The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 26, 1912, Image 1

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HIH't'l.lKIt "
,,M1i:i I'HIW ,:W HKHVUK
H '
fin lit no
' .tiv -, ,
t i . i j ; , . j - v . i
tits r tiik Mats,- nut; maroiir
' - '
ninii " ''",T
ItliAMATH IUI.I.H, OIIMJON, I'ltllMV, Jlll-V 111, ll!t
I'rire. Fftv Cent
tiiui: iu:i.ii:i'k or immhiuti;
I ( 1,4.1 Ihllirln
( ( I.mIiik the .nktit Canal, ami
dUira "' "" Httuall..ii laj
Mr, I. it IIImM H'IU Thai ll Cu
U llan.Unl Willi HurrVawl'rtMieaU
i Xo Tli"" '
la III t'AV n !MlM'rt'"'r llrrlaitHi Uinl lleiiintriil l
,i Norlhwealuru !
la llili itmeiilli
.. .Hark nil III mayor I
,Mthl'l''l " l"t "M'" ""'"
itrlln Ui losing ' "")'
! nil' r 'oliilutt juu all or the
Uuil'llul l-logether talk ' b.vr
B,ir) dtirlnc Hie l" ' onth7
i tot tali nibjrct one In which, wo
tfcosM en tucrtlior. If iMM,ilbl, ami
If Mt.lkfU l"l kUWhi
AkhIu.i iiiKtinliil I.hIkii mill l
I'llrtlill) III Clim-i IjiIhii . H lint
if I tt 1 it II ill II till I I'llllili'il
Mini Ihr lllrnl I'tiiiiliiniii'i' l ('nil. ill
I Illicit I'm tieMlin
WAHIIINO'ION. I ('.. Jul) 2ilfU
lutervlew : lt'nrfiiitli ttn.leiiliurr, nf llllm.1
iiiariiMtti ,iMHirii wn.iin wiinnr
In tlin limn today,
I In rnllr.l Wllmili ",
antl-latinr, nntl-anldlrr, pro-t'hlnra j
candidate fur Urn plealilrnry."
ll rcfrrrcd in WIUnn'H liAicaliiu-
Vac1 County Court House to Cost $r6 5,000
Scenic Location and Equipment Unusual
n . .. HTJI rTT'' I t. " . in ' 1 t '-r-rc 1 1
,- .- -
r -r:
be verr clnil to co-oMrate with Uaror
lf..Lt ! ,vlltaaW rrtnflnnWAtlt In Ran , a - . .
""i1 " n.i., ....... ..v-.v-. .- .-Miciioma nnn inn cny council id an-
lytivntln ami abiwcd by lil kcopcijullllnjc tUe xn, C4B, matter."
,a part of a plot of num. detactlrw a,d ProJiet Knlnecr W. W. Patch
.,. m..l rilrn "inm, Ihrniivh" vm).r. . .
w .....-., ...-. -- .... w,- 1 111 is morniOK. in Buying inn canai
Ma Jo lioro today, following a rUlt tothl. t0T.rnment RMnmea certala ob
tliu nenltcntlary by n commltten of ii.,inu , nu,nr ni mM.nn
... . -. .... I - - '..'. W"BW. w. nv nn.
Ill mi nrllrlc wrlllrn fur Hip I'lirl-'Hn' rlty oml oirlookltiK l.akp hwnii'iruntirc mm most attractive in ciinr-,. Trade and Labor Council, had.. ht, aBd we c,BBOt dlacemttaua the
itoji:r k.noi.vkkii wim, Aiwiirr
lFlcllrc l Knunil to llr in I'rnltrn
lliirj' n 11 iy KITorta Are Mailo
lit Make Jim McVainara "Come
Tlimimli" h Charge Wanlen lf '
nU-n Truth of the Claim of the
Irf-rtilrrn of Orgaul"' IjiInt
OitTrrnmrnt l W'lllInK to DlacoaUaan
l)Mrnllon of Ankcny Canal Ilelow
lA-avllt Tract In ' It I lleUev.
rl of Ohllicjitlonii of VrMnl Water
llbilitD Hi .V. Illalit of Way for
llpe Ui
Cnltcd Trot Korvlco
CliarKM that Jim Mc
July 26 -
la belnn
The reclamation aervlce
I '.' .... . !, wtilrli hid- uway In tbu noulli. lo bo fwl whin ami 00 feet hhjli. There n, Clancy,
llltftt ICI'Himlli I-rtll" li llm I'Alh- ..... ... .... ... ,. i .Ill i. . r.,ll l....m..,i. Iw .lnrl' ...........
