HVrrMKI NY THM VMffU PlUmm NRWB SBtiVHJK - 1 fflhc. afaw aaT ,1 I II WMWMl WT-Wl T . - arrtoili Vrar Xw. ! ' BSSSSn BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSwBSSSSSSSBBSSSsW BSSSSSSwawa BSSSSSbm H rrbbrbbrH HH rrbbrbbrbbru rrbbrbbrbbr! rrbbrbbrbbr! . H iH H HH H HHHHHBHIH ftienino fkfaU-. c a ' r - - ; i h y h jf KMMATH VAUM, ORROOJ. FRIDAY, At'aUHT , IBIS iHiNT nniinnra, mv I ' J 'J A. ' i i in ', ' anrwlV VrM ,GVbbb9 Rmwam ammwnBBmmw aBBnawennrmmu .aBmmmiwawM .! waw ' - i , aBRBRR. LrrbbrbbrbW HH H1BB Ml ..rbrbbrV Lrrbri rbbrb. IUHH ' h tbt B'' B Lbrbbrbbrbbi 1 H H brbbrbbrri! B V H HH IV H bbrbbrbbrrbj bbrbbrbbrB MUL UH & -amBVmBRmm smBBml RBBRflamBRml BmBRflsmBRswRBRBBRn! bbrbbrbW bbbbrI smBRflsmBRnl rbbrbbrbt sbbrbm LmBBRBamBRBg bsssssmbsssssv. sbrrrh Lssssfl aisssssr bbsVbssswbssssssm BaaaaaaT bbrrI bsbbbVbsrbri BaRBaRai bbbbbi bbbbbb BRRRaa aBaaaaaaHRBA SBBBBBR BBBmWj m gBBBBBJ YaaaaaBi aMBMBjmJ wMMMfBBBmY BMBmVj aaaaaBBT BaaBBH BBaaaak.aaaaay esBBBBBBBBBBBYSm eaaaBB aaaaan saTaaaaaaaan gaTaaalBBBBBi mYaaaBB BBBBBaw mYaBBBBBBBBF BBBBBBBBaH1 BBBBBaW HIHIHv ' i' Councilmen Savidge, Qoeller and Crisler May Tender Their Resignations to Mayor Nicholas NITONS MAY BOYCOTT FAIR CAXM MCUINLATION AMOUMM IRK K KOMHONKHH IWHW Hoard ( TrM WIN Ow iMrr Having oWm N ! WH Kfytthm iu lie HM la Km Ynm- rhro liMml of HiwH Dwliwi IkM it I'nllftl UMm VMtM Trntf rHW I'rrM Brni VANCOUVKK. II. ('.. Au. I-Aint- kr lh artlun of lb UnlUd HtAte MMt In dUrrluilriitlni in favor of AMrlMti irMcIt In lb I'anama ra tX, Hrlllili Columbia wilt probably toTfott lb Han Kranctaco Mr. A. K. tnkla. prnldMii of Ida Vmcmv f Bear4 of Trad, ImuH th Mtow. 11 tUUiMBt loJay "A hUI mtatluc ot U kMT4 C tiaJt MI lr ralM la iiamm wblfc. r w aot lb ropl of UU cMjr m4 rttvttt houl4 wlthdra tnm any Hrflpatloii In Ui tou fnwrce Ulr. Tb lirltUb lovaromvnl to mw tUtrlag a tlmlUr rourt. I mm t' itmd ibat li U lh only dlgnll4 Iklat to do In vlaw of lb attloa. of Ut American imala la rrpualaUac liiaty oblliatlom. Tba ipoallloa td mtan mucli to ua locally, tut Ik lau at ilak U too big for minor Hlfah ronaldrallona In wlh vary Uilly." POOR PEOPLE LOSE SAVINGS rAlbi'MK Of BVILDIKtl MUC'lbTV MITll NAM MMtW . OaVtala of CotaaMir Am NaM to Mavn MiatNMl HftmaMon lalu H4lMlag That iVtiNlMliiM to IK a Ucawtal HaaAtac WaaUi Had Hr araat WUIn WW OiaAart a tmn a .., j lfnlU4 Praaa lanlra MAN rKANCiaCO, Aug. . Hun- ilrrda of working paopta, bit bard by lk laaolvtncy of Iba Coailantal II Mild lag aad ltaa Aatoclatloa, wblcb' U ISOO.ooo abort, iurroua44 lb bank today, Tby wr furloua ba auM Ibay could aot gat their aavlaga until liquidation. Tba attwaHera daclara that eMctoto Kltlaag tbaat Into balUvIng tbat tba kABttgblBfklanM Wa IkagaM gttii ftukdfcfa aiaFaBai gagas gtgam nfB)Bjyajgggaa, uuit a aanaral baaklag baalnaaa. Tba tat will probably laveatlgat tba affair, Details of Bribery Are Told for the First Time Money is Demanded for the Transfer of the Livermore Bar. "Goods are De livered"at Council's First fleeting LACKING LICENSE, 3 ARE PINCHED MAW MMIIMTKIt IN XKW CONTHNr Tki campaign of tba aMMbara of U KUmttb rail Clvlr Uagua for lnrotmnt In th appearance of Ik city U going along merrily. A iMbr cf p0iIa have rallea at The Herald of. xnd Indicated tbalr In UtUon of participating. Tie city beautiful movement np PMk tipeclilly to women and chll- area, md tbcrr l no ilonbt