K . f - v S. . . Jl iTIIIVllllllllll I V Our fawlnmera are Qeedt K1 Jfl f. 0 .- cm. tiaVggggl r.HHill I .. ! W. ''. A -A. rirt BecmuseoiiirJ ' quality ojjp nrncerle turnout bauwit us urwcri;a . , . IIMXHMM, FO TODAY I 'tii Mytigd I't.rWt." c. a. p. c y, finnd "'TMilrHAwkJ&."BlofnMMi. uww j ,jjiirtattheipte: w?- , , BPBBfc'lfrlrtf'f1'1 - & MiUBMUp ohltr will ITTSJH I ' eoavlae yoa. .' l wfcM ' ' y? y ;- ttwicho Gab X. OuQLlQBOVS Your anafout to -please, !PC h5 Momirci Grocery In basement of I. O. oT' ."AraMt'OFFKr? pie. BowHag. liilllardleol. t CSeonwKeadlag RW , Nobo Better. Pirate 'flitting llooni for rW Phaae ll r f ot, ' V J'-JVlaMBg Brothit-n Sister. (j WtltOBJ. cjml i... " . forne BlOCk VMod citnntoir Th economical fl (or aum- a X ill tmer a. X X iJotdtuAt HiMtart Ecwnomy OroceryTTeleialoBe MM. .. w. BUbatis . T FISHING TACUX XST a need for that aahlBgftrlp: retaK. 7 , , Hoon line J? whether yo. L. for pleee- j aaakrt. etc. f r.r.t fM J tent., gun. and Amplug Ura to oaly oJIrUit Mr- J TUX jbdi STOKE Xk - u r 7 1 1Z7 Van RifKr Bros. Wood rood "' if' aBBBaBaBaal BBaaaBaaBaal H4inlxrH "Va mid 0iirr. Meek WH4prfy$3ilb t. bbmi Clali Wjf ' ti fal VOllt WATCH NKKncLkUNINQ PlJ 9Ui WiB NhA fill No saatUr bow oolt la, and how j cre'u,,Jr " T wateh maada M M I 4ft Jt3 Cl ctoAoloc rarr alghfaa Dontsa. I Thla loiurca coM sarrlca and pra- I j-L m-M 9aAv aMtgJ rnt waar. Latii claan It for yon. 4ft,fltii I2ii ralM. tifi L.vi orders at lHHIHmtmt O.K. Tranlfcr Co. or i Hwn 871 I Car. taa4 flUfca g C"w afV Orcltn Harncis Co. LM& I at IN I fAM N ( 'Wasliig gfothes jj! $20.00 jjj I fSOOlniih ky EleCtflCity i : : Balance fs years i : i af a at 4 plr cent I atBJL Allfenled.small ': j QD : ; house aid barn. : (aaaflBBBBBBaV " ' acre9 cleared, : ISBMp : : fromwhlch8Qtons ; ! PT I W J : year. BBBVaBBBWaV ' BBBBB1 IMM tta iaaklr waahlag and wrlBClaaibr alaetrleit Itb a Kd ElaeMe' taiaraa par- ',', ' j facuwork, andilou. cannot af J J iuiu Bin ii biitb uuo 01 iseaa n fiaVC SK : ' ataeblKM In youibomt. ! !! ; . 1 i All back-acblat and wring- ! k I . 3 Jii eliminated. Pbe eorar u ! 2 ! podfrn I entirely free f roal mtcbanlaai, Clise IH. W nar ibv vt ova. aau hi b , . , , . 'ralaad or lownat tlau cnajP T wKuu uuranam wiw tn . s4a Agikt fortFlrat Ad oiieratloaattho-aufchlna. , . , Ut t vva "f B. V MfVHN . , , Mann a.Aail , Mi ru bwbm fghaakwi dajra ' rK '" mft Ataat a4ak bbbV, 1 4J f,'wl ll"l -JL 6 j T i B--'i THE EVENING HERALD V. O. miTH, aMNer m4 Proprietor PuMMitd telly aaaaat Jvadajr at 118 rvertlt Ptraat Bntarad at tha poatoaaa at KbuaaU ractla, Oraton. for traaaailaaloB tbroufb tba aatla aa ataltar. Suaaerlptloa ttrma by mall to aay ad draaa bt Ua Ualtad Matat: 0fi9 JWaT iMtlMMIt 9VaVv Oflt BaHaWal aaaaaaaaa "" KLAMATAl rAXIA . . OKaXiON THCIWDAT, AVQV8T S. 101S ARK YOU KONHRT, MM. KVANST O. B. COON Th Electrical Man ;; of hay wis cut this :; ;: year. S : Not a f odtt of waste Z laid. H Come ing and see aboattnts ;ustoma small) louse, Lust be cash iancb H J. P. MfcUIRE 431 flain St; N A WII.O atort to corar up from da public InvaaUaatlon oaa of the boldaat and meat dattbarata attampta at lootlac tba city traaaury, flam Rvaaa of the Nortbwaatara, trlea to beamlrch tba good name of Mayor Nleholaa. rortuaately Mr. Nlcbolaa la batter known, and baa a atroagar reputation for boneety and veracity than our friend of the morning paper And hi weak laalnuatloaa, Inatead of being a damage to the mayor, will Imply create contempt for tba writer. 