a f It) , I'rrMKU HV TMK p fHWM MKRVICN .J. 3e Penino flefaU.. 1, 1 i ,-ai Year--0' ,''1 BasasaH ' nsnsaV BaanBasasasfl 1 nsnBaBaBaBaBaBBal aBaasaBaBaBBsi BaaBaBaBaBaBasBn BBasaBaBaBaBasa BaanBaBaBaBBsai V nsaBaBaBaBaBasV BaasaBaBaBasBm aLal 4aa 1 1 1 & LnLLI LaLnes aaLLH LnLLLn' gH gH itatn no nrnwm nor i KLAMATH VAUM, ORBOON, WKDNKHDAY, At'OUHT 21, 111 .sanaw saaaaa anaanmi saaanat ananas, aaaaan .anaasV A TK lB K t gmaBaansnf BBaBBsBaansBaansBm 1 BansBaansBafl 1 Postmaster of Portland Loses His life in Lakeview i ULETT LANDS iWITTEN SALE FORMERLY HAD TOURIST TRAVEL A STATE JOB WILL BE MADE BIG NEWSPAPER! TAXES A SPURT MX KXOW.N I1WTBACTOK OV itTATK COMMIAMON WM Sr Hiietelhlag y AImmI j W asseJes: ft.eae.Me Appro- I OOVKHNMKXT AXNOUNCM OPK.V.' LOCAL I IMITOH WHO WAH AT OXK I IXO Of INDIAN HKHKKVATIOXH. WIT MOHK THAN MIO ACItKM TO AXV OXK INDIVIDUAL TIMK IX CONTROL OK PITTH IIUIUI DAILY IIKHPM.TPl'LI.Y t'Al.t.KH "TMK Ol.l) MIIV" IMm Humid ute. LsbIsl. IVJ ,itl whwrMMMiJBiMMnii l LASmnsVflsnwBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBE- aere HIHMg ' ' UOUMKSTO, Aui The president and I lie secretary oft r-heve ordered about) I,- nf Indian landa In the bona (In Wyoming), the II, Arthur IML tkt lierkeley contractor. was hi Italia by rtoveraor JobMon to a i sealer ol lha ataU cemmls Mbeeerge of te S,0Q,Ma t psarhtloa for the Kan Fraaoleto Mr. , Mr. AtUu mtcvfrii ili tot K. fiaer Rostra. Mr. Arlett U well known In Klam V nilt. He had the contract for ettrrtloa ol tbt White Pelican Mat.ua other building recently hiiH act. Mr. ArUlt owDi considerable prop frtrlatstirlty, and frequently visile bin n Among visitor In I lie city early thla week were Alfred Herd and Mr. need nf 1'lltstuirg , I'a., wbo am on a trip through llio West. Mr. Reed Itlab) and Crow (In Mon- w l on ,,m" ,n" managing owner n reservation to be aold"f ,h ,orw,r I'ltuburg Commercial- auction br Jamea W.-Wll-i' "r- wn,cn aun ' ,B0 cr ir. iteeu a management, anown aa "The Old Udr." bc-u of Ita weight of reara ami lha fact that It waa one of the oldeat dally papera In the country. It the paper bad been I I'roTO. Uub. on October I. and at' "! today aa an Indeptndant Wlllnga, Montana, on October JIJM"lTr...:" ."'" WM' I uornooa oi na jwmru oiat. Not more than (10 acrea will be old to any ona purchaser on bid ten. auperlntendrnl of openlug and aaln of Indian landa, at minimum prlrra ranging front 60 centa to l,&0 per acrr. The aalea will begin at Lander. Wyoming, on Heplember It; made In pereou or through agenta. and no rraldrnre or cultivation will be required. I'alenta will be turned aa aoon aa the purchaa price la paid. Mr and Mra.J. Frank Adam and aoa Martin, who bae been In Hi- city for the paat week, left thla afternoon foi their Merrill bom. i The Commerclal-Oaaetle from Mr. Reed'a Into other banda, tba word Commercial waa dropped from Ita title, and when It took over the dally Time, became known aa the naiettr-Tlmet. After Mr. Iteed'a control nf the paper reaaed It became the property of the Oliver family, one of whom la a United Htate aena tor from I'enmylranla. Jim Jeffries Gets Solar Plexus Poke Former Champ is Tumbled Over an 8o Foot Bank in a Mix-up With an Unidentified Hunter Tllllrlr: I.KAIla HOTKLM ARK TAXKO TO CAI'ACip' AND INM CATION'H ARK THAT TRR Rl'flH Wll.li COXTI.MJK Tourlit travel Into the Klamath country baa taken a second apurt, and during the paat few dart room la tool botcta have been at premium. Ijui night the Hall, Baldwin and White I'etlcan hotel war Uxed to rapacity, and reservation for tonight Indicate that thera will be no aurplua of accommodatlM. A few daya ago there appeared to be a dropping off of toarUt travel, but tbla condition lasted but couple of daya. - " HAZEL SDMMERS 'COUNSEL LEAVES IS ENTERTAINED! FOR ROSE CITY HURI'KIMK PARTY Iti OIVKX, THK occahiox laasa hkr xtSK TKEXTH BIRTHDAY GAMEH AUK I'LAYKO A pleaaant aurprlae party waa giv en last night at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. J. I- Yaden for Mlaa Hasel Summers, daughter of County Com mlssloner Summer, the occasion be ing her nineteenth birthday. Tba evening wa pleasantly spent Ic playing games. I Tbose present were: Misses Keru Wood, Treaa Yadla. Battle Currin. roster, Bee Summers. Oladya Rob erta, Hasel Summers, Messrs. John