TMKLE OCCURS IN TRIAL OF DMNIOW , ILLNKgeJ MT JUKOR MAY NKCKS8I- I TATK THK UAI.L1M1 OF THK' nURYl.i:.TH Jl'ltOK IN OHIKlt TO I'llOCKKU WITH THIAL Unltid Press Service LOS ANOELKS, July 23 The trial of Clarence Darrow was again post poned today on account ot the III nssa ot Juror Leavitt. Judge Hutton atated that tho court would wait another day and that It then the Juror had not recovered he would resume the trial, calling the thirteenth juror In the box. mm m may WIN PROGRESSIVES MOVK.MK.NT OX FOOT TO TAKK THIIIIi PAHTV, CONVKNTiOV OUT OF THK UAiNOs OF THK MKN WHO HTARTKD IT LOWS FRIENDS ARE FUNNIN6 BIG TIMES FOHMKH 8KNATOK WILL MAKK A SI'KKCH IN OHCHKSTHA HAI.Ii TO COMMKMOItATi! HIM COMINd HOMK FltOM CAPITAL exposition is tmm RECORD FOR PROGRESS f.pcclal to The Herald 8AN FHANC1SC0. July 23 - Pit. c tor ot Exploitation John Drlsben Wal ker ot the Pansma-1'aclflc Interna tional Kxposltlou, In an Interview yen terday discussed the progreaa of the exposition, and aald: "The history of no exposition has been marked by such rapid work as that which ha followed the official recognition ot tho city of Ban Francis co by act of congress. It will not be but short time until San Francisco will begin to reap the period ot pros perity which will follow active work upon constructions of the exposition building. H Is estimated that as aoon as the work ot the exposition Is under full sway, some 17,00 men will be employed within the exposP'on grounds. "All this getting ready for mirli an undertaking must be done slowly and with the utmost care, It mlscslcula-l tlona are to be avoided and no back steps taken. Every step baa been United I'rn-s Service CHICAUO, July S3. Followers of Governor Deneen arc planning to gala control ot tho state progressive con-u-ntlon to be held August 3, and pre vent the nomination ot progressive candidates. Governor Johnson will stump Illi nois next month In the Interest of tho third party ticket. HcmIuUoiir ot Condolence Klamath Falls, Ore., July 9, 1913 At a regular meeting of Ewsunaj Camp, No. 799. Woodmen or tho .World, held on the above date, the ' .1 ..maI ....- .mm. ... I . t ..a ..,.. UUUVIB.feUVU VUUJUIU.VQ "W U- cd to draft suitable resolutions of con dolence In respect to our esteemed neighbor, Fred T. Sanderson. Whereas, It has pleased the Su preme Counsel ot the Universe In his Infinite wisdom, to call from the Qreat Forest of Woodcraft, our loyal and esteemed neighbor, Fred T. Sander son; therefore,, be It Kesolved, That this camp conveys Its condolence to tho bereaved family, who has lost a devoted husband and a fond and loving parent, and the camp a faithful and esteemed neighber: and commend them to the One who docth all things well. Ho It further Resolved, That as a token of our sympathy, these resolutions be spread upon the minutes ot our camp and a copy sent to the family of our de ceased neighbor. Fraternally submitted, w. p. McMillan. It. R. DRUUAKEIt. J. W. ROSS, Committee. United Press Sorvlce CHICAGO, July as. Plans have been completed for a Lorlraer dent onstratlon In Orchestra hull tonight. Indications aro that thousands of friends nnd sympathisers of tho for mer United States senator wilt at tend. Lorlmer will be the chief speaker. and considerable Interest hits been aroused In tho position ho will tnko as to the three avowed candidates now In the field for election on two tickets. SIREN WHISTLE Will ANNOUNCE All FIRES Klamath Falls Is to have n rcil modern siren fire