. . . . . k;fi III llir mmiiiii ...w....- - -- ..- , i hi, inuur iruci,iuiiiiani ,,o. .'uiji. nr We are t nrr. uiiirfnlabl tertatila. ,nil,,.r lMl,y. rw. mi nrnmnl of U ,. Ml,miHlin.ln ran be eci. onnborr ami on lop the Jail will bej(lcll ,loyc to aacertaln why Jim Mr..rriI of ,he r, ,
. . ...V"" .1 ..u i ! . ,"l(,r'"''",w KlmiiatU cimiilj imiri hiiiuc, ,,n rinti- .firortly hi front U llm locntcl behind the fire wall. Tho .Vomnrh wa kept In aollUry confine- ,. nfflPj,
III. Wll.i.u hnu.ilnnl.1 I- 0- jHtU(,r . rilll f wblh amrlH White 1'rllrnu hnl.l. and to ll.e north court home will be absolutely fire IPnt. They told the warded that , " " "j
ilurlntc I In' Mutt of Hie imriy
ntllrtn In ik follnwic
In Ibu preiiptiir of nrloiix tueiii
Iwm of the Central Oreumi lc'li
niriit Ukiic nihunci. nmnu. Wll-
lUm H. Woriltn, rmilily JikIkv
Ireain upriiinii mi iiicaiiiKii miKir, nuu , .. , ,, ., ... ..,..., n..i ,i,,r
...... , . hk...i i.iiimii I'hilR ni.. vrlir. vln. n ami the Krent Klauialh liatui. acter.
roiiiiiieu r.l Hint he id mil nKreo!""'! Jmirnai, I nil n naii, wnn via ...... ,,
.1.1-.. aIHi li.rM.,ir VV'ltkin. Ilii.l Irrt.l.
,Biiuniplloim arn wiiini. -
Jo not r In be wal rallied by the
Inldtl Flrt, ' """''I I"11
nothlax ran hi- ilmie brrnuin nntliltn
M iffomt'lUliiil I' Hi" lain admin
ItlMllon. Thai U lint follow. T.m
air major ailmlllril lhal he had hern
llJrlf. In llie milfic Dial m mr
M. Tlitu II I atauined thai 'vo
uuit ll until o have a new char
trr, Al the major hm not net Hill
LU fUn, iiiild It nut t" brllcr in
ll until e hear ll. brfore wp .le.
rld that II It Impracticable. TlilrJ,
ll U auuniril tint ttto mayur mean to
)nJmn llm iler rlht alilrh lll
ik4 be iurrell'lred fur a reawmnble
mm, I .In mil ten J that Into Ihr In
'inli, ami "to lint belleto llin mnynr
.u any turn Idea. If be haa. 'if
rmrw It In ii.'l prnrtlfMl, hut I, for
iaf.(ht vi alt to are what hU plan la
It la liter alt )-ura allife llm KUV
ttalirnt waa dial appioachrit In Ihla
auiter, and In February, 10. mcr
(our )rara ami, t li try- made Hie rlty
will b 175 few lonr. 75r,, by wx.layor McCarthy. TTeltmo,(,p(,ratIon of lh dtch ualM th
otillratlona are aaiumed by mi on
labor leaden interviewed War. I..I,-. nr w. .re releaaad hr the own-
UK In Klve a lit I In n he mny for!
hU whki-m" He iiuolrit the did Wll
mili letter rritiruinr nryan. an.i
nildeil' "Thla la Ilia linneal (iillllnil
of llrynti ami llriinliu: yet today
ho la prepared til don the iMrkrlnJh
.111.1 Hihea, and rat out nf I lie hum! of
I lie mail he ill iiniiiire.l a nil milrlcl!
rii,- f numirour; city addition nod nl- proof, hnvlm concrete fnundatloni. .nlcolm Mcljiren,, a Btirna dotee-
irneiive aubiirba, The new main (oneroid noorn. meei rrame ana xeout,v.( j,nl ,Mn ecretely In the prN
Hue of Hie Houlhirn 1'nclflc will pfti cnliiK; In fact, a clnaa A bulldlnt; 0Ui noy0 denied tblj, but an exam
within a fuwjiiindrcd feet, ami the In every rcapect. The nnlihlo Hntali (nntlon of tho record show that .Mi'
rourt hoiiae will be In plain vluw of will ho terra cotln, backed with brick. !,,. wag there.
