Hl'l'l'l '' "" ,j,,TWM'IIKHKNKWMl"VllfK Ik f tu'nio ' 9 efidfc v.vnmxa tnmmrAtim I'JIWT TIOJ XMWa fort HMUMIV J Irar ,Vn l.HiJrt hltth KliAMATH PAM.M, OlttXJON, .1IOXHAV, AI'UUMT .", 11112 pmm. rive i Klamath Falls ..IVWlMMWH-nmVIH.MUlTIIWWTKHXIMMi: lllltl, HINnfli:i,riv roor wiikixhh hktuh.nm iiiom ummi MiiKTitfi' M;.n'it or wiimihh i'iii:it. nioM'.Mii.. Mi MAW IlK.OllH Tllll' I'HOM I.AKKVIUW - HMITH llHirTIIKK VISI HI'IHKM IV Stl.VKR MINK OX Tllllllt HAM tl 10):KI,,U'OHHTOHKTUB.V TOIJITV JOHN' MCHAI.. m-k'hM.i ihmmi: at AUtniox mam: u.nhhh a jiiimimk.nt. At the Chicago Convention mix nixoit joh.nhox oi' Ai.noitMt ik mkntiovkhJak phoiiahm iiixm.mj math for thkooohk MIMHTIIII TIIIKM ritOWII AMI IM (Hi:i.lli:il-'HWOIMlltr,KT IKMHKVKIT AT MTATIOX ii atii or tiii: iti:i'iiiiuc.t paiii v ik i'iii:ii.tm. . "oh, vou iii:ai:tifi;i, imm,' "VoriM roll WOMK.N" MUX MUHHKHUIlf.MM'VtMJty. OllltftOX IIIXKUATIOX KMiAMK IX NIMH VI I'AHAIIi: .NMJIIO IIM.MIATKN Alii: KI.IMIXATKII PROM lO.NVKXTIO.V HV .'OMMITTKKM Hiii-miT iii:vi:hiimii:.mai(i:sthi:kkv.nti:ki'Kmh . itooHKVKirM imetuhi: ,i,ammkh WITH MMOIA'H WAHHINdTON'H AM.li:nT.HMIVH)N lllk U'ALlJi Op THK fOXVHNTlOX MAM- By Telegraph TAKT ACfKITM HANFOHD'M IIKHtQNATIOX JUDOS MVt TOX KAVOHM HARHOWM PROHKCUTIOX WOOL MIX flOlM TO THK WHITK HOUMK, PltOHAWiY FOR TAPTA VBTO. I'KACK MAV IIK X)XCXUDf HKTWKKX TVRKKY AXB ITALY MKXICAX HRIIKM THRKATKX AX AMKRtCAN TOWN. POMCK MKLTKXAXT CHAWUKM HH PLKA OF?fT tTCnTT" HlfWH T " mm fiMii.i. aaaraanaaaaaw - . M-.,t i . J.J---....-nJ .JJJ.... .-r.... ... 1 . lr lgMMr, nnn J f.jjf i.ti-f -, ti"y.fl iMwtu ,-jmXutmT Steam Roller Smoothes Out MEXICAN REBS Young Turks are Powerless; Teddy's Chicago Platform GETTING BOLD Peace Now Seems Probable I ewiaaaaal m00 ai-.laitai-a.a-1---aaMa-a nonuinc (UIKD 'legal bouloer blocks IjKUIIUD bntM J STEAM ROLLER'S PR06RESS lla.II I 1111 I I I 'I'OI'KKA, Kan., Aug. &,- Thnllhe . Tnfl lendora In Kan Mlml In drltn v jllm aitui n I r it in roller that nw rpt ov )OIIK 1'I.ANs AHi: I'AHIIir.H trylhliig before II At Hi Chicago roi. HIT TO Till: l.irrTKH venllon Inlon partial gathering nf tint' I'lillrtl Htlr ai.iri'tnn rourt liirm- lirri, nml that It iMnrin vriii IHiiil lr !! rnltiiirl nml IW-r.'M,,,!,,..! ,f ttiaiiitnut li Irnnl l.oiiMrr. ntilr lrlllrM llir hr)m Mlmtli. n llm lute r ifrt nt lot) Oovprnnr It-Mhrr ! I-.mk.WIimI.iI Mill HluliU, ltiw.rrll mm.. .Urr. on , urn uprmiiiil rPIIiirrrii in I up imntiU tliiMil nlrmiil Itrlrtfulr . flknnl to I'lflmi Ullll BECKER MAY . PLEAD GUILTY ITIIXAH TOU'.V IH Tlim:ATKN H4MITHKHX HAMIITM AmiiI U Hrnt lif InlMlillnnlx of tin- I t Ttirrilrnl lUtw tr lln Alii of I t Tmmim ltMH Hm-lto.1 I nil I 1; JOHN WILLING, BUT WAS SHORT reuri: i.ii:iitknaxt with. IIHAHM KMIMHII I'l.KA Ol' XOT tHll.TV TWO MKX WHO COX.- ii:nh nan run i.iki: rnt Tlint 1-r.lrral.tTruoiM IUo Hwi Miirr-ful la Uitln llir In ,,K,,,"rv iimiiit I'linn " I 1 III, PASO. Ta. -Auk. 5. --Two WOULD FIGHT LIFE'S BATTIF IT ARF IM HAN KUANCIMCO, Au. C. Cnl.t-I kt and defiant, and agad 101, Ellit-1 Ix'lh fwli, n fuKltlre from the Rell?f i Home, wa brought to police head iimrter. SULTAN TAKES ACTIVE PART tlillril I'ti-Hk !tcrlro xi:w YOIIK, AUK. .'