HlUTUKI IIV THK i,NirHI I'M KWH hkhv:i &ht Hlilli Vrai N ',,, netting KI.AMA1H l-'AUM. OHWJON, 'IIM'KNIMV, 4l,'l,YiM, lll tfald. tiVKNINO NKWHPAPKHM I'KI.Vr THK NUWH, NOT HMrTOKY PlNAniAM RINK LOSES MONEY Price, Five Cents. mii.iwa,":n ''TKK t'HOWD IIV lsPI,AY OK (ItfNN Masagrr uf lnlll.iHon Ik lli'itlrti Into 1M.,lill() nnd t'lrtk C'ImMnhI. (off Hniiml Aiuminla In 9l,(MNl. Ittfni'iid ntnlde HoMicrf In llrtl j, rnluinlilii In llm I'awt Var. Tail Wrll n I III Juli SHAPIRO GIVES HIS PALS AWAY: M!U' Vitllli HlNTKlri' A-.'liltM:v Hi:o:ivi:s iomkhnion IMiiIU i.f Hik H, 'im,..lliiK .tin,. iter or llim-Mlml ltroiinli, li) Oim f llm I'hiI) of Mm, l.rrr. Mi. Will II.. Iliopoitant M,... rnrUii'' I NUI Colli i Onlirr. Iii . .illr.l ' llillllllllll), , tsltnl I'm ttTlr J' nlU'il Press rlcivlrn VANTOrVI.II l .. July J6 Two! SV.W VtlltK. Jul) 35. Uln this tuiilrJ nl-hwajiiieli held up Ihnjnllelhi.iiii Shapiro iuiiiIk a nnuplcle branch fit It"' Northern Crown hank inn fi-alnu to lilatrlct At(iirn- Whit la IVnUal I'afl. n auhurh n( this city, ,iiimi. I In ii.rouiil.Hl In 11(11111 nil of it PIO tlila afternoon. They secured lt. mint Hint linuaplri-d mi tlm II.JO snd nude their earap. (UlrM llo..ill,ul, tlm guiiibler. .i 'Hint MonivtlHiiK mutt N.M.rr i in....... -- -"', I ill.H l will nn,l.l,li I... .. ul Mill- looklnr tnwnrd II. Mayor Proposes to Abate Germ Breeding Nuisance Ankeny Ditch is Condemned by Health Author ities and City Council Will be Asked to Take Legal Steps to Compel Water Right Ow ners to Give up for the Public Welfare BEVERI06E TO (JUROR THINKS BE THE GOAT DARROW GUILTY lOHMKIl MK.VATOIt TO l'KiIDKATTOIIKV I 'OK DUFI.XSr. OF. OVF.K HUM MOOHFTRM KKIW TO I'KOVr. ClfAKOK il'lnim An Announced for KooanTelt'a 'Jiiilur iM-llm-i to Ktrnn Hm lliaaeil ' . . i Coin rnl Ion to lie Held In Chicago VnU Mouth JoliiiMm Will Head it Delegation From California.' Tliey Will Kid, to the HcetM of the! M niggle In a Special Train Lit limn- ui abatement I llnllpd Press Service CHICAtlO, Julr 25. It iu an nounced at the progressive bead quarters today that Former Senator lievcrldge will be temporary chair man of the Hull Moose convention ID nf llni will l.o fnlr. mid wo will the water teop urn! crrles part of jh,'ro l", month hn.e mi trouble, but If then, an. n -..... i.. ....... ... ! I... I...t..lti1lll.' when lln ttllflnilllMl I "" . ,., , ' fur tin- aluln lofralit llim num. inula nf Itir Immllli ' Tkrtf ".. i.l .l- I" ''fHir1Ull ......iira,,.,,.. '"" "",,,pr "" "' tl KutherliiK for.M.l to ,.,m, ,!, w , lnk ' n-nlni open. m orii "ii. ....m.v.....-,. ., mi ui mi. iiimriiiftiion pottiiJiit in llm liam Uytrrrowidl.r thoitun.no.itl.l.. , ' T. " ' " "' " '" , .... ,. ,-, 1, ' '" Mrulriiaiila llcrlcr. t-'o-llKan' ril vj i' -- i" ' nultir. mi Hint IIik (ncl lould In NxUIUl I'll nil' Minililly Nut hiip of Hip irln wan uh- Tlf "llll tn Jml illroiri-. ,1(H,,U,,, ikf Ihrlr piffin num. Htiii' met liad ( l.kiiiniaiit lliki.r (aid lu would to tw rallnl nff mi nrroiiiit of lulu and ir.lf. ..It Imhi k h hl ntliirm-y did nut U4 rlbfr TIip wi.ttir limn