HIITMIvl' IIV TIIIC VMITKU l',CHH SKWH WKUVICK h$ ftu'itinij zMb. K.VKNINO ftKWMMPKIt) HINT TIIK NKWH, NOT IIMTOHY ,M,lhVfr-No. 1.1 KLAMATH KALIJf, OHKUO.V, I HI DA V. AI'OIHT U, lll! Price, Pita Cat Prce o Bee Soars to Highest Point in History WOOL l. ITI BILL TO BE ADOPTED ,iiiniw:nmnni:is oirr KMiiriHCH U h.o.I i.r tin.H.m mIimmH) mlMlr.l nml "..mm. 'niifr.-. ,trm I" " Hln.tr 'liiiiigr In k.. Ull-l"'""' I HUH" '" WrH .M,l,",l "' ,,"' I""4' "' ('rrM KLAMATH MIN OCT A DkF.K 'I'lio I1rl il.ir tn (nil In u hunter in Hit Klnmntli country tliU seiiaou n killed west nf 'rrr.iit early yester day morning, tttfor unit l.m in thl .rr.ft win brought hern by I. (' An leiaou nl Tin. Dalle, Mint arrived In tin. city ilila iillurtiiMiii. "I met r loiiplu of hunter near t'resrniil yrMnrday iiniriiltiR" aald Mr Anderson, "They had a doer with thrill, nml tnlil inn Ihoy liml idol It i ntly In Hi.' iiiiuiiIiik near thorn They I. ilil mi. Iliry were frimi KUiiuitli I'nlli, unit tntil m their name hut I l im riirKnIIrn tliKin," There mr v.rl liunlliiit p.uti from tliln rlty known in do In fir rlnlty of Crescent, but It will not ln known til Whom ltr I In. Ii itl'ir of I liu Aril ilvcr of I tin (matin until I h')' I nt urn tn trita city Wilson Hears Good News: Roosevelt Answers Taft STEAM! R KILBURN BADLY DAMAGED CLARK MEN IN F4V0R WILSON PERKINS GETS PLENTY MONEY DEAD ISSUES, SAYS COLONEL KllltKKA, Auk. 2. TIio steamer V. A. Kllburn put In hero In dlatresii' taut nlxlit. Fire had broken out abonrd, nni) It wm with great dlffl' rulty Hint It wan extinguished. Sev eral of the crew wcro slightly hurt. FEW CATTLE ON WESTERN RANGE mi:s-iii:m ,iii: iiiininmi ntmi rVMIOHMA MITIlllTIIIlN III tiii: Hi'i:.iu:n or -in cmnsi. or ni:i'iii:M:.NT.riis 'WHITMAN WILL GO AFIER HIGHER-UPS I'-llrd l'fn S.ifflrn WAHIHNtlTON, l. t!., AUB. J. Tkr icniii" mul linuan conferees un iLt Lout wihiI hill uiiniiunivd that srrrliirlil had Urll leathfd whlrh aciiM liuure llin .1K nf We Kill In both huuif Tlif .mate ronfnrr1 mi the metal urlR imUIhh bill ' i""' '" r- colt (tow tin. pin Mini nf thn ami- , - .. it bill rralln Hie Canadian rrli.l, ((.(, ,.,, t,...t(,, riKlty The liou.r cimfrtrm inmil' ,-;-v VfllllC Aug J Deputy Pi. -wrd In roller rlistr In aomndiitlr-iji, iMi-iinlaaloner Dougherty In ix- -.,1 a r..tn.l-tn agreement has t.rin.,,,miig ',ank Hlrdrliihilt. nil" trithtd, . Wliltny" Uli, raptured lint litght ' i - - t I'lrlahmsnil, N V The pnllrn vx- nr. In rillirn the oilier Nllrgr.1 nitoal munlifrr of lloirnlhnl ahnrtly ollrn Coiuinliuloiirr Wnlilo l" "r- tnl nil thn iMitlrn tn nrrrtt iithrm III Yolvrit, or nmn hnAili will drop IH trlcl Attornoy Wliltnian plmii to aldn mul Mm. track thn u1l-n nru(t clmri- iinlll n (Bin la roUhllatiril BKllll the lillir drlrra, 1 MI.'AHIItr. N. J . Auk 2 Wood, low Wllmili iiuiinuiirxl I nilny Hint hn Minilil not rnallitl New JiTniy'" Kon-r- iliurahli linfiiri rlnrllnn ' Tim ili'inortnllr nomlii.'i. ilnrlnred (hut he wna "lerntltled lit thn rrolpt of n iiutnbnr of iidicr of aupporl from inenibt'ta of the Clinuii ('lurk j 1.1'j.Rlir In Cnllfornln " 'I tier" hn been ronalilernble ari. 