'.Al U.a ! HlU'I'MKIt IIV THK fNirKW '' N,iM'" wvm Befall.. Uft'i'JCA ut'sma m II 'IU Ti M i i HUNT THK IfKWH, NOT u I I w,, Vr,.l N. ."W KLAMATH KAM, OirKlO.VKIIXUNI.AV, AIWI'MT 7, IMIit Price, Mf OeJai JUDGE BENSON HALTS RAID ON CITY TREASURY Wwwi "" "" uniwiin miiiiii l , rwwn u: - - - -- '. 1 Almost a Million For the Highways of Crater Lake: CONGRESS TO PROVIDE FUNDS SUFFRAGETTES GO TO KILL COURT OF COMMERCE PR06RESSIVES TO PRISON CELLS Atli'luplnl Anton la I'unUhnl by llll.Uli Jkltlgr United I'rea Service DI'III.IN, Aim. 7. Mrn. Mary I'IkIi ami Ml. (Hail) Kvan. Teddy, The " Wanst", Gets Third Chance at the Job nufrrnnvltfn, ttero today sontou- ceil lit flvn )car. penal nervl.ude it until for attempting to burn the lllll.r.l 1'n.i Hertl.e ! WAHIIINUTON, Aiik. 7 '."jllnr. '10 In IU, llii KKimln today no-cpu-il (ll.e budge, dill ton.alnlim ii prntUlim litiill.hlUK lint ioiiiiiiiTU' i mil' mill III! .ll"Hlbitlliig lln Judftf una nil I'm- iiixiirii to iiih various ilrciill -mrli. Tli .nteaiiie (urllii-r nuii'tula t lit- rltll itervlm law o inter seven )ir ll' iihla for government employ , Will llel -I'lii. Iiniixt linn not )! nil'iplnl Hi UWhj'eport II U liollnVfit Dial PrralilHliI Tuft J la Xalhwal Pa.k Wink "III ,, Vr,(, , .,,., Marlnl Tlil huiitairr. ami BI.IM.Iwmi J Karh fear Will IU- Kiml I'm II Hi Mini l t'liiuplrirtl. : BAND TO PLAY quffP (lNQiQ':1::-:a:::.,r,,,;,(.L::tnT;:;; : m tuc pipy BERGER STILL j AFTER CROOKS tailKHNMUXT KMHXKK.M i'MUm wonii ok .trriov In Mn Time WI'J.WMI IAiallable " lwW"trliiml iMimi'i.irrK iiktuixh inhkwh; VHTOItV Kill THK HUM, MINM. I IIH hTIIIIIM IN IX A VKHV CI.OHI: HACK FEAR REIGNS IN SULTAN'S PALACE kimkjkam IH WKI.I. AXI IXtTUDKH .XL'MIIK.KM filial I'rw Service WAHHINOTON, Aug. 7. Itepre- .entatlve llergcr of Milwaukee an nouiired today, after an Interview HKI.KCTKI,Jw,,n Attorney fleneral Wlckeraham, Dial a federal Brand Jury would prob ably convene In Seattle aoon to dla- U'uril li bccti received Iruiu 'ililnii Umt ample funde will Kn Ih- nllMe fur Imprnteiiienli M Outer Nalluiml I'ark. T6r dill umlry bill, irrliiK hIHi ll a law aiiturlalliin for IIik 'rK, iHI'I'IIKMI! Ol' il Irrlx muinl, and llir flimU Mill' hIi t,tl-' COURT HOUSE CASE SETTLED i oiled Pic Herlr TOI'KKA. Kana.. Auk. 7 Tbe lai- .l nliirii. Imllral that Ibo Itouamltjmutiii OK WiVAl. l-KIIHOVArir 14 lirmlilentUt clirlnm have IxtBiaow1 Innteil b majiirlllm raiixliix fr'ciiu IHtVMXU :i.1,ii('0 iiiwnnl'oer (tie Tail Heel. inn. Tbi' rnri'"ht ulnli tlrkcl wan liullilimlr-l Ii) iiiiijorlllr ranicllic from War llrlMrrn Monlrrro la i:rrlnl Srt.OOO In 40,000, 'lOI'KKA, Kaun., Auk, 7. lurnm H'l" nliirn ludlrali that thr pri .ri'rlirM liHU' rpl Kaimaa, Ivlv.t IdxiM'telt lirmldpntlal elfrlura hio I'riih.ild)' Ih-cii nnmlnntrd, Arthur Cayiirr, iiroctraslrp, lm imi'u nouiliialrd fu Kuvrrnnr. (lov . TO Ill'M.IMliritT llet'Hi: IX HOT triuir HlubU and Hvnalor Cnrtlm ni I'nlleJ I'reaa Sertrlca riimiina nuw rni nir inn pruai irni I U.NHTANTIXUI'I.E, AUK. 7 Tile notnlnniluii. KUnri, ntound J. iUUB', ,tf0 ba lirea doubled. Aataaalaallon la feared. i it nr.xm:iiM ik linil.MI I'llOI'OHtl, iroa Irt mnlUhltf ilijur Unrruw, L'nlled . Hlalv vu, flrrt, linn IKrlli'd Mind nf tbi i. ,j of t tit mratuti', and l irpparril (in tm !