II urruiD BIT THE MEWS MIIVIUN $tje Petting Befall. bvxhiro inmnnMk PRINT TUB RKWS, MOT ffOBT UMwriuMi n ' fTMrtl,VMi-',',',Ma KLAMATH PALM, ORHOOM, SATURDAY, AUGUST SM, lIB PHea, Wtn OmH 1UIR ROBBER iN. Y. Police Hix TAFT SIGNS A Bonanza People US SOME TASTE! in More Scandal! SUPPLY BILL Want New Road aeM or mkdforo bandit m LOOKED OVNH m ta Mom oa i nut vp m a th Place WW i m UM Trip lo R MM rf a )Tt tints' FfM 8rifo MOrORt), Aug. II. Mf. wiie iHHWrrr, !' of r' obbr tkt wi captured la Kan yter at, Marled lo4r (or Topeka la car hh?lejtredhuibnd. ii Ismtlgetloa bod that th Lismiitt rntb nr here U a vr Mb kttor. Oo too w U fitted up iter m fsthlea of Kronen salon, iceuffJ llU rich Oriental rtaMsnatea tspettrlee adorn the. nil ts4 tvaerout warbl tiaiuvt1 pdiiel serve lo com-1 l A rk-k elect. Body of Young Woman Found New York Hotel but Police Pro tect Her Hale Companion MEASURE CONTAINS A PROVISION I in I ABOLISHING TARIFF HOARD. THK HOl'NK ACCEPT THK CON- j PKKKNCR report United Preea Unit NEW YORK, Aug. 31. Dlttrlct Attorney Whitman 1 Investigating the death In a, local hotel or HI Julie Curran. The pollc reported that deth u from natural cause. ! Coroner's Physician Ur. Utlo Scbulti declare that ilia girl aa murdered. There r bruise and abrasion on I ho bod) and ringer mark on the throat. Dr. Hchultia charge (bat the ollrt falttflt d the report of tha case "clthtr to allow tha murderer to escape or to protect tb hotal." Tim body u found two deys ago. Tho police did not report the finding or tba corpaa until slxtesn houra tatar, allowing tha girl' mala companion to etcap. 11 . . ... i , i YOUNG FOLKS TO HENRY TOURING HAVE BOAT PICNIC1 PARTY RETURNS United Press Srla WASHINGTON,' D. C, Aug. 14 President Taft today ilgnad tba civil appropriation bill. Tbta lacludaa tha largeat o( tba supply btlla, and con tain! a provision (or tho abollihlng or tha Uri! beard; Tba houaa, Immediately ahar con vanlag, accepted tba conference re tort on the pottotlea bill. Represen tative Moritock did not atart a Mlbut tar, but merely prataatad and rota-) agatnat tha measure. Tha houaa unanimously passed tha ,Norrl resolution ordering tba atate department to Investigate and report I ho racta In tba ebarga that llrltUh aoldlera killed James Rogara, in American, la Africa. rraat to tWiaa eJfrM auric WllNINaTON', Aug. I The n- !'( caaptlfD rontrlbutlona commit In b sow conttdf ring whan lo rr RaUw Itaroavlloojavrlt probe. It k Mattel that no additional author kni UI U niarr to continue o IttntUjitlon afltr adjournment. AI,UAXCC.OtyCaVRUH OtUlANf. SATIOKH VUKS MOONLIOMT I'lCXU) WITH HKKRKHHMKXTH. ItlH .NKXT TUKftOAV COV.NTV NVRVKVOh A.D OCHaTH UtM) ON HONK HOIl, OXCKJ AfJAI.V AKTKlt aao miu: TRir, INTO BOtUIK IUVKK OOUNTHY JUDGE LOVETT ! MAY BE HERE USES fUGTMY M YAMCOUVER, WASH. MUttR MIIIKMT (IK THIH CITY UMUI OONKIDKHAIII.K WHKM MB WTltOVH A IM)X VAC NM IN WAHHIXdTO.N TOWN ' D. DtkoU, who apant aoma Urn a Ktonatk rIU two yaara ago aa Hart cl rrank Ira WhUn. auf. "M tk Iqm by flro lait f k of a Btir t Vancoutar, Waali., of tikkktbhaUoantr Alra. DuboU. ttl McCai.ly, u tutr of Wilt,, ni rttlJtd har aavarnl . Tk boi ftclory bad bM la J"1 about U month, and tha m wnpUt. eiccptlng oma macblniry. Mr. Whlta ?" toformtlou yitrday that Jorkot rtbulldiiig will begin Im On nait Tuaaday avinlng tbe Young I'aopte'a Union, an alliance or thn young people' organisation In t!it varlou church or th city, will It a moonlight picnic ou the Cpper Uk. Thero will br rrrehmula for ale on the boat, Including Iro cream, cak, eaudwlch and colTe. UN COMING UCKHERE SOON "CVlTCOtJUT JUIKJK, WHO HAS Hn VIKITIXa MARIUKI) WVOMTKIt IN HOIXUrTKR, IH HrTWtMi HOMK TOMORROW TOMfirrAi - . ..... TDlnK 111,1,. li.nrv l,. an ol