MlU'l'MKI HIT THK VHXTKU I'llWM NKWH HWiVICK ibe Urntna ftefatt e? KVKN1XO NKWaYi PRINT TUB NXWfl, NOT Httenth Year No. It1 KLAMATH FALM. OltHOUN, THURSDAY. AL'fJtHT 18, 1VIB ii- in rn -i - Second Street Boulevard Now Seems a Certainty Almost $10,000 is Pledged BARROW MAKES For the Construction GREATEST PLEA of Lakeside Drive WHITE CERTAIN OF THE HEST I.KHM THAN WW KKMAINH TO UK rtVIINCIUIIKII Hir i. '' ' ) UMl ,l (.,,(, Will Kslewl Hoed Aruaad the Ukr Work Will lndably H Coraflrlnt In Time for ili fall IVdrltuad Hill Fnnilali IMrvct Nwlr lu MtdtaaO Tee Herund alrt boulevard ruund , tail ltd of ) lake. d pruvld lag a dlrert route In Midland, on MM esSMed. 0. W. Whllt UMWri thte atom lit that )U entlr mm' of llO.doo milk Um atcepttM of Ull, had been MxrllMl, and ha bad promt rf IMS of tbia balance. Th arrant MM kf kl M IMMtikHMMMN ( thai no WMr W."- pskt usUee llw entlr anaa l,90 waaattartd. Mr. Wblio I certain Ibat th re maining sum will be nubacrlbed by wi lUWrdar, and lb work on the kealmrd will t elarted al onto. The city hu assumed tbe'etpena f tHttlBK In bout tl.etiO of work OH Ui boultrard, and lb county court n itrtrd to extend tb road around lis lake In the event of the rltlien kvrt raUlDfi and spending 110,000 on IU Impnui'mrtit at till end II U tln rarnrat desire of thoee Lo arv aorklng ' llm project to nve the boulevard completed by Ilia tlmr u( tt ii fair In the fall, Tim road III in the lair gruunde, and will Make It much more convenient to al tnd llii bis fall trttow than It would bt II vrhltles he rniulrrd in traverse lie iTftcnt route, Marii lad Transferred The transfer of lb vaat araa ItK.N'OUNCKrt DKTKOTIVK-INFOHM-Kit AM) association of landof the estate of Hiram OodderdK, Th-t i.cUon in lila Imlia. Mirmll. Mvrll and I . nearrneu mnote iouaur mm Found Two Honest Mm. While All llolaud lloitdard of U Croee. Wli , has been recorded In Ihla county, The. land Ii alluatrd In th southeaaterii' portion of the county Tim property waa exchanged fur land In a foreat re-' eerve In Arttona if ll.r Ural Arv Mara ' Will llo la the Manila of llir Jury by Fri day Mh InMrtirtton Heady Mr and Mr II, Hi. (leo, lllahop are' In the rltr loilar from Ihalr home.lma 'raa Barrlca 'Tba Cedara." on Upper Klamath U) ANUKI.K8. Aug, 16Clarance Uka. Mr lllahop aald ha aa JuatJlMrrow reauroad the ireateil orator In on a llllle flail, and that every, leal effort of bla career whan Jde liilna waa irrane un hla war Hulton'a court convened Ihla morn- , lliii al l:3u The room waa literally Jammed He plunfad at once Into the l-ockwood bribery charuo, the peclltr Indictment of the preeent (.HIWrnAtt NMLUIKIt IM.' General Boeth la Uncoawcioaia Meat of Tlmr ' , i United lreee(9erTl7e LONDON, Uug. 16. lenral llooth, hit, of the Salvation Army, la aloklni rapidly. He la unconacloua moat of the tlm. ' ( i'Artesian Flow of Pure Water is Encountered REAL WAR IS (i PROGRESS C'K.NTIIAIi AMHWCAXM HGUTIXtJ IX MRNI-atT ladlralloM Are That the City of Ma Matta WM Kail. No Terrific la the OaaUitfhl ' air I rgMH Vrnt t.'oiiimaaalM Haa Utile Hop of KffnllaB A' Hurt of Coeapromlar. Amaricaa Hailora Am on tlw Job. TAFT VETOES jConger Avenue Well Very ANOTHER BILL! Satisfactory to Local Water Company WILL START A SECOND HOLE MOTION MADK TO I'AHH OVKR HIH niHAPPR"VAI. POOR COM GEIS HERE FROM BELOW OoluVa CJatr Table Kara ami Taana- ! mat MmwiM U Very Well. aa Ma HraahKt. WW Mom "Judalna by aoaa f th atulf that cornea fraaa wa below for our ta ble, we oubl to have a avaxke ta- MrMarla-nbainawWT taaf-Ti Valn atret dealer la ICM tale aaoraiafl. "Vou ought to e aomo of tb aweet rorn brought la today from California. Little, ecrubby atuf, un fit for