wu ndtlat. him m do . ( lln. Anhi'iiy mnal nulnnri U llm fiw wlninroilliiioi.nl to hi. iiiin.a.m . ' Jolinaon a Moowr ..plnlo,,of.M)..rT. K. Nlrholm. Tl,.. nl.l,.. nn.l will not runird. .....tl.lnr ' "m ,0,"r nM UeeU ,no r"u,t' '' 'UnlloJ ITcm Sanlc. ' -'' til. IK. ....... ...... ... !......... ... . . ft. . M ........ft . . a. r iia.m.iih.u, juiy :i. (iov crnor Jolmion will head Ihn Callfor- Thin dltrh in n nieunrc te in "'" cn,laI purcliiwo h) the '"n ueicgate to tiio national procre- . . ... .fiL.i.(in..i. .... ..a ..... .... .. - alVu im.Viil.1 nn 11. iI.I....Iah ...1 puiiiir iirnilli ami li ulato Inw In """. " ui ..veil uavu us a . -.... o ir.vu.nuu "... umrli'iit lo hack ua im In our pfforia,',,urro "l tui'ply 'or ItrUatlnjc alrl'' ""' ''" on a ipeclnl train rn lln ninlUr Una alto liitn k'Mio.Ki i I.miii tlir. rlt) of IhU dlinnm"l)reri.',"r auy I1'"10' or, tho Klainath pro- pxl "eunMiiar. Jnver wllh oinrlnU of the rcclniimtlnn Iiik m-wer." itn IToikt, and has only lupplliil r.lfi.. Tin. muni r.'fcrriMl to mti VMvr " audi wwnera of tin forty-one HomerHi Will Nwak Tim old Aitkin) (iiual hna Imtii Hiruiicli tin rlty of Klamath Falli, ll,c,,M "' l'aldiiu rlht on aro uIiik 0V8TKK IIAV, July 26. Colonel Hi.. lniP of ever) council for year. nloiiK tin- foot of n hill, upon tho " w,,nln "' c"y Tim upper por- Uoocell plana to arrive In Chicago mid tin. lull. Maiir Handi-riion pi.it nlopri. of which mid Irlnt; at Its foot ,l"11 n' ,,l,, c",u '" 1,,,,1 l' Hn fcov- AuruiI 5th. That night he will de- iiimi) ln diirltiK liln Inm two nd lhi town U malnlr l.tilli. Th.. r... wnmeiu aa an iindevi.loiM.il wnt'.r ",,,r loecn in wmen nc win .le-l Jnn.r, ami Trial of Faniou. Atlor- iii-y I'mkcv.!. liarnin- Nlla ItuHna; Antuti-rnl Willi Hli limit llnrlcil In Hi Ann. Hani lllow U (llren In t'a of Hip Itrfen-H- ,,.,i.l H..III.' I If. un.. . i.. .,'""'"" I''t"'ieii to ill., my coun .-..,..,,,.., ""'I n.....l.lll nn ,. ... . . . . Il-cker imi.i wnhu an.- rial '" "" ",n,u'r """ """ ""1" Kn.,lo il.-mi the clt) of IhU dl.na.-l.rerd . Ik. i.n.. ..n,! .ii.l.'i t.i,. .... .. .... . ... .. ..... . "inn) iiniii mimic It In mm two nd IIik town la mainly l.nlli Tl... .... bleb l.le I., in down i)uli re. ',,,.,. t)lB r)ini.r m(.i,m ,ip ,! '".ration trjlnc to find a olu- Mmcilon of the ruual l through tin. '",H,,r ltr' nnd tljU '"'l,," " Mnn rlnr" ,,, I'ncllilet. imllr. Ii.)rrr Iik did .! down. ,m,..i m....,iv """ '" "" "''"''") "' reemmn. unlllr rock nrt of tin- wny. no that '" " """J "emeu pari or im rltjr, I l)8 ANOKI.I-, July 25. When tho court opened thlt morning. Earl llogera, attorney for tho defense In the Darrnw cane, charged that Juror Uavltt had uprooted his oolnlon that Clnrenn. Darrow wax guilty of the chnrge. ngalmt him. Thla opin ion had been nxprenied before Uavltt hml been called to Jury duty. i The attorney declared that ho bad several witness lo prove the blaa of tho Juror.' and nsked that Alternate Juror lllakKsloy be aubstltulcd. Judge Mutton aald that he was In doubt whether or not any law enabled him to slop n cash to try the