but that reit good will bo accamplkbfd by m Mmbtr of the Civic league, 10 MONOPOLY IN AUTO TRAVEL HTWIIMKMKT ARANT AN WHIKCKH IWUSO OK IHCTART. WNT OK INTKRIOH OX TRAK. WlMO NATIONAI, PARK rNult of a ruling of tba de Hrtaieat of the Interior, a monopoly automobile trafflce Into Crater -I' k l" not t9 mi V9-M: r, Arant, auperlnteadeat of tba wi, l an Interview with Tba Hor i UK morning, announced tba tomnlng trafflo Into tba Bark. .. TB ftfUlatlona nroU to Ly?t fe of tl for each auto trip itMtfeaai ttl --. UNI IO ZV not carrying paid 7N re laaued by tba eueerkt ' "etnaa dlroet fraea tke Iba tntarlar. Tha, faa Z I!i!k"e 0 for tha aaaaaa. Mtoi under thoe, ,, . rtW. Arant. "Tba for tha aaaaon la II. apply only to private ma- AC1K.TK M)H WAOOX MAM'KAC Tt'KKH AHK HKI.0 IN' gl.oeo HONIIM M)H OKKKXHK OIVK HK.Cl'RITV Charged with telling wagona with nut a llcanae, Walter gear and John Kellerman were arreeted In thU city and Clarence) lluater waa token Into cuatedy at Midland. Tha men ware takea before Juatlce (irarea and tbelr bond flxcd nt 11,000 each. At a lata hour tbla at ternoon the men gave eecurlty, and war releaeed. United Preaa Service BAN rRANCIHCO. Aug. . Fred erick Metnlcke, a Spanlab War vet. eraa, after writing a letter to Coroner Ulead telllBg where to flad hU body, went to tlolden Oate Park aBd blew out hie bralna. Melnecka waa eeparated from hie wlfa In Banta Crui. He haa been 111 aad deapondent. BECKER WEEPS IN LAW OFFICE AOOVHKII TOI4CR LIKUTKNANT DKNIKM THAT HK INTKNDH TO OONFKHMHIH ATTORNKY HKM WHITMAN United Preaa lervlie NEW YORK, Aug. I. Police Lieu tenant Backer conferred with Attor ney Melntyra today. It to reported that tha prtooaer wept hyeterUally. Melntyra totar eoaauHad with DUtriet Attomay Whlttnan, but. no Inferma. ww glYM out owwerning the KrHrt, It baa net boom denied that n eon- feealan by Becker wauM prevent Mo eaeeuMan. Beeker totar denied tbw MwbtlM M ffMMHislY. " Li2J The cxpoture of the graft by mtmbtra of the Klamath PcJU city council made by The Herald yesterday hag aroused the moat in tense excitement, and haa had the elect of bringing to The Herald additional infor mation. It has developed that many citiaena had been aware of the dathonetty of oitkisJa, but had not dared to make the details kieam until The Herald's exposure came. The details of the transaction which will result in a grand jury investigation shows that besides Herbert Savidge, Councilmen Goeller and Crisler are involved. The story of this Iniquitous deal commences with the failure of the Livermores in the hotel and saloon business. CoHicilaieM Make DcaiMd The saloon was offered for sale at auction by Sheriff Barnes on May 28, 1912, and was bid in by James H.iWk-aW . f or $3,450. Wheeler then sous transferred from i the day after the! Savidge, Goeller and the retiring council and two7 visited the Livermore bar for a consultation ' with Wheeler. This waa held in the room adjoining the bar, and which is now occu pied by a restaurant. "This sale to you of this saloon was a straight hold-up," the spokesman for the councilman stated, "and we have got to have our money. If you don't pay it you cannot get the license transferred." Watkr Relates to Fay About $1,600 was demanded. This was the amount of claims which the councilmen and their friends held against the Liver mores. Included in the list of claims was one for meat. This