i , Jericho Club - for -Odd Fellows And Rebekahs - ONLY - Id bssemeot at 1. O. O. P. Tern, nl. Bowling. Billiards. Peel, Card Rooms, Reading Private StttlDB r.pn-n bekah oily. Vasttlag Brothers aad Sisters always welcome. Rooms. for Re YOUR WATCH XBM qpuiniw No matter how good lt aad how carefully uaed, your tch Bead ctoaalag evry tig htafcontb. Thla laaures good afhrle nasi art- roots tat, Let us afaa It for yew, Yours fol 'on Owing to th tearelty iirtco of livestock, and to ( we have to purchM and ft inch m thrtt moathi bo xure of a supply, and tf fait that c bae to tht time of put-chat and It abaotuUly meats for cash t August 1. mi. Hoping our prtclatt our potltl and thanking you hoping for a contl under tht ntw rt nulla, KLAMA1 N. B. All not ttttltd by placed for cotltctti ANNOUNCEMENT; evening herald that stock as idTUM to turthtr pot cash ul 11 stock, wo to ttll and afttr W. O. MIITH. BdHor wad Proprltlui ruMlared dally tactat Monday at U& yuurC; Ptrat a wtU ga la tkii mattar. aaat aatroaaft. atloa of tht stmt r or ouimttt. wt LLB MEAT CO. sliding account it 10th will on K. F. M. Co. Oar llaslaras it Ooodt Our Castowiet are Good! Because Groceries are Good, Rnttrtd at tht postoBc at KlUMth Falls. Orou. tor trantailtaloa through tht main at eodiae Subserlatloa term by mall to any ad- drttt la Ut UHttd atattt: Oat ytar .......... . Oa aioaU ........... RUNAW rAUA . OMOON TVHSBAY, JULY M, MM MAPLK FKAPrB, 8HSBKRT. WATER rCRBs VAXIIXA. AXBCBOOOLATK ICECREAM. Our Sherbets-aud art audt with Whl water. Q Its ua a brick of Shtrl nett onUrUlaauffat. namerlrfHoxey KUaiath KRv I Oragoa. nun TBAnafMl. tmP I f 9 nrjn V w " m Xjr k compliments order will jf connm juu m gnuwMHwvr i saRsr lee I tSFoUcaa I mm order lor I MM for Tour luur iuiiwi w ic( mBfHIL.aw 111 annuel T -M 'fry aa of ear mm T r "AITaVoKKKK" HSBIWC TAyKLE A Sor B",cr Wo haft everytaBg you 1 seed for that SsbJag trip: J Hook. line. rcJs. reels. jBaanwaBMBeneraaVn haaktta. etc.W r.nt f teat, guns aJl camping HOfflC I Tm GUfSTOlE Canning J ---- asaW I Jamba Btk. '" T ' izuunumy avaaBaBaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaakaa afTS Jm m lIlv3 floods- "Pfl' rf.. I. tk. Z71Lt u tm 4a rf any other eooklig nttatil, Mt up ataU. aoaaV aoMf Mt Ladies Exdbige . - - S2?!A. retnH. We make tffiialty of whtutr yo t W urt, for faaall attdt or arelt, lalfirrlT'T fWlA ffrtrnld Utr U only o airtight Jar f A book of tclptt for Ut Gkbu Baaii ui Laoet akii. MRStC I COOPER -fcfc, V w .,-, Lh . VaiTHWpkr Bros. " "-"- Phdhr&S' Kcliule AgeuUr Ctuu tk Sanborn Traa aatr Coee. Wasliiig CMkes Ar. )0U ,Dt Va 1D KL.WAT1) t. Tl 1 Ji. COUNTTT Jf itf tee (bt Stephen V ClCCtriyUy Hunter RcallMi. Thcjr Ifcro om ' " good bargain. I bV Temple theater,' malice dally, S; 30 I k9 I1, n'- Keening, firm performance, I BBR 7:16, i-ontlnuoutv I BFAT fjai Dea gV Ln i I CRATER LAKE IS SENATOR'S HOBBY CHAMBKRLAIX HAH ATTKAOTKD ATTKXTIOX TO ORKOON IIY HIH KNTHVH1AHM KOH VO DKHKVI, UKK PEOPLE YOU OUGHT TO KNOW PROSECUTING ATTORNEY IS SPRINTER I xSSk Doing tha wi and wringing with a Rtd Electrl feet work, and yi ford not to hare fnt of these machine In your hame. All back-aclilng wnd wring' sly waahtag electricity I iniurea per- cannot af- lug eliminated. ontlrtly tret from elthtr intldt or out, raited or lowered without Interfering operation of the You can In your borne for nt our risk. cortr it itcha&Um, id can bo any timt .with tht Int. .EltctrU, daya WA8HINOTON, D. C, July SO. One of the bobblet ot Senator Cham berlain for many year paat bat been the Improvement of Crater Lake Na tional Park. He. with other loyal and enthuiUullct Oregonlant, wroked for the creation of a national park, for the better preservation of the wonder ful lake, which hat no counterpart any whnrt In the known world Largely through Senator Chamber- laln'i efforts, aided materially, be It known, by those of his colleagues In tho Oregon delegation la congress as well ss by many