nuallfl- cations of a jury. Olntrlct Attorney Fredericks said that under the law Illakealoy could not serve unless a regular Juror dies, nnd u long argnment between the attorneys ensued. i juago Mutton overruled tho de jmand by Rogers that Leavltt be dls- ui Isaileil In tilt Mirlallal ramp, mid John IIH.I.t l...lin.Hl Dial . ,n, lrcii WVImt ruiitiliiK from Hik tt H)l. Thetr. will I, no rain on Huiday, of tl,.. murder nf IIimciiIIihI JUsuit lllh Im nu that day llm so ititUta are (nlnr. In hni their long lilkrd of plrtilr I'iiiiik. Leave yinirl hIii-IIm linuie, a shade will tie lUmlful on the hlftilr groiiiida, Pn.i 't? ili aiiHr ltr." ' II. St. (li.... liiiiimi r.m. ,tn tn. l''alll1ed becauso he had said he be- .' ... . lllnvnH r. .. ..,.. . . ...... ..ullun numj, anu ine case RINGER m may B. um- M FOR U. S. SENATE COIITI.ANI). July Sli, A rumor l.tl bai bivn in clrrulatlun fur sv l xeV in lollllral circles, lhali -.., v. rf.jiBii uuiiriif. jr.. wimi u defrslnl for rr-iiomliutloa hy l"n Kflllag , tlic ii.publlraii prlmnr , will brconir u randldati for re ltlii on an independent llfkrl, ti more Urnnll.. form when It vn. irnrd that l ho aenlnr sinaor frn.ii """ion Had t.wi roiiimuiilralliig with IrUricl. In Orrgon n to the advlaahlll ty ol iu(h a tnoM- II U rrrtrd Hint Henntnr llournn lll ruike uit Rtiiioiuirciiifiil In this fftd fnlnug Hi,, priigreaalvn roll 'Bl!un st I'Mi-nito August Slh, On .fount nf his adherence lo TlMKlore lln.mrvi.lt, ..ren whia II etnrd .l,l,. tlmt Henator Iji Ful Mle woul.l artiin. the remilillrnn del latea froR, )rrgi, u,,, ri'pulillrnii Hun service has nlao br.'li an. Ions to Hik banks have nn..r Lokii v.i,'-" '"l In ell a cause of trouble .... im. ir..ni.i.....i.. i.....i.. ..rr . I...I- .I..I.. . ......... . . . . . .. .. ... duv from the Cedara mi tlin trnnj.r '"'',,"' lianda. but H,..r.. nitrniM r..,n.in,i ,. ... .mi-. i. .,.,..i- ..... ..,. .... ... .1 ...... .,. U.ake. lie will return tomorrow, as I ,ro"ed. In closing the lnvltt few t,i noon, owners of water rights, lioe dl.tmire through tlu town, n lln r-rUmatlon service officials son.o Mr"- nl"1"5,, ''" been ln poor ne"Uh '-ThK nnil;,..-.i!! - .. "'"' """l ''-oJ lo hold up both very ...pensive proceeding. l"o ago offered to turn over to the ""CP ,ur r,',urn ,rom a'-m'-- i. hlj .nh. ? , J .?. iij. riiv hi.. i it,.. Pv.,n.n,.i 'n... -..... ..... . . . . . i... .i i ... .t . . i" "im mis larce: ir tnu -' -... i hi- fi i,., iiuiu ii.r.uiini nan nt- ' " ...i'. Mriiuu oi me cnnai. This la one nf the grav.t incline- wa been tronbleaome, but In recent together with loo It.tlics, or two sic'fl lo ht-allh of the ell)," said vtarnr fari1 as lhiUlia r- -ei.il,- nnd feet of water to be delivered to Mrnoin loony, "nnu I nm convincin 'it tins not onlr ueen trmiulesome, -.. iim -iiv i u. ulinar Mn, .... ,.. mennci to the henltb of Hon complained of, on condition thai city, pnrtly because It U tho city would assume the obligation tilled with weeds, and ot tin government to supply water to public nuisance, mid I nm determined 'thus In n breeding place