th. . i..i. . . J" Mturn to thl city In prap (J3 " op.nlng tha regular jZ" wwurt the nr.t Monday lu ,". Accompanied b Mm. SLttf.'1 Mr- N- o. bum t t JjL.d,M ' Klamath KalU. at KluuT ' ?M eonnected with the m7Ui, ' C0Pbr, whieh un- i awat. . "uon rpruo " r Und In (hi. vicinity. BIG SPUD CROP IS ANTICIPATED CTXH. IIK IJII TWK.NTY ACRKH I.S "MUHI'IUKH" KXI'KOTKD TO fHOUUCK AIMIUT 0,000 IIIHIL KUi OV MK.ILY VMlKTAIIIiKM llvputy County Clerk Cbarlea Da Lap eipocla a eplaadld yiia or "apudii" thl year off hi land nine mllr oaat or town on tba Merrill road. The land U Juit oppoalte the famoua Henley ranch. The farm, which lait year waa In charge or Robert Hhort, la thl year being con- ducted by David L.. Rlgbtmelr, and the twenty acrea In which tubera are planted are expected to give about ISO buahel each, or ft total or 3,000 buiheta. There waa a very good yield laat year,, about the aame aa I ex nectod tbta year. At that time on acre produced it a nune. toaa are now aelllng at 0 Pr inn pound, and Da Up will hold thU year'a crop for a rlo. Many poople expect "MurphleaV to be worth 1U centa a pound by iprlng, or twlco a much aa the preaent market price. County Hurveyor K. II. Henry and hi touring party, Including loul Alt, J. K. Hodge, It. K. Outhrldgej and Ilootrt Mlicnu, reiurneu ini morning lu Mr. Henry' auto, In which they had a J50 mile trip vlnce lait Monday, "We had a iplendld time, and no trouble or any, kind with the mi dline," ald Mr. Henry. "No blow out or puncture came our way, and wa got back on the eame air we Uft ou. Th roada were good." Tha party caught aoma nib while away, but did no bunting, not having a gun aboard. On leaving here they went to Crater hake, thence to the head ol Rogue River, coming down the river and back to tbla city by the way of Medford and Aabtand. jllKAO OK THK HARRIMAN UXKH IN MAKIN'O A TOUR OK IN'BPKC TIO.N OK TMK LINED IN THE WK8T Frank Ira White, the real eatatv man, will leave thla evening for Cal ifornia point on a butlnea trip. Judge It. 8. Lovtt, chairman of tho executive commltt of tba Har rlman line, may vltlt Klamath Fall oon. He I now In the Weit on a tour of lupectlon, and will probably look over the work being carried on In thl ctlon. Judge Lovetl I traveling In a new tl private car, especially coaitruct cd for hla ute. II la now Inspecting the Oregon Short Line. Henry llolvln, the plumber, ha, with hi aon, returned from an onjoy able aojourn In Han Pranclaco. UALUW1N PARTY OKTS HACK QUICK Julia T. Baldwin and party made tha trip from Lakevlew In Ya hour and 16 mlnutea laat night, leaving Ukevlew at 7 p. m., nnd arriving In thla city afteeu xtlnute after tha midnight hour. In tha party wara Judge Baldwin, CharlM Baldwin, Undaay Blaamora, John BUI and Mr. .Chamber, DWARF DIVIDEND IN BAMBER CASE RKKKRKK IN IIANKHUITGY OK- CUARKH TOTAL OK LHW THAN 4-tO 1KR CKNT FOR WAITINtl CRKDITtlHH. United State Referee In Bank ruptcy Jamea C. Rutenle haa eloed the ctnte or F. C. Bamber, under date of Augut ISlb. The bankrupt u discharged from bankruptcy en June 14th and the Onal dividend will be paid Auguat 19th at the oracc or tho referee. ThU dividend la rather minute, being 1.0036 on the dollar, or leu than 4-10 of 1 per cent. It would hardly pay to end thla dividend out hv mall. o credltora may gat thalr check by coiling at the offlce of tho referee. . Tho elto of Cbarlea Donart, nana runt, wa cloed Augut Sd, with no dividend for anxloua credltora. on Aucuit ttd tba Jeaae A. nun- iiaker catate waa cloaed witn oivi lend of E.9 uer cent In addition to e ptr cent declared prior to that. Thu credltora irt a toUl of nearly 11 par cant. MERRILL PEOPLE DELAY WEDDING INAIIIL1TY OK GROOM TO PRO. DUCK HOMK ONK WHO COULD HWKAU TO THK AOK OP BR1DF. HTUMUUNO