it.' Ht'l'PMKH IIV TMK dmi:I riiKHH MiWN huhvicij Otoe f toning ffnld. ;J I I'llIXT TMK NKWS, NOT HMTOHY Uttih Vratr '' ' KLAMATH l',U,l,H, OIIKOON, TI'IIMMV. JULV SHI, Ittlit Price, rive-CcaU Lor Famine Serious; Work is Delayed Mere 10 SAVE PALS HANFORD QUIT Miiur.n iki:s Hi:.v-vrn.NU. t'IMIUJIN AIIAIXhT II IHJi: Judge Lciwlor De nies Motion to Dismiss Charges HAN FMA.NCIHCO. jy j2 .iUl, Lawler today denied Hi,, ino.loii to illmill-a lli India liueuta .mtiilliiK against i,nw Ulna, rliargi'd Itllfi bribing the Hchmlli board of hhmt- - . visur. inatrlct Attorney l'wl..ri (i, 4 m.o ........ Mm.rJ;rl,,:ll,;':r,l''r '''.v;"""" " " " ""' v " IIHNI material wltm-air were ii.ii.i- mi la Mhlili IVal Ill OWie) available, la tatase lllnm-lf mill II U I'tltiiil! - Htr(lttx4t liliit'iil I'riN erallng Will Ik IMti((MHl ia llroull ail llu KalfMllaii Ti'iiUrnil VrlrnlM) TRAVEL GREATER GEORGE: HOYT THAN LAST YEAR V ACCUSED FLOUR MAKERS ltVOSA RFDIIIDF PfinM Physicians Say MS IIIIMIUI HHAHI.V IS l,.TK ,lll)ltl 'iiii'iUKix .tut: lioiMi hi niv. ri:it iaie: tiia.v xr . mi: i imi: in iin:vioi's vi:.wis i uiaiimi: mi U OK KCM.IMI MPOILKIi AT IH l-AII AOAIXHT A UKM, UMIW.V lOItT KLAMATH IIUHI. MlM MAX 'llfirifMKrlr WaMIINOTON, I), C. July 23,- A cried Jury lulratlgatlou lulu l tin : ALLEYS, ARE FOR THE PUBLIC USE 'Tin. linitl.t iraiul lo Outer I .a kit In 11 lllllo heailer tlinti ll was nt It la ,,. . 7 ' nuperinimiieui Chargid hIIIiThiIIIiik spoiled, ,.. . mam, win. cnni.i (inn 11 ir.,111 ft i-ijinplulul haajhevu Issued In Jill" tin. fork last evening, "!.' this In tie ilravri' courl In Dili city, and to. fuf nf llm fn(t Unit tin. i'ukiii lit ilv llviniu Hlit.rUrHrliBllockUnni.1. iiiiicu iaier una year ithU the romls llOt yi't III KIIOll ('Ohdltlllll." rn.n.1 Mr Arnnt Ixllnvix Hint tliu trniel In till. lake Will lie much gri-atcr limn eier before tail year 5,000 icojl ' ilslled tlm park, uiul from pnarnl In TOKIO, July 23. Tliu mikado la mill holding on. Ho Is very weak. rilOI'KUTViB'l li' fever I very high, but hi rilK c.xv.i"1'n'1 ' cIcar' " pcnl " I I ,.!. iuu7 iiq iopi several nourx. STItrrriO.V KiMIX OK A Mild!:. TI.o bulletin. dlplred tody lire' U'.lti:ilOl'HK iioju-riii, but. prlrately. liU phylcln MEN NEEDED 'MANY PLACES M.tllTIX MHOS. IIUY A Xl .XMHJXCK I'AVIMi CO.XTHAOTOfW VSAUI.K TO llt'NII CO.VTKACT .admit that them U no chance for hj, Irccororr. Ho mny llnri-r for iiercrnl ciuin at JuJj llanfiinl'a r.lann. M.nnii .Ml III lias T.tKIX MMi , , , , 7 "Mm "" ,,,,,; e'r;i' nitnlni.1 Ih, I. Ihrrlrr,l lb, Coii-.iiwii I AUMSHT I'lHV.tTK I.MMVIIl ""r ArnTll .uirh.r.l ne.v """ """ "'" "f """ Cuff. Uc ti.ll.i wnbirlmiii. . ,fM ........... ..,,,. 11V , Nl(. . wMrll ,, H. .. ,,.' MlWi.irf. it- mi.I in wouni aik ' , . , Mt. Arthur i.iiM.n of lIMMHlCBfllll Wlrkrr.l..l.. I., luv,. hTIIIXIM .I.MI .U.I.KVH ., ' .... ,.. Vl.tlnB hot l.U.,.n,r. , Tin' '"iVu-fT", "fr r'r",,f,",:,, I "' "- "' '- '" "' '' "1,;'K'' " ,'- nn,1 Mr , ""n' lftfttl. If Wlrkvniliam rvrmrilii' .. ..,- ,i. ... ,... ... , ,. ..,K ...twill may for domfwwka. Mm. el, llfflfr .lMUrr.1 that hit wilill..- ....i.ii. ,.,.. ..i , ,,.. ,,.,.lL ,., r ,,.1.1 ,.., 1... 