THE MAJBSTIC "Solomon"! Son," llilance dramn. "The Power ot oftsclence." lap dram. i "The Empty W Jbr Keg." notttr Bison Western drAia. "A Matinee Mlk-Up." Neater cons- adr. Matinee eachlfchange day, Watdrir alnday program. Four iiiii every chant. Program chalges Monday. Wednes day. Friday. Saturday and 8unday. Jericho Club - for -Odd Fellows And Rebekahs - ONLY - U basement ot I. O. O. F. Tm pie. Bowling. Bllllardf, Tool. Card Room. Reading Rooms. Private 8lttlng Itootn for Re bekabt only. VWtlng Brothel i and Sisters In ay welcome. ANNOUNCEMENT Owing to the scarcity JM high price ot livestock, and to twfact that wo have to purchase and MM stock as much ns thrco months J advance to bo sure of n eupply. nndflTo the further fait that t have to my spot citli al tho ttmo ot purchaseAr all stock, we find It absolutely Accessary to sell meats for cash mv on and after August 1. mi. Hoping our mi predate our and th' hoping under ' rnmaln. voura. KLAMATH mLLS HEAT CO N. n. All outstanding accounts not settled by August 10th will bn placed for collection. K. r. M. Co. - natrons will an- Iloa la this matter. for past patronage. Inuatlon of the tame Ider of business, we CUTER LAKE NEWS The Crater take Hotel company Is a Mb Mtn ShPUi oe amn KM. IhnI at thW by au at Cnllo- beyond, to mile from f n telephone people aia to the steam- I., ' y MAPLE FRAPPE, MERBERT. WATER ICBB VANILLA. 8TRAWBRRW AXD CHOCOLATE 1CK CREAM. Our 8herbeU and vtsr les are made wltn wdii reucau water, a I ve us a order for a brick of Bherhft for your next entertainment. PeMkclyJHoxey Klamath FaluM Oregon FISHING TAgfl? ll We have rtrjtbWt you I need tor that Hiking trip: I Hook line, roflt, reelv. I baskets. etcWe rtnt II tents, guns aid camping I oaUKa. I T3.WGUH STORE JcIaMBERB l"nrme,"jlNkl Jar.l Hlk. Lai ies;r,: Bazaar and y Ladies Excpnge We make spatially of Imported Swkh labroid-. f f Gcmaa Baals aad Laces MRS?rl COOPER 135 W. Rurth St. now providing transpoi tomoblle, meeting all i.ln. to Arant'a camp within three-quarters the rim. In the call being sent to th automobll rr landing patrons. The hotel open for guests for Accommodations are Araat'a ramp. IVoUlt WATCH NEEDS fJLEANLVa No matter ho good IMS, and now carefully used, your JUtch need cleaning eaary eighteenmonths. This Insurupod afrvlce and pre vents wear. leasts ifsan it ror you. Yonrs for servlcl FRANK MWP convenience u! m wilt not be few days, but provided at 10-tt Our HaataM la Ooodl Our CUHtiiiurnt are Hood I Because our Groceries are Good , A coiupllmen convince you Umr order will Yours anxlol to please, Narchl Grocery Try rnnworl AITAWKfr OTsae llettrr. Phone IU.1I Washing Clothes by Eleclriciij MT Lfl R Doing tbef weekly washing and wrlngls by electricity with n Red Hectrlc Insures Dec fect work, aid you cannot af ford not to 9-ave one of these our home. machines In All back ing eliminated entirely fre either Inside raised or lo without Intel operat - You lit your at our risk, ML of A homrhJbr blng and wring- The cover is from mechanism, r out, and can be red at any time bring with the m machine. Red Etectrlo fifteen days THEEVENING HERALD W. O. 8U1TII, Editor and Proprtt lor Published dally eacept 4uaday at 116 Pm-rtf Mreet died. MO, NNn'sWH, fee M. A shrinkage lu speculative land It. It. Talloy to Klamath Waters LBUl, therefore stimulate uusl Users Association, application tor,,, ,M j t branches, and give In water on pint of lot 9 and 10, Scc.l,,lm. ji return for Its Industry. Tho