-Wrtwwwt HUPI'MUn IIV TMK tlNU'rUl I'llMUi Siim MHIVIO: I Hlli Year N i Otoe ',2rflf3t3St? rfald i ;' t.t . i?fl kvkM0 WwwIrAr I'HINT TMK XMWff, NOT. -.- k. j iUm4 li LA HATH KALLfL OHWjONr -TIHWOAV, Aim'HTM, llllst Prica, PHa Oaala TAXPAYERS ARE BOBBED BY CITY COUNCIL Roosevelt Arouses Moosers to Frenzy of Enthusiasm: hi For 52 Minutes Great Crowd Chicago Convention Hall Parade and Cheer for Roosevelt m BOX FACTORY 10 BE ERECTED!: CITIKM ONLY VOTK i v. w Xr Cliliinw Oorerami-af Takre o ciiaarr ft"- ' United PriMstMrrlce I'KKIN. Ami. . It U an- ! iiouticed that President Yuan plan a national election to lake i a plare In November. The polllag ! place will W located In lli' principal eltle Highest Bid For Advertising is Accepted by a Close Vote i Dnly". i ( COMPANY IH OIUUNIKlt THIH MOH.MMI TO C.WIHY O.V t:TKIt I'lllHK THIIKK IIIIIMTOIIH aw: samkh 'III WrIU I Appealed lilll'AllO, Au. 4. AIIIiuiikIi Uniird pfr., HerH.e ijutonrl llimaevell's "Uimieealon or TIIKNTON. N. J.. Au. Wood-! Klih" -IJ' om.hadowed every- ri(W W,,n , ,nmmf.,, ,h, iilna el.e tix ), llir delegates mliulti !.Vl V Huiilhcn. negro juration ,. M " ' "' W.IU of Hi. I,.l,j ,ur. In tuo rlaah. Tlierrrdelillala '" '" treasurer nf the democratic tin committee hsa endorsed Ihe national nonai cnmmitiete. Uharlea II. Crane. I he orgaiiltailnu of tln Kwsuna reaaaatltraV anion. f Chicago waa named a vim chair-) Hx company perfected HiIm The irrmt situation la Ihlai Plor. '" ' ,"" nral finance committee. J morning. Tin Incorporators are 14 l unrepresented, No negroea - II. Crlalcr, Hen Owcna and V, Mason, kite been aealed Iriilll Moulliertli iwinm mnv unit nu were ill in morning l.ameil a ill ... ..ii. i ... ........- ..... . .. .i . . ... . ttr, The rules rommlllr haa pre- -''-' nmrn imurs i uiv imw ruiuian. marie) i-r.d a reoorl III whlrh U a rtwolu- WW ANOIXKS, Ana. fi, -At 3 20 jMrdowan anil Jim. Mcltonold lire olli. "M lUm mnktnK llir rot rati at the pre- "' 'leroonn Ihe ile'ensn In Hip Uni.'er ulix-kholdcra In tlif rompaiiy, Tlir tloui rlMllmi llir laU nf reprrwnU." r"" rralwl, and () II. K M)rrr. nraillallialluu U 116.000. lion In Ihe nmtrntlmi. TliU reoli. flv, formerly einployed liy ', "In a couple of day e lll atuit lloalnovMM that lirreaflrr one dele-'frunMu, waa callixl to llir aland naiwurk on our plant," aald Mr. Crlalar. TURKS LOSE FIERCE FIGHT IT.tMAXM WIN VICTOHV O.V LASB AND MKA iJOROZCO WILL Councilman Savldge Works Throurth H1KF BFTDF1T Motton WWchWUl Cost the City mfil ntint,ll; More Than Fifteen Hundred IIKIIKt. LK.DKU VlStm COXIH TIO.VH TOO CRITICAL KOH HIM HbUky U Hld . I uiiieau oi Maaaoi Itarri DI1 Idllir In aonie whlakar at a aharllTa XKAR THK AMKIIICAN HOK-Mc Monday, the wet rooda went to ftKK LIKIi III-Htar Drug coaapany 'I atte lll Im- allowed for each I0.O00 ragrraaUe vulr olled. Thin Hie trM pmireaaUe tlalea will lie aide M dictate Ihe pollrlea of the party. Wbii I lie contention Mat at uoon today, all of the roKMlllem rtcrpt IU ctMamlllre nu raaolutlona were trady to report. It waa hotted that ihe platform aoald be ahorf, kill a- ptmitly It altl act be under I.900 wnrda. If undnuetedly will nrt a Wlrktlflc tarlfr reform, Hooaevelt'a iruit teaulallnii plan, eatployer'a lla Ullty, wnrklimuen'a cuuicaaalliin, the ltlcmrul of the auffraaelle pietllnn hy the vole of the people nf each itale, a alioaa army and navy, Jtidlrlat reform, and lawa everywhere 4 Mi a ew in inaklat the rule of Ihe imilf eatler. Three are llie nta 'if KikxwtfH'a perch today. The platform committee will proh k,M; confer wllh llooeeirett tnnllit In rr in niiun inn nociinient. i till f tue prralilentlal randl l are Jnhiiaoii, l.lniUey and John t nf New Orttana. Mndaey lina rJ a promlnetit chalrmniiihln the making; or the tempo rorrirjanljatlon permanent. ncHneyajM-mj-M ,10l imiicoleil any preferritafllk'e. rinmlna mate, Tha laaVMr fclled alowly rue tfontaeri fated) Ihe flrat liullal. wllneea for Ihe atate lu re. 