Herald Want Ads IWHMONyf f- Jouu H"9 ,0 y1 m "" where an incsen kii wantedV"r ,W,n,,nn uv"n ',r 'u. ndciulred. Address "J," IhU office. for MI .. K.inch laV wood at 11.10 Mr wrd loatadi lal bar " !rtr ! OrJlUearlr. don't wait. 0. 1'KTTON. Phone )' 7;l,tf jlTATJireaTTgood fsnnlag Tend? In Crook county, 0., for eal or lt(4( for land o Klamath rails. let K. K. TboaaWon, or phone til. M M fttOAl.K-Oool bA. 8eT While tH.ll.CO. "W ll-lt MMC'Kl.LANKrfilM WANTKU-HadaWlonr, 4U or BU. I'liouoH. J. IJalTer, 16J1, l&.Jt WANTKD 10 or 12 rfiul plain coun ter, at I'elly' Jewry Bfore, 1 3-11. 'art I Driver? Phoae UOI FOB HOT FOR HKNT Doubt bouM, com pletaly furnlched for boueekeeplng, suitable for two famlllaa. Inquire at llarald office. 1-tf NIUKl.Y furnished rooms at tb Or on House, With ami Klamath Foil HKNT Croom moderntoll tto, un tiacond between Malaand I'lne. Inqulra at t'ot'age tU'idhf. avj-tf 1 1 O 'JT 1$ I TUH 1 I K V, L. Turpi A. VV. Turpi) (ItalaforrH mrrvt lltilMlna) IT IHMVKLL MTKKKT, AT MARKHT. MN FltAM'IMCn Mount WHS) private Willi. va.wprr imj up I unww , .... Kervpraa plan. Itulh plinura In eaili mmiiu HE IS THB MAN y That biyi aotet, warraiti aid nfittfagei -That will laaurance, Boa.a, Ijffrlovera Llibll Ity and Nile Glm IniUlnce On Mir tcrma aa l-room bouar. modern, team-heated, good Iocs- lion on With atraat, part oaab, balaafo can bsKpald In ven rear; mall Monthly pt) mania. 11.500 A good reeldeaee lot In Mot itrings Addition; 1160 down; batanr 140 par month. HJ0--A good lot faring two kirestf.ifmall boaaa; 1100 down; bal. anto 110 par month. 1100 Tbrro good lota In Mills Addllon; partly Improved; eat tarm. X. it.000 Take 190 acraa oflend ntir Merrill; 1600 caah; balanta In nln jtara. T. W. RGTCsaSI ft CO, 040 Main Street Klamath Falla & dto; GOOD PRINTING Is an important factor in any business, and often contributes toward success j Let us show you our stock of bond paper and print for you a line of office sta tionery which will prove a business-getter W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. HfOURTH TREKT, BETWKKN MAIN AND KLAMATH SUNDAY EXCURSION $1.10 . iY. " -n feJ. Southerly Tomj CH1LOXJUIN SUNDAYjAUQ. 18 Special round trip fare of Leave 8 a. m. fArrlvc Chlloquln 9 a. m. Return; LW Chlloqula 6 p. m. Arrive 7 P- m itwy a oitalntlat acific Depot CITY BEAUTIFUL IS BRINGING CONTEST Registration at the Newspaper Offices is Increasing and Campaign Will Prob ably be a Very Great Success Ai ttin time for rrgUtratlou draw to a cloio, IntvrMl In tli City Ileau llful mowmont l Increatlns, and tlio IUI of participant la growing rapidly. It ru fraroil for a tlrao that prlica in I Klit bo nMardtd without competi tion, but now It I aiHurod that the (.outfit will bn uplrlted. Tin- roiitclntn regUtered 10 far aro a follow; At tin. North wentorn offlce! Mra, A. A. MohalToy, beat new lawn and boat kept yard by adult. Walter Halra, beat yard and lawn for a boy. Mra. A, H. Moorland, baat flower garden. H. V.. Uwena, beat kept gardeit and beat kopt flower garden. At tho Herald oMce: Mra. J, I). Duncan, S2M Melroae atraat. beat new lawn. Mra. H. V, Van Itlper. 