Hie pamengera of the overland trnlm.'aiul there will tie no furnnco, for the The laborltea also declared that a
The ulte comprUeii flc acrca In n half entire bulldlnt: will be healed by hot KURrj named Oriib had prodded Jim
conildered putting 'in
n pipe lino and filling up me ditcn.
hut our attorneyi Informed ua that
the government had no right of wny
for n pipe line, bat simply aa eao
ment for an open ditch. Ho our plana
II...Ih..I... ll..... .....Ih.1 .
.. 1, mint bullae, anon to bo rrecletl on tint Hirrea emnanKmrmi win ue ruiixiaiiKPiuriiw - i- - -- innra wouia De put in nia worn; inai
II.. .r.1,1 lhat fur allen yeara llryan nnXr donated by Hie Klam- .trurlcl. prcacnllnB nn linmenae at- plete. and when completed ulll con- hp WJU,, ..rale ncll wtll them,
'" ,,rr", ,lr ","' "V1 ,"""110' ''"' alh liMcloBiueul company The alto trnrlUe driveway Mltnte one of tho In-at advert Uementa I ,,oyIe refufc,, ,0 allow tue ,n,,Pr.
aea. An luiparllal hlalorlau will ""'. mmn,e In llm heart nf The court hoiiae will bo of (Ireclan that Klamath rounty will have. ,M , tak witi, McNamara. and do-
Df (he hrtrajal f lfk "l HalllmOre . - Tr,,.,,f.i ,1.., ,, vlalt would not abort.
i marklni the acme of pertldy, llm
culmination of (Mimical Irejrher) '
Ike roviMnl lo lve them 100 Incite
tflual water right on condition i.a tol.l.imi. MCCflHX I'AsHAIlC
tail Die rlly would aaauina the Obll-1 l (III. I. IHKNTICAI, WITH A
Ullonanf fntly Inthea paid-up right. MIMHI'lli: VirroilM IIV I'ltlM
"rU made ality Inrliea above III oh.. III'.NT A VKAIt ADO
Hntlon, and at llm fljeura act hy twr
clih'alrr rlxht ownem, flnt xr 1 i'nltr.1 l'f-1 Hertlrr
loth, thli would Iwnamall fortunn In J WAHIIINOTON, July SO, Tho Iji
Hrim In H.e city, Kven nt their'tn,. HlH) bill, which IKtMCd tl.n
Miheit Biure al which a water rUht ...,., ,,.irrij,.y, i, identical wlih the
BUlirrninM, ITS nn Inch, Ihla exw ,,, ,..l(ll.,i i,, (',4deiit Tafl n year
I.IHO. Hoiiae IoaiIiT lulcml ('llhef to
Weel I UroMlng
Th'.' naaeaaor nf MontuKtli hai com
pleted Hie antoanicnl of the town
niul turned tho ru.csamerit rolU over
to the Iniar.l of truateea. The total for ll ear waa $14$,
mill, mi aKfllnai nearly $H) thla
e,ir Hummlt Lookout.
en the solitary confinement aentenn
' f the prisoner. He maintained that
Jim McNamara hnd been put lu ol
liary confinement becAiiso of mutiny.
Tho laborltea pleaded that Jim. ind
Jotin-h glven'falr play, "
would amount lo a alue of II, CM,
I ntntlon thla hecauao I hnvo i.ot
Irrn It listed anywhern else, an. I
'.avenltrn heard the remark that Hie
ittrrnmfnt waa trying In unload on
M rlty, sn.l thla, too, by mjin who
arcrpt Hie hill or modify It only
nllKtitly, ilu'rchrputtlni: thu prel
ilviit lu n hole."
rtetiator l-i Kollette nduilta that
thu hill la I.K.i'il mi the tepoil of the
..!. .. ... Il. M... A....U..4 ,
aicilK IliHfc iiuo nvrv ..ucinu. w
Mr. I'alcU stated that- he belieed
.- laf ...UI.M ak.