.. U'lirli he iliuiidri'd Mi'xk'Mii rudcl ore tlinialun.- 'ItiK t'atuli'Urla, Taxni. An niioal lias. Ix'i'ii unit lo Maria, Teiai, for troopi. llcfiiKi-) my itiat San Jlnti, fed HHCIIHF Hill MIT HAVC .MOXKV TO HI'AIIK TO HUV IX CONMIOVMFXT III-' I IOIIIII Hltl III "' MB "' ",'K)rt mM." ato AI'ITIOX wan xont back to the almihouie. TIKXIPM ARK RKADV TO TIMK XKW PARTY CHAM- AT fttttr llir John Kchallock nolil tome boctej 8ACUAMKNTO, Aug. 5. Secr. nil. innrnitiir nn.i if i. rfnn'i ..,.uk in r ot State Jordon hai waned tha iiuri iirorauipn oi an iniwaiiTe meait-i the naceaaarr Auguat 7, lot meoaurra il ' JuJ I'rm Krlr hllCAlltl, Aug. i.- Itfr. Dr. jkifmliUirr rfil lli Intonation i o( Ihf ioi-iilir roiivrlltloti f (mm minurrlit. Thi tfr Vutblnm iMiflti) utrr lirurd it a tillinul uintrntlon, and km ol thr M-cutom, llrfd of itmdlnt. turt'il In aiilatnl lie fin ih mlnutrr nrar Urwitb. Clllt'AliO, Auk .. Colniirt llmw ill to4 party nrrltrd htrr nit llm T'fntlrth tVnliirr l.lmllrd at ,f. llh morning Vho llioumiul I l l"Ui hlui at llm ili-pol. 11 tnK ' to thr l'nnKri hotrl In mi Ills. funding In ttix nurlilnr In front of lb hcutrlrjr the Colniirl lil "II U a ilfMiun to lm In Chicago : LOST MEN STORY : WAS TAME AFFAIR JiiiIk.- Crulu liiiinriliatfl) tratuffr li'il h rum' tit Jinlgi Mtitiii''n, who tiiljiiiirncil l lif hrarlng until Wi-dnm. ilny. Tim oinmt-r'o imlillc mniiiltintloii of Vallnn ami Wehhrr waa poatpoaad unlit Auguat tlti 'Ihr two mrii fkaaUat llm)' will b tiimliiKlfcl If laltVii Into rourt at, of tlio ludlaiu, and John la vrry rnro- r. arr fri,r(, rP. ,, j(t,r ,.,,. Br iwralgnnl to.lay on a charge 'f,.r roinniander lia debated thi-leb-lyoii ou tin- alroet for amoral day. I "T,m ! "I :."..,...ow,,mrH.u.,.;. -.t ..'.:;, rrfli;;;;;;; ;,;; i;,!." ,r,M"" Hr' ",,,V""J ,"'. "' i..!..-..,.,. r. cop.,.. ot h,.r i. to hn H,,,r of Kn.aa lo lMw. '"' ,of thli liquor may drllt Into the han.U once. ATHLETICS WIN FASTEST. GAME Parliament OrnVretl IMaaolved by Ihr l.caaVr or the Torka Yoang Turk- Cherr aad Mg Thejr Are Pre pareil to Rrelt' Hoftfal Xewa la Seat Oat Prom law Chattel ml Half Coarrrnlag War CoaeHtlaaa lirlr plovia tallilltlg In th' llcliU net. Tm-ailKy and lo tli" polla ami dutm for frerilom from ixilltlral Ixwapa mi't (mm Iruat inntrollcd polltlra nuil ''' rnmont." fill when It cornea to Indiana. two ka.n ih:hn'aihxo mkx m t'ruorinlltrm VMt ( It) Mr uinl Mra. Krcd I'. Cronemlllcl POKTUI MIST SIMCI.V HtH'ONTarrUiMl lirro about I oVIort HiiikImv from lilrvlew. In their ncn K. M. V. cnr Tliry wiTi- nrrompanlcd by Mra Nlli:i.Ti:it III ItlMJ XIOIIT HIIOM tiii: iiaix If It had bwii poaalble, Mr. Hchnl lock would hnvo bought It hltntclf, llm entlru conalgnment of liquor, which hu n n-qulrvd, u nu agrnt ;of Ih Hut John K.NII IXOAMK Itlll ItMl AXIITMi: fould uot appronrh the llguro finally t'HAMI'IOXHHIl OI' KI-IMATII M,i nt ",e m,bll' """" ' ' morning. Not that John untiled tin- liquor. In a km in e rharactcrlied by brilliant s'' ""' lmplr oulil hate bought It to nrltlliiR mid ktcmly pltrhlng. tliolKi-v It out or tlirJinmlii of roilnklm. KUmatll Atlllpllr Auorlatlotl ball Anil m-.tti nn lf"inl Mnil.lni A IlnrrU 'till. tluiP, . aolm after Ihxy hnto WI.IVIIII hTAHS CAITl'HK HHOHTillarrla agulnat l.ltermqri'.1 inn ilc tliulr cniifprnloin. They hnr burn thrrnlriicil In one Idler. I-.it Oom Haatto. I Unl,,, l'nm 8,,,e .' ,. , . , . , m. , CON8TANTINOPUC. Aug. S.