n' v f; dltll'MKU Wf TMK VNITKO WIWW NKWH SKRVICK Ibe i Urmna faIiY UVi iiR KVKJOJCO KinVBTAPCM n i .. ,1 i - 4 j ... ItINt THK NKWrl.'fcOT HMTOftV .i.tw tftlh Vrar v,t' ,''M,, KLAMATH FAM. OHKUON, TllIHHIAV, ACOl'HT I. IVIS t Price. PIt CM J president Taf t Declares Roosevelt Bolters Are Rushing the Country Toward Rank Socialism Klamath Country Contains -.BSaSr"" ! .-. ROMIUTIOIt ffllE Vast Area of Orchard Land Pioneer Horticulturist Predicts That Fruit Raiting Will be One of Prin cipal Industries of This Section - READS OF BROTHERS DfAIH II NEWSPAPERS? GO TO THE PEN: II. I. Thomas, th locnl new deal er, was crenlly shocked lint owning li) rending mi arrount In the Kncrn mchln nml Hun Frnnrlato papers of kiillMitlr rldi itiul iirxluriUK nK-i"" ,,rth "f ,ll brother, M. A, rlriillurnl niimlr), mi.l rni huh llicy Thomas, iif fklali, California, Mr assert, In tHr of lhr numerous hnr-T'toa. k" that hi tiroihrr wim tlrultural exhibit, at thniounly fairs, not In the best "' health, but illil not1 .. i i .. ...... ... .! . ... .. .. Llitiu IIimI 1,1- rriHillllim xu ..l.... A. SlfSrti, ! ""l Known iioriii'iiiMiiini ini" win neirr un n nirrrmiui -- " , . " iiram Hirsru. U iino nrirrnii country. """ "" i'rrrn mi nouro n m- Othaa la All Mertkwa '''''. Tbtiv re :&,mihi acres of the nu nl fruit Uu.l In Ktsmstli musty tktrk h norrr been touched with a !," Wii tlir lilemrnt raaae ny 11 -.A- , 4. Mr. Atur llvimU Work Home Tlmo Tlili W-ek -f Ni:V YOllhi Aug. 1, Mm. e John JiimiIi Asljir ctlK-ClH II visit from I ho stock ill I week. Two iiliXnlrlniiH and .three nurses are ' In alleiidahceijfMJy the will of the Ule Joha Jacob Astor. who '(M.H..riiililP Mrnlrnrr of From One peri.neii imMH Titanic, the e; I,,, uiu.'i its rnauiu maoism run resident an opportunity to Inspect tlio lilackburn hospital without solo ito tho trouble of getting nick, Man-, JI'IMIK FIKNHO.V OKXIKH HKQL'F.MT'OKL" A. J. I.yle Iim announced that,, ivimion win be welcomed at the no-- CLEAR, SAYS ROOT! HOK I'AROI.K pllul thU evenln from 7 to o'clock. WltltOX AMI KtMMKVKl.T MiT ihllil win Inhodt 3,ooo,onu. urbt. toJr Vr, ik. .id uf.lMMld nf Ihn rnuntv. atiil CtViarl -- - ' ww I lor lrtt nil Mn rrliy inirri'mrn . in nwrr ici inwrn irinim n in i, j. i niiinuit wim i-crvillK nix '), TEDDY CHANGES ORIGINAL PLAN, In Ten Yrara In InipoM! fcy llw Cihih A r rriwiMr l Ab1mc Mini mi Purolr AfllratloB I'rt' iwrr Will Itr Takra lit Kalrni To iiHirnm. Although not senerally known, thei lilackburn hotplUl la thorouf hly jj modern, and will compare farorably with any almllar Institution In cltlon neveral time the ilie of Klamat'i Falla. .NAMKI) tfY PHNMtVXT (leorgo Mrlii, convlctc-d of ataal- jlnK a hone, luimt nerve tlmn In the 'atHtf penitentiary Judan llenaon thU lllurnlnif ririliiiil In Iimm! lh nlatft ! frH rgln, wil U rconlir.l n only nwaawry lit ay that thern are a'fimrtlt trrm of four yenm n uimor (...., ..,M,V ... ..,,-, . . ..of McUanV attorney. II. Shaw. a torlly on the aubjKl. I fr orchard aratlertd orr tlili conn- "f Mcinlorliio rounly. Iln w one of for n parole, but entenccd Mclean to' li. h m rui re orchanl on ty n w ilely riiit-il OUIrlrla. wllli tlir prominent iletnorral r Irmlrra of IW U'rat Hhlr, wlirri' lm haa all taiN n Vorlanre of nil, loratlou and rvn- t lint portion of the utate of California, tin, of f hmlr, pniiipa. plunn, Hra tlnu, with but vraut attention aa a m4 ti'l'l'. " all vndellea of ieriiKlalUed crop, that hare (ililoml rrlM. failed to produre a rrnp of fruit ulnrj Itae i.l Oiral InduUtb "'! "'ugh to hear Certainly the ,rnt hi. t ni-rlrnre In frail ,"llurp,1 "r ''r",1' lnutn w;r,, rtUat In different artlloni of ti"-",(- "" " ..