alarm, for so It mis ordered by tho city council last night. The contract was awarded to Sperry llros. of this city, who aro to furnish and Install In good working order one 3Ux44 Fairbanks duplex air compressor, one 42-Inch by 1 1 feet receiver air tank for 126 pmm Is pressure, lilted with pressure gauge UNCLE SAM HAS A NEW "BEST SELLER" United Press Service WASHINGTON, I). !.. July "A Chaplain's Dulles mid How licit to Perform Thorn," Is llio tills of Uncle Sam's latest. best seller In tho literary wutlil. The book Is publish cd by the war department, 'l !l written by Chaplain (teorgo J. War litis of tho Eleventh cavalry. To hire army chaplains by contract, No. o:mta. for tno . b. nscuuu 11, Town-hip 37 H Range 7 IC, Wll liimotte. Meridian, lis filed notice of intention to malm final commutation Mitmf. to establish his t'lMm I" the liinil ulm described, Imforo 0. It. IV Lap, rmmty clerk of Klamat'i comity, at Klamath Falls. Oregon, nil IN. lilh day of August. 1913. t'lalmnnl names as witnesses: ,)iin Fulkerson, Paul llognrdus, J. II. Hwan. Hlrd Loosley, all of Klain ntli Falls. Oregon. A. W. OltTON. 7..8-15 r Register. NEWPORT BEAU LOT g3 KontMlti J1 ickm4n to' 15lirIKc & SMITH New and safety valve; one 5-foot siren anil i,,icnj f permanently employing one 3-horsepower electric motor. T ,,m ,j. KVIK them commissions, li contract prlco Is $437. SS. I recommended In Ilia book. The null. Wily Chluese Sticks Wo understand that W. M. Keegan nnd Con O'Conuoll have rented the nialr hotel, and will begin doing busi ness nt once. Tho Chinaman will continue to conduct tho restaurnnt.--Chcwaucan Press. LAST NIGHT'S DOINGS OF TNEJITr COUNCIL Eight rouucllmvn were present nt the meeting last evening, Altord aud Owens being absent. Uulldlng permits wore granted to I). A. Lamb for n two-story brio with seven-foot basement, on the cor ner of Sixth and Klamath. Fred Ilueslng for an 18x33 one-story frumo on lot 2, block 39, and to Frod Mel liase for tho repair and additions to his resldeuce on Fifth and Klamath. Tho vnlue of tho whistle was dem onstrated yesterday when tho Klam ath Falls Iron works tested ono which they are to Install for the AIroitm Lumber company. The whistle wps plainly heard on the upper lal.e and also by everyone at Shlpplngtoii. ex cent Councilman McOowen, who fa vored a bell. Ho nas tho only one to opposo tho siren nmong tho couikII men. but that Is a habit ho ha.t of pre venting any action by the jnnnell without proper discussion and argu ment. Councilman Savldge took un active part In securing tho siren whistle lire alarm for tho city. Ilutnper Crop Sure Somo of tho best crops we have ever seen In any country are soon to bo harvested In the Chewaucan and Summer Lake valley's. Tho ranchers up the Summer take section aro cut ting their hay, and some early grain has been harvested already. Dumper crops greet the toller nnd tiller of the land Ibis year. Chewaucan Press. KK.W, 4 ESTATE . ritANHFRRH or decries tho proposed scheme to give chaplains hlghor rank. He also .... (tint ttn ttrtivllled for chaplains at army posts, and that a distinctive flag, a blue field with a! white cross, bo accorded them. To change tliu chaplain's uniform by making them more clerical and less military Is also suggested by Pimp. lain Waring. The publication Is .made by author Ity and direction of tho war depatt. inent, but without comment lit show It has tho ontclal sanction of the d partition! heads. II o T IS Iv P. I.. Tiirpln A. W. Tiirpln IT POWUI.I It n Willi piltiile I I In i open ii pl.iii. 