of the "folks at home," congress gave tubstantlon rec ognition to the rCattr Lake park. In congreaa Senator Chamberlain took up the cudgels for the national parks against tha attacks of Senators Reed, Bacon and others, alleging that the "seo America first" movement would be greatly aided If congrms made tho parka easier of sccoss and provided reasonable accommodations for travelers who went to see the wonders they contained. The fame of Crattr Lake has spread over the land of late years, and now popular lecture are given with this wonder of nature as the subject, from a Washington paper 'of recent date this notice Is reprinted: The Crater Lake of Crater Uke National Park and the cliff dwelling of Colorado were described by R. 1. Cowell of the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia In a fret ilustrated lec ture at tho Pastime theater. Several of the adult spectators declared It t one of the best lectures and mot beautifully Illustrate dthat lias yet been given at the theater In the frre educational campaign for school chil dren, which Is being conducted Joint ly there by the manager, A. J. Dach racb, and Mr. Cowell. The audience attending the aesston was unusually large and representative. "Beside Mr. Cowtll'a lecture. MaJ James McLaughlin, Indian Inspector for the interior department, spoke briefly describing the regions which were the subject of the lecture, and told of a ftw of his travels In that part ot tho country. "Mr. Cowtll told tht children that Crater take was about Ave miles In diameter, and was foremd In tha crater of an extinct volcano. It was flrst discovered by white men, be said, In 186 J, although tht Indiana were aware of Its existence for generations, Tbt story of tbt cliff dwellers and something ot their manner of living was also Imparted to the children, "The views of Crattr Lake were shown In the natural colors, many of them showing the deep blniydf the water and tbe cloudlessnasm of the sky called forth asplai i. n... .t..in hlii term of With a resord of h.vln. secured mora "- f,",,.,. , being offlc than any of his predecessors. I). u'" d nlm , od a natural bom sprinter. This. hi. trMid argue, may slauu am stead la tht evont of sny of lb coa vlcled men returning to this section seeking reveng. Not thst lbs prose cutlng attorney would b Imllued to run la tht face ot danger, hut n itood pair ot fast legs are pretty Immly to have nround In sny sort ol nn omit gency, and Mr. Kuykendsll I llnnh equlpptd. In his college days at the Univers ity of Oregon, hn ai never mention ed In the foot raws amain those who also ran. In fact ttu r corns will show that he stood well up In tho front. Kor the past few di dall has been engegrd send a man to the penitentiary charge ot horse stealing a difficult caae, but has oven con ducted In his utusl thorough man ner. It was Mr. Kiiyhendny who made the closing argument to lh' Jury this afternoon. It was forceful and Impressive, although lacking In any pyrotechnlcal display. This sort ot oratory haa never appealed to tho prosecuting attorney, and his friend? attribute a great drat of hla ucc before Juries to this fact. They argue that "Cross of Hold and Crown of Thorns" spesches do not Lj- make much of a hit with the Klamath -" county folks who go In more for the plain alatemrut of farts without any gingerbread effects. , Mr.Kuyken- mxf tfT I ! ; CflDT mtl.TII : isx : r II- IIUlll ninmnui iIT!? is By Joe Bui ;; !"" fllKAMKIlY IX OPKKATION. MOKK HKROH OK MILCH OtWN PROSPEROUS A commercial travtler at a rail way station In one of our Southern towns Included In his order for bratk fssl two boiled egg. The old dsrkey who rerved him brought hint three. "Uncle." said the traveling man, IIKIM1 MOl'UHT TWO M'.W MTHOOLM HKIXtJ KHMTKIt FORT KLAMATH. July 30. The new creamery started operations on Friday, with an outuut of 160 tHiunds wny in toe woria am you Dring e jr DU,r tor ,0, o,,, cnurnlng. I'eo three boiled eggs! I