j'" MllTUrO HV 1HK UNITKK I'llNNM NKWi RttiVlCK $tje fttenittii 1 ifalft. i i evening intwmA 1 iiiiiit twi mnrt, mt : llfimili Vrar N, I.1 KLAMATH FALL, ORMOOX, MATUIIDAV. At'OUHT 10, lIU THROWS PEPPER; TRIES TO ESCAPE v.uitm DAKOTA DKtfPKRAIM) IM OVMIH'WKHKD MY UUARBN jferdetrr of mi OHIr mmI Jap I llMtnl In I'nubwUI IVaMealtory la KrltMi Columbia -HU Atutiipt U MrH From HI Vraetralixl After Hard Bengal 7Kh O.M.Iriimrd CrtMMwU t alt Vi' Aortic lUMI.OOI'ri. II. 0., Aug. 10. Wl IK PU". allaa Jam, lb North Da iotas, who killed Constable Aslara, ti Takahahl. Jiwnm, who had airsVed routilrynuu, waa haaged tare Ihl morning. Calko tried tu rcK lijr throwing paper Into the eyes of bit giaraa, kit a uwimwered alter J bard trvMU. wvmW discuss graft nkknm' in nit: paviuov to- MOHIIOW WILL ATTKAtrr IX)K mi:kaiii.k attkxtioxwkli KMIHX li:. TO MI'KAK FISHER SPRIN6S Employee Boasts of Honesty TAFT WOULD BE I mill of Employer, Accused Officer' REDS' SAVIOR SUIMLIS MKCHKTAKV Of IXTKItlOll WOULD ALLOT MIA I. MMI Favor a Hill l.r (.Nmarr. k,iii.. AeMi 0 Arrm of Coal foait for Kah VUf mm! I HO Arrr for Kacfi Tow Would ilequlr Hut Cltlew Mil Timw lo l.lnrry on Develop. tNrat.wura: U< Prees aervle WASHINGTON, I). C Aug. 10. ilecretary Flatter Iim plan to allot government cual lands lo ritle which way operate there, under certain reg. illations, tu supply munlrlpsl nda. M wall m those of cltliena. Aa a Oral atep lu the plan, Hcre try riabar yesterday recommeaded that coMTMi Ml bill raMta'49 acre of Ml tiad (o OniijtiiiiUu, Colo, ia Dm meanwhile the Interior lepartmet"ha wltbdrawa the lead desired. In a gsutrsl bill Information Given to Show the Intent of Councilman. Friends Believe at Least One Did Not Realize Seriousness i PHKHIDKXT DIRECT - SPECIAL r MfMHAOK TO COXORHM Now that tha Ural shock followlag Misled, mar rljitlon from munlel inn naming cspoeur of graft In pal oflc will ant bn 'Urges the Appiopilalloa of ' lo KoUbHab aa Mervke Death ItedakJae Ia Afaawat Doable That of ! the Coaatrr at Largo Mac Dm. mm Prorates municipal affair baa paaMd, a fel Ing of Indignation I prevalent In tbla clljr and numarotia esprrsslona of con- lemnatlon of graft mthoda are hoard. Hollering In tha alncerlty of The Herald, numeroua blta of vl lenr have hern brought to tbla oBc by cltliena, and pier by place a wb of evldtnre U blog woven that may avantually Ma4 laf awre atartllag . h aaa. awiiaaaaj -wa nn taa aMatcfaat graft galHer tf takaa p at he nnt araalon of the grand Jury I 'III not be the flrat lime that lb .matter haa been conaldered by that a geutral bill which Vliher InquUltorlal body. At the laat meet- fatora, the avcrelary of the Interior la .Ing thn grand Jury beard lonm en With tb pulpit occupied by lay ao, Ik unlnn atnlrea la tb pall ka tomorrow prumla to attract caa aideraliU atlentlnn, aapaclaUy aa It I naalkU tbat the aubject of munlelaal araft will be touched on, Bat to'inrl aubjerta are lo be lakaa up, "The Ideal laymaa" aat .74 Meal MlnUUar," To R M,.pu.l ear, w. a. luniell and K. U INI loll bu betn Uned the Drat mentioned MljKt, hllo K. M. Ubllrole, Cbarlra