VI'l'MKIt BIT THK vttttm prims nbwb nnvicM Sfoe Unim MtMb. KVBM1NO NEWaYAPBM PH1NT THK NEWS, NOT MMrTOHY Bfltatil Year No. ,,i KLAMATH FALLS, ORJKJON, TUK8RAY, AUOUHT S7, ISIS Prlea, Prro Newspapermen Find Themselves in Tule Marshes Governor West Bounces Portland District Attorney GREGORY SAYS CHARGES TRIVIAL RBUK IIAFORI IH DEFENDED NV noted LAWYER r jlrr' f lUr AmocUiIon Declare That Charge AieJart MeUl Jadeja Were ! Netara Warroa bseechnient Recall of ;dM la yd Favored by ' AaslaUoa'e btaaWr. rihea Press Bervlco NII.WAUKKK, Aug. IT. Stephen Cwry ot Cblctao, president of the latrltaa lUr Auorlallon, In opening lit HMllof of the aaaoclatlon her t4i; dltcutted I ho arbitration treat Im a4 inutiled trust leglalatlou li dUeuuInc (lit recall of Judgta llfipikr tald "At lo the election of Judges (or ikort ttrmt, I contider IbU prepoe Urout. 1 era up pot ad lo It la any ton ui under any elrcuawtaBcee. ' AltoJtdie llauford, venture lo i tntaUe opinion, although I poealbly lUtM sot, that th inatttr eoughl to U prortd it nit to hairs beau for the nott part of the moat trivial aatara. alllaj fir thnrt of aucb high crlatae Ml lidemeknnni aa to warrtat Iba laiearamtM of a federal Judge." T tiKulltn rommlttea reported Utt a propotil had been mada to ad ait lo memberthlp threo negro. TWjr ara Wllllaru Law la, aaalaUat utoraty itncrtl, Duller Wllaoa of kiauthuitiu and William Morrla of klisttota. StcrtUry of War Dtckeneoa pre Mittd a rnolutlon providing that trrttfttr all tppllcttloua of ntgroaa br mtmbtfthlp mutt plalnlr tlata tht tht applicant ara colored. Tho iMolttlon at rarrltd amtdat eonfu t (to. Tht teuton thtn adjourned un til tomorrow, hm tha raal flgbt on tkt atgro quwtlon will bo mad. Omn Car Attract Or. d Mm. J. M. Kaan ot Med M arrhtd In tha city laat sight by o, tftar a trip to Cratar Lake aad Uinta. Tbey vlelted today with . Charlaa Low, Mra. Kaaae'a cous- Dr. Katna'a car, a larga gra woaobllt, attracted contldtrabla at-'atloaoBlhettreete. tha toumltteo In cbarga ot tha for tha Improvement of Baeond "fHtcontlnutt actively at work rata I hi money for iho work, and x- llhln a abort tlma to ba abla ""Port tht entire amount of money J1" plidxed. It la expected M oon m the mo,,., ti tll tB ", ,W,M work on bettarawni .... M,hwy w" Tha which I. .ought bow la Z'"'1' han It la aaaurad, li mi.!" bo ,,, ,ttU oub of M'"0 wlrad avallabla for tha work. TAFT SLIPS BY CURIOUS CROWD "WUDK.NT flOKH TO HM HUM " HOMK IN AUTOMOBILK, THUH KHVWKH PA8HINU 'HOBQIl DKI-OT nRil''. Au- T PwiMit g ! the crowd at tha dapot Int.. ; J"'1 brought tha preal- Con . ,'' bro"wB-Uw, W. 0. l'tOBob 'Ida with Mra. Taft. SENATE PROBE Young Men Sleep in Disabled TO BE LENGTHY! Boat Two Nights, They Say After Tramp Through the Tules, Dolman and Mikel Reach the Downing Ranch, and Then Make Way to Worden COMMITTKK ttil.l. NTAIIT TAKING TKWTIMONY NKXT KIUDAV. MANV I'lUIMINKNT MKV TO UK KXAMINKU WHITE DEPOSIT IS NOT ALKALI RANCHER OP THOU8AND HPRINOH VALLEY DKMO.VHTRATE8 THAT CHOI'S CAN HE RAISED IN THAT HECTIO.V WEST REMOVES COUNTY OFFICER United I'reaa Serviea WAHIIINOTON, J). C, Aug. 17. Htnalor Clapp announced today that tba Inveatlgatlon of the campaign contribution! of 1)04 would be atari ad Maptembar 30th. lie atatod that tba committeemen had a general un derstanding that Iba probn would be continued on that dale. It la elated that the probe will ba eihauallre. It waa not atated wheth er or not Editor Van Valkenburg'a aMertlon that he can prove that I'en- roaa'a election to tho aenata waa void will be taken up In the preaent probe. The llat ot wltnaaaea Include llearal, Itooaerelt, I'erklna, Cortrl- you, leb, Kboi and Fllnn. Honator I'earoea left the city to day to aecure aome more material agatnat Hooaevalt la tha fight no being waged. He promteed to "kaeti ItooaaTelt la hot water." Tha aeaator carried a bulky pack age Mbellad "Ooeumaata ragardla Kooaevalt." "I ara going to rhlladalphla," aald Henator I'enroae, "lo aee aome people and refreth my memory regarding certain