HVITMKM II THR ' VMITK l I'll"" SKW H!K Sttje Pining 1 ttfaliv. nvmmra mnrarAPM I'Riwt m Kiwi, nor ; ajsaath Yrsi Xo. If' KLAMATH KALI, ORMOON, MOMMY, AI'NUHT III, IBIli Cripple Messenger flakes : Trip to Crater Lake Edgelj OXK TKHM IK MKItVKD t'unimlng IwbU on Consider' lloa of Measure ! John Stankey Surprises His SEVEN MEET FATE ' JEM Mill Auk. FOOT CUT OFF, HE KEEPS PACE TOI'HINTH AUK XO MiXOKIt PKAHFUL OK TKII' I from frlriloN and lh. .rombu..l.,lrmK'mNVIt ,RW THRIM , character of the aiibslanre. IXXOt'KXCK to LAHT Tim rnntraclora unit sample of the , atufT In Man Krniirlarn i.. ih.Ih.1.. I who thought It was . Jke, mill llml Kr" the apeclmeiia1 were Iimi kooiI fori crude oil, The rheluUts ml,! NUI,I 'oil ....!., I... -.. -a . . . . ( " Miu mi' wiimi i per usrrel, lu United 1'reM Service WAHHINOTON, II, C, iz. Henaior camming! today Instated on the cousldoratlonaof hi evolution riling the presl- dentist term nt six years and limiting tho service to one term. Ho declared that lis would de- in an (I that the aenato vole on the measure before adjourn- moot. e Democrats Turn Down Honey for Crater Lake SCHEPPS WILL . TELL IT ALL1 (stead of 75 renta n barrel, whlrh l the ruling value of crude nil. The reported dlarovery of oil linn rnilaed rimh. lo Hit, neighborhood among those who bone to aettle on lamU under which oil may ! fiiuuil. aha rrlr of Friends, VohiIi t'llmb I Ik Tii uf iMnt lelaail, awl TV rVU Out on an Ktplorlag K anlUkai One Member of llie fartr I Wrwk by an .lMliimohlloj sad katxanl Dunn Kmlwinkinetit. KLAMATH BOY GETS HONORS .VumOrr Kieruteil Hiaro Klertrorutlon Mm Hem KaUblUh. l In Hie ,Vrw Vork Peallealiary. On Man KmIiiI Deeih Follows Wry Hliortly After the Turnln o of tilt Deadly Carrenl. John Hunker. Western Union. ines MM" boy, Humlny "tnadK a monkey" f UaU4 loutliU when, In iplte of the .hit last he eporla an artificial foot,1 It talked (ruin Iftr rim to the ahore tf mler Uke. and then, After a boat rMf 01 the lake, rltinbed In tbr lop ' a n'lurd Itlaml Jean It aril known In Klamath rath, lit driller ineaaages for Ihn letetriph roniny during (he day, at tlere air not many who know IUI kit Ml fov( U oR al.lhe aakl tat tat he wears n cork substitute. sassy be wan our of a party I hat Mitel for Ibp famiiua national park U two automobile-. In the party r Mr, and )lra. W, Claiiii. Mr. "4 Utu K. L Auillu and ami Kntral, It.aM Nra. Ilalloy, John franr and iiMr, John Hiankf) and ilrorgit Ktttt), wn Ihr parly rrarlii.l ibr rim, i after John Crane had berii t'frl; brultrd by bring atrnrk by an Me vn the r 1 1 in t up lo the lop of rU Ibtt bldra th famoua body of "r, nrmbrra nt Ibn pari) proceed I to ijBiiatliln. Hltli j,n Hlanke) -v,,,, Julio, iiiri iiu tan I go n , our nirmbor aald, "Hut you ehi a bard climb It la, and It ! t alllr for ou to attempt to tke trip." Bat J6hn Ihouibl nltmrulaa n.l If m "right i.,ro" wbrn Din l.kr, h'ftM rtacbed, "Surety John won't aliumui in ! to the tup of Wliard laland," llBfmbfn of ibn party agreed. t again John illaaiinnlninti i !,., a thf Ik.IJ.ii membera of tlio mt rtacbMl dm top of the laland ItfJ found John V. at kIIIi llim. Anrl k u In tbr, Irnd on tlio eiplorlng " mot around tlio Inland. r, Irani Wat llm nnlv mnmlirr nf "e parly Who dill not ihnrmiiftilv ,n W np. Iln waa engaged moal ' U tlm nunliiK thP brulaea he M rewlud when he waa atruck by jMattke autoa and thrown down n "tew bantnfnt. tililled I'reaa Hrlfe HINii HINd, Aug. 12. Keren con vlcla wre electrocuted at aunrlae today. Kite died crying their Inno. rrnce. One fainted The Aral condemned man entered the denlh chamber at 4;fi'J. lie waa 'proiiouureil dead at 5:05, The kow leiith entered the chamber nt ;01 ll waa dead at !I4. . Thla waa the largaat number killed r.tlll.TOX NI'KM-KH MNKI.i:CTKUln the penitentiary here alnce elec TOTrCII .KV1l'ltHi:.lli:i trocutlon waa eelabllahrd. n Till: L'MVKItNITV I IK OH,;. flat At a Aamaaaet "-""L IKS. otAHUKI.5 Carlton Hpeurvr, at one lime a alii. denl In the Klamath achoola, haa been elected a the teacher of the rouree In iteballug which haa Jiiat been add til lo the curriculum of the Unlremlt) of Oregon roretsdettcti rourae.Thla MK-WII, iiimee In recognition of hie ability aa a debater during the three year he haa repreaeuted the unlveralty In llllercotleglale debate! In hla free hm an year, Air. Hpenrer won the alumul debate medal, which )f POLICE STOP A JOLLY GATHERING TWO MKX AMI TWO WOMK.V AIIK. AfrTKH 4IK OASOinVMH KI.VAIXV ARRKHTKO 1M House Refuses to Concur in Appropriation Allowed by the Senate I Intercepted IXler Imliralm That He Will .Vol Agree With the Htorle Told to Hie) Authorllie by Two" of ",'"1 ,wo fM I Mlaa I'earl Uolrln, gradual of iLe local high achool, left yeaterday 1 for the South, flhe will atUnd tltrk- ley thla year. Hhe waa accompanied by her parenu, who will return In the Munlrrer of KoacaUiaJ U'aa W Word haa Oeta Pateat I'liAVKII CKMR ARKKNT Caught at Hoi LAaHaaea. At., aatdl Word baa been received froi i. iui.. -,-. . v v. ' WMhlMtott that the ladlaa ogtoa km "" I approved the leauaaca of pateat to v( United I'i Inardeel farlXlgt.l hyl 'EW . -i't. JMcheppe, the Men Are Kept lni..nuten I'raaa Senrlco YORK, Ang. y. 8am , the alleeed Dirnuttr of tka Kept laiiangatera who killed RouathaJ. ku Kormal en arreated at Hot Springs. Ht la Anna Lemon on the Kb at Ion. LIFE EBBS AWAY UK MKART TM4IUHI.VU X)MrS AT KAIU.Y HOl'll TMN Ml III. M Ml r'l'.VKHAI. Wll.l, UK TOMIIItltOW ,KTKIIMM Women Are CiuaruVd Officer WMfe the Men Jail I'nttl Momhag Xo -i.r. im.- ai . ,. I"0 'n 'u f"m there to thla city. "7 " i Koee, Webber and Vallon, are ap- Vet 4'ae May He lilamlMnl I.) fprehenalre, aa a letter from Scheppa' the lrtr-utlag Attorney I10 Ho' onflacalel at Hot flprlnga.i . ... iinaicmea mat ncneppa doea not agree' I'nlea. I'roaecutln Attorney Kuy.,wlih the atorlea told by Roa. and. kendall changea hla mind before to-1 Webber lo Dlatrlct Attorney Whlt-'rKRMAXKXT morrow morning, a acandal Involving I ". two lamlllea will be aired In Justice I KcPP. It la expected, will (ell ilrava- court. Two. men have epent r"r'u,,n- n night In Jail, and two women were .. ... I u nip cuaimij oi as omcer, aa a re mit! of the unfortunate affair. Saturday night, inertly before mid- nl'ht. the police were called by an1 Irate husband who had been playing j Hherlock Holme atunt. It appears that thla man waa receutly made th- " defendant In a divorce ault. Hla wife. I WORK OX KWAL'XA niuilMzt. a young woman, not only naked that .,. ,... .. .. ,, ,Ui niiiiTmiwrlnL KIIB I ILV ' IFFV'-t. uuii I Hiuu nnL WORK IN PARK TO BE DELAYED KFKORT WILL BK hUMC 1X1 MftV CI7RK Rieoe: U1 J ) SUED BY 0. S. WILL CONSTUCT NEW BOX PLANT IXJVXCTIOX W KOttJHT BV ATTORXKYH KOK ll.XCI.K HAM TO PRKVKNT IX TKItKKKKXCK WITH IMTCH Vp Cvmgrweaaan Hawtrr Man (Uveal Mb) Kiatit Reewaaaa est law tloai of the Major mt ah 1 erataw.lt Was Kspeeteal that ! ooe Woalat Re AeallaMa m a asaeat Ttaae Mrs. Mar lluford Heahnru, mother W. .'