I. Be Up and (leu. J Walton will CetuM the qualities moat approved of la a pattur, While but live minute of Dm ha wea allotted to each apeak', It I aiobatle that one nf the three men aba will talk about the Ideal layman,1 lll have Mimrlhlng to any about cor ruption In municipal aWlr. autborlied to patent C40 acre of coal land for each city, and 10 acre of coal land for each town under certain conditions, and providing tbat prompt dene bearing on the aubject, but did nnt go Into It fully becaua of thn ubeence from the city at the lime of two of the moat Import.-.nt wllnesM. Now, however, alDdavlla bav been auMcleat, but vlgorou criminal proaecutloaa ahould follow. That other men than the tbrao rouncllmea mentioned ware Involved In th Llvermor llceaa traaafer af fair la wall known, but there I a quettlon whether or not there I aay criminal rBalttlity on tbelr part. Tb arrival Jarao alllaMr Nkb- "'" "f '"TtJaH" TWafila"! mmmmmi. reporta a HaTffitflJal of Mkclf men. Th mayor eprd hlmaetf a being aatoaaded nt th cipoture which have bn made. II declined, . ... , nowever. mi morning to laaae a atatement aa (o bit probable action. Tb mayor aaont conalderabl time going over tb charge which bav bem mad and the evidence which haa been collect. He atated tbat be bad not given the matter aufllclent thought to be able at tbla time to atate what hi line of action would be. Friend bav urged the mayor to demand the resignation of Council United lraa 8rvtc WAflHINOTON, D. C, Aug. 10 Dcclarlng that JJI.000 ladlaa u. Ul country are almoat davold of aaacleal attaatloa, I'realdwt Taft today awt a epeclal mtaaag to coagr aakiag for an approprUtloa of 1150,000 to ealablUh aa ladlaa mdleal arvle. In his mag tha prMat aaya that th daath nta.lai.ika. Iaglaa ffiSI toHMrtanlta waam bearing on tb saloon llcaaa trans fer whleb I takn lo ahow tb In tent of at least on of th three coun cilman was developed last night. It appoars that shortly after tb lec tion an employ of on of th council- men oiacuaaea me employer wltn cltlMn. "My boa is carulaly on th quare," aald th amptoy. "Already tbay kav'Ua,afr hlai to gat hat mocey out of Oat, L4vm . " -.--'--, -i . Tney.wajM mm scheme with lam la (area the lection by aalng his Job aa council man, but my boaa wouldn't have any thing to do with It" m .v m ihm mKmmmwutt uia same councilman waa ton of thai membera of the party tbat called at the Llvermore bar a day or two later ' and made the braien demand for' money, under threat of adverse legts-l latlon. . Friend of at leaat on of the ac- ' fined rouncllmen ar loud In their AX IHtSOO VfOUNTaW WHX denunciation of tb scheme, but they UAYK TO "KXMJUX' nfA Arm In lhlr tu.!lf llit tliA m.n.l AMBROGETTI GETS OUT A WARRANT HIIKfUr-KM IIKPtmiM AMB I ixa whan momnn T' ") Over a MM far PtaaHr Le4 to CemaUlai fa Threat to day n1 Faajaajsa lai WawaV Charged with thrtotoatag Tumassn AmbrMttl. Uaued In Jastle Oravaa morning for tha arrast of framk deal. Up to a tat hour talai th warrant had not I Th troubl twai th two : dale bsck several wkm,wba Aga- t y1,1 tHto. PROSECUTION IS NOT ADANDONED Iftat B4mM ha) immt.mjmmmmmmmtu Vat 4M MfippMBrjatftlgM mcBW7) araaerv of th cam- MgwMy cllinan did not realUe tbat he was do- .., ., j . ..,. . ...... HHU. . rT.iopmeni -nra uu,uir,d, nd the publicity already c.rrM on. A rlaua. wou d prevent ,, 10 ,.,,, ,, Mift w, re. any assignment or transfer of Hi . i .,.... . . land, safeguard the health and asfsty .K,ii..iinl .., j..