ivrrM h th" vmm run- XMWi wtvica Pe f tor nmc Heinle print ni nmi, hot Mtt.II' Vrr ' I,IT KLAMATH PALL, OHKOON, MONDAY, AI'Ut'HT lt, 10111 .gmmmv HmHfe. IHII .gmmmmmv smmmmmmmmmt Lmmml gmmflgmmm gam! gmmmmmmmmV gamml gmmmmmmv gmmmmmmV gmmmmmmmK ajk bB paJH pajH LVVJJ aJRI j paJH WAVWk ammYJ paJH YVJJ pajfl gPHgmmmmmammmgl aPgPAgPgVgPgmm gPggPJ gPgflgPggPJ gPgflLmmmW gPggPJ ngggggggggggr ggggggSfl gggggggs egggggsl ggggggggggggggfl gggggggggggggSM gggggSBfl nggggggggggggy gggggggfl ggggggSU Swggggggggflr gggggSH Ygggggg gggggggggggggggSr gggggggggggggfl ngggggggggg SggggggggSgS' ggggggggggggggg- Battle of Managua Greatest in History of Nicaragua SENATE PASSES BUDGET BILL NKAH'HK Wll.l. XW TO THE I'llKMlllKNT HMoletk ' lno lln HoWier' Mow l Hnl MiMlra U Adopted, graste .rK-r nil tlir. Om lUltle iklf l'rwiiit H Will SX lb a frfDrroiliioUKlit Fur Healing WW H Klo.l rHsd Frees Itervtee WAsillNOTON. I), C, Au. IP. TW MHli lit" todsy sdopted Oik wahrvart report im (tin naval till. TW aouie W expected lu pM (lit DiMirt txtnifi adjournment to tliit, aad the mcnur will probably I to tat rrlttnt tomorrow. Thorn IN Ifiit vilnly attempted in have II at Inilut on two hattleahln. I'sUes 1'rtM Srlr WASHINGTON, II. t, An. !. TitMMtr todiy paued tlie new bud' it kill containing- provlilun. (or the iMbamrht of the commerce court, (tutor Owinun objected u the latndmtnl eliminating the npproprl- itlca for the (nimerce court, but It Mdoplfd by a.votn of J6 to 23. Tb rnolullun of Heuator Works (roildloi for an Investigation of the Nttloail Boldltn' Home at Hants Moalca ai ailnittt by lha senate. Tin trait anil houaa conferees lire sirred on a compromise of one M.000.000 liattlMhlp In the natal kill, audi this U expected to end the lUpite on tbli measure. The veasel rrotUrd for will not be super-dread-lottat, u orlglnslly planned. The conferee alio agreed on a III miking the sealing treaty effect I'. It i agreed In atop the hunt li lor Mil. In Alaika for flvo year. ktMmlo tut nrrepted thn confer an rKrt. TOURING IN AUTO TO CRATER LAKE AHHI.ANII MAN AMI TkVtl NKI'll rMH ItMtMlT IIAII IIOAIttt I'ltUM HI'KM'KII CIIKKK, HUT TIIKIIt ('Alt MTANIIH t'l VKI,I K. It, Hmlth of Aihland and tils two iirphowa, Ilrrl anil Chmtcr, ar rled In a Kord car IhU morning from HHnrrr Ureok, hrm tlicy pnt the night, after having aurlrd from Aih land yciterdar morning, Thcr are POPPES MUST GO TO JAIL m.WKTHII OK NTKAM.NO A l(r Vtlt.VKII HtOM A ItOOM ON MAIN hTIUIKT. OIIKKK IN NOT (IIVKN tllTIO.V OK KINK John l'ii'i'. upon conviction of Irallng a revolver from n room oc cupied by J. Halm over the Northern rrntaurant, n aciitenced to aervo thirty daya In the county Jail by Juilgn Lravltt. I'oppc, a (Ircck, wai arreited Hat- well eaulpped for ramping, and arejurday night. Ho gave bond and op- on their way to Crater Uke to view. .'""' "' " l" ruufl "" the glorle. of nature there, eipcctlng "" '" c,,are " '"'ln; " l'"' to .top tonight at fori Klamath. " w. "' "u llu '"" ott "We've had no trouble with the ,"""""'"" of " "'"' car whatever," laid Mr Hmlth, "but ome other folka along tho route were not o fortunate, we noticed, -... u. . I.I.I tnm tah.lM fM aim wi imiv ii. ivi ir',.. w I leaving Hpencer Creek we poealblyl took the wornt road of the two, for e turned to the left. Maybe we hniild have picked out the route to, the right. NVe found the roadi irem-l ed to be very poor, even for mountain ' n.l Mtt.l lhw jrr wasliAit nut IhlMH-l ""- " "- ""1 a good many place." The flinlth auto haa one of the1 heatlhlcM aoundlng hnrm that hai AI'POIKTM HOWAIIII t) MarreNr to Judge rUaford la ' Helerted United Praia Service WASHINGTON, Aug. 1, Clinton Howard of lUlllnghara hai been appointed Federal Judge to aucceed Judge Han- ford. KLAMATH GIRL TO BE MARRIED been heard III IhU region for aome time, mid It work, by mere prniure' IIKMMII-: KAIIiOI.W HTAHTU KOIt HA.V KHAXrlHC-O. WIIRRK MIK Wll.l. UK. MAItltlKII ON HAV