Niii'i'i.icii iiy Tin: mTMi I'llKNM NKWH NKHVILK mt prnina Mttm. """" P a. mbJ. tilth Year '" l'w, KLAMATH Mill, OHBOON, rUTVrtlMV, Aim HT a. 1018 .- . sH Mexican Rebels American Fire Shots Across Soldiers Send Volleys in Mt JrVPQ vHHB Boundam Democrats Combine With Bull Moosers in Congress --1 1 1 i j i. ii . in i Measures Unpopular with President LIGHTNING SUMS Return mJSFLjtoma Near El Paso Struck Taft are Forced Through Both Branches of the Law Makers ealnlp li( FIRE IN SAW MILL IMirlng the thunder' atorm last' iiIrIiI Hip rompenaator nl the Ship plugton hoi factory and nil wire roti. IK-Mlmi were burned, quili. n blase starled, lint was .Uncovered by the Tmv.V OK XOMTH I'LATTK IH THIS mmiXKII FOK TIMK ! By Bullets of Despen BOILER PLATE" llrlr Win Hull WAWIINOTON. Aug. J. The 'rim ndinlnlalralnr of II. iii lmlir s.l.ipie.i mi rouirrcucc on (Irene ilncm....!. I... i....i.i Ml-'it n the oil Mil hy n, vote i.f rroMi tlin ilrrlliii of ili. roimir Jiiilc., "lK,t ,,"',, '1 extinguished bsfore littatt, Triily four pror.l. , muder.,! n dnrlilou In Inmr i,' ""J damage hi the building was .lour. nl ltti Ihf dMiiocrsIs the Imlra. li. Hip rlrrult mini I! I. Thn nlm im ...-....! l-.l-.-.l il... l.,l.l-... T- . " nun. '"""n"" ....... ..... r.iuou rppreonni inn admlulalrNtnr Crtliflnlhi-airmiiiP .,,.1 H, ,.,,, .,,,,, ,, .(ni ; ihf irnaie llii tlpiiiorrrl niid of fltla (Ireer Hotel I tlnninl lu I lip llttiMMl an.l Ttu People Arr HpHunaly Wo! nl li) Oeorge Itall7 I'iwn Arr In Pursuit of Heap, ratio, pSo Fled Ing I.)- I In. !. trlclniu unit I hi. r nie.1 operation, ircrrwlir fnfinr.l n alllimri' nml f, nrd Ibr adaption of Hip Iki'iip ttUllfiUInn hill TIip voir waa 3.1 la II In rrcndn from Hip )liap IS.ntarnti, IikIuiIIiik Hip I'sundlaii mlprwlty silor tflinniou unlit that I'reO .It Tift hut sllrndy tiollflril Ihp itl nunufidutvia thai lip onl.l ittoliablll FfMttr llniiinn ptrdlrlrd dial Dm rwMrM wAiiM li Hip tnnaiurp, tnesa ! I'pptnl Ciludl'irttlUrtlrp irAIIIIMITON l 0. Aug. 3.-. fctitor WnrkU prnteatp.1 today ifiltul Ibr trnatp ainurmilly I'lfro United Press Service CIIICAOO, Auk. 3. Dlatrlct Altor- ney Wllkerson haa aaked Judo Un. In Hip Mountain tVounilrit Taarti Ula for an Injunction axalsat the In litivrr ."Ilollcr Plate Newiiiapr Truat." Tte . Iilefendanta are the Weal i'ubllihlna; IIKNVKII, Aug. 3. (Jwira-e llallaw. t0D,l'y. Wtatern Newapapr Union. me American rrriw Aiaoriatlon and t-verat Individual. Il la alined that the defendant are vlotatlnc the Slier man act. Miin4 CnatiatBA lWlBd I mm TBI ict crADrn mwmmmmm - ana inn mornup, MMfftM 00 not Indicate An jom Iajurad owner of a atage line, lant night on- MERRILLITES 'WITNESS DOES ARE PEEVEDi NOT SHOW DP mill I la,...! H t. u...ak I...... . ..-. I four tlmm, aerloualr wnundlnic Mm. Charli-a Wallhrack, proprlelreM, and a lourUt. Then lie drove the curat out of the hotel and net the hulldlna; on lire. Tor two houra the community Waal ,tirrorliMl,' The hotel wa hiinie.1 to .the around. Ilallrw fli-il to the mountain. A Hwu U In tiurault. TOM BARKLEY IS 00T OF JAIL Ing on motion of Deputy Ualtad futaaj Ulatrict Attorner llaaulra. Vletor .)0at4 I cli.rge.1 with taking liquor on to the . . "L J.'f' JJT' " - , , ,, -1 Ion aoldlera autlonad aloac tlM ! Klamath Indian relation, and the',frillon bou-d.,- uZTTJ, TJl reaoon of the dlimlaaal waa the dU- '.rere fired on by Mexican raktto kaat rover that he