VITMKD H THII lKTKI) I'll NKWM KHVICB foe Unim (Mb. jtVENMo mntw PRINT THE NBWS, NOT grllh Yrar N- 'M- KMMATII KAMA, OREGON, SATURDAY, AI'ttUHT 17, 1UI3 FHee, Ftv (Ml B . .IM MM ' " "" $ VERDICT IS GIVEN PASSEHGER SHIP SINKS AT WHARF (OLMIliK ' HIIKH AT IIAMtOA H COSTLY Wlrrbw Mruj(i' Trlla of Oluuter In the I'tniuiM Z"Hi l.alrat HefNirt pun c4 Indicate Thai Any Uvea Hate llrrn Uw( luat Vraael U trvftrtj of ' Parlltr Mall Hiram- UCipnr IUU4 I'rraa herrlce IAS KIIANOIHCU. Aug. 17. A alnbja miro to the California At- lutic 8lmihlp company hero from Ftlloa, I'anama, say that a hug M Ihtrt rolltiwcJ during the nlgbt, iisilag tbt Pacific Mall passenger ul frtlilit itrawtr Newport. Tit anllre urto wa loal, but It m UIItkI at Ilia lima of sending Ua MU that no litre bad bee County Fair Sure of Being: Success Local Herchants Have Donated Par- ial List of Prizes Already and lore Donations Being Made YOUNGSTERS POPULAR IjMly Derlra IWomr Mother I'rouil Mother united Pre Service LONDON, Aug. 17 A dsugb- ter woa born thl morning to Lady Dccle. who iu MIm Vivian Gould. ) I-orJ Dcclra ha telegraphed to me united State that mother and child are doing well. e) jfluch Testimony Harks U. S. Suit nut mciioereh lAveTRrtiaMNct: rORTI.ANI), Auk IT A new trial to Jack Ilobeiia, hntgun highway- U mj ttayrr of Donald Stowart ulCrsri Uaitlnga, will In all llke WM U granted by Circuit Judgo Hwrow upon itcm nlntlon of the for U by the condemned man' Montj, The luilxe ha made an or- itthorlitnjt (ho court stenogra law to furnUh Hubert with a trans- "Iflof the eIJcnco at the trial, at iiptnie of tbe county, on which I Wattorsfja will bane their demand W trial. Tho formal motion "llWnudelnafow day. With iroiicla for bumper crop, with many breed of good dairy cat tle now In. tho country, iplrndld horaca of different brocda owned here, aad the assay tad varied r. sour Vela L2I ragf 1'ortUnd Store, 2d prltr, IC offered by Wood-Curtli Co, Ut prim draught maro, kitchen cupboard and tablo combined, offered y.4. V. Ooellcr on; 2d prlte, MfMtffajr4 hr.J.jr, OeeU a better tGaaW.1' Varloua frateraal order havlar-l?,t HOUSE REFUSES SENATE MEASURE All of the Letters of the Alphabet are Used Up and Number 88 Has Been Reached on Exhibits JURY USES BUT LITTLE OF TIME DELIBERATIONS LAST BOX MIUNTE8 IX PRIVATE One week ha been taken up, and another promise to be, by the cae of tho United State Tcrau C. A. Hunting and hi wife, M.VeneU Bunt- Ing, Involving water right on tbe Stukel lateral of tho reclamation aer visa. .Tl ktatfliarli Mm muc(4 Introduce Iu evidence and bad oa the tand Cbarlea J. Anderton and 0. H Carlcton, rancher out toward Mer rill. It li expected that the defeaae will Introduce aa many. It not more, wltneuea than have already been of fered on tho aide of the government, UjUk JtVMMaift UM.form of court trial, Judge Hnttoa'a Jury Were Wry FavoraMe to Mm Attoreey-Pefeadaat nawwr, Ae compaaied by HI FalMtfal WM. Aaxlovaly AwaM taw Retam f MM Twelve Mea ' united Preaa Servle LOS ANOELES. Aug. 17. CMx- MV PatfajBr,jwa , U4ay foa4 avat ranged la hold reunion hero during the fair, and there will be aome die Unci feature from thla aourr. Already a partial lUt of premium haa been announced. Tho work of co curing prlir I itlll going on, and Secretary Oliver haa aauraucei that the compUtn premium llt will be tbe moil complete of any ever before offered. The following U the partial llt lit prlir, beat draft team, $10, of ') i' Inpleaeat' aa'i fered by raraiera' Kuppty llouie. lt prlte for beat ilngle farm ex hibit, 2C piece diver let, IR47 lloger Ilro.. valuation 125, offered by Wil liam