'Ulloti n lo how (hi Clnrk ilrliKirrnln in Cnllfornln would alnud on the W 1 1 'fuii inudlditi'). mid ilrmorrntlr trailer ,lr plenaed nt tin. evliteuru ) aupporl iwhlrh tina rome from the W'or! IUMMi:Vfr:i.VK IIACKCIt l)i:CI,.ltK.H Tii.tr :m:(tiox or nti.vcii'Ai. wii.ii .not in: iti:r.tHi: tn lat.'K rr.MiN I'nllrd I'reaa Kervlrv Mill Man Hurt U. W. Jobnion, employed in tho HIk llimln Lumber company' mill, nar rowly escaped death ycatcrday after noon, when he wan knocked to the ISI'KKCII UK TAKT IH HIIHCt'l.KH Moor of tho log carriage. With, great IIV I OIIMI-lt I'ltKHIIIKVr UK l,rwcnro of mlnd h r0,led ,rom ,b" Cli.tlMM 1'HKJtlltK.NT HIDK-HTKr- w. r SKW VOHK rilOK HOt'HKH Wll.l. IXCttKAKK I'HICKJi I'K.H THi: Itl-UI, QUI-MTIOVS UVKTCIl IIAV, Aug. 2. Colonel Itiiiiactill toilnv dlaeuaaed Taft'n CIIICAIIU. Aug. t (.eorgo I'er .,, ()f 1CMltancCi Myni, ulnt the kin. anld today tho thn 1'rogrwalVM,,,,,,,.,,, ,,,, ,,pHl wU, ,,,,, ud hntn unllmlleil fuiida. nud milled Hint ()t W) iHHIlvH Tlle Colonel' decla- na ioiik na inn pari, Keupa on " ,, le ,lr)fro ,,tlon will be tight track they will hit the proM.rlluMlw ,omorrow. He haa Indi-"I""-'" rnl-,1 Hint lii- will atsliil for "Illy whltelam" In tho South, but will de nial) il that morn liberal treatment bo given negroc In tlle North by poll- ,tlclniii. Knrly In Seplnmhnr Hooacvelt will dtnrt on n tour of forty ataten. He .icta lo dellor COO apeechea. GONVICTS MAKE NEEDED FURNITURE FOR ASVLUMif Xo (.lianrr of I'rlrr IU-lurlng Moon, Hut II l Ktlirrtnl Tlial It Will Jo lo H in a Krtr IKiya lrnrrr Hr Krl IJllle MupHr in Im Wrl anil XoiHmrt 4'lilrago fa Hlinrt Alao nt Krenetit unuca rreaa MStt : SAI.KM, Aug. '2. The work of I'nrkltiN predlrl Koonnvrlt' elnr Hon. Hrnulor Olioii predicted that no no- Kroea would be mated In the conen- Hon, Hniintor HnveridKe linaarrlred hero HrHII UIIVT iUn CICU IN Hill iiuni nnunoii in i CRESCERI UXE REGIME HUNTINGTON i)ltTIMVNI. Aug. 2 Dr W I. Wood mid rhllilreu, Ijunlirrt tnJ ll-lrli, bate It'll for Crrarrnt UVr, hrre tliry will (pond the next, four k hunting and flatting al tin artilMlm of lite HrachUlM HUrr, Tbfjf lll v tn Dak Itlilgn on the No lioa rutntt nf the Southern I'artflO, and from lliete Ihey will pack In to tit lake on the nutmnll of lit L'aa dJu. Nfr Oak Itlilcr llrurgr II. Kelly it4 family, formerly of Kugniie, blat ft.NK lll'KK lo of I'oillaml, line hwn camplgg! fortetrral day The lUllya will Join tan WiMiila on Itie liunllng vlpedltloll, tail William lliirgard, a aim of (Niuli rllnin llurgar.l, will ntan be with tha fa r t r All lll lake Ihelr linrar dowu (rum I'ortland, FATHER'S LOVE LEADS TO ARREST MORMONS ARE TURNED BACK miaiimn iti:m:i.s iiiiKi'Hr: 10 ai. iiw itci 1 iii:i:s to