uui'i'MKit nr nut rnmn nbwh -wtvicit gltje tor ntn a tUlh. evening newspa PRINT THK NEWS, NOT B3STORY Kjrth t ' lWB KLAMATH FALIA, OHB0ON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST M, 1012 Priest Bfrvs Ceasa Klamath Indians Get Cash for Modoc Irrigation Plan Ben Selling Hob-nobs with his Old Redskin Friends re-apportion GIVES (50,000 CJirTAIN AITWOATK GET WORD OK AWABO Urf of ll ' WlllUaseos) Klver -Mjlrkt Will Re Under Ooviwsaaeat Irrlgatfe IMtrh l-rt oC lit Pro jtrt Mm Vmttrua, lint the Work W'm HuirJl fur Want nf faed U Modoc I'olnt Irritation project It ai.rl- CoscrrM h msde an appropria tion aUt-out atrlnsa. which will In urt lb uu of " urlllnat )Ua CifUla 0. C Apptcgate, who i Mtet t It lima tho Modoc project luiurtid, tail "ho U (amlllar with tit work slresd; lonr, ssrs that tba 111,100 allovcxt by the congressional waloo jmt concluded will bo amiti ueoapUU Ib project. About to )r aio an approprla Uoaet 150.000 undo by congress fee the Mc-Ioc Point Irritation plan, kit because lha appropriation waa niitd alth turun others an objection aroa. asd the money aa not avail ill hn It ramo time for tba aetual it. Tat Modoc I'olnt Irrigation, project iU rlalm from 1.000 to 10,000 ttm of Und, torn of tba beat In tba KUasth country, according to Cap Ula Applet!. All tbla land be btfi to Indians, but lhy ara among u meat progressive In lha region, ul tut good will result In tha de Tttapaat of their place. Tit aork on tha Modoc I'olnt pro Jt u started about tan yaara ago, at u impended because of lack I (unit. 8ubte)uenlly tha Southern tvU paid (or some work In ralurn for rtgtt of ay Affording to report! received from CAPTAIN McGMEY BUYS BOATHOUSE Captain McCauler lias resigned a nt captain for tba Pelican Hay Nv. (gallon company, and baa bought the etght-room houseboat of Major Wnr dan. Ha will locate lha boat abnro tint alralta In Agency l.ake. "At tha point I have aatacted for tha houaaboat, whlrh will be named tha 'Mallard Club,'" aald CapUi.-i McCauler, "hunter agroe uioro duck ara to be (hot early In tba afaion than In any othar part of tbla section "Tbo itaatnar Hpray will atop theru dally, and will maka a special r.iu from thta city un Haturday evening, raturnlng Hunday craning. "I assure hunters good aport, and with no dangnr of bring Inat." TEDDY HITS AT SENATOR PENROSE COMPARES CHARGES AGAINST HIM TO l-OLICE GRAFT WASHINGTON, I), C. Aug. 31. Colonel Waller Hchurler, army com mandant, of California, has boon or drrnd to Invoatlgatn condltlona along Ihr Now Meilco and Arlloua borders, lCiatnuMi on Cage 4) WOMEN'S SKIRTS CAUSE DOWNFALL MINUtTER MAKKM SENSATIONAL CHARGE FROM I'tll.l'IT VK5 TIMN AHK IX HOHriTAIi AXD HKI.U NK HAYM MINNKAfOMH, Aug II. "Thar ara man In hoipltala and In bell who owe thalr damnation to tho aklrta of eome bad. beautiful woman," waa the way tha Iter. 0. I.. Merrill, paator of tho I'eoplra' Churcb, opened a aer mon lir on the tendency of women of today regarding dreaa. "Women." ho aald, "r trying to gel back to tho fig-leaf age." The Her. Mr. Merrill llluatrated hla or mon with alldca made from photo grapha of women that he had taken on the atreota of Mlnneapolla. I'ortnrr 1'rraldriit Heclarra Thai If tlin rrnnvjIraoU H-naUir Haa linen rrnpfrlr Vutrl Hr JUioulil be Ouatrd Kroni the Vnltml Htatra Hen atr N IMrvct lenlal la Made to the tliargfl ( tilled I'reii Herrica OYHTCIl HAY, Aug 2 . Colonel Itoonurelt today declared that Sena tor I'enroae'a declaration that he had liild or aent word to Archbold that the Htandard Oil compnny bad bettor make an additional contribution to the republican campaign fund of 1301 In order to nrold difficulties from "certain quarter" amounted to blackmail. "What I the difference between Bonator l'enroao'a utatcment and the Now