tap "l&ivf Kiijli ' ' "ef iai- teg) ., .- ." ' ' , kmmatii mMa'okwiox, tiuhnimv, ,mitHT , ikih ' KiM ilotMkVMc i i ; ft!?7; " I, " I v tN . j T,i . ii 7 iTI 55r"T '' - "T. T" irarTiTT,"rrT r-nrTTTnprT"rr'M' "TTTT'r'TrTSSSS g saaaBaw. BBfAam'gBaaBn'BBBfBaaBL .anvnw. aavnwssBBBBaasB. llr 1 ' ' ' ' - ' ' - ' I , .nMi'1 - .., . j ,L ,.,. ty b : vR BH. t . ifllw'''HHHillHHH Ba' u.muib gg BTgP4 araB AflAVi ' -A I BHBlHI BBtBbbI BBBbbI BAmlBBT BbVJBbVJ BAbBbVj BaBaBBaf ''''' 'rBaB"BBBB' BMaiBBBBBi BbVBbVABbVBbbi BaVABBVvBABVir M Abb Hh Bl Bl 'HH nc '! ' bbb B H HH H HH fl wgBaV. BBBBB WgBaiBBf BBbBBbbI BBBBBml MBBbbbLIi ' BbH'IHbBbbL aB-RJ.)BEBLi BBI' BBB BBBBJ HHHHH wBBk BBBBJ BBBBBj BBJBVfl BBBBBfl BBBjhb iCjir'BBJ''1 ,ii H H Bjk r BawBBmw BbwAbwAbBbw7BbwBi BBb BbVABBV VABBB BBbBBbb! BaHBaVJa mBBBBb! BB-'aBvBBJ BpB BBBv r n jBaHBawAaWBrnBawABa' BBk aflffflfl 'ffflfflfl BBBBBB BBfsBBai BHbVBF' " Bafl'BaHBBfjH '-'4-f T-' BaHak aBFdfA' HB)B mb bbbT bbbbV ! VJ' H . i bTMbmbTMbTI BTflBTBTYBBBTMi H al bbbbbbY ffflfflf affllaffll bHbbt. HbbI ffflfir"flfjBBl ' " afar -' H T aval Baffll BffllBfflnfflfi.''Bfflffl1 BBBBJ BhBBBBa BBBj BBhBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,BBBAhBJBBB" ' BBJ '" :BBiLaBB BBHaBBBBB BBB BBBBBBjaBBBBBj j wAIbv BvaVaVA VAVj BVBBVaVaV vaVaVaiBvaHi ' vaVJBValBVaHBfl ijbbh - vaHBvaT BValBVavBVfl BvaBVaBValBVarBVaBBi BrJirai "r bMJbbbB " bNbbBbI - bbTt. I FbTbI' afBlBfrH 1 I . I - I c KT gfeu CouncilmanTakes Advantage of His Position to Levy Cash Tribute) From Helpless Citizen 'i Proof IDDY AND HIRAM FRUIT GROWERS fiETINTHE MCE (HK'AU" IIKI.M1.TM IttMTTKtt' - GET SOME HELP .'AI.miltKM.NN .MX't'NKII OK isei xathjm'h "I'lrrH" t I UK. v of Graft is Possession of . i a TAFT'S VETO Herald--- R,mi! Now CRUEL SUITOR KILLS 2 6IRLS y H N" lrrttrt MliHlirr or ,m Viirh HrMlor Kiium HcIm-iiik Iii (iltr CallriirnU Mm (Imnrr lu Vt J The' penonrtel bf the real "rtritritera" In the cit council of Kkmath PIU ,'hM, be( St He Will llr-l MU (MNtti ( (Hitriar In MAr hr lUri litr Hip Ut l'irlitrn IUum Will lk ito HiM (Villi litmr tnr lit rn I'r1 llir I'lUr nf t-'iult lor Dip 'nualr). In Mill nf Hip I'rulral, Himntrr, Tti Mrwmi thtem to Hip I'mlilral) fur HU HIiiIiiip l'iltl I'irM nmirn (I nil til I'm Hrlr fllll'AOO, An).. -l.'olonur lli. WAHIIIMITON, II. 0.. Au, k,- itll iBd llovprimr Hiram Jolm.on roiiicrmmu lUrrUon of Nrw Vork, Mf,rr,J .III, H.r n.llm.l rommll. ,,UcUM,t lp ciwfflir. ,vml It,. I Ik. inutrtMlf i;.rr lud.r K. ,tr,culluri B,iprt)lPfuUon bill In I -rr4hMdqU.rt.r.. - .f(lfnil frl( Jf(ir m( r(fr,, Jr Hiruu iu Mowuir ic mr!Wh p,h.r InUr-i. lo Inn out fpili' utuwtr nd I'.rklru and MuiiMr !miHirUlloii tp th Allaallr porti, MMWri of lh nnaar cnmmilMr.i 11lw nlH,tl niMlwj ,IP ,,,,. huW Umii of Slontaiw fclll fcoi for ,hfl jioiuiB, of ijiurantlnn. uttaMl'rbitrman. rranklln Fort of .