'It llriM. Ill be located et of HavlU mill on Hltlh afreet. Kemautbia; I'l.n Meld by ihe Twrka on OmiM of Tripoli Kalla at IjiM Trouble In .Vow llrewlaai Ht lnem Taukey aad ioalratetTro . Kaailaajallitej la Ueanaaded or War: Tbrrwteaed. daw" .MP"' ilaaih 'nTTafcai Mlaa Uolda Kauher of Chlco, Calif,. ( who na been Uilllna llli frlemta lit' tlanannir, Riaaon and Weed for the paal two weeka, arrived In the Kalla on Monday evening on a lll with her aunla, Mlaa Uirlnda Sautter and Mr, Ckarlea llckatt. SECURES SOIL OF BIG MARSH i United I'reaa Sen Ice t'nlted I'reaa ftarvke lie on land and aea, the llallana hare icatitured Xuara. 1Thh waa -the laat Kirt on Ihe coaat'of Trlxll retained I by Turkay. f REDUCE SALARY OF POLICE CHIEF United I'reaa Herrlea V. II. IIMLKMAN lUnrtrKXH Vmm Want More Trowble I IIIKIVH tvvi.s.Ti,iirtvti ia.' CONHTANTlNOI'l.i:. Aug. 6. Tur key today cave Montenegro a day MAKIXO INVKnTNJATIOXH OI' la.MhH ON THK IMJIAN HIMKIL VATIO.V Work la Marled lriplr favaiai mtmtA UtMilaw na it JAI'HKZ, Aug. C lencnl Oroico.Wflrenou,c fnT Martin Broa. along the la preparing to evacuate thla city. HelHouthern Paclfle track. uaa announced that he will no longer he reaponalblc for the protection of Ketarm Froaa Hast the city, and advUed all of thoao wh., ,.olIc,ra.n ,, ,, . did not accompany blm to go to Kl I'aio for aafety. ' " '" "" returntJ t night from .a hunting trip to ihe Lake of the Wood country. Although they aaw aeveral dear they did not eucceed In ! killing any. Tney aUrted out on their ( hunt Hiturday night - Idceawea Gratateil I The application of I. IV Tabar and lz. J. rowell for aalooR llcenaaa for one year from September 1, were K.I..JUV IT WILL HK RHQl'IKKoVantad by the common coaacll laat ! Tl.l'AV iUVVkMliSCK TMHr" 1 HT OK THK C'l-n AIIVKKTIH. 1 I .NO TO XOKTHWKNTMIX POLICE WILL PAY PAPER AKTKH MOTION TO MAKti CIT INI I V II. Ilelleman. luapvetor of pr lli for the reclamation aerrlro, r. Iiurniil laat etenlug from the Ktam l'AVOrl'ATKOI.Mi:.THi:MAT.'nth ""n reservation, where he baa iiieeu I lir oaat two weeka, aeeurlng Till! IH Mr:millr:i TO Till: ILmpi,. r the M of lh; Kl.m,.h "The councllniau who ataled laat A Kavlnga hank would cash city warranta for S per tent waa mUtaken." The foregoing atatement waa made MERCHANTS ARE CRITICAL VOTING IS PROGRESS TODAY civi:iiMiii HTI'IIIW H I'OM'I. I'KNT TII.T IKN)Hi:Vi:i.T Wll.l. JIKT TAIT IN THK I'MIMAIIIIIM HKI.IMV KAXMAH Unlltd fraia Kervlca TOI'KKA, Kan.,, Aug. 6. Willi 'thtr fair ami cool, n record volt. pwi ,(, ,,r,iarli. iielil laruiixl.uiu t. Mate loday for preel "nllal elrciow, alatn llcketa ami roil 'men. One ir,,., Hiatea aei'.ilor " I" he luimliinled. loernor Hiiiblia la nmndont tliut l. Ilonaevellera will defeat llm TuTl- Htublia U tin, llooaevelt ea,i,. " for United Htatea aenator, l.ll'i: COMMITTKK In the uhaviire of Ma) or Nlcliolni (.'