had been Inveigled Into Rlht. and an exchange of aheta arraaa the crime br Thomam Harcli. who lne bor,r fontlnuad dnrlag lt a. Indicted on the Mine chaw, and"'""1 """ ,n" """ ruui nuirncau BoaaaB amai or tnu who I a atool pigeon for hlgherupa (who are anxlou for convlctloaj. i llarclay waa alio allowed to go. aa he haa been In Jail over a moatli " IIANHIMI.I. MA. IM:n.AIt TIIKIIi: Wll.l. IIH Mi MOIIKI ail.l. (ItMKM WITH Till! KMM. ITII KAI.lJ A;llli:IATI(lV i The ununded wrre lirouglit to Ihlil , tWT.UI. KKVO MAX, JJKTM .i. rlly. KitTV ox HKitioiH chaimik' ' :: uJ2L:.t WIIKX I.; ItOHIIINH y.UlM TO Al. fil If OaNMiMf KMHTfl I'l-Ut ix ntl'liT The haMliatl promoter of Merrill U!l hit innlulliiii ordprlng an ID arp llirllnnl In he .or., ut Hip IimmI l!?.""!0'. m.""! :,1",,lll"" ' ,h' "'' MPINWlrra. a. Hip followlu. .....v.i rHMuiria iiimir ai nania Mookt, Henalor llrltto taled that ...i. . rriiiiuiiaii ,. H. c,rllP1, , Martin, captain. I"'t In an appearanrp. " w. ,. .-. ,... . .. ... .... lemi-riuy hip herllT otnee Imp MilvUnt that a lomnlalnt Imd LIST NT WE WIMS' IIAXCMt.ltVOK I.VIHAX AiJKXCV IM, niMCHAiujicD vtum ihirtlaxu' I'RIHOX WILL HKTt'K.V TO THK KKMATH .KXt.'V msM m nt wm TO HUE LOW CaValBI city ware struck br butteU. The Mexlcana aUrted Irlag la th darkneaa, and. aa Aaiertoaa patrol near the 1 Paao fouadrr aaawarad. PhoU were Bred In the MrU 1 a. dlcated by the fUahea of the Waaiaaa rites. Xaw. Clyde K. Witter haa lault la clreolt. ert DKMOCRiTIC CAMMBATK fla'U,r'rore fop ., AT HARD CAatfAKlX WIU. Uwaw aalnea and tW i hoaao. H. ft alaUf. CiwMaftkai ilLES LOCATES URAL CLAIM Chargpd with aaull with a dradlv weapon. J. ap)Mred In the jua. . .... lmHV1. ' v .. ,," AfCrr 'l"n,lln " nmtU hi lira court in Krno thl. morning, bat ' , K!' 1 vnmna a !v J'" ,n ,hU clty nd ,n ,,or,u"J' To' . l. - il l- a i .. . . I Ilarf?lJar haft lataain rflatfh raV4 IIa .- r . from Hip Merrill Hwor.l will Indicate """" ni me THK Vlf'IMITV OF LAKK OK THK I , ""' , -- - ...... failure ..r ii.. .... ii..- ...i. ... tcfutiid nuivMv . rived here latt nlaht en route m lit united Praaa Berrtca ai inn prraeiti limp, u near n '" - -....r- -..w..,.. - ol,lnlll, . ... .., rmaae for k hr-fc - linma naar 'Mloaw .... .v. iff.. . . HDOD. w " ... . for the aal at mamm Hmm -- -- of the Mrrrlll hall i.t. ihrrn will v i .i...i.. .. .... Coinldorable anxiety waa occa- llarkley waa arrested on Hie rpr. uow aaaounced today that nel.,-. ...- - -.- --.. (hi it irii i a a ma n min . , , iiiib arp raaairaaBBaaBBSBBeaT aaar aai aiaBBtai 'tip m itwirn n.t will. il... WI......I.I alnitpil here lat nlsht by the reoort Ivatlon on Julv Sth nn a char., nf ii. had definitely deteraalnad .r. . lvabtt w it bnnss for the ptaiaUl AtiT l. VOI.VK MUCH MPBAkaXU Dalton aV Healey atarted a day aaahaet W. H. Marilii a 4 Marcho la the clrratt eert ts S. Craae H.I, KNOWN lll'llli: AMt HI'.VT. tin are reoreeeBted br H. BUI lO and V U .. Kail nine, owing to Hip trrntmriit . .,,.,. . . i "f0"1'1 hrt ,hal ,)r Lyman, a San lug whlikey on the reMrvatlon. Frank itump the country geaerally. It la n. r Sabla of Portbuui fli.4 Uu i.i-i. ..... .......... bwn Uaunl asalliat Oacar ut lie n. iLmnrfinn 1.1 ....i 1. n !..... ..... .. .... t . " UM""' rorwaaa Blea a attK wiiini imp n..y. tptpivpu ai hip imnu.i ...