Hl!l'l'MKI IIV TIIK IWITKlt rHKlW NKWW MtHVICK Wfot " amain Vmh-X'i. I. m I HA tirnimj efali.. f RVHnNO If KWHPAPM I'RINT THJB NaTWS, NOT JROUT KLAMATH FALL, OIIKtiON, TI'I'.MIMV, A.NOL'HT , Mill! Price, Hr) POOR MUST PAY; MEN ESCAPE RICH Cltlllli: TAX MATTKIW Till lilM" lleur Hmjr Ta llur- ik-as ) rnliiiilMHf. vvnur jiii lloMltr. lrl HIT l.llil. MmmII Mssm Are OtrrMrl, Wlillr jjmhIub. Air I'mlervaluwl Sum , '. filed liy romtsilllc ! lll aaaasml H Laaaasml ssssssHssssssfl H LaaaaaVssssssssl & sIssm sassssfl !! H asssssmV BBaaaaasi assssssm bbbbbbbb! BBaaaassi gsssssnal bbbbbbbb! bbbbbbbbI BH ' Lbbbbbbv bbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbb! sbbbbbbV massesm Lbbbbbbb bbbbbbbwbbbbbbbbb! bbbbbbbbb! Lbbbbbbb! BBSBBBBBBaraBBBBBw bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbI Jbbbbbbbi bbbbbbbb i bbbbbbTJ bbbbbbb1 bbbbbbTJ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbT bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb sbbbbbb rflBBBBBBBBBBBBBl bbbbbbbbI bbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbb hb h H bbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbb mK JbbbbbbbbVbbh bbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbI bbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw bbbbbbbI SBBBBBm bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbY' BBBBBBBm bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbb- bbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw iHiHHIH bbbbbbbbbb HHHHMHHI HHHHHHB HHbV im BmBBBHBHHBv 1 ' STAND FALLS; MANY INJURED MAHKHALL .NOTIFICATION CKHK MOXIKM l.VAUnriOIOUg ;rnuirftHri j WaBIIIMITO.S', D. 0.. Auk. 30. 'ftf'irpotl f n l,rll lTMtllt. Ut femmllle reciting Imw local iliMtr tin "' turdn of tax. tllM, "all millionaire escape, wa iprtlTrd hi the liliMM l"Jr. Th 1'ix'fl " 'hat lll. koapj Me oer-sse.d. paralysing tIMIng operation. It U alleged J llul lb home of August llclinoiil. Uu Ixllrr, Willi"! Ilnardiiian, Uir.i Atfcrson. John McLean and riHn nor CUfk tr jnnlly inulrr-vntiiwl, IK IS FIXED UP FOR FARMER, Father Discovers the Lifeless Body Tirrt Hunlrrl t'momn Fall aail Fifty Arr lajurrd HlaaiBrd Pol lo tliv CoUpao aad m Stmhmr of l'eopla An lajaral la Ui RMb. la Kpfte of Hertom Natar of Cut. lapse, .Vo Oa la 1 UNCLE SAM ASKS HORSE AND CART CASH PAYMENT FOR CITY WORK EUGENE CASE IS POLICE BAFFLER RED-LIGHT FOLK EXTEND TIME TO u iv otiv nmcT PuiinDcwouinDL IflH I IllHI II II II I llllll IIHLI1 tl nUlllll1'' thfl "txl' there waa ataHpd, T w.. . . w . w...tB United Fraaa Barrlea INDIANATOLIH, Auf. SO A taa4 filled with ipecUtora cotlapaad dar ling the notification eeramoaie hr Itodar. ' Thre hundred pertoaa fell. Abont I fifty were Injured; bob teUUr. ' Immediately follola tka faUlaa litri.T IK that Itil.ici: Ji in;i; I fU.TH I'f AOAINHT IT WITH ' .ti'iirrvr umi:itMi:.vr in itij. ' niANCH i oit cm UN MOIION UV t'()l).N'CII.M iMrv it is ni:cnn:i tiiat,v(mi,i'k virr ioii.nktomvhtkh- MI'Mril'AI.ITV HHAI.L IIM.1Mi;f IOUH MltllDKIl iivni:h or iiid run sTin:in4 l'allii-r of ltmVml (lirl U HapUl I'CTITIOX UV W. V. T. V. VllK-ClTV HKAUTIKUIj MOVKMK.NT HI.NTK.K AMI ItKAIt IIV t.X)M. MITTKi: OK THAT IK1DV, OI-TTS' TI'ltMM) IM)V IIV COUVCIIi VII.I NOT CMWH