HITI'Mim IIV THK DNIIKK I'HKHH NKH'H NKHV1CK ilje Hrreiith Veal ' i"1 I' ftnig fetal. K.VKNINO NKWSPAPHW PRINT THK NsTWH, HOT I.M.MAI II KAMA. OHK4JON, TI'IAUAV, At wb'HT III, ItflU ' Tli'" Price, Five Earnest Women Would Have BIG GRAFTERS, Hearinq of Famous Bribery Beautiful Yards in the City SAYS DETECTIVE Case is to End Shortly Home Owners are Urged to En ter the Competition for Prizes and Aid Work MUCH TIMBER Tinti:i: prominent ,mi:.v .iti: im. I'MIMTI.'I IN CRIME WEST OPEN TO E VERYON E llll, I, IK til OPEN THK CHICAGO HKAIMjIAirmtH United I'rasi Hervlce Ni:V YORK, Auk 13 Cliulrrunit HUH III charge nf the Tnll campaign lux gone In Chkagn In npeu Din IS AFFECTED IIOI'Hi; P.tHHCK INNOCENT Mill. 4'IIAhi:ilS llll.l,, ANO HEXATE e.xpccteii io ::irit un.i. AIM I.4KMI, I'COI'l.l; 1111111 l Hut mi Trull, mill Heiiwillon. nl (.'hinge May H Preferred AkiIiiM llew' Willi L'mml lleaull. llt'Kilur I'nllro anil I'rliBl IMn Hit Air Engaged In n linen for j I'litlixly of lint Payniaalei- , DESIRE STREET Attorneys in Darrow Case Have FIXED UP AGAIN N Begun Ar9uments and Case Will Soon be With Jury ('OMMITTE HKIX1KH O.V PROPOHI TIO.V TO HEE GOVERNMENT OF- ' FOLI.KTTK8H C11ARGE8 ..." DENIED HV OFFICIAI 4 1-ICIAI.tt it TU VVI1I-.TMI.H V. , IH DONE WITH HUE UK Mll.l. Now a it! Oiu paa.agu of t lit In United ITr-u Service WASHINGTON, D. C.,.Aug. 13. .. .., iiinikLii nL'ii. muw. i .... ...r... ..( . . ,.v rtlkrtl, ,lf lll(, TKMIIKH KIHHT ,wnrk In the aunragn .(aim, 11 til I'lireim.- I.lll l.u !. ft... w.l.rinrpubll.au hendiunrtra Mi" " ' " , . . . V . . ..V ... 1. i . . . . . wn leCeltud hern III n I night Willi '"" """' wi'Un a-lrlaur.,,,. . . " . "" ,.,,lll. IM,,. I. .. IIL.I" " "' " "MUIMVI Ul :: ," ,7:: " -''":. : " -kloimu f.u. .,.... .: v.:.. .::. . ' "" -. ' "" x .... " "-.- ,', ".,.,H. ..Ml .... ,...1 . ..... ...!. I " " ... vr IIIHI (irui'lf HUH Hulled I'm Burvlce NEW VOItK. Aug. 13. The grand Jury uiprtln lojniiiit'illalrly Indict Councilman M. II. Doly reported At .Tin- pottofllco offlclalx today denlo-1 ifii im-ii In coiti-ctlon ulth tliu Ho- I""1 nlRht'n council rnrttlu Hint the "' clmrgw of ltobrt L Follette lu wnthiil murdir. iind icriid charm "' tallte illd not no Itie jor-'tln! nenau yeiterdar lbl leUn or nrnninl iff1lutrf utiint anlllh f 111 .i .. .. . . ThT, ..ffocl of .Tcf,rr.,l ...Ip.t lb .NVw York ,,' """,,, " " . " Z,',. " X ' ' . ' r . . . ' " Ij holltt had been opened and uo. Ho Hinted that thv member of It U ruliarled tlllt W J. Illirim Ullll III.. -mnmllt.,. Ilirmclit II via nnl iMiuichl Houllirrn I'ncinr Krat.t lai.iU ,,, forc of ,,,, , uL,nlUc(1 ,,elr .loc to e them, and that lt: ...... w.n. n. qu.ru.. mil. iritir Id in.. ,,..,,,, u.,,.,1, iiv ,,,, . ,h-..uht In b t.ut ill. to Cllr Alturnev omlned. Kecent arrlraU in the city include IMIXrKiATKM (IOI.ll -n"...i... -. win Boriiini-iu inr- uKhtr-in:" one n promlnont Uw-'TlmmM Drake to perform tho Hunt. I Walter Ilroadiword. Mr. Hroad- sTIIIKIN I.N M,,,MM.j'yl,,'",ul,.liieriiilUi.dloiulri ur nB0,lur , ,,nent politician' Councilman (loeller aald the mreet awordV homo Is In Uouania. i"",r 'l