. II. CrUUr prealded laal eenllig III Ida rapacity aa prraldent of the ill) council. White the bill, were being ill. 1'iiiaed l.'ounrllmaii Havldge 'brought up the matter of Ihe aalary of the Chief nf I'ollre, whlrh he atated Iho charter provided ahould not riceet lino n mouth, lie moved Hint I ho aalary be plared at that figure, and the motion ua carried. "I don't be Here," anld Mr. Havldge, "that the thief and patrolmen ahould get lion n month, when Ihe mayor la only paid , probably bo allotted luthe luillum ilS, when ho haa to,naHiimn all Hie -- responsibility for their nclluua. IUiim)ii (Jih lu Han Joe f'ouncllmnn llnmllton iuiieil thai ' JuiIk Henry I- Uenaon left thla af. the aalary of I ho palrulmaii be ro-'leruoon fur. Hail Joae, wliern ho Will duced In l?S a mouth, Thla brought vlall hla brother and alitor, ami will up roiialdernhle dlacuialou nnd nrgu alao vlall hla daughter, uieiit over the dlarouut on the rlly 'iiiamh. Mr. Ilellaman expnij in leave In the morning for Oakland, t allf., nuil will make an onaljr.li of Ihe aamptoe for hla report to the In- it In it ilepatriurnt, The analyala will be made either at the Unlrertlty of Oillfornla, nt llerkrley, or In Wah 'niilon. There are about 90,000 iwree of uuamp land on the reservation, ','ich tho department la plaunt'K lu iv claim. The aoll, according to Mr Hvllemun, la well adapted to the growing of hay and graaaea, and wl.eu ll la reclaimed and In cultivation It . II aaalat greatly In lncrcuilr. the rattle Indiiairy of the northern iwirt of ihii county. Moil of the land will within which to explain the activities of Montenern alone Hie Turk let. i fronlUr. irBle. . a.tl.f.einrv r.nlr ."'" ' the Flint Truat " """ -" -- . . -.(- f la given, Turkey will aever diplomat Ir rrlatlona. The TurkUb mlnUter waa litatructtd lo notify Montenegro that war la euro to follow, by Chief of I'ollre Hmllh thla morn-'AiTIO.V ,lng. "I aaw Mr. Slemena, raahler of Hie I bank, thla mornlug, and he Informed mo that the rate of dlacount waa 10 IITFDlvT nt Pil nPtDlTHnl M,r Cl "'" un,'ui ii. "Mr. Irll-rUUl Ul UU'UrinnilUrl'Mkni.MiH Informed mc that he had, ,PI , , .. , . ...ever mailed any city warrant. ,t 5 , rh" ac,loa "f ,b" cUy councU ,Mt J.ll. llucl.ai.nan and l ll. Walker,!' dlacount. except In the caie ln dlng the contract for of I'ortland are In the clly In the ln-l' a riPle of regular patrona nf the 'toe ilty printing to tbe highest bid tereat of the Cooperative Supply il'-mW. wlio be had favored. der waa the subject of general dlacua- llouae of I'ortland. They are Inter-' "Mr. Slemeua further lu formed uio'slun on the streela today, and the ears 'POftUAW WH HERE III OK THK MKKTH WITH CXMKM.VATH. kiiom Tin: I'Kei'i.i: who iav THK CITY'S llll.LH fly a voU of 0 to 4 Um etty eeugell tost algbt authorised a CMlract wMk the Moramg NerUwaatara t do ; city adverttotag for om year at a , cost of over lob per csai greater taaa ' Ihe bid aubmilied by tlM Ere-tec ' Herald. Heated bMa were tied by Use two paper, and wham taey war read I they showed that taa Northwaaura ofered to do the rtatfag far ceaU ' a line for the fUat laeerUoa aad-O." ceaU a lias for each suceaedlac laaar tlon. The Htrald'a bid waa S ceaU a llae for the Irat buertlea aad S au for each eeaadiag laasrUaa. "a I HssiM baa she Haemad bid -waa by far tbe. lewaat, C aaHmaa Mtrkaft Savldge marwd that aU bMa b rajact. ed. Thar waa abjsrtleai to tale, aad then Savldge atered that bwMlef tbe NorUiweaterB be aaaeftod. (?