-j i u, m... a.,A nt, a o.i.i. .. ..f I.M . ......- . -- -., . ...,....,,., .navium.iiiiu ... iii ..u i""i uiiuur in n,i, V)Unlv. lit I. n..it.1. th., h. .. ,.b- n.i. i .1.1 u- t .. if tha mineral nm,,. ' ! .. ' . ii,b auiiuiua iuu wtira on niujm 01 ine mineral resource. Th nrv.ii -ti, , ... . I .. . .... ...,i.. .. .u-l... ... . .- ...... Tm 1.111 ,.n..U 11... ik. .1.1. . " :. " -' W.M.-I... - ..- . - iu uev umcr ia cmwi muntf,, '"v ""' l'."'. ., .N ,i,,v it, nti Falta IHIUIH In I. Ik. I l lk.ltn.ll.. .1 mim. l Lf.W L- ft.-!,...-. - ft....-l. J. ia property shall revert to tb gov- H(B. .... ....... .. k. atlh.i... One hit (u. k..i.. . air.t m. irnaaat If any city or town falls '- , , , ',, iiai iiasemaiiawssiswiT fulntl ih coadllloas. NBW ORAXD iTJKY rAIflM itm Drrrw xm MxuAkv vr YDUNfi TURKS GETTIN6 BOLD .IV t'LTIMATLM nKMA.MH.Nfl CHANOK IH HKXT TO THK HUI rAV .KW VKHMHNT M.i UK NTAKTKII HOUSE CONCURS '' WITH SENATE I'ANAL AMK.IIMK.TN WILL MKKT WITH THK AI'I'HOVAL OF THK I'HKNIDKNT KNOKM TO K.V TKH ntOTKHT I'fr tiled l'rt- Service WAPIIINOTON, Aug. 10. It la as Hctcd that the bouse will concur art. nan Walker of Aabland haa'I'nlUd I'rea Hcrvlr mgraea from a vlilt with her alater. uiihuk.. .... .a ...... Si V1'.11. "roo,,"d !Turka7;;...M .;;.;; o d..v. wuh ,,,e " "i; riir 1'T "T'rMJU" ' -r to tb .ultan an ultimatum de.'nenU' ,b- ,h PreaMwl will H.ra ' ' ' R,t'"-n'B tb dUmlaaal of th military npprova the bill, which Ignom th league aa soviaora to in ruler, re-iiiriuan proieai. placing them with advleera acceptable, Tb reaumptlon of diplomatic In in in Toung Turk. (tcrchang, It la ipctd, will be r- If th aultan refute this demand i auraed Immediately, England will the Young Turk will probably start probably take the matter to The n aw govramnt. jllaga. Harry Welter, a local palmer, ho hu been confined In tb Black rn botplui for several day, waa nitiu morning. JUST IN TIME TO AMERICANS. ARE GO ON BALLOT! IN GRAVE DANGER AT XOOX ON THK LAST DAY OF OKACK THK PKTITIOX OF THK HTATK RACIXO COMMllWIO.V IH FII.K WITH N.IM HKlXRItN MKXICAN TROOPS ARK ORDERED TO HURRY TO THK AID OF IM FKRILLKD MEN OFFICIAL AC TION IH TAKK.N Farmer Argues For Lives of Coyotes and Bob Cats J. H. Van rieter Would Re move Bounty on Anlm- als That Kill Rabbits JJ law .houlq; b .s.et . ""M the .bounty on coyot. aad J, ta U ,he "P'nloa of J. H, Vaa ai. ? '. ,,om,n,nt hrmr of 01,.., la the city today, He uriM aUotd', f '",",lf ' w,,ltau S ' hV'"' ,houW " th t Vftin 1 M'i olo-allr, km ?fLrfk?n ,h rbW' JJS' "JW Mr. V.. aleur this ..."'nnurofrahblia. ' r opinion rabbits do far Mora barm than do coyot and bobcats. Occaaloaatly a coyot will ateal a chicken, but for my part I will will ingly provide a chlckeu dinner one In