M'Xieiil tn the rumtii- ,, , ,nr1 ,ir,)mnent 10te kep..U on the bank of a ditch, and that) WAHIIIMITON, It C.Aiik ,3 .. , mr" "f 'x B0 l'vr " ..r Their expjMtiru will probablylanj vehlclen are liable to PP'o.p ninrilllllfA n. M.l..elr.l ...ri.v l... ..r.i.r..i ... fiingri-Mituu Uffvrly had prop... cuminltliln n few dam, from It. lUIUL UlllLUf II afP (knlrni In ll 1l Thai Nurrly nv,,,.M , t,vrjaU llio mild .Irlki " "'""' "' mndmcnt lo tint I'ollco ritirneiiUtlvni and Ulitrlcti Councilman Doty explained """Till I OIULflflLlllJ .nr.RH.ir.. lllll ll.lt.M 111 ,.,. ..r Ii.mb.iu,. 11. ......... ..I...- ...!.. . .-. t ..I. ..., r.9 .!.& j.ahbmI..a B.Ma In "- ""' "-" -." .n..Bv, it..... m' t.....u.t i.riVM.O UUlOVi.l..e ltutn.1 u. ...u ..U..1.U. urr nu. lui llo ha' announced, huwntrr. that Im rc nr.- racing lo Mot Spring for) net from tho gorernment represcnta v-lll not nltempt In block the bill In io.in of BcLrppi, the alleged Ulvei a document faying that they, the tenati. Iiwaiuo of the failure of ipnyinn.ter of I lie ihurderera of Koien-I were through with tho itrect. The CrgUlralliin Will II IItIi.I liy the rHHifrr OSlrr I'nlll Augn.l I '.1ll.ii; lletiullful Ijihik ami1 U'iniIiI r.lurr llw I'rlir If lli..ln MimIik- rnuiily. Callfnrnln lhinei Wuiiltl HegUlrr NUISANCES WIL L M BE OBLITERATED;::: nlllll.V.I.NCi: INTKOIllCKII I.AhT MIIHT l 1t't'll, IH .UNMTKIl AMI KXHIIICKIt IH nriiHi.M iiv imrv la M'Hc nf the elaborate prli. ufl ffleil tf llin Wnimn' CUIc league,. Iildttt In the Clly lleautlful mute, iv. ul '-i. lo be lagging. A nuni'l Ul ef cuntealanla have reglatered al I ,k ..u..-l.uv .irtlM anil Ma llfll.1 IIP Ur.'"''. VMt. VWt MM. ".- f." iftdlng to vreparr their rarda an'l lirdrn. fur the teat, but It la urged that In wJcr In make the movemenl rooplit aurreaa, every hone owner It, Ihefll; .tumid partlclaatav Tbe welliod nf tillering the rtmleat U tlmpte. All I hat la neeiwaary la foe tl. aipliatil in rail nt one nf the i1ht otnrra and annuncu hla nr kir Intrtillnn nf entering. Then go l.i.ra- and prepare llie ar.l or gar it a for llie final Judging, which will k on hepumber lat Tliele are but a few itu)a more jdalrlra thin ahlrb leglatratlnu will be re utelirli hole fruin a dairy heretoforo tilrd On Aligutt SOIh the reglalra.'i.iiiieiideil to be clean, and wanted I. n bwiV. will be c lined, and nulyjihii nrdliianm lu name dalrle wltbli, It. wlni hare reglatared prior In 1 1 In. city llmlta aa nulaance tbit time will be eligible tn compete .,-..,,, r,iaiicn doea not tako In forth prlsas. lUlrlee. and no ting may be allowed fhne are already gardelia In Ihnl,,, ,,, ry u ,,,,,,oua, nor within tli filial .urel) would rapture lnliea 3du ,,,, . .jw-Hing." doclured H the ownera wnuld mily r.gUler JllJ)lr ,r,Vrf 10 cty Httrl,y I'.raome reaion nr other eome of u ,a). , 10 uruUiiuro thai no dairy II .in hae bfen negligent. Tbiwe .,,,, bo n0WP( tho ordluaure would 1-1 other, who dtalre to aaalat the',,,,, )(, H0,,, tli0 pair It la written a.'Biwt wnmeii In their eniteamr lo',,,,, ( would bo claaa leglalatlon. If lunrute the appearance of the rlly, , , ,,.,, orainaucea on the per- Ida umeiidmeiita, but will work for It i thai paiaage, Will l lliiTe arn anme big timber ' ereata alTecled by the bill, there are! ii) Indlvldiiala whoan tlmbor laud I baa been lied up, pending the aettle ' itiviit of the aulta. Tho paaaage of Ilia bill will be n great relief lo them, nud till put mi the market van area of timber, now aa far removed from Hie uae of the public a timber on it iinllonal park. 