-. ......-. I flit n 11 ii up iiimi ihii itwif in'rii 1 H:i.lVi:ilKlS lir I1IIIMKII lUKH.tllllUnBB1l.Bt of frow onp , ,fnl Temple theater, matinee dally, 3:10 p. m. Kvenloi. flnt performance, 7:1R, mntlnuout. CHICAGO ROOKS HON TERS SEEK IIKST I.N CHKUOOOX Tl'MIAV 'Xearn. I.NHTKAU UK MONDAY MMIMT , Mr lency, HURL DYNAMITE Hhaw akked tlio court for lenl ft n el altu nsked that tlio nc' cuwd bo paroled. Ilu called nttntlonj"',M,",s "' ahiiamh I The proxram to the nuc of McUau, 60 year. aud witKCKKO IIV HOMH U USK nun to the fort that he had norcrt (roali U r, rilrarni la couvlnred Ikntj te U nuin to berome one of , ,.f the hlah altitude and ';"' tnr : I" Hwna Uke - of the nlnlila. Ih. m.. VW "" "". fu " . I. uirlor In flavor to rwoni orthard. In Unel Val- BlAlltlllll4 it -- InilitilrtAfi nf thai pnunlr. IJi II, Httm.le. that there ar fnMy,rt "J1" SM '" "I tninl In lha rounty tUHi to the srowlns of fruit, and . n mount le roolnfH laird fruit lUt of many nf the lwt kunan fruit llcn uf the vo(. t'imllnulM Mr Ktrarna U' tint Hrllrtnl Mill) Mini tJowMr "It tnuk I lm iople of Southern Or na orr tHcnl) year to dliabiwai Iktmtrlifi nf tlio Mra Ibat the KlaM itk rouniry fit for anything elan Ul itork ralilne Kvrn then the psa ilaltU on I.I rnnrede only that ll alihl. In (cry fatnred tpoti, m isa fiplltlr of procuring grain and the hardier ugrUtilr It took nearly iiothrr twenty )enr to rouvliK Ikfi, Mm poulmltU that e had SS revenled by a little Indkloue nmmlif M me cite tome u( thn iuall proved n nucrrm, uf Mu-4 tiHrrrwfnl Hu UIIICAtIO, Aug' 1 fit. .! .1 . ,..11 ....K.alu .., HI ,.. PIHIfMIIB WRin ". . ... .J ..H. ... ' .IV.V.' I.I.. ..........H... .. -mill m ,'. i . . ...... ... . . ... . . .. ww I iiiii.iir.ii'i'HurHinivii H III ill 'nun una oven reTiiea io inai inaieaa wrii auvaini iur run iwnj uuciur.) IK All III HllK of Co,u"rl HuoMValt apeVklns Moa- "It la true that the court lina the lOltMllt I.MJISiaTOII IliniL Ul ULLI1,, lay night, h will detlurhU addre. Imihit to grant a parole." aald Judce. .. -. .. M ... . .. t. .. .I.U(. .... (. .1 !...! iii( ueciaraiion 01 inun I me new piiuh, nuu una ijer i. eiuirei; an 'unvj fu Servce i momnirni, on iiireiiajr. mr ulvieiiuu ui inti tuuit. iina uip trv Hroreal for Iwpon i froareaalttsi A flble IVm aexl IVuple Mew !, Word Maeecli of Arerfiaarr, aad The Atlrax! KerefKloei and l.aarli I'lrtMrra Takea. United I'raaa Service WA8HINOTON, D. C, Ant. 1. President Taft waa thla morning far-mall)- notlfed of fcU nomination for the prealdeacy on the republican tick et. Kllhu Hoot waa ; the acokeamaa. The prcaldenl'a apeeeh In reply waa about 10,000 word la extent, and aot one waa the name of Hooaevak. men tioned. The ceremaay vooesrTed In the Kaat Itoom of U WklU Honac. Thire were ireant about 1,000 gtieati. who were groued abont hi formally. A rcceptlou and a buffo' lunch followed the apeaklng. Presi dent Taft and Mr. Root were photo- 'Heveral at Natloi. the V. II. Hlmp MV IMIITIIM I.KtVi: THK cm Hilt TMK MiHTMKItV I'AHT OF THK Mi;TV.O llC.TINJ.t:X.tnlllw,uiidl.eUVAUo. I'KIMTIONM tlovernor Johnnon of California ernion u onei uy i;ic court a uuty to lll call the convention to order Mon-I1'"' l,uu"c CHICACO. Aug. 1. A bomb waa graphed before the ceremony, TarVe TttkvCleau- Root'a iHitUcattwatWkVu'jRrUr ii-xploili-il 1n "Manny" Abrama' aaloonl Imlnv. Thi filnc. n iutrtlnllr Ink lKMiti. ami nt.KoiiMli.r llevnrlil ' "I have alten till cate erir care- . .... . ,. i. - v -" - ' - iinira. uiil iiu uue nun uuiii 11 wt. . . . - . .