a whlla for a coyote or bobcat If by ao doing I will ancourag the ani mals to atay around and hunt rab blU. "Thr haa bean a great ilaughtar for yaara of coyot, aad tha rasult It that th rabblu hay aecumulat4 to rapidly that thy hat baeona an aotUal rosnac. Olv th coyot a ehane. I ay, aad tha rabblU will MB b reduced In number. Tb hBKt to th farmer will b great." POLICE HIDE 2F 6ITIVES DIHTRICT ATTORNEY WHITMAN HUCKIVEH HTARTUNQ INFOR NATION HIGH POLICE OFFI CKR INVOLVED United I'ress "Jervlca NEW YORK, Aug. 10. It Is re ported that a man connected with an officer high la police circle la hldlag ilarrowlts and "Lefty Lout." District Attorney Whitman 1 try ing to force tb surrndr of tb fugltlvoa. Oow to PMdMtoa H. C. Beat, who haa ben opratlB hla brother' farm near Merrill. I In tb city today. H will start toon with hla famlyl for Pendleton, Ore., a her he wilt probably locate. United Pre Bervlce BACRAMENTO. Aug. 10.-rRun- nlng far ahead of all other Initiative measure, and, In fact, nearly doub ling the beat of them, th atat rasing commliilon petition 'earn under tb wire at lb offlco of th Mcretary of slat with M43 (tgnatur on th last day for the filing of vsrlted petl tlo'n. It waa vldnt that th race track gambling bill waa backed by tb betting and fast horse Interest of California, and waa ih best finan ced and moat capably handled of all tha propoaala set before the people tale year. McGOWAN LOSES HIS LABORERS SCARCITY OF HELP IN KLAMATH FALLft DRLAYR WORK ON BOX FACTORY MANASMt WILL ORMCR MACH1NMIY AT ONCR There U atlll a scarcity of labor la this city, and Improvemeat work I being delayed a a result. Ytrday Charle MeOowaa, man ager of tb Ewauna Bos company, en--aged two man for work oa'th ca vatlon for the nw boa factory. He started the men to work aad then wnt out on a starch far mor help. He waa unsuccessful I hla quest, and returned to the alt of the factory ts lad that hi recaaUjr aettnlred help had "beat It" during hla abac. Mr. MeOowaa will leave for Saa Fraaeteco Monday to buy atachlaery far th new factory. Thla will he brought hr as aooa aa posstbl, and It la pKtd that th faetory will be terted by th tatter saH of nxt United Press Service MEXICO CITY, Aug. 10. For eign Minister Ijuceraln has ordered the governors of Durango and Slnalea to ruab troops to the Tolmlnll mine In northern Durango. The Urea of American mining men In tbat eetlon ar reported to be threatened. United Ptm Brlra BACRAMENTO. Aug. 10. latlau tlon that Alton Omaaral Wokta baa not abaadoaed th BraaacaUea of th Ban Diego vllaMU.aMst Jfeat ka la waiting for the aimlai,t ch ma ent grand Jury at th zplratlo of It year of terrlee, aaat Jaausry, waa given by Ray Bajaaala. hla chief deputy her. In coaauRattoa wKh. tat ofgdaw. "We wr rtuad." aM BmJ 'mln, "th nw grand Jury for which we applied, and coassqasatly had to 'preBt our vldao against th vlgtlaatea to the present grand Jary.i I No action haa bn tskea by th Jury looking to proeecutton of th ess. It must b remembered, howarer, tbat wa may bring aay matUr Involv ing charges of felony before the grand Jury at any time