' "The Tabled TurBoeY' life drama. - Yeasmea," ReUeAe eemedr. 'The Fateful DliaM," Relalr dreamv - mnw'Jiiiii meea- tehae,? Aawrltaa. Wmmtb drama. ,Moaeem 'f tWameimaW&'dar. Wedaea der. Fridar. SaUrim) Bad Baadar. V Jericho Club - FOR - , Odd Fellows Anti Rebekahs - ONLY - la beaemeat ot I. o. a- F.-Tem-ph. Hewllag. Bllllarde, Peel. Card Room. Reading Room. Prlvaw SHUeg Room for Re bekeha Mir. '.' Vktttac mtkHi Mi Slaters , always wtlcw. vuauJk, nuwapnir AN CHOCOLATE KM CORAM. g ' Oar Saerbeta aM water kta ra nta wHhfWhtte Ptlicaa Rtter. Olvajme m ardor (or a MWt of aaorbot for roar IM&fclta ata Maw Rotor Klamath FaRe. Oreawe U. L . ..- HSBWi TAQitE We have everythyf you aMl for that flshjig trip: took, llao. ram, reels, leketa, o.Wo real teats, jpiH did camping ffettB MM " .1 .wbitt r Ladies Excknge (VUMV Mtf We KtJce a tihUfalty ( iMfiililliflffrtrill etr $mmMm ami Laces A BBhw MRXJI. I. f WmtUi COOPER St. ANNOUNCEMENT Owls to the aoaMKT prleeot livestock, aatotpiaet that wo hare to purchase antLWed atoek aa much ai throe mMthaA tlittW to bo sure of a oupplr. aT to the farther fact that wo have tuaftuy tool cuu at the time of pureheaf for aU atoek. wo Sad It akeolal meata for eatk Augwet l.UMt Keamg oar predate oar tad thanking a under the remain, roar. KLAMATH N. B. All o to aeU ilj ob Md after petreM wlHap- to Ula matter. i Jar aaat patronage. kMtto of the ease ir of aaaueaa, we MEAT CO. itMdlag aeooanta at settled by Anrnst 10U will be placed for ceUeeUea. K. F. M. Co. CMTEI UKE IIS The Crater Lake Hotel compear la now providing traasporUttoB br au tomobile. BieeUaff all tralaa at Chile- iki(n, to Arant'a camp andrbeyMd, to within three-quarters f a mile from the rlai. la the eveaot a telephone call helu eaat to taoTkOUl RakHlUaoaM Tar tag atJ neota Mi automol er laadlag patroaa. The hotel for accemmodatloM ArMfacamp. t to tto steam- OOBTMtMOa lit rim wtu aot he row 4are, bat 'at f vom WATca n No Btatter how goo itia. ud how carefnllr need, roar atch ehaalac every elthtoaffaiMtha. Thhi laiaree goodjerrleo ud aro- renU wear-Ut 'aisiou It for yea Yon re for I. DPP Oar BaohMM la flood! Oar CwatoaMram ere Oooill Becmuse out Groceries! arcQ A coapUaMBtfrr order will coavlate you i ' "Bmam i ii - It Bfl THE EVENING HERALD W. O. MIITH. MRor Bad ProprKtot PaMhhed deilr yofirt1! at m Katored at the pottofloe at Klaawtk Mil, Oregon, for traMalaetoa throagh the awlM aa BubaertpttoB teraw by bII to Mr ad dreee la the United atatee: Oh yaar ............ IBt( One anoath . ev KLAMA1W rAXLB. . ORJMON kridav. jutY at, itia MWAT TH PLV Wasliig CMhes kyElectricU bbmbmbmmmmbWbm dowc tao aeeu aod wtIuIbkI with a Red Mof feet work, end ford not to hoj Buehlaea In yd AU back-acf lac aIlHlnata ' entirely free fle oitMrtBaideoaoal -' raleed'or toweled ". vlthont iaterlr i ' BpeaaunB oCieB YofWn trrla la roar laluk at oar rtoh. r-1 T" if waehlBg br eloetrioKy rle toearoe per ron oannot af- o one of those r hoaie. lag and wring- The eoror.M :, aad eaa bo at'aar Ue lag wRVtae hlae. Ifteea daye Youra aaxlo to pleue. Mtwck Grocery Tit caaMhaar V HALTAOOWEKH fAau BidjB)r 1M1 Home Canning i to Ecot Dee the eeaa Jar ororr darbttko Mr other oookhaff atiaaH. vat ap BMBta, aoa koaor Mt- vrora, aab, aa ate., m wbM fratU aU TofeUMea. aad yeiwUlN Whether rof oaa for plena uro, for faaMB need er proat. there la oalr fae airtight , the A book ol redpee for tke niklag. Van R Ktluslve Hanhora ' THE poor r haa been getting II eo hard tor eo bmbt weeka aad weeka that It la