K. I'elley. Ut prllo for brat dual purpoae cow, 130 eteel range, offered by Darling Hardware Co. 11 prlie for bet Jerioy cow, I2i. uiuiv;tu aruniio waro xiicnen et, lorTerrd by Hum Hardwnro Co. ; lit prlie for bet collection of to "irl' tx i Tr 1111) lVovldiug for Two Hblpe of War I Kent to Confrrrarr WMi Offer lo CoinprumUe on One I'mldrnt Taft Nlga the IVnalon ApprvprU Clun Hill, Ho Veteran Will Oct Their Money Nert Moaitay ferrd by Havldgo llro , Lumber Co. Ut prlie beat collection of grauc.f "' . I .. ' ouitiuui. and grain. $10, inerchandl.e, offered I'1 "er'd, b'rlf"'' "" MIIM by Hector' Department Store, Jl0,! ,a. vttt? for b',t ""n " Ut i.rlio for l.c drlvlnr tMm """ m by any Individual. $t. $10. offered by O. M. Itlley. oB"wI 'r "" "rM- M""n Co- Ut prlie for be.t collection of pp.. '"'r" br,t ,,00,,, "om ' loc' tatue. $IC ault of clothe, offered by, (Coutlnued on l'K 4) IN OVER LINE 10 BE OPERATED lTII.Kli:it t.' IUMII.KH w KW MIIITIIKUN I'ACIHl! ,MCK IWVOMt CllllAiguIN NMTtiMOHluiW Toaorrow iim minninn ,k. w,0'0' ",0 Houthern faclflc'a iiotuln and n,,. umu ...... hii v- m . imaiuon Hirer " ? 0,"cl"ly turned over to the mi. ' d,,nr,'"nl of the railroad uniintur ,,.., . . rr! "alneer II. i. in-v I... .i "'fcllneor William Hood of diarii iW ii.. . . itx ,, l" w airetcit or tten.iV V " ,,,rw trantrcr Borro! ,odof,1""'w part come tK' T1' "tlon at the end , - .-., no im.i..i. ., .... Th.r. i "" ." nin. :::. ..i:o,v. m,10 h IU coum ; :" '" l" ranafar. "ik-riftt: In ik. . '" """ u " Ih. neighborhood of the "0 lilvnr an..i.i u. . 'fiar ii ,-""" o reaumea r ork. ha. . BU0Ut ,ttt mit. ,:,T,U ,ft, 'IU. 'Utiofc. "' purpoaa in ' Bot b" Meertalaeg. BUT ONE RED IS COURT MAY ASK A DRINK VICTIM BIDS FOR WORK 'Jutted I'm Service WASIIINOTON, D. O., Aug. 17. Tho home today by a voto or ISO to 79, decided agalnit Accepting the en ate'a amendment to the naval bill providing for two bAttleahlp. Tho bill will be aent to a conference, offer ing n conipromtie on n alnglo battle- hip. President Taft algned the pemlon appropriation bill, which carrlea with It $160,000,000. Tho 200,000 voter- an and their dependent, wnoao pen- alona have been hold up iluco Auguit 4tb, will be able to get tbelr check caihcd Monday. draw apaa" county. So far All aeparate Item In the ex hibit Jiave been brought In tbe caae and helped to form a foundation for a ma of twtlraony, which haa been taken down by the commloloncr, who I hlmaelf an expert atcnographer. Tho pagea of teatlmony which he ha wrltton In ihorthand up to dato number 450. Tho government ha finished Iu teatlmony, after Introducing about a itoicii nltneiaei. Including Metirs. W. W. Patch. W. It. Hollcman. C. C. Hngue, II. K. Hayden, Newnham, Ward, Hantell, Caden, J. Frank Ad am. C. K. Wlddoc and Albert E. Rider. Thl morning the dcfno began to " rar7aWetta want to until It feel juaOla! aa raat Ing IU caae. Thua It U that tbe de fame, If It dealrea, can call on wit nee atmoit without number, if It feel that they are necessary to the iUbllbment of It contention. The government ha brought the caie on the plea that the Duntl&ga have been tapping the Stukel lateral and taking water from It, and expect to establish that they have no right to tako the water without conform ing to the rule and regulation of the reclamation icrvlce. The exhibit up to data Include doc ument, map, letters, order, cir cular, rule and regulation, con tract and stock aubacrlptlons. CHUCK OK KOI.ICK I'ICKS UK IN DI.N TIIIH MOIIMNO WITH fill t'l'M J.l IK TOO DltUXK TO KNOW IIIH OWN NAMK Of tho great Influx of Indiana here lo aee the circus, there wa but one