- -. (Ml att-utlonr-fbo defendant hM-lrKon,!,,,, thB,'g-,mblir,'a1:crrelTiinatoriHrTr . . 'Mr.nllon.llr well defeaileil. Ill at- ....... .. .... nn Taft'a tIMe M'thefnianmattemTaaT- . ..a .. i. Bmisaninaai iviifriiinii7iis uraaniiaiiini sriii iia ---, --. --....- . ,-- in mr inn sasiiinatiiin. - " ley, ine Kivy orrnarn nvar Merrill! the (loidon. Chapman and Toner wirrwimrwim tiatar ITMitrt lilil tin. num. ,rou. orchard, at or near thl city. Wl,h "" 0",n," "' ,,,, :"a"" '" ,,1,0,r ,h "' Tne commit- The orchard, menttonc,! In no -Mrh dcrr ma) Ih, Imnted, there a..' oe report. wUI heard. Inclndng .1 L.rf. .it .w. .....i .1 'am.io.ln.nr irl.im.M from thnrltr the platform, and on Wedneaday tilt ti,. ......... ..i. ..i.. in i.. excrniionaiir wen ueieauea. m ai- .,. . .i i completed after the .eiulon adjourn. I"ey ha. dono all that he could for A,,rnmH u an e-member of the lnK ,bat !j. w" M "eXT mR mlm' Tuea.la and HooeelCa .peech will " M r "n-eB,Hlllturc te votPd for lrlmer for'''c"cnnD'"M la" ""' " ' I . -J ... ll.... M . Iaifll Cleatn-t aanala -- lea aa-L-l -. aV-K M iiiniiii lie-, am i-.iiiri mm iiii- i mi .a iiibiik . uaaaw i m.jmwrm. ibu a aaas amaaaam-aw ar I ,.'! 3 J-3'l fH lUinniniHl nn rage 4) templa at fruit raUIng In Ihl. rounty, 'thl. iimruliig The northern part of but are .Imply riled a. bring repre- ,p ,. ,,p(.nr i bo the famlte ..illative rumple, of Iho widely arp. in(n ,,,,, BUBlUtr or .r. aralisl ill.trlrl. where frull ral.lng ..... I... proved a .urcr. '" r"f '" "" '"" "'' nml 'I do not claim thai all of our""'' morning, county, or a major portion of It, . A l. Miller and I., Shipley .tarti'd adapted to (rult growing, but I do ,lt Ht, (lt uu HU,0 nlui rtturii- ed tliU afleriliHiu, Edwin Cain Injured as He Starts on Lake "Trip (Continued rn I'age i) JACKSON COORT IS E NJOINED tr.TV I vrolTKII r'KOM Of. CIII'tHIMj its INDKHTKII.NKM tlMIVK S.INNI I'OH llil.ll0 HHIIMIK TROOPS READY TO QUELL RIOTS lltl.ICK IN MIMNiV AltK MKAIICH I NO WOIIKKIW I'OH WIIAItOH. IK TMOl'rtAMt NTHIKKIIS AUK KrilT MOVI.MI IIV ltl,l('l Tlioy .aw n nuin- lier of track., hut did lint get n .hut at n deer. The) wilt go nut ngnlu In n few day.. A purl)' rompo.iMl uf 1 1. II. Ciimp-i the J. noinlnntlnn .iH'che. will be made. f.NDIAN'ArOl.l. Ind., Aug. l-Tlie national progrr.lve party', itnte ton-' riitlnn today nominated ex-Senntnr lleerldge for govrrunr, lliHMrvrll on .egrtn-o OVHTKIt 1IAV, Aug. 1. Colonel Itoo.evult declared today that ho would tako a radical Hand on nearo oueitlon which would nrobabli bo unpopular. He raid that hi. decla-i Kdwln Calu, 14 yeara of age. wai great too wua found to bo aertou.ly nnd toil hi. balance, falling on the ration on thl. qiieatlnn would lie puli-1 painfully injured thl. morning, when crushed, while there was a alight abaft which had Just been started. HI. ll.l'ed soon. Iiu,, toe of his rlaht foot warn fracture of the bones of another oi. right foot was idoaloncd, but ho was A delegation of New York negroen)rruino( ,, t10 proiielllng aparatus on Kdwlu'a ambltlou to