inmiix to Till: I Mlllll SI ATIIH TltM)lH Alii: MOVI.MI Itl.TI'HXh to Ills TIIHT 'H HI'HV rllll.H IMI in MMMTIM) IIV I'MTIIH hTATKN .XI'TIIOIII IIIIS A.M .i.ii.i:ii VISITOR . WORKERS DR6ED nnilPDCOO CIUK lb 10 .IAIN iidns lUNbKtoo blVto E'.7o!srL". POWERS NOTICE 'ollowlug iii thn ruKtrt of the lnve tlgatlou of tin. I'mUil Slatm Steel, I'AMOl'.H HAH IIOUiH'orporallou, In which labor condl-,.oMit: HrX)l.i:TIO KOItltinniXC I tlotia III lb atrel mla aro dcitouncud,, ilbn Amerlrau KrderaMon of Ijlbor la, 1 peudliiK circular brondraat urging (hn aleel workeni to unionise. .Kor- j rlgu worker nr naked to tell friend' itbro.nd to itny nwny from America lor n year or two. manufacturing mattresie and Iron bedatead by the conrlct for the Caatern Oregon branch aiylum l pro grealng rapidly, and by the time tho furniture will bn needed at the Insti tution they will be ready. Hy the em ' ployment of convict labor In the man pfnclure of the raattreatea. It I eatt mated that a mattrcut which will coat SIR or $20 In, the market, can be made at n coat of $10; and that the I bedttead which coat 98 In the mar ket ran bn manufactured at a coat of :.. CHICAGO, Aug. 1. The warning that meat prices would oar after the diuotutlon of the beef truat haa been fulfilled. I'rlre nt the stock yard today were the hlgheat ever known. Ileef brought $9. 80, and It 1 predicted that the price will go to $10 er hundredweight neit week. Mar o HIkImt I'nlted Pre Service DRNVKR. Aug. 1. -Beef price I will probably go higher. There la attll n shortage of rattle In the West and 1 North went. mi or tii urn, 111:11 l,KC Hi: i:lHIHli HIM- hi:i,r i'I.i:.ini:h with ni vritv Jnlniaon llreag-i l-g f. A. Johnson wa brought to the 'lilarkburn hospital this afternoon from Algatna with a broken leg. Ho wa walking aero a culreif; 01. n tiltnk, when It broke and he fell. KHTAHMHHMKXT OK .VAVAI oibmcklnghl leg, MII.ITAHV HAHri IN NKXT IH PAHHKI) HratawranU Hooat PHrr United I'reas Service NKW YORK. Aug 2. ReaUurant patron were notified tbl mormliLg hat tomorrow meat urlce will be I raised from S to 10 centa per portion. roxTi rullnl I'll Hir liu III. I'AHO, IVxua, Auk. 3. - lluliol "utli of (' (Irumle loilny turned l"tk a Mi'iirnu Norlhweatenr trnln tv trine Mormon refuge. To tlioiia.itii fi'drral- linn rciirli AtthoiiKh It was not geiierall) known nut II nftrr li had left the cliy. II i: Huntington nud f".inll w.r. In Klnmntli Kalla narly tbl wrrk Tim) left hern for Crater Uike. from whlrh point Mr Hunt lllKlou iiunouiii'i'd tin')' would go nrri thn mnutilnlu to thn Wlllam I tin Valley. Thn sou of thn famous biilldrr of tho Houtlirru l'rtrlllr niprraaed lllnuilf a bring pleaM'd with this srctlon of thn roitntr) lr ilii-lnr.