( irk ai atNin aa oMrlall .ittiiiir.iioiii.rinaf - . : : ,!v. v ' 7." v 'Miift i Mtiimiin s An .wioi.ii.auu ut a.o:.w. i.,ls5iJ,Lprj." "s je: '. mi Huria mtrMinni nl Any Tlnw HnicarUnii Arr lle IMiHril lit lie l'rrHirlnK In linai Mmi ilonla t'nrrlKnrni In ftnkry Arr In (Iratr llnaarr, la llir Hepotl In t'lrraUlkHi I I WKITTKX IIV KAMOL'N Ml'HICALMorer what "hlgber-upa" were behind niJHI-OHKHM former Judge Hanford. It Ii predicted that proralaent Heat- I tie lawyer, bualneaa men and poll tlclan will be Indltted., . ;. court houne aqunre la particularly pleanlnx for tbla evening. , The program follewa: March Waahlngtoo Military. .Miller' Oterture "l.uatplel" . . ..Kfler-llala Kong "(Jarland of Itoaeii" Kltlity Helecllnn "llohemlan Olrl" . . .tlalfel I'nraphriae "Iireley" . . . .Neabadal Wallx "lloaton" 'T,co WiHRlNTH ai ino imfiiine nan wiiaon National Aathtm M-IIIMJn AIMUTIOX U QUARTEm OF HUNTERS lEIOil EMPTY HJUaKD WARRANTS ARE GOOD FOR CASH V.MlKA.XTtt UH.KWS OS COURT MOt'MC FCTN0 HgO7U NOT Bl OljtCOVVrKD, A!jTaiKaU: tS M.KXTV OK MONKY TO KAV "PROGRESSIVE" LSPARTY KOIE UIIKAT KXTHltifAM nRKNTH TNI MTMCXl'OCH ONB' v Jolmxta l KatorM far for Coloawl HaaaeveH tloti Hrtaga a CorHcMtK of K tie re rfatge Tafcea ReMoreOriar. Orfca t MkV Till'' Uli' (Uprvlite rtiurt ban nut, Korelgnera are nbjo In danger. La mount rirh )rnr lltllll the entire Ubl III wllt l.- II. CaMnball. C 9l Btane. Judae II I. rumuxedJfcttjUiilgarlaii trooi'. irwM odjWJj r- Mh .miniy court bona ca.e. and una' IT BJBt X lllllpjj re preparing io invaae aiarMOBlB. u.rned laat evening from a week'a the i..n.lr.itil...i of th ni' cmml) ' ' "" "", B """ Thi- Turkl.h war declaration hunting trip to Mah Ijike In the I.iiII.IIiik In Hut Hi.tlna. addllltm may .hkaliut Monlenegro la hourly el- """" panoi iu.if lniM-reil vtllhiiui fear of Inlerruptlon. Judge Thoa. Drake la Keltlng lblnga,KC(l, New of the dif llin wa rerrhrit 'In reaillneaa no aa to take a trip to hi.1 " !itw) for buiMIng roadrrmbe partrtbeirentt emirf tn tlarrRmoaa Maui-iM to,! jnonlliiK lo Major Morrow'a ad iiliri, llio hnln amount haa been al (l'irl,lixrllirr wllh an appropriation ot KS.iiAA fur water lanka and up t 'lpr. The money I appropriated (uh'lrr tin' miillnuln approprlallnn I'lin, thr Mil allotting llno.nuii fur lie mirk IhU )r, nnd the ame lnltcd Preae flarrlea CIIICAnO. Aug. 7. AaM enthualaara, Tkeodor nominated, for the progreaalve Ueket, tbe mkm daaiaed on by tba 4WWatea rtow la;aialg g, tbhicHr. - ' " The noaloaiton waa .made by ai clamatlon at 5:10, CklcaartlKM. " After the withdrawal of Jndf i.inaaey laere waa no eajajaajajagi RorcniW JohtMoa of CaJiiinig aecond place m Um Ueket., , At the MtW'rt'tkVfei tk Mra. Rooaevelt aaUrad tk In the rliy U.l nlxht and around ro. Wood llhfr raneb on Saven Mile, nuwi4 (H