'mutter, be said, had been brought up, laevural tluiea In the council under. i ft. . Mfea-t .. r.Jtatlntdiler.llAh I.lll llial I . ARE PETITIONED nnnTrnm nniT i"' form"r d,"n',ra,,on' but tntc-oL,xcn. discihu iro and oo- P KU I tolO OCNT iTtwaaTuTbrCo-uncllman Ooel, F I3U.COV.NO THK ON CANAL BILL,: Ii r tluif'tlic problem be placed lu the dty attorney' handi for handling. "I .el me auggeil. Mr. Doty, that the tivet committee co-operato with the city attorney." laid Mayor Thomas K1UKI.T AH ANKKU. UL'T TAKEH XO ACTION' IX MATTER " XewlywiMl Knlerlalneil ' An oidluanre defining uulaancea With a cowbrll attached to the reari ind providing a penalty for them waa I site, an automobile crowded with' Introduced In caunill ll night and 'merry young people made the tour of pawid llral reading. Counrllmau Klamath Kail laat night, and at Imly waa uppoatd to It on the ground.'tracted considerable attention The o lie contended, that It wnuld permit 'police atarted to Interfere, but when When a petition was read by I'o- IV Nlchola. "What do you think of lice Judge A. L. Leavltt to the city I HOM KV(JI.ANI, IK I'HKniCTIOX.thatt" Icouncll laat night aaklng for the m- Doty. "We will endeavor lo do that, f d . p.r-;... froVir.,i,-vr XOW KOII IHItl.V .KIIIKKMKXT DARROW PLY LOOKED AFTER MIII.I.IAXT ATTORXKV "BltLLH HTOKV OK BRIRKRV CAMS Franklin la lleacrltM Term- and Attention of- Jaty ! Calleil lo Hie Wlo mjlewfa of Testimony Fact that Fraaklte' Tellmoay Huada Aloaa la PottaV e.1 Oat t i AMI MIIXIIIKXrH AM'KOVAI. nlted I'rtM Hervlce WAHIIINtlTON', U. C.. Aug, iiue or nne street irom eieveatu to .... , Keplnnade atreet, where auch alde- timnic Mrn Arrive va,kl are not lnere retUd ,n . j Aa announcea m a iciegram ro-. ,,,!,,,,. JUcuulon. The petition ceUed here Monday, n party of four w ifned y Ar, WorreUf q,,,,. young men. gueaU of Mra. Phoebe Iyton, John c. Vadon j, L- y,don ' Mearat at her aummer home on Mc- j .. v v., .,. .... k , .... i ... . .. . "... uuvu, iuu imm .uin ummv hoga In tin. city, and did not debar It waa found that thi. auto contained ' "." ' r "? ' .Cloud Itlver. arrived here la.t nlght.'bt.,nt ipclIed M ,ndlctttd. He aald there now eilata uClaud Cn.ebo.im and hla bride. Juat " ". .. ... ...... ..... . .r.....,, rollU , ;rMt,r ,.nKc. rney arc Tno dUculon fa.d noweT,r, t0 returned from a honeymoon trip, Aid ""' 'n Albert i.. uarK. uouaia u. Mcuiugn. Brn any rttuItl. The effort t0 . .onto friend., practical Jokera. they H ! I'tedlcted that Kngland wllll,,,,, A. n. Carll.le and William M. ,auih aldewalka In Ihe past ha. been were allowed to have their turn. 1-roteit to The Hague. Senator Hur-! Murray. aninewhat Iraught with dlfflcultr. for .the rea.on that part of the procedure Mr. Dean and l.eonn here frnm lloiianin Dean Inn of Ohio nppoiea the bill. Me aald nrn "The mcaaure la n palpable vloln Ml. a Martha Yahr nf llonanta I in linn nf the May-1'auncefote treaty " Mnmath Katla today. ie urged to rumpale. TEACHERS HAV E FINE CHANCES MtVKIINMKXT HAH OI'KNINUH IN fHII.II'CIMIS FOR WHICH KX IMI.N.UItl.NH WIM, UK IIKI.II UTKH I'AHT tK MONTH In the Klnuiuth Kalla Kalonice I i butUtln from Ihu llureau of Inaulai A"ln. .iniliiK Hint on Auguat 3H "I : will be hold uiauiliiatloua for l-Klllona In llin bureau of education tli l'hlllip,. (iraduatea) ot col '.;, norinnl, polytechnic and agrl ' tural arlinola are dealred. Teach. m Willi aurcv.aful teaching expert. '" "' ''IlKlblo, Tho majority of iM applUanta nmy enter At ll.MU if tnnuin with eipenaea lo the "'""It paid, and bo eligible lo pro. Jlo to iLoou ,ir yo,r M toAchera "'i 13,000 uk auperlnteudenti. Wo. in are wuuled lo leach homo eco- '"nlfa. MW men are wanted to "n ngrlfiiHure, manual training, u u01'""1' "c,on. nwthmUM. ' it' b, niul be aupervlaora of achool "I'trlcta. iMiual whim of Indlvldiiala, nothing' doing. The ordinance inuat be broad enough to cover the limltem deiilrcd, 'but nut calculated tn Interfere with lligltlmale limine", I drafted It thinking II would be aultlclenl lo w'lpu mil llin old nne. Ibat conflict with each other and with the clinr ler." Among ihu Ihluga the ordinance mention aa undealrable arc dralua, vaulta, reaapoola, etc., plga within SOU ' feel of dwellluga, uinlntenancu ot laughter houaea or killing nr alnugh Strict Sanitary Ordinance Will Govern Klamath Falls Window Hale HaiurtUy fne l,,i0,. Atd Q, tn, M,tnodil "'B Will ,10l(, . wndow ,, of m food At the Monarch grocery ' 8lurday. There will be cake, pie. Iran and utit Council Adopts Measure Providing Reg ulation of Sale and Handling of Pood Stuffs; Conduct of Eating Places neceaaary la to find out the ownera ot the property abutting, And notify them to build Uio sidewalk. Sometime It require considerable search to find out Juat who are the ownera. and If they are located And tefuae or neglect to build as request oil, meaaurea have to be taken to ea tabllah liens against the property. Councilman Doty explained that there are a couple ot stretches of con crete wglk Along Pine atreet In the 'neighborhood referred to In the pe .tltlon, and that In two places there nre no sidewalks at all. It waa moved Culled I'reae Bervleo I.OS AKUELE8. Aug) !. Dtalor- Ing that Clarence Darrow ever waa brought to trial, Horace) Appal opea cd his Argument for the defeat be fore Judge Mutton today. "What a shame that Claraaea Oar. row, whoso noae U laactikod fea ta bearu of tvry laborar la tae eeaa- try. should In hi deeilalas yaara, ko lilnted at as a perjarac aad a erlav Iral," eloquently spoke tk attaraar. "What a aaarae that kssaaas Ma araa- Vwtfo'n urys'tkat H'-fcaa, R aV.ttaat acta of Darrow look asplcleM. aad that ho should risk a cell ta a dark penitentiary, and ulUaaatalr a grave with the luadstone. 