for million, the paid up rights referred to. An , 1 1 Imt It nluill b.i kb.M.d l tiavo n pint) of mns,ultoes, but mainly becius. endeavor on the part of the city to ' I'AIIT OF Hi:i,MlATIO.S TO IF.t-rr.i,y w,ri think this can be nccom I hi wnter supply of the city Is tnken teach an ugreement failed nt Hml I'At'U'lO HHIIIWAV AK.'1'Hsheil, and I shnll nk tin ronnill from n spring lying Mow the cnnal lime, nnd now Mayor Nicholas be- TOKi Ol- IIOM'OI'. fO.SKM.N AMI fur nulhorlty to secure opllous on neiween tin canal nnd tho water mp- lievi-s Hint some plan should bo enr- K.VHMrill I'l'dlLIST IS IlKVIVKD lhei- forty odd wnter right by pn ply nn old water closets which linvo r!td out Hint would result In the. i:it Olll'.t.'oV 'lug the owners n renaonnbli. enmpen- saturated Hie earth with filth for 'in- nbniidnnuu.iit nnd filling up of the satlon I nm confident that n innjiir known illstnnrea Through this tilth entire lower end of the canal. AUTOISTS WILL Oil DV I A.tf UiriJli,in( " ' "'" nml" r'"" "' ,,ir "''' l,n" l,p4n n nil 111 I I1R IrMf 'demlrs of lphold we have each year Hie whole c UV If I LflllLIILII (. i, thn ,ore nor lea than n sluggish. Is IS SOME BOXER imj or MN'IATION HO THIIOf'OII HAHT-I uuonsi roiiteiiiimi. supportnrn of V. Mulkex. who hns nnnoiinred bltu ' rsndlilntK for senntor on the riore,ri. tick, i, declare Hint bo U "" lolfl priiKn-aalve rniidldnti., mid ''' l will reiimin , n, content m "s finish. FRISCO MN LIKES SECTION I'OUTi.ANIl. July :& -The great . at null, tour eier undirtnkeu on the I'nrlflr coast lell I'ortlund TiiiMdnr and VVedncsdn)'. It I tho tour of the I'nilllr Highway Assoclntlnn, to nl lend the nntiunl iiiix'Hiir of thn nsso clnllon In Han rrnnclaco Auguat T., f and 7, Judge J T Itnlinld of Hentlle, pres ident of the association, nt the head of ii largo mitomoblle part)', reached I'orllnnd Tiiesiln)', nnd were guests of Hiimiiel Hill nt the Arlington Club. nfler which they left for Mnryhlll, H'nnli,, where the) wer given nn op- porluiiliy lo see thn famous Mnryhlll rond. While Judge llnunld mid his party tnko thn marked course of the I'nrlllc highway nloiiK the old stngn road wrst of Hie I'nsrndn moiiutnlu. over thn HUH) on lo thn t'allforula line, Mr. Ileiison nnd Mr. llllt will traverse thn nllernnte, iinmnrked roule, from Wnsro to l.nknvlew' mid through tho willcy of Hip I'lll lllver lo California, Mr. IHU I of Hip opinion Hint Iho roule ensl-nf thn Cascade may ulti mately boromo thn fnvnred Pacific highway lourlal. n It I not ho much itnYcliid hy weather condlHous. The tour In nil will bo llm most ex tensive, and poslhly delermlnntivi'. Hint hns been ntti'inpted on thn l'n illlc const, Many of Hip Northwest ilolegntea In tho I'iicIHo highway con vention In Hun Frmiclscn will' lour on HY THK WASHINGTON- KL'IIKKK N'F.CK WAOXS 'juror ha a state of mind aa Indicated Ihr hi statemenu to relative aad , friends, onr eftorU will bo futile. We are uoing an Idle, uteleta thlag. It wnai wu near- true,-w T .""" trying to nrguo a case to no purpose." During the statement Darrow aat with his head