Yadln. Foster. Lloyd Atford. Will Wood, Cleveland, Chaa. Roberta and Well Tempter. " ""' '"1 TWO SUITS FOR ONE COLLECTION IMMIGRATION I'slUkl Frew 8orvlce , WdANOKl.KB. Aug. II. For the J tl In hU career, Jim Jeff. ku Un put down for the count. TW ferairr cliamplon returned to Jhy from n hunting trip in 8olo ayon today with a badly twlat Uaklt, u a rwult of hla last en- "ls Injury tii rM-lvii aiiiMi h. H unldonttried hunter flred rjwuasouily from different angle .""" KSCb Claimed tha lml. CHILOQU f! DEPO Tho l ranger, unaware of Jeff' Iden tity, attempted to take the deer by force. Jeff awung at hi enemy' Jaw but mlsaed. A timely butt in the atomach from the atranger'a head aent the former champion down an 10-foot Incline. Jeff grabbed the buck's leg' a he fell. Fearing that he had killed Jeff, the atranger ran. Jeff waa found two hour later by hla brother Jack, and helped Into camp. IN'SNEW TIS OPENED WATION OF HTANDARU IMmnRX I'ACIFJO aVTYLB, (NINQ feeo, bAOKD IN ttOKOH.a.TjVABRICN rjj1' new 6,000 depot, t Southern 1'aclflc Railroad JTJfVt wu op,n,d t0 ,Bt pubUo Zl Tueaday morning. In 7" the new agent, H, O. Wnr- nCaLWM ,0BW,', 'tk for t Moatagu. OaMf.. m tha main line, n abort distance from Weed, The new depot U of the standard atyla adopted by lha Southern !' cine, and built nlong tho lino of the atatlon at Dorrls mid Mt. Hebron. It coat waa 16,000.' It ha ample facilities for aomo year to ciSme, In cluding freight, baggago and watting room and ticket office, with five liv ing rooma above for tho agent. The flrat train through Chlloquln which tha agent had to aerve, waa not, however, run Tueeday, which day waa taken up largely by Mr. War ten In getting things In apple-pie order for tha more reailstlo work day today, whan tho tint train cant nlong. This was tha regular bt-dally trnla to Chlloquln. which laft thla tty thla mornlM. IS JOHNSON'S FEAR rOMMIRHION AITOIXTKD DY CAL IFORNIA KXKCLTIVK TO I'HK 1MIIK FOR Itl'HIl FROM HOITM i:ilX KltROl'K IJOHX NCHALLOCK DIKCOVKRH KRKOIl OX THK FART OF A LOCAL lll'HIXKW MAN O.XK HVITIH OKOI'I'Cl) , u Makt la Nine bid were received at the reclamation onV yesterday tor the construction of 'the second unit lat eral of the Klamath project. The blda will go to Washington for approval. HACUAMKNTO, Aug. tl. (lover nor Johnson today announced the ap pointment of n commtMlon to deal with tho foreign Immigration expect ed when California 1 opened directly to Southern Kurope by the Panama canal. Thoio accoptlng the appointment arc: Robert Watchoru of !.oa An geles. Robert l-ewlon Lynch 'of San Franclaco and Ml Katherlnv Felton of San Franclico. Two suits itarted to collect the ame bill waa the result of the care lessness of a local bualnaea man Tuee day. The error waa discovered by John Scballock, when he started out to aerve the paper. It appears that n. local bualnea man turned over an account for col lection to a Arm of attorney, and then a few day later, forgetting that he bad already given out the onee, be gave another arm of atteraart -thortty to make tha same eolleeUon. The papers were given to Mr. Schallock (or aervlce. He looked them over and discovered that both aults were for the same bill. Tha attorneya had a consultation and one of the suits was dropped. BREAKS NEWS TO JIM SHERMAN KVIDKXCK OOXCLVORD IN UNIT KD HTATKS VS. BUMINOfl, AND MTBT RE TRANSCRIcHs AND HKXT TO PORTLAND Robert F. Magulre, assistant Unit ed States district attorney, nnd Oliver I'. Morton, Jr., counsel for the reels nation aervlce, who were here from Portland to represent the government In the caae of the United States vs. Duntlag nnd Bunting, left thin morn ing for their heme dty, the evidence In the ease having been eoneJaeed yesterday. The caae, which before UnHed sHnta IThsYlafiJrjriaaM Angest It, dt- veloped volumlness taatlmeny. whlah the commissioner himself wrote down In shorthand as the trial proceeded, using several hundred pages of re porter's notebook In dohtg so. The exhibits In the case are many and varied, mostly documentary. The evi dence must be sent to Ue PortUtnJ oAce of the reclamation office for de cision there, and as It will take tease daya to transcribe the shorthand note, no decision Is expected for probably a fortnight. HOT SPRIN6S BATH IS FATAL VICTIM WAB ATTKXDHrO