anrbody'a table. When we get loaietoee we are liable to be atung, loo, It'a ronalderabte coaaolatlon that Klamath county ta getting In ahaie In furnlah lla own fable with W, Z. Daltnn mid fnmlly of lb Carr ranch, nrnr Merrill, arr In the illy IikIhc to allrnil the ilrrua, trial Thla morning, gentlemen, .be) be gan, "I will routine myaeir aololy to Ihla caa I will not take up ouUlde laauea. They have nothing to do vrltb me. All you have to decide la; I Did I give Franklin 14,000 on Nov. "jT Did Krankllo tell the troth, or did he It"? Tb avldaoc ehowa he lied. . "OeniUmen. If you convict me you muat aay that I. tbat Wolfe, that liar rlaaan. that Fremont Older aad that Ijccoanf t Oavta all lied, but tbe aalat- ty rranaun apoa in tram, who their two grand Jurlea, their Uuma outfit and their erectors aaioclatloni they rak the whole country, and find only two honeet men, Franklin and HarrlnKttm. All of the reat are Hare." Harrow then waded Into the denun ciation of the Informer detective. Judge lltitton aunounced that he United Pre Service muiniii .1. 11.. Pmim fAtt . HAflllUUII, ?; I Wl wiiw,, vw luca By w l ranee Aug ae. ueu by Mtna, tb InenrgeeU are again bombarding Managua today. Tb la iicatlcma are tbat t ha, town will fall. The cmmIUm era eat I mated at 100 killed on botb al4a. United FraBrvic AN JUAN DWL BUR. Aug. It. Ntakm al tb peace, commtaalon from Central ASerlcaa arbitration court are m reat to' Managua to cooapromlae tit fDlai-Meaa row.- It U trJ Ikai Ibu " - -"- pc."anlAmrlaa ' lateftMlonM expected. American blu JackeU and marlnea who are. In Managua, praventedthe dty'a capture yeaterday. Hundreda were killed and wounded. Including women and children. c FATHER SAYS a HEART IS BROKE i numcoiLHUL 10 ORDERED AWAY I'IOM:kk us filATKII HHIKNT IIMKIIVK IH TO OIVK III' t.l.AIM IlKt'Al'HK OK HIH HIlXKtiTV UHKN KXAMJNKD woiiiu iiKTn llir ciinrKC ui uiu juij ... .. - . .. Ha own trfjrien aluff. II would not .prepared tomorrow morning, ready turprlnn ma to tee aome Japa come for delivery after noon, when Dlttrlct In here and ahow their Hardening Attorney Frtderlcka hna nnlihed hla mvilioila anmp nf theae data If they rlotlnc argument It la certain that huiild ilo that the farmera who 'like the cnie wltl lo lu the hamla of llio, to farm liorachark' lll liar to get jury I'rlilay utght ' buay After slewing Ula action In the. vmiitii ivhumav MrNamnrn rne, during which ha'"- " ...... ..,. I.. ,...! Itirrnik' nmrlllilvd. I IIIIITI-' AIIMITH THAT HE KILL- 1..-. .. - , ......... jiy iiniiir is ujin i iB,iiutii III conn- plarvM, hut hark In my honuil Iiivsii there nn Mill aome Mho aland iii turn nil iiiniiK "" ' ktinw ,iial i,cfl' hl t0 WAWrN UN Hhn mli",i'li(l",,tnrri''ltlic',lul"iand fllllLlJ Ull 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 on the mllronda there nro thouannda upon thnuK.iniU Mho ure looking to " Ihla Jttry t aave me to vindicate MKMIII.IlM H' r'AJIOl'S I.OIM1K in iwnif. There are tliouminda of . .,, tln'tii, Kcnlltmon, nun, women nnd 1I.IKIS Tllll' Til HIM UI' til ATMI 'm'rlll(.1 Kcn,Ue. They look l..Ki:, WIIIUli: alli:V ri..XT t y.. leave my fl In your I'roJrieat Object to the Abollahmeat of Umi Coaunerc Court Veteraaa Will Hecelvi Tlietr Oieclui Hateu lUy lor DeUynl I'caaaoBa Hete Vlelda to Hoavw la DUpale Over llieMeaear United l'rea Sertlc WA8I1INOTON, D. C, Aug. 16. 1'rcaldent Taft today aent to congrcai hla veto of the leglalatlve, executive ml tudlclal BDDroorlatlon bill. He announced that hla dlaapproval waa btcauae tb bill abollahea tb com merce court and nrovlde for the aev- :en year rule for all clerka In tb gov ernment aarvlce. AfUr tbe veto meaaage waa read. Congreasman Jobnaoa of Minnesota moved that tb bill be paaaed over tba president' veto. Two hour of debate waa agreed upon. There-will probably be a tgbt over tb Mater' report m tb cianal Mil, Tbe coafeTM aTM to eUaataat tba provhtloa for fre to for Aaterkmui hip, and this la epected to prectpl ! -ht la horb hoaaaa. 