-il that In hU opinion lb.' Klnmntli country hn n grriit future. WASHINGTON, I). C Aug. 2. Vol'ng SI to 4, the senate tliU aftnr- Mis Clara Itounaevelt. daughter of imon adopted the l.odge resolution Mr mid Mr. NeUon Itounscvell. left. warning foreign nation not to e.tnb this morning for Oakland. Cnllf.. ' nnvnl or military bae ou the wlinrn Hhn will oulrr the high school l American continent. The negative . ..... .. .. ..... I... r.im ...laid tff-tll... till fllll. I"" r "l vuiimiiii", ", Iht. IVrey and Stone. Taking a clianrn on returning lo I be Klamath IndUu reomatlnu t.i bury hi child, Krank HufT wa nrrrat cd on Wllllannon IIHer jrslrnjny nf nr he had ntaded thn federal author (tie four month. Deputy Hulled Mate Marshal flrlf Mb ami Sheriff llnriir left tbl morn ing for tb tmnrvatlou to bring Hurt to Ihl rlty. lln will Ihen be taken lo I'm Hand. . . . l..... Thn reileral granu jury iinm " , - ,ni ngrtlnat t"n"1 I'rnu i" ' "- " ,r ' " " ' . AUTOS BARRED 'receive bill for work FROM PARK: "UL" 1856 WILD WEST SHOW COMING ADVA.NCK (it'AIIH OK ATTIUC-TIOX- AHItlVIIS IX THK CITY. .dv.xci: .iK.T Jii:rrs ax Ol.H KHIK.Mf IX THIS CITV MVAI. JAPH TO SU1CTOK United I're-u Service TOKIO, Aug. 2-4-Tbe Aaahl. a dally newspaper. ay that many Japanese am planning to commit aulctde, and thut Indlcnte their grief over the deith of the mikado. The police have been ordered to use every mean In their power to prevent auch action. JOSEPH FEES Will. MAKE CAMPAIGN IN OREGON SAI.KM. Aug. 2 Announcement GREAT STRIKE SEEMS SURE (HATCH ItAKI.'llUTKIi CO. KAI.I.S HACK OV IIKiHT TO KXCI.U8IVI. THAXSI-OHTATIOX I.NTO Till! XATIOXAI. IMHK 11 KU rnturuml Iwo ImllrtmelltN Hulf for ghliig minor to Winn 1 1 " " ..... 1 . , ,,)irk ,, heard of the Indictment nn.l nin.l. ". '' ""'"""" ,"", r ,', rropned up between hi rrnpi. koIiik ! Allura A rev. ""' . t. ... ,,nwmr Dou.loi.ment rompany day ago one of ..... I hilt rhlldret. ' - -....... ; ' ,r' lilK(1 ,,,,, ,,milmtl), .II...I. and the fHer de.lnn to n.iiy ' --"""' ... ,,,,. .,. hecH -ent to Was .. . nr iiiiiiiien biiiciii 111 1111 iinoir -- 1- 1 will bn 0ted on nt thn coming gen Hn. Illtln one oil Dm reorv . .1 l.l. .... I..,il,l lllrt IlIllW ''?"." ",""'::.H :;;; .... ... emcio... i... , mat Kn m miu 11111 1 iiii - "- - Ihnrllli-e were nl onro imlltled of nir nemei el I.iIa - .1 .....: ti- .... iV.i Into rnstoilv the ""' -I hu, '", ,. rZZ Z In d HUteVmhal'H on.cn b... ,hn ....,ry Trt been per- nml thn Crater ml nu nppenl hlngton to ot- lln inntlerH nt Inane, in trio menu- ..I..... tl.t.l litkv.. Iia(. mi. Illlll'i llllll.l.liilini'n 1..11. ....,. wv... .., .ii.i 1... ..,-,.,., " -"" . . . .. ....... .1,.. iim. werurniieu imui.iu .mil. w iivi Icist tve..ly h-.h-im in nrmeu "' l""mv "7 """",," """ Ccorgn I.. Curry of Oregon Territory In belinlf of the meaaure rUMPlAIYKS IX CHICAt.O VOTIM) TO URCIOK IMI-OHTAXT ACTION PLAXNKh IIV OKKICKItH Fourteen Uranile, laotlfled, Orr Threatens to Kill His Wife; Divorce is Granted JuJlu llunaiiu hiiHHlgnvd thn ilecreo Waning u divorii, to ,M orr from "orie II, ort, .ni0 1irM ro ,.... 