TURN OP THK WHKKL Special to Th. Herald WASHINGTON. I). C. Aug. 39. An era -of shipbuilding and Increased toniRgo of foreign freight In Amer ican bottoms may be looked for now that the Panama Canal bill baa been signed by tho president, and th. ma chinery for operating th. "grant ditch" created by congress at lait on tho statute books. "It meant th. re-habllltatlou of th. American merchant marine," la a favorite expression of acor. of legis lators, while tlioio who have been making th. fight of their lives for a return to th. old ordor of thing be. fore the Civil War, aa It retatea to our own shipping, soo In tho Panama Ca nal bill a consummation much to be desired. WOMEN TO MEET FRIDAYAFTERNOON THK DATK OP AWARDING PR1ZRH IN THK CITY BEAUTIFUL MOVE MENT MAY BK CHANOKD TO NKXT MONDAY There Is no Indication that th.r. ijlll be city delivery of mall befor. next year, although Postmaster Clyd. K. Brandenburg haa aald that th. city', growth ao far at population la conccned haa been sufficient. What the city needs In order to get th. de livery Is sidewalk. In th. delivery dis trict, together with houae number. and atreet signs. Some of that. three lait mentioned el.rn.ata ar. slightly lacking, and under the pres ent cnarter muddle u. city couacll la aald to be chary of doing anything In the way of compelling th. peopl. of the city to becom. mora up-to-dat. la tho way of walk., number, and algns. Preside Arrive. In Is oa Hia Way to etovakfaat tbe Attempt I. Mad to Sua mmm, Baaqmet U An .aged 1st FratMatM'a Robot for Toalgtw, With OaraMr HanaoaaaTe Owing to a chill In th. night air last evening a crimp waa put In the ambitions or the member of th. Klamath FalU Military band, and that organltatlon failed to concertlt. In tho court house park as scheduled MMMAKER IS SERIOULY ILL "?" m IIMDDKH THOU. MlTlli...... . ' "uK PHY. ""AN rnv-i.v... .. . ",r- TO niHCUHH "IMT8 Tlimii.. ., M'MPrat.H.r ' On,. . -'"ICe crtar a,,.. .onB "Wtt . . -n l noma here U. """"Ion for bladdsr L',lcli rfu,e to dltcu. the roitk.... tt.T u"YM? MC"'y n Jo -u alarm. At the regular weekly meeting ot Klamath Lodae No. 9. Knight, of Pythias, a commllteo waa appointed to take a surv.y of th. prospect, for an annual outing. The commllteo consists ot Messrs. llrlramer, Bennett and Voorheea. It la th. Intention ot th. lodg. to have a duck hunt for thn benefit of tho monitors whother any visiting lodge, como or not. Thoa. expected from California have other plana which will prevent their preaenc, and the Invitations ex tended to Medford and Ashland have not y.t boon answerod. But the Knlghta nro "strong" for tho duck hunt, and tho committee Is to look thn landscape ovor and detormlno the boat place and time to go, reportlnr. at tho next meeting. The members figure that If th.y ware to wait until tho latt.r part of fleptomber, a th.y had planned, tho local duck, would ba driven out of thla vicinity, while the northern duck will not be In until October, So the chance ar. that an early data will be picked. Many ot th. Sir Knlghta "hav. their own launches, and there will be no lack ot convey ance when the excursion I determin ed. Arrangement for a banquet In th. early fall are also to be made. The gasoline boat In which Messrs Dolman and Mlkol left thla city Sun' day morning, and which they aban doned In tho tulea along the Lower take, waa brought to thla city last night. "Tho engine started at the first turn or tho wheel," atated Miss Tel ford this morning. "There waa plen ty or gasoline In the'tank." CHINK DOCTOR LUMBER TRUST FACES A PROBE KILLS A MAN NOTED SCULPTOR OF NKW YORK MEKTH DEATH WHILE UNDER- GOING TREATMENT FOR MINOR HKIN DI8KA8E United Press B.rvtce SEATTLE, Aug. 89. Louis Potter, tho famou New York tcupltor, died here today while undergoing treat ment by a Chinese physician tor a minor skin disease. The coroner I Investigating the affair. GOVERNMENT CHAHOKH THAT THE RETAIL DKALKHH ARK IN A COMBINK IN WEST INVEST! GATION IH STARTED BEATTLKi Wash.. Aug. 19. The government Investigation ot the so called retail lumber trust ot the Mid dlo West began here this morning. II. II. Hewitt ot tho Tyee Lumber company ot Hoqutam waa the first witness. He admitted that he hesitat ed to soil to retail lumber men not Included In the alleged syndicate for fear of being blacklisted by the trust. He told ot correspondence that ensued between him and the publisher ot the Mississippi Lumberman, a lumber Journal