'Pub lioutm win proMaiy rejecx me eenate amendmenta to tbe cotton bill, which repeal moat of tbe reciprocity agreement. Tbe angar and excla tag bllU will probably die. The.houae hi expected to accept the aenate'e parcel pott amendment to the poatoOlce bill. ine iuu.uuu vvieraiu, wnw jitu lalona have been held up owing to the ' controversy over the abollihment of lhe pension agencle. will probably ; receive their checka Saturday. It Ii announced that the aenato haa yielded to the house In the pension agency 'dispute. It the house accepts tho petition hill, the president will sign Mt tomorrow. Mr. Aetor Dotac Mcdy United l'rea Service NEW YOKK, Aug. IS. It waa an nounced today tbat Mrs. John Jacob Aator and ber baby are doing nicely. Mrs. Astor'a counsel, Henry Glider- sleeve, considers It Improbable that. the will of tb late John Jacob Aator will be contMted. Johaeoa Forget Job United Pre Service SACRAMENTO. Aug. 15. Gover nor Johnson said today that be epecU to leave for tbe Eaat August 17th. He will be abamt about thirty days. After bis return he will stump Cali fornia and other coast state. WATKIt HUPPLY WUX.MC FOtTTBAM BrnororMTiTinM HcrHCdCHiniiun IS TO BE Nl FfU Ttie Xext Well to Be Haak WaH Far fJreater Capacity Th Oat Parity a the Water la Pmm That la Moat Flaaal to CAVALRY COMMANDBB, TSMTLAIL NOW U.HDKR PKNSATiOK. W COXVaWMT OT OBTTINCI in OHAatTaam" Coaapaay OaVlal Warfac Water ta Rarrr4 H00-H00 FLAG Kll Ills l.rHTKII OK HIM IS FOUND -NO TRACK JUDGE'S SHOVEL IS Cavalry Coiwandry. m, eipoote to have Ita tall rtw- aenuUoa at thai ra4 coMsaaaMorr mertlag at Eugeae BeptamUr SI. It U entitled to three repreaenUUvM. In th persons of tb following offi effi cers: Eminent Commander 0orge J. Walton. OeneraUaalmo Alas Mar tin Jr.. and Captain-General Evas R. Kcamee. Mr. Martin, although an officer of the local commandry, baa moved to EugeneJor permanent resi dence, ao that Ma presence at the .crand commandery meeting la aa .ured. Mr. Hcamea haa expressed him self nt likely to attend, and Mr. Wal- Inn nlana to CO. The commandery believe It hasbout ....-A aniMk n tiwtia tsiat fhfb aTTmnti Ut. eemmanderr wllhirant It a charter.. The company will construct a cm AntpU artaman wnUr ba I by,tM,aialaaail-raUa LafJM Waaaradmaaay onMa. oa Cor avenue, aeaatrea. Bran R. . HMt tt i nlv aawte far Mat anr. Tw II plpa trivet dawn 74 CMt .xA.I,iii----jBI i i.jpw - J NMwHtaMnolnc tb awn, MMlr oa- ttlaaaijranvtaaa two pmm, im miv naav altl'i liallaaa 'lia f b sai t aat ' additional water from borlns.tor ar teaUn water at a pt about ! foot back on U lot from tb two plpa. tb Utter being wber tba old aprtngn were, comparaUvelp on tne front of tbe lot. v ' - Th two pipe broaint'ao much water up that a teat aacd by th'eom- mnv WedneadaT with Ita two city i- ---,---. pumps aad an additional 4 -Inch pump. worked to full capacity, failed to re duce the level of the water In the basin. Theae three pump pulled 1.S0O gallons of water per mln- IIANNCIt 01" Till", tmimii lunula," iU-uti's HiirriHiuileil th attorney ni he finished. Ills own faro waa tear ataluod, and nearly every ono In tho court room wept. HOT YET SECURED in which can tbe number of the com mandry will bo la. Hulled ITws Sen lea L08 ANQKI.KS. Aug. 15. Ureen- flTV ATTOHNKY KNI'KCTS Tt UK AIILK TO 11(1 UI' ONK IH-rTWKKN NOW ANI HUXIIAY. WHKN UK hTAHTS OX VACATION , Neighbor, all of arrivals here thin morning to nt- Iteud the circus. Joe Hall, who haa beau homestead lot In the Crater forest reserve on Utile AppUgato during the last llirre or four years, has been ordered 08 bis holdings by the land offlc at lloaeburg. Ho la moving Ida belong Inn down the creek three mllea, to ha old Comhest homestead. 