burled la falsi arms. COURT ROM. GIMROEO 10 PROTECT WITNESSES the BULL HOOSERS m SPRINKLE ARE SPREAUINy UUI KXAMll.lt VOHKLSAMI, Htll'KU ""., Ili:i,li;vi:s THIS -IIT.V.,irollKll HouthPrn Callfomln lo tho TIV HAS I'TI'IIK AS IIKHOItT I Moxlrwn borcdr, whem the I'liclllc Hill Ttii'inaiM highway, us ninrked, ciuIm. ,,n Thelrln will ho Imporlunt In delln lug Ihn Known, nut uiindveriiHCii ami iiiiilevnlnpeil sceiile iiltractlons of Oro uou. II IH inunu inni inn avi'iiiKo Aln(,r vog,.u,,Kl Niipervlsor of f," tra"fl"'". helloveM tlm Klniruilli ,,"" '" ''''"lined lo hocomo tho '" siimiiiur outg district of f"'r WMI. Up ,hh Just re- ' ." ".' ",K rl" "'" IHnillD .. ' i week """. nnd w morrow OHM.ON HOI.'liaiS Wll.l. MI.MI- NATi: A I I'M. STATU TH'KKT. I'O.NVKXIION IS NOW IX SFS SKIN IV 1'OUTI.AXII I'iiIIihI Press Service POItTI.ANl, July 'Jf.. With rep- leai'iiinllveH present from every rutin I) In Oregmi, the Hull Mooter con vened here todn). Flvo delegates will be selected to attend Hip Chlingo con vention, and nn electoral ticket will he nominated, A full stale ticket will likely be placed In Hip Held. Pnlted Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. July 25. Washington' rubberneck wagon men nro retailing a new story to their audience about the late Roscoe Conk. ling, New York's famous senator, and his skill with tho boxing glorc. The story I nlwa)s sprung when the wag ons round Fourteenth and II streets, where stand the building that used lo be the residence of tho late Zach Chandler, who occupied a seat In the ,vTOIIi:s Wll.l. UK HI.MU'HTIl, ('nlted Press orv Ice senate at the same time that Conkllng IS AlUit'MH.NT WASHINGTON, I). C. July 25. Iteiirfscntatlvt. NorrI of Nebrnska It appears that Chandler took great PAVED STREETS .movi:mi:.t is ov foot to haihk ITMiS TO PAY i:.PKSK Till. MORRIS SPEAKS FOR COLONEL ROOSEVELT ni:ci.iti taki-'s .nomixatiov .m: tir thi: giiossit kkaitds AMI PHIfAtiO MIVVFATHIX A IIOIIIICIIY United l'n- Service N:w YOIIK. July 25. Coroner Felnberg resumed tho Rosenthal In quest this morning. The court room Is guarded, and nd mission la gained only by ticket. This Is to prevent gangster from Intimidating the wit neske. Tlu grand Jury ha resumed the Imiulry. I'hivati: IIAXQUKT ROOM AXII XKW GKILIi SOON The Hotel Hall is having IU fjrlll room fitted up, and will have the cafe A movement Is on foot to arranui. WlIM ""l")' to the speech of Mon- l,rW ln -lvln'! ,n dinners which 0)en for tho ,,UBiIc ,n a few Aya , .. ,,.,. , , , , dell of Womlns. I ! rldkultHl Hip " nlway followed by entertain-. The grill Is to bo redecorated and the or he s.rlnk ng - Hik ,..! sliee.s Tf,lUm , , ro.m,mIlalon WM men.s of one sort or another. Conk..,nor, anii .-,.