only ordered p, B this section sr very enlhualts twou" 'tic. and are lapklag everywhere fur Ye air." aald tha old darker.. ws. and are anxious to get the try . . . , ,,. .besl to be had. Wa, Nicholson has Bowing and smlllag. "I know rou did onier two. sir, out I orougni tort hp iUrct4,4 m securing a herd of because I jea naturally ru dai one oi(l, h . D. BBB mll,h wlllfh dem might fall you. sir." Hsrper's , df,rerfd the first of Hep- Weekly. Ii.mber. The directors of the aaao- M (elation have 17.000 with which to lions was ratiaai ortr a rtcssit nurch. . bu, .B. lo . ,h- uuion w IP. luiir, uu iuni u. Sfry for er money ,t rar, Ol lot oouw mi ten in. n.wa u ,ta,e M possible. pasting atlghbtr. "Oh. you don't know hst we've . ,, ,. Ihl, rr,r ,, ... b... got upstairs!" . ,h , v . b nrodncj be- "What Is UT" fore Jo this aectlou. both In quality "It's a new baby brother!" andi . . she settled bsck upon her heels aad foMtd her hands to watch tha tfftct. . ,,M, linll ... . h "You don't say so! Is he going to ,,. .. .. .. ,,. ,,. ,j PdMJTuh ChUfkcm Suffer With Wormi t at aagxy wtU rear child bt- eaatt at sr sat it esawasilly krttebU. Za alattf ate tat tf oat htadrsd yta wtU aad that Ut ge, oaati Ittalagaf aad often an atraral Amos th osaaata fr ii afrtaal wi asss, watah oftta 1 farm stoat titrsUs. Ut yes aad . hrstssia. Beaad atehst la Jeagth i Oecssloaall) am In a alaala rataUar. oftta net lei or aa lata. : tttir prssancs . hi this ess th Jan' Tsale pasted ta rtastrlag win iioees Tht i art i an f eaad a si sis an 1 taaa a qaarttt tea swag asss, bat aasMtit. ifagt U uaaar-s-as. Met aad at 1U Male sf sets h to asalthT a. I'slTtnic Vsrsslrag tJrlty. aalaoss nuns. btasdcial tffset ttaditloa of tht i Muuaas tf HrtattKaaj raid uj, mtdlebM for mart than tffiny ysara. aw uvea eajBt' T0B1C veraufi aad acctsA a othar. 5TffC!- .'m-'oa, use. old by druggists on,raua. 'We hare tonf street property Hanttr Realty Co. hvvwr fflBf sa aestrsble ( it' le Stcphei' stay?" "I guess so" very He's got his things body's Magaslne. thoughtfully. off." Kvery-I CUTER LAKE NEWS peclfirsllons have been drawn and approved by Superintendent Hwan. Material la being hauled and work will start at once under Hie direction "ot M. II. Looaley. Ilolh buildings I are small, but will be well equipped land up-to-date in every way. Mr. A. Weed Is erecting a large modern cow barn on his dairy ranch, I aaelll liaka jutaeAlai Niuiea lalaal . . Ml "" '"" .., i.it.i Round trip rare, cnilo-iuln to tiMdMi Manrhlons. and be ..quipped for 100 cows. Mr. Weed's itslry Is now under the mensgement nf Frsak Hartley, who Is s competent man la thst line. Crater Lake company automobiles are meeting all H. P. trains st Chllo- quln Crater I-ake, 1 11,60 When advised by phone, automo biles will meet launches at Agency Landing. Round trip rate same as Chlloquln. Automobiles from Crater Lake to Medford, Monday and Thursdsy, fsre tie, 126 round trip. Temple theater, matinee dally, 3:30 p. m. Kvenlng, first performance, 7:16, continuous. Notice for Publication United States Land 0ee, Lakevlew. Oregon, July Sth, lilt. Notice Is hereby given that the Northern Pacific Railway Company, whose postofflco address Is St. Paul, Minnesota, baa this Sth day of July, I Sundry, 1912, filed in this offlct its applica tion to select under tbe provisions of the act of congress approved July 1, 1391 (30 Stat 697, 610), as txttntad by the act of congress approved May 17. 1906, tbe NEK 8BK. Bft or SHU. See. 10, and NEK NEK, Sec. 31, T. 87 S., R. R.,W. M. Any and all parsons claiming ad versely tha lands described, or dsslr Ing to object bacaus of tht mlatral charaettr of tbt land, or for any oth er rtason, to Ua disposal to applicant, should flit thtlr affidavit of protest In this oBc on or btfort tbt lib day, of September, 1111. A. W. ORTON. 