Hdl'I'UKU lis THB vnvM ' NKWI1 ""V fie tJcnittQ faU. KVKJUKO NBWHPi PRINT THB NKWM, NOTimOMT atelli Yral "u. 1,MS KLAMATH KAMA ORMOON, MOMMY, AUGUST St), 111 Newspapermen are Lost in Lower Lake Marshes County Grand Jury Will Probe Graft Charges Soon Crater Lake Gets $53,' MM ww9 Session Comes to End XTCmh'MiiSSLLfULviAJittUftlfiMLlJL.'SP'ZXW.L'm SOLICITOR AND ; Debs Says Teddy ROADS WILL BE Council men Will CONGRESS QUITS EDITOR MISSING Is Dangerous flam BUILT IN PARKi Have Some Time i i. tier la Kalertll Tlul They Mavr Hata Loal in On of llui Mmjt ajoegha o H'Ulli Lake Wrrrt lag Party '" '" loto Ttsrn. fitttof l-('l'lrl iif Nortltweelrni U oa Lookual aOUUX AM MIKKLFAIL TO ,,, ,lnMhr-(I ,. HoulJ ,umou Cou of Tin" wrT" ArTO HOAT TKKKK HAUTK, Ind., Aug. 2. I.NW York, who waa present at the llclore alerting today on a lour of the (interview between llooaovelt and liar- Pacific roait, Kugeno V. Dob, oclal-'rliuan when the 1901 contribution III candidate for president, declare! wcro dlicutied. that Theodore llooeevell waa the onlyj Ux-b YMtil Hagamorr Hill laat man In the entire country who did sight. not know that the Iruita financed his llooaovelt aald; 1901 campaign. ' "I.ob inld that ho had accn the Mr. I)eba declared that Itoocevelt Is 'statements to the effect that be would the moil dsngerous man In America, be eummonml before the committee, Deba gave out hi apeech of accop-laml wlahrd to adrlan mu regarding lance. In It lie rulngltm the eoclatliOI'o minora. I told lilrn that If he Vrty. waa called he mint leltlfjr to erery- Mtilon tMmau of Ibe editorial forte of the Klamath rail North ftttwn, and lloaatler Mlkel, adver (Wag solicitor for the Mm publica tion, kar been ralailug alnce yeiter 4iy uornlng, when they started In m of Telford A Hon'a launchra for itbeisrt trip un tower Lake Klam ilk. Tkb aornlng Hatuurl M. Krana, (Her, and It. Vance Hutch), re perttr ef the Northwestern, went atta Ray Telford In a launch to MRk for Ibc mining nun. After (by kid Wti gorf aome boura Tel lard UUrhubrd to hi father that un trite hid bn found of the mining mi, but that the aearchlng party 1U ilghttd imokr. apparently lu the ttt tad of the floating Tula fa toil, lad bellaird that It might havo km itirttd by Dolman and Mlkela. Til theory of Trlford waa that lb mm went through thu itilt, aipettlng to atrlke the channel forth main body of the tower Uke, u.; mUUkanly entered oue of the any filie, tutr-grown channel ilek laid to the lalinda, which nM uturally Ihrow them far off tkear coan. Th Btiiago from Itay Telford at from Midland, and ha atatad Ut th bunt would ba continued by "TlM to locate the Are, where) It y hoped the mlaalng men would law he. Tharn Wu mi rrmiitiv nr tifitln. thin. He waa mv nrlvata aarrnLarv cation, and Mr. Delia waa not visited 'during the Harrlman Interview." by any committee. i TeaMy Will Hoaat United Pro Hervtr OYKTKK HAY. Aug. SO. Colonel OYHTKIt HAY, Aug. St. -Itel(erat-itooarelt la preparing a letter to be lug hi denial of lha Archbold trail-. sent to Senator Clapp. It I eipected mony before th eenate Investigating J that In Ihla latter the ei-preldent committee, Colonel Itooaevett atatad.wlll iharply crltlclle the Clapp acun that ba hoped that the Clapp commit tnrlal committee. piiihox picture attract many DARROW MUST ANSWER CHARGE PIIKHIHINU JUDGE IIIHMIHM SECOND INDICTMENT ahainnt chicauo i.AWYt:n. Till A I. TO hi: hkt at oxck United I'reaa Bertlce I.OH ANOKI.KH, Aug. 36. -Preild Ing Hupcrtor Judge Willi today do llied the motion of the attorney for too defenao of Clarence Darrow l dlernlaa the Indictment charging Dar row with (bo bribery or Juror llaln. The caao waa continued until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. At the