KOI.MIWINO AltlUVAI. of a button. i MIm IIcmIc Kallclo, a graduato of Klamath County High Hchool, and Mnrlnn Jr.. .tinnier for well known III till city, left lilt l Oliver I il. iliili,i Riaira rerl.m.tlnn aer'nlglit 'for Han Kranclico. Bhe will vice, who hai been III lnc coming be married on the day after her ar hero to aailit the gomnnicnt In Iti rival there to Walter Kggerth. water right, raie agalnit the nunt- Kor the pnl two yeara Ml.. Fair ing, before I'nlted Htatri Commli. .Inner Charlri J, Kergu.on, I able to be again at hi. talk. . do has made her home with Chief ot Police and Mr. Hmlth. Over a ear ago Mr. Kggerth came here as an employe of the Western Ualoa i iu ' vi" II, C. Touney of New York arrived Telegraph company, and It waa then In tho city yetterday, en route to Joe that he met Ml.. Kalrclo. Ho waa mil.' ranch, near Kort Klamath, here again a few daya this summer, wiir im will mMnii n month rlihlna when definite arrangcmenli were and hunting. , 'mndu for tho marriage. New York Police Foiled In a Plan to Get Schepps CHINKS STILL IN FIGHTING MOOD NKW I.KADKK OK ItKHl'BUO MAY IIK AWANHINATKII Army U I tela Orgaalartf aad Klt- lac Heein. Cerlata Voreiggem Kear neall of HqtMbWe-ThereTT. Already CowtMarabW AaU-Fordaai Heatlmeat Sua Will Have m Hodjr (lu.nl When He Oor to I'ekla United l'rea Henrica TIENTSIN, China, Aug. 19. For eigner, here are alarmed over thn proipects of fighting when Bun Yat 8en arrive, en route to I'ekln. Sun U determined to charfce Yuan with murdering his generals. It Is feared that Sun' Ufa will bo attempted In I'ekln. A bodyguard Is being organlicd to accompany hlrn to the capital. United Tree Service SHANUIIAI. Aug. 19. Sun Yat Ben'a agents are mobilising an army bore. It la expected that fully 300, 000 men will bo under arms this week. A clash la regarded a cer tain. There Is considerable antl-for-elgn sentiment. DITCH BIDS TO BE IN TOMORROW ItKCMMATION HFJtVICK WILL I.KT (X)NTKACT FOR TMK SBC OX II UNIT LATKBAI. MANY UIDH AI.KKADY KKCKIVKD lllds for the excavation for the sec ond unit lateral of the Klamath pro ject of the reclamation service will be opened at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. W, W. Hatch, project engineer. stated thla afternoon that a number ot blda had already been received, and he expect, that many more will come In before the hour of closing. Thirty aeta of specification, bar been sent out to prospective bidden. some going aa far away aa Utah. A number of farmer have looked over the work1 and expect to enter bid. The work involve about 30 mil of excavation. -.. - ARMY CAPTAIN KILLS FAMILY MKMIIKIt OK NOTED HIGHLANU V.UH HUNH AMCCK -AKTKK HHOOTINO IIK HRTH FIKK tt HIS HOMi: AND HOOIKH IIUH.V ONEILL FIGHTING TO SAVE A LIFE AN APPEAL WILL BE MADE IN THE CA8E OF NOBEL FAULDER HENTENCED BY JUDGE BfCnOX TO THE EXTREME PENALTY I'alUd I'riss HorvK NBW YOltK. Aug. 10. Schepp. paymutcr of tho Hosanthal thugs, Wwd In New York today. Police- W BEING RAVAGED Bf GRASSHOPPERS Urns i ,imhly 10,000 Acrea In koluimui'. I lata Itegion Nibbled W Clean by Hungry Insect, In VM Nuiiibera Wllllona of grasshoppers have tak- !' ,u irs off ot probably 10,. '". acres of land In the Solomon " country, according to D. K. "rrsll ot Fort Hock, wbo waa In city today. , '"W Jack and a number ot oth J! "ta rnchr who have placee ike vlcluity, have been limply ""ft out of hay this teuon, no w"l lo the report, by the yorn- men met the train, and domauded that District Attorney Whitman sur render the prisoner. This was re Schepps wns rushed through the railway station to a taxlcab, and tak en in the West Sldo statlou. Th po llco were warned not to "but In." clous, Jumping, orthopterous Insects, which have gono greedily over the land, snapping up every spoar mid atub of grass. Where tho hay wan from eighteen Inched to two feet high last yonr, this aoason tlio affected tur rltory I as baro aa a board. Probably