limits Jericho Club - for -Odd Fellows And Rebekahs - ONLY - In basement of I. O. O. F. Tern, pie. Dowllng, lillllnrds.. Peel. Card Itoomf. Heading Hoonu. Private Sltttrs llw for He bkshs only. Visiting llrothci and differs Ways wticomo. . Mmt Sell fnriT crM. all tlllabland under fence. JO acres clear 15 acrca In rye; 3 acrea In petal6ci: 50 young fruit Ircca: 3-roomouse; barn 4fls JO: well' IB feet dp with 7 feet of water: 3 mile fm Klamath Fall. 11,500. nUf cash balance long time at 6 percasvvm. Wanner, office Sparka theaterVldg. -t ANN0UNCEME1 Owine to tho scarcity agfl nigh prlco of livestock, and to thsefnet that n,e have lo iuirclift8o and ttM atock ns much as three montha InAdvanc to be sure of a supply, nnd W the further fact that c ha-.o tu pAspot cull al the time of purchase f all atock, wo And It absolutely nsfessary to soil THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH, Editor and 1'roprKlor MAI'I.ti KnAPPK, HffF.RnK.IT, WATER ICE8. VANILLA, 8TRAWBKRRY AXD CIIOCOsjATK ICB CHUAM. Our Sherbets and art made with W water, dive us a brick of 8hcrb next cntertalnme ThXSiiosta ForsArly sHoxey Klamath F.lliXI Oregon fhlti ellcan irder for your 'for meats for cash August 1, 1913. Honing our mai predate our posit! and thanking hoping for a contl under remain. KLAMATH N. II. All on and after patrons will ap- In this matter, ir past patronage, of the same of business, we uatlon i cr .1X8 MEAT CO. landing nccounts not settled by August 10th will bo placed for collection. K. F. M. Co. GRATER LAKE NEWS The Crater Lake HoteUcompany Is now prorldlng transposition by au tomobile, meeting all alns at Chllo iuln. to Arant'a cany and beyond, to within thrcc-quarteft of a mite from the rim. In tho cjfcnt or a telephono call being sent to he hotel people at. automobile will fJb sent to the steam cr landing forfihe convenience o! patr( The open accommodation! Arant'a camp. for the rim will not bo for a few days, but are nrovlded at 20-tf VOUIl WATCH XKKD8 CLKANlNd No matter how goodlt Is, and how carefully used, youjwatch need rlenulnt cery elgitswn months. This Insures goof service and pre- cnts wc(w Let Is clean It for you. Yours fraMm. dpp Published dally except 3undny at 1U ui:rL'( Street entered al the piutofflco at Klamath Falls, Orceoa, for transmission through the malls m second-class mattsr. Subscription terms by mall to any ad dress In the united states: One year ss.oc PEOPLE YOU OIGHT TpKNOW .'. PnSf MASTER'S JOB IS NO SNAP One month ! .10 KLAM.Vttl FAI.U". OKKHON TIIL'ltMltAY, JULY 1, IBIS GALLS SINGLE TAX A MENACE KOUAI. TAXATION" I.KAOUr. Fll.KH AIMIUMFAT IN" WtHCH IT lK CI.AKF.ri ITS AIMHTIOX MKAN'S Itl'IX FOR OltKUON mparc.1 to successful postmaster In cllr ""dor 10,000 ,, NVN FISHING TACHE w haTn ererTthlDgjfou need for IhnC nihlngsfrlp: Hook, line, xoi,& baskets, etc W rtDt tentf. guns and Amplng THE Gl J. iu cr Itione 5RJI STORE HKKM Jarnh. lllk. Ladies$ Bazaaf and Ladies Excpige We aike a specialty of Imported Svss Embroid ery Gcraia Btfcdt and Lacca MRi 135 H.lA . COOPER ourth St. Our llulne Is Ooodt Our Customer! nrc Reed! Because our Groceries are Good A complimentary der nlll Yours anxioitslio plume. Mnniirrh 1 Try it run uNsur I "A I tA COtaV:!'." Xo Grocery llrtlrr. I'lione 1031 Home Canning In Washing Clones by Electrity Doing the and wrlnglni with a ncd El feet work, an ford not to machines In yoj reekly washing by electricity trie Insures per- you cannot af- e one of these homo. bcopomy Jirs Use the EconoiaV Jar eyery day In the year, list a yon do any other cookls utensil, pat All back-achl Ing eliminated entirely free fre olther InHtAor raised or lowl without lnterfer operation of the You can try a Red Electric In your home for fifteen days at our risk. g and wring- The cover is mechanism, and can be t any time fith the Ine. m S honey left- , etc., m well etablet, and ;hUd with the up meats, sou oyers, flab, ga: fruits and vi you will be d result Whether y uro, for faral there Is only the Economy, A book oil recipes for the nsklng. can for plea needs or profit, ne airtight Jar Vai-4UQer Bros. PhonK85 KxiluiiUi' AkviiIh for C'luive & Kniilioin Ti-tiH nuil Coltet's. W. M. TliWMS Geieral House Gfeaaioji Electric VmcJm Carpet and DraperA Cleaning