Majeatlc tonight lb famoua prlion ftlma will be ahown. On ac count of the extra eipenae Incurred In bringing thla remarkable nlm to .thli city the management haa been HKFl'MrM TO obliged to ralte the price of admit alon to IS cent. HH.L FINALLY UIVKH CKATKK LAKR BKOOONITIO.V ApprvprUtleai a Cut From 9100,000 to M.ooo, uil Money H'UI Ue lledy for Work at Once Oregoa lleprcernUtlrea) Mecare Paaaage of NetMurn In Hplto of Democratic Majority In aplte of the democratic majority the Oregon representative In Waih Ington have aacnred n appropriation for tb building of road and bridge In the Crater National t'aik. Kqueeted Into the sundry civil bill, aa finally paaaed by the congreaa which adjourned tbl afternoon, waa an Item of IGI.000 for tba famoua national park which Ilea almoat whol ly In Klamath county. It waa (orlglaally eipected that 1000,000 would be appropriated for the park, 1100,000 of which waa to be ued aanuaMjr'untH tba work woa completed. Thla amount waa cut down from time to lime In commit tee, howover, until the Oregon repre- .. IM. m. l. . ,.. r AAA Item through. Thla money will be available at, Klamath Valla councilman who have been charged with grafting will have two weeka time within which to prepare their defense. Thla la the reault of the change In the original plans of calling tbja grand Jury. It waa Intended that tba grand Jury ahould meet during the flrat weak In September, but, because of Important court matters which bad previously been arranged, District Attorney Kuy kendall haa poatponsd tba meeting of the Inquliltorlal body until tba sac ond week In September. Judge Denson arrived In tha city laat night. Ha baa been advised of tha Importance of the charge mad by Tho Herald, and la waiting tba ac tion of the district attorney. Although not generally known, the Klamath county grand Jury baa al ready bad under consideration tba Klamath Falls councilman, but no action waa tnkan. It happened that at tho time tba grand Jury considered the case against tha city bfflclals tba district attorney waa required to ba In court, and could not advise the grand Jury. At this aeaston of tha Jury It Is determined to so arrange matters that the district attorney will be able to be present at the grand Jury deliberations, and present the evidence which baa been collected. The charges against the three conn cllmen are serious, and, If provan will moan Jail sentence. Since the publicity given by Tb Herald to tba graft charges, tnern nan been brought to the attention of Tb Herald and the county oBclals In stance of graft In the past. There Is a question, however, whether or not these past charge can be proven, be- THIS AFTERNOON COMPHOMUK MCACaTJaB ON PORTANT MLLH at ChaanberUta aatd for Bosae Old to Prolong; the OUxa-a Make MsmI -Fes i Continued rn Pas 4 1 Taft Leave. CpHal q... iyr 011.11 WABHINOTON. D. C. Aug. . Hill hlHr Hllti PreldentTaft left at 5:35 thU after-' " Mai HI I. Illin noon for neverly on hi (ummer va cation, i There will be a meeting of the W. once, and It I eipected that worklt'- T. U. tomorrow afternoon at 3 tar III tin ( awt kafnea anna Alaa ! ni1 Aakr (Sav tlimtlsit sli as " --...- .w.-mwo .... ,w., -. .M, .y . W. UNVRANCIHCO. Aug. 16 Judge Wr fcM t Heptember 1 for the Mil of Luis (llau, former vie pre. Mill of ihi Pacific BUtea Telephone TiUgraph company on a charge of rtkery. WEARSTROUSERS; Hiram Johnson Faces Recall; Lawyer Makes Grave Charge Teddy's Running Mate Gets into Hot Water in his Own State. No Details of the Complaints are Yet Given BY LOCAL TEAM KLAMATH PALLS TALENT AT WORK ON DIAMOND, PROVKH TO UK TOO HTRONG POR VISIT OH8 COMING FROM MKRRILL WOMAN PINCHED IE SAM HAS POSITIONS OPEN ,JMT IHWICULTV IH KXPKHI kCKD IV (lnT(j KMOII1LRM W F.