affalra. I will compel the own era of Ibe Philadelphia North Amer ican lo dlacharge Van Valkenburg by dlictmurea I will make." WORK WILL. BE STARTED SOON MIXER IH HAULEO TO THE HITK OK THE NEW KLAMATH COUN TY COURT HOIJHK IIY HAHRIH At tX)., CONTRACTOKH Mablon T. Dolman and Itoaallar I.. Mlkel, who have been mlaalng alace Hunday morning, aro aafo. Koolaore, hungry and tlilraty, they found their way to the Frank Down ing ranch, about fifteen mllee from Worden. Thin they walked Into Worden, where they arrlred about 1 o'clock Ihli afternoon. Tba two men will arrlro hero on tha train thta rrenlng. "The compreaalon ralve on tha en Kino went wrong." aald Mr. Dolman over the telephone thla afternoon. 'That waa about t o'clock Sunday afternoon. We paddled the boat to a point that eecmed to be nrareet aolld land. It waa In a creek. "Wo tpent laat night and Sunday nlgbt In tho boat. At 6 o'clock thta morning we left the boat on n long hike through the tulta. Boulheaal ot Worden we eaw a high piece of Kround, very rocky We headed for Ibta point. " "Wo tramped through about fifteen tnltra ot tuln land before wo reached the Downing ranch. "We have had nothing to cat ilnce 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, nnd bad nothing to drink until we arrived at the Downing ranch. "Of courie we aro weak and llred. It wai very cold aleoplng In tho boat, and were wet moat ot the time. "Not once did we tee any algn of tho icarchera, aad we did not know that we were being ao auloualy aought until we arrlvod In Worden." Mr. Dolman'a voice waa allgbtly cracked aa he talked through tba phone, bearing evidence of the cold be had acquired on the trip. It waa estimated thla ' afternoon that there were fully titty men out on the lake and In the marauo con ducting the aeareh, Varloua thaorlea for Ibe complete dlaappearance of Ibe men were ad vanced, but the one that teemed lo gAln aupport waa that the gaao line engine eaploted. caualag tba boat to alnk and coatlag the two men their Uvea. Sam Evaaa, proprietor of the Northweatera, by whom the two mea were employed, left thta city laat night about IS o'clock with Huater Savldge. Fraacla Olda aad C. M. rtamtby, determined to atay out uatlt the fata ot Dolman aad Mlkel bad been determined. They bad not been heard from up to J: 30 thta afternoon. Mr. Dolman haa been In the city but a few weekt. He la reported to have expected to be married In a thort time. Mr. Mlkel la very wolt known here, and he alto wat to have been married tbortly. When they left the city Sunday morning they expected to be gone about four boura. They took with them only a light lunch. One group ot men who went la an nuto came back ahortly before Boon today. It Included William S. Flah, managor of the Illg Daaln Lumber company; Attorney Charlea Y. Stone and Jamea II. Drlacoll. Theee men reported that the fire burning la the tulea at tba eaat aide of tba lower lake, about bait way down, had been burning alace II o'clock Sunday nlgbt. Thla Sre la believed to have been atarted by Dolman aad Mlkel. but no trace of either man nor the Telford ft Son launch la which they atarted from Klamath Falta about 10 o'clock Suaday morning, haa been found. Frank W. Ritchie came back thla morning from a aeareh In which ha toured the weat aide of the lake, bat found bo traoaa of thw meat. Tha amoka froaa Uie tulea bnratag waa not vliltle when he waa out. Ha be tlevea that Sheepy Creek might pot albly be the mate ot tulea where the men had got loat, and thought that a aeareh there would be worth while. He aald that he had been loat la that atream once, and had a very difficult time getting out. "I think one of the belt waya to look for the men would be to take a field glaaa to the top of Stukal moun- L. D. Hoy of Thoutand Sprlaga Val ley brought la aamplea ot grain, hay and vegetablea that again damoa- atratea wbat'bo la abla to do oa tha wonderfully fertile eolla that aaaajr la tlmea paat dealgmated aa alkali patch' ea, aaya the Lakovtew Herald. Tha truth