-. ... v,, ....... . nlrrara .uu.u me nme 1 anticipated that he will make a fewiln the circuit cotfrt today agalaat . of Hip managrmint of Hip Klamath lfcallou of Hnbliln. but none of Hi n rral eatalc operator of the aanio time for a similar offenie. Victor waa ,,hM h.r. ,,,. ,.mMl . H. FraneU foreman oftliTf.7 KalUlPam.lurlnrthplrvl.llth.rPon delalla'wrr- glien. apared I'Uce. had been lo.l In the vicinity of J releaacd from cu.tody at thi- kame' 'Chef 7"" ,h c"n",'n cora-lo 8h,'J ,ao"to reWTo. a. HI... I III. of In. I mouth. I. a Inter befote H.p Ju.Hcp of m-nc In K-no ,,", l'el,''rry patch of the l-akc of Hn.P a llarkley. who dpclarea thrp mm" de,lre- .account for ool. .M ...i mi. i im- iiiHiuiiriiun. wn no grounii ror in own nrrcit. "'i campaiga wouiu , Attorney II 8 Crane represent the lleport to the contrary notwlth- The Portland Journal has the fol- start auout September 1st. Mr. VII-'ni,i.iw niiiiiiiiiif-., iiiv iivwn in in o uiMipicar iiiuti wna not made public at Harrl-'of the chnrgp aealnt Victor man l.odgo )eterday, and the flrat llarclay: word of the matter came here late, "Two Indictment against Hput lo thl rlly In rmard to Hip rl this morning, hut thn minptalrliitt name, hy Ollvpr. the arraignment Mlln.a, Itoliblu. did not npimnr lo wrre thai tranaHirtnllnn for liln aiibatantlnlp Hip charge, ntid lunch would lir fiirnlahn.l the i lui) a If tin. ynould visit Hip rounlyi I I. .! i... .. . . . .. . u.. . ' '"i.uilh I l((l , Tltll' TO ' ' r "p "nnf'' "" """ not doup, only the lunch IipIiik nt tlnd for hy Ihp inaiimtiT. Hmiday .morning about IU o'clock n tnlnphoup Mti..a.ii;p mine in Martin Hint thn hoy T II. Mll, w, klllmll ,.,.. ,, I uld not roniP down n Hm nulnmn. Ir. Uli. il,. ,i.. i1'"" rlvera wanted In know whnr.i "", il III Hip rlt) oi lay from Karl .. . .. ..... " imiiiav vni roniitir irim. ii,mr.i HIIIIItlKI .lowing to ay regarding the dlimlnsal son was aaked If he would speak on THK rtll-vi'A ill NTIIV HAVH li I'l.lATini, MCLEAN GOES TO THE PEN I Victor were diaralsaed State Dlatrlct Judge llean Milan) li . ....... .... iit- . .........a .i..i, ...'....", in. lie in, ,)H... .,.....,,,1 .n ',i... ..-.-.i ..... .i i, i..,,in ..i.i i.l.. ., --r---. .-,,.,-, V..1..1-.. ..,,,... -, nl...... "'bui parly of hiuiirr from liar "Innd tfln expense. ". lxxl., but nl the tail mlnuiq "T'"' -It- of Merrll nlwnys Ir.ntl ''Jthiniui Hi,.r mi,,,), thi'lr vlallor ronl(y, nnd Miirlln wnal Mr, 1111m i... . . (old In tell llllter to rouin iiIiuik. na ca nun rrrviitlv r..lnri...l .. . . II,oB , . ' hip people here linn t lie man lo pay m,l""'K Irlp In Hi., bents fr irnn.poimiloii. The nutomohll.. lia jiiilil willingly. HAIIMM MOIIXIXO WITH llnllNrrrillKr' HOt'OII IIAIKrX IIOMt AMI IH IIUI.KAHKD ""n olihe Pmp(ln li,. loin led bill of only fan yeatcnlny afternoon when Miss Hun anker arrived In the city from nn out-. Ing In the Lake of the Wood dlatrlct. I Mica llunsakekr reported that her father and n number of men had been i .mil M..iftf.ilnr fnr Hip Ivn mlaalnv I " - "" "" , men, but without result up to the1 tlmo she left the ramp, yesterday I.KFT THIH ,,,. ' .OWHTKoi Thn opinion prevail In this city that the two men wero caught In tho storm which raged over tho l.akc if the Woods region Thursdny and koptj under rover. ...... .,.... . U.ul.. louvlcled horse Tllp ,ory ' u, lMl l""r, cnl ...... ...