VIBW MnVTINel W Hh PesVrtjTt HMTtflt sssWsl eel to Visit IkM CKy asa 1 Home frees Use Cslinl Left PcwtUad fee Ha l4mt SatniAsy LAKEVUCW. Aug. 11. A was put oa the dilliirntlamj .of meeUag of Ue Oeatrat aewa at taa.drawalas; of 1 Charles B. Morriek at INrtatsva. wa., ana heeav la aliaifcnai aW-ssaa";-bag. Mr. Merriek waa swlmmlag hi ka hathlag aeet at the hei as1at kata this mem tag whoa ha saak asaaia aad waa drowned. Mr.,Marilak waa too far gaaa to raagaal to tka efforto asad to revrve tka life whea he wi Aeeompaaylag N. A. Ferrr, rertaer president of the Oregon Ritallert Aa- ssaissi mm i s siiaij! iRiinni on iasjj 41 snsaassiasassassa) THK OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION OF TAFT8 ItUNNIXO MATK 18 OIV KN TODAY VISITORS ARK KX TERTAIXKD IN UALA MANNKR United Press Service UTICA, Aug. 21. Thousand of people witnessed the notification of Vice President Sherman of hla nomi nation to succeed himself. The noti fication speech was made by Senator Southerland of Utah. Mr. Bherman replied briefly. Varloua form of amusement were Indulged In following the notification. The entertslnment of the visitors waa well arranged, making it a gala occasion. Chinks Start a Scrap; Mexicans Keep at it IIKHPKRATK FK1IIT1XU KTARTKI) IX CHINA AND CIVIL WAR IH CKRTAIN 8I1ANOHAI, Aug. 1. Ilanko dis patches confirm the report of desper ate fighting near Wu Chang. The cause of the outbreak ia not known, but It Is aupposed to be the result of trouble between Sun and Yuan. Tho fighting mark the beginning of a civil wnr. McLoughlia-Buady Champion United Press Service NKWPORT, Aug. II. McLough Itn and Dundy of California won tho national tennla doubles at the Caalno courts, defeating Little and Fouchnrd of New York by the aeerei: 3-6, !, -l, 7-6, Census of FagJaad LONDON, Aug. 11 The complete ceaiua returns Just issued here show that fourteen ecclesiastical nnd civil parish In Great Britain have no residents. Tho number of private families la given aa 7,l70,e, with an average number of peraoaa la each family at 4. BLOODY BATTLK RAO Be) UK. TWKKN RKBKLH AND FKD- KRALS NEAR CANANEA NOOALES, Aril., Aug. II. Dis patches here say that a bloody battle I raging between Mexican rebels and rtgulara near Canaasa, Soaora. Many are reported dead on both sides. John Smart left this morning for hla Fort Klamath hose., after a aval. ncaa vwlt of several days. House Again Hits at the President Budget BilJ is Passed Over Taft's Veto by the House but the Senate Stands by the Nation's Chief WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. II The attempt to pass the budget bill la the senate over the president' veto failed. The vote was SI to 17. Forty-one votea were needed. For the second time within a week President Tnft today vetoed the bad- get bill on the ground that It abolish. ed the commerce court. Tho legislators told tho president asaasBS saaaasa6c (he measure weald be paaaad over hla veto, as two-thirds of the meat? bers of the house aad aeaate are op posed to the commerce court. The veto message waa tea llaee long, calling attention to tka arevieas veto msssage. la tha hoaae VRagai aid moved that the bill be passed ever the veto, aad this waa prompUy deae. TAFT PAYS BOOTH A HK3H TRIBUTK United Proas Service WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 11. President Taft issued a atatement to day la which he aald: "Qeneral Booth waa one of tha world'a remarkable characters. He had a genius for the organising of men and women against vice, aad for tho uplifting of those usually regard ed as lost la Immorality aad crime. "He lived loag eaoagh to see the Balvatloa Arnty grow ta ae'a faros la every country la tha world. HI was as fully entitled to Ue tKle of a oral aa any atlUtary oateer waa over marshaled an amy la tha geld." LONDON, Aug. II. Qaaaral Booth's wll aa oaeaed hero toalght, BramweU Booth waa aamed to coed Oeaoral Beeta'aa tha er'ia chief of the Balvatloa 'Army ANIMALS LOST IN A HOT FIRE BIO LOS ANOBLHS PACKiM PLANT BURNS TO TUB GBOVNB. TOMBS AND SaUUiP AMI CON' SVafHB IN THK FtAMsW ' I ll-Tha n Vv United Proas Samoa LOS ANOBLB8, Aug, plant "of Ue Loo Angel tmatanay, a Swift coaoera, waa etroyed by Ire this morniag. hundred horses aad 60a saoeaiwore laetnerated. Tka teas la aeoat M,.? t zji A .a-il