-. c.rpeteTand cov In Hip city during tho day .1AI.I.M. July 35,- Ivudeiil of Schools I Im returned from meeting of the National ICducnllonnl AsMHlnllnn at t'hlcngn. "I was dollghled with the Interest shown turning the educator 01 iiip lounlry In llm rural school problem," ', said Siiperlnteiident Alderman, "Tlu.rii whs meat Inleresl shown In Hui Oregon pxhlhll, which lllus- rp-ulnr. and chnracl..rlr..d iho on. ''IK " very onen a guest, ami at,ured. In addition to th .rllt . nri. Tlm nvpeiikoof (Ills has In the past icnUll- of Hoosevell delegate a ono,,llM entertainments he would often j-.utc banquet room la also to be nr- heon homo hy the business hnui-e on of Hip grossest of frauds. Tho Cbl-Ir?" for ,, D"xlng glove and offor to miged adjoining the grill. This will the principal street, but miiiip lime cago convention, be declared, was n m,x ' "P wl,l' anybody that was wlll-up u,e only up-towu dining room Iu ago street sprinkling was dUrontlii- robbery. '& 'the city, and ibu lack of tbe cliy In lied except when the streets were Now Chandler was no boxer. al-Hils respect Is the main reason for cleaned by the city. nrUniifiaTn UfiTr IflllalfiT ,,,l0U,h ho trl'a conclulor"' w"hIHi Hall adding a cafo to the holel It la nreued that Hiirliikllni: litis i. Iir.il l.sTl I. IHII IhllHM iv onsunK several nines, mucn to ui i....... i .i, it mnr.. nr.M Mfcn,w,,,,n,M ' ' L nun"" .regret. Conkllng put It all oter him. i , I. . ' i-a.i ihapiipii m bii ma i.nil Ohnndler enoked nn a irhnmA toll ror snopper on warm on), nnu, lbi 1IJ!LLIII IIL giIIV ' I therefor.'. Indirectly heueflt tlm stores' LrlLnnDElriLrll Ul IWII P"'' to Hi., ilnu-iiloun dlxlrlcl . nnnuier gave n uinner ana invueu State Superln- ' " nlo-ji .llrtrln. - VonkllnB. The latter, at the condu-l , It. Alderman ,'ulU,'1 l r,8 horvico slon. called for tho boxing gloves, and ,...,,,..,, the IU IIUQI-l-'iDIC QUID WASHINGTON. D. C. July 25.- offerpd t0 p . bIt... Aftor much SCHOOL PER CENT PIONEER IS HERE The Democratic caucus voto against persuasion a guest who disclaimed tho battleship program for next year alt knowledge of boxing, offered to VISITING FRIENDS If) IllVllfin I iTrfYT Diiiuesnip program ior next year uu Knowledge oi Doxing. onerea to IU MAAIHI U LAI Cu I ' WAH " tn 62 Thl8' " "MK-cted.'put on tho gloves with him. The will prolong tho session of congTess. I guest nnd Conkllng started In, and Tho forecasts are that there will ho Conkllng landed ratber heavily sovi in cuter I'lau u Seiui-Suti- n deadlock on tho nnvnt bill. oral times. Theu tho gueat started In ' to hammer Conkllng like a real pro-' I'lm (iieat ini'im-il Ci iib-ci'. Willed Will roiii.1 plelely t'liniiKP Naval Warfare tsml ' ,,,A VK,,H I'l'I.HKH Put HiraduniiKhts ou Hip IUiiii Ifesslonnl nnd Conkllng got suspicious, hTKVK STl'KI.K, OXK OF THK FIKST KrrTTf.EUK IX KiaLATH t'Ot'NTV COMI--S TO CITY AXII Mi-KTH 1)1,1) FKII.XDS mihi party spends from SB to $20 ntriilml H"' "rK we nro doing In thl .... .. . n.l.l.. ,u.nl.t FOK OFFICFK'H KXH "I thought you said you didn't know anything about boxing," said Putted Press Service Conkllng. LONDON, July 25. Twenty-four Tho guest modestly replied that he outing In thl goc leave for honio tit."ilf.l'l Vlllt fi.lv IR III,..,. a-.. . - H'l.lu julnl.t " "" ' ' ua) in um '"""", ""'".' ' llnnl ,.,. A.,irlllllll ui Hint this stnto nlug n seml-submcrgod cruiser which pollcomen nre guarding Lord Daven-Idldu't. nnd hostllltlea were resumed llllinillll miailH ininitn f. , i .... ... ,. , ,i,,,u. ii, . will mil nil drondnoiishta Into thn imrl'u Imm. n. ,, roai.li rr llm ....kiln 'ti... l,a.,,,o.lr. nn. ,...... .... . n to Hwlliorlnnd. y.t. stnu.is tn.ru ... ...a ''"""' "; ' , " " .:,- ,",, .