-Tfca Comblnlug bu.li.eM with pleaaaro. 8 ,u (0)J,y orUfe4 9mtUamM (' C. l.ow, republican nominee 'oraoltd. KherllT, will leave In the morning for' . . I Muck Uke. where It la reported deer . Tb' Y0"0 V"k H' nre In abundance. He will be accotn- ,n. ?i , Jf?' . . all. the aherltr. office, to .ill lo aatl.fr l'l ay J. J. C.raon of tal, elty, ."" ZSTZZ' ,L JZl , judgmenaecured lnddox A . '" to h. taf.mjftlonV 1S5JT , ?" i lit? nuuiiuniitre ui annie, air. ijw uit - . heard that there are three rotea In Troopa are being held la read the Duck Uke dlatrlct, and he t, ..'and are prepared to clear the . poiioa to Inveatlgat. I'Al.lJi t predicted In thn lltrahl Hatur- '"" n 'l "" ,,1' Cronemlllera nt ...i. ...l ..... . . duv nflfriioiin. thn aniiaallonnl atnrv Mlkelli ', t mr mriii oi a llf pnriy, in- M'Ho(t thp ,)ealh on an old one WHEELER MAKES of Uiarbtirg. who are returning home ,,r' '"' . ?" wU(, (ll.1(ltp (lf l0 lndlnngi bul LUIlU UUUltllL I Webti na on Ktara and Scion the mound for the loaned for the At If "1 l llh of net! Not ember. Ihe Iklft nnnilnalnl hero alt Meeka ago Ullnolimor be a factor In national 'In. "Amtrlrani will not tolerate (raid M theft. The day of hoaaea, rrookeit IwafUra betilmt Ihe boaaea. and Tooteil npiiaera la pnat." inr tninnpl pualuil Ma a '"""l" me llirmiK n hand nlnffd . lou llrautlfiil Holl." Mr I'riiiiniillliT made Die trip from liknlt', l." mllca, on all gallon of Kiinollni', which la mi umiaunlly lni rtforil. They left early Ihla iiioriilii). (.ii llu'lr return home. HANFORD PROBE TO BE STOPPED ol llli' nit li liut In Ihe wild of thr Klaniiilli mountain, turned out lo ! n ery tame anair, anil tiotti iir !. man mid Mr. Iluckle) feel rry much rhagrlui'd nt thn mil fir let glii'ii them and Ihe anili'ty rauaed their relntlei nml frlnida Kohl. lluiiMktr relumed Hnliirdny ntt'iilng from thn lkv ol the Wood, where he waa rmuped near llm part) flom Han lleruiulluo AM he waa mi thn ground, and knew what took ptaci The eonveutltiti wna rnllad In order Ilia alory of lh nffalr la undnubtetlly I HsIS by Hriuior Dliou of Mon- correct. He atatea that the two men l. The Cnllaeiim waa packed. The left ramp nboul 3 o'clock III the after. "'milon hall wna fMtf,nn.ui win. iiiioii on Thuradny. and It began lo lltrlKIIHI.NT TAIT d. white and blue porlralla of Wnah 'l "'"f1 before llm men were ready ui"n, Miirolii nml Jefferaon, with It I" '"" camp. In the ilarkneai ll Mrliire nf lliHuevilt at one end ,,,Jr w,r,' '" '''' " " ""' " On Ihe opening of thn ronveullnu "f llin fantp, nml iih It begun In rnln rlnr Dixon aald' ,lmy derided to aeek aheller for Hhj 'Twrntr.li, .i.. .. .. .... ..i. i.. ClBa.... . ' "",nArWor"t " .. I'hIH-J l'rr Heivire . , """' '""'"ii or z,uiin,onii Inatead of anventeeii men ainriuiK. i.. . 