York pollco graft?" aaked Kooae telt. "If Uenator I'onrone made auch a atatemem he ought to be ouited from the tenata." NEW BUILDINGS MEAN NEW MOVES WHITM AM KI.AMATH COUNTY AlHTIIAtn' COMPANY W MOVK TO NKV WIIITK lt'l!.ni.Vfl. AMI FIIIHT NATIONAL Wll.t. SHIFT INDIAN OFFICE IS AFTER DATA I'HKFKHH NOT TO HKI.I, LAND FOR KIHII HATCaT:RY UNTIL l-OWKR HITK AND RKHKKVOIR IfMHI UILITIKM ARK UKTEnMINa) Captain O. C, Applegata la In re ceipt of a letter from Kdaon WaUon, superintendent of the Klamath In dlan reaerratloa, aaylng that a letter baa come from the commlaaloner of Indian affair, With reference to the uio of the 1 1 att lllalr allotment for flan hatchery purpoaet. It appear that tbla land may bo purcbaaod out right, but that the department pre fer not to lak,atep looking to tho ale of tho land until tba queitlon of power ilte and mervolr poulbllltlea la determined by a field examination. An early determination la urged by the Indian office lu the natter. Captain Applagate, who haa been very active In working toward tba perfection of plana for a flan hatch ory In the Spring Creek dUtrlct. doea not uellere that the eatabltabment of one la Impoealble by any mean, and la hopeful that the work may yet be acrompllahag. NEGROES BARRED, BY THE LAWYERS MOnniM' RESIGNATION HAVES miAHTIC ACTION Borden Turns on the Suffragettes Premier of Canada Declares that the women of his Country are Able to Decide What They Want WSDON, Aug. .a auffragatto 'cation called on Premier Uordoa Car!, who I. Itre today. Tho o declare that tha premier ..! ,he u,ue Prntexl. "f u Canada la coBcarned," aald the premier, "vote for women will be decided entirely by the provin cial legUtature. "Anyway, the Canadian women are be.l able to decide for themaeiree what thoy want." Textile Hen are Involved in Plot Boston District Attorney Hakes a Direct Charge Against' Employ ers to Dynamite for Purpose V"W fog, serrlc. J!!?J'' Aug. 38. Dl.trlct At ItkVifw t.,er ioit "' cl- Ui ? ! Now Kni'nd Taitll. Bill Ur P ?d ,0 ",Unl" dynmt In w"MSk5fc0rt,r t0 dtacwdlt th n rt Intimation of the evldenca In the hand of the dUtrlct attorney camo when one of tho raeowho plant ed the dynamite mado a complete confeaalon. ThU waa followed by the autclde of Pitman, a prominent man ufacturer, who had been lubpoeuatd to confirm thla confeaalon, ' A aoon a the O. W. White build ing on Main atreet. between Fifth and Hllth, la completed, the office of (I, W. and Wilbur Wblte and the Klamath County Abstract company wilt b removed from the baaement of the old Flrat National bank build Ing at Fourth and Main etroet and rttabtlahed In the westerly (toreroom of tbo new building. ThU will be omo time during the coming month. A oon aa the tranafer la made tho Flrat National bank will begin Improvementa on Ita old building, lowering tho flrat floor to the atreet level. Aa aoon aa thla la completed the bank wilt movo from Ita preaent corner, In tho aamo corner a the Hotel Hall, Into It old home. R. K. Wattenburg, who I contractor for tho new White building, haa tho work of Improving the old Flrat National block. FIRE FIENB IS ON THE TRAIL FOR SECOND TIME THE ASHLAND FlltE DEPARTMENT IH CALLED TO PROTECT PROPERTY OF O. W. STEPHENSON LOSES HIS GRIP; FALLS TO DEATH PORTLAND MAN IS RUN OVER RY STREET CAR--ROTH OF HIS LEAS ARE CUT OFF AND DEATH SOON COMES PORTLAND, Aug. J 8. Loalng hla grip m he tried to board a moving Hawthorne avenue car at Eatt Thirty ninth atreet and Hawthorne avenue. II. B. Screven, aged 34, allpped under the wheel and auatalned auch In- InrlnA tint lio dlod at 10 O'ClOCk U flood Samaritan hoaplUI, where h waa token by the Rod Crow ambu lance. 