BLOCK llecauie neither knew any peraon lu thl city who could aweer to aa nffldavlt aa to th age and realdance of the bride-to-be, a Merrill couple lailod to gat a marriage llcenae hcra yeiterday. Lounger In the court houie aquaro late yctterday afternoon "apottad" tho couple a oon a tbey itarted for the county clerk'a offlc. "After a marriage llcenie," wa tho comment, and Inqulaltlve aye following the bluihlug girl aa ahe tood at the deek watting for County Clefk De Lap to appear. Whon Informed that aa aHdavlt would be neceeaary, the young man and young woman turned aadly away. "We are not acquainted hare," aald the young mas. Arrangemeata were made, how over, ao that th neary aHdavlt will be aeat her by mail from Mr rill, and tbta the llceaia will be tor warded to thx. Promoter s Confident of Making a Success of Venture. Prelimin ary Survey is Already ilade ARCHBOLD WILLI SUE ROOSEVELT STANDARD OIL CaUKP STATEMENT OP COLONBaV The electric line to connect Bonaa ra with Klamath Fall aeeau to be aa ured now, according to Promoter Qeo. C. Clark, who coaatrueud tha dlvenlon dam acroaa Loet River for tho reclamation eenrlee. Ha aaya he U now ready to algn up for the right of way, and a aoon aa thla la dona he will vltlt tha ground to determine It ueceaa from a financial itaaapotnt. It U uaderttood tbe preliminary urvey I completed for the eatlra line, which la about tweaty-iU mile long. According to the. aarrey th new line will com Into Klamath Fall along Fourth itreet It will follow the contour of Lake Ewauaa from tha lower inbnrba of th city to th county fair ground, and then will go along th urvy of the Modoc North- i Continued on fage 4) BILL HANLEY IS LODGE INDUSTRY THE CITY'S GUEST DOES NOT ABATE POPULAR CATTLEMAN OP CKX- TRAL OREOON 8PF.XM NIGHT IN THE CITY AND STARTS FOR HARRIHAN LODGE "Bill" HanUy waa In town thl morning. Therefore there waa a public re ception on every corner. A roan who haa claimed to have re dded In thl Mctton for any length of time could have been told at a glanco thl morning by the way he apoke or didn't apeak to "Bill." Every realdtnt of this section of more than two or three year' ataad tag kaowa "Bill" Ilaaley, and the re sult waa that tba cattlemaa'a right head waa twltd nearly out of abape baking hand with hla frtead her. Mr. Hanley waa th guect of Judge Worden and left about 10 o'clock for Harrlman Lodge, en rout to Crater Lake. D. M. Malloy, a prominent abeep man of Lake county, haa been la the city eeveral daya vUltlng hla mother-In-law. Mr. Heldrlch. He left for homo thl morning. RAINMAKER IS LOCAL GUEST COL. A. V. HOFER BROUGHT RAIN TO THK BUFFERING WILLAM ETTE &ALLKY IN GREAT QUAN. TIT1KH A FKW YEARS AGO t O. i. mi . I. O. O. K, NO 1ST; NEDS NO RE MINDER OP TIME TO GET BUSY, AS IT DOES WORK EVERY MEETING DURING YEAR At a meeting of Klamath Lodge No. 1ST, I. O. O. P., laat night two candidate were initiated la th de gree of Brotherly Love. During the coune of the evening' proceeding a tetter waa read from Oraad Secre tary Sharon of Salem, reminding the lodge that now la th Urn to prepare for th opening of regular work. In September. It will not b aeceaeary for th lodge to aaawer the Utter, for th reason that It has been keeping '.re pared for regular work by having It every meeting la the year, not having misted a month during the put year. Thla 1 a record that not many lodge have. Tlx Orlffltb, th well kaowa Merrill rancher, was la th city testy. COX FUNERAL IS THIS AFTERNOON BISHOP PADDOCK OF EPISCOPAL CHURCH WILL CONDUCT 8KRV- ICK8 AT BRANDENBURG HOME. HODY TO BE SHIPPED NORTH aaSaetfilM SUaaWSOB LUw! SaR Is Now fat Ik Chief Cowaael fee aa O ipiaj Neterlew Tnavt Prom Idaho, Stan Oae Msa PW. batter aad Ptft lavastigattlem Reaolatlea