K.NTItll-M OF IIOVH AM) GIHLS f.NTII, MATUIt lAV KVKMXO XKXT Oli mot loll nf Coiiurlltiinti Mot, i til.' rlly riilinrll ln nliclit ordorrtl Hint n HitrrAiit In- ilrnn for nil riitrtoi from l In- pnit- TltHK:i: (II:.M:HAIi III.M.TIIH; oltlcr, llir amount Urlim M' ill. AMI llli: (IOVi:il.NMK.NTl 'I orirpil prlnlpil piiIuih, and ; IIIUUI tl.ltUKMK.NT WHICH , OhliiK to tin' rltr bi'lllK III IK'"! of rml moiip) Hint fun lv I'll ltl Hk flim-r. I'lilld' Jmlcn l.rnMIt Mini ti latniiimi mil in mc-ml 1300. wltln loir inn if lila nitu fmiiU in cit loin i wlilrli In iinrrhnni' n tram, hnrneia .Imni'.Hl nirloi.. from lhi iinit. 'l hhkoii with Mlilch to do tlir city . .. ImulliiK. V nrn tilrlit k n man at 1 1,700 it 1 1. son i.ir )r to look nfter our Itirr ralllK linrf to till' llllitoltlio Ut J wi.rk mi 1 1... .Ir..1." ul,l I tin mui. . -..." .... ..... ....-..-, .. ..... .. tlntf ttlu'll lUvl- III! rmh In liO)' rllinan "Vrl ut llm mmiii tlinn wm'to Hill. LIST MUIII.V A .MONTH,,,. t,et," eitiUln-d lip. If Ihty nol KnX a r,, wt, wlilcl to do anr rr not iriiiitillr takn nut thr w,. If , liml one. when It iu !llltd ! tnU .mllit lo rnt bark. I iiclil nr nt wnrkliiK n th atrvta It could bo I WASIIIMITHN, II ., Aua. SO. !'"' n""-"'' ot n" I" '"" "''!w liitulliiK In dirt to fix them with." T. .' .' ' ...... lilamiK, or anylhlnc rli." 1U TrurVr- tlm.r.l Klrctrlc com ,.(.an.t jm gr , K,(,rlllllBllt , ,..,H,u:imKV IIFF pu h. ilfdiird a Irure with ltiOlltkn rlly w,rrnt:" n.kiil Tfl Mill IKHll'K IIIVKII loiffBDicnt inrr tlm nrnprhli nf 'itrnt t II. I'rlnlnr. tktootlrt to Ukn ralioo. A. a r.' Thn Millf JuiIrk ald Ihn Kornn. Until IkIiI J K. Hodae. Hnturt K lt,thrr will Ih atvrlvd rrloualinrtil itilrd a llllln mi rlty Hnrraiile. Mllcliill. iiicimni iiuinnaito ana Counrll nrdcrnl that . rfitrrnnt I "'oiiniy Huiyor untrue n. mnry drawn In pay l.caltl for moii.'V n.. left In Mr llvnry'a automobile for vnr(i tin' ItoKiii' IIIvit country, to b koiiu . . miWTiil ila)N Thu object of tlui trip Mr and Mm Ooorap I.. Iliimphrpy U not mil) lo lc th kirni'O, hut li'ft today for an auto trip to Aililaml t" nntu- n hunch of plrntorlnl pf. and KtlKdin. ' .Mliil.lri lludy lUcutrl ia lkl AImiiiI n o'clock Tlila Morula. Hoiioe Wan t'ndUtnrlNrd, aad the I'ollro Am Completely al Iaim fur mi IHplanallon Hureno and umlhturbi'd will be the Mrn. John C. Ilrockcnbrough, vice rcddUht dlitrlct, at Iciut for Hip prtxldent of the Women'i CItIc irmciit. Tho council latt Dial.: Hi i-okup, announced thli afternoon tvned to a petition preaunted :y u that while the contest for tho beat committee- of th 0. T. U ankliiR awn and flower gardeni will cloee1 mat inn poruon oi no enarwi ri- tonBht aM far a.aro concerned the IrtlnK to bawdy huu.ta be obeyed. adulu of the clty ,he woman of the organltatlon which I promoting the morcmont for Improving the city's ilr fimlDf, and the mulling dam It to cropa ut farmer un the True lN-Cifon Irrigation project In Ne Tktrleclrlr loinpnuy threalened tn VloS Hip nater, but agreed not lo Uk. this tp until Hvptember 16th, tntl na farm ti on (hn wnrtmn trtm linit United I-rt-a. Service hnttm (he nruaent had rcad ,,f Kl'OKNK, Ore., Aug. JO. Lying .... wllh .... ,unell and denarted. In