ot tha matter la that ao many uae the term "alkali" whta It U aim ply a white depoalt sear or oa tba aurface, no matter what tha mineral eleuent la. That the alkali In tba vicinity of Thoutand Sprlaga la tha real article for growing plant Ufa haa never been ahown to a better advant age than right now, when tba vlalt- ora to tha country are amated at aome of the aamplea ahown In tha high achool dleplay rooma that ara fitted up nicely for that purpoae. There la no doubt that the people that ace thla dUplay aad learn where It came from will go away with a bet ter Idea aa to what all thla unuaued country la able to do for tha maa that wanta to take a home for hlauelf wherein a few yeara he may beeoma Independent Mr. Hoy haa ahto dam onttrated that It la poaalble to raiee cattle and aheep at the aame time to tho advantage of each. Hla dairy herd la what he buya autoa with, while ho la laying by a atore for a "rainy day" with hla banda of aheep that uie the open country for a range. it! luunufii on I'aae 4) Active conatructloa work will be atarted on tha new Klamath county court houao Tburaday. The big concrete mlior of llarrla Co,, cement contractor!, waa haul ed to the alte of tho new court houae thla morning, and the work of pre paring for the conatructlon of the foundation waa Initiated. PHONE LINE TO THE POE VALLEY CREW OF THE RECLAMATION HEHVICK HTART8 ON THE WORK LINK WILL HE COM I'LKTKD FROM OLKNK Eight men, compoalng a telephone conatructlon crew from the office ot the Klamath reclamation project, left Monday to extend tba governments tolepbone line from Olene along the north aide ot Poo Valley aa far aa W. W. Muten'a ranch, where the next government camp la to be ahortly aa tabltahed, aa eoon aa tba truaa at Otena la computed. Thla truaa la a croaalng for water eonatruutad aa nart of tha Irrigation exteniton work being dona tha rec lamation ienrlca. Tha truaa win oa anlahaA In about tWO WMBJ, When tha camp will ba eetablUhed at tha Maaten raaek. ANDOVKIl, Matt.. Aug. IT. Barn- eat 1'ltman. head of tho W. W. Pit man company, oue of the largeat of the textile conttructlon companlea In the New England atatea, committed Fearing an Investigation, Pitman Takes Own Life manufacturer was Charged With Being Involved in Dynamiting Plot With the Idea of Discred iting Striking Textile Workers suicide In hla home here today by mite to discredit the Uwrence atrlk- ahootlng. He left a number of letter. Pitman bad been aubpoenaed by the Suffolk county grand Jury to tes tify regarding the planting of dyna- The aummona followed the testi mony before the grand Jury ot John nreen, who whs convicted and fined for planting th dynamite. PEDDLERS MUST PAY BIO FINE JVIK1K ORAVK8 FINDS VERDICT OF OUILTY IN THE CASE AOAINRT HEARS ANR HUNTER, WAOON HALKBMRN Waller Bears and Charlea Hunter wero found guilty by Judge Qravea In the Justice court of peddling with out a license, and -ware fined 1160 each. John Kellerman, who waa arraatad with Seara and Hunter, waa acquit ted. Tha trial, by tlpulatlon T8 tween the attorneys, waa conducted without tha presence of the two de fendaata who ware convicted. Kellerman testified for tha state. He aald that he had been promised regular employment by Seara and Hunter In the telling of wagons, and at the time of the arreat he waa not receiving any remuneration, out ac companied the two mea to learn the business. The wltneaa atated that Sears and Hunter had aold about eight wagona during the time that ho waa with them. Seara and Hunter have been out ot Jail on a 11,000 caah bond furnished by a Medford bank, Now It la dealred to releaae thla money and turnlah a aurety appeal bond. Judge Oravea had declined up to a late hour thla afternoon to releaae tha, bond until the two convicted men were delivered In court. Seara and Hunter ara re ported to be now In tha vicinity of Prlnevtlle. Mra. Brovna Free SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 17. Mra. Alice Brown, cloak model, accused of fleecing David Napping, an