aroused Mr. Wheeler to rebellion. He declared that he failed to see what connection a meat bill for several hun dred dollars could have against a bar, and then the absurdity of the other claims be came apparent. He declined to pay the money, and was again warned that if he did not do so he would find that the license transfer would not be made. "I cannot pay because I haven't got the money," finally declared Mr, Wheeler, and the conference came to an end. The councilmen went back the second time, and Mr. Whttler waa given until 3 o'clock that afternoon to raise the money He was not able to do so at that time, and a conftrenee waa arranged to be held the next day in a law oUVce on Main street. At this meeting there were present but two city officials, Councilmen Savidge and Goeller. ftfOM y Fit la tavelof After some preliminary diacueaion, Mr. Wheeler agreed to pay $150 in cash and give notes for the balance of the clakna of about $60. The money, with the notes, waa put Into an envelope, and waa to be kept in trust until the councilmen had fuUUUd their' pert ,' trsmsctien thwt i4'ettee she Liver- more license to be transferred to Wheeler. The question of who should hold the en velope waa discussed. The councilmen did not feel inclined to trust the lawyer or an other citizen who was present, so finally the money was turned over to Councilman Goel- . ler, with instructions to return the envelope to Wheeler in the event of the license trans fer not being made. Savldtte Dellvera Gooia On the night of June 3, the first meeting of the new council was held. The record Councilman Savidge, as one of aved that the Liver- Thcfc proof, Is available for or any public official. Theamoav who. are familiar with the transaction, for that matter, are already in the hands of the proper officials. What action is to be taken cannot be as certained. It is not expected, however, that the grand jury will be called for a week or two, or until the return to the city of Judge Benson. The regular grand jury term was not to be started until next month, but it is believed that the, sensational exposure of graft kt municipal affairs here will cause a Fpecial term to be called. WatjJjMiiBma art baactaal That the resignations of Councilmen Sav idge, Goeller and Crisler will be demanded immediately on the return to this city of Mayor Nicholas is a foregone conclusion. In fact, rumors are current on the street today that at least one of these resignations haa already been prepared, and will be tendered at the first opportunity. The course of The Herald In this exposure has been commended on all aides, while the attitude of the morning paper ia being unan imously condemned. Last night and today The Herald office waa besieged by cltisens who desired to compliment the owner of the paper on the stand taken, and much useful information concerning conditions in muni cipal affairs here haa been voluntarily given. As the proper time arrives this information wall be plaeed before the taxpayers, so that they may no longer be kept in ignorance of tlie sehema which haa been carried on with a view of lasting the city treasury. BAR RAILROADS FROM OWNERSHIP MtXATK PA8MM PANAMA CAXAI. XKAftVBB tee of Carnal WR B eaViassi sTmsmlammitmtaft The Veto em lb : IS Petodeirtor of TAFT IRKS nWlAflfff mPHCIAJb mmttA4Mi sj BBBrT M TWR LAW MmMRBKB 1 t by --" r Ptw to Oaaaadf Wmfc