measure to be vnlt'd on by Jim people In November will go far ,to Rntered at the poitoHce at KUmath Falls. Oregon, for transmission through the malls aw tecond-clsss matter. Subscription terms by mall to any ad dress In the United Btatee: One year ....... .......... I.c One month ................. ee KMMATH FALL. OltEtlON MATVRDAY. JULY 8T, tIM AT THE CltimCIIKH jo-sn-o ttntted Htatrs to August llloli, pat ent, N4 8WM, Hi NWU. Sec. B- SMO. It. J. Bheels to K. It. Iteames, war ranty deed, $10, lot 4. Wock u't., Iluena Vista aildltlon. Knnnle A. Paddock to Columbia Valley Tiusl compan). warranty deed .. . . ..... - IIImu tltlt llllW elliuinaie lami in'viim...-.., - - this Is going lo parallw trade and comment the l.'umtl Taxallou UajUe may t-iillnhteii the "Intelligent voters" later on. When It does so It mlgt tell the Intelligent farmer from what source besides his hbor he now re- 10. land In Bcc. Jt-JS-tS. lescrlptlon ,, omfWi,t .lit- Indetlntte. . iilcult to convince hint that ha even re- Fannlo A. Paddock to II A'CMH, ,14y fr bis labor, whether ho Hitermau. warranty umh., ........... ",, ri,j cr0i or not. it Sec. 34.3R-13. description liideHnlle 11.r,.1,tli.e to know what pro- .Services at the various churches ot the city for tomorrow will bo as fol lews: Grace Methodist Episcopal Sunday school at 10 a. m. Dr. W. A. Leonard superintendent. Bervlces at 11 a. m. and 3 p. in. tieorie H. Feese. pastor. Junior League at 3 P. m.. Miss Ida Momeyer, superintendent. Oeneral Class at 13:10. Epworth League at :r p. m Howard Clenveland, president. Special Announcements Mornlna- theme. "The Would.lle Christian." Servient at night at tho Pavilion Special music by the quartet In tbt r. timing. The annual church and Sunda) school excursion takes place Thurs day. August 1st, at Pelican Day. Cordial welcome. Obliging usher Good music t hriatlsit Church Corner Ninth and Pine streets. K. H. Fllnn. pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. ni., E. L Elliott, superintendent. Christian Endeavor nt 7. p. m. Topic, "Missionary Progress In North America." Junior C R. at 3 p. m. Preaching nt 11 a. m. Subject. "Limited Faith." L'nlon preaching servlc at the Pa vlllon at 8 p. m. strangers and friends are kindly Invited to worship with us. Presbyterian Ctinrch Pine and Third streets. Rev. J. S. Stubbleflsld. pastor, Sunday school at 10 a. m Mason superintendent. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m Mist. Vera Houston, president. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the paatot. Subject. "Things New and Old." Union meeting at the Pavilion at x p. m. Union prayer meeting In the Meth odlit church at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. You are cordially Invited to attend all of these services. Oregon Valley Land company lo Kmma A. Iloyle, warranty deed, 300, 3H NK NWn tiKl. Sec. 36.39.15, United States to John J. Otey. pat ent. NH NKU.8ec. 7-4 !-. Klamath Water Users Association to L. D. Ward, release of contract on 34 NKi. NH 9K,, St. 30.40-H fixigUp By Joe Bush f II. C. Telford engsged a man the other day to run one of bis motor boats on the lake. The man qualified as an authority on gasoline engine', having formerly worked as a chauf feur, and got along tint' In the motiv ing, but In the afternoon he app-.ired beforo Mr. Telford and demanded Ms pay. "What's the matter!" asked Mr. Telford. "Can't make tho engine go." ns the brief reply. "I thought you told mo that you kuttw all about