'He died ta dhv grace. " DIscuMilng Detective Fraaklia. the attorney said: "Judas Iscarlct waa a better ataa than Franklin or Harrington. He waa a gentlemAU, and banged himself af ter betraying bis Master. "Who besides Franklin told you that Franklin got bribe money from Darrow? Not a soul. "Who else said Darrow told Frank lin to bribe I.ockwoodT Not a living soul. "The testimony of Fraaklia baa beeu un-corroborated. Against hla word stands the word of Harrlraaa. the word of Darrow. "Would you convict Darrow oa tae word of Franklin, who, by bta owa acts. Is shown to be a moaater?" en piiihipII laai nlaht udoiitud all mum on wo now have, moie than half tiring of nnlmala In llie city; unclean ,.,,, for ,, moro sanitary city. obeyed. It dooa no harm to have tho atahlea; depoalllng garbage In atreels llp mt)niiurn w drawn up aomo tlmo ordinance right," nr alleys, throwing if cigar on side-, . . ,,. Attornoy Thomas Drake" The onllnuncn declarw It unlawful wiiiks nr in pnuiic uiuiuiuan, n ... (( (i ,.,,,,,,( ( )r, ,, Truax. city i for any parson, linn or corporation. mo persona unuuiiug uie gooua imtai of fR In 1100 In provided, which. ,rJ nliyHlrlnu, nud other who bollovo keeping liny public or private market, be clean. No peraou with liibercu. unpaid, the convicted poraon may I 1n( ((o (J. ( M0, 0 m0ll( ,8lrablo,Htnll, shop, atoro, plant, curl, wagonjlosls or other contagion or comnuin wnrk nut on Ihe clly streets. neighbor ever known. or vehicle from which any ment. Itah, Icablo dlaenao ahall be omployed In The third rcadlug of tho measure ojatera, bird, mwis, vcgoianie. iruu. lamu up nt the rrquent of Council- mllU or other provisions or product limit Charlea McOownu, who, after for human food may bo offered foe I'nllcn Judge l.euvltt had finished tho auto, to offer tho conteutH for food reading, moved the. ndnpllon nf tho imleaa they bo clean, pure, wholesome. ..rdlnniice. niul Htinltnry. The plnco where tho i iiiinb ii u one nf the lliipat ot I foodstuff, nre kept must be main that the matter be referred to the street committee. Mayor Thomas F. Nlchola spoke to City Attorney Thomaa Drake re- gardlng the procedure, and It devel oped that It was necessary for the council to order sldowslks by resolu-, Hon when they are wanted. . r.l'ISCOI'Al Councilman Mile auggetted that I niul materials am! their receptacles thero be a blanket resolution to cover mini be clean and wholesome. Mo- the whole city, tela nud boarding house must boi No action wa taken on the petl-( conducted In a cleuuly maimer, and tlou. COLLINS' HORSE WILL CARRY HIM CHURCH RKCTOR'H Ol'TIXO WI1.I. HK KXTOUUiY AI LII1ITUM, HO FAR AB mNaaR. AHV IH COXCERNKD REBELS GATHER; TROUBLE CLOSE IXHIIIIIII.CTOH COXCKXTHATIMl XKAIl JAMIKX. AXI fllANCKH AUK. THAT KIHIXO M ,'HOHH THM MM: WIM. IIKOI.V HIIOItTliV illnance I over saw," ho said. "Tlioro Ih ii good deal lu It that uiuuot bo complied with," waa tho ( pinion of Councilman Miles. "Ev erybody ha uot a dumping ground for tholr tin cans, nor can thoy nil not them. To onforco that ordtuanco In nil Uh requirements you'd have ev erybody In town In JaII, noarly." tiiluod In u pure, clean ami .unitary condlllon. Such