KHIt.T pldrrablf Intrrr.t. Tln nmlrotrmy within a few day. Judge urane naa rr the liifntli.il of thr prnpoaeil new" ISO acrra In the Wood Klver Valley, court ImuM. haa waged for a Iiiiik llnm and ho la preparing to upend aaveral ',.lI((,j VrvUi Kprt)(.c nnd li lioen inner ai iiniiw. "" !, " i' " i.i:iiv,(. Ana. "Wo bad a fine hunting trip," aald Mr. Campbell tbla morning, "but It waa all hunt, aa ,wa. dlda't gat any ilerr. We aaur one, but Dad Hhlvo OK MClHNTIkrT car,d u ,war Mr. Stone la ihowing a pair of bad- weekathere. and will tiuMn hU time '"".:.' ..r.. .. i Miatereii iianaa loaay. lie wan A. MN.n a. Mejor Morrow rl. J "' i n rn ri t V. ha .he ,..eail..i. of llh m-w of mm. making Improve- " '" " ' ,fn' '' wllh Mr. Campbell In hi. .utomobl.e. - fyd nmrhlllhal Ihe bill bat haenl r,,Vr !, , ".I Ihr II..I Hprlnga alir. menu. ,'r,r" ' h,C" """ " "hi'rt "' ' ni1 -"cording to hi .lory Campbell,- J j.lrtf.1 I.) the problem, lie will ataill,, ,,, , mlu ,lf ,, orKntl "I havo lv.o platM of' properly In't'tljr mtrlbulaMe to the fact Hint he tried to climb every tree along "l1" a nmiie aura i lie .'m i an inr iwi,.i, .i ,iii i,. iLe rnae. and Klamath ruiinty." a!U JildKO liraae, i...imh like n lilpeU. AllhnuKli .a- "" """ "- .. -,., ... ... .. .. r v-. v,fc i..a i ij..i Ihle. ".:.""". ..." ...... ...... .'.I....I. i I wn. One I. mv ..... Iwar maklnK repalra Mr. Stone put ln" """"'" " ."'"""'," ;;,: "" T.7" " "Z"" .' iniitirrima Miiittwriiii'p ...-t.' ,i.-. Several local builnaaa houaea, not knowing that Klamath county new court houao warranla were worth par. hato been dUcountlng tbe warrant offered by workmen agloyed on Uaa hew" conrt h'ouae, and coWpWnt naa reached thla oSce. At preaent time tbi re are (our'Uon ball. ifa waa claaaea of warrant laaued by Klamath ' Unit aatnla rounty. They are designated: i The coaveatlea aaat Klamath County New Court llouae.Ml:Mc.Tlaa-lrpert of Klamath County High School. 'mlttee waa adovted altar I Klamath County Road. ra that nmmbI Klamath County General. one delegate far every S.eta . Warrant drawn on tbe new court. areaeWe vetea, aM Hhfi ekBaaif ) houne fund are worth dollar for dol- the party be Prograati ve," wRh' the There waa originally about .- approval of action of the atatsa adopt- the fund. About tS.OOO naa'lng other : S a j T&iw ariar Vraaaaa aKjgj. gkMgajVA a., a. a ate a .. M-- ..a. 1 A rA ..a -.. Cnu--u.-a Alihnl, V. road, and While Mr. Campbell waa "aiiy oeen ornwn. , tor nwor- ..." -j.y.r rnwersa.t " - . . ..... . . i llinrml that It lll mil lie io . .. V . .. iniiiiprima miiiiiuiiiu' "' " - - utif iuiviki " m'huitu. ., . ......in- .i--, ,,nill hly preteni tne Duilding ol me new i ueooore noawveii ior rrraiaeni. . u. -lo iniicl, mine H.,.ll,. .,. roa ,,,,, ,. , . fui,r .... IJnk Hirer, am . ho other la u u ww Uoc , ,., '""" "S,fc ,tai I." will be urt houae In Hot Spring, addition. Henry Allen ot Kaaaa. aM Jan. Ai- N.llmlMrr....ik of ...ovldlua I.Ui.11,,,,, ,, ri,vi.l..nhlrhrr. n.jr'U uc. on rtevc, Mile. I buve ,,,. Km KI1I