'r loiiventlnii hare on n aenrrli r'rldoy moriiliiK. Hi'" " ine pail four weeka the na '(w.cenam.wIUlm.,llpol A trier fallowed. iJriTloi! "',"n ""'""'" o. k W?',..Thcn ft,nw lloverl-lgt Tit I'.nn.v. '"'i ,Mch' loatorlcH and remaining In n critical 'I flr.t n,'vr,,l".,l,Hnarrltr- rondlllon until Into Halurday ulglil, almply that John llkea to keep n letlra Karh man waa nt hla btat.lfn,mrl' ")" "n '"p Indiana ho would mid atlngy with hlta Hot li had per. hnt bought it If he had beeti able, feci control, na wltucua but two haaea There were two barrel of whUkay on hnlla during the entire game. 0m onp ,mrro, of ,no ,n lc ,0( Bn t'oualderable wna atlnrhed to the ulthoiiKh there were aeieral bidden. Kiinie, becnuae It wna for, In addition Mnddox fc llarrl offered the hlgheat to Hip honor of repreaentlng Klnm-I,rrt. nml aecured the wet gooda. , ,11th ralla In luturo baaoball malchea,1 a aide bet nf 1 100 mid the gale re- culpt. ( Local fana declare thn game wu .the beat ever played on the local dla mom), ' "Veaterduy'H giium waa n aainplu of, Ihe aporl wu will lo Klamath Valla1 IIKI'UTY NHKHIKK (IOKM TO KAN SAM KOK IMINHtTAXT WITXK8S HIT HKTUHXH L'XABI.K TO KIXD Kl.fHIVK Ki:i.l.V AtTIUTH Till! ' u" ran K,,t "'" l'rl"'r upport," aaiil .Manager Kirn oi tuu Atnictira, itK.M(i..Tiu oi'Tiir. m:.tti,i; ji'iiimt vyno oriT ori'ii'K I'.n: iiHifi'litH WAHIIINHTON, I). t' Aug. '. nit n aenrch rrhtoy morning, nun ,.,. ., r... ....i... f,ir.llnu. ,, ankekr nml Henry Hlout. the only ',.,.,,.,! ,, realRiiatlnn of JmlK linn- :x.Tk i:xtk I "Wo had u fair croud yentcrday, buj Dili In uccord with Iho clana of buat ball provided. Wo will play Merrill next Hiiiidh), and If wo nro gheu liny 'Mipport we will bring Modlord ifnl other team from acroaa the hill here before the cloao of the aeaaon." ,J "i Cl'lal V Mr, nml Mi-h. 8. K. Martin and Alter traveling more than 4,000 I'lllea and having been on the trip Licking one day of three weeka, Jamcu II. Wheeler, deputy aherlff, arrlveJ I homo Saturday afternoon from an un. laucceaaful queat for a wltneaa In the Harris perjury coae. W. A. Kelly, well known hero ja 'Arthur," auccetafully elud tl Iho deputy aherlff, and njw It appearn llu.lml .. .kV.,.. l' ho perjury chargn agaluat liar AINIITM THh tOM-l-.H.rU mujl U(? aro,,ncU beCttuie 0f the HKItlHT AMI .Ml-UHIKK lack ot evidence. WOOL BILL IS UPTOTAFT HOKM TO THK WIIITK 'HOl'MK Hill KIXAI. AITIO.V " T." rvaa Service WA8IIINOTON, 1). C. Aug. ."The penitentiary, Kelly waa the moat Important wit- neat for the atale. It waa claimed I that he knew all ot the detalla of the niiegcu perjury, ami cuuiu ten me alory that would lend Harrla to the' Word waa received An adjournment die. Prare la aaelti HOMK. Aug. S. Peace aetwtea Turkey and Italy la la eight aa a re ault of the overthrow of the Voaag Turka. Negotlatlona are aald to be under way. WORK I'ltOniUaWINO ON PIEHS FOR Pt.UMK I). 