a dleUaet relief to too general public. Md ataat be to the ir. for our friend down the llao to giro the fly a root for mo day. Wo pre eume that the autror will bo able to aUad belag twatted for a while, to view of the fact that aome oae oloe la getting a rent. Wo wore eertoaetr coaaldorlag tak ing the nutter of "awatttag tho r" to the eapreaw court, aa we do aot believe, "la the abeoace of a deeWoa of tho npreae court." aa to whether oar preoent charter h) Illegal or aot. Md In the preoent coadltloa of our warrant Indebtedaeei, Md with bo oae willing to accept our bonde, that 8m Bvaas haa Mr right to "awat the fly." At leaet. when bo mo knows whether wo have any charter or aot. although "we believe that It Is legal Md that the ao-ealled corn- mission charter which was subee- queatly adopted Is without force or effect." what Is the use of aayoae doing anything? Mr. Bvaas says that the mayor cornea out with a lengthy Interview. Now. all of the news stories of the Herald are solicited, Md wo secured a statement from the mayor because we had heard that ho had the matter under coaelderattoa, aad" because there Is a general demand among the people of Klamath falls that seme action bo taken to protect their Uvea from this menace. It Mr. Bvaas wlU read the news eolamaa of his own pa per he wlU dad that there la a gen- 'oral activity amoag all departments of tlie city la aa efort to protect the health of the city, aad rid It of uasan- karr conditions. Dr. Trusx, the health oawer, haa been working for days aad days, and the chief of police and members of his force, as well as the mayor and members ot the council, realise the daage'r that Is damaging the city, nnd are 'determined to do everything la their power to make Klamath rails a "clean city." One would assume that Mr. Kvaaa did not waat tho Aakeay canal cleaned up, and he tells the mayor that It cannot be done. Mr. Evans wss mistaken once before, when he thought that Mayor Nicholas could aot be elected, and It la Just barely possible that be la mistaken again. If the public senUment will accom plish anything there should be no qnesUoa about getting rid of the eaaal, for tho people of Klamath Falls ara begiaalag to realise the cause of the unhealthy condition of the city vfvr spring. WhM the lives of our children aad famlUea are endangered, It should aot be a matter of personal feeUng or credit, but ev ery reetdeat ot the city should Jola bands aad back up any oalclal who Is willing to make the efort to remedy theee serious drawbacks to the city's growth and prosperity. PEOPLE YOl) OUGHT TO KNOW e e e RUNNING IS GOOD FOR LOW e e e Did rou ever run for office T running Is good. Otherwise It1 lied war. No? Well, It'a lots ol run, mat is h h Well, It's like somebody character- llut Charlie I.ow Is havlag a nice tlmo ot his race. Ile'a running for sheriff, nnd the running Is good. The other dsy ho took a trip out In the valley to took over his fences polit ical, of course and established a now record. He kissed It babies. i.r... H... hMt that CaDtala l.ee vcr accomplished In the same leagth of time was 11 babies and two school teachers. Mr. l.ow didn't klsa any school teachers this trip, but his rec ord will stand, nevertheless. Most every pioneer In the count knows Mr. Low. He came here to long ago that a giant tree has grown on tho spot where" he stood and first beheld the beauties of the Klamath country. He wm n freight driver In the government service during the Modoc war, although he was