'Why U Mr. Nlcbolaa brought Into thla affair, whea be waa not even la the city at the time of the attempted printing ateatT The mayor la ac cused of being a friend of the pub tliber of the Herald, and we truat that thla atatement la true, and we would feel highly honored with the friendship of a man with the aterllag Integrity and honaaty of the mayor of the city of Klamath Falla. He la a man ao far auperlor to either Mr. Rrana or Mr. Sartdge that one can not aeaoclate with him without hav ing hla confidence In the Integrity of manhood renewed and without feel ing that, after alt, there are atlll aome honeat men In the world. We are not dealroua of slandering the charatcer of any maa or of see ing them aent to the penitentiary, but aa a public newspaper, strlvlag to print thoae things which our readers are entitled to know. It Is the solemn duty of The Herald to protect the clt liens of thla city from being robbed by the men they have elected to oflee, without fear or faror. The publisher of the Herald baa been a resident of the city of Klam ath Falla for the past ten years; and he la perfectly willing that hla con duct and aetlona abould be Judged by thoae whom ha haa associated with for alt of that time. If ha baa not been sincere and honeat In hla deal ing with the public, the cltlten hare had ample opportunity to find It oat, and wilt not need any Information from Mr. Evana. On the other hand, Mr. Brans must remember that be la practically unknown la thla city, and the people are Judging htm at the present time. The people are the final Judge In public matter, and In the course of time the honest and dis honest are known. We submit our rase to tba people. Xow, we have a propoaMtoM to offer Mr. Era of the Xorthweatera. We know that there are several mem bers of the Hty roasKfl who hare need their ofRco for their private gala. They have show themeelvee grafters of the coarsest bread. We Intend to drive these me from pah He oaVe or send them to the peaHea- tlary. They raa have their choice aa far aa we are coanerasd. Xow, Mr. Kvaas, are yoa hoaeet aad willing to aaalat The Herald la rleaalag the city ajoveraaseat of cor rnpttoa or graft, aad thaa show that yoa aud your newspaper are dtaer lag of the confidence of the public, or will yoa aae the laftaeace of your paper la uphpoMiag the looting of the eky? ft I ap to yoa, Mr. Rvaaa, to show the people of Klamath Falla where yoa staad. There caa he ao hedging or hackta dowa. Tell the people what yoa are golag to do. PEOPLE YOU OUGHT TO KNOW CAMPBELL IS SOME BOOSTER. Shortly after a maa named Noah atapped from an eicuie of a thin on . . . ... . . .v ... .wkn.w..i in this world a family or me top o ab Ararat, iui " -- - - .. booster. Klamath FalU. fortunately, number mong lt reldnt a at reel deecsndant of thla tribe. Ha U O. D. Campbell, and you can ay what you please about hla ability to run an automobile, but you must admit that , ha haa Inherited the family trait. D. B. Campbell I strictly, primar ily. Int-kat-aad-all-the-tlme, long-may-tha-atarry-atrlpea-wara and hall Columbia lle'a all of these kind of a booster for Klamath Fall. But speaking about automobile driven, Mr. Campbell la perfectly willing to admit that ho la not en titled to any medals tor this Hue of endeavor. Ho undertook a few daya ago to pilot a party of huatem Into the huatlag portion or this county. It happeaa that the road to the select aectloa lead through mountain, aad tho Incidental mountain roads must be traversed. Mr. Campbell