1 '"'" arcnniiaiill her falhrr-ln-l lilrojuro irnolutliiti In that ffi-t la to houi "I am Infcu inn)," tnl.l Mr, llrr, "tbtt llanriird ami hU frlrnd an rich ahllr llanlnnl wnn nif llir lirlirli Tla Ibn Mlllloliilrr Hull ford lo ImIjii ( a to cavi lliciu mIim from fihmui(s I iiropixi. to ittrtbrni np, ultbnuah ilniiliiK lin famfhBi-nl riNrrdliifn," Nlllr Atlimir) ,rllP HKATI.K, Jut) S3. The liiiprrt en trUrttUi Mcvalln hvm Ibal 1'iat any prUaf. ImlMdual a rlf! It. I...I..U i...-n. onr at Cam,, Arnnt lhl; ,M,:?n ""' fr"m ""; V"" r,a""n1, ,"" ,n", C",,,orn,a " a . I Murlln limn., flour tnnniifapturAra. will ..roct a larao warehouse on the"B)," or "Teral weeka, nrin;r of HirnKU. and Hlith atresia ni'xt mouth. Tlirikti IfilM unrn l.n.iwlia l.v (tin ttm... way to Kn Klnuinlh t urtw,t , M.,,lwUliri flIll, nrcMtecU ,ro now irc. nrliiR plain for Iho bulldlna. An 01111 111 ponnlblc work will be started. ' Tie projierty secured by Martin llron. la icrptlonally doalrablo for Hnri'hoimo iiuriiooe. A frontage on. I lie railroad of 100 feet li afforded. Tin. bnalncaa of the local flour mlllJ.U'XTII,V HWIXOIXQ HIH OAXHl"11' ,act ,h" reporU.froa other oIIIcj him arown In aiicli an extent that nil ,,v,. .. iuiwkxtmai. AMuiiv.,n the Northwest especially Indicate Balcm la dlllonal storaeo room hna become that lint at ih , i... 1.1 1. . . .. ui'uii.'vrc ul'id wit. wki -- - -.-.. ..M.,. ...vwl .. parents, iminiraiire. "" ? n,.ar v . She The local product, with the advent . Till: XKW YOltK lOLICK Hen of the railroad, has found n market aw 1111 1 nut only within n liberal local radius. Mr llujrt U n'priiiulucul merchant of Km I Kbtmatli. In addition to 11 Ki'MTiil line of merchandise, he sells liiiialii. vlr. Krleuils of his III this city him SUSPECT ACTS LIKE A SPORT Krmer l.urc HamU laicatleal rM- Work on Itork Cnuhrr Kale of I'ay la (loins; Vp, and May Itnvli lilgli 1'nliK Hawn Psinacra Miu.1 I'ay Morta for llarvette Their CnH. This Mraaoa Tliero la a genuine labor faralna in Klatiutli rails, and this In spltaj of t" trilled their hlillilliiiis onto n.ll I r I'luperly," This whs tin. piwiilnn taken by Ms)nr Xlthnlas lsl eVelllliK valull be was railed upon to deride n tin vol.. 011 aranlliift In ti,a V. Vhlt the lirltllrge of bulldltig a stairway In the li.tiwniciit of Ida new bulldliig ex tending Into the alley. There Is a flflern-fixit alley fun- olng through the block frniii Klftli to 8UU1 atraHt brtweeu Main ami Klatn wher. ho went on a fllylng trip, nr- and one at the lake The Crater l.nkt .u.aliklllr.. I. km 1......I al.ip.. niarli1 ... 1.. 1. i. i....i I'eiiMin Is I hit eltlclent chief deputy born ... -..J .-.. ........ . -,-. ..r- ... .- .... III the morning on Ills return t'nltcd I'ress Service NEW VOItK. July 23 Jauntily a drug on the market. Not only Is help needed In the hay fields, but there Is urgent work la the I city that Is delayed bocajs of the jrlerk of the supreme court. I)r. Merryman reporU a danghtr!HlnK'n h, nnv "rrJr Valllon sur-J "'"" " r'. rn to Mr. and Mrs. Hay Athrtonir,,n,1,"',,d t0 " PO tT. He ll,, r '"V UiIk morning. Sa-nalr lrtla-- U'AHIIINOTON, l. ('., J lb III, Mid Mr. While aaked nermUilun tasas Msaftitit tetttat to pfatelil M'Ubiilld'sr.eWlrwiiy leading Intn'llie (tKlixarn srrluus to powerful atx sseineut of Ills new building, tthlr.i rUlcs. )tstiy atlornejs here are deoi Id project 3i fa-vt Into the alley tu.alBX Ibat Attorney (leiirral Wlik A iiiotlnn Mas inndo granting the Im-i-triaim lake up iho Investigation niUslnu. providing a altMir or cowr tkr the roiigresaluual roiiimlttee be placed oer It of sufllrlent strength a.h..m m. n... ini.nt,in mn-t 1.111 uilt "' ' uprl traftlr, prob.ibly be dclioed until the iiMt Cbiliman lllgglns of the InveMlga ll was that Intention at Ural in bull,! sit'lou Ha'iiutor llrandnKe. bo U Ua mtimlltre left laat night for the the stairway open, will, 11 Ml I In In charge of the bill, snhl artlcn M.Mr I'"' 'iisilln I'arlhr, Ills jnliiiiud ll, but this was opiiMei! b seems fur oft. iyoclslei, MrCny nml llrahaiu, tallllllii.. imiiers of other lie v liulblluji Tin. ni'imttt illiii;ri' on Iho mess Tncoiua, in'n.lg the alley and proiirt ovtiieis ilie." he lidded, "and much Miiik 'II jirr( the alley, Including I'reil Mil ,be ieiulred for nrguiiient ' ll'iikii and I- r' WIIIU's .luilg.i Wll- ,111a alnte.1 that the alley tana dedl (rated for public purixiae. and be did not think It the proper thing that trips and doors be mIIiimssI to project Into that alley, Couucllmnn I'rbtlur asked who Mould bain to pay the itaniBKra If n team should run Into Iho opening and an) nun was Injured, Union of Threshers Will Save Big Crop unntcd as one of the men riding In I the automobile In which the murder ers of Hosenthal, the gambler, rode. and In which they made their cscapo, arren Construc tion company desired to start up the nxk crusher on the West Side. Twenty men were needed for the work, but only eight Beta could be . -.. --- .'V. I from the officers. He was arraigned r"umu'u "''' Those men, not enoggh ' . . . fnMSkB. ttk. -- I J A . on a cbarge or homicide. '" """" "" cnlr. w" oroereaj 10 .. ... rallilft tn tlta. .!. .,. ....t l- Jam t ; tiic grand jury baa resumed hear-, r " '"" ,"vc "" aa . A A jiii. On Mayor Oaynor'a orders the,,,ln done nr th whl,' ''" lyvr V t-lpollcu arc now co-operating with IU- hoM' but on, lhr,!e ,,t', - Tb trkt Attorney Whitman In the cfrorl,,,,"rr '"' wfT "" "idBavpcti lo break up the gambling syndicate..1" tMn' " n l"o fcr Mrs. Hoacnthal told the grand Jury t,eya the Inside of the gambling situation "n'c are l''ln J.50 . IT for lu New York. 8he was the onlv wit. lAbor ln Klamalll Fgllai. - iakt a fore- a.cisiea, Mem; ltJLlunUlit IT SEUTF IS PASSING AWAY FROM OLD SUMO TIME IS WASTED MOVING OUTFITS WAHIIINUTON, II, (', July 23 Tk trrma of onithlril of the mem ' of the I'nlteil Ittates senate will MORE LANDS FOR INDIANS I'ltOMIXKXT r.UIMKIt AIIVISIN UltlJAXIZATlUN AMI IIIVUHNC tmi: TCintiToitv jMoo Tin: TllltUHIIKIIS liens today. She said her husband m"n ror M" w"n Construction had nlwas paid heavily for police1 con",any ,bu Morning. 'Thia la autre protection, and named one police cap- lbau 'e aro Py'n V o'hr flly tnln and two lnsectors who had re- ,n Oreon ,n Mti " nave con ceived the money. j tract." It Is doubtful whether tho storv Farmers report help scarce. The can bt substantiated. o1" wa '"n Increajed from $1.60 A general alarm has been ..m iito J0. nd It la believed that be- lilljltvi n VlitlllllilUIIIIIS) Ul il J ib ln'a -----...