111 took up tho rlghla left by hla brother, Tom Hall, who avttled on the tlllm In Him umi Itl.. .nnllllnn 'or horaritsnil rlghta In 1B0S. In tho bcarlnat tho neighbors swore tbat Tom , Hill was on the homestead from six " llit monthe each year from the n of hla flling until his death In j9li, but Joo. 1111, when queried at h llmo of hla proving up on tho Homestead nt Koeeburg two years JW, stated that to hla knowledge his "otnw had been on tho homestead "r months annually. Tb land 'onmlssloners held that HalVa atate- nnt wu proof that his brother had hot fulnn.j ik vn-,i uDiigauona laapoaeu lu loviriinul m ,1. .ukl., aiiii iut iiiaif III Hie runout Imuo of the llulletln, thu uniclnl organ of Ihe lloo-lloos, i... i- ... iiii.dirniMii Mrllrlo un a iiiriv ie w i,,m-...- i jtrlii to t'rntor Lake, made Juue tlh, Mr nnil Mr ueorge Wilson aad by Mr. und Mrs, Frank Tocr nnd c,(rcl, na Mrs. 8. Stukel of Merrill Mr. and Mrs. II. W Hiiu Francisco, The nrtlile opens "The Oroat Hlack Cat this year iiasi shown ii decided liking for tne mgu plarea of earth the banner of Hoo- l loo literally, on well as ngmaoveiy. has waved high. At tho same iime Hint preparations wom In progress i r,r ih auuuul In tho Alleuhonlea.i away out In tho Oregon country tho. HiiO'lloo pennant waa Hung mgn on field waa captured at noon today at Curamonga, Ann llernnndlno county. 1.03 ANHEI.K8, Aug. 13. Mrs. ( Charles Oreenfletd. mother of the! Klrl murdered at Venice yoetcrday., Aorw Thomas Drake ex receded a letter today from her hus- ,, ', nunv nn 9llHa n.xt band. In It he Indicated that ho had ' .' . ,.,., ,..., nu-.r' Skilled Ihe little girl. Ho wrote that, " ' ' ,,, his Mlfe had broken hla heart, ana. , , , ,.. nr uh,. . tlMt he had Intended to kill tho child. I unfonMn. for which tho' JihIku. being on astute lawyer, always makes nllowance. When kceii this morning he had not .t cured the shovel with which he BOURNE MAY YET GET NATION HELP hUXATOH STILL WOHKIXa FOH AI'IMlOI'lUATlOX KOIt ROADS IN THK NATIONAL PARK HK IS IIOl'I'FUL FOIl A SMALL HI'Vi J crete pit or basin at the mouth of the pipes, which will be 15 feet deep and 20 feet In diameter, and hold about 1 46,000 gallons of water, from which the pumps will draw. It'U better for pumpe to get their supply from n still aimnUty. for rushing or moving wa iter when pumped often permit con siderable air In tbe pipes, which la a disadvantage, especially to cenffirn gal pumpa, and also bad for th atpee, which get shaken up. iSCHEPPS IS NOW EN ROUTE EAST H cancelM, tho hrei'io, On the nhoro or i.ratcr Luke, at an ultltudo of 7,076 feet abovo sea level, the emblem of Hoo Hoo was planted In tho heurt of tho moat significant scenery In tlm world, lu the awesome silence of snow-clad mountain peaks." Th writer declares that everyouu with whom they talked about making tho trip tried to dissuade thorn, witu tho one exception of W, II. Innla. Suit la Started Hull haa been started by the Dig n. .in Lumbar company against H. J. Winters and Marie K. Winters to fore close a mortgage for I3,7i.ui, to gether with Interest from August 18, tan ami attorney fee for I860, !., . .