within three year, aad that In the ordinary court of event th preeeat grand Jury will not remala mora thsn a year. It la. tof cours. uBWta to plan before ne cessity for future planning ari." an arrest th peace mualty. It 'appears, however, that Friday th two asea t aaai. aa4 D)dl drew a moaeter revolver, wMh whlih. b declsrsd, he would aorUy jr to puncture the hide of ambr)l. It waa wheat thla eomplalat waa a4 that a warrant waal ud. ' It to clalawd that Ambre tl arf Dodeal had aaat troabt aver a Mil of awocerlea. Dates! had h aught aad paid for the suppUs. aa4 a4 the eat to AmbngaHU' heu. He cU1m4 tbat AmbregwtU ha4 ttaad a th grerla aad fan LAM STARTS , t m BUILDIIG HKA OirtTN. J., Aug. 10. Wood row Wilson returned home today. He declined to comment on the wool veto message of President Taft Mr. Qeorge CbssUtn and chlldrea hav gone to Boaaaaa aad the Shook ranch for a weka rla.lt with retatlv old rrmMrn on IH BRIXO MOVTaV TO DOOM FOR TWO IVORY MTILDUra MAJOC Work waa start thla meralag of scavatlng for th baaamat of a two tosy brick balMaac eppealte the American hotel m Mala atreot. A woodea bulbMag la bilag BMVed from th let aad eeactraetMf work will be carried on aa rapidly aa paa IM. D. A. Laaah la U awaer of the property, aad la erecting the buHasag. which wlU will he for ttor reoaw aad ogtosbalMtaga. ItwMlbetSitl feet Hundreds Lose Lives by Earthquake in Turkey TRUCE PREVENTS GREAT STRIKE TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES WILL INQUIRE OF 8TOCKMOLD KR8 WHAT CONCH8BION BE GIVKN THE EMPLOYED Unlld Pr-is Servlc CH1CAQO, Aug. 10 Th trtcar employes and tb oHclala of tb com panies have agrd to a true uatll next Friday. In tbe maantim the odclala of the three surface aad elevated railway companies will laaulre of the stock holders what conceaalona will be ac ceptable to them. Pull Details of the Disaster Not Available. Is Feared Thousand Are Killed CHIF1N NOTlFUH WAUKB8AW, Wto., Aug. 10. Chain waa formally notlled of hla nomlaatloa for the presidency oa tha proBlbltloa Ucket. Huadrad gath ered In Cutlwr Park, whar Rv. Charle Mead of New York deiiTarad th notification addreaa. Mr. Caata rplld. E. F. IlmmrmB, aastouat upr- Inteadeat of the Oregea AaU-Baloea League, la la tha ity freai Partiaad, and will apeak hra aaat Wdaday. Baby Ooe Mesne Baby Autea, who was operated oa at the Blackburn hospital a few day age. waa toka to hr horn la Lak- vlaw today. A marriage llaaa wag laaaad to day to ClarBC A, MlUaell aad Mm Myrtle M. Roberta. Mlag Roberta la tb daughter at H. H..abrte. the wU known, Pee YaUey rajMaer. UaltedPrMsBervl LONDON. Aug. 10. Ovr 100 peo plepl were killed la aa earthguaka la Turkey, according to a new ageacy message reeetved here taalgat The atesaag doea aot atate whether thla to tha total aumber at vttaaa or ealy thoae of a alagl town. Be far aa la kaawa aere. there were ao fataUUea la Caaataatlaaala. Ualted Pr lemaa C0N8TANTINOPUI, Aug. !. It aaa beea toaraed that the Tarklaa tawaa of Teaaaak; KaMaaal aad Cal lpoll have aaaa daatreyd by aa eartkquake. Maay peeale aerlahed., Ta vlUag aleag th Baa of ' -Mf &l