lltlnola farmer, waa freed today because Nap ping failed to appear to proaacute. ELKS WILL HOLD SPECIAL MEETING CLASS IS EXPECTED HERE FROM LAKKVIEW REGULAR MEET INGS WILL BE HELD BY LODGE FROM NOW ON A claaa from Lakoriew wUl be Int tlatad lato the Bike In thta city Satur day night. Word waa received from the Lake county matropolla Monday, stating that there were a number ot vuinlldatea there, anl It waa at once decided to hold a apodal meeting here Saturday ntght. Secretary L. H. Oath atated thla morning that commencing September 1st, rviular meeting will be held by Uio Elks here, tha Blkt hart, DARROW MUST FACE A TRIAL DATE OF SECOND EFFORT TO CINCH THE CHICAGO LAWYER IS FIXED BY PRESIDING JUDGE WILLIS LOS ANOELES. ' Aug. 27. Tba trial of Clarence Darrow on a charge ot bribing Juror Bain waa aet thla morning by Judge Wlllla for Octo ber llat. The court announced that within a few daya a Judge will be named to alt In the case. OOVERNOR IN KAHNBBT IN AMIS VICE CAMPAIGN Depaty Halted Staiea Dtatrkt Attew ay Evaaa la Appelated to Taka Placo of DWtriet Attoraaf OiasV(ft EsBfeftMialBBM tare la PortUad fc Caaapaiam (Tolled Preaa Service PORTLAND, Aug. 27. Aagered by the alleged "apathy" of Dtotrtot Attorney Cameron In tha goveraor'a reform campaign la PortUad, Gover nor Weat today remoVvA Cameras from offlce. Aalatant United BUtea District At torney Evaaa, who waa aelected by tha governor to be special proaacater, haa been appointed dlatrtet attorney. The governor has eetabliehed head- quartern here, aad propoaaa to aat aonally supervise tha aaU-vtc campaign. Mr. aad Mra. Joha CatMara aad daughter. Vivian, aad Mr. aad Mia. Harry Chlldara, taer aa aad diaaj- teer-ta-Iaw. at Madterd. arrvad ba Use city laat algct oa their way boom Bi ter a length vlalt with their aaUdram In LangeU Valley, Mr. aad Mra. Bart Cblldora and Mr. aad Mra. Oeao Cin ders. Mr. and Mra. Oaaa Calldara accompanied their pareata to tala etty and Mra. Chlldera will go oa wlta them to their home for a abort vtelt. Gene will return to hla Laagat Valley ranch and play bachelor until the re turn of his wife. LONG WINDED SESSION OVER TWO RECORDS WERE BROKEN DY CONGRE88 JUST ADJOURN EDMANY WORDS WENT INTO CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Harlaa. United Preaa I NEW YORK.N llcan headqua nounced that Je aon of the late aupreaao oowrt Jaettao. will follow Rooaerelt lato New Bar- land, anawerlng the argumaata of the ox-prealdeat KLAMATH AGENCY GETS SOH IMEY WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. II. The Indian appropriation bill, Just reported, contains the following Itema for Oregen: Klamath reservation. 16,000; Warm 8prlnga reaarvatloa. 14,000: Umatilla. S,00; bridge at Warm Springs, 116,000; Chsmawa, with additional buildings aad repairs, 1117,000; Qraad Ronde, 14.000; Mo doc Irrigation project, reapportion. 150.000; for aettlemeat with the Chi nook and other Indian tribes, , 166,000. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 17. Tho second aeaaton of tha alxty-aae- ond congreaa broke two recorda. Nearly 18,000,000 were spoken la the legislative chambera during the 2S5 daya of tho seaalon a braad aaw mark. Tha coagreealonal record win bo tha largeat tha government, print ing offlce has aver turned out. It will run more than 1,100 pagas. Two hundred aad elxty-nve daya of coatlnuoua aaaaloa beata all recorda since 1868, whaa congreaa sat for I4f Cays. The Ladtee' Aid ot tho Mothodlat church will aaeet la .tha baaemeat ot the church Thursday afternoon at 2: SO for work. All membera aro urged to oa prassat TO SAVE MOTHER SON KILLS DAD MURDER OF WEALTHY HORSE MAN IS EXPLAINED YOUTH MAKES COMPLETE CONFBsV HION TO NEW JERSEY POUCH Malted Preaa Service VINELAND, N. J.. Aug. 27. Hoa ry Oarton aurrendered to tha poUeo here today. He admitted having kill ed hla father, E. R. Oarton, a riea horseman. The murder occurred thla morn ing. Tho young maa declarea that bo ahot hla father to prevent hla moth er's murder. Tho father had beea drtaklag.