-....... .k.. ITh..... Ilk'HIIIVIl C. K. Witter filed a nu tnalav In and Hie Pacific COait. tlin rlrn.ll rm.i-. ...In., r. I b 'That would almost necessarily In- et nl. for work and labor and aaaterlai Prank volve a stumping tour." was the re-lfnrnii.i in .h. h,,imi.. ... . u, .iii.iea ,.ur. .,,(, in,, , positively refuse toidenre In this city. The plaintiff U this morn make." k. u a r.... Clements' Pals are Held in Jail Without Bonds lleorxn McLean, B' irouml ,i.l, i, i and alinua tin. 'illtTerpnrn of I he hiw Hi Iff. wn Inkrn to Snlvm Ihla morn- broadcast "fK'-rtsliialiln Pllnllly of the people of Hie Alfalfa I Ing by Sheriff llnmc. P. II. MeKner)',s'"'PH' nml ,0,,'r thellerfjld office has elements, Ma I. hl,..,.if ,. . .. ,l.'lty nml Hint of Iho grent Mnlropolla well known newspaper man of this ' ie ''"" "' Thompson wei "ii oi iiim. i.. ... i i,.. ... ,.. iMnrni flm ltd u. .... " r. JINa ona i .i, .,, Ill When they in 1 1 upon city, urromppnnled tho parly. routilrv I .....M. n.n i.i. mm ,i iiiii.hi, mm I... . ''M"' '" K''1 "" "III l-doing before Iheao 2 ulrr,l hy,,)ral throughout the United today the Herid otflc gnl with telegrams ini'WHpapera and nnxlotis friends. ' Hi. thlnliy of Hie Merrill Iwna imulii for n game II It was expected to lake Hugh Hough. I'011 of ', ,n"u u'hmI lost are "re I line liunllog. M. lth u proviso Hint something .brought here from the Klantnlh Agen niembera of the Klks. and the local horsehldecy yesterday, wllh the pnrty, hut hit., u", "" ""n-ning pany was mauo up aim ion nere snoriiy aiier noon by automobile to go to take .of Iho Woods. Tho party consisted of Hunter Savldge, Mr. and Mrs. Karl ' Whltlock, Mrs. P. It. Old and R. L. Mlrkel. There were five people from 'flnn Ilernadlno In the party, and they spent sevornl days In tho city last week. The "Coyote" car driven by two of the party attracted consider- able atteutlon nn the streets at Wio time. It. C. CHAMIIKIIS, Jr., nnd W. L. Chambers, who are touring the coun try lit n huge auto bearing a New York license, but who aro from Lo Angeles, arrived In tho city last night from llarrlmau Lodge on the west side road. Thoy do not bollove In tho story of the men being lost. It doe not seem reasonable," said It. C. Chambers, Jr. "We know mem bers of the party. Yesterday after- lUodU""'''llf"" r'""1 rU '" r,m,,,,v l''"' ttllh ""' ,,,"r' l"'l''l l"l Hough 'wah able to glvo ' leiiiiis." .bond nnd wn released. Mnd Seekers flay Have Been Victims of Graft UKDDINO, Calif., Aug. 3 William reus (Irinith nnd Dan ere today held to nnswer to the superior court for the murder of Wm. tandls. Hall was deuied. aifni .-. v.iuNi " - ' I'tiuiie iau, w. "i ir ,... i ... " wrel.y tin. . ""r , , ...... I bl (,., ,M ,r," "'"'"Ider """"X I'J- iilloriievM I.. , "rt WMle lu.r i. .....'-......! ' " II I I I'n.l. ''-'rcUMUuf,::".,,",,r"nyf," Z r'-',iny..n,ho Xct . u euuiily, court h,n,orw"' oM.ln.4 h uL.T' " ""If""' foo of fHtoikT. "..riwl :alirornln 'iK?' 'Ihew-- """" wm result In men' v.vlltiothfug. Tim iippllcnuls lire resldeiilMlnt the uniform rule of IMiu per ncre. nf Diinsmulr. lied llluff nnd oilier Cnllforula points. Tho land Involved Is uow In litiga tion between Iho rnllroud rompnny nml Iho gnternment. TIiIh suit Is to recover title by the Koverumeiit, mid In being stoutly resisted by Iho rnll roail romiiany. The application nro lo buy Iho Inml ut tho rate or 12.50 per acre. In tho event of the government winning tho suit, HiIh Inml will ho thrown open lo public entry under tho homestead act. Hut If the railroad company wins, tho laud will ho sold to tho highest blddeil, nml not, It Is claimed, In any event, It Is claimed, the nppll cat lima tiled yesterday will he worth less. The following Is the Innd for which application to purchase nt $3. fit) hm been mado; All Sec. 31-41-51 NWM Sec. 11-40. fii NWU .8ec 1G-40.7; NWW Bee. 18-40. 