131 Creacent avenue, flowor garden, old lawn. Mra. Nato Otterbeln, HUth and Klamath, new lawn, garden, general ynrd. Mra. II. F. Murdock, 219 High treet, beat new lawn and beat flower garden. Mra. Frank Ward, corner Third and I'lne, beat new lawn. C. V. Htone, Hot Bprlng addition, old lawn, flower garden. Mra. II. K. Hayden, 430 Waahlng lon, old lawn. Mr. I. I). Applegate, Pacific ter race, beat old lawn, beat flower gar den, beat kept yard. Mr. W. R. Paught, Pacific terrace and Kaplanade, beat old tawn, beat flower garden and beat kept yard. Mr. K. J, Murray. 239 N. Center treet, beat kept yard, beat old lawn, beat flower garden. Mr. W. II. North, Fifth and Jcffcr aon, tost kept yard, beat old lawn, beat flower garden. MMMM4)MMM4)))M ' nIntfto By Joe Btuh M4)MMMM04)MM Beema aa If wo quit awaiting thr fly too toon. A long aa the flab are biting what' tho uae of worrying? The man who doem't own a gar den I the only paraon who ehould not participate in the City Beautiful Anyway, no one can accuae Dr. Chilton of favoring race aulclde. If the urlce la anr Indication, veg etable muit be acarra, report to the contrary notwithstanding. WEED HATCHERY IS LARGE ONE XKIDrinORI.MJ CALIFORNIA IN HTITUTIO.V HAH I)KVX01KD UKT1L IT IK OXK OF LAROFT IN TIIK OOC.NTRY Krker lecture In aplle of Inclement weather, a few people llatened to Wm. Kcker, a wondering alelgbt of hand performer, lecturo In court houae aquare laat night. Tho lecture wa a aurprlae to many, who found the apeaker quite Intereattng. GIVING OUT Hm Htragglo Macoanigra Many Cat tarn of Klaaaath Fall Around all day with an,CBlB back; Can't real at nlgbt: Kuough to make any ne "glr ouL" Doan' Kidney Pllla brtj glraa r- nowad Ufa to thouaan They nro for kldneyaoackache For other kldner ill Hero I convincing? proof of their worth; While Klamath Fall may not be aware of It, the California flab hatch ery near the neighboring city of Weed la the largeat of It kind In the world, and has thouaand of vialtora annaallr. Tka waUtation wa eaUb-1Uh4-,pa'lSII.'at4 hma coaaUm'tly grown a4 kaam aga)act to kvaW menta, until now'tha'etat owaa.aarf enteen acre of land there, on which are four bulldlaga, 14Ea4 teat, con taining 100 trougha. In connection with the hatchery the ttate own 700 Inchr of water right. For the culture of flab there aro 46 pond, and the equipment Include an elec tric lighting and heating plant. It I claimed that the commercial value of the atrlped baa alone, which flab waa Introduced by the commU alon from Kaatern atatca. would more than repay the taipayera for all money expended In bringing In and developing all other apeclmen of the finny tribe. M. TowoU, 263 land. Oregon, aa groat deal from hacxache and a hardly get around morning I wa all kidney accretion their irrcgularll eoon aa I comm Kidney Pllla I I now In good he Kidney but more thing elae Doan'a Kidney (could be aa effect! For eale by : itreat, Aah "I auffered a Iney trouble and lettmea I could On arlalng in the and lame, and tbo annoyed mo by In paaaage. Aa d taking Doan'a iroved, and I am I still uae Doan'a uonally, however, intlllvo than any- lya Inaltt upon for no subatltute they.' - ira. Price to rente. Foater-MllburmCo., Buffalo, wnw York, aole agent rV the united tatea. Remember the name Doan' take no other. -and GENERAL NOTICES Notice Notice I hereby given Aat all ac count due the eatat itJf the late George K. HunNguatio aattled at once. JENNlWf . HURN. 10-lt AdlnUtratrli. DtaaolaUea Notice Notice I hereby given that the DartaerahlD heretofore eaUUajT ha tween Edmund M. Chlleote agtd Oeo. H. Rice, under the firm nam ot Chll eote A Rice, haa bean deeolTed by mutual