BawmawanasdkV' ' . . ? J Menmwi la 49 to M f an, TawmT mwl Peal .., ,, i V if SJBrjnAdmAmmm SmtfBBsl BmmmmmmVmml faC-pg-. HasmBmi ? le em ohe BtR ba eke Cmnao Tbinnnli of Mam to R Oat T Weak freaaBarrlia ' - D. C. -- MMQlgef ff UgA leMBBmmvttM r- - j WASHINGTON, Aug. S The amendment to the Panama eaaal MR prohibiting the aee of Ue eaaal for raltroed-eoatroUed ataamehlaa adopted by the eeuato lata Urn after noon by n vote of 41 to II. h WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. . It to expected tbat the senate wRl paae tba Panama canal bR tbla after noon. Debate am tba priiooat to pro- lirbR raHroad-ewnadl aeo of tba eanal la ka Tba MH aa agreed ba Uaa far df- fera only eHghUy from the Benator Palndeator of Waabtacton opened tba debate. Tba only paaalbta remedy formR- road dtoerlmmatle to to abealataly prohibit the ownership of eompettna waur Unee by Ua rallreade." said Benator Polnleatar, YOUNG TURKS GETTING READY HKVOLUTION IS CBRTAIX AWD TROOPS ASMS ROW XIASARKTTO t7nHadl WAMDvTON. PreaUent Tail tot bUL Ma not to adjear rRkest of atoatlaUy rwisao emwmf bp I a protoctlra btR i Thai atowdCmw Rsss roe maRlaagdV. 4 reaaern far ibjUiiwmm tm laJaV" let bemmmt -m)mmRaai..S; riMmmiaSatlens. nam wemM esnlt kt iba liretoliiahli mjaarlebka gsjil srowtac tadmsUr, tae emSawasVeBls u -U.J .a a,aent tbrowbac off thonannde of war! M DsJtodPratoBaiiaae, , PORT AD PRINCR. Marti, Aa . It waa laaeuneod taJa statseac Uat PreaMeat Ueemte'n eaoth was due to the neeidaalal imjliilm et a magattae. OenereJ Tnaerad Aaawato haa been chooin aaaisaeA bfUbe chamber. , tbo pniaaa m aoesc ngessy i ad. Troopa are satraRsss bna i aa a reralaManary peat to Poralgnara are sifwhemwfe.i!.c . 'VJ bnmad) le for a Ight; of the army will aapi Nlaal Bey, the Brat young Tarl turn agalnat Abdul Hamld, wUl be tba leader of tbo revolutloaiata unUl tha arrival of Eaver Bey from Trip oli. A manifesto to expected proelatae Ing a new eultaa and cabinet. R. E. Powell of Blebee, Aria., ar rived la Ue city last night aad toft this morning for Crater Lake. Ha visited here wlU Mr. aad Mra R. B, Mitchell. ' AFTER WATER; STRIKES GOLD tWSKIYOU LAND OWNmW BRCORBM WATKR BTJPPtY AJTB OMANON TO MARK A PORTVKR IR A vaOLBMINR rindlnt s pramlalaf temaa at aM aawell aa s aatem4M sejfbjr ef wstar to Ua seed tonWet teeVtaheM; a pramlaaat toad awasr seat Traaa. Beheld, whoa ka ummiaiii barb far nrtaatoa wstar, eoietid to Sad balk eM aM wsAar, aad tee mswK preras test ktotbaartos were esftaat Ms, ass set faead sHijNaa wator, bt toaMaeMewstoimaWtoaav. r 42 I if. "' -;" . y i IS Tl BE HELD SOCUfSOft Alf mAVRB ABBI BtVs UgOTMRj j t ' A meeilng was heat rasters bp tba dlrectora of aha AgtleaRural As- hoMlnc a f air tbla tail, aa Biptember IB. II, IT aad II. O. T. OMter waa eeleetod to bare tha manaaemaat at tba fair. Circular totters are to ba printed containing tha program eehcdeJe sad premium Uat, and those are to ba mailed to aU of Ua tansew, Ua eounty. Batv wttl be atvea la wbleb wta aaoar aasAMta ef, emvfmmW WlaMt PaWWTa tP"tRmU BBBB aeBCTawalSSWSp wws wRBW II.IM uMilf "i. t is awaieeeei iw am aaer eajew eHjap 4 hA a afca mMmmrma ml wmml mmmrwlm f? 4. mtmMA WHV TV W "f ft wHB"dBrbia''lba eewta L eoaawawjnwaa mrmte enma awaww wbtoh to anpiaicd te btcw KeM vto-! " est ef tea seme;. 'K- 1 ""ST. Jr . esttJe, ti Cc I. - .'.' II- ""- r-r . t ' . 1 heat a. . . . aanj, . v UJ sr? . y -.t -"N K-i