foodstuff must not be expos). ed except lu covored receptacles which nro designed to keep out dust and prevent flies from having contact with the foodstuffs. The containers must bo kept clean nud the wnros must not bo kept In the same room such an establishment It It Is liable to bring thorn lu contact with tho food. I'ncloan food or food that Is uiiwholesomo or unsanitary shall not bo brought Into tho city at Klamath) Falls, nor may chickens, ducks, tur-, FINED 25 BUCKS FOR GAMBLING key or other fowl bo kept In the.THHEK MKX CAVGHT IX A RAIDl aa ..... unSfthtm .rll. rttfttnM fAnalll IVil .. .,. bb mah&. mM . am k m r. Kan ta aamo room with other foodstuffs. I'ersou who offer food for sale Hev. Henry C. Collins, rector ot the 'Church of the Redeemer, leaves this cveulng on horseback for a unique cutlng. He propose to travel Just a leisurely or fast aa circumstance Intake desirable, and will camp oat at night wherever dusk overtake him. illU direction will be toward The Dalles and Hood River, a country u ttli which he Is familiar, he having formerly been located there. llnlUil I iron HervICO WASHINGTON. II. 0., Aug. 13 . Councilman McOownu. (leuoral Hieever tolegraph that the "I know we do." admitted Mile. h..i. .rn concentrating near Jaurci. i "Kven If wo can't get thorn to more Firing aero the line I threatened. He denies Ihe reports that rebel have ciossed Into Arlxona. Wo need tho money." declared' with n toilet nor where there I si toilet In nn adjoining room, unless the adjoining room Is sufficiently ven tilated. No ono may bake or prepare food or drink for consumption in n cell;" than half way obey tho ordinance we would be doing fairly woll." reasoned Mcflownn "We cannot get the ordl.'cr hasoinent which I not ventilated. must Uavo metal cans with closu fit ting cover ou their premises for gar-; bage, which garbage must not be At- j lowed to accumulate, but must be IIV POUCK FIRST OK MOXTH I'LKAI) QUILTV WHKX TAKKX IIKKORK POLICE JUDGE County Judge William 8..Wordeu returned last evening In his auto from a two-weeks' stay at hla Wood River ranch. He will return to the Three man annaarad hafnra Pnlleal Country tonight. And mAT be la KUOl- removed promptly. Tlu cans, glass 'jU,g Leavltt Monday Afternoon And nth Fall Again on Friday. and crockery thrown AWAy must boLicj fUuty to a charge ot gambling.' kept separate from the garbage, andjxiu. trio were fined S5 each, which Xo Complaint Made. must be kept separate when hauled . they paid. In all probability there will be no away by the ashman. raid was made on the night of ' formal complaint made against the Violation of the ordinance 1 pun ishable by a tine of $5 to $100, and Imprisonment for not over fifty days, or both, at, the discretion of the court Inflicting the punishment. iViiKUst 4th on a gambling game la a room over the Chamber ot Commerce. The hearing was set for Saturday, when the men were notified to appear at 4 o'clock Monday for trial two women and two attn who ware arested Sunday night In a room la Main street block. la the meaaUaM each of the quartette baa given a bond .of MM.