In aupport of, the trust, In which it was hinted that he must re frain from telling In the Mississippi Valley and neighboring territory to any retailers except those In the syndicate. On Friday afternoon at 2:30 there will be a called meeting or the Civic League to consider unfinished and new business. The dato for awarding the prlxe. for lawna bad been set for Septem ber 1st, which will be 8nnday. The chances are that tho league will change the date' to Monday, Septem ber 2d. School Board Meeta This morning at the First Trust and Savings Bank the city icnoot board held a session and conference with Superintendent Rosell It. Dun bar. Some matters of a routine na ture were discussed, mostly apper taining to the coming session ot the school, which begin next Monday. Some bill were allowed, also. COMAN PLEASED WITH OUR ROADS RAILROAD MAN DECLARES CRA TER LAKE IS WONDERFUL. RETURNS TO PORTLAND FROM A LONG TRIP SHERIFF DARNES NABS SUSPECT CHRIS REGAN IH ARRESTED ON THE WEST SIDE OF KLAMATH MARSH, SUSPECTED OF STEAL ING HORSES Wilbur E. Coman, general freight and paasenger agent of the Hill lines, waa among the first ot the Portland booster to get home from the Lake view meeting laat wee. In an Inter view with the Journal he expreated l.lmself aa being well pleated with the titp. "You mutt go to Central Oregon ti tlnd good roads," said Mr. Coman. After attending the Lak.vlew meet ing and visiting Crater Lake he re turned to Portland by rail that he might attend the Mineral tit the lata Postmaster Charles li. Merrick. "We found moat excellent high- lUiuunuuti on Page 4) Suspected of being a fugitive from California where he I wanted for stealing horses, Chris Regan waa ar rested late yesterday afternoon by Sheriff Harnea and Deputy Sheriff Wheeler at Oarneld Jack'a place on the west sldo of Klamath Marsh. Regan waa brought to this city and confined In the county Jail, awaiting advlcea from California. When arreated Regan had Just closed a trade with Garfield Jack with the horses he Is supposed to have ktoten. A reward of $150 ba been offered by the California authorities for the capture ot the horse thief, who, de scription talltea with Regan. PORTLAND MAN RIDS8 MOTORCYCLE TO DENVBH DENVER, Colo., Aug. 19. John B. Norman ot Portland la In Denver on hi way to New York city on a mortorcycle. He ha averaged 18 mile a day alnce atartlng, and hla av erage while coming acroea the moun tain waa 69 mile, a day, The die- tone, from Portland over the route be ha taken h MM United Pre Service COLUMBUS, O.. Aug. 19. A w man auppoeed to be laaane, made ao attempt to kill Preeldeat Tatt aa fca entered Uie Southern Hotel far break fast thla morning. She made a rush aa the preaUoat entered th. door. Secret aerviea op erator! stopped her. She waa eearea ed and a dangtroua kalf. waa foand. She waa Immediately taken to tna city prison. President Taft arrived here at 7 o'clock. He remained a abort time In hla private car before going to break, fast. The woman gav. her name aa Caro lyn Beer, and said she waa treat Greenville. Ohio. She attempted to enter the elevator with the president. vt hen arrested, th. woman anented: "I am the president' wife. I am following him to ae. that he la true to me. I have a aacred knife that I am going to give him." When taken to the atation a socket knire with one three-Inch blade waa round hidden In her dr... She had 1200 in her clothing. When ques tioned she talked Incoherently. She had seen the president laat fall la Cincinnati. Taft then told her to go home and stay with her daughter. A battalion of Spanish War vet erans and atate militia compromised President Taft'3 UMd honor. He will remain at the state fair ground most of the day. Tonight be will at tend a banquet given by the Bench and Bar Association. Governor Har mon will be toaat master. Ticket. are f 10 apiece. ODD FELLOWS TO BE VERY ACTIVE MEETING WILL BE MSLD TO. NIGHT TO ORGANIZE WITH A VIEW OF TAKING UP REGULAR WINTER WORK This evening at I. O. O. F. hall there Mill be held an adjourned meet ing of Ewauna Encampment No. 41 for tne purpose of organising with a le to taking up the regular winter work In a thoroughly systematic and uuMuet. Ilk. manner. Whll. th. growth of the lodge haa boeti vary gratifying to the brother hood, It I determined that ao abate ment In the Industry of the member hall be allowed, and the alaa la to have the coming winter be a bamaer on. In Odd Fellowship In rail.