-,,,,,, ,,ir Mrd,rrrnM n- .rf x'.,J.,"r ,,f' r,",lrw'' B,, (Hr"r jtiatU.vouUt anvty olr tu (Ur ai(i. lloowrrlt ttnl Jnhnion IliU norn hill tirrlrirallir rirmtilrd Hip l'lflrlr III i a rwitlon In h nnllflrarnMl. cot)c known, and it dcvelopi tlut,- although in oflfice hut a few weeks, already thesemtn liavc violated their oath of office by bribery.' Two notes, totalling about $860, and $150 ii.fcMlifwas'titf indilctnt which Hrbirt Sav)dKe 'and hU cIok :4tociate. oti theUkv , council solicited to influence their votes as memlKri of the council. ''", ' i: . I . . uv ' i ii J the saloon transfer proposition and on the .. city advertising Meal ' - r The transferring of the liquor license was ' not in itself an iriiquitousact'.1 Innocent members of the council voted "aye" to the motion. They did not know that .if there " (hid frfofJEHeen money forthcoming Savidge i aijd aifrciates would have voted against1 it. AnT"if tiere had not been 'money In sight, aaviugc, accoraing o np own.inrcar, yrouia VUAn.1 Mheithe m?ljey wi paid and the1 4th?v bUndlyisento hi feetHand. as notes K'vcn. Savidge and his associates at" onfc,.r hl" Vrat ?cUl 'ct,,.a,r!d,i that t(oo coamltlrv, trtrltM. Aftjirillnn lu Hip tontrtillon rulr ikoMilunnl commit U mutt ronlalit fotr womrn, Mlu Jann Aililanii unit Mlu tlluUlli IIhIiiipx of California ut minllonnl, Tt ratlu lii'Aiiiiirlra will iroh !1y U farrr, and ilm iitlirr4 In Nnvi Tok, Atlanta. tUn Kranrluro nml I'otlUnil. Ore fioiftnor Jotumm l nuitrrlilpit Mrr in rnlcn Hip povprnomhlii -4WUfiiU or not. Ariutui of Hip imtlniml roiiimlilra iCiniinin-.! on I'mcp 41 Tbtr wrc iliulo- Mr. Ilarrlaou aald Ibal Hip rffpr of llio confptrncp, cliansn wuuld lw to hllitrn tha tariff wall, iTratly to Hip tienpflt of Hip California fruit In ItTpaU. Kent of California ami Moorr of I'cnniyUanla dpnlml that Hip ami ml inrni would havp IliU pffpft. Ippllp Hip llarrUon irolml, Ihr ronfprpnro rppnrt wa pft iiikIihui piI. ii nil thr Mil now mr lo Hip r ! tlant. -J U- 'JtLi ' !M Mr. and Mr Jnrk Klmtiall havt1 tPlurniM from n trip of apvrral wpaloi ihrougli, tha UiiiIkt' holdln'M of lit WVyerliaiupr romianr. 1 I I. 1..- - J-i '.' " Diplomats in fear of European War, MOTHER SEEKS : , MISSING SON the meeting of the city council on the night of June 3d voted ns'they had agreed to. In other word', they "delivered the goods." But Savidge and associates are not cheap grafters. At first they demanded that $1,600 be paid, but when this amount was not forthcoming after at least two ineffectual at tempts to force the payment by threats of adverse legislation, Savidge and his part nept in this enterprise cut the amount, al most in two. Money actually passed and two notes were actually given' the city officials tu bring ab.out the transfer of n liquor Jicense. The full details of the final meeting be tween the city couucilmcn and the man who nought favors is now in possession' of The Herald. It reads like a chapter from the life of Abe Ruef in liis palmy days in San Francisco. t "Pay, or you won't get your license trans fer," was the threat of Savidge. And the pay was forthcoming. 