IV fW i 1 iim RroliErcSara .'ftaeiy pr .ujyctexz. csz-rciwU Kiirjibrirav-:scs3"a;2? wjiayv V 7 I I ITTTTI I I I fl 'I I 1 1 I I I S3 v 1 lllllliiiMilllllllll ml a (gA' mil lUAJAgi3 s v I K. K. K. STORE I ANY STRAW HAT 1-4 OFF THE REGULAR PRICE Panamas and Straws in all the best styles Special Bonus of 10,000 votes on the Automobile with every suit sold un til August 1st. Leading Clothiers INDIAN TRIAL CHAMP NOT IN MOST COSTLY, TRIM TO FIGHT i nnd the snow nnd mud In the spring." to npologlto for coming to Klamath Mayor T. V. Nicholas In n few np-p,th,. I nm not apologising because proprloto words welcomed tho gilest , (m ,lcri ,,, bofn1,c ()f 0 c0n. to Klnmnth Knlls. anil expressed the imy , rnmc wh , wnn, , n).t hoppthnt In their pntlillitillnBMPi-U.ihnwcvpr ,, 10. ai,(Io( ,, of Hon they might find It more Uimcult roJ(0.tnbmty , , .,, ,. ,,,, to discover n path away from tho,nR Mrili chn,,mnn nlnnK. , ,,,., city than In locality roods leading to !,,,,,, t0 como to Klamftln Kft( bl Itho city. iwo wanted to jet rid of these people, , Mayor Nicholas whs followed hy I.'nnd I was asked' to watch them until T. Hardy of tho Oregon hlectrlc rail- they BOt out of tho rotinty. I came 'road, who expressed his great pleas-. long with them until they got to the lure at hclng permitted to he present county line, and then one of their j on this occasion, and stnted that tholnutos broke down, and I could not go guests would not he cheated out of , t,ck and leave them In Imge county. !nny Information by his not making al,,,, I brought them hero In my ma lengthy speech, ns others of tho party Ichlne so that they would bo suro nnd nlwavs told every thing that waslnnt m hnrti. i wmil.l mlili.. vn.i time was that of last May of Andvr-.lng lhat ho is not In fit condition to ,vorttl telling. .to Pnd some one Moiik with them Klamath Indian, who meet UT 0! ,abor Day, AJ 0- County Judge Worden spoko otinnd run them over Into Crook county. gasi is louaj me nuujeci 01 wiut- "Oood Kondl." and told of tho work "If t wnn wrlllnc n MMorv of spread criticism. The champion san ,ono n Klamath county tho past Kinmuth Pulls, l would urlm nhout WOI.OAST SAYS IT WILL UK SIX .MONTHS AT I.KAsT IIKI'dUE HI! will in: tit to rifiiiT tiii: MKXIC.IV HOY I'. S. MAItMIAL'S ItKPOKT SHOWS KAITIII'l'Ii CASH COST flOVKIIX MHXT ljKI.(MKI SKCO.NI TIUAIi XKCKSSAItV The moot costly trial held In tho , Cnltcd Press Servlcn federal court In Portland liin long , LOS ANGELES, July 19. Claim- . . . ti oon Faithful, a was charged with murdering hi wife W.I. I. m..lu iit.lU lH Ik. .. i.t i f ..'.iu imiMiiiu.i. twin.. ..w ,-..o l III lllllt II rilllH. I H till HI WTIIt IIIIUIll Till UmadMmbllclnthc-cport. e will he unfit to tnko on Itlvers for', aw, tho dl.llcultles met and, s splendid men nnd charming wo t nlted Stales Marshal Leslie M. Soott;at least six months. Then, ho says, overcome. He stated that road con-. men. Your men are great entertain, lor the quarter endlug Juno 30. The J ho will fight. jstructlon was n great responsibility Crs, and It makes n great hit with thii greatest expenditures In the history McCarcy has not given up hope, jon the court, particularly In n county visitor. Thero Isn't anything they of tho offlco were made In thU ouor- ana ' ,l1" euacavoriuB 10 ormg uic ns large as me siaio 01 Mnssacnuscu. won't do for n visitor, nnd I remem ler, I33,U0V, and of this sum ffl.OOu provlous speakers among the guesul gave n hint of what was In store, but offered many Jokes nt thu expense of Mr. C. I.. Smiih. the ngrlruliurlKt of the O. V. . N Co.. anil referred to lili famous fouiteeii hour speech, iin-l slated that ho tas always placed liut on the program, but thai his Inlks were nln)M so luleresllng Hint no one ever left before he was through Mr. Smith knows the prnrtlrul side jof farming, and his sluut talk was all meat, and made n decided Impression on the nssemhtnge. "The character of our homes," said .Mr Smith, "Is more Important than our bunk clearings. The men tieeil Is the men who nre willing to work for what they gut. The itinn who Is looking for easy money mil for something fur nothing. Is a detri ment to any community. " lie re ferred to Los Angeles, which was mentioned by Mr. Hates, and said: "I havo been to Los Angeles, and II ml that there Hie eggs they e.it they get from Texas, llirlr chickens romn GET THE HAN r WITHTHI: 5H0E ORDER " -- -.... .. . k.q . . mc -.. . .... .... ,. .... ..v ,.... u. ....-.....-..-. TC uii i uu ,,,1 , t lain,, , ii,ii i rmciii r .,..,, -.-, , ... ,i. , , r 'tro lightweights together ns planned. 