Hllonm. "" "' '". llkMiltUUantorwnkiim,Mtb' of Chicago aeconded In brl-f iU.Mlert4.ll.llim.. , d ,,,, M ,,on. I, -en puttlim In my apart- lime lm- I'rf'wl b lir. r.mil Molt, wl.o run. unable to pl aolo for a oek. building So tbe fund la .till al- epoeenea. Ti.MII n,M.le. fund, for building J ,n" Ma.,, capital. ..ro.l.m m, city properly. .,...1 In.lrad lend, that the proper portion of the- Kortuiia.ely or Mr. TOeTn.l draft of lb. platform ,-on- iklrtraU ...Ilea ..I road around frater1 ," ',J ,,U rv.l ,l ,1... of ll.l.lim. I believe I ran get ...or., human M'lm la horlitmlal. and that llrnvra dl.1 not have a. much troublo t In " " iMtkmduart EmXr Uke, nre mile, .o ,ho pinnacle, a.,., i.,,,1,; iriJ.hih.l-rr. -- W-M-re will, n .hotel ...ir.ng my oul.,l.r ...c.hod of locomoHon ahould b. w.,1, .... machine, and .hero tta.n't - are aaaured of their money, Uth. J".. four mil,- to ti,P eartarii boundary of lrMnt- ,cK1i the blind .chool anil Ing on Wood IHver." "" ttmn. lny.'"..'!'; '"'m!!!l ' The Klamath County high acbool ,000 worda. It will ha nraaaated to pari. " "" j DRUNKEN WOMAN GETS SHELTER other atate In.tllullon, have been In- Iialed at Halem. Tbe a.ylum. Iraln lug .rhiMil nnd ix'iilti'.i.lary nr all nill.ldo the limit, of the city nl the time the rou.lltiitluual provl.loti tii. t'Uacted, Hut It waa conceded thut, Jeveti though they ttero at .urn.' din tanro (rum the city, tlmae lii.tltii.lo.iM pirr locali'd .ufflcletilly near In llif I a. ale rnpllal In come within the pur (view of the ronalllutloniil provlalon. H'llTlllinitHTTIMKIX HIMTOHVI A WOMAN UXUKU THK IXII.f-, IIN.KIIK l.igt'OH H KHt:i.TI'.lt. H IN .I1U.NTV JAII. I l Kor Ihi' ilr.t time In the lil.lniy of Kliniatli enmity, u druiiken mi. man iH-fuifiU ((, in the county Jail la.t t fih.,nd".lVM Vr" ",U "riil.KMtK'RATir Ci'MDIIlATK IIIMIW 'ng, and no f.trinul chargo tvn. pliici'dl' r""" " Kilntl hor. OVVIUIAU.Y OK HIM .NOMINA- About to o'lliu'k la.t night I'nllio WILSON GETS FORMAL NOTICE Restraining Order Holds in Check Northwestern Hold-up Herald Owner Calls Court's Attention to Graft in City Advertising Contract by Bringing Civil Action warrant, ara at n.r. buLthe road war- the convention, later. ranta are now being discounted. A, Following the nomination of Roov- xhort time ago these were at par. but Sell aad after twenty mlaate. of tho fund haa recently been drawn. The general fund warrant., con rue. are being discounted. over- tbeerlng. lifers and drumavtra lad Into the lalea and beaded the procas- of ;.Iod wblch waa apeedlly forael. Add ng to the eathuabum, "DtMe," TO HONEYMOON ON CRATER LAKE IHIPUiail YOU.NO PHtHLK OK KLAMATH KALLH MAKHIKD AT THK HOMK OK THK BRIDK THIS MOKMXG niin. i It na wlmt a populnrly ill'. Mn "iDlnic Jag" that thu i 'cpuiy Hhcrllt Wheeler wnlkeil In Ibo .fcaenf ilif trinilile wllh llio pnllin- Uiilla.1 I'rt-ait K.irtlco HKA.IIHT, i'hIhiiui-.iiiwI almpllrlly i unfor-.tif imllllinllnn limatn wnnmii had arriiiniilnli.il. Hlie IiIh M'ler.lotl (ileveil liter the death of Imr ninth. Hliimliiril lien ." Kri'iil-Kriindmiilher, ii.nl oiiiliHoiiiiipulKii. "nd riiiwolniliin only In ilrnpplim Um There waa no ael iirog....... 