We removel.ll spots and dirt from carpets nd ruga by the electrlcNttcuuB process. Phone SSLaaVe 217 Klamath SAI.r.M. July 25. Declaring that If tho graduated single tax measure Initiated by the People's Power League In enacted luto law thoro will follow n reduction In land value with a proportionate shrinkage of value In all Industries, tho Oregon Equal Taxation League yesterday tiled with the secretary of state an argument In oposltlon. "The amendment Is n single tax measure, puro and slmplo," declares tho league In Its argument. "Tho pro moter of the Joseph Pels Fund Com mission of America, discovered that single tax could not he adopted In Oregon. They, therefore, aro Intro ducing the above amendment with tho graduated features, believing that the smaller land owners would not object to the Introduction of such a system, Inasmuch a those not having land values up to and In exccn of 110,000 would not ho affected by the adoption or tho amendment: that Inasmuch ns tho graduated single tax would fall heaviest on tho large land holders, It was believed by the promoters of this amendment that It would appeal to the prejudice and envy of the average proucrtv holder, and that thn ral purpose nnd object of tho measuro would thus be obscured. "A careful analysis of the amend ment will leave no doubt In the minds of tho Intelligent voters that the ob ject of the measuro Is to shift all of tho burden of taxation onto land, thereby reducing land values; and as the land values of the largo holders decline, so will the values of tho smaller holders decline In proportion; and as the land values decline, the tax rate must of necessity be Increas ed; and as the tax rate Increases, a further decline In land values must follow. As the burden of taxation falls more and more heavily upon the land, a further decline will be the re suit. "Soon owners will refuse to pay thn excessive rate upon unimproved lands. Tho result will bo n large proportion of tho less available unim proved lands will cease to bo revenue payers. Then an Increased burden I will fall upon the balance. And so this process of eliminating land valuo will continue. With the decllno In land values, all forma of Industry will shrink In proportion. Trade and commerce would be paralyzed under such conditions. It Is said by the advocates of this meuauro that the people are not going to be compelled to go any further with this experiment than they like that If they find Jt Is bad, they can re peal It. Such argument should not appeal to Intelligent voters. The cit izens of Oregon should not bo UlllnK to experiment with any scheme that does not have 100 per cent of eco nomic value. Single tax has none. "Single tax Is offered bb a tax re form. As a matter of fact It Is not a system of taxation at all, and far from being a tax reform. It has but one object, but one purpose to de stroy land values by absorbing Into the the public treasury the potential rent of the land, of confiscating the land. In other words, the avowed purpose of the single taxers In sub mitting this amendment for adoption 1b to apply the fundamental principle of single tax the copflicatlon of land, the small farm as well as the largo, holdings. When that Is done, tho present owner will have no Inter est In the farm or the city lot other than to occupy It. The farmer will receive pay for his labor only, provid ing he raises a good crop. If not, there Is no provision even for his labor. """"ThlsTlhgle tax "measure Is not a tax reform. It Is opposed by Gover nor West, the state tax commission, and tho legislative tax committee, who have prepared and submitted to the voters three constitutional amend- . . . . ... ...... ..i. .iiiilitmiirv. tho follows who When It come, right uown u -"" ; ; " . ,.,,, llbml, and represent uncio nam m. ."