8. tlrlgaby, who la In fro hU ranch near the flap, atatea that the government work on the Foe Valley extenalon canal la progreatlag rap idly. A crew of about twenty Men are at work building plan for the flume acroaa Loat River, and aUo ex cavating the drat aectloa of the eaaal. Illda are to be opened on Auguat 20 for the conatmctloa of the aevarat lateral, and unleaa the price la con aldered aatlafactory the work will be done by force account. Mr. (Irlgaby atatea that the ttorm Friday night did not do any damage to crop In hla neighborhood, aa It did not hall. lltFWNSnlillEISITIfS WITH FULL rttSS If POtTS llnoaevell ilemoualrnUoil men oulalde of the Han llormidlwi fir( w(1, r,.HKlll., fron, ,,, f,lrnl fMMrvn nr .r frm Merrill to re- enato today ndoptod tho couieiouif 'ire not long ago that the mlaalng. party who know of thn nbionc.. of the ,,pich (lllrIlg n lromliry nveat..mnln n week or ao. Mr. Mnrtln a lif 'report on the wool bill by ovAoie of wltuoaa wna located In Kantaa. and United I reaa Servce men, i-ln.li'il mil lo look Mr Itiein.. Rn((1, nh,rl ,,,, fr ,g ,lr,0, ,lok af(cr ,no Klamath Knlla Holler '3r. to 88. Tho meaaure now goea to Mr. Wheeler waa dispatched to bring MAOI80N Wla., Aug. BJuat prior When thny relumed a lllllo Inter tho ml(nri.nHint. .Mills, while hla brother. Iiua. J. Mar- Hie While llouac, where, It la expect- Mm . Advance word In a letter to the conclualon of the aeulona of men were In rump, none Hin wnrao for Tll ...,.., ... . ttttm -.., in B,.,i wifl, ....t Mr. nnd lira. Krraa dlJaafjant Taft will veto It '"d been aent to the reluctant wit-'tho Klrat National Editorial confer- Iholr exiierlenre. unllv hrlnc to an end illmnearhment Hoalov co to BiirhiK Creek on no outTr1iellttH Identical with that ve- mm. n hen the deputy aherlff nr-ience. whlah haa Juat ended In tola lualead of Mra. I.ynn l Imving .proreettliiKa nualiiHt the Seattle Jurlat ing. W-. . . .. a la . rThV"illlahi Identical with that ve- ,,",. " " " uepuiy anerm nr jjMMrrthe prealdent lnat year. . T. i " "fit Mb. -I .. rilllllHIOH llllllt lltll' " ...n"-. Wfollnaei .', Kon,,,(,kr ni ll.il.aaker alateH that while ahe wna 1 1 J.J-I afT 2 -1 (214- tCkv1a? t ' 4 redT .,rH ' ,,' "ec"' mailer waa pracllcnlly ror,to.le.t by La 1 V 1 1 W VJ III a-7 1 1 JJ l& VVI1 111 t req bnniliinn Imn rfit...i.t. ... ......... ... Foot While on an Outing Thi ran, ;.". "Wlilaw. Friday He hm k" ". "",0i"i" parudtwl v..,- Mr, "nnit I'l'Ko yellow ban ' S'. ''' ,,,"cr"""'n. "Vole. "rre;,.nrrU,,,, T' l'"'lMtlnil0n',l """It'" report "wiling 0,ry ,. ' ii ik .. "'"in tivarv IIOOII. nlld l" 'Jllliro pnriy waa grimily aurpnaeu wi.eu ine learned on Rulurdny of Ihe jiiilillflh' 'given In thn Irlvlnl nffnlr. Willi mime other children, the Utile Iho departure of the boat, lived In Chinook, Kani., he found that Kelly had left. Inquiry developed tho fact that the"! witneia had gone to Lamed, Kana., 230 mllea away. It waa learned that ho had been arretted there on a charge of gambling, but had been rr- leaaed from custody before the officer 'from this city arrived. Then tho chute led through the cornfield 'of Kanaaa until all trace ot Kelly wi teat. Inatead ot adopting the ordinary I nethoda of travel, Kelly had adopted mid alio tho role ot hobo, thereby making Mi llutlou Move In Xen Home ' T. (1. Mellalton. tho Jeweler, haa moved 111 tho Slough building, ntlU' lieriuian ni utuvt-u . - - . ,--- - - - i,T .7 will occiinv tho building with llmlof her oldera to nlwnya hear In mind Bri waa ahootlng nt a target nt Pel- waa brought to Ihla city mid taken to trailing extremely dllBeult. "-. , ..... ,. ..n...MA.lnna h. 7- . .. . . . ... .. . . .x.. a.... t. . .. - iirt.ii..,. ii.,i riiiiinnnv. Mr. Mcllal- inn auimy in iter .