8croven waa dragged thirty feet after being knocked down, and both of hi leg wero covered. Inter nal Injurlc were luitalned, imi ao ynit hi. condition, he retained con- aclouinoaa and begged for a drink of water aa he lay on the ground. AHIII.AND, Aug. 28. For the aec ond time thla month, the fire depart ment haa been called out In tho early houra of the morning to quench a lire In builnra property on Main atreet. The man to autfer loa waa O. W. Stevemon, retired capltalUt. The lateat loa occurred Monday mora Ing, when wooden block with a fronago of altty feet waa burned be yond ropalr by a tiro of unknown origin. The block la the laat of the wooden atructurea facing on the Plata, and waa one of the landmark of Aahland. Good ft Danford, elec trical atipply houae, aro the heaviest loier. The upper door waa occupied by the Plata rooming houae, operated by C. J. Ferguaon and wife. Mr. and Mr. Fcrguion camo hore aeveral month ago for their health. Tbey had about $600 luveated In furniture, all of which waa a total los. They had no Iniurance. The total loo on building and content will probably reach 110,000. NEW CARDINAL TO LIVE IN ROME RUMOR IS CURRENT AT VATICAN THAT ANOTHER AMERICAN CARDINAL WILL RIO APPOINT ED TO LIVE AT CHURCH HOME ROME,, Aug. 18. A rumor la cur rent hore that the pope la about to create a new cardinal from the United State. Hla headquarter will be lu thla city. , It haa been expected here for aome time, In view ot the pope' favorable attitudo to the church In America, that another cardinal would oon be appointed. MlnneooU Colored Man Have Him aelf and llrotbera From OeUlmg a Hard Turn-Down by the America Iter AaaorlaUoB 'Recall of Judge I Said by Attorney to He Daager- nua to Good Government GMFI CHARGES MAY BE UNTRUE United Tret Service DETROIT, Aug. 38. Incomplete return Indicate that the republican bavo nominated Amoa Muaaelman for governor; the democrat, Woodrldge FerrU; progrelve, L. W. Watkln Seventeen of thee Igbteen alder men accuied of grafting aought re nomlnatlon. The Indication are that moat of them have been re-nomlnat td. Tbe return are coming In very low. , 'Inltcd Prca Service MILWAUKEE, Aug. 18. The Amvrlcnn Ur Aiioclatlon waa aaved a decided atand on tho negro ques tion hero today when William Morrl of Mlnnciota, colored, ecnt in hi withdrawal for memberihlp. It I expected that tho resignation of the othor two nogroe who have mado application will follow. The resignation of Morrl waa unanlmouily adopted. J. II. Merrill of deorgla. In presenting the resolu tion of resignation, commended the "fine spirit" which actuated Mr. Mor rls' action. In a apeclal report, a committee haa characterlted the recall of Judge aa "dangerous, objectlonal and sub venire to good government.'1 The re port waa adopted, aa predicted. Kellogg U favored for "the preti deary of the aaaedatlom. BASKET SOCIAL FOR PIANO FUND MUSICAL AND LITERARY PRO- GRAM TO HE OFFERED AT THE MILLS ADDITION HALL RY IM PROVEMENT ASSOCIATION On Friday ovenlng at Mills Addi tion hall there will be given a baakat social at which a musical and liter ary program of exceptional merit la offered. Ladle who attend are Invit ed to bring basket ot refreshments, and the proceed from the door fee will be uicd toward tbe purchaae of a piano for the Mill Addition Improve ment Club. Frank McCornack, who own a ranch on tho Upper Lake, about Ave asllea from tbl city, 1 here today on busi ness. He say that never before have condition been so favorable for cat tlo men aa at the preaent time. "I have not sold any of my stock thla year," aald Mr. McCornack, "hut ex pect to be In the market aoon." PUGILIST MAKES ROWDIES BEHAVE PILOT ROCK PICKS A RINQ GEN ERAL FOR MARSHAL, AND HE HAS BEEN ABLE TO RfcUTORK ORBER CANDIDATE MAKES A RECORD RIDE STOPS AND TALKS WITH BAXD OF INDfANS Setutoria! Aspiraat Leave The CRf on Trip to Lakevlew nasi SeiaaUje Hto Driver SeaU Letter C Rett- akla Who Will B Pleaawtf to I From Him, aa It CcataJaa a I Which Will Cotae la ; .