but a lad, end that wm the only time In his i-ntlre career that he was not on the tiring line whenever there was a tiring tine to get on. Mr. Low a republican. Prob ahlv thla fact haa something to do with the smoothness of his stride. Anrway. Mr. I.ow Is well quallied to fill the office of sheriff. He has long been Identified with police mat tr. end Is conversant with the legal problems which coaatMtly confront a sheriff. Ills friends are sure that he will mahe good la the job. - a A Clean Scalp Andeallhy Hair u. nt vaur frlMda have i..i.nft and alossr aad a arali from the use of that a luiurwat grown, 0f from dandruff, will result This Is tho procedure wasn mo nmr wn nii-hlr rub the scalp w in wall and dry the hair J Please uaderstM li Is a tonic a feed. WhHo lerlsl act HWvmumvtoHK , -ail - uiira mis a i fl . ... tiff brushapply Hlrautoae rub It forecomblag. Htnutoaa Is aot msreiy a Rair wash nhHP By Joe Bmih eeeaeMMMMMMe W. M. TIMf feteral Ifise Cleniii mtrkVaem m4Drafry We remove (rem earpete electric PboaeHt mCmrptt MMMIBg aa epoto and dirt aad raaa br the fagauat preeeas. ea.TBMMt- A lady fly, coyly carrying two large Juicy typhoid germs, was aeronaut log along Mala street tne other day, when she met her cousin, who ap peared to be In a great hurry. "Oood morning; have you been swatted yet!" "No; Md that is Just what has been bothering me. I was up to see Lawyer Stoae thla morning " "The mnn with the nice bald headf" "Yes. WeU. as 1 waa saying. I want to coasult him concerning the status la the supreme court of these swatters; but aevar again!" Why, didn't he strike you favor ably?" "No; missed me a mile." The latest fish story comes from Crater National Park. Four Klamath Falls men came home from the fsmous resort the other dsy. They brought witn mem i -,.. iwh. Two of the young men were unable to get down to the take, but sat up on the rim and watcneo their companions fish. The legal limit Is flva nsh to a per- a. "tin do rou account for this sp- parent law violation?" one of the men Was asked. There waa no law violation. You see we carried down a Use from the rim. -nd Hill stood up there and cautht two nsh. Here's a piece ot the line he did It with." Simple, after all. We.havu aome very datratle 0 itrcet property for sale Stephen Hunter Iteslty Co. Are,)iu intereetea In KLAMATH COUNTY? If so, see the Stephens. Hunter Realty Co. They have tood bargains. A WoncWful Tonic That Aida Digestion X-nsaads are unable to oigett usb n ot rasa, u nasi csssi aot we nut or tae read, nor tne sen. . it u proBBBie taat the sii-atca ass osfc as-sea. assay resort sigestea rooas aM various sMdiciae to get relief from uMigMuoa aaa aeartbura, feed pern-want hen eat. If vour stnsssrb wss In lltlou. rou would aot aeed aigest tae rooes rou eat. varauiuge w a stoat gets the stomach In tast it wui duett issistsaes. It oven sad stlmalatet the wane- saa intern will srooerhr atao-h nutriment rem the rerers from ayspei Will, Ul i time srter tonic. For e: Uttli tsbl Msnr srs the for which UBSUrBSSSSd, csst no ether for more than eighty on, PhllaaelBUa, Fa. bei Ithoit parauaeat .jagar will at reeiir' Jtrae lastsT 'SCt COB- Iclne to s Tonic lator. It coudltlod tbeut other the scldity MM Of thS i that thir uetmllsts the eaten. Bur-iBdlaasttoa Isf In short the. use of the Manila of a It most psla- iadUtstloa ibh parasites. vo Ayae'i ermUuf i u raws; so praised H eta m Jarae k no to California The "dove season opened Moaday nil the local hunters can now I prove their opportunity. The birds are sa Id to be Plentiful all over me county. The season closes October 1. Summit LMkMt. ., ... U 'aaa in iiji ""- a and stimulate the reeia 1 the . .at A iaa laiMaBBat m it i.alr-HvmoveaffaH oaa-raw w--- -a .