- cllmen AUord. (esallar, HaaMMasi aad Doty voted agalaat taa taUtey aad Couaellaaea Milea, Cadsrwaad. itT- Owaaw.aaid aafgawsatatasl to farorafht CoaaciUsaa 8avMe triad to ajat ' the council to taa a aaerHbaMwt m tbe motloa. feat oa ska aa-saaataai adr I Alford. Acttof buyer Crlalar wasv tbe yaaa aad aaya eaHed. '' j Couaellaaea BavUtge aad -teQawaa, were tbe moat active la oajajsaatMasi a ibe Herald. SarM saea m Mi ab Jectloa that tbe Herald did aot aaa- CITY COl.aL . -ilt a aworn auteasaat of etrt-lasiasv , Am m(f sp nf ftst !. Jir-i-l'ssaMV w -w- vat a aaaaareaaaar for bide did not call for a aUUmeat of circulation, aad tba clrculailoa of neither paper waa given la the blda submittal. is An aflldavlt accompanied tbe bid of tbe Northwestern to tba affect that the 1,400. viewing local people with a view of establishing a branch here. The vice president nf the concern, II. Irby Knoi, Is expected lo arrive In Ihe city Saturday. , Mrs. N. C. J ll.li.i fa. as lliiltlnl-l U. It I Oil Isl nilti' ! " w.iaaiwaa -aisw.es a- wee. Mr. a few hours' rldo from Kan Joss. Ileliaoii ami youngest daughter, MUh l,oiiise, are now nt llolllater. Jiidgo Uenaon will return by war of Iteno lo l-akovlow In lime lo nllrnil tho meeting of the Central Orrgo.i l RAILROADS DENY RUMOR that ho wiw not looklug for any fP-o the five member of the city council portunlty to caah city warrant-. uur f thm "I bate received but ono warrant t , ., from Ihe clly for acting a chief oti1"' cl,lwlh on of the effect on police, and this I cashed at 10 pr n "htn hc " W" "u,k,, bout" rent dlacount " I ln "10 condemnatory sense or the .. . ' .... ' ...... w vi'uiti.-u uu tun .iirvia .ma ..i... ... ..... -. . . l "- jiiuiruiiiK mat ni leasi one pairoiman' Til (would resign as a result of the salary lent, anil Hie chief waa aaWeit miieern Ing this. "I have probable," wonder city warrants are Qlioted below liar." ono oromlnent ' jbiialncaa man said. ..UM...V. w mmiifni wvrv not wns heurd. hut tho reply. m:w hchkihi.k of hikiqht warrants. Councilman Mctlowen fpoke III oppoaltlon In action ul that lime. Ileaalit: "It seems lo mo that re urn going at this pretty strong. I Mlee It ought to be referred to the .rv .:. .r","!..'.."" "r .":.:. ::: .:::;;, :.nMUu by ih0 department of y -wtum c0.i r-uuin from -. ,..H..n..n "'' """"''"" "" " mimlra of tho Southern Pacific, com.. acceptance of the bid of the niioiiiu tarn, time uno inrean una oun usi j.i. i Northwestern last night. So. you see, .:. ,. ..-..' i . .. win I..V- i.. .h.. Tho now traitscoBllnenUl frelaht M1"1 M' ' MUrle are cut and iiammon men wiiiinrew ma iiiuiiiiii ... ....... ... ....... .- , ... .. .....i n. .,...!.., r ..i.ri... f i.ir..l. iiiornlna for Montana to spend hi vii- "f"r,, be" completed. Tbe sought by the Herald, and, without a ll seems '.inele eieentlmi. Ihe nelln.t nt tl. "TmWIii .. -....'. . . ,. ., ..,-.,. ... (imurii was CTiucitou. or onviouai ,11110 i-onsiuerntioii me uiscount nu Wftll0nt( ,,,, ar? not mentioned, but' .,. ,,., ..,Vfiixi .n.' ' --"-"" "" " " vri.- one buslneaa mau went so far aa to IIIIIIMU OK MMMIMim IMaWK Ing but 65 per month In leal money. Jeclnre , ne WM tewptea to . STATKMKXT HHGAHMINU THK tonslderable less than Is paid In most lob- take legal steps to nrerent other lines of endeavor. t, council carrying out the terms of "Thero will bo n saving to the illy the proposed contract with the North. ItATKH r ,bout 11,000 ! Ihe police aalary estem. If the Herald did not lake '.cut. Thla amount, I am Informed, some such action, The following statement baa been I'"' hardly equal the Increase In the GREAT HASTE Hl'KCUl, MK-HAUK HKXT TO COX I GKKJiM HY fRKHIMCNT 'TAKT. IHdl.Mi PANAMA CANAI. LKQIH- i J LATION United I'ree atfrtt WASHINGTON, l). Cs Aug. . Urging the uecesalty of legislation covering the maximum aa. minimum