1 Hut Savidge was not to be trusted, in the opinion of the favor-seeking citizen, and the money and notes were placed in an envelope to be held uv a wen Known citizen umu application for the i transfer of the license be , granted. , t "- "If you don.'f pay ynu can j thave "the license transferred " Sa,v'idge. thundered. ,, "I can't pay," replied the favor seeking man. "I haven't got the money ." i ' "I'll give you until7 3" o'clock tomorrow afternoon to getit," "'saui' vidgt', J 7,. But the money pad 'not been.raise'd.j'the time limit fixed by the newi councilman., But Savidge persisted, and finally at a meeting held in the office 6fa prominent lawyer the cornprpmise wa effec'fed. ' . , Savidge would have his, pound of, fleshT Did Sam Evans know. that Savidge had been engaged -in trafficking in legislation and "see" the boss before he submitted his outrageous bid oh" the.aty"advertlsing?' Did the virtuous .qwncro'f the' morning paper know, in advance that, Savidge. could and would "deliver the goods?" r' - Probably. Or it is possible that Savidge, believing in the simplicity of the newspaper man down the, street, "came f through" with out price, in order, to beT insured of contin? ued subserviency of .Evans. - ... n 'Developments will show the'true inward-" nes8 ot tne aeair ine county grana jury may become Jjjqufsltie'coricerninihis city lAKIFK MrHl'KM'miiL 'tWlNTofrFtl.MTV ui ', THKDWCABX ! OfOHMKIW: yuiivi i UHWKUABO, ., , . ? mv.nKcAmm Wi i i Kart That Hw Wool aad me aim- ttlllXNat IJbp Vm VIHh the HrimUHc lU of lb la Takra aa aa f. turn 'nfjertfd hy otri. I m MiewaMfci t MttPriHrart aa4 aUr IMatar, WkM I'arrMa Ar Awy Wafwaf' at MJcrtiea to, hurti lxUUlloo BIMa Are Bata tun .llanitu sol1'"-" Tidlo vj; lrl Iwfieanr That prral Kfart'l Itov llr Hoaor 'OMteit-HMaatlwrVMa''u u "WABHWUTERf? VrC.'IMU. . I'realdant Taft Indicated Hjt,be ta 'taada. (,TeWr.th1m;oaiad MmI tariff MtatoabMla.a W.re.l ri VUIailaY,aeagiJpin i'tM both ' ntmn. ItVW&lmi Uat -.either bill bad been loraiHUtM witn ll'e aid of tha tariff board, aad. tbar- "- 'ifnlUd Praaa ffanrla ' WteAvmyiuxrtoM a. sv tiroegg Loraaa h Mawbas aT tha baa at He ahol liliiilf wUll a itta. waa foaad a aaartcr-af a l thr arrac ef Uta ataraer. them rW be Uwts maaiali aa;v.. n fit i ana,, aad aH af vHw, biuagM ta WaarrrviaW tJaa avt lore, doa not coaaUtuta a aclaatltfe lartff revlaloa. w.- IOPKRA HOl'BK jKata OotlM. aa IS, aad aA Mi . BVRNH DOWX ARHLAND. Aug. 8 Gaalord Oatra House block, on of the Uadaurka ot AhUnd In tbe central bualaaaa ate- ,tlou. was, totallr daatroytd by Are wtilcb ,wa dltcovrrrd early In tbe morning.. Tbo Iom on tbe building la approx imately 115.000. with M,000 lnaur-j pun. t HarrUon Brotbera, leaseea of the opera house, werebearr loaera, and 'had no Insurance. Nlalger A Hackle, J rocrt.; loat about:?J,00j' aatflalyo 8on. billiard parlors, bad a loaa of 11.500, Both of the latter ara cot- ip'pd by taaaranee. I v iHJt, were faaad.i the hone of WlUtaaa. rather, today. O serge Lersai. turn's brother was 1km rajactai aal orof,Elba. He has tikaa ta tae MMe) armed wita i Wlaeaaster asl sL automatic. ptstoL w'' r Poasea are la aura, j Tae atala y glrla were at tbe Lareas boss while tbe mother and stepfather were absent. The house la spattered with blood. and tha elder girl's clothing U torn. Indicating that shp made a dcupprate fight far her Ufa. The tragedy occurred on the Trin ity Hirer yesterday afternoon. The news was raeelretf bare today. Loreai la expected' to' git fo the daatk. vi ,ti t such time as Savidge and associates had advertising mattered, cqncludetoripyestt pcrformetl their part of the ttefaHoWcon- c J gate'. ' n-,v n-ir'n i -, v tract. " ! r ,Inthitevnt,-thBlocation,otthe',grafttn Aim tlicn at tne nrst meeting oi me cuy mcjVy hiiiiur u ". !