- . , .. Bton Uarrtt rprsnt tn plalntll. I'AYMASTKH OF HOSKNTHAL MUIIDKHKIIS STARTS FOR NKW YORK HOUTK UK HAS TAKKN IS HKIXH KKIT SKCHKT ii. .ii.., I ira Service NKW YORK, Aug. IB. uisinev Aiinriuiv Whitman was notified today that Schoppe, paymaster of the Rosen thal thugs, had started tor new xor this morning In custody of officers. The route taken haB been kept a se cret. . . , The grand Jury rcsumca mis morn ing. Witnesses connocted with banka wero summoned. It Is expected that a bianaet lumcuneuv men, charging them with the Ken thai murder, will be returned. BEARDSLEY IS A FAST RIDER itr.utul to disturb tho soil, but atated Unit he believed he would hav ni trouble In getting oue. It Is his do termination to forsake the tlshpole for the shovel this season. MOTOUOYCLK OWNKR IS ARREST- Kll OX TWO CHAIU1KS, HI'KKD INQ AND RIDlXa THROUGH THK CITY WITHOUT LICKN8K H. J. Ileardsley waa arrested last night charged with speeding on t motorcycle. Au additional charge of falling to provide hla machine with a license may be laid against him. This Is the first arrest of a motorcycle rider thU year. Acordlng to the police, Ileardsley was riding along Main sireei ai a rate of speed estimated at thirty miles au hour. nriia of the absenco from tne city of Judgo Leavltt, Deardsley will not be given a hearing until tomorrow morning. LABORERS ASK FOR A RAISE DKMAND FOR LAUORKIW IN THE IIARVKST FIELDS MAKES MEN KNOAGKD OS FAYING WORK INDKl'KXDKXT AT VKNDLKTON J, Prank Adams and family of Mer rill came to the city today. PKNDLETON. Aug. 15. Paving operations In this city cam to a stop when fifteen workmen walked out after their demand for higher wages had been refused. They asked for a raise from 15 to 80 cents an hour. Owing to harvest, labor Is very scarce here. The Warren Construc tion company Is trying to get men in Walla Walla and Paaco. Crater National I'ark may yet b.s imorcd by the present congress with un appropriation for the building of t Simla At ntlCA. Word to this effect has been re-' kolted here In a telegram from Sen ator Jonathan Bourne, Jr., who forced a 8100,000 appropriation ,i.n,ik tho uonitn. This waa after wards cut out by the houae. Nowj Senator Dourne la of the opinion that I he can secure $50,000 for the park. The telegram follews: "Bitter light being made by house conferee a'calnst my senate amend ment appropriating 1 100,000 for Cra ter National Park. Think I can gel $50,000, and os this will be recogni tion of project, it win he, in my opin Ion. a big victory, In view of the atti tude of the house conferees. Fifty thousand probably more than can be used this season. "JONATHAN BOURNE, Jr. CHEYNE BUYS A NtW OUTFIT Wr.Lt. KNOWN KLAMATH BASIN FARMKR HKTURNB FROM VISIT TO WASHINGTON POINTS IS GLAD TO RK BACK HERE SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 15. A re port reached the Chamber of Com merce here today tbat the steamship City of Seattle, with 100 passengers, nau airuca on tne cocas near sieicn Ikan. Although details of the accident were not given, It U not believed tbat there la any groat danger. itobert D. Cheyne, one of the pros rous farmers of the Klamath Basin. returned Wednesday from Golden- dale, Wash., bis former homo, lie went there to get a threshing outlt nhlch he left behind when he moved to the Klamath country some three years ago. While at doldendale he void the outfit, and on hla way back no flopped off at Portland long enough to buy a new and most up-to-date thresher. The outfit will arrive here In a few weeks. Mr. Cheyne says he used to think thut Washington was a grain statu, but after being here for' a few years and then going back, he la thoroughly convinced that there la no place quite as good as the Klamath country. To put It In Mr. Cheyne'a own werds: "I did not see any farming country that looked half aa good to me a our own valley, we nave netier erw Hum I saw anywhere on th trip."