- ..... - , inn iiruiitaiiiiun 111 Luat:rjutiK sub
iKUniHth cnunty. hrukn ground I'rl- circle, around the e.lre of which mi water rrom tun not springs nnniiilHiln n stick. Oruh. It waa stated. .. . f . -.. He
.... , u i.... ... ....... win. i..,.l ...1,.. I nilA fl nwnr. The Interior nr-li... j. ....... .1... , 1.-... v,.,u,,c" WB uuv u ,uo ,""""' "
,ui miiruiiig tor mo uew n,v nv-iwi ai...r... ...... .... .....-., . --- - iin urn.. ..v ..o ..w,,.. .v.,..- .. . . beiivei .-., tB, mat
ter could be easily settled) If th
council was favorttble. and ottered to
asalat them in any way he could, aid
would sec that any proposition that
they might decide on was propetly
presented for the action of th -
rartment. Aa an Indication of Ue
attitude of the government, following
la a ropy of a letter written Isiat
April by the secretary' of th (starter
'to the director of the reclaaantlon
. aervlce: .
"Director Iteclamatlon Service 1
"My attention baa been called to
RENDER DECISION SOW'p8"'""1"0'- fmtot
ot way ror tne Anaeny canai wiiam
the limit of the city ot KUntatli
r'alls. Oregon, and to the untatUsac
tory conditions necceaarlly reanldng
from the use of said canal within the
city UmlU. !'
"It appears that certain residents
of Klamath Falls have suggested that
they acquire control ot the Tested
rlghu lo the use of water front this
rnnnl. nud thereafter release ihe
UKi li:i.i:OATION HIOMWIW IO i;ni,-l lliimilker and tiro. Noble M,
ciMi'Td KLAMATH CAM." rillt rc in i" 1 mm iiieir nome u. .
V. O.
Mr. ami Mr. Clark Hamuker mid
.11.1. vi. ua M'ltfioii.,.4 lii 11 cane before
w. iami in m:i- Irrillt r(llirt.
11. liiiirrrrM unci itiw i'i:it.MA-
MINT INJUNCTION' AtlAINST i'skhs ciiom roi.i.rcT.
i:.iun.i Cnmp No. 7'J?, W. O W.,;Mr. Mirk llauinker lift this morn-
but aro really mc or meir rnmu in uie ij F.-
, lmrhoo.1.
1 ... : . . 1
w mat erery move una ueen tti n.)7 jtrarllf biianl.
by Ihe rlllirua, Aualn. I urge you lo i,,,.in' Tuft la e'eild In veto
(at In line, and pitali, and not knock, j,.(p ,,,, urr,
I ailteaa a rltlti n who la deeply In-j (, 4 tlt. ,,vMt Hint the Idimwrnl
IrrnUrd In arelng thla matter closed. J( p,,,.,,,, ,,- unite furlhvr
for the kikmI of Ihe city. ,, ,,, ,!. ,mi(r relalon mul In-
Thre are nut m.w forty Inrliea f;rmiu, ,, ,, .lenl with, for 11 majority nf ,
Ik. .. . ...... ... I
" uwnrra nmn aiKiiineii Hieir win
lnnii to etrhniiKK Ihelr
" return of llielr rlglitn 11
An Other roilol.lerntli.,, nllirr
llMlrlll n .1.. .!- ... II ...... '
"r .11, ui nr eiii.111 iii. iiph
H sailer IH0 each, 1 brlle.e. I
Ailrte from Hila many of lb lot
onrs hsYnaald that they would pay I
fr 1U return of Ihelr rights of way,
"nrre they do not own water right.
" man nl,l Hint he would uladly .
lr 1100 tu hnw, tbu ,(r, r01M.4 ami I
' rlM nf way returned In him, ami '
"at ha w,,,,!,. n) 0 ,.Ur. Mr()m ...