7; NW See. 7.40.5; JXU Sec. 3.41.5; NWVi Sec. 33.40.6; NR W nnd WH Sec. 11-40.7; W'M Sec. 1.40.0; NWU nndfillVi Bee. 13.40.(1; NKU Hoc. 37-40.0; 8K nml NW. Sec. 35.40-0; Bi See. 5-40.7; NWi Sec, 3-40.0; NRU Sec. 89.40.7; SW U See. 10.40-6; BWU 8c. 2&.40-0 CODNTY READY TO BDILD ROADS VII-.WKIIH AUK AITOI.NTKD OX HKJHWAV COXXKCTIXO MID I.AM1 WITH HKCOXD KTHKI-rr. fOMMITTKK fiTII.1, SHOUT This outcome of the preliminary hearing camn as n complete surprise, especially to Orlfflth and Thompson, who were completely exonerated by Clements In his confession. Clements declared that he had mur dered tandls because the latter had, after having been discharged froaa Jail on a charge of murdering Mrs. Clements, sung a aong, "Another Shovelful of Dirt on Mother' drove." The prosecuting attorney ctalama to hiive evidence Involving Oriaath aad Thompson la the plot to kill taadls. The county court yesterday ap pointed C. 1). Wilson and Judge Geo-. T. Italdwln, as viewers on the road petitioned for from Midland to Klam ath Palls, to connect with Second street. Judge Wordeu stated that the county would build the road potl Honed for and Intimated that work would bo commenced Just aa soon na noon wo struck a rock In the road! the viewers made their report. near Odessa, and mentioned the fact afterwards to a settlor near there Ho told us then that a party not long be fore, had struck tho same rock and had wrecked their auto. Thla party was, undoubtedly, the loat hunters." If the committee which baa In charge raising the finance for the ex tension of Second street to the city limits, are successful In socurlng thr balance or 11,800 to make up the 1 10,000 coat, the Indications are that the Second street road to Midland will be open to travel thla fall. Work la progressing on the Second street Im provement, and workmen are now (IIS lug In on tho south djde or the canal, but a full force cannot be put on until the full amount .necessary for the work ts aasured. The county Is ready to do Its part, ana If there la any de lay, lu building the road It will be duo to the cltlien who are fntoreated In tho opening of the street. MHKSTERS RIFE ims muss llev. aud Mrs. Charles P. Aked ar rived In this city laat sight, accom panied by two maids. They will go to llarrlmau Lodge on a visit. Re. Aked waa at one time pastor ot John D. Rockefeller' Fifth avenue Baptist church In New Tork. Dr. Oeorge H. Wright reported thla morning the birth of a daughter at the home of Mr. and Mr. John O. Flaherty of Hot Spring addition. MRS. BLEVINS ASKS DIVORCE KXTKKMK CHUKLTY IH CLAIM OK PLAINTIFF COITHLK MARRIKD IX OKLAHOMA IX FKBRVARV OF LAST YKAR Charging that her husband baa truck her and threatened to scalp her, Winnie I. Dlevla ha atarted suit for dvorce from" Oeorge W. Blevlas. The complaint waa Bled at the court house thla morning by H. S. Crane, attorney for Mrs. Blevlas. Mr. and Mr. Dlevlua were married In Miami, Okta., February 14, 111. Thoy came to Klamath Falls store than a year ago, and have since re sided hero. Judge W. 8. Wordsn west to Fort Klamath today to spend Buaaay at his ranch.