who acquired that degreo of Intoxica tion aa to entitle him to board and room at tbe oxpenio of tho city. He wa picked up thl morning by Chief of I'ollco Smith, and now occupUw a cell In tho city jail. He wa not In a condition lo glvo hi name. It haa been the uatial thing on gala occailon for n certain class of In dian to drink everything In eight, but recently thero ha beon a notabto Improvement In thl ropect. countvh m:w edifice will need foundation, and ad- VKIITISKMKNTK MAY UK Kill NT ED WITHIN NEXT TEN DAYS It I probable that tho county court wilt shortly advertise for bid for tho foundation of tho new court houso In tho Jlot Spring addition, plan for which are now being drawn by Archi tect UonJ. McDougall of San Fran cisco, who drew tho plans for tho new Whlto relic n Hotel. Whllo nil tho plan nro n,ot yet finished, It I believed that tho court Mill bo ablo to announce It readi ness tn go ahead with tho foundation of Iho now structure within tho noxt ten day. WKAHV COKKEII NAIW TOO LONG 1'OIITL.AND, Aug. 17. For taking tlilrty-mlnuto nap In (ho (olograph operating room at tho Union depot, Patrolman J. P. Murphy will faco charge preferred against him by Po lice Chief Slover and Sergeant Van Overn and Klenlcn, following a roport made by the sergeants. Van Overn and Klcnlen found Murphy ailoep In tho room,' and Murphy made no at tempt to deny tho accusations. The charge will be presented to tb po lice commlttloner at tbe next meet ing. Murphy bear an excellent repu tation In the department, and hli ef fort In past season did much to make the police band a luecaa. KVIt AND HIIAWIi SCHOOL FACULTY IS GIVEN OUT ALFORD FAMILY BURIAL MONDAY, IN NICE REUNION HOURNOT FIXED KAHENTS, nitOTHEIl AND 8!8.a11UANGEME.T FOR FUNERAL TKTtH OK FIRST, WARD COUN CIUIAN All ASSEM11I.E IN 1118 CONOKIt AVENUE HOME A family reunion of tho Alford fnm. IIIOII SCHOOL WIIX OKEN SEPT.;,,, took pUco ,Mt , INDICATE HUGH SAN FUANCIBCO, Aug. 17. Wal ter A. McCreory, polo player, clubman and rlon of a wealthy pioneer fam ily, I sulferltiK front a nervous break down, according to hU attorney, and Superior Judgo Thorn F. Graham Ims been petit lonod to appoint a guar dian for him. Judge Graham ha sot noxt Wednesday for tho hearing. McCroory haa Just arrived from ,ondon, and on the trip from New York worn a fur coat, a linen duster, a Panama hat, a inawi ana a ami muffler. The ileeve of hi various garment were rolled up to tho el bow of ono arm and one trouier leg to the knee. Instead of ihoe he wore bedroom (Upper. 0, TllltEK WEEKS KHOM MON DAY, WITH NEW FACULTY. KEItKONNEL IS ANNOUNCED Tli r co weok from Monday, Sep tember 9th, the Klamath County High School will open. Already W.' E. Fought, principal, has arrangoment well under way for thn opening. Ho announced thl morning tho following member of tho faculty: Atalttant principal M. D. Coatea, roathomatlc nnd dobat. Ilosilo II. Applegate, Kngllab, liter ature. K. V. Ilawley, manual training. E. Ii. Morrison, commorclal depart ment. Erma E. Cole, Latin, teacher' training. Addlo E. Cornwall, history and Gorman. Abble Ji Carpenter, domestic act- once. Mx A. McCall, agriculture. Qeo. A. Wlrtf , music. Rev E. M. Flluu, pastor of tbe Christian church, will conduct reg ular ssrvlce for that congregation. dence of Councilman Russell A. Af ford or tho First ward. From Med ford had como Mr. and Mrs. A. Al ford, parent of Councilman Alford and M. L. Alford, brother of It. A. Al ford, and wife and Mr. C. W. Wal ter, the councilman's sister from Tal ent, camo In M. L. Alford' automo bile. Mr. L. F. Wllllt of this city, who 1 a slater of