- - V PENDLETON, Aug. 18. ATharlea J oat, North weat welterweight pugil ist, la now city marshal of Pilot Rock. That little city I Infested with a gang of bulliea who ao Intim idated II. II. McReynold, former marihall, that they did a they pleased, with Impunity. An appeal vtaa made to Chief Kearney of Pen dleton, and on hla recommendation Joit was hired a week ago. Hla auc cea In restoring order haa been o great that Mayor Caateel baa given him the Job permanently. uen Selling 1 la town. He came la thla morning froa Lakevlew, where he haa bean. hob nobbing with the olJ-tlasar. oM frlenda of hla, and tbla aftacaooa Is meeting not only the aaea who Eala4 build up thla section of Ue aUte, bat thoae who are taking up tha goo work. Mr. Selling haa a personal aceaata- tnnce In Oregon aectad to ao othar man In the atate, perhaps, sad Ula fact baa made his caaacea for feeing Oregon' next aeaator so good as to eliminate the poaatMUty of say peels being aiade by thee who aro proas to gamble. Although he did not cotae hare for the purpose, Mr. SeUlag ssUMIsaag a new record la this aeetlea! He last this city at 11:30 Baaday BMrsJag. topped twice sa tas way, saw ar rived la Lakevlew at 5:10 la tas afternoon. No record? Listen to Ula. Mr. Selling stopped twice to talk with Indiana. 'These fellows caa't Tote," ac claimed Mr. SelUag-s ehasJfear. "I don't care," was Us prompt rs ply. "I uced to know a lot ot Uses red fellows, and I want to see If say of my old friend are still la the laad of the living and bow Uey ara as lag." Whereupon the nest United flutes (Continued ra Pace O WHALE RHUBARB PLANT IS GROWN STALK AS LARGE AS COP'S HILLY AND WITH LEAF, MEASURES AROUT THREE FEET APPLE GATE HAS LARGER IN GARDEN Elmer 1. Applegate drove to town thla morning with another monster garden sample. Tbt time It was s talk of rhubarb and the leaf. The talk was a around aa a poltceman'a club and, with the loaf, atood almoat three feet high. The aUlk from stem to leaf about 1C Inches with the leaf about tho same height, while the lest was probably thirty inches across. Captain O. C. Applegate took the specimen with s view to putting It on exhibition. Elmer I. Applegate aald the rhubarb waa planted last year from roota which had been Ukea from another garden and split up. He baa another one in hla garden whlho he haa not yet decided to pull up, which measures three feet acroaa tho leaf. The quality ot the veget able la good, being firm and crisp. The mushlness that often character ises enormous vegetablea la not ap parent. Society Woman Up for Gambling Golden Gate Cities are Shocked at the Arrest of ilrs. L. A. Brink for KeepingGambling Resort OAKLAND, Aug. 28 Mrs. L. A. Drink haa been arrested here on a chargo of conducting a woman's gam bling resort. Mrs. Drink la a prominent Berkeley society woman, and her arrest has cauied a-terrlflc stir in social circles. She waa arraigned la court Uls montng, and was released oa f 1,000 bond, after being held for trial. IL S. Troops Hay Quell a Rebellion For First Time Yankee Soldiers may go into Foreign Territory to Put an End to a Revolution WASHINQTON, D. C, Aug. IS. The itate department haa requested President Tatt to order the Tenth Infantry, atatloned at Panama, to sail for Corlnte, Nicaragua, Immediately. This Is the first time that Americsu aoldlers have been asked to be sent to Central America to quell a rebel Uoa. United Press Berries Post Mlaalag SAN DIEGO, Aug. 18. Navy OH clala are worried over ths safety of the gunboat Vlckaburg. The vessel waa reported Monday near the sa trance ot Magellan Day. Efforts ts locate her laat night and this mora Ing have failed.