-"";- , Zl " " . " "l",. .:.Z?:'."" '" ..,..., Rtioi'i. .... ii.b ...u u.avwuiiuriiirv ui uuiiaiing. "1 think 1 have had .enough," the and $ni).noi),on 'Th.... tlisi n ",lu'r I'"'1 of l0 Weat "'I offers tin, ,i.iv.,i. , ...... 0,,.., ,, -...wiswn ii. iiiuriaia n an mtl,,B mt ,,, ,,,, ocUo1., Natl.,.. .'.. V"1!"',"l''B. "Tho Crator .wiw l'rk U (mo f H... w.m I X"1'1''''''' U Is my opinion Uiat' i li-r ,.,, , u " Pic as n iou "rNnt for tmirlsu to vtolt." t ii laud n , i.i.uii,ii. .. . """'""""; '""""""h"'VlnM, porcontage of stn- dlsca.d. Hudson Maxim, the Inventon., prayers of Z'T s r:,M rtmnd e a eSr.'oiC according to Is siil.sned that ho h.. a design which death. to- lands out of Portland. ' , 'niniion. Kansas Is llrst. with ono will materially change the aspwt of I . ,i I ....... , .. iio inhnli. iiflvnl warfare. loilvi collegu siuuoiii iu tun . n l.ih.L. iinu.l warfnru l.,.k.,u L'.,l.,. t...u,... ... ....i.. .....!... inllnKi) stiidout to every in inuu- ....... - ... .........-,-.. ..n. ... " '.......:....".. i ;. - U...I.. Utah -ocond. with ono to every .Maxim's now vessol will Do lightly United Press Service Tim uinmiiiu aiiumrjr ua.... ..... .,-...-, - - - ,. ,,,., to eiiterliiln next Suntlny with nn,l!l oxciirsliui lo Pollcan Hay. Tho bnnd ono lo Inhnhltnnts; Oregon third, with nni)orod, but of high speed. It will i r.n Nebraska foiirtll, Willi uuai iiku any oilier snip in uruiuui; nxciirsiiui to ip.u.11 . , '""" n ,..' .,. ucxtl WUl ono .use. hut when It goes Into action will Merger', demand for hoys Imvn ,, lot o na w t ! h " " ; " J , .,notai, 8Ubn.orged until IU deck, aro al-'probd Into the relMlon. are going to Irjr out. . m'"7J;ol;M,;u;flonetr 97. while Missouri I at most awash. The Inventor believe. It! a.r Judge H.nford .nd . provide ruuplo entertnlnmont for thow B , w, 00 practically un.lnk.ble. Pnclflo rallwaj. 8KATLK, July 25. The Cuntral Labor Council last night endorsed grand Jury between for th Northern loxcurslonlsU As active iih ho was ycarb ago when he had to travel several days to get tho the home of moro than eight "neighbors," Steve Stukle came to town this morning on a business trip from his farm below Merrill. He is n pioneer among pioneers, and year senator panted. ago farmed the lot now known as At thla itage Senator Chandler In-1 Milt addition to Klamath Falls. tervoned. Addressing Conkllng he Mr. Stuklo Is 72 year of age. He said: "Senator Conkllng, let me In- has unbounded confidence In the troduce you to Joe Coburg, champion future of this section, whore he baa middleweight boxer of Kngland.'' .spent thn best days of his life. This Conkllng saw that tho Joke waa on morning Mr. Stukle was busy renew, him, and Joined In tbe general laugh ling acquaintances with pioneers who at hi. eipajtut. .renl'do In the. city.