bed with her head almoat aevered lort jiCIon reaultd. after niterance hare decided that It from her body, little Mildred Orevn UMl lnU petition waa tabled In- would be better to keep It open a definitely. The tabling waa done on 'little longer for the Juvenile. n found llil morning. The bou.e waa undUlurbed. udlmn,loll nf ,....,,. Uot poun,,. tbcruU no ilualo the perpetrator o( wa AUon, Mag hf o,., to tbu horrible crime. .., ..... tho motion. Tho body waa discovered by tbt The petition read a follewa: ,hBt an'r ,u,, 'o",wo with to get chlld'a father, a lUptUt mlnlttnr, nt. "The underalgned, being delegated their name In the Hat have plenty of g o'clock thl morning. ,io appear before you In tetilon. la llm in wl,cn l0 o ,, n fatt, t la Thu murdered girl waa but 15 tho lutere.t of good government In ,,nU.d ollt that , cU,d can do a good yeara of age. our city, call your attention to No. , , .. . i . ...... jg .... ii i ..,i,i a. !,.. deal with a lawn In four dayi, If In Kcry effort U being mailo by the i, page 31, In article : 'Towera of. local nuthorltlfi to obtain aomo cluu Council. framed In charter adopted j parnc.t. Thero are eight prlie of on which tn work, but ao far thero, I')' ipeclat election April 13, 1911, fored for inlnorn, and the asiortment haa not been dlicovered u aluglo fact which declare that the city council of ruwarda Is such that It ahonld an wblch would tend to point to tho lnll Imve oxeluilro control on behalf peat strongly to tho hearts of the murderer. (Continued on 1'age. 4) oung ones. and a number of people were slightly Injured la this. " DEFER CONCERT UNTIL SABBATH AI'HK.N'CK OF IMfORTAXT NI'.V HKHH OF VXAbIATH FALL MIL ITAnV HAND OACMK9 IHMT-lOM-LMKXT OF PROGRAM Owing to the abaeaco (ram thla city of a number of Keaabera of the Klamath Falls Military Uad. tte concert planned for toaorrew evea- lag will aot be given until : An oxtenalon until Saturday even- ing naa oecn aeieruiinca apon. "jdar. at S:S0 p. m. Tb Bb will have returned la tlsma for thsr date. The concert will be areata -fay the court house park, BB4,kMg fair to attract a large aad asitbaifaaUc audience, composed of disrasra of Director Ivan Daniel aad hit Hal men. i Cbarlea Oe Lap and faaillr re turned Ian night from a caaplax trip to Spring Creek. Mexicans Beseige Band of Americans and English Ihutto.v I'AHSKH uaiuuiw cahi: Ultl I'rtsa Service 1- I'AHO. Tia, Aug. 10. Mac lfa feJmU am in route from Mai tUa ie Tomlnll, u mining ramp 80 Ike from tho roaat, where robel m4 a Maal xailaou have been be- .spIrIiir u doeii Ainerlnui and Kiig lUh miner. 1 Tho American gunboat Denver Is duo at Maiatlan today, ami mny ',"d innrliira Into tho country iheri'iilnml. Tho American and I'ukIIsIi hn'1 lii'eii wlthmil food and water, u well it r.iiimttiiltlou for some tlino, but liiuo tontlnued tn fight. Tho pllutulnii U doHpcralo, and It In feared Hint thero will bn u iiinM- nacre uiiIcm relief I nont at once (Itilled I'reas Service I 1.03 AN0E1.KS. Aug. SO. Prefer I ring not to hear tho argument on tho 'motion to itUmlss the second Indict ment ngalntt Clarcnco narrow, Judge llutton announced thla afternoon that when the cose ti called he will pass It nut to Presiding Judge