'Ho was pluascd..howover, that they'her, even when your town was dry, from Kansas, nnd their butler from Wo1gat'a repeated nlluilons to his Iliad now placed road building on n that 1 never hart when here. . . .,!..., . vnrcqiiireuiorii.eriaiinuiTOc. oompctltor for lightweight honors 'ouslness basis. He hefcrrcd to the i drink Considerable Interest was aroused as having n "yellow streak" Is being. fact that they wcro not permitted to) must tell you this section following the arrest of generally applied to the champion as. pay for these permanent Improve conducted wi being more Justly entitled to that a- ments by bonding the company, but pellatlon. Iliad to rnlso tho money hy warrants. 1 "For this reason thero Is n limit to go without n Hut one thing I Minnesota. You havo something here worth morn than dollars When In Faithful. The alleged crime was com niltted nt the home on the Faithfuls, on Whisky Creek, about six miles east ot Yalnnx, on tho Klamath reserva tion. It was charged that Faithful had gone home drunk and bod brutal ly murdered his squaw. The defend ant claimed that the woman bad been 111, and had gotten out of bed several times during the night. lie claimed that when he arose In the morning he found his wife dead. Yisirnits aid: siimv.v .placed on what we con do. We hnvo lltlll(.'ATi:i SECTION cono our best, but tho people nil over j tho county are clamoring for Ire- At about & o'clock tills forenoon jprovements. I nsk you to bo patlenl the Pathfinder party were taken to I with us, as this has been a hard route Merrill on n tour of the Klamath ISu' and lays us open to a grent deal of slu In local automobiles. There were ciltlclsm." tibeut fifty In tho party, anil n vltlt Judgo Warden stnted that last year won made to tho J. Frank Adams the county hnd built over fifty miles The Jury disagreed, and Faithful ranch, below Merrill, where n short ,of heavy grading and had cleare.J out will bo given another trial durln tho 3t0p was made while tho visitors wen I roads for about 192 miles. This year September term of court. jhowu some of the fine hones for the road work was done In tho early vhlrh Klamath county Is famous. j sluing, and after they were graded From thero the party returned j the rains came and packed them through Merrill to tho home of N. &.,lown. This year 48 miles of roads Mel rill, where Ice cream, cako am! j had been built In March, April and I'-iiinnade were served, and a trli'J,mo. made nrouud tho place. Mr. Merrill "Thoio Is nn empire going to be took great pride In showing some of built over here," continued the Judge, his big mules, nnd one In particular, '"and with the conditions so different 'which he believes will rival In slzo from that portion west of tho mnun- tho pair which holds tho record as tains, how do we know hut that thero COUNTY "IHOMISITO.r.Y" WILL being tho largest in the UnltcdStatcs, may bo n stalo hero In Eastern Oro- IIK KOLII AT 1'UIII.IO AL'CTIO.V Tl' VW returned here shortly after Ron?" noon, and go to tho Upper Lake. ' Tho Klamath Military band, hnd I'OH THE FIltST TIME IN THE 'very generously agreed to glvo n con- KIiIiIiik U Cooil cm '""owing tho banquet, hut on nc The steamer Winemn will run one co,mt of ,,,B ,Io,ay '" u"K''"llnB. nf Us nonular excursions Sunday. July orul "flections Wero given ill tho lob- WARRANT TO BE . AUCTIONED OEF COUNTY'S HISTORY For the first time in tho history of Klamath county a county warrant will be sold nt public auction July 30. Notice to this effect was posted to day by John Schallock, constable, who Is tho authority for the state. fluent that such a proceeding has nev er Coforo occurred here. That ho kuows whereof ho speaks Is evident, .Inasmuch as he has been tho only con stable In this district, and has been connected with tho sheriff's offlco over since 1870, except one term. 21t. n Hin famous (lulilnc grounds bJr "f ,llB ',0,u' between the talks. nround Pelican Hay. Pelican Lodgo!Ma"' complimentary rnmarks on tli'j and Hocky Point. The boat will leavo,e"lc,cnc' of Ul ,",n'1 wcrc """'p b" at 9 o'clock, and return about , nl.,,l, vlsltf- lowing four hours for tlshlng or walks M uslness men should study the In the woods. Dnncr at Itocky Point. iPrnbtem of transportation from the standpoint of good roods," said Phil 'H. Dotes, publisher of tho Pacific fUKILANU HltN Stt GKUI WIUKt'1-. ", ,o .?r..t naivi wiiuub" iua JllVlvn, Milieu 111 Your lmBlru'.M hen U ." Klw jour vUltorn ncK to ml, hr' . . ' t . . .s. . i.t rung, and 1 am afraid Known mni mey ,nn not ueen in- your merchants nro suffering as a ) cold slorago, rour fruits are not con. tonsequenco. After I arrived hero ned and your vegetables nnd meal I went down thp street to buy a clean 'have the right flavor. When he goes shirt on credit, i walked down onujnwoy he Is suro to want In come bulk, side a half