waa at the helm. He waa the official to boi the compass, or whatever a chauffeur doc when be follows a road. The olny thing that waa really aad truly boxed waa Mr. Campbell's right ear, whea Cj F. Stone, oae of the party, forcibly took paaaeasloa of the wheel, performing the boslng operation In order to establish tils authority. But outside of this. Mr. Campbell Is all right. Not long ago ho return ed from a trip to Egypt, looking for trace of hla family tree. Recently Mr. Campbell attended th Klka blow-out lu I'ortland. Oregon. Here waa hla stock expression, used only when be found some one who had never heard of Klamath Falla: "I've bean In Egypt: I've bean In Paris; I've been In dear old Lunnon. and I've been In Kallspel, Montana, but you are the first man t have ever met who baa never before heard of Klamath Falls. Oregon." Some class to Mr. Campbell, Eht w C'HaaMM INQUIRY COURT READY TO ACT ACTION OK OFFICKRH OF NATION AL GUARD I.N DMOBKYIMJ OK OKRH WILL HK INVK8TIOATKI IIY COMMITTKK OF THKKK PORTLAND. Aug. s. Officers of the Secoad Battalion, Third Regiment O. N. O., who dealre to have a court of Inquiry go Into the event leading up to the arrest during th Oraya Harbor maneuvers, will have Immediate op portunity to appear before Colonel David M. Dunne, Lieutenant Colonel John M. Williams aad Lieutenant Purton K. Lawaon for tbelr hearing. Adjutant Ueaeral W. K. Inter an nounced the personnel of the court and at the same time appointed Major Cecil H. Dauer recorder of the court, bis duty being to represent the stale Uauer la In the department of Judge Advocate OeneraL CITIZENS WANT AN OPEN T WN iimuuiiimnmm SUFFRAGETTES HAVE FRIENDS UKITIHH OOVKRNMENT FKAK SKRIOUM OONHKgUKNCBM AH 4 KKHULT OF THK SK.VDINO TO JAIL OF IRISH VV'OMKN Ualtad Pre Service , LONDON, Aug. 8. Public senti ment I strongly against th Impris onment of th Dublin suffragettes aad the government la fearful of retalia tory measure. Tba police admit that they fear assaaslnatlona may follow or be attempted f I aar "So," said the Ooddess of Fortune, "ou are weary of steam yachts and special trains?" "Yes," replied her especial favorite, "And you have ceased to care for motor cars and aeroplanes?" "Entirely." "Well, what do you desire now?" "I want to go Into a convention with my private ateam roller." Washington Star. ) nhiifOp By Joe Busk Uood morning, have you been bribed? o It Is now In order to look for the man "higher up." Aad It doa't take; a whole page to tell about the graft, either. When there cornea to some expo' Ing to be done, truat The Herald for the Job. In the meantime you must admit that the printing steal was the pro verbial atraw. Of tourse, dishonest councilman are not expected to be respectera of coin. Most any kind la auro to look good to them. Call Up I78IX 681 ANTORIA.NH FltKHKYT A I'KTITION TO THK ITTY COUNCIL AHKIMi THAT THK LID UK TAKKN OFF THK UNDKKWOKID ASTORIA, Aug. I. A petition signed by 00 rreldents of this city waa presented to the council asking for the reopening of the restricted district lu the Interest or business. The petition waa filed and the ma jority of the councllmen expressed themselves la ao uncertain terms, op posed to the reopening of the district. Two ordlnancea were Introduced pro viding tor the regulation or the dis trict and the prohibition or any means or communication between places where liquor la sold and apartment occupied by women, but both were laid over. "I did not have a very nice time when 1 first