- ...i.i.i. c..!.in. - tm. Um. firt Tn li innttmItTnfHno'rftl M 1 .Ofi, -fl DM I'rrw yprtKa IASH0.V, Amk. KllilomrlaliPrP1 Wllrm(ll nvpr Ihr ullnallnn tn rTu"n. A rovnlMlon Is ronsldrredl ftruiu. ""!, llulgnrla and Monleiirgrol ' irnlnc ami Turro-Oreelan rela IIom tre atralnml. A mviiliiil.ni Ul 'alnmi In AnUtlr Turkey. Kierjlhlng now point- lo Ilm breaking up of t, ottoman emplro, w It Ii fpni that Hip pram of Kutoi U thrralrned. f I 'W'fI Hulsarlaim Karagetl M I'fMi Krlco "" "OflA, llulKurln, Aug. 8. Kn 4 nt Hip niMMacrr of lliilgarlnna ' Turkey, I In, iecito nro demanding ' Th umMlliatlnn 'of troopH'uta ffi": T"rUy '"! ot "WH .,0 IT ."? 1'rn,l'" lnat the slaugh ''.ordsmsnii for Indemnity. - .flraseil With Country . Emmett neon ftna W(C-; ,nu nro"B of Talent, nnd Dr. ZT' "'''Mi.n of nuluth, Mlniip a.kn' ln U,t Ynla by uulo i.i ? - '"w county for sev Mj!.,,U,l',BlHr. fTIm LaVJ1' v ,08""ow for Orator r" A trip was mad this ranrri- l k M r0""h th' K'mt '. 6! ""eFatlilen has many words of th. ,h0 nourUh' condition jnMy iTt v.' "Tr1 rr ..'.? " invnrauiv with Ibis: r onm?" MM OFKICi: HKKIt.iAI. HKSIW HUT ISKOItMATKN0SCKHS-i ISO Tilt jSJiy- 1 TIUH'dHT IV Hi: IX THIH VICI.MTV ' "1 ' r-rf ' 1 council in which Savidge sat for the first time us a trusted servant of the, people, he arose to .his feet and moved that the liquor license be transferrcdj, knowing that only by the approval of his motion could he and his associates come into the possessio nof the $150 in cash and the two,notes. IIow.lt was divided is not known, but it is certain that there was no quarreling over the spoils, for since there has been Harmony between the members of the ring, and the opinion of one has been the opinion of the They have Btoou snouiaer to snoui others. dder on most measures, just as they did on A. Wf- Ortiiu. register of the Uke-j ; . , " low Isml ofllce, Is trying o assist an I m JT. 1 a iaai iuuIoiih mother to locnto her son. I i lgfnTI llff'Br ll.llDjiOsf'X 111 lias ..ke.1 Ihr llernl.1 in nsslat In tAoUlUI' IV WW JLll ll WO 111 In the meahtime'.r;iTothinBrdefinite can be , ascertained from the authorities as to what the first stept will be looking toward the pun ishment of the representatives of the tax payers cf Klamath Palls who have violated tti trust imposed in them. These men, no doubt, will be allowed o offer thejr explana tions in a court of justice, and it may be found that when they do senconsiderable light will be thrown on the causes of grant ing the Northwestern "the advertising con tract which means the "robbing" of the tax payer, of Klamath Fals of almost $2.000 'a Rebellion in Hayti ! . Noy Seems Certain . . . . j j j .' ' I DEMURRER IU I'ORT A.U 1'KINCK. llMrtl. Aug, 8 III i Hnkldint Claclnnatus.lleronte wai u. PUT ON FIIF ' exnlnatosLIia . mr t nine. wAleeaaWhtsr I .' .T. -i waa killed today la. a fire which destroyed nltad front aa govtrnmeat ataga- -palace. hoarch. Mrs. J. V. fhrfnimn ' Vwi tlrovu. Urrgoii, scckM Information com-emlng iinr son, Henry Bliannon. Tho boy l Niiiioseil to ho In I Ills srrtlou of Iho, country, i IUegal a - i I - Ti-"--. vUTV ATTOK.NKV PKOTBCW CU.orlgln;ojythaiTajiaowB. X KSTH UV MAKlXa I'HVAtLC-1 The couaTpyJAj'taf erga of a '. uitifajaMiOT .... .'