tho only exception In the ravagod nrca la whom thoio linvo been a few tules, which wero too wet to ault tho fastidious taste of the lu soct, which pine for a dry diet. They will oat tules which aro dry, but as most of theso places aro damp, the grasshoppers shun them iu tlivy would a pestilence Wl.hanl Locale Hero A. L. Wlshard.. formerly n resident of Klamath Falls, returned to the city last night from San Francisco. Ho has bought tho Kagle Peel room and ha taken possession. MEADE TAKEN TO HOSPITAL, SICK United Pre Service KAST UOURNE. England, Aug. 19. Captain Hicka Murray Oordou of the Highlanders, shot and killed bla two children, wounded hi wl'c, act flro to his house and then shot blm self. Gordon, his wife and two other oc cupants ot the house perished In the flame. George C. Clark, aenlor member ot the contracting firm which bear his name, who had an'offlce here for a year while building the Loat River diversion dam for tho reclamation service. Is In -the city today from Portland. Counsel for Nobel Faulder, who I Attorney C. M. Ontltl ot this city, la working on the case in aa endeavor to save the condemned man from the fate Imposed on blm on March 13 last by Judge Henry L. Benson In the circuit court In this city. On that date Faulder waa sentenced to pay the death penalty at the state' prison at Salem for the murder of Louis debbert at the Eriekson It Peterson construction camp near CbllOQUln n year age this month. After, abooUaf. Oebbert, cent! Ins that the Utter, who wan the earns rook, had nolaeaad bla dear. FftaMec shot himself with a rile and atshof-t1 gun In an endeavor to determine his own existence, but good earn dnrlac weeks of attendance by physicians and nurse, prevented the accom plishment of the dMtgn. Fred H. Mills was the attorney for Faulder for a time after hi arrest, but later the rare of hi law case waa entrusted to Mr. Onslll, who made every effort to get at client free on the plea ot Insanity, the trial last spring causing unusual attention. Hut Faulder was found guilty ot murder In the first degree, owing to the strong case presented to the Jury i by District Attorney Dell V. Kuyken- dall and hla assistant, Charlee J. Fer guson, and Judge Benson Imposed the penstty ot capital punishment. Attorney Onelll for the defendant thereupon gave notice to the court ot his Intention to appeal Faulder's case to the supreme court ot Oregon, and also applied for a writ of prob able cause for a bill of errors. A transcript of the alleged errors must be filed In court, and so far, as nearly as could be learned, today, this has not been done. Six months may elspse after the sentonce before, tho attorney must perfect his appeal, which will give, approximately, until September 13th. . lr IiW llnrtnn nnd Mrs. L. U. ACTOll WELL KNOWN HKRK, FOB- Ptch of Uon.nM Bre ytoltlnf nere. MKHLY WITH 1LK8 CO., GOKS TO INSTITUTION WHERE MISS EDNA HOUSTON BTVDIE8 i PEACE ENVOYS ARE HELPLESS aBwaasawge KIGtTnNO LATTM WANT NO OCT. Certain BlrsssiMi at Overthrow of Use 0esnwH la Next m Considered the Revolatlenlato la KasddJy, and the Wh4 Overran With HyssfaHiaisrs f Ms MOTVMsVenTt WASHINOTON, D. C, An 1?. Minuter Weltsel of Nlearaflmn re ports the battle of ManagM ta have been one of the hlaadlsat rasaHaa In the history of Central . AccersUactai aa of dead are Ihrraenaaic as 1- Pipgras, the well known, candy manufacturer, returned home Batur daylight from a bualness trip to 8an Francisco. abont the e4ty, The etreeta durtec the Um lac llteraUy flowed hlaasJ. The revolution la Ue strength of the reheta m I Ing hourly. The overthrow of the government now seems rsttstn. Efforts of the peace commlaslea seem te be futile, and the tgAUssg la expected to continue. Never before In the history of Ue republic have the natives shown the fierce fighting spirit which has. char acterized the fighting la Managsa and vicinity. Mood flowed like water. and Uvea were freely laid