Willi. Tho argument of Attorney Carl lloger will be heard Monday morning. Terror Reigns in Chinese Republic; Soldiers Watch 'Culled i'resa bervtre I PEKIN, Aug. 20. Troops .ire ev erywhere. Tho prealdeuttiil head' I The lives of all prominent men are are prepared to kill the president considered unsafe. ' H Yuan Hung, vice president, la Yuan feara assassination. Only his j now tho bitter euemy of Yuan, closest and truest friend are allowed It I believed that Sun Yat Sen I rs-t STREET HOLES NEED FILLING F t JOIMKH W KTIIKKT COMMITTtr'i: KWOItTH TO COUNCIL DF.FKOT IN 1'ITV TIIOItOl'HHFAHKM THAT .N:r:i stiMK MAMCIHtlNO CottBtllman HiivIiIko. f the stre.il Blttee, reported to tho council " lbt thst n hole on Washington "jm needed filling, and that tliero l.o on,, on Aliimeda street, no.ir rMldinc,. ,,f ex-CouBcllBiau (i. " White, IJi't'if n''"u' wl, m " '' in. .V 1,"lu W,,H tt "ln, roaullliiK r the sower nwu ttd by tho Chop- coBiiruriion rnmpany, tho com J" uia make the repairs, u It wfcpUc0' "'(,r con,r"et ,0 rel",,r CUrlM AUllWl( HttW ,bat lomt Uwe JJJ ' bid filled the only holo lie si:. rk JLt "' w"'lton street do, tt tk .? Wcok"' Un0 o ' -iiier Htinday. ,J. n ut... lr" 0rrU to ,tt t oUy CriMiko luilliiiil I tilted Pre HervKn NBW YOIIK, AilK- 20. -Tho Krimd Jury ri'litmed sovoit Indictment to day rhnrgliiK mtiruer in mo or " greo. t)no wn n aiipvrrvdlng Indict nient for llecker. The olhcra accused arn Wlilley Lewi. l)R(i Frank, Left) Limlo, (lyp the lllood, Jacob Helcli, Inlln Jack Hiilllvnn. nud' llocker't jngent Wllllnm Shapiro. HOUSE ASKS FOR AN EXPLANATION PUPILS TO HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE tlllADK KXAMIXATIOXH I'OH THOHH WHO FAILKIl OH WKHK coxitiTioxi:i will in: iii:li HKITKMIH-'.U ft AXII tl ti,.. Klniiuith County eighth nrndo examination will bo hold Boptombor k nd a. 1012. All minll who were conditioned or failed tn pan (ho May examination now havo tho opportun llv tn tako tho exiunlnutlon, ao that they cau outor tho high school this fall. Any ono falling to tako thu exami nation at this time will nave to-take the entire examination If they wish to paaa nt any time In the future. IIRVTII (IK JAMKH WAHD lUMIKItrt IX Jlt.NIH.rX IX AFIHCA WILL in: maim: muiukct of ixtkh- XATION'AL IXQUIHV United Prtns Service ! WASIIINHTON, I). C, Aug. 20. Ily n resolution Introduced by llepro sontnllvo NnrrU of Nobrnskn, tho 'ntnto department wn Instructor to Inti-nllgiitc the death of JnmeH Ward l lingers, ropnrled lo Ji.vo boon killed by llrlllsh noldleru lit tho African Jungle. UogerB formerly lived In Califor nia. Ill widow U reported lo be now living In Oakland. MARINES LAND i TO SAVE A LOSS i ItKPOUT THAT .VATIVK HKIIKKS AUK AIIOt'T TO IIUHX IILUK Flrll.llS I.KAIaS TO K.lHXO OF AMKItlCAXK FHOM WAHHHIP quarter uro surrounded, and a relnit0 approach him. of terror exists. safe at son between Shanghai aad It Is believed that bomb thrower Tientsin, eu route to Pekln. document to demonstrate that notice I (hnd been served July 31st on the owner of the offendlnc premises, In' order to Induco hlra to connect with I a sewer. I The council did not take definite 'action, further than tabling the nuts- 'unco ordinance. This ordinance was ,. drawn up by City Attorney Thomas Jl'IKlK LKAVITT HUflflKSTH IHK Drake, and was meant to take the LICK CWIIT AS IIKMKDY FOUU'lnco of n number of other ordl- ,unnces now In tho city's archives. DAIRY DRAIN IS NAMED NUISANCE NO INQUEST FOR KICKED INDIAN United Pro-is Sen Ice WASHISOTON, D. C, Aug. 30. Tho Hluto department reported today that fifty-four marine had landed at lllucflolds, Nicaragua, from the war ihIiIp Tacomn to protect , American I live nnd property from the rebels, ,whn, It I reported, aro preparing to !burn tho city. UCK OF SK.WKH COXNF.CTIOX. IIHAKK'H OUIHXAXCr: TAI1LKI) lll.Ti:HXITVHAS llalloun I Htifo Uiiltod Pros Service BANTA PAULA, Aug. . 20. The bnlloon California landed hero to day. The passenger and pilots were safe. ma INITIATION 1 Tho local lodgo of the Fraternal jllrotherhoon, which was organised horo but a month ago, Initiated a Idas of about nftccn new members last night at Its meeting place, the west boll of the I. O. O. F. building. After the ceremonies there was a banquet, followed by dancing until 12:30 . m. The order Is ono In which both men and women may become members. The local branch has now about fifty members. Councilman Doty reported last night Hint n cesspool In Uphrtm street wns a nuisance, ana green at this time. He wanted repairs mndo thero it ml said "when that's done wo will have iv rhnm-o to get back at that dairy." Suggestion was made that Chief jol Police Joseph 8mlth order the owner of tho premises to connect his j drain with tho aewer. "Tho best way to make them con nect with tho sower Is to bring them Into pollco court once or twice," sug gested Police Judge A. L. I.eavltt, Tho Judge knows just how the police court oporates, having been Its oper ator for some years. "It seems like they want to forco a Btreot Improvement up there before they counoct with the sewer," said Councilman R. A. Alfora. Chief of Police Smith offered ALLEY PRESENT TO THE. CITY (XmoXKIl WH1TLOCK JREFU8BB TO ACT FOR LOGICAL REASON THAT CHIORGK HKAUi, INJURBD IIV HORHK BTlLEi UVaW Coroner Karl Whltlock haa refused positively to hold an Inquest over tho remains of Oeorge BeaU. Pressed this morning for his raa- son for declining to perform that i service In the case of Deals, the cor- SUl'Pl.i:.MK.TAL I'iiAT OF ULOCKuer Anally confided to a reporter . v.uswa mm.w .,, (that Beals la not dead. It being con- .,, .i.uow.-, n.,...w, .v. trury ,0 cugtom ,0 noW ln(,uiU 0Tr Kl) IX ACCOMPANIF4 UV DKKOjllve people, the coroner preferred not FROM THK CUNNINGHAMS t0 "ct,'n. ! ?' lu, ,, I Deals Is the Klamath Indian whose death near Modoc Point was reported With the council laat night was,n t08 Northwestern last Tuesday filed a supplemental plat of block B0, morning. His alleged death was re- Nichols addition, and at the same time J. L. Cunningham and wife ten dered to the city a deed to an alley In the block. The plat was officially approved by the city tolosa, wno also a accepted the alley given, " ported as the resutt of the kick ot wild horse while Deals was attempt ing to capture It. He was really and truly kicked, however, and with vig or, but the Injury did not prove fatal. He Is resting easy under tka careof Drs. Merryman and Taylor,