tell rate of the Panama-canal, the i government of the xoae and the oner. Holiig famlllar'wlth ihe advertising' atlon of the biff ditch, President Tall men won referred to the pollen coin inlllen for n written report to bo pre Minted ut Hie next mooting. mlnn. llurrv savs that f he ilndiitasiuouuu raiea win oocome enecuvc niiy placo he likes better than Klum- 'August lain ami tne weatbound tar Ihe money thus saved la given to the Northwestern." rate of the Northweatcrn. Mala aCreet today sent a special message to con itoro keeper express surprise that gresa requeatlag that apeedy acttoa the paper would even attempt to per be taken on tba l'aaama canal bill. ' pcluatoauch a "hold-up" as thecoun-'It waa made nutat that fatlafe to en ell permitted by official action lasiiact such lawa might delay the open nlftht. ing of the waterway. nth Knlla, lie may remain, fe' "WW pr Bar,,c ' c.icA(IOi Auii a n)(f on f went to tin uar hundr..!.. dta'...Arn,0Ur Mi 8w,,t w- f Mialiut each other when the high ?' wi touched, W Ilia wii llliu nn uu igg u Ul i September, The fact that all com. Inioddltles as do not move at all bavoj lioen removed from the commodity) turlff, has been selieif upon to mako, it appear that the railroad have In- rieasea ineir raies. coining coma oe I further from tbe truth. In brief, all weatarn tariff have , i been revised; Ihe dead wood baa been Ithrowu out and the tarlffa coaatructed i ion aa nearly a scleailBo baala aa la company .aid thla morning when halls a scarcity of beef all over the I'oaalble. conslatent with tba amended the' waa shown the foregoing dispatch, I country, and at this lime there Is but lnterlat coramerea act aad th rulea Armour and Swift Bid Heat to Highest Point par hundredweight! (hut lie wa not surprised. "I there auy notable effect on thit local market na n result of I ho raise li tha price of beef In the Kastern mar. I.,..ll I... .um. Ml..l urialsr, of. Ihe KlamathaMeatt "Naturally." waa tha reply. -"There 'prlcea to coma. T iitii rfi.im.uinn mi tha uart of stock- of tho commission. men to sell beef at any price." I Much haa been aald to tbe effect So far tho prlco of meat lu local tlt the railroad, la order to pre- reatauranta ha not been affected, but wve tholr revenue, bava deliberate- there are rumor current of Increased ly ralaad rates on eaatbouadCallforala rCenltnued an Page 4) SM More Trout to Come For Klamath Lakes and Rivers State name Wardeu William L. arrive, here, and see that. thv are.dl. The telegram la aa feUewa: Plnlav wllh mnlk.. kl .klr,u. l..ik.....i .- il. . ' .. .." " . , V I -. --..- -.. . ...,.cuv u.niiuuieu iu me waters oi ina rouniv ..in .k. rii n...,n. . ... . J,,..,, .. .... . - ... . . . .. . 7'- l," W VI.F.I.IIVII. U MIBV 1 Klamath morrow night preparation to take addressed to Pish and flame Couirals-'w-ilJ be made to get.MMa.ot ibe local them out Wednesday evening. Augnat amuer u. r . oioue. air. nmey bhk trout for the ..ream, of without dalay. mT -ton, knt0 ,75. Tm MtelZ county will arrive here to- on a hunting trip, an Alva Uwla 0 " ' J -ImMm trout J night, according to a telo-'and OiuWwi --h. . ii lr Klamath FalU. I hope sparlam gram received today from Mr. Klnley, out of the clly today, and un effort j wll make full that arrangements he mado lu taaa rare of the shipment aa aouu in they luortsmen to asist la dtatrlbu'tlng thai 7th, a aooa a they arrive. Q'Malley trout, aa ,they would, all die If alelso sends 18 cans for forest suir lqwed U lay over a'day. ' visor.- Wr I- Pinter." - --