0H- "laiirani rriH-kery on Dm floor. 'oninr Wllnon, Mrti. WIIho.i nnd ll.t'lr Tho Un nlili'iTH look thu ttomiiu t.i ilaiiKhlmH Htoo.1 on tho tenmilii nnd ,V,I", liotil ttherii .he linil o.ignK.'d .ilahonk Imnda with the vl.llora. .;"om. hut ii,,, inUl) pi)0l,o xctuttl t ouio Jantea of Kentucky dellvi.U tillow her tn go to gar roam, rafuad-'tha nqtlflcatlon aiwt-oh, Champ Clark Mn 'bo money hIio had paid. " 'and HitrVentntlv Underwood wero Tho nfflrora were In n qunndry. The i not praaent. Tha waathar waa flno. Vr ,y Jil" waa not considered d proiwri Ten thouaand from all parla of tho p'lMe, .o thu woman waa ascorlod to Union were preaent when I'rofeasor t" county Jail, No effort was mado WINon wiih notified of hi. nomlna l Mcerlsln the identity of tha un-'tlon. , wiunato, hut It haa bora lonrned W. J. Hryu tolegraphod his rcgratn h came here from Waad. wi for not bf Ing ahla 4Jja araaaat u J i.mIm.. Ileuiou lata Tuesdny ufter- K". for one )eur, pendl.ig the deter- July, 1912, ut the Ikiiir of t, o'clon't ? iitiK.it .Ignvd an order, which will pre- mlnnlton of this ault." ,?. m. from publl.hera of dally netvu. vii.v Mm itu.iliK.Vl'Y OX THK U., rr time, at least, the looting TJie compalnt prepared by Mr, impera ...erein naying a oona nuo cir- .. .- - , ,., . . " - . p . ,,, d L... ....I... .... nH ,lln .liu aMMhI ..Itv. a -. .-.. sk,. . ...A,A. of the city treasury ,by the preaont nni.tll a atiorney, tvuyaouuiui w rrr- hmhiiuui . . .v.. ..,. noa aaiaa nam wniw w Ninwan ausut o ciock mia caorning at tue Tho marriage of Claudo Coseboom lion i..fni,Hi.iiit. i ii av in DiMsncrti imw " AiiK i.- iiiii.tm"w - . .. . iiii of the llei-alil, uu mat secuoB.B in ruiauon nnu in markwl tho ceri'inoiiiea moau.-i.. ""-",--"-' ' , . urtlolu 1 of th charter of Klamath bid. . ... a ipil.lnli ivratl IlirillU UI 1 a fwi.Hi 'J .. . of Woodrnw iiaon oi ."' "...'.. ........ . I'nlla. Orcaon. iirevldea: "The paper to . . ..!.... ..r ait.k iiiiriiin Eiiaiini iiitv - " i i in be the .lomoimllo I'""1""" '".;:: .,. ..iln.. K. All contract, for o'. ucll Bdyertlalng l .. ..ni.iiiij nw Ki.iiiniu r nun. .viii'i ...i.- ,.i...... ... --- - . .. ... r..,iir..iiiiifiiE unit linn ... --- .'.Hill Hull Kit. inl.t'i. ! ii tnen'l ratlnll ..ant In aiihilnn i. .t,,,.,L.... u..,,,.!.,. III. .MIM H.ii it' ill rtr.i . ....... ...,.,i , ,,.,,. fir ili ii.ual-laaal nhrase. ndvertl.luc for one year, ... .. in.-.. ............ ,.,lllll,. 111! 111.1 II.WI II.IIIR ...Mi.w.-. -n....... ...- -- , . I.ITT'. - ..!.... . ..U..u .!, fBol lliat thH Mm. "Th rlaht I. re.ert'ed to the COIII inn.. n thj hrM. nannl. Up anil p.tiMito plalnii.it Ih th owner nnd puWIaher mon council to determine aiicn clr-jun,. o. W. White, la Hot Springs ad- ivjcri mi; ! i union, .lev. jiaory u. Loiuna oi me . Kptscottal church ollclatsd. t blch the. award of . only members of the family attend made shall bo,,j tne ceremony. Immediately .after ...... .. l...m. .. ...... .lAHI..n,A.I nil III. 