content. Akjfr. Allcota will continue tho bualnetmiajd aaaume all obligation. H-Iw PKorMKtAii mum DR. C. A. RAMBO, D tkal All Work Oaaraateed. Odd rellwwa' Balldiag. Room SI I. Pkema III. CITY ANDCOOVTT AaWTRACT OOMPANr Abatracta. Iaaaraace Membeaa Oregon Aaaoclatioa Title Men. MIHCKLLANBOUR nAMHBY'g KXPREIM It yon waat your atoff moved and moved quick, get Ramaby'a Eipraaa to do It. Corner Seventh and Main atraeta. Phome SIS RMPLOTMENT Call up COM8TOCK, lS, If you want any kind ot HELP. Reglater at the COMBTOCK It you waat employment MADAM AND PBOF. Cure coraa. baaioaa and la growing toesalta. Mma. Tlmma atopa hair from falllag oat la Ave traatmaata, aad a ptraa nant cure for dandruff. Oive aa a call. o. IIT 1 th Ave, Klamath Fall. Oregon, did. on the 3d day of January, 1111. file la thU offlce worn atatement and applica tion No. 0CZ37, to purchaae the 8WK NWU. Section 29. Towmhtp 2 8., name 10 E., Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provision of the act of June 3, 1171, and act amendatory, known aa the Timber and Stone Law," at anch value aa might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, punuant to auch ap plication, thr land aad timber there on have been appraised at a total ot 1100, the timber eetimatad at .IM board teat at 11 par M.( aad the land at 110;, that Bald appMeaat .will offer flaal proof to aappert tat fcla aaajllaa tloa aad awera atatiamt aa ta Stwa day 91 August, 1912, before C ,.!) IjP, county clerk of Klamath county. Oregon, at Klamath Fall. Oregon. Any paraon la at Iloerty to proteat this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent Uiuaa, by flllag a corroborated affi davit In thla offlce, alleging facta which would defeat the entry. A W. ORTON, 7-4-1-29 Reglater. LEGAL NOTICES CRATER LIKE KENS Crater Lake company aatomobllaa ... iiii mil a. P. tralna at Chllo- MV wvw--. w.w . - . - quia. Rouad trip tare, Chiloquia to Crater Lake, lli.ao. Wba adviaed by phoaa. autome btlaa wilt meat lauaehaa at Aaaacy Laadlai. Ron"11 trlD rkto Ma M Chiloquia. Automobile from CraUr Lake to Medtord. Monday aad Thursday, tmtw 111. fie renad trip. Notice to Creditor In the. County Court ot the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. In the Matter ot the EaUte ot Martha Abbalooa. Deceased. Notice ia hereby given by the un- deralgned, administrator ot tha aetata of Martha Abbalooa. deceased, to tha credltora of. and to all persona hay ing claims against, tha aald decedent, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within six months after the first publication of thla notice, to the said admlntatrator, at tho law oBcea of Stone A Barrett, In the American Bank A Trust Company building, cor ner of Fifth and Main streets, in the City of Klamath FaUj, Klamath County, Oregon, that being the place for the transaction ot tho business of said estate. First publication of thla notice, August 15, lilt. B. r. ABBELOOS, Administrator ot Said -Batata. 1-16-9-11 r Notice of Final Account In the County Court ot the State ot Oregon, for the County ot Klam ath. In the Matter of the Estate ot John Blmmons, Deceased. Notice I hereby given that B. S. Orlgaby, administrator of the estate ot John 8lmtnona, deceased, haa ren dered and presented for final ettle- meat, and filed In aald court, hi final ount, ot hi admlnlitratton ot aald eiUte, and that on Monday, the 23d day of September, 1912, at 11 o'clock a m., at the court room of the aald county court, at the county court houae, In the city of Klamath Fall, Klamath county, atate ot Oregon, which time and place baa been fixed for the hearing of objection to aald final account and aettlement, any per- aon interested in aald estate may ap pear and file objectlone In writing to he aald account and conteattbe aame. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 13th day of August, 1912. B. S. ORIOSBY, Admlntatrator of the Estate of John Simmons, Deceased. 8-16-9-19 r o'clock ia. a-i of Mid lay, latTtha front door of the ceart nonee of Klamath eeuaty, Oregon, la tho city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, sell at pablle auetloa, to the highest bidder for caah, tha follewlag described real property situated la Klamath conaty, Oregon, to-wit: Lot three (I) and four (4) and the aonth half (Stt) of tha aorta west qaarter (NWK) of Section four (4), la Township thlrty-nln (29) South, Range tic (6) lest of tha Willamette Meridian. The proceeda of aald aale to be ap plied to the payment of the costs and expenses thereof, and tha eotta and expenses of the proceeding Incurred on behalf of the atate of Oregon, and the remainder of the proceeda of auch aale to be paid to tba treasurer of the atate of Oregon. Dated thla 24th day of July. A. D. 1912. KUTKENDALL A FEROUSON, At toraeya for the State of Oregon. W.B.BARNES, Sheriff of Klamath Coaaty, Ore. OEO. W. HATDON, Deputy. 7-26-I-29 r In tba Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon, for the Conaty of Klam ath, aa. '. O. Merrill. Plaintiff. , vs. Id ward CBrooka, Margaret C.Brooke, wife of Edward C. Brooke; Hattle Brooke; Hetra at Law of Qulney A. Brooka aad Rrooks.Deeeaeed; Charles Cri ton, Llda Cranston aad Mall Wil liam, Halra at Law ot Warren Cranston aad Nettle Craattoa. Deceased; Charts E. WIMey: Jamee B. CharekUl mad a N. Hawklaa; Agnea Pierce aad Al bert Hopkins Pierce, Heira at Law of J. O. Pierce. Deceased; Also all other Persons and Par ties Uakaowa Claiming- any Right. Title, Batata. Lies or In terest In the Real Estate De scribed la the Complaint Herein. Defendants. To Edward C. .Brooks. Margaret C. Brooka. Wife of Edward C. Brooka; Hattle Brooka. Hetra at Law of Qulney A. Brooka aad Little Brooka. deceaeed; Charlea Craaatoa, Llda Craaatoa aad Mall Williams. Heira at Law of Warren Craaatoa aad Nettle Craaatoa. Deceased; Charlea E. Wltdey. Jamee B. Churchill aad aad C. N.HawbIbs: Agaea Pierce aad Albert Mepklaa Pierce, Heir lQwBw) ! K el V amrVV aVefaawMBajW m wmrtm avapv- Notke tar (Net Goal Una. Department ot tka latrler.' TJaUed State Lead Omee at Lakeriaw, Oregon, June 17. 1911. Notice ia herebycrvea that Jamee Briscoe, wheae poetemee addrata 'la Jfotico of Sherira Bale ot Real Property In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Klamath County. State of Oregon, Plaintiff, TB. Bert E. Wltbrow, aa Administrator ot the Estate ot Louie Walter, De ceased; and all Other Persons In terested In the Estate ot the Said Louts Walter. Deceased, Defendants. Notice ta hereby given that by vir tue ot an order of aale duly issued out at tka above eatltlad court oa the 1st day ot July, A. D. 1911, la the above eatUled eause. the real property men Ueaed aad described latha Informa tion Sled on behalf of tho plaintiff, state ot Oregoa, waa ordered tola by the eheriff ot Klamath eoanty, Ore