7-1I-9-6 r Rtglattr. Oregon Hjrtciltoral Cite This great Institution openaTta doors tor me fall semester on Safttm bnr 2tth. Courses of Instruoon In clude: General Agrlculturdf Agron omy, Animal Husbsndry, ahiry Hus- nacterlology, IBtany and Plant Pathology, PoaltrmfHusbandry, Horticulture, Kneomoloay, Veterinary Science, Civil EnglneeJhg. Electrical Engineering, Mechanic Engineering, Mining Engineering, Domestic Sci ence. Domestic Art, dommerce, For estry, I'liuruisxy, Zoofcgy, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematloi, English I.sn- guugo and IJtoratnr, Public Hpcak. Ing, Modern Languaiss, History, Art, Architecture, InduArlal Pedagogy, . Xotlre for Pabllratlon (Not Coal Lands) I Department of the Interior, United States Land OUIce at Ijikavlew, Oregon, June 29, 1912. ' Notice Is hsreby given that Oscsr K. Wllley, of Odesss, Oregon, who, on June I, 1912, msde homtstend sntry No. 03S92, for tht BVi BVi, Section JS, Township 37 H., Rangt 7 K., Wit Imnette Meridian, has filed notles of Intention to make final commutation pi oof, to establish his clslm to the land above described, before, C. It. Do Up, county clerk of Klsmst'i ro'inty, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Ire 19th day of August, 1912, Claimant names as witnesses: Lynn Pulkerson, Paul Bognrdus, J. (I. Swsn, Bird Loosley, all ot Klam ath Vails, Oregon. A. W. ORTON, 7-4-S-1S r Register. Pbysicanatfucatlos,! Military Scitncn und Tactlctbsd Muwc. Catalogue oluilultrated literature mailed freo on apVlsVtlou. Address: Registrar, OregonaVrlcultural Col leco. Corvnllls. Ores jHrhool Year opeas Heptensber 90th, W. M. TIM, ieienl HHse arlS QRiiiiJ P m Grit Drsfrl Clianlng Bltctile Vmci mn Wt faaaori all spot and dirt from carpWand rugs by tht tiectrie vacdlp process. PhoaeMl. OHcSl7KImUi A Clean Scalp And Healljrlfair Hani idruff, rowtt. t t, will result Many ol Jour Irian'" hav- luul Ihhl a Imlr toft and glossy-anu a n..n -- from th. us. or M A Th s Is lilt proceoure m Wash tht hair with warm v-aler aajfa puio aoapyrlns. lb.,. ou.h!y-ruh tbt acalp with a stiff br-.Pl.lr lllfMlr.-,.. In well and dry tht nairotiori"a' in ..v.. "- 1,,.,i. u mil tuarelv a hair auk Plsstt underttana ina nn""!"" - i. i- nte a food WhIU It Ihoroagaly Urlal sctUsr aourlshta Imlr ressovr all dan1r Nval's I U sells at 60 ci ITND i nataral I ahouK ,. M alau arstaata bar. stimulate the rwata af Ut irvrats Ha return d .ui mlur of the hair. b on your dressing table f.fi tha bottle. -w o o:r JwbW'Jiw 7aVT ajgaaaaaaaaaWfaT 'Iflll aaaam M Fint Tru Klaav This Bank Offers Couveulsncaand aecurlty t every buafHat man or woaia eltherTunds dtpotllsd kf nr Jar ssfer thaa they taa ha elawwhele, aad art Just ss stall. Me for buslatas purposes n 'v.iu keit lh actual mh your non-burglar proof sir. Mtart an account and fre oar. aelt from lb worry aboai iU safety ot your cash. d Saving Bank Us, OrtMJM IMX J. 7.rMWAIr, lrwMeil. r.'. ylt'BH, Vwvl'rr. and Ins. IIKIIT r.'. WITHIIOtTWrlry. lUamatii County Abatract Co ABSVtAGTlNG Surswor Irngatlori KnflMeeri MAPH. I'lXB. HI.UUPBIXl Klaaatli Valit, OreM OEJT GI.A8HJ INT1MI Any tw wtw made adaSe al all. wrs Irteas is4 ijeUalf I'tey ma tm haul, lln anie racli la that ttfallowril i miw IsKtraare the Ui Jul llial fsmrh ' Wr liavr a frrr errkof i:uilnatia lictr llial I Uh eaibady ami I'vrri Wr rmployBnly Ihajasoat "iel iHImmI tor leatlng rye, aad rraulla aHeWlnftyt waal !') tiold lie. Take ilrsaiageXfMr offer, H.. Wlntem OmiliMlr and Nlsl ItljHairretl 04lilsa, WE WILL GIVE YO To ailvrrtlw th DURHAM DfJI'l.NX aylUIOK w Mill glie t ranir fur only tlie iMstrttialIng rsajlsiar, HA CKNTM. Kill out I lie ronpoN hrluw aad ) l4 RAZOR iKtaff In us with 18 !! V .. .,, MITw! W IIMMIIMIMtlll a jff I Mat . Ihsly sVe to etli auaa .Main GOOD "" PRINTING Ih nn important factor in any businc, and often contributes 'toward nucceiw Let us Bhow you our stock of bond paper and print for you a line of office sta tionery which will prove a buHinesa getter W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. r-OUrVTM ITHHT, IITWKN MAIN AND KLAMATH