went to Annabel's," little Madge announced on her return home. "Annabel iu cross as could b; she wouldn't let me play with her doll or touch one or her playthings." "Well." replied her mother, "when I was your age, had 1 gone to see a little friend and she would not let me touch her playthings, I should have gone straight home." "liut times have changed since you were a little girl, mother," Madge re plied, alter due reflection. " I slapped her race and stayel." Kajpa City Star. Ice ColdAlelons Watrmolonsdlvred to youi homn cold as f Id atornge can make tfem,-Hjtr piud. e Malta Mirket, IS7I and ll W havu som venQesu-ble etr treat prop. foJaie-Stephen Hunter Resit Sit t - i And order an Ice-eafd watermelon delivered to youriome, 1c pound. Also cold caaialaCp at Hale Mar ket. andw with Whit tf aa pVbet wii enierumment TllV fi Form MAI'LK FRAPFK, HHKKir.ir, WATKR 10 VANILLA. STRAWBKII1 AND CIIUiOLATti K'R CRKAM. Our SherlMta are made water. Olre a brick of SI ii atsr lee Pelican order for for your Klamath Fal itiaaitca rly Hoxey Oregon A Clean Scalp And Hair Many of your friends hav luuadjaWu luaurlaut gruwtr, ti blr oft and gloaty aad a araip liar irum uunarair, win rt IUTONF. rnin lha use of NYAL ML I. Ik. ' '" - M WhlhblrwlthwBjaTv-trr aad a pur oa.-rliu, ti,. oughly-rub th calp wlkfli atlff bruah-apply Hlriuloae-.fi, In well and dry the halrJaTor combing. Pitas undtrtlaBdJfhat llinuione is nm meraiy a net ir m,, II It a tonic a food-ff troaajhly tleaaaea, k aaw preveau bac u.lakaa attll atlWMlat the rJl4 of lt TZa isadinf unvsato Ha rottira eaJ raataral haaaly a4 rator Ibo hair. i aaeuld be ?a year treetlni table, i cent aad ll.f'.Mh bottle,- WhHa lerlal Itself I U Ml I l T saaBaaBBaaBaarHaa aSaaBaa"MiJ.tt.kvV kJT L T I Flrtt Trbdl W rtaThcaVu pou aad dirt irom carpeu-yd rug by tb electric vacuum proc. Phone 001. OSlce 817 KUauth R W O 0: H This Bank Offers Couvenleace and itcurlty u everyJffltUe man or elUaTffr Fuads debotliBd k T far safer than they ria V Isawhsre. and ara Im.i .. .. . , ..fly, able for buitaess purposes mi you kept tb actual caw U your noa-burglar proof mh Start aa aetaaat and fret yew. aelf from the worry abeat U, safety of year eaah. and Saving! Bank KisBaata Falla.. Orso ININ J. Zl'MWALT, IVealoral. K. M. IIVHB, Vl IIKIIT K. ttlTllltOW. Nerrrla ". nndTlvn Klamath CountVAbatract Co ABSTJ0.CT1NG I reyors im irngiuon Kngiaeers MAPS. I'MXi. HLVMlBlNTt, KTC. KlBHiatB f llll, OrStN WE WILL GIVE YOU To advertm the DURHAM tHJPl.K.X rasor for oaly the oastrMHillMg rr Fill out the roupoa below w will give rest MCKNTM. AJMZOR St HatHMI ajBr au4 fcrtMJTii . Mlih N rftUi tgMt -Jft ' eWaaL te ' "y w i r""11 W ihiMifr Co mch mtm VIVI. O. IHJJrOf GET GTvAHHISH INTIMl i Ihi-m Ju.l qakill Aay perana Mho Nreda g4ayra at al Miry raa be had. Hrraua eaili ilay thai la alliiMaT Hi pasa Inriraars Ihr lroW JIIBt tliat We haveV free aervlre of J-faiiilaalhia heir Hint la for sayawlf aail everybody. We employ afcly the nam approved wwrtliwU for lesHag ryr, aad reaulU areWwayAVwaai fhey should he. Take advantage He (iiailualr ami Stale Wlntern eml Optlrlaa. r W. M. TIMMpT ieieral Hrase Cliiiiii Bltctrlc Vacufm Carptt mi OnrJciMHlmg GOOD PRINTING Is an important factor in any business, and often contributes toward success Let us show you our stock of bond papef and print for you a line of office sta tionery which will prove a business getter W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. FOURTH BTRKT, BCTWBKN MAIN ANO KLAMATH