goa, at public auetloa, for caah, ta the aame aaanaer aa real estate la sold oa executlea; Now, therefore, by virtue ot aald order ot aale aad to compliance there with. I wlU. oa Saturday, tho Hat day ot August. A. D. 1111, at 10 tie Ui Right, Title. tereat ta the Real Batata De acrtbed la the Complaint Herein. DefeadaaU Above Named. In the Name of the 8tate ot Oregen: You and each of yon are hereby re quired to appear aad to aaawar tha complaint of the plaintiff above named, now upon file la the clerk'a office for the above mentioned court, In the above entitled suit, on or be fore the 6th day of September. 1912. aald day being the laat day ot the pub lication ot thla summons, and the laat lay within which time you are re quired to appear aad answer the said complaint, aa axed by the court's or der for tha publication of this sum none. If you fall to appear and anawer the aald complaint the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded In the complaint ot the plaintiff. That thla ault ia brought for the purpose ot quieting the title to Iota 9 aad 10 in block 77 ia the town ot Klamath Fall, tha aama being a part ot lot 3. la Section 12, Towaahlp 31, South Range 9, Eaat ot tha Wil lamette Meridian, Klamath county. Oregon. Ana lor a aecree oi iae abova named court, adjudging that the plaintiff In the above entitled ault ia the owner of the aald laada aad entitled to the peaceable and quiet possession of the aame, and that the defendants, nor either ot them have any right, title or estate In aad to the aame aad that eaeU and every of the above named defeadaata bo forever barred from asserting any right or claims to any part or parcel ot the aald landa In any manner whatever. That thla summons la published once a week, for the period of six auo- eeaelve week la the Klamath Repub llcaa, a newspaper, printed aad pub lished at Klamath Falu. Oregon, by aa order of Wm. . Wordtn, county Judge tor the county ot Klamath, aad state of Oregon, dated July 18, 1912. and the flrat publication being made upon the 26th day ot July. 1911. O. M. ONEILL, Attorney for Plaintiff. 7-15-9-6 Klamath Fall. Ore. court and eeaetfea aaafdBr at? Inly, mi, apoa a deeree aad entered of record ia aald ceart aad caaae, aad la aald coaaty aad atate oa tha 22d day of Jeae, mt, la favor of tho aberw aamed pltmMwa and agalaat the above aamed defead ant, directing the aala ot certala real property to aatlsfy tha eaa t fl.017.ci. plalatirs debt, aad tka farther lua ot flio aa'atteraara' fee, aad the eotta aad dhbareeaaaale of said suit taxed at 1.10, tstetker with Interest thereon at the rata of 8 per cent per aaaam from tha lid day of Jane, 1912, aad tho eiaeasi of each aale. Now, therefore, by virtue ot aald execution aad In cjtmpllaae with aald writ, I have duly levied apea aald premises aad wilt, oa the Hat day ot August, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. at. on aald day, at the front door of the county court aoaee ia Kymata-Fan, Klamath county, Oregoa, sell at pab lle auetloa. to the highest aad beat bidder for caah la hand, aabjeet ta re demption according to law, all tka right, title aad latereat of the above named defendant la aad to tka fat lowing described real property, to-wit: The eaat half of the aorthwaat quarter, aad the west half of the aortheaat quarter of BeotJoa to, rowatblp IT South. Raage 11 H Baat t Willamette Merldlaa; aald pup arty being attuate la Klamath eeuaty, Ore goa. together with the Uaemeata. heredltameata aad apparteaaasea thereunto belonging or la aay wiee appertaining, or ao mack thereof as may be necessary to aatlsfy aald cas eation. Dated at Klamath falls, Oreffsa. July 24, 1912. W. B. BARNBS, Sheriff of Klamath Coaaty, Or. GEO. A. HATDON. Deputy. 