gasollno engines, and could make your own repairs." "I can, but I can't swim." "What's that got to do with It?" "Well, how am I going to get un derneath In fix the engine?" There Is great rejoicing among the common or house flies In the city. Tho eminent bactorlnloglst down the street has started a crusade against horse flies. If he doesn't succeed In this campaign any better than he has In his others, someone will put hob bles and blinders on him soon. tlston the present system of taxation makes for him It he does not get good rrop. The single lax syJtem will not In sure the farmer a goo 1 crop. For that bo nlll have lo look to a higher source, but It will Insure him exemp tion from taxation of any and nil crops, It will lax only lite unim proved land value, which Is small in proportion to his Improvements and personal property It will not con. rtscnto tha laud, but, rvdurlng tlm taxes by Increasing the number of users through decreasing the number of non-using holders, will plare the occupier In greater security In ll.e possession of bis land, whether It t a farm or city lot, and at the same limn secure lo him the fruits of his labor. One of the greatest Inducement n( fered to prospetclve settlers of Ore. con Is the cheaiiuess of land. If the propo-nl amendment will makn II cheaper let every commercial body lu Oregon boost for Its adoption "The graduated sluglo lax amend ment should bo ovorwhelmlngly (car rled). Its adoption spells (proi-r- Ity) to Oregon" Respectfully, KltKl) IIVNDMAN. Klamath Falls, Jely 3, 1913. Home Canning In I Economy liars Use the Econdnay Jar every day In the year, fast u yoo do any other cookiig uUnell, pot up meats. sougV honey left overs, stall, tui, otc, at wall fruits and veleUbUf, and yon will bo daigbtoa with tho result. i Whether yol can for pleas ure, for famll needs or proflt, there Is only i te airtight Jar the Economy. A book of recipes for tbe asking. VaiNwler Bros. Phdtfe85i Evtluklvv Agents for Clutso it Kanlxtrn Ten ami Toffees. , -. -J J. . rite Clturclt of the Redeemer Epis copal Dr. Henry C. Collins, rector. Odd Fellows Hall. Regular services Sunday morning Bunday school Sunday afturimtn at ft o'clock. lUpllst Church Eighth and Canal streets. J, D. Drendel, pastor. Bunday school at 10 a. m O R. De Lap, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. No services at night. Union service nt the Pavilion. A special Invitation Is extended lo strangers. 4 Church of tbe Barred! First mass, with abort Instruction, st 8:30 a. m. Second mass, with sermon of the (lospcl of tha Sunday, at 10:30 n. ra Sunday school nt 9:30 a ni. All are cordially Invltod to attend Iter. William McMillan, pastor. Christian Nrlrntlsts - Services are held In tho Llbrn.-y building until further notice on Sun day morning at 11 o'clock, and testi monial meetings on Wednesday even ings at 8 o'clock. All are Invited to attend theso meetings. Also Bunday school Bunday morn ings at 10 o'clock. All children nre Invited to these Sunday school services. Vote tut Tax HSU Hotm United Press Hervlfe WAHIIINtlTO.V. l V. July 37 The excise tax bill has been mule a special order ot business. A vole Is expected at o'clock tonight. The bill proposes to extend the exrlse lax lo Individuals. AkLxsiaLl , I.KTTHHH FROM THE PEOPLE , ' IINQ AN fAPPELLI SOUTH AFRICAN WATER RAQ ll YUM PLOW TsUMMtotn I flfJWAIOH tM WfwUf Kr Vfjafd ll aUJr-NwsYf sn W4 tw ! M rW..u. tW.lmt. iMt 4rUk f! f )Uw 114 t4. lift.. 4reJjM. GttfWMlfW. U-MI