'r l,l'll"n. and tho wlfo own .rop 'if on tin, KllmUl ri-aorvnllo.i. Bho formerly tlio wlfo of Winter 1 ''U.lt. tilt. U..II L...... .., l.l iii .or(ull ghi ,. on ycnr- nu EroilllllH fur iIIvm-.. u'aa 10. (rililiu a. ' In.) . rr U'l"J'll I' "liml beat her, ami threatened her '"' an .me shen shu riifino.d m ulr.i ' money ,lt, llu, rocolV0(l from thH th 1.1 J'."! l'"ul0' Th0' " on, I . which 1. Ii, ih. ctnody of the ""li 11I11 slnio lut Heplnmber, nml In He romliiir, when hn heard of Dm '" temiiliileil illvorrn mill, ho "roll, n litter to Hin llnrnld In which no nigii- I v prnUed l.l wife, and acknowledged of .mother day nprlng ..now in wiih fully I" blame In fho maltor, heart, dead n It I. ,ut alnro ...at Urn. 1.1. W. Imvo 'Uo.pl Your. eorgo J. C. Donahue U In tho city today lit charge of the advertising car of the Kit Canton Huffalo Ranch Wild ItOsr.lll'IK) MAX PHKSK.XTS HIM. West show. He declare that hi" at .-,... wiienvi: iii.nw.i-s i.()itTHi:itriictlon I one of the hit of the ea OUKHOX vilMIXTUKIW DCHIXH " J l"1"8 SF " eer tho big top I pitched. TIIK IXDIAX V.H jjr oonjituo u an old friend of sTitKKT HAII.WAY Ivan Daniel, leader of the Klamam SAI.KM. Aug. 2.-T-J. W. Hayneri ' Kail Military band. They had not of ItiMeburg ha submitted a bill hold ecn encl other for seven year until , ... .... 1....1..1.., n.. 1I1U morning, when they met on the . . .. AKHIHIL Klin bibii: U UCI'IIIIIU .... A rntn war to tno I'rnter i.no .n -"- . . . ....,..,.....,.. a.M. - ----- irnii m run uii-.iiaj raniinniii iiiirmi niiwit threatened. Troublol " T"..' '..'"..; . .or., ........ .-n,.- .t.ow will bo Jtero week after' uinn,i.n nn iniiinn iiosunurs 111 ioi.u, .... -- nii,.,i !: Rorvi-n p Klnmntli ........... .. ,,..." nl.l Mr. Donahue. "We travel Inlteu I rea oervro reui em io ne inii.rinru nn.-.iivi .. ...--. - .uioAiin A...- .' . 1.. ..r own nrlvntn train Of double- CHILAl.U. Aug. '"Z b... - contracted ut t.eer length car, and nre well equipped .0 J" Creek, and wn. for shoeing horse fonK.ve tho best al.ow eerjeen here." .lj..H. .rejotln, to t. Oregon Mounted Volunteer, who -- - i.rA.i,iBi yi,nn of th. Amain. I'.uiiuih niuurni --- --. - - ;.- OAKLAND. Aug. 2. -"Sir Harry" nth IKelopmenl company project - ,.,.. ,.,.,.. .fooner ha been .. a. ii n.iiniiirn ii' ii.a. -- .-. --... 'nro barred from .110 pari.. ,.,,, ithrion w In command H. Ho I it ..ppear that ll.o Crater i.k ii. ,m, Itel company n fow dny ago iook nu ",. vantage of tholr right to .clu.lv wn contracted. nulo acrvlco Into the park, and or' dered tho While Pelican garogo to 'discontinue hauling passenger Into 'thn park. A message wn ent to Wnshlngton complnlnlng of thl. but l 'no reply 1m et been rccelvod. 1 Tourist who l.avo taken tho park trip under the nusplce of tho Devel-, opment people bae been tnuen nri to llnrrlmnn Lodge, where lorao tlmo, rum";.. bre,..., or ,,.,. to. ... bote. .-lh..P.rt .l-., mm. U. J'.. AUK. ( j- -' irZma io' I Tho .., .