In iildlllnn. f all will moot the'
iluitlnn in ,1,1, .pirit, it ran ho Iiiiii-,
0,, and Dm city not bn out aiiirli
"owy eirepi fr nillug street rfoiia-'
i,iioi'i:iii iwm:ii is (iiiir.vcii
I iiHou 1-re.s Korvlie
fOKIO, July ao Tho mlkmlo la
r toiiuy. Ollierwlao IiIh condl-
U unchanged, ir,,,, Kutiurii
"rttiii.i t,,,!,,,. ,,H, ,l0 u roturn.
'' from UummIii. Thu mlkndn'H teni
''fi'luri. H ion .jo, ,,,, ,,, puiKo
Judge, Helium today lucd u lf
crie In the cmte of H. It. (Irltfllli i
the Klamnth Water Itaers AwocU
tlon. mnklntc permnneiit tho tempo
r.iry InJuuMlon Issued some limn iiro,
I'lijolnlni; the Water User Awocla-
ate not only planning,
KiilliR In hao ll big time III their log
rollliiR Heiitwnber 3fi, :7 nmt So.
Acur.llint to lottera from Hecrotar
J. W. Iloaa. not only Hie Woodmen
ai toiiilliK M tit tlimvbut other
fraternnl ordem n " '" recent
.iiiumiiiilfatlon fiom HUaon. iwliiM
by C. T. Olher, Mr. Itoaa write.
I lalliil the lodge of the K. of I'.
1 nnil look Ihu matter up of the v,.i,uiu. Sh., r.innls of the Klamnth project
"'-. f'li.n 1 iii.i iiiiauii.ii ...? - ....
KulKbU Walling Klamnth Kill t ,....,,,,, .,.. M'- nrlfflth ta t e owner or f;
tbnt time. urn. competing lth I.. -'" ' "-"""" 7"" 'f - ., "' ""
, ., t i-i,r III Till. I'lHil (inr.11 mm 1 rji nine mvu r,if,.iv.. r - -
Knlu ble hero In the long foim. Ihe) ..,., fllH ir-i..nilnn t.v Hi,.
mo mine ihnu imxlou lu ilo.lhls. nml ill): nltCHON I.IM! 'gnvernment, nml ns tho loo Valley
promlne to cmno nt least aoienty-IHo iru ,, ol 0oniilct c-.l . tho suit was
mrons from Huiimulr nml Hissnn., July art. The iro,1K,t to prevent tho collection of
There U no .loubl of our iieiiig am. .oui.uUkIou hn. l.sued.iwcsmenta nunlnat tho land until
to orgnuUe n l.ilnl train of '-''. d ' . thi ,urvoy bo'the water should be ready for dellv-
T 'I""' ..o .,., that he .m-deofnioaeiutethostatoery ; K-- ,2"" W
meeting with KrentHilcce..,, tho sell- W. h - r - - - " ,,' noV krnn ust what eaect
R of tickets to this woodman n.e. ;--- - nan.lng'tbo decision will have on other prop-
it,, is ..I k.iii ni 11 oar 11. suiw w. - .... ..... ...
HtBVIs - -
telegram received last evening
from County Judge Worden from 8.
1,'ni. states that the argument Id
the nppcnl of tho court house Injunc
tion wore concluded yesterday, nu.l
'that n decision was expected by tl.e
Ut of August. Judge Worden and
I tl.e attorneys aro expected home
'either .Saturday or Sunday evening.
It was preoumed Hint after tho nr
gii:nenti were presented that the nt
United State from It present ob-
.r . afftllM ISa frlfJstl tn HflVM (fl. . .... 3
it..., rrmn (ollectlnsT or uliemptinK tot'".-' " "" ' "".".:: .."I .," "Ration to supply water inerrrsjm
...... ...... .- . .. i.iri, if. iiiiiTi.i HriFm. hi. link, ,11c
The purposo of theso resident U'to
Induce thn CnlUd fltat to ri.pp-
ollect nny nssessmeut ou the share announcement that it decision N t-X'
stock of ihe plnlnlltr In the Water peeled by August 1 Is not understood erat,oua on thc ,ower ,,orton of ihe
tsr Association until wnier lor may oc mai uic supremo .uu,. 'Anueny canal, which will be pmc-
... . . i.-k.i . ,..,... '.'aitl.l. hA m,.i, nn ll,A flhrfli-nrr ori ... .. . . . .1.