United Preaa Service NEW YORK, Aug. J Joha Arch bold of th Standard Oil eompaay tailed for Earoa t4y, altar aati matlas that nit would k tart4 by him acalaat Coloael Tauairi Ra- TlL i u I "' v Mr. Archbold Uac a atateaaeat ha which he gave ta Irat iaUxaatkw f a salt agalaat th leader of th Ball MOOSMB... "I aa aot a liar." aald Mr. Area- hold, la hi states, "aad 1 axa act socustoaaed U.Mau.MliaxeMi I hail aet eadaiYrBsftHrr,''' AaKd if l saaaat ta aa ReTt for libel. Mr. ArehboM aaM: "I xaeaa somethlas ta that Ht.'' Tha Btaaiard OU eaktf atataf that M. P. Elliott, chief coaaeel f tha SUndard Oil compaar. waaM have charge of th case, aad that atthlat would b doa uatll th ratara ef Mr. Archbold from Earoa. RooaweH BHeat inlted l'rcea Service OYSTER BAY. Aug. ItV Caloal Roosevelt declined today to die ansa the possible testimony In th Pear probe until he kaowa what Mm ea mlttee Intends to do. H aromUed to xaak a autemaat toalgkt. - Among the vldtora who arrived la tha cltr last night, en route bom from th meeting of the development leagu In Lakavlew were Coloael and Mr. A. F. Holer of Salem. A few years alnc th Colonel gain ed much of a reputation as a' "rata maker," and for, a time It waa feared that he would flood tha whole Wll- Ilr lametta ValUy. That part of Oregon 1 In had been undergoing what they term ed a drouth, and th Colonel was prevailed upon to expend hla eforta toward stopping It. It appear that after the rain started h lost th com bination, and wu uaabl to atop th flow. However, Natur inally ex hausted herself, aad th raias stop ped, much to the credit of th Col oaela reputation. Funeral aervlce over th la'.e iTor- ace 0. Cox will be held thla afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Brandenburg resi dence on Eighth street, abovu High, and will be preelded over by Right Rev. Robert L. Paddock, the Episco pal missionary bishop. Th rmalas will be taken to Salem on the morn ing train tomorrow. Kdwln Cox, tbe brother of th de ceased, reached homo shortly after noon Friday In tbe automobll of Evan R. Ream, while Poatmnater Clyde K. Brandenburg arrived about S p, m., with County Commissioner Samuel T. Summer. Later Floyd Brandenburg waa brought to th :lty th automobile of Oacar 8htv. Heyawni la AfraM United Preaa Service WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 1. Jutt when the aeaate waa about to agree on a resolution of laTeathjatloa which would open up whatever Siaa- dard 0l talat thar might hav ha in th campaign of 1104, aad thereby throw light on the ehargea that cer tain legislators received money gift from tha oil trust. Senator Heybara of Idaho started a oa-aaa alllbueUr. 8aatora Pearoa aad Polaaexter had framed a resolutto aaaUorlw the Clapp commute to proa th charge voiced oa the floor, aad he- fore th Clapp committee. ' Heyburn objected, declarlag that th aenate ahould not opa up the sewer of political coateeta. H re Ulaed the floor deeplta.ta eCerts to dislodge him. It was apareat that h hoped to tore aa adjounuaeat with out adopting th raaolutloa. Attorney J. C. Rutenlo aad wlf. their. daughter, lr. CarHal Yadea, and th latter'a Infaat son, will re turn tomorrow from a Tacattoa trip to a camp oa Wood River. Joha Dyer, hotel maa ot Derrls, ar rived la th city, laat alghi. aad U trenaactlng baalaasa ar tay. MISSSHUMWAY NOW A BRIDE FORMER KLAMATH PALLS GIRL MARRIES RODNEY h. JOHNSON IN CONDON, ORE. WIIX RE SIDE IN DENVER Attorney Stoae haa reoeived ta an nouncmn,t ot th marriage ot Mia Flotlc M. Bhumway to Roday L. Johnson at Coadoa. Or., Augaet II. Mlaa Shumway waa ampleyed la th law oHcee of Beasoa aHeae far some time. Her father waa eajaaed la the real stat huslaeas aer.'" Mr. aad Mrs. Joaaaea will auk their home la Denver, Oeto