...... n Itin nmo. pomilll illation. In fact, It may bo truthfully said that tho Job uf dlplomatlclng In foreign lauds Is Just a cane of beating up tho frosting, whereas this l"t master stunt Is chopping up Hi building tho tire, mixing tli dougli nnd cooking the cake--and thou Bimie: such as making the imtrim eat It, whether he likes It or not. c. K. Ilrnndenbiirg. posliniiHtor uf Klamath Falls, has lennleii this, and. Incidentally, ho lias so far profited by what ho has learned that lie Is rt ursl rlass man In the Job. Almoit n year's trial has demonstrated thul lie Is par ticularly qualified for the position. In other words, bo's making good. Hut n few of tho illsagreeanu thliiEs about postofflclug hao not passed lightly over Mr. Hrandonburg'n head. Xotlco how thin his hair is getting on top. hTo other day a man stepped Into tho postolllce anil demanded lo sev the postmaster. "I sent a letter about two mouths ago tu my brother, and he ain't got It )et," complained tho man. "How do you know he hasn't re cohod tho letter?" asked the postmaster. "Well, he ain't answered It yet." "Where does our brother live?." "In Wisconsin." "When In Wisconsin!" "Why. right across from the wato r works." ) Sl A Glean Scalp And Healthy . ... ,.i i i.,... round that ii liixiirlMiilatfTowtl m ":k L.Xs -;;;. :. .-rjar-m r.,, iiiiii !.! -- ""!" "'" m NYAI.'H HIHKUTONK t'lils Is the pruceuiire mm iv i , i,, mill rliiai, II. i,. Wash Ihtv inlr " "" ' "" Jr. ... . 1H11,My-rub the. call- v.10. Hlr-utono-ruh , in well ond dry tho hair before combing. "lei", understand lhal lllr-ulmi. jnt i...r.ljr was!,.. " '" " '""K iriliorouglil) .le..yA "'' Imt. l,rl.l a,.lo-...mrl.l.r. ami. .'" " "" " "' p, curves nJL.rl !h..Ih.i.I wlor uf tho l.a r. Nyal's lllruuSijkiiouW bon your dressing table. It sells at SO renttd llJ1" H'o tH- LT JV J S W S .. .. ..linn !... -.- .....a . . HON J. .I MWAI.T. ' ,,,,,," "" n ' " "" IIKHT K. WITIIHOW, Klamath CountjAbstract Co ABSTRACTING SurviVr.i anlrrlrtatlon Englneem MAi-s, vms. iii.uki'bist. rnx Klamath Valla Orcijoi ments: Nos. 304, 3tffi and 308, which, lion and sworn statement on tho JOIh If adopted by the voters, wlll'glve to d,,,. f August. l!M2. before O It Do thestato of Oregon a tax system more i,a)l rouuty clerk of Klamath county, complotp, equitable and effective than' Oregon, nt Klamath Falls. Oregon, any systom now tu effect In thn United Any person Is al Hourly to protest States. this purchase before entry, or Initiate "This graduated single tax amend lW contort nt any time before patent ment shoutd be overwhelmingly do- Issues, by filing n corroborated am feated. Its adoption spells ruin to. davit In this offlie. alleging facts Oregon." which would defeat the entry. A W. OUTON. 7- t-S-29 Iteglster. fl'"7gUp By Joe Bush AilmlnWtralor'a .Villco uf Filing ill Final Arrount In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County In the Matte of the Kstate of Andrew I. Fugelberg, Deceased. Notice Is hereby gltcn that I have filed my final account and report as administrator of the estate of Andrew In some things tho merchant, of I. Fugelbarg, deceased, and tho above Klamath Falls appear to be Inconslst-ienlltled court has fixed upon 10 , ent. The other day the writer step-(o'clock In the forenoon ot July 37, ped Into a drug store and called for n,l91, as the tlmo, and the county doso of medicine that Is passed out court room In tho court homo of almost every placo for a nlckle. Klamath county, Oregon, In the city "Twenty cents, please," said the of Klamath Falls In said county, as clerk. the place, when anil wnere nny person Then ho went Into a clothing storo"1' Present any objection or ezcep snd bought a suit of clothes for on lo anything therein contained, or Sm nl.ulkl.lrt l.-. S .14 1-. KM .! I I 12.50 that could not be duplicated In"' "'" " " " " Portland for S2S iraiur. nun m inn uiu unit aim piarti Next ho went fnto a restaurant and ' l"l,1 rourl n""Jf M,,l' h paid 20 cents for a sldo dish of new "" ciunt. potatoes three of 'em, about tho size i ot a marble. After that ho bought two pair of socks for ten cents that would cost most uuy placo else In the country two blU. Wish tho clothing stores kept boarders. A farmer, n resident of liutto Val ley, left for home this morning. Ho has been around town for about a This notlco Is published pursuant to order of thn above entitled court made June 17, 1912, nnd the first publication thereof Is iniulo on June 20, 1912. II.MIItK l. CKIiKltllF.WHI, Administrator of the l.stato of An drew I. Fugelberg, Deceased. I07-2B r .Solid- uf Snip uf Ileal l'roH'rly by Administratrix week, and has exchanged qulto a rol ' '" 'l10 (-'ountJf c,,url of " of of honest-to-goonncsH money for ""..i. miuuum t,uuniy. llquldn. '" ""' llaUtr "' "'" I'sliil'i of Hoy I. ' . . ....... ICIlKiiro, Deceased. Just before g. .Ing : to JPlfc- NolItt) ,,., ,Ul.n ,,, , ur. stepped Into his favorite wet goods flf nn q( nhmen. emporium and greeted tho young man wearing u snow-white apron "I'm going homo this morning," ho j sain titled titled I .Vol lei- fur Publication (Not Coal Lands. court, miulo In the ulioie en mutter, on the 12th dny ot 1912, tho uudarslgned, as ad llllllfHtrnlrlT. will nnll Hi.. .ir, "Hotter stay In town awhile was licrcllian,,r ,,:tlbed. at prlvnto sale, ho reply. "ThlngH aro sure to get,,,, , ,(gelll bm mth mn (() lively In n day or o. nmzl or rash, provided I am oITcred "No, I haven t nny n.oro money. ,jV(,r 4000 for mli iro),rt)fi . "Oh, well, good-bye. i,,, , ,,,, gc,, 10 , (f( )0 Mn(a .'nf 8 w KHgore, deceased, for tho W Iv.,jloi.o reiy desirable Bth ',um of (000.00. the nmmint of In- street property for sale-fltephen. (.lobtedniss duo tho latter estate by Hunter Ueaity Co. t tttu estate) of Hoy I. Kllgorc, do I ceased; said salo to be iiiado on or nftor tho 2Cth day of July, 1912, nt mv,, In th inun ,.f ii...nn Depar ment of tho Intr or. United ,, Cont 0r80 States Land O lice n Lakevlew,t0 .,, fnnnrm,aoll of ,,.,, , J Oregon, June 17, 1911. ,by ,ftw rov,d(,,,. Notlco Is horeby given that Jameo. Tlln .,r(111r(v i1I.F.,nIlfll, ..,.,.. -.-.,--.. ...,,.MJM,Mi MIVIIVH to is piirtlcularly ilescrlbcd ns fol- lows, to-wlt; An undivided one-third Interest In and to nil of block 101 of Howno ad dition to tho town of Ilonanza. In Klamath Couuty, Oregon, according to mo plat of said addition duly re- corueu in tne niiiru of tho clerk of said county; jogetner with tlx- toueinents, hereditaments and npnurtonanccs thoreunto belonging or In anywise appertaining to said land, Including furnlturo, fixtures and Iron safe In tho building upon said premises. Dated this 26th day of Juno, 1912. KTTA M. KILflOUK, Administratrix of said Estate. 6-27-7-26 r llrlscne, whoso, postofllco address Is Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, on the 3d iluy of Jnniinry, 1911, filn In this olllco sworn statement and applica tion No. 05237, to purchaso tho SW4 HW4, Section 29, Township 38 S Ilanr 10 K Wlllametto Morldlan, ami the tlmher thereon, under tho provisions of tho net of Juno 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Tlmher and Stono Law," Jt such valuo as might be fixed by appraise ment, nnd that, pursuant to such ap plication, the land nnd timber thero rm have bcon appraised at a total of f 100, tho timber estimated at 90,000 board feet at $1 per M., and tho land nt $10; that said applicant will offer final proof -In support ot his appllca- GIST Or-,A-15 IN TIME An) ihtm.ii who iirr.L U.mVH. ncnl- ll.rni Jt . .i.l.lf a l lie) inn Im had. jf ..... HeiaUM-rarliilal that I e.l ! M li.rrrM-. It..- l.oi.M, l... .I...1 sHiirli tsiat-ssi We liavi- ii fm erloX i:niiiliimluii el' I" " i"lllf nnd ceYwMl). V ortWii) unly tlisinml ilM-l liiHlimls fur ImIIiih tlif vyv. and ivsiSta arr !. li"l ','Jr '"''I " Tnke iidiMfkgi (.four offer. f I. XVliitt tiriiiluiile ml StalflJlrglMrml OlilUUn. r s ., A"X 1 . ' JWsAa-j v& i-sim v - i ( X . The Yuunq Man Vho Saves i!flu unn who Is going lo im cl. He will nut nlouu fciii uney when his slielidslt "l paiiluns hare none, hut he 1U also luivo nrqulred n knulrI nf tho value uf money M. will stand him In good it'll mini) ii time. This bank IU upvii sating ni counts wllb n k llttlu as tl First TruH, lind Savings Bank Klam Falls, Oregon fcirsfrnrSSrH . jrrf, mhi swxi ! Vr1 AJia- -"Hi kHi M "ZrvZaWl?i n yiii WE WILL GIVE YOU ft- RAZOR Tu niheiliM the IHIIIIIAM UUI'I.K.V st.1 ItJOH we VIII glle ) nuor fur only tin distributing eviH-H-aCfl-t CKMTH. I' III nut the riiuMin lirlun anil firing us wllli .1.1 iriil.t .Viilue . MHrrl .. flly . W"iw 4)ii 1) o J to mrli man vyi. itg. 1 1 it k iv $ GOOD PRINTING Is an important factor in any business, and often contributes toward bucccss Let u.s hIiow you our stock of bond paper and print for you a line of oflteo sta tionery which will prove a business getter W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. FOURTH STREET, BETWEEN MAIN AND KtAMATH