until iniui neromea uiiiuuii. .,... ...m v .- - - - - - -icaDe m case tne vestea rignw in
1110 trim, wnicu wna lurnisneu -..ubo 'qUMt,on can be, eliminated or satis
Coke by Court 8Jenographer P.lch- otntr mwlni
...Uon. In "?'.' Jj Wc' -The department would,be wjing
t',M no printed briefs will he tiled. t,!(?ontm.le furtber- 5 ot
' t . r .. . . ..... -
salu rnuai uciow me lanu nn
t(ic l.envltt tract In case the, United
Stnten um relieved ot Its present oh
,ligatlouH to furnish water to salu
vested Interests below said trjict.
Upon wxtUfactory evidence that Unit
ed State has been released of such
obligation thn. right of way lu ques
tion would be no longer used by
the t'nlted States, and no objection
"If you vnii'l boost, don't knock."
t.. Jiicob. well known Klnmnth
l'all prnpert) owner, In out with thn
.foregoing nmtlo. Ho'h In eiirnem.
Iloo, nml decline Hint tho resldonl
nf tlilw rlty numt get toguther.
rin.rn I 11 discordant note Home-
HfiinQ mc nyiNiwi"n," H,, Mr-juvnu m m,,r"
IIULUO nil) UHIl K, ami It grlora mn. Just w
worn nhmit to pull logeiner in m
right spirit. iiloiiB come n knocker.
"I urgo thnl Hnmii sort nf nn or
Kiililmillou bo perfected, not 11 chime
her nf rummerco or n
club, hut something now. ' P
sumo sort of 1111 iiHHOclntlou Hint will
l...v.. fur Its llliriloMO lllO liOOMllllg of
Iho Klnmnth rnimtry. Kugoge n Hvo
Isflcrotary. who mny bo trnaieu i k
1 'lli,... Illfailkl ktlll III 1 l'JI. lit - ....... .i 1. 1.. ,...' ...... ...M.otit.vafitn.e
. . ... li. liter ., nil Iho 0lfJros5h cU' of """" a tn0 l'rl' "' ' 00 Vn,,0y' wn,r,,, '" -"""MWIFi: UK UIIUU.V -l'.". iQU u rt wou,d be mad() t0 tuc
rnSiSnl. u. ,1 led I 0 W,,d- one going oxer the river nt Free lib wmo comlltlon n Hint o Mr.j wMlTBlT1M. w kacthTKNII- dWpcaltlon, thereof M may be made
1 w L l I o rollliiK lrW " u u, eMt 8,Ue' uua u,,'-""1"' TU"11'1 ,n ,ot,nl , al""'- 1V(. ...KcmiT witvkssk "y those entitled to control the asm
"", K mmnuiilc .01 recolv-,tho McClnud HUer. crowing tho 8ac.i5.000 anca of land under tho foe IMI TO IHhCIILOIT WIT.NKXSKS AtbQTitta to Instruct .th
,." nb.,b.HlcS rnmontont Antler and thence trnver.-' Valley Inttral. which l.u srtHl;, .UIAINST HKIt HISIIANH .upervl.lui engineer to act In accord-
ed by lli t,l... "r uf " , lllB ,, bank of the Sacramento to reived water, hut tl.e association will therewith.
Him HnrrillllPUlO lithlolie (Hill Hlro- " . i,Meinent ntmllist ......,. .....,
1 BAaruu AUABIP.
tnry, ll I
'nil of tho shnrea of tho association
Hwveil HU 'k
If" lyo Hiirfored u serious mlthup
'lenlny w,en ho foil from n caold
' vcroly sprained hi ankle. At
"rt it mux thought bono woro brok-
''in oxuininmion showed It was
aly n ,""1 "I'ralii. -Hummlt Lookout.
tilled lre Bervlco
1.08 ANOKLES. July 26. Earl
Rogers, attorney for Clarence Dar
row, stated Hit afternoon that Mr.