rittit.it4ii 4 t Wwi ttW h sWfi t atf r ff Ifsm ikUfft i 3k UviritaAjr, .' Uh4 lf V Ut, tIifi'rr, AWnJl svk Uti4lMf t- . y.1 ""I rridMBxTffMU, viw. zaoiMfxstiifflir, rAViiuRiTiiLrmiiliiA.tu tu u$ I or Mie by drlwM avflrywhtr tfBMti ADAM APPEll WA1ER IAB CI. POKTLAND, OPiacON WHAT'S THE REASON? Many Klautalh Fall People In Poor lleallh Without Knowing lite Cause W. M. TIMMj Ceieral HwHse Cleniig Electric Vacu tiCnrptt and Qampery qlcanlut We remoVI spots and dirt from carpets lid ruga by the electric vacuuaraprocaaa. Phone 581. Oflce 817 KUsnath REAL . RHTATK fRANHFKRH 4) The following realty transfers ontrsctg. deeds, mortgages, etc., re ef ntly filed with the county clerk, aro furnished by the City and County Abstract cetrpany: United States to Edw. A. McBroom, patent, SWU BE 14, Bee. 3; Wtt NEK, K' NE'4l Sec. 11-89-16. Jesse J. Siemens to J. W. Siemens, warranty deed, $10, NH 8KV4. SW' BKV4. BBV4 BWVJ, Bee. 21-30-9, Obadlah Darley to Jas. Bowers, a l Communications sent to thn Her ald for publication In this depart-) I mem snoui'j not excrea juu worm in length and must be accompanied by the name and address of ths sender.1 Editor Evening Herald: You have published the srgument of the Equsl Taxation l-essun against tho graduated single tax Perhsps you will bo good enough to consider a few points on the other sldo. The graduated single tax amend ment Is very far from being "a single tax measure, pure and simple," but as tho single, tax system I new In the United States, although the Idea had Its birth In California, It Is not to be expected that mora than a limited measure, can be obtained at once, It la, therefore, better that tho large land speculator should bear thn greater burden nt thn start, since It Is not u tax on his Industry, but on the speclsl privilege which he holds. The amendment, If adopted, will tax for stato purposes values In excess of $10,000, while It will exempt from luxation nil forms of personal prop erly nnd Improvements on land In the several counties of Oregon. It will place Hie burden of taxation on land values, not on land. The farmer, worklngman and merchant aro pro portionately small owners of land values, and, thereforo, would pay a, Ther are scores or people who proportionally small lax. and as land drag out a tnlsernblo existence with valuti In due to the growth of tho .( rcnllilng the cause of their suffer community, not to their Industrially. Day after da they nre racked ..w. , ...v . ., jiui uv n uurasi on their Inriustrv. I Economic land valui. Is the result of the ceutralltatlon of population and the economic due thereto, and cannot In any way bn leniencd or tie. stroyed by taxing It, hut speculative land value, the economic value of the future, what thn speculator expect to sweat out of tho Industry of others In anticipation of the further Incrcnso or population, may disappear entirely It tho tax Is high enough. The fact that the ultimate single tax will de stroy land speculation Is ono or the strongest arguments In Its favor l.aml speculation Is the bane of In dustry. It diverts useful offort fro.u Its natural channel, and creates a das to thn extent It Is ungated in laud speculation absorbs the re sults of thn labor of others. V.xo,. slvo land value paralyses business, since the capital that Is held up to pay for tho land, either as purchase price or rent, necessarily reduces by that amount the capital available for carrying on tho business, and tho owner of the land gives absolutely no return whatever In products or hit Industry tor the consideration rectlv iFS A Glean Scalp And Many tit )"r friends havv luuud Ihat ijJtVurl.iui Kro halt soft and glossy-anil a afitli free frueTil nnd ruff, ll ,,, from the e of NVAI.'M I ,.,.1.. u ll,. itriirmtiirn.. 