learn at ini -xtrlcaled at once by4 those who bad bell, l K. Ktoiie. Charles (Iravt and nrenlly calleil on the Colonel to lenrn,tl0 gieamcr Wlncmn, Just hofore the hand secrets of mechanics led him to been attracted by his cries." . T, Hhlte left for Odelli where thcyhls view, on the negro question. vchucI wns due to leave the dock with the cnglno room of the Wlnemn oa An automobile waa waHIng nt the will inakn tfudr headquarter, during Colonel lloosevelt ns.ured them he lh(, Methodist Sunday school excur-koon as Q hoarded the vessel to go hndtng, .-)nd the boy waa hurried to Ithelr hunting trip. Ileports from Odell'would do all In his iower to secure ',(0llt Cn tho Sunday school picnic. Tlio en- this city lor medical aid. Iinw bton fatornhle, and the mem-jfor tho negro hi full rights under The )nulh was rushed to tho lllack- glno room doors were open, and a The Injured boy Is a son of 0. W. iim. of the pnrt) expect to bag the the constllutloa. imrn ,uiiltal In an automobile, nnd gust of wind carried away the youth's t'uln; proprietor of the Model Variety Icunl limit. The Klsmaih rounly court 'a not li( only on in the .ute whlcrrtaa tl to gu lulu court to tr.t It. Muthor i'if to make Improvement.. Jackson ourity cntrrcil inn, n contract far llalng a brhlgi. nt Medfofrd nrross I'ear Creek. Heiiloii llowers and I. tsriton, n , f Ashland, lot loulbrtak, la mtti. i.... ...r. court, ana secured a '"wary Injuiicilon, and thla wash in Calkin, ha. m.de the kijuatr iiob inrminsnt. i In this derision tlm court di Mr many of ih,. questions ralsoill '" "ne)s for tho county, nor ,r" ". '" "I"'" tho question of Ilia "ivmlori of r,ml riintla to Hit general ANOTHER JUDGE FACES TROUBLE United I'res H.rvlrc I.ONIM)N, Aug. I. The pollisi on guard nt the dock, nru senrrhlug the worker. Idday for weapon.. A llioun- ' and strikers In thl lclnltynre kepi (CHAIHIi:K A I IK KII.KH AOALNr on thn move by the polliv. Troop. JCHTK'K HAMKIi WIIIOHT Hill are being held In readlnc for nny ,,.,, .... ,,, . ... V (KiMI'KUH ,u ,. ,. . COXTKMIT CAHK j The questlou of the "Illy white" pr 0w) , movement In the South was brought ,iii. but Colonel lloosevelt postponed in detlnlte answer ns to this phaao of Mho question, snying thnt in a few flu) h lm would mnko n public state liieut of hi. IdeiiM nf the uttltilde the, national prtigre.slve parly should tk. 1. Wright was called. The lint. He made an effort to catch It more. TO INCORPORATE RODEO COMPANY! "Dago" Frank Gives His Pals Away to Save Cife SHERIFF ISSUES DEED IONDYOFSWMPLMD 'M4. TlieciM, Kin u,. updated at onco to .."U!,,0.mo l0,irl1 Tho InJuncllon wired by ti10 bridge contraotar win . '"'I'tlon of warranU l'.L!,aa f,,mU wl" eontlnutd. ' wim lnry work ,; the bridge will f i lm,o,i. j,,,,,. C,UW, bMd i l.u? u,,"n ih0 contention that rtatrnTJ. ,,,crMi ISSeM. ""ttsBaal decision In H.pl.mb.r. t United l'rcs Service ' WABIIINOTON. U. (!.. Aug. l. 'Francis Tohln, an attorney of I'hlhi-, Idelphla, has written to Speaker J 'Cli.inii Clark, demanding tho lm- A sheriff's dwd has liven Imuii'd to Win. Ilellonl of Hunibuldl county, California, for 708 ncies of swamp land In towushlii 10, raugo K east, in Klamath county. The land was sold, peuchment of Justice Daniel Wright i of Wellington, The letter was re ferred lo tlio house Judiciary commit-, I united I'res Service ' "White)" Low Is or "Lofty" Uoult did crime v. as comaHUtd. Ht heard Uoa the actual shooting. bargnlnlng with the gun men. Ujla NKW lOKK, AUg. 1. USgO !, -, .,...,. Unli.'a - ...nn.ll that OMtunna U fnlli. Ih. Mwa... ..w., ...vm.vmwh. mwwwwtjww m mw- .....w.. ' vT- 'Krnilk weakened this afternoon after irn.v. ha biwn auhnooaaad tu an. 