Ltarrow- would follow Davl ou the
Duke, ho make Iho tatk- liunsmuir iimi on
-"'' . !. fin lilts.
ment,thnt ho nlso hn reran e ywr- ;-- -. hrlnntil iho caso I decided by tho tm
nture regnrdlng the celebration ,0 o - - , prcmo court. It I. probable that tho
inlto Plnco In Hoplember. '" . ..'" ", V " ' ,' r Rh..t. other owner will bo culled upon to
Tim unliiuo fenturn of him cem- "."""""-.. .M. nv ihelr assessments unless they -
brntlon I tho met timi "" ' """"; " " , tt'inQevt Kerry, that, cure nn Injunction as Mr. (Irlfflth did. Ultnesa stand. It 1 not known con
llunuced entirely with oulsldo rn.- t .0 ''' '" :1". '., ' J corning what she will testify, but It
llnl, nml (he liiwlnr men of Klm. "' """""'" Z..,. 7... will ' Hetum From Medfnitl Ms expected that she will deny
nth l-'all will not ho iuko.1 lo duiiHiu miuoi """"";-" "". , ".1 Mrs. Leillo nogors and sister. Mn-.ttlons of Ilnrrlugton'a testimony,
nuo ilollnr. J. W. Hoss nnd iimr ei m- " '' -j ""'. . ,. -. ., ,..,, ,mvo r.(tl,rllod from Mod- Tho entire, morning session wns
Knglneor Mol.eo.1 are working nu " ",,,.. nr rniio fnr bids on ford, where thoy were called by llm tnken up with the crosa-exnmlnntlpn
lerlrlory between Klamnth KM I. n... J"W w J llo U J ' of their father. Mr. Ut.n of linvn. by District Attorney Fre.d-
Hnn KrnnclHCO. and soon uftor tho Ut tl Is work. ' iy -oi Medford after them In mn orlcks In n futile eBort to tangle Up
of August tho territory between till ; -l l' h ,l Mn,trurt,r 0,," w"t, uml ou account otUlio wltne. on tho deUll ot the plan
city .! lrtlstnU will 1.0 worked hy'lHli , brWi J BloBg lw t0 tB McNnmMaV p,e,d guilty
4'llH'ltl'HlHl' " "w "
i par
y. 1
"Pint AaslsUnt Secretary,
Kred Campbell "arrived In thl city
last evening from, !-ako county. He
will appear as n witness bofoie tho
ell mil court, and I nlso transacting
mimo private business, I
It. C. MrClouil I In from Odessa
ou buslneMi, nud will return soon to
his farm.
New KnterprlHC for Till City , ot
o be. constructed by the itato will the party got on the wrong road nml, two jTnyabelJore Mft '
mt leave lleddlng to the east, and , wont nearly to Yreka before tliey.lesed to have been bribe.
,ie .....r.,.. -"--- ..',.. ,, B.ermnn on the east- Could tlml the right loan to Kiiiuni'i ue , of ,vi. .wmb.uuj ,
C. .1. Oobuin nrr.yeu 11 '' 1 i;"Mk" Vho road will hit tho Ms- Fnlta. After they passed tl.e county that llm McNamara. had been ready
mi AHlihind yesterday. Mr, Cobura bank, ino row 1 iu "o I ., wag aU rlght( bllt Mr ., chang0 thelr plea, and that DU-
s boon engaged In the mnmiinciiro ...uuu ....-... -..... ..i,,,,-.-. ...tM lhat .he rountl. nre trlct Attorney Frederick had been
Kost nml liernli. tho truth roiirornlnK
HiIh country. Wo want notiiiug i...Mn.
tho I ruth wild. That Is good enough h
lu.erestH hero i.qulro hi r - 0 t il ? T." V-T ' f 'for the guidance of autol.t.. .pMMsl.
alleged to have
lioro froiiuoutly.
. i.
Mr, and Mr. Drown and daughter
are In the city from Langell Valley
on n visit and transacting some husl-
Al 1
Bern ,-
V. U. Chltwood of Merrill l In the
city on business.
Kred Kleet. II. E. Wlnnard nndaon
arrived In the city last evening from
their homo In Ungell Vglleyito
tend court ui &?( ,.