1.1..1. ii,. i,.l, ulih warm vntritud II LMiro sunn rln. n. .. tm.ii iiiv -- - - m'r. nuglily -nth Hit stall with a gWlmisli apply lllrsutimerul) In ttcll and dry the hair beforelmblng. Mt understand that mtnUmv I uul merely a hair wash-. II Is it I'inlfl a food. Jr Willie ll thoiougJn) limn, ll ali prevents hr. lerlsl arlloa notirjdfea '! MlHtiilalra lite roots o th, iiitlr-sitfrmiivra all Aii'ltu prevtnta Ha leltirn nd pirrvlJlie nattgml Iteaulr anil tltr of the Italr. Nyal's IllrWloneJhould b on your dressing table It sell at (ffavnit and 11,00 the bottle. HON J I'MWAI.T, Prrelilrnl. IIKIII K. ITIII E.M. Ill'llll, Vlcr-Pm aadTrrst ', t4rcrrlary. Klamath County Abstract Co JTJtACTING m . a . &a SI . II SoMeyorJ and irrigauon t-niinccn N mai. 1'i.ank. iii.uEPiiiNTrt. .it. Klamath Villi, Oroi 015'r OF-.H!1j IN TIME Alt) rrn wlm ttenU gUr nfcll. frs llirltl Jtil taltkri n I her ran Im hail. HrratiM-rarh tlay thai Is allnnl lt ! latrrasr Hie lrli In. I Dial witieh more. Wr ltae n fret- M-rvlrc of .xaiiiltialhui lietr lltal U lor tol ami rvrrvlMMlr. Wr eniplo) only the oufct ap'orl nirtlMnU for lrllm tw r)r, ami rriilt itrr alwayaNUat llirj ImhiIiI !. Taki- ailtanlage of nisf offer. WlnturM (iimlouli- ninl stale rjalrrHIilili. hf n, The Young Man ICT iter 1 Who Savej M"j " i -Uir m'"iffwcvji 'i MS1W l sT II -LVJLVX sVl.s -ssT 7WJwrx s FirhsfruiT ft' one who Is sulci ! He will not slot kill 'iiinner when his spndtUs iimitoas have Vtut V4i also date ar.iiril a krosbtf of the value of inontr U wilt stand him In t""i V man) n lime. This UoV 4 oi'ii saving arntiint tills little as 1. and Savings Bank alh Falli, Oregon WE WILL GIVE YOU A RAZOR To ailvrrlUr Hie IIUItHAM IIUPI.KV M H.Vmi we will glirfMi tnor for only the illslrlballuu rrnrjl CKNTH. Ill mil Hie oumiii Ih-Ihm anil hrlag im4t tilth ill triil.i ainr ., .,.,..,, ........ Hlrrrl J. ,', itr . JUat r , Itely oaf lo rarli ntaa W1VI. CT. IIIJKiV with backache and headachei suffer from nervousness, dltxlncs woik iifst, and depression l.lkcly tlq kldnos huvo rallen jJelilnd In tiulr work or filtering thsvTilood, and that Is tho root ot tho trCile. I.ook to jour kidneys, nirslst llein In their work nlre thoin tho IJIp they need You can uo no betteAT remedy than (loan's Kldnoy I'llls. ,llolow Is grntcrul tAtlmnny from a surtercr in this lorall Mrs.M.l..Mrrll, ft) SMitb street, Ileddlng, Calir., saysl "Kor some time I tied sfvero pains ll the small or my back and hips, uudlras so lamu that I could hardly gotfiut or bed with out anlstaiue. M kidneys were weak, and I wsx laused much an noynnre by Irregul kldnoy acerotlons', using Doa soon fr Kidney PHI have msnt," rpr snio by all orui. pilco 110 tonts. Koitor-Millmrn V.t , lluflnlo, Now York, solo agents for llio United Btates. Ilcinembor tho nawo-Donn'snnd mhe no other, puasages of the ll llnnlly began I'llls, and I was L trouble Dosn's hest endorse- GOOD PRINTINiG Is nn important fuctor in uny business. and often contributes toward success Let us show you our stock of bond per and print for you a lino of st tionery which will prove a business getter W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. FOURTH STRKT, BCTWCEN MAIN AND KLAMATH