('bMATIO.V AND POR. ,;WHY HMiviCr. ,..!'' lJnl,,l HtntM Civil Bervlce ti;. ion n,,l"'"'t'H an uamlnv October l, i,,,, roMtopo. f o of for, ,t au nold clerk In the tltTfeL r" n,", ri,c,l"llou or- .wrth purposo of aecurlng ollgl- i WMcl' '" fl" wancl. a "MM,0C;,,'r,Vttl MUr,M "n",nK fl,... a ,,2S M n""h. Ital C",,rl,MbMrlenc. Z lVUliMe 'w heee po ri4 't " ' Persons nro w o roak,, application for and ww In tl.l onmlnatlon. Ka il ri.! ' ble ,or PPolntnint In klMs. nV " ,orv,ce onl'' A Htli .m ,!! no,r,,,h,f ,nd 'P' kHHu Z . ,h, U of book- CVfly to (b gratary ksutU Wsih 8rvl VM OPPICKIt MALI. M.1K13. A CP ' TUIIK ON MAIN HTHKCT THIS APTKHNOON PKIHONKIt IN- MIHTH US HKH IUGIITH A woman dreued In a man's khaki outing ault which fitted her nether mighty cloae from the knee down, was arrested this afternoon at Slstb and Main streets by Patrolman Wil liam Hall for wearing nttlro contrary to tho statute In such cases made and provided, aud alt In the county of Klamath and atato of Oregon. Hho would not say who alio wn or where she waa from, but claimed to bo traveling atone. "I'vo been In towu only ten min utes," sho said. "I caran on my horso which Is being shod. I went through horo about two weeks ago." Bho aaaerted that ahe was within her rights as u horsewoman to wear the kind of covering she had on, but Officer Hall aald she was wrong, and ordered her to go along with him. She wanted to go got. her horse, shu said, but tbo patrolman waa obdurate. So ahe went with him. Mala street pedestrians wore very muck Interested In th woman's ap pearance, which was not one of sur passing beauty. HAN PHANCIflCO, Aug. 36. -A pe tlllon for the recall of fJorernor John ion boa bxen started In circulation here by Alva Udell, a lawyer and poli tician. It I charged that the itato admin titration la endeavoring to control tha prealdentlal elector through the new primary taw by attacking the validity of thn law. It Is doclarcd that repub licans are being Unfranchised In dem ocratic leglalattre dlitrlcta, and vice vena, hut how, 1 not clearly ex plained. It I further charged that Governor Johniou ha approved legislation "fostering land grabbing by wealthy Individuals and corporations." .No sperlnc act is allsged and, an far a can be learned, there la no or ganised backing behind Udell. MCCOY BRINGS' BUNCH CATTLE PIO.NKKIl HKHIDKNT HKTUHN8 KltOM CALIFORNIA, WHKRB HK DKCLARKM CONDITIONS ARK NOT AH GOOD AS HURK llrlnglng with him twenty-nlno head of hlgh-grado dairy cattle, J. W. McCoy arrived In the city last night from tho Sacramento Valley. "Conditions In tho valley are only fair," aald Mr. McCoy. "Thing look a lot better In the Klamath country, and I am pleased to get back home. Of course livestock Is high In Califor nia, Just aa It la all over tb country, but things generally do not look pros perous In th Soutk." MRS. HERMANN HAS WIDOWED SISTERS Johnaon Answer LOS ANOELES, Aug. 16. Gover nor Johnson today voiced defiance to the circulation of the petition for hU recall. He stated that be knew that Calhoun, John D. Sprecklea and their clique bad Intended circulating auch a petition. "I have been told," aald Governor Johnson, "that they are offering 15 to each signer. I confidently believe that California will repudiate such an attempt." KOBEUURO, Aug. 16. Mrs. Din ger Hermann of this city has as her RiiraU four of her five sisters, Mr. 1.. Avery and Mrs. S. Goutdln of Oak land. Calif.; Mrs. E. McKlnney of Cottage drove, and Mrs. E. Hamblln, of Portland. Tho four guests are widows, as la another sister, 'Mrs. John Knott of Portland, who was unable to be pres ent at the reunion. Th ladles aro daughters of Rev. A. J. TlbbetU, a pioneer minister of Douglas county, all of whose children were