mllo and bark on the other! I Hnd lhat the higher the altitude at side n mile and a half, It seemed, nndi which you ran grow prodnc in per- I couldn't buy n shirt on credit. I want to tell you that you ure losing a good deal nf business that way Some of your merchants could build up n good business on credit, nnd If he never got paid he would always havo something coming." Dr. Coe, president of the First Na tional Ilnnk of llend, said that he had been n resident of Eastern Onsou for eight years, hut had never been fectlon the heller It Is.' ANNOUNCEMENT Ouliig to tb scarcity nnd high price of livestock, and In tho fnrt that we have to purchaso and feed slock ns much as three months In advance In he sine of a ripply, mid to tho further ffii'f llint U'si linl'n lis lints lint onsli I to Klamath Falls before, 'it Is er- ".-""". .'.." ' ' .'. . , ,x -uiu iiiiiii iii iniii inuu' mr un morn, hit Hnd It nhsolulely necwisary to sell ments for cash only on nnd after taluly tho most Ideal spot of Oregon I have seen so far," said Mr. Cue. cept, of course, llend nnd n part of f ,., . ,,., Pn.1,11 XI. ..1.1 .1... I... I... I rt""l ' - " ' Hoping .our many patrons will ap. Intended to return to llend lmmedl-),,r,.t.iaie our position in this mailer, ately, so as to ho on hand Saturday .,, thanking ou for past patronage, when they havo nn election on ,,,n, f,r continuation of the snmo bonds, but after getting n glimpse, of IHor tho 'new order of business, wn tho country hero, ho was ilcti'rniinoil Iri'inaln, yiuirn, to stay n day und seo more of II. KLAMATM FALLS MEAT CO. "Jlmmlo" Sawhlll, secretary of tho , N. II. All oUlhtandlng iicrounls Central Oregon Development League, J nut settled by Ahgimt loth will ho urged the securing of exhibits for the .placed for collection. -K. F M. Co, land shows and particularly the ono' to be. hold In Portland. Ho staled that tho products of the soil of this territory wero of fur more value In securing farmers thuti nil of the liter oturoever dlstilbuted. S, O. Joliiixnu spokn of Cm iihslst. once Portland could give up In our ef- forts to Indueo the location of tho California highway for inough East Tho sale will ho made to satisfy a ":"" ," , ', ,,,"" ' , .....,. ........ 'greater part of them. I. Judgment In tbo case of W. P. Mc- " ,A ' , - , , ;,, ... . , , -said, expects from 1,0( Mlllan vs. Arthur I). Llvermore. A ....' .. ..... .. ' .. warrant for $30 was attached In this cote, and this will bo offored to tho hlghsst bidder. WILSON WILL PICK KING FOR LEADER' United Press Service SEAOIRT, N. J., July 49. Wood row Wilson couferred with tho cam paign committee today, It was an nounced that Chairman McCorabs would open New- York headquarters soon, nranch headquarters will bo established iu Chicago. Wilson will probably come to tho Pacific coast. National Committeeman King ot Ore gon will probably direct tho coast campaign. (Continued from Page 1) be nble to go, ho hoped to have the lakeviow, ho 000 to 2.000 visitors at this tlmo, which would show tho Importance of the meeting. Ho understood that Klamath Falls wanted tho next meeting of the league, and from the expressions and Information ho had gleaned on tho trip, he said that ho belloved that this city would get It. In speaking of tho official map car which would arrlvo here today, Mr. Chapman spoke of tho Importance of the official automobile map for Klam ath Falls, as the city tourist did not euro to experiment with roads when on a tour, but inevitably was guldnd by his road map. In conclusion Mr. Chapman said: "The logical route to California and from California In tho spring and summer months is through Eastern Oregon, Instead of Western Oregon, whoro the heavy grades and raoun Itt.nna nvarnr.c.,1 no mn,.., t,a jnnftnlsfl Hint ron.llttn.i euil,l lw. ..tn.l,. ... people n day, nnd figuring that they penult tout Ms to liuvel through rpont nn nverago of IT, a day. this Klamath county and Eastern Oregon, would make tho enormous rexenuu tol no of the best speeches of the eve- theclty of 1200,000 n day, or $0,000,-, ""iR was saved for the last, Tim 000 n month. Ho compared tho seen. cry of Eastern Oregon with tho lock! of icenory In Southern Cnllfornln, and stated that with highways equul to tho good roads of California, this section could get tho benefit of theso 0,000 tourists n day. Ho described Ills lecent trip through tho EoBt, whero he showed over a thousand views of Oregon scenes, among which wuk flftcon from Klamath county. "S lovo your Klamath county," said Mr. Hates, "your plno clad hills and beautiful lakes, and it was a plcnsuio to mo to show theso vlows nnd tell of your country." Vint Snelllng, tho sagebrush snge and Mark Twain of Lake