Councilman Alford, was present. The parent and four! children had a most enjoyable even ing. OK MRS. JOHN SCHALLOCK DE PEND ON ARRIVAL OF SISTER AND DAUGHTER CONVICTS TRY TO MAKE ESCAPE SAI.EM, Aug. 17. Through Infor mation received from a convict, War den Dengen of the tato penitentiary wa enabled rocently to prevent the oacapo of three prisoner. While the Attempted escapo waa made several day ago, It wa suppressed. Robert Owens, John Harris and John Wal ter were the convict who had plan ned the break. They hoped to effect It by sawing their way through tho bar guarding a flume that passe un dortho walla of the Institution, and which I supposed to bo under the eye of the guard constantly. The funeral of the late Mrs. John G. Schallock will take place aome tlrao Monday, but the hour haa not been decided and will not be until there is knowledge Just what time Mrs. J, R. Sharp of Portland with lar rlve. Mrs. Sharp and Mr. Fred Mel. hase-Df this city, are sisters of the de ceased, and the only survivors of the family. Arrangements for the pall bearer await the arrival of Mrs. Schallock' daughter, Mrs. Junior F. Daggett, who was Ml Orpha Schal lock. Mrs. Daggett la due this even ing from her home In Oak Ridge, Ore. Rev. J. S. StubbleOeld of the Presbyterian church, who waa Mrs. Schallock's pastor, will conduct the obsequies If he can be reached. lie departed this city yesterday, with Mrs. StubbleOeld, for a camping trip In the neighborhood of Crater Lake It tho effort now being aaad to fad htm fall, another minister will be named to conduct the funeral. rtv Just 17 mlaatosv J4 1 mediately declared Darrow das charged from custody aad kla kail bond released. Darrow waa plainly nervosa wham he faced tbe crisis of kla Ufa oa eatar Ing Judge Huttoa'a court room tkla morning. Judge Hutton mounted tba ksasK at 8:20. The roll of Um Jury wa called, and the court Immediately be gan reading hi charge. Ho aald la part: "Gentlemen of tbe Jury, the evi dence Is all In and the argumeata an over. I charge you tbat tk evlieaca presented tn thl case doe not war rant a conviction on the first count la this Indictment. It you Had that. through an agent, or agents, the de fendant approached Lockwood, gave him $500 (or the purpose of talueac- Ing hla deciiton In tha McNamara cat, it will be your duty to Had klm guilty of attempting to corruptly la fluence tho Juror as charged, la tk econd Indictment. If you find tbat wltnesic testified who ar accom plices, and there Is no other evidence tending to show guilt. It Is your lm- I Continued on Page 4) Rx-V. 8. Marshal Here Ex-Untted State Marahal Lasllt M. Scott of Portland, son of the lata Harvey Scott ot the Oregoalaa. passed through the city last alght with his wife and mother, ea route home after a visit to Crater National Park. WOULD GET RICH ON LETTUCE BED ELMER APPLEGATE DECLARES THAT ONE ACRE OF GROUND WILL PRODUCE S,eM IF THE MARKET IS HERE It the Remand In Klamath Falls waa great enough, an acre of ground In tho Immediate vicinity of this city would produce sufficient lettuce at the prevailing price, even la Baa Fraa Cisco or Portland, to average S,000. Thiols the estimate made by Elmer Applegate, who haa devoted consider able time to lettuce culture, aad who U rated an authority on the subject. He waa In the city thla morning witk a wagon load ot produce tor local raa tauraata. "The land In this country la partic ularly adapted to the raising of let tuce." said Mr. Applegate. "If the market wa-hare I could ride arouad In an automobile on tbe proceed of aa acre or two of ground. Now I feed lota of lettuce to the ehieken."