born n short distance, northeast of Oakland. Oregon. JOB IS OPEN FOR A DOCTOR aOVKRNMKNT WANTS A MAN TO CARE POR THE KMPLOYK8 ON THE DIFFERENT PROJKCTS OF UNCLE BAM The United State Civil Service Commission announce nn examina tion of September 11, 1911, for the purpose of securing eligible from which to All vacancies In th position of physician In the various servtos. .Vacancies now exist In th India; service aa follews: Colvllle Agency, I Continued on Pag 4) At the ball park yesterday a good crowd was attracted by the game be tween the Klamath Fall nine man aged by Caleb T. Oliver, and th ag gregation of aphsre ahovera from Mer rill. Tho game was warmly eon tested for the hour and 40 minute of sportive struggle, at the end of which tint th seer waa all In favor of Klamath Falls, being 6 to 0. Batteries Klamath Falls, Beaton and McKune; Merrill, Blodgett and Llvsyv CRATER LAKE 10 BE IN10IES" ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE TO FOLLOW THE EUROPEAN SCI ENTISTS TO THE. FAMOUS CRA TER NATIONAL PARK and OUter Wsaslsrs Reacae CoaUaa to i I 4 WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. ) S6. Congress adjourned at 4 4 o'clock thla afternoon, ala dl. WAflHINOTON, D. C, Ang. If. The Psarose 8sd-PHadtr rssla Uoa authorising th fnrtker tnv ll- tlon of campaign crtrltl) waa adopted by th mat) thai tHmwMm. Senator Peare nrsdlefd Ohnt cc gree woald adjourn wttkam aa kcejr. He aald that aa agreesBeat and reached on the deadeney MIL lotted Pre Set-vie WASHINGTON. D. C. Ang. M. The bouse and eenat nut today, U1I In a deadlock. Leaders believe that adjournmsnt haa been Indefinitely postponed. Many members left th city ywtar- day. Senators awanao'n. Chamberlain. Culberson and Martin threaten tkat the deadlock will be continued Inded nltely unless the general deteWacy bill authorising tb ryaat C loans of Virginia, Oregon. Tain and Muryland, made the government Mur ing the laat century, are rJd. Senator Penrose announce! this alternoon that an sgrasent had been reached whereby It will ha pos sible to adjourn today. No detail were announced. Senator Penrose raid that the eenat would mark Una (01 th present. Por the purpose of taking moving picture of the trip of scientists from all sections of the globe to Crater Lake, two expert moving picture men will accompany the party next month, according to Will Q. Steel of Port land, who Is arranging the details of the visit. The American Ltteograpa company Is planning to tak the pictures. Every arrangement la being made to Uke car of the party and trans port them to the Ink and hack. Sixty of the loading seUnUata ot th world will mak th trip. MANY TOURISTS VISIT THE PARK SUPERINTENDENT ARAKT BAYS THAT SOS AUTOMOBILE HAVE BEEN TO CRATER LAKE BO FAR THIS SEASON Wilson Conlw NEW YORK, Aug. 16 Woodrow WlUpn today conferred with the cam paign Isadsrs bsre. He announced that he would spank only la a few, states. Bom ot these speech will h noa-partlaaa. Tentative dal la dud Buffalo a Labor Day' According to Superintendent Arant rf th Crater National Park, tk travel to Crater Lak la far la excea this year of what It ana beoa dnrlag any previous year. There have been mora than I0( automobiles in the park to data, and there will probably be 100 more be fore the aaon closes. Tourists from nearly every state la th Ualoa ara among thoa rgttrd, sad thsr ara some from foreign eountrlM The weather Is na at tl nark. Th fishing In th Inks to 4, and everybody appears to ba having a good time. The latest report from Washing ton to to th effect that aa appropria tion for 150,000 ha bom favorably reported by the committee, hut a definite word has been rlv4 jMf aa to whsthsr this favsrabl recom mendation ot th ommUte has 1 acted oa by i