'iVJ lTclllfi uti:irr. mtm Ii, JaT.iN) (litiai K L I IV mill Count to lttillllMK) AIIKNT, HAN FHANCISt u ler day lipi without tint ti, o. Until plume In t'sili iiH.ii, Aro you Inlerydea In m.amaih COUNTY? tAn, see tho Rtrphca Huntcrjteslff Co. They hnto sums voJ bamisfaa. leuiplo theater. tstttsr.i dall), 3:30 m Ku'iilnir first performance 1,1 con Ktenlnirf Mltysos. .lilinlitUUiilor's Notice Nnllee Is hereby given by the un derslgned, administrator ot the estate of IMward (1. Thomas, deceased, to all persons hating claims against said es tate, to present them, with proper vouchors, within six months from the date uf (his notlre. In tho ndmlnls- The follow Ins realty transfers, trator, at the ntllce of Attorney 1 II The committee appointed on tho ro.. contracts, deeds. timrtKagcs. etc., re- Mills, !0fi Odd Follows building. survey of Shlpplngton reported luiwntly filed with the county clerk, i ICLimath Falls, Klamath county, Ore favor of permitting the petitioners to 'arc furnlshod by the City and County gou. make the survey and submit tha pUtlAL'trnct nimpony . Dated July 11, A. I), 1912. to the city engineer. I l MK S. THOMAS. A committee recommend..! that n i United States to Charles E. Wor- T-Il-S-S Administrator dltlCBlt to men who, although they embrace many of San Francisco's , Case Is Continued - . - . .. ... ...... ablest business men. have, with but Tho case of M. M. Obencbaln vs. sidewalk be ordered constructed oai; J',w, " " W0, " w '( one exception, been Inexperienced In I the Ransome-Crummey company, altho southerly side of Washington l'W ' 8oc' HS7-10. lAilnilnWrnlor'a exposition affairs. But everything .Jury rase, which was set for thUI street, between Second and has been done with deliberation and I morning In the circuit court, was con-streets. Fourth' L'Iibs. K. Worden to Oeo. 11. Cham tberlaln, warranty deed, $10, Iota It Notice of Final Armunt Filing of TJiltf rnnllnnanM nrree.l I nil nn Vl.m.lh .vn... I,.n ThUJ , V. K. Itiirrlu In A. II. t.ltilmr. null . UreW'lli lOr liamaill l.OUIIiy sxv -vwh v -. B. . Mil VI ISIHI IS USS HIVUUV J V n VVU tMIIH " " -- -- . - i stipulation between und Fourth streets, had settled, and. claim deed, 910, NKVl SKl. See 8V SK;, KM Sim. cSc. 3. care; and so wisely that It meets tlnued until the December term on The city engineer reportedthat the nnd 13, block 30, Fcconil audition, with the approval of experts. It Isjcourt. easily true today that no previous ex-upon through position has been so far advanced at .the contending litigants and their nt- with It a portion ot the curb, causing 10; S1 so early a date." torneys. iu crack between the curb and thei!-'- pavement. Before the pavement was ' Tho Klamath Development comp.t- Puplla desiring to take work In Frank Morlne arrived In the cltr'put In J. L. Fielder, owner of the ad- ny to Mrs. A. C. Sherman, warranty one or more branches In the Klghtli last night on a visit to his parents, joining property, was ordered and iieed, $10, lot 1. block S8, takevMw ear, to enable them to enter high Mr. Morlu'e s now located at Ittlllnirs.imade a heavy till In the street nt bis addition, school, consult D. P. Alexander. 