. Heahoru. died at ,'..SU I. awarded annually lo the champion .c(ick ,u ,,,,, , rM,denc the bonds of matrimony be severed, I I but Insisted on a liberal ahare of her liUaband'a worldly poaaesslona. "Two young men Juat went up to' my wlfe'a room," declared the hus debater of tne university. In lull lie wuu me iiiierrii.ieiiiii.e uiniuriin. iiyiilil,, contest, ami lam June won aeconir ol her sou, HOI Ninth street, of heart for Ube had beeu ailing some weeks. Mis. Heahoru was n ei.nleal held at Mlaauula. Mont. widow, l.er nuabauu Having paaaed The rourae la designed especially nway about three )ears ature. Her for students who take part In the ami, W. K. Keahoni. waa formerly of the American house, and hna receutly I 'ten lit I lie wood business. Hbe was Hefore United State Commlaaloaer Charles J. Kerguaon la the district court room thla afternoon waa begun preliminary htarlag of the Injunc tion proceedings brought by the Unit- J.l States government against c. A. ..hmihmi v um wai, as. vvawia Hunting. The government aeeka to reatrala what It cUUaas to Bnatlaa' MORROW, WHKX RtMMKR AXO n,e"er,Bce wl,n ,Be OTrBeafa : 'irriKBiion avaiAsa. HAU' Will, uivn Tiffin iii'it "" He and hla wife have a half aec- I lion about a mite and a halt east of Carpenters will start tomorrow iMerrlir. and It la alleged by the gov- rraaV assasaVgft aw suawssspas Oregon lutersrholaitlr debate league, Forty high achoola of the stale annu ally enter teams In this league, which l.finil. 'l hirfl l.n Inrlnv na, Ikwai In the court house square watching mornlnK on work on ,he new factory ,ernment that the landholders have l,fr, v 'of the Kwaunn Ilox company ou Sixth been unduly free with the ditches The officer went to the woman!""1' b'W M,e ld 8eaiulrefrom the Stukel Uteral. wblch are I loom and demau.UHl entrance. When '" . ' . " Du,",,n' raajacent to their land. Dually bidden lo enter ho found two , " ,"""1 ' lo ue '" . it The government wanU the United women In bed, and a search reiulted1 , ,bt' p!" of hc Promoter to havmstatea court to make an Injunction In the finding of the two men under l'"e-iau.,.nra,ni in iuii oiaai oy ep the be.1. The women were placed un.l,cm,ber " 'nd ,urn out "'' crt dor guard of nn officer for the balance l'""A " """ "" t'f the night, aud the two men were lodged In jail. All were released organised by Vrofeaaor K. K. '"'f'1 Al"11 " "J consequent-1 frora custody yeaterday morning on waa DeCou, head of the department or ly waa n little paat sk eara or age. mathematics at the University of Ore-The hnrlal will be from the Chrlatlun gon, four year ago. i-aai year Ai-rnrrh ,omorrow j ,,, m. I.any high acluol, by defeatlug Tho, Dalles high school In the final de- i...... tKi. I 'nn until tomorrow morning, in bate, won the championship of the' ..r.cullur.l tn.lruct. ' '.he " "?.' ' POMlWIWr ' league. llno aea neing aismisaea. aM A-.a-IakAkalk ..1kAl,.,l lt.f III., ilAimllfl . -..- it i.iciiiij tir.. i, ... munu. According to the nory tola tne po ll 250 honda each There waa to have been a prelim inary hearing before Judge 0 raves iinie anernoon, nut a continuance waa IK E HARNEY COUNTY IKUHl M) TH4T Ui.lv.mi. BtJ -- nivi lif.l m "aWKO, ACCOHIIINO to hi-:. "!" WHICH IIAVK IlKAVIIKII ?WTH VAUA M4 C0B1IUI frnra II ... Itn.-.., . " '" "ffoor couniy it. ." rtl," r Bmlth Strain nuiVi. W frm "utheMt of Ionia tin. "l" were i..-ad :l it c,me u? r,,h UA... ne material Kept IteTwa? UBlU d,pth of r "00 jMretched, when IU thlckneu 77?,rH With lh Hiiiin.u.i .!. BJ - -..,,,,ai fH inn m nf caught fir .....i .!-,. INDIAN GETS BRIEF RESPITE in IiihiI hoard lo teach In the high hrlmol, haa arrived In tho city. Ha will make several tripe through Ihj i ontity before tlio opening of tin rihool year, l,ATKXKHH 4K V'HOI'H AITKAUt TO KKIK.ll.il, Jt'lNlK, AXI) KX TKXHIOX OK TIMK IH ORANTKO TO THK IIKimKIX Ab Captain, a Klamatb Indian, will not atari aervlng hla aenlence of ality dnya In prison for carrying liquor to tho reservation for fifteen daya. He haa been reprieved until that time hy Judge lleau of Portland. Haymaking waa lato this year In tho Klamath Indian reservation, and for that reason