25-1-8-15-22-29 k Mm ammmt Mmmmm) JaamwY. ami bbbbM taiawMmmmmmmssmaAraaal LmmMW9M!mnwit. 'II NOTICE FOB iniarUGATKHf (Not Coal Leads' Departmeat of the Interior, UaMed States Land Omee at Lakevtew, Oregoa. May 17, 1111. Notice It hereby glvaa'taat James B. Short, whoa poatosac addraaa la Olene, Oreffsa. did. oa the 17th aay of November, 1911. lie la thla esses aworn atatemeat aad apallaatlaa No. &615I. to purchase the SW of tha r-EK. the 8EU ottt NW14. sec tion II, TowBSAlp 69 8., Baasjs lift E. Willamette Mortsaaa. aad tho timber thereoa. aader the atwrl- aloaa of tho set ot Jaao 1, 1171. aad acta amendatory, kaswa aa the "Ttaa- ah Tata aa tas aar appraised at a' tSteTaar Hf , U tim er estimated llO.OOt heard feat. at 50 cents per M., aad Us lead at 160; that aald appUaaat will sffer flaal proof la aapport of am applica tion aad awora statomoat oa tho llth day ot Anguat, 191I,xhefsrs O. R. )Lap, cosaty clerk of Klamath coma ty, at Klamath FalU. Oregoa. Any persoB m at liberty to protest thla purchase before entry, or laltlate 4 contest at any time before patent iMiir. by flttng a corroborated aB IsyH tn thla office, alleging facta whlili imld defeat the eatry. A. W. ORTON. 7-4-8-:9 r Rcgmter. Notice for United States Lead Oawa. Lakevtew, Oregoa. July Ith. lilt. Notice la hereby glvea that Us Northern Pactle Railway Compaay, whose postotflro addrsss Is St- Paal. Minnesota, haa this IU day of Jaly, 1912, fllcd In this offlce Ha applica tion to select under the provisloaa of the act of congress approved Jaly 1, 1898 (30 8Ut 597. 620), as cxtcated by the act of congresa approved May 17. 1906. tha NEU 8EH. 8M of 8EH. Sec. 30. aad NBU NEW.. Sec 31. T. 37 S., R. 9 E.. W. M. Any and all peraoaa clalmbtg ad- veraely the landa described, or desir ing to object steatite of the mlasral character of Us wad, or for aay oth er reason, to Us disposal to applieaat. ahould fll Ueir aBdavlU of protect la thla oatee oa sr befor U IU day ot September. 1111. A. W. ORTON, T-l 8-9-6 r Notwe of aale f Meal rveaertf la the Circuit Court ef ta ataU f Oregon, for tho Coaaty of Klam ath. Fred Noel aad Laaa Noel, Plaintiffs. vs. Bird Loeclty. Deteadaat NoUce is hereby glvea that by vir tus of aa executlea aad order of aale duly tented oat a U ahev eatttlod Notice of naartaaa'a Sale In the County Court of Ue State ot Oregoa, for Klamath Coaaty. In the Matter ot Uo Batata aad Qaar- dlanahtp of Edwin Lawreaee Nswbanka, aa Inaaas Feraoa. Notice la hereby gives that, punu ant to license ot said court under date ot Auguat 1, 1911, 1 will sell at pri vate aale. to the highest bidder, for cath, ob aad attar the Hat day, of Augutt. 1911, at Uo law omee of Stone A Barrett, la ta Amirtica Baak aad Tract Compaay haltalaf, la Klamath FalU. Klamath coaaty, Ore gon, the following .described real property, to-wit: The Bsuthcaat , Beettea , Towaahlp 41, South of Rasa I. Baat ot Wllamette Mcridlaa, ia Klamath Coaaty, Oregoa, Dated thla lad day ot Asgaat, till. N. B. NBWBANK8, Quardlaa of Bald Bctats. 1-9-lf-lS-IO h jCl '! J- -