5-6 Mont. own expense, but as tho lot Is much' Kstnto of John A. Scott to Theodore n , lower than the street, the back filling. W. Scott ct al, quit claim deed, $209, I Jilt tho Count1)' Court of tliu State of C&S7 f II I r-w. is sure to nave a pieun It III 'I yij refreshing closefiir J Jit s1t liatu nwnllliuvffiem fl ml ' iw that limiurw M ll'kz;1km- " JH"' -' ..irPST if if . m jt .rSJftS .....' -rriiiiry, if . . !.. iust.. tttH M.W . S THK lNO,HOT,WKAH-JMr nt sn4 those who at licimi hlrh only a prno. tvl bathroom ctn And modern sanitary liimlilng has placed lliem it Dm disposal of rich nnd pov alike, fur few purses ntiatli)i are so limited as nut to Im stit to afford what was n fow ysri ago an ntmost' priceless lutury If you ilMlru lo know all about what a moderate sum they un be Installed, call up OltKKI.KY NEWPORT of YAQUjUrBAY OKBUON'S IDI-AI. SUMlrA :RUS0RT I .'.a.-i.-m r-'J'T ir-p?,-'t"',',-Jg'"--M:jfrg"'"r 'i-sJrs'iVisViii-i..-ii IJOAIINO SWIMlrfNO FISHINU HUNTING DccnJcit UXCURSIONS ALL SI:ASIill: l)IVI:R5IONS Low excursion iu, SECRET. r.s on all roods. Pirst class :coiiiodationrs 5srHATI!l IIIMIKLUr, ADDMIWS i Y COMMERCIAL CLUB THE DETROITER did not tiroJcct far enouch under tho'vu i... .J .' . ,. I . .'. BiaewaiK to give gooo proMcuon lo lad the Specification! 0m Rear Spring SaapensloaJ Fall floitlngreer Jbxle Inches gauge 56 FrontAxle llrakfs f tmt the curb. The matter was referred to tho street committee and city en- 'glneer, with power to act. The Im 'provement will bo paid for out of the 'Klamath avenue Improvement fund. 'llArmin Fnrrn nt thn nnvlnv rnmninv stated that the cost would not oxceed $200. Councilman Savldge called atten tion to tho manhole on Klghth and. . '.4 NW SK. Sec. SR-30-':., Mac II. McClellan to John O. Mr- Liellan, warranty deed, $1, SM N'V li. BKU NWU. NK 8WM Sec I Wheel llase 10s Inches. Power Plant' Unit type, completely enclosed. Motor Four cylinder, cast enbloc, 3 Inch bore, 4 Inch stroke, de veloping 25 horsepower. Wnter cooled, valves enclosed, Inter changeable; all on right band side of motor, adjustable. ignition Hosch high tension did neto set spark. CooIIiik Tbernio-sypbon system, t ular typo radiator or large wai capacity. Fuel Supply Gravity feed, tank der front seat. LubrlcutieB: Splash feed con level type with pump. Clutch Multiple disc running 1; Transmission Selective type, si gearii; three speeds forward reverse. Drive Left hand drive, levori steering gear flnlxhed In ei and nickel. Control Clear shifting lever ter of car, clutch and brake operated by foot pedals. Meertuf Gear Irreversible, and nut type. Then tte Price lai form 1" beam drop forging. Double Internal expanding; It -Inch drum and one 10-lncu um on each rear wheel, encased. Adam S. White S4 NK4 See. 22-39-11. United States to patent', NU SRli, i-37-10. Martin II. Donovan to W.W.araves, , waranty deed, $10, W4 SW'U. Sec, 16-38-15. United States to Oscar L. Carter, High streets, which Is higher than the patent, lot 1, Sec. 4-37-10. street. The city engineer stated that , The Klamath Development com the manhole was on the official grade pany to Claude Daggett, warranty of the atreet, but that It was desired deed, $10, undivided half Intorest IniAdmlnlstratn by the property owners to change the lot 1, block 57. Second Hot Springs.1 ,)rcw ., graae, ana mis coma not De aono J. A. Maddox to United States, war-1 without an ordinance and official pub- ranty deed, $100, port (right of wayl ' lleatlon. Thn msttAP wab ritfepreil In !. A Rah 91- au. awi'. a., to t the street committee. NK NW, 8W NK,' Sec. 27- On motion of Councilman Savldge 40-10. the police judgo was Instructed to, C. H. Daggett to Alfred & Almu order a metal document file