( corporation, by the soflly over-.hi. I.IIU II... roaolulion. ,, that t..ey mwo.norw... . . .. . " ' ' r:""' """, nu i The te.tlmonv certainly 111 my on (no oilier nnnii, ino uiemou 01 un u.ii'nisii " .".. .w- ......-...- ---- - - ferted. n.utod Association of Klectrlc Street captured In Autra Knllw.ty Kraploye announced early Is wanted here for forgery today mat tue eariy voie wa ur- . 1- .. 1 i. . in i tin. wneimii air iu lavur 01 iinniuK. imit dangerou criminal In the world. vote will be announced tomorrow. The Steel Trust Abuses Labor, Committee Makes Report I, Orr." iHMintc Iiiir been to tako tourist to l.lj-ln tlirongl. 11 ! mlslnko wo niu.'piirk 0110 day nud then bring them forced to n cruel scportUlon tlui),uk In another doy, thereuy roq.nr the following, ovIduiUH., I a miniple: ho hut ..iiiitttind. nml Mr. Orr ha received 1 . -... fHI.II. tit tit tilt I'll many tnrcnio.u.iK .m.-r- " ; " .,., nf .. ,..- ,, ;.., n,..,. to mond considerable time WHICH nppenr in .nu - " . Unit wna I. I ino .gnu.oiu. nw.. " nnu inoun . ' ." - ... b..,iw nil. I did wrong, ho I 11 . I As n teiull ot tl.o tangle 1.1 irmiif MralOrr- I Imvo beeli waiting .r w we , ,,,B1U, noil.,or,Btlim method there ha been nu itimfor 3 week and -day. ""''". ... , HWCftr l)y heaven and tliof,onle inconvenience to prospective my arm wa fractured. " " ,hnU of my doparled imr.nL. 1 livo)Crator Li.ko vl.ltor. nnd local hotel un. Hut that I nil right! isow ' d ,n(, 10 Ittoiittoi. of comniUeu nre nnxloua that .needy ettlo Urn,.. l,u '"" ""v . "" .'"":."'- r,1 :..,. .... i-ace I) .munt bo arrive., nt. " " ueen living in Cullfor-land It I tho it pica " u," .a arw w i.n ... ..nuiinn anil ft.' oiiTtmiiinii a I'lan, liansportntlon y .uo i;rn.er ... m""?;rr'"- ", ' .... ,. ,..,., ..nn.ra.nodler. I not approved amenaiucniB o win D..r.... ... ...-..--.-.. ..,-.-.. .M.. federal goeriiuii'ut, a recommended by Mr. Caruegle, Judge Clary and oth Whatever may be tho evil reaulta of the elimination of competition from the iteel butlue It doe not Juatlfy uch a remedy n could not be cured by It. Such a con trnl, seml-BOclallstle In It nature, 1 iT. iiiumii'ii mi Page I) vrAiU onit.irnat taw. which It I considered 1 to be American atandard of living will tend to correct some of the among laborer In our country. Soma abuses of thl gigantic combination of the detail are revolting, both aa to of capital. 'sanitary and moral condition. Tak .m. . .... ..........niiii. ih, iiitia 1 11 17 iltn nrillnarv family aa a unit, the I exhnl.vo. and reveal condition wage paid, even It th. hd of thejoud the power v.ted by the con startling. family 11 constantly empioyea, are Concerning labor coniUtloua tho re-1 barely enough to provide ublt- port .ay.! ,once." 'A. to 'ibe daily Uvea and condl- Tho remedial legislation rccom- --- -- -"- 1 I stltutlon in tho federal congress. The abuse mentioned In thl im port can In a great measure be re me. (Continued on Page 3) 05r