--.- - ttieaUtaral aeaaty aa roter w two ---. llriuftae ahould be oa your dreaslag table. U and 1 ,0o the bottle. & r w o osy ZL NyaT Hi Free hi KUaatS) Fall Candidates for office would do well to bear In mind that voters like very much to hnow who they are voting for, and they can at least show their portraits In the newspapers. We wUI make you a cut of yourself for ft. You reslly can't eipect to get elector without one. Our cuts are winners. Summit Lookout. NEWPORT or YAQUlJrt BAV ODPHON'S inPAl SIIMMffV DF4i1PT I EaaBSaaaaBBBBai BOATINQ SWIMMIMTI FISHING HUNTINO Deep ScgJEXCURSIONS ALL SEASIDE DIVERSIONS Low excursion rates on ill roads. First class itions LET, ADDRESS , MERCIAL CLUB RR - accomodi ., ., , i FKEB ILLUft-faATfiD HOOK SECRETARY COM Evetrjtrtl-B-fiy: fti Bm-BBBBBai BMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM IVXiiwio Hole IteareaeatatlTo of flliurmsn CUr A Co.'s l'lann. Hie Btelnwny and other leading pianos. Other mskes nt mod. crato prices. Tuning ami repairs Agrncy for WIIITi: HRWINQ MACHI.NKM, OMVKII TYI'KWIttTI.H AND VICl-Olt TALKING MACHINK llMik, Mlallonery nml Pirtures IIMMTN PUIS MM MNf Two doors csst of I'ostofflce. II. MAD8KN, Proprietor covwtaT. ir-mmmv TSK IXNaOST.WICAIIY DAY Is surefdfhave a pjtasaat Md refreshdjfg close for those who bavealwaltlag them at home thajfluxurr which only a prop- mr appoiaiea Dathroa eaa ffve.. And modern aanltan I'lumblng has nlacad tha the dliDOsal of rich ami , alike, for few purses nowadays are so limited m not to be able to afford what was a few years ago an almost priceless luiurr. If you desire to know all about what a moderate sum they can be Installed, call up ORBULBY imim J. KtlMWAIr. Preakfeat. . , Fiw-n-i. aaa WM. IIKIIT K. WITHHOW. Mrelarf . Klamath Count Abatract Co ABS1MGT1NG SirrAkin aa InltfatkNi Bst.Mdjfa MAP, PLANS, HLVMFiuirW. t. KlaaiatB faLlfOrtajM GET OIAtal5lP. IN THO i at als i them Jaat aa uukktf Aar Berana who i as ihmw naa ha had. Ilecauae eeth dr that ie allomsMni pas. tarr-aera law Iroahle JuU that mmch mere, M ... W hav. a free .errlr. of KtKlMllea hew thai M far aaytxHty ul arrhav. We emptor oalr the sse-4-fpprovrd atetnoda for leethu (be ryr. Md reauMa are alwaya wdBt they shoeM aw. Take advantage of "iamtersa Orniluale aad HtoleNfcaf''' Frtaa. " aasscs mKiwmsimm n w V? -am-BB- asV saW. ttrjf ? in if M I "LCV I Caar"1aW JgF mTTTN r iPBBMBBBaamF W . ., dmf I FirtUYuiV The Yowmi Man o Saves UJfoM wha la ffeiag to sac- He will aot Dm have laaa wheat hi aBMdall com- nanloas have aoae.dMit he wM also have acquired a kaewledat of the value of maaey whkm will staad him la seed stsad manr a time. Thla beak wM open aavlM arreuata with M little aa 1. and Savinga Bank ta ralla. Oragoa WE WILL GIVE YOU A To advertme the DURHAM BVPI.KX S RAajSjrwe wml adte row a rasor for oadf the dmtrmaUag rsMsedpOMirta. Pill oat the coaaM below aad keaag jftm wMk SS reatai Street jf. v Mate M Nh. Oaltoeeammaa ' GOOD PRINTING Is an important factor in any business, and often contributes toward luccaae Let us show you our stock of bond paper and print for you a line of office sta tionery which will prove a buainees-getter W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. FOURTH STRKiT, BKTbVKRN MAIN ANf) KIAMATH .. -("4