... .r.J Tbe poW 4avraaU moblllslfd. will lie Scheme to Secure Evidence 1 1 .jti .u .1 ltr:ilK.I4 HKHK I'KACK I'HOIHWAI. I'AHt). Toxrh, Aug. 8. Uebols 10 uIoiik tho lino of tho Moxlran Central are fighting thn mlvance guards Of the! MderfU. whif nro sdynnclng dn Jauros. v j Tho'fbri'oe meVAt Iho' Villa Ahum- adn, 100 miles south. It Is report tlmt tho robot ndvauco on Chlchniihuii Ims been checked. United Press tJervfce " , NKW YOUIv, Aug. 8. District Jt loriiey Whitman ndmltod that JpKh llockefeller.' Jr., with his father hacking, has operated a pretended disorderly h'ouse in the heart of the white light" dttrlct,'to got evldehtft against tho .police nnd white slaviri. Thf. .'vlifnea will he usod at the Ull Orosco ndmlls' of l'pllci.r.feutenaut Becker. that he I. submitting" u ,,co propo, RockefeUer has a n, a, xjp. sal to Madsro. The terms navenoi oiar u...., .. .-.- .- - baw'wtftMt04 " jsaaatlHHrtV-liora-aUboru-boses i i Vflll I more, nnd lesser houses pay less, has nuuoalod, and Is now ready to that dealing ln white, "miess. unoemiooa nni na pay Ho ilpclnrea slaves baa 'beconle-'ai regular trade.'1 corroboratae Rosa. foreign I 9 .1 --ti (llrlrt from 'tho country aad lands nro taken to raaoHannd auc Honed off, Just as were slaves before' hRbsonthM irskvi Wi J FVtM.AMftwi slft eiaiaAsl rUHTaneU. IWSU TfMwajwai . . ,. . .. . -j t a ready'., lt'ls reported that Rock.tel- '" UU"B",U ,u" " mn """ l,l.M Involve 'nihV liroml- imccu. n. w iu m .uv uv. ..... -"- -- --v"- : i Harry -Weber la HoaaHal ; Harry "Weber.' the well known. serlqhs condlv hoeptal, aad It .S "leniuplilntlu tho case tn which W. O. 3 Smith of The Herald Is seeking to prevent the robbery ot taxpayer ty ne awarmug oi mo cuy auTPriiaiaa eontract to the Northwestern. ; J This action waa taken to pwveat default Judgment being taken during . the absence from tbe city of 'Judge Niprako, city attorney, who la'pltaa! a vacation trip. i V . T. ' ' ' ' ) . 3? Mayer MaUWtea Oakland, Calif., Aug. .- and It la expealad that there street agbtlacaooaJl aaloU J atutox JUAN JS ves before' Harry "wener.1 tne ,, vh'lnter',is' ln"qtlte'V i Inr'a L' 4,Uii2. ,.awr !" Jacob Reich, alias Jack pltal last week, and this morning had' auulv'an.'nulto a bad spall. laft&lag III -After sweeping victory I In a recall elaesloa. it which the voters, ezpraasejaelr preference to the extent of Mbrly 7,000 majority, .Mayor, btott haa-ri- nls'chalr'iis th chief exiitlte jumsd turner nnd WaV lUtafcoM.V ef tho city, and CaastlaaloaenrF. C. r.'J. Baceus wINfalao r .afUNT VICM 1'ORTUkND, Ore., Aug. S. J ha Bchlaeppe, a salooamaa of 116 F rst street; accMeaUlly shot and kilted himself on the bllU back of.Bvrll ig toafJon the ualtad. KaUwayn uae, ic cordlag to ai ratort received by ne coroaer'a ostea. tt'laJsaM that Ichtaeppe. la i pany with M, leaner, a'salaeas aa of 681 First street, waa la the hUa about three miles from BurUaglM, ItFWIPeVi PW . dentally, dlackargad. killing, him at- meeTlnatnntly. Tha' eoroaer't oi ! remain Jn pee for th remainder of meat 'Instantly. Th' eoroaer' oi m fre ULlHUiblrd W, W atW.rikHaame TW-c