'ITU. ..Ll.L .L . kU- . . -.. .... . ...- ..... ... r..-.i. i.i i,.i mivarila nv .hall bo loLannuniiy .."". ......v . -.., wnicn ino oriae bbu irwm leit oi NlilerntlOII ill mo ii " ",'".. "' , - ... . . omdul New.iuuier.' The .uccet.flll o... . hi....m. i.i. n,., llanunii lamit'i DV t 10 council to me.niwwi rra iuiini-1 - --'----. . . .-" " (Continued on Paaja 4 SUFFRAGE WILL ENLARGE VOTE J l i MOIIK THAN A MU4JO.N RAIXOTS WIliL MR KNTlTUai TO VOl K IX THK HTATK OK PALIKORXIA t " XK.XT NWKMlttMt; if V iL. .....i.ilnllli linlirii "L I::,:';..,'.. c.dBK.i,,,t bio bidder p.bil.hln dally ne. bidder will be required to enter into ,.ak. '.. """....;: mi.i.i. Aeiin..miier in tho CHy of Klamath Fall., " contract for tu.cn n..verti.ing at tno IV".. 'A...i ..... Police Jiidgo and which ha a bona, fide circulation ,prlw. bid. 0f ?"'.. " therein. Providing, however. Hmt.be "A, I., i.kavitt, t-oiice juage. ln ,'"" "' i .....I rea.rv. the rlcht to Je-' "Oatrd t Klamath Fall. Oregon,' Mr. Coseboom Is assistant cashier tha, First Trust and. Savings bank this elty. This oruer iirnvme- ' .......... -. . . - - : . . ...i.. n nn ... .... ......t.. th larmina aurh circulation anil reieci " .- further oroera in . """""; " .r: .... ., That Mr. Smith submitted tho fol- defendant. Mill ... ageni., u.w. ... . -- -- lowlna- . ........... i.... ih.piH.ni. That bid. were advertlaed for ns .owing ?""? "T " ::""': ;.o'0' follow.: " ' I-atlU..Polleo Judgo of Klain and restrained 'from entering Into or, ".Notice UvlUag Hlda . .,.,, nr n.rnnmi'llt I ''Hid Will 08 reOaiVvO oy me rone . --) " .., uiuict iuu iritaui vi iw vuunu iu Z7ZI ZoSXJ"ZZZWCotL City ot Klamath FhIU mat Inviting, b'ids for doing tho om.twltt4 to com, and brlnli th.lr naadlo tnr tho cltv of Klamath Fall, Ore-'up to and Including the 31st Uy oi tcmtiuiitxt on fago ) iworK.Bnaj siiena a aowai aiiernoon A HUver Tea The ladles of the Christian church will give a silver tea, on, Thunday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. K. Q. nth Falls, Oregen: Cummlngs. 8 West Main street. The "In accordance with the udyertUe- jai8 and 'friend of the church are - i...iiiH. kl- - .11.,.. t.A aM. I. .... . K . .. . .. (rolled Pre. Service, , 8ACRAMKNT0. Aug. 7. That mora than a mllion saan and womei v.111 be entitled to vote In California In the November election 1 thestate meut made public by State Printer nichardaoa today, after securing ai eatlmate from each county by corre spondence with tbe county clerks. Tho toUl figure Is 1,007,-80, Ilia reason for securing thla data la the provision of law which compels hltp to publish one and a half times aa many leaflets setting forth the propos ed Initiative measures and eoastlt op tional amendments with argumeata for and agalast each, as there art reg istered voters Ib tha UU.y Iki Angeles county leada wKh aa estimated 150.000, while 8aa rraar otsco'haa 104,000 and'Alameda eonalf 90,00. Alpine couatylMBiet ISO persons rapable of voting thla year, j