'formed re-ardlna the notice ..-raft. I eyo witnesses to the murder, of Rosen-'ponr forthwith before the grand Jury. The district attorney Is prepared )n thai had Identified him. He notltled Iwmuattr la IVosnlassI offer Siliepj Immunity If ho testllll ' . . . llUtrlrl Allnrnnv Whitman uc.v-tu for thn staia. ' ,''' ,, 'U.trlct Attorney Whitman that no , , ., " ' : ". w . i .. , , ...',; . . . . tllVKI .. . to Interview Bam Schtppa today, to It U expected, that thejdlstrlct nt- I would confess If promised that the ax- i...... !... .m.-. uh... f n.n... .m .n.H.''n..A't r,..b i,. ANXITAI Wll.ll WKHT MHOW Njtrrino penalty for murder would noilro,le In the automobile used by the plead guilty to second degree iuurdri KliAMATH KAMJt 'be Imposed on him. Ho declares that J murderers on the night before the) and thereby escape tho electric chair, MKMIIKIIH OF KI.KH MUKIK FORM AHS4K'IATIt TO Aitliig on liistrucllous from Klam-. I,,,,, a l n rnus i.uugo .ml ass i, ii. r. u robin choigi'S Hint Justice Wilgl Klks, articles or inrorporniion unve by tho sheriff a year ago to snll.fy a violated hi onth of olllco. and woh In- been prepnrod for tho Rodeo Amuse-, mortaaae of H.B00 given by Abelllluimced In hi. decision In tho Horn- inent Association, tha mvriioratorni ennieinni rao ny ine imhhbi uriua iiuim-i wiiai . . inn .... , Ady and othara. a lUVn.X W k... uw - " VI L proptity f. aeatrabla sth sals Hiuplitua ";, ,!. 1 pers rttnvo and Range company. .0, J. Ferguson. Tho capital atoek ls R.000, dlvtdod Into 500 shares oft ti value of 10 each. re-1. it haa not been aetermmea wnttner FOR RKNT-Modem 8-room houst Jm Ww)w Htmm im I'lne street. See Wagner. tSt nnnniv Judgo ,W. R. Wordun ' r I turned homo last evening from Riflem the atoek will bt litld asciuaive among j fio to Crater take and I'orllsnd. Ha stated that he hid i the members of the Hlka Ixdgt. or United I'rnsa Snpicn An automobile party conslitlng'.of Mr. and Mra. K. W. Vannlco, Miss Metcalf and Miss Ross, left thU morn ing for Crater Lake and tho northern part of tho county. They expect! lo rurRjturaaiuMi. jf War Cloud Threatens the Tranquility of the Nati 'T . nvnncied a decision on the court house 'whether some will ha sold to out-1 WASHINGTON, l), C. Aug. 1 ,.... l... ..... L 1.,.. ... Ikl. m.IIa. 1.111 k-w n Ka . . . : . . h' . Injunction on Tiiesoay, oui uini s .ww, i . -. i - "iThe state department haa ordered tnojstntea to tneryantlon. , Unltod States been reported here that the men were unltod states wine slaln.ln .order, to, provoko the United 'terveatfJ!jB &' III; t ft-1' thb'aupreina Judges were so busy, ho presumed the decision night uo qo layad a day or so, but expected n wre aa soon im.tlie decision njed. .1..aUS m wlask lslss 1Kasi nsismiasi t thTaMociaUoV Ut'tJ hoW in '.7n.i con"ul l 8oBO- t0 inU' Rodeo In Klamath Valla similar one put on by the Rika la June. iThe Incident m regarded 'as grave, At the slntp mlt tod, that? ; worae..' kMHH"lf l. , , m-wpvi, to the I )'e thoroughly, t be hanglug of twoMf Orosco fed Salasar fuimi' their Ibelf ,, Americana there yesterday. It hJ6 threats 'o massacre Americans, tlw .'a 'a' 1 I I J