Judge llonn received n latter from Ah Captain, a Klamath Indian, who waa recently sentenced to serve sixty daya In the county Jail for Introducing liquor Into the reser vation, but (or whoio benefit aenlence waa auapended until ne couia go owe homo and attend to hla crops. He wrote that the season had been very backward, and It would be fully two waaka before ho could get In hla hay. Than ho wo'uld come to Portland and aUrt lorvlng hla aentouco, Aa the honesty of tho Indian waa evident, Judge Mean Issued an order that the senteace would bo extended for IU tara daya. SOCIALISTS GO PN LAKE PICNIC llco by ono of the men, he had takon hla wife homo from' tho pavilion dance riuturday night, and had come back down town to get some tobacco. Meet Inr. t oung friend of hla, he waa i walking ulong Main street when they were limited to go to the rooms of the two women, both friends or the young men. Soon after they were nrresieo. Just what charge will ho preferred Ingalnst the two men and the women cannot be ascertained. The police have declined to dlvulgo i the namea of the people Involved. The number of operathea the plant Is expected to bo twenty, and If all signs fall not, the Industry will be run through the winter without stop. The officers of the company are: President, C. II. Crlsler; vice presi dent and manager, Charles McOewan: secretary, Uurgo Mason; treasurer, Captain J. W. Siemens. which will prevent the Dustings from nny further Interference with Ha ca nal rights. Attorney for the govern ment In the case are Deputy United States District-Attorney Robert efa- K"l re and Oliver P. Morton, legal ad ier for the reclamation service, while the rights of the Buntings are In he handa of Attorney C. C. Brower of thla city. Grocer lUuapagee United Preaa Service SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 12. Nlch-' olns Kcpetlnes, n grocer, shot and fa tally Injured Mrs. Mary McAndrews, wife of a street car conductor, In the rear of his grocery. Then he kilted himself. Ills motive Is not known. FORD JUMPS ON PRISONER AT BAR Ml'HlO HY OKCHKHTKA A XII HACK Hcheppe Is HNeat IX WHICH I.IX1H OK ALIIKKT Mc (jnlte(j reM garvlce -m Mt-.nt-.tna A t A... nur arninuo, ... u COY AND WAHIUXGTOX II AIM-: Y I'HOYr. Til KIR PROWKK8 Kwauua l,ocal, socialist party, gavo a' picnic yesterday on Upper Lake Klamath, about two miles from the city, on tho tide of the wator opposite Hhlpplngton. Those attending were tonveyed In 'busses and the crowd numbered about 100. Musle waa fur nlshod by an orchestra consisting of violin and cornet, the personnel of the orgsnUallon being Archibald Y. Tlndall, playing the cornet, and Har ry llorol, playing violin. There were some attractive races, Including one of 60 yard, backwards, won hy Al- bort McCoy, lu tho tbroe-leggta race McCoy furnished part of the auc- cessful legs, Washington Bailey con tributing the other winning nether limbs. lie Samuel Schepp, arrested here la con nection with the New York bribery rases which are believed to Involve deeply aomo of the "higher-ups" In Ootham's police force of 11,000 men, denies rumors that he haa confessed. The prisoner It heavily guarded at hU hotel. It la believed that he will not fight extradition. Detecttvea from the office of Plttrlct Attorney Whit man, aa well aa one of the deputy district attorneys, have started from New York to get Schepp. A meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held In the Baptist church Tues day. August It, at 8 p. m. Alt mem bera are urged to be present, aa urg ent business will be brought before the union, MRI. I P. MONTOOsIBRY. Secretary. WAREHOUSE FOR HERE PLANNED ACCVSKO LAWYKR 8M1LK8 AT KX. i CORIATIOX AXD KRKQUKXTLY ' CORKKCTfc) PLKADKK'tt MIH. . TAKKfl IX RKCOfXTIXG KYKXTfc) I'nlted Prew Service 1.08 ANUKLKS, Aug. 11. Deputy District Attorney Ford opened for the prosecution today, and scathingly de nounced Clarence Darrow, comparlnK OKFlCKIlOKCMl'KllATIVKCOM.lM wllh j Fnmci B,C0B( who, I'AXY OK PORTLAND H IX THK he said, pleaded guilty for the BrltUH CITY TO HKI.KCT IIUII.DINO A KITK KOH To make tho preliminary arrange menta tor tho establlthment here of a warehouse, O. U. Moselle, vice prw ldnt of the - Co-Operative Supply houte, arrived In tbe city Saturday afternoon, and today la engaged In interviewing the farmers of thla section. The plan of the aupply htuse in cludes the marketing of the produce of the membera. It la claimed that by the co-operative plan a better price I secured and considerable of the labor Involved la marketing la taken off the farmer'a ahouldere. house of lorda; Judge Itcarlot and llonedlct Arnold. H Darrow smiled, and frequently cor- loc ted Ford'a historical mistakes. "Poor, little Jim Mac," the misera ble wretch," continued Ford, "whe.i ho blew up the Times building, profit ted by tbe example of men like Dar row" Here Attorney Appel leaped up and objected. Ford stood glaring. Then Darrow rose and aaked: "Can Ford eay anything he Ilka your hon or? What have I to do with the Timet explosioaT" Ford then aaalgaed the bribery mo tive to Darrow, declaring (bat ha bad a groat reputation to preserve, and was determined to preserve It by any metine. After the United Statea i agreed oa an aarewtta c emr M00.OO0 for Crate rlaUewal Park. tke house haa deetraed to eottear la the aenate aaseadmeat, aad aow R aa pears that the baUdtac of raaae around the faatoM lake ataat he de layed for a year or two tsare. WoM to thla effect haa celved from WaaaJavttea. UUve Hawler, who haa 1 lag for tale aorrhUe; haa i up haaa af aawtrlaaT taei ataare.. He ehjWtJesi'rrM the i Ity will effective! i tie. The t oUowtac la a aaar.aC haa Oav ter Lake Item fat tka aaadvr afvtl aeR. tbU Item bavlac haca ttssartad aa aa ameadmeat at the rataaat est tor Boarae. attar the hW had tbe heaac: "Crater Lake NaUaaal Park. Ortv goa ror the eaaartraeuaa af a wag on road aad aejesBBsmrv afMsjaa through Crater Lake rfaltaaal Park. Oregon, together wRh a arataat e tanks and water aupply to provide far tprlnkliag. la accerdaaea wRh Mm recommeadatloaa coatataad la the re port of the war departateat pubMshed aa house document ttl, Stxty-eeeead congress, second nation, ta ha ex pended under the dlrcetloa af the secretary of war? II 00.6e0. The Mil paaaed the aeaate eoatalalag thla Item. Coming with the failure at the Cra ter Lake approprtattoa, tka rellatrlM dispatch from Washington la bmh ig: 'Tbey say I aever get any hills lasted," exclaimed Latterly of Ore gon today. "Wall, I got thnugh the home today two bills." One of tho bills referred to at ter reimbursing of Robert P. Baatt el Portland, la the auaa at 171 tar sur veying la Utah la electa of ecatraet requirements. The other graata 1. 500 to Harry Wade tor bajartca re ceived while drllllag oa tha CeWo canal May 10th. Ha struck aa aa dtocbarged toad, lajurlag hU eight. and braaklag hla eardruasa. KILLS A FAWN; PAYS 550 FINE M.NHKY DKNXIH, OOVHRXhUCXT HXRVRYOR, RROUOHT TO TK1H CITY BY DKPUTY OAMK WAR DKXBTOOT Deputy Oame Wardaa Hcary Stout made the Bret arrest of tha tea eon In Klamath county Saturday tar violation of the game lawa. He brought to this city Lladaey Deaalc, who waa arrested atar Pour Mile Uke, Jutt attar ha had killed a taat ted fawa. Daaata la employed with a craw of government surveyors. Ha aekaow ledged hU guilt wkea arrakgaad be fore Justice Qravea Suaday aad paid a fine of tBO and eoata. l