for the. Pnterstelnor, warranty deed, $10, loii office. At the present time thn old J 1, 2 and 10, block 18, Sunnyslde ad safe Is packed full of documents andidltlon. papers which have been filed slnco( the city was Incorporated, and It Is (Jeorgo Pan llelter Impossible to And anything on ac !lu the Matte' of the Kstnto ot Andrew I. Fugclberg. Dcreasi-d. Notice Is hereby gUcn that I have filed my flnat account und report as administrator of the estate of Andrew I. Kiigelbnrg, deceased, and the abote entitled court has filed upon 10 f o'clock in tho forenoon rt July 27, 1912, as the time, and tho county court room In the court homo nfl Ktamnth county, Oregon, In the city of Klamulh Falls In said county, n llio place, when nnd where any person tuny present any objection or except Hon to nnythlng therein contained, or to mi) thing done by m ns adminis trator, and at the said time and place the said court will finally seltlo the said account. This notice Is published pursuant to order of tho above entitled court mado June 17, 1912, and the first publication thereof Is made on June 20, 1912. KNIIIIK M. CKDKIHIKIIOH, r of tho Kstato of An- Fugclberg, Deceased. f -10-7-25 r Not Ice for Publication (Not Coal Limits. Department of tho Intrlor, United States Land Office nt I.nkevlew, Oregon, Juno 17, 1911 j Nollio Is hereby given that Jumea llrlscoc, whose postolllco addroji.1 Is j Klamath Faflt, Oregon, did, on the Bvo rv tit in t fsiV I MEBsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM BlllIB,,lSllllD, tTu ' BBBBBBBBBBSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT Bh In Alvsjrfo Halt SSST.i rllirisSTi the Jswi'lll l'ili, rM'nUllie of ii t'lsy A Co.'. Pisom, ay nnd oilier lesdln Oilier Mioses nt rm- le pilirs, Tuning slid repsln I A (lent) fur whim: maciiim. I in Tpi:witiTi:ii .m K-'Olt T.W.MNCI m.k'iiim: , II.Nil., SlHlliinriy nnd Plitnrr I KUMAIH fAUS MUSIC HOUSE Two doors i,utt of PmloDlrr It. M,l)riK., I'li.ptl.lor WESTERN TR i:l.t. PnuenKer" PI Too Moure MINI. Iteslileissr- Pfioiir iifjta: S Fit (ILK gWilrl' tt'Illk 11 ' l(Hl-vVLl'llMlllt RCO. liniii lliniie 111 H HI II.UiHAOK .MO VIM! AND KIOHT i:tl.l, THANNFKII FOII HAI.K Oilliiiril iiny Plate In Tmm i. u. ritrioit nt foil. unic Pressed steel channel sec tion, drop type, permitting low hung car. Clearance 10 H Inches. Springs Soml-ellptlc In front, 39 Inches long; platform In rear, each spring 37 Inches long. Wheels Heavy artillery type, equip ped with 32x3 Inch tires. i Hearings We use high grade ball bearings In tho motor, transmtn slon,, rear axle and front wheels. I llody Metal; five Passenger; closed Ing front English torpedo type. Up- and ' holstercd In genuine black leather. 1 Up-to-date door locks, wltb bandies and Inside. mel' Color Raven blue body, hood and wheels, black chassis, black enamel lamps, nickel finish. Full Equipment Top with side cur tains, windshield, gas and oil lamps, generator, repair tool kit and horn. Icen- Ivlca orm r.oT A Carlojri if enroute 5.00 iati Fallg H. RABBES 1 nM... ii. .k Vn J .. . .'1U "ny '" """""y, 1911. llio In this i George Pan, the well known ChMm. ..... ...... cr rj? ?Aij!!' w,Ht.o n. .iiv.