-utii,.ni...., 1...., nny yealeruay wim a .S3 caiioro me omco 01 ur. uuiiiun, wiiore ino ........ ... .... .--.. . ,.. ... ...!. n tf k. revolver, Following Inatructlona alio ,hullet was extracted Kelly la alleged to be the man who of Cmitaln 11. K. ...,. , . .. . . . . n., ,i . a i."teo Harris in placing the 10-cent 01 i.iii.mii ..i ,..,vnl..r irnllmvlnir Inatriirllnna ulin .hiillnt wna extracted. The ball had' ... . . . . confined to her ' .piece in tne lorenead or u tuir amen ... - . tiakiii aaiaa inuini iiiii 11 a mar iiiuHrii iiiii iiiihhiiii imiiiiaii a aitv linn. laiiti it biiiiiii . - . a .&. -a i..bJ.i . .. w a a i..i ...1 a 1. -. i..kiiak u'oiimi in iir rnnf. - ..-- -.-a. --.,... .-,- ,-. ---. - wan uiiBrwuru uriuuvi ur .1. AriDi. while at hr bedililo nro invernl Krnto grounil, when not itctimlUy polutlng Mnck spot BhowoU Kh location on the which the Utter wm accuied of steal- t 111 a ......! It.. 1.aI iHlA.ntntlu atiilll.nl InHi n ItiA tnnt Ol a la iiaI link . I . . IDaI IabiIb 1 li aAa.iUl.l . aU- fill VOUIIiraterH Will) hnVO enlarged II luwniu inn tnrat't. nvtuvutnii; bud , umiirai , .uu iuui. p ,a iiiiii inn, ruuuniua ' acquiiiai on tun in aiinrotiii r n .. .. wniltnan urug company. " -.....,.. .... hta ''o boo, (! ,n "TV"U' , Ion U niltng up will, elegant now ma-Jyear-old .laughter . J"0" of who Ihnii l0ad?r h;lliogmiy cnaea. mid will douhlo hla llanaberry la today t... 'r.nor J,"hon of Calllfomla .. ......... neuL. ?m',B,r''n ftblllty. ' ,,." ' ' '"' ,r"" ". ' . boy to r. and their evening prnyora by Including n'miUed tho trigger and the bulletnlong nlcoly today, and while .lie wllllcharge of ateallng the calf. Mr. Arant -lJ Oar-iM1 1" f "' w, ion o, Texum ?hl..lau.a for theapeedy recovery of their .truck her foot. have n very soro foot for gome lime, cau.ed the arre.t ot H.rrbi on the ICiBiiTuJJJpT; -. Blrl1' ' " """" little friend. ' Tho accident happened Juat beforo ffo aerloua couaequences nro expected, charge of perjury. city, Roy "fv. Howard, chairman of the board ot director ot the United Pre Aaoclatton, offered, free, to all unlveraltlea having couraea In Jour nallam a full oopy of the United Preaa report for the), coming year, ' Mr. Howard1 propoaal waa that the reiiort of the United Pre should be receded for aualyda almultaseoualy with the newspapers taking the re port. In order that the conference should have available accurate datn next year to ahow how adequatelyjthe association Is handling Ihe news, i "It will give u a service warth thousand of dollar." aald Dean Reber of the University of Wisconsin, '.'and will enable us to get tangible results next year. Should other uni versities avail themselves ot the op portunity offered It means that the United Pi ess will give away fo.- sc,ttV tide purpose more than. 50,'00u worth of news." ' "'