down la the cause for which the soldiers were fighting. Women assisted thslr husband i and brothers In either repelling the Invaders or attacking the dry. " The detailed story of the battle la replete with acts ot heroism. His Last Pfctawe ' The Pendleton Round-Up to ha shown at the Majestic tonight nnd tomorrow, waa the last motion pic ture put on the market by W. H Harbnck. This great photographer waa returning from selling sonie rights on his pictures In Europe. He was on the Titanic at the time ot the disaster, and when last seen he waa taking flashlight motion pictures at the acene around the doomed vessel, thinking that possibly the ship might not sink. But n watery grave was his finish. RECORD ALFALFA GROWN OR R. UMIIH FARM J. II. HAHIllH llltl.Min Miuri.r. to TII1H CITY WHICH MEAH- UHKH H KKKT IN HEIGHT T!I. Ell CHOPH OOOll Alfnlfa eight feet In. height ha been grown this year on the R. B. Smith farm, about ten, miles from this city, on the Merrill road. A sample of tho grass was brought to this clly this nftornoon by J II. Har ris, who Is farmlngtho properly. Tho alf.iua was grown undor Ir rigation. , , "All of the crops In the vicinity look good," said Mr, Harris. Mis Kdna Houston, daughter of Manager John Houston of the opera house, who went to Oakland two months ago to take Instructions In nursing, wns very much aurprlsed a week ago when Kd Meade waa taken as a patient to tho Fablola hospital, where alio la learning her profession. Mende, who Is welt known here, has been suffering from a stroke of iinrnlyals, so that it waa necessary for him to be taken to the Institu tion. Ho Is an actor who has appear ed In tho coast cities for years, and has been n frequent visitor to Klanv ath Falls. Last year he waa here with tho Margaret lies company, which was hero Saturday night, and only his present Illness prevented him from being here with the same organisation on that visit. W. F. Ilowen and T, H. Walker of Ashland left here this morning on a trip to Crater Lake. Battle For Valuable Land : Sought by Department A. D. Brier of Brier A Anderson, tho local wood men, la putting up a strong fight to retain his hold on a valuable homestead claim ot 160 acres In township 38 south, range 6 oast, which property Is estimated to be worth 110,000. Hla attorney Is Horace Manning, while the contest being waged against Mr. Brlor Is In the hands of W. 8. Staley and Bert O. Thomas. The latter Is special agent ot the land office, with head quarters at Portlaud. There la considerable yellow plno on the homestead, with some fir and sugar pine, and the property Is well adapted to logging, being directly on the Dead Indian road, between thla city and Aihland. Some estimates put the amount of timber on the claim at 4,000,000 feet, and It la said to be ot rarely good quality. Several yeara ago Mr. Brier unuatted on the claim, pending the ultimate approval ot a survey of the tract, and while the survey was sane ttoned by the surveyor general for the state ot Oregon, who la a federal official, It has yet to he adopted by the general land office at Washing ton- and filed at Lakovlew In tha offi ces of Register Arthur W. Ortoa and Receiver Fred P. CronemlUer. Officials ot the Crater Lake Na tional forest reserve startsd a con test against Mr. Brier with a view to holding the Und In the reserve, aad when the matter came before the two tAkevlew officials above named they suitalned Brier. Then the forest reserve people .car ried the case to Washington to Coaj wUiioner Fred Dennett of tha gea eral land office, from whom word comes that the holding of tho Lake view officials has bean reversed. Mr. Crier will appeal tho case to iecra tsry ot the Interior Walter Fleas. hose office Is the court ot dernier resort In such cases. It U said Mr. Brier has put abont $1,500 worth ot Improvement the land. The ground on whisk the forest reserve Is contesting hla Mat ter' right U that of i