-h .ir ,T 7 ,!NWy'' Hccl,"n 29' Township 38 S.. rival from China, Is on the streets 1K0 0 ,,( WMtameUo Meridian. and the timber Ihereon. under tho safe. Doth the police Judge und the rukes operated by-foot pedal and mayor stated that the file was an ab- land lever. solute necessity for the protection of the Important papers of the city. The fllo Is to cost $96.25. Tho mayor apoln.ted Ralph Vaughn as poundmaater, and the appointment was confirmed by the council. Ac cording to the charter the council Is to provide rules and regulations, and prescribe the duties of the poundmaa ter, ot which wll be the supervision of the streets In addition to havlne charge of the city pound. The salary of the poundmaater Is to be fixed by the council, but no action was token on the matter. The property dedicated for an al ley between Fifth and Sixth street, back of the Shlve Dros. grocery, doed not connoct, and the mayor and po-J lice Judge were authorised to executo a deed reconveylng to Mrs. Walker the property deeded for an alley on the west side of tho block, and to re ceive In lieu thereof a deed to prop erty which will be an extension qf the alley, On iflsJAM the city cancelled a por tlon offJJIe sewer assessment against lotsJfJJhd 6 In block 64, Nichols trd today. Ho says all the reports con cerning his Incarceration and arrest on the high seas which readied this country have been grossly exaggerated. dltlj 1, block 48, First addition, for the reason that the prop erty was too high for connection with the sewer, and connection would hiuo in hU mmAtk frnm atiAttiAr iIpmI ' ' 'I .... Cavalry Cotnmandary MLJae ' ' "I" meet In ,vrt7!?' 8,n,,Ml 'onclnvo Wed- V ncsdny evening. July 24th; iiUo work in order of lied Cross All HOjoi.rnlng Knlirhts Templars mo cordially luvlted. I. F. Wll.Lt, Uocnrder. Woiiimii Kills .Negro SAN FJIANCIBCO, July 23. Mel vlu Leselvcs, a-.ncgfo, attacked his consort, draco Shields, In u room over his suloon today, aud slashod nor leg with it kulfe. She grappled with the diivlt In ii.i. ,.m.. man. and securing the weapon sho which would defeat the entry. I',,l.u.l . iiitu IIIN llt.iin. , n-.r... . .. . wit w.l, protlslons of thn act of Juno 3, 1S7S, anil nitn amendatory, known ns the "Timber and Stone Law," At niicIi vnluo as might bo flxod by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such ap plication, the land and timber lliero on have been appraised at u total ol $100, the timber estimated at 90,000 board ftot at $1 p. r M nnd thu land .it $10; that silil applicant will offer llnal proof In support of his applica tion and sworn statoment on tho 30th day of August, 1912, boforo C. II. Do Lap, county clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any person Is n. Iluerty lo protest this purchiiKo before entry, or Inlilnto u contest nt any lime boforo patent Is-wos, by filing n corroborated nffl- e, ulleglng facts For the Painful Smarting That Follows Sunburns If iteli Haze lid (km Auto lloa.l Wanted WASHINGTON, D. C, July 23. -Ileprescntatlve Ilaker urged Presi dent Taft today to open the Vosemlte national rarK to automoblMtT No dorlsion was given. 7-1-8.29 Iteglstcr. We huvu some ver street property for Hiiiitvr KVMUCo, til- alo-Hli'iiiini Notice for Publication (Not Coal Lands) Department of the Intorlor, United Stntes Land Ofllce at Lakovloiv, Oregon, Juno 29, 1912, Notice Is hereby given that Oscai Is.. Wlllcy, of Odessa, Oregon, who, on June 8, 1912, made homestead entry me most exquuifc preparation kuown, leavlng;the akin bW.utIfult aoft and while it la not atlcky or Areaay. Glovea can be worn Immediately; after using. It is an excellent toilet preparation for chapped hands, face, llpa or any roiujh- ncas. rine ior use after tiavlnd i .- WHfKMA irN tsusiMOB N DRUG CO s po your ubiM-th,