-. - t petuateand prenervo old Kort Henry,!""" bB '" of the country for rtef0"" "! " "? U '"lrr1M1,H V. Tt i . at ' I fill tllif f n frtf fila ftm ra rni lasla kalll hl(h repulsed tho llrltlsh fleet ln;urr1 "' ,uo m relieved to nav " , ," ' ' u ' """' ""' IRIS Senator Hayner's,,ee,,,,,,,"ctua,raf'''-- ' b- tII . ,. ,.., .. r.arllr.1 that thero the national a..l"e hat '' hiding , "V u . .T . h V f "'V" 'Y."1. lhe,n'The Star Spangled llanner" ' he Weal. jr Indicate that Jielp U PleBilfui v,nH born T1"' 'ugltlvea Include "Dago,tl,fr,, "nd "" about ' Uil", The ,... ', . . , ..Prank, Whitney Lewis, "Lefty" Loc-1 "" of the hortago of hi.ii here U lleyburn did not concede or idmlt ' ., ' T ' .."'..'.. T a mvsirr ..tvl.iw .. ihi. ,-.i w. anairj iiurrowux, auaa uid, inei " r " " - his iholce. merely picking tho "field." lleyburn favor "My Country, TU of The" a the national song. That dispute, which has been fought out privately between the two Svim tors In the renote cloak rooms off and on slneo laat winter, was provoked by ltn)iier's chiiinploulnR of a bill to it that the "Star Spangled llanner' ns eiokrd at Tort Henry, but denlcl that It was eier oinclntly national anthem. chosen hh the llllood,' (Jncksoa, U1" Wagner and "Humpy lha ben raaiIe '" of cv" hT iitm 111 inn railroad. llrnM Msrrh The present sen. ,,l", ',,l, ,,,nl ,l,u '"' ,,,",1,,l h l'rrt' If li fomi.o.,.,1 f m republicans ,r,,", lt ilninage In- n bond M demorrtla, tain, iio laranry, Can When the motion was put Council " drtnocrsls pick up thaa five uin ,"rM M'K Haildge, Mcdowell and lljir fd to insure tlrlli 1 nut nil' I'oty volwl In faior of the permUslon Will the next elertlou coat them sumo ' Hoeller, Crlsler, llatiilltoii ami of th seata that are now theirs? Underwood against It. The niayit' Of Ihe 31 enalora 'those terms tilll ' hit iterldllig volat iigalusl lib- "fir In Msrrh, 1 11 nre republican Inicllng imbllo properly by private 4B,I 11 srs ileinocr.lls. Contests nro bttlltlhlK. '"if on fnr n,,nr). ,f ,hn pi(1 ' M il Tacanl. liiHiomu of Ihe MltM Ilia. - . iuA . 7. ' """'ly bale beali buiiis conservative labor leader, the ,",l "nuuiurci OVi:il lll.OiMI ACItlLs I.N "If the threshermeii do not organ TIIAIM' '"' I" Klantath county before fall," I Witness Delays Trial Claiming a lack of funds, or MAitsii laxiw to 111: itt:- tl.AIMCII ON Till! I.MIIAX HIS- i:ttv. tio.v IMkoii Wiou, siiperlnletiileiil of the Klauiatli Indian reservation, tins breu In the city since )esteriliiy. In relation to the rerliinintloii of that 1'ortrall of John Mitchell, that fit" marsh lamia on tliu reseriatlou, 1111 -if eats alr.ndy bain heali .i.n. i.,n,MrvMilv,i lialw.r l!u riiinil ,if whleb ntm,nrtil In the 1 1 a r ""lie prim try election ail tosoin friend of Hooaoielt and broth- nld. Mr. Watson stated that the tract said a prominent farmer today, "there Is 11 lot of grain which I llablo to go 1 unthreshetl this year. There seems lo bat plenty of threshing outtHa In the county tn hnmllu the work, but, 'mitees the) adopt some system and ilhlilo up the territory, they will, I hardly bo able to cover all of tho 'ground during the threshing senxon." The grain crop this year will great, ly exceed Hint of last season, Tho Campbell, n material witness In trie IMcl-eun case, was not In the city yes terday to testify, and Sheriff names naa obliged to lend for him. Ijtat night Marlon Barnes, deputy LIKES KHInlH KTTEII THAN KANSAS CITY CITY YOUTHS TO 1 naaaiv aaatfiav teeae. . . ... ...:.' 1. " ----.- . . IIHIIII 111 Hll III III ,"rllT. I(, r l Tlncvllle to bring the 'Kansas City, Kans.. arehereona visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vaughn of 'Irelurtaut witness to this city. 'delaed the trial of tho case. INKI'lUXCi: MAX IH lATH-.lli;it 1 HIH IMKTV OK VOUM.SIKIts' WHO WA.NT TO riKK KHillTS Of 1 HIS SKCTIOX OK ("OUXTItV .New Moalel Auto Here The first 1913 model automobile In Klaamth Falls reached hero today. This. to their daughter; Mr. R. J, Sheets. I Mr. Vaughn wa here four year ago, nnd became Inoculated with the Klamath fever and had to coma back. The advance mado by Klamath Falls lu this time ha been so sue- within 11, .a ... :: ... .......... 1 , ., ... 1 1 1 ...... lroi ' - ".a'aiier. particularly or. mnnlL. ,.. .ii'. ..' (r 1,1 --mm .lllll lia'll. lli'a'lll 111 a. it' in iiiiiii ill) nxvu in in; n-.inimvi ii . ....,..., ....1 .i...A 1. ..I... . ........ moon, w I .111 ., ,1 it,.... u .. . Z. . ...... . . . .,....-. ,,. the dry land, and thoro I also a much if it.. '"""" iiiu others. Hoijto Oregon an of Monday, on the occa erei about lO.Onfl or 12,000 acres, 11 ... .... iftXS&i w,,,,, " " -:''': -r",ta- ,:";r "inrr ' of ttMoh w,lR ,"rom,' "'--'K 'r "iirtf Si ". 1M,n l..asa-M lllslinll 1st ll aialr r I tlftll II M .1 'lltlflUl .... NIK omiiiH 111 me uiumawi iiusiu, ami.,,,,.,. from i.,,.,!.,.,, .i , ,,, .,. iiuteen or more in 1110 couniy. i.aai lli'ta lyears. Hob Mitchell Is described lis .1 Klamath Kids rancher. This Is not l'H correct. He hu been. ilurhiK his lotted Mr. Ilellemiiti Is to secure Hillilples of the soil nnd mnko n report on ihnt Karly next mouth 11 party of twenty It Is n, Chalmers "30," and differs prising that Mr, Vaughn Is ready to from the 1913 model In n number of desert his home city and locate here ways. Notable among these Is the He say tharif he can sell hi prop Inutoinatle tarter. erly In Kansas he won't waste the I'lilroie nmt a. iii.i.l,. V riM..ooi, for V yi X. , m'' .110 ..a 1.. .. ...... h ..-,... .....p.......... ....... Ueiuon many of theso outllt spent as, "' .ik,. " ",r ' vl PrMiarlwanr years of residence here. .. ron e,, be grown ndvan age, mil ,,,, , , ron,,H M luy ,,, out the route, city. Their "pathllnder" has Just laid a tractor, and an efficient one. Hitchell Will Not Give His Promise a ju Offers to Suspend Sentence if Labor Leader Will Give Word to Obey Washington, i mi c w-i..... ' '. " ill1 "." lc of ' Amorlenii Feder- -"'fS UI a. "" l'rioi.n,r. ' "' ,,lnu ".ontlm' lin also on other problem which will hiivo to be met III reclaiming the lmul Tho surplus lauds will probably bo .il lotted aiming the Indians, as Mr. Wnt son stutea that thero are about 200 who have not yet received nllntmeu's children born during Iho last four threshdig.iiud thoy had all they could A. I'. Lange. special agont of the do lo hniidlo the crop. With Hip 1 Fidelity I'hoenlx Fire Insurance com (great Increuso this season the ucces .,. .... ,,.,. , ..,., ,,.. nil is eviiicui 01 1111 orguniiaiion ior money for transportation to go back, but will enter business here. tho proper division of tho territory, ernl days, picking out camping places .... ..,.. ..... i.H" ................ Jml (ui farilur wl b0 iroUctc(, ior mo I'omanu youngstor. and no if I-.11.I. Among theso Is lncu.le.1 tho I fn)m tn(. ,.,,, ,0 uftv ,lU mmo.mced on tho eve of his departure Juatir. ., ,., . N' " ua J,ill' 23. loiiso. Tho court offered to lltoli.ti . . l,",ft)' oenleniiiU .lnhn!sentc a a.iu HH Mont 0 I Ubor, .cm. rn ...... rMiih nr 11 """""I" 01 court na ou. nuck, B.oy vonmny sentence If Mltcholl would promiso to obey Iho onlers of Iho couvt In the future. John Mitchell Is now In t'nrtlaiul, Ore., but his attorney, UikiwIiik hi ellent'H opinion of the caso, decllued the offer of tho court. I..nlii 1,.. ll, II,.. Il.tlil Inn I,. .it- mitl .....1... ...... .... .. .....- ...i.i.i. I..,., .,,,.,i Kn " ' "" " fmviuaj t.ini ma ouiig irieuus ' "' ".-'" ""' ""ipoMslbly he ruined by the early ruin, would surolv coino lo this eltv n year, nnd nlso tho returned Modocti, wouiu surei) cjimo to tut city. who liavo not yet been provided for. "Tho boya havo long planned a trip .QrUITnnn (llUr niQPTC ltoCraterUko."atdMr.Lange."but I huiil Conceit Toiuorrou OLilfllUnu 11(111 UIOIUIL It had uot been the Intention to come Tim regular Wednesday evening niirn UlTlnUll lUTIirillng 'ar aoutn Kln-'th Palls. How- open nlr concert will bo given tomor-, llfrK nAllullAL ANIHlM over' ' fouud many Interesting row night In Iho court houso square "" "n,,w,"" n",,,,,n,lthlngs for them to see In this vicinity by tho Klamath Military baud. Tho 'that I will Insist on my return to program Is nsf ollews: luilled Ties Service 1 1'ortlnnd that they Include this city March -"Tho Hustler" '..Heed WASHINGTON, D. 0 July 23 I In their Itinerary. Overture on Popular Airs ...Hcmluk Although waged for several months,) "Tho boya will travel on foot. They rurnphniHo "Forsaken" Kretschmer Senator Itiiynor of Maryland and Sen-'will carry their camping kit and will "l.nllii'raereuntii Moxlcann, Clmmber ntor lleyburn or luano are stilt mi- stop, wherever night catches then) lrobe lleatf Trust WASHINGTON, D. C. July 23. The house Judiciary committee today l'hllltp Hayncs la In the city toduy decided to probe the beef trust If the. making final proof on his homestead, Archbald trial was postponed until which Is located near Aspen Springs, fa". on tho wet tide of the Utper Lake. Kutr' Acta from "Mile. Modlsto" ablo to settle tneir dispute over Ire Herbert national anthem. Wiilli "Itnae of Mexico", , ,J. Dunii' "Tho Star Spangled Manner" la the "That Peculiar Hag" . . . V. M. Fngnn nation' anthem, according to Rayner, lldninnco "lly the Itlver" . , . Morse This la disputed by Heyburn. but ho National Authem doe uot uaine any particular song a The boy aro not Identified with the Hoy Scout movement, but are mem bora of an Independent movement, wbioh men ticu aa Mr. Lange have undertaken to finance at least once n year on aa outing. trip. Tillman Gives Jab To Dove of Peace Democrat Senator Urges Construct ion of Host Deadly War Vessel Afloat 1 United Pre Servce promise authorising the construction WASHINGTON, D. p., July 21V - of the fastest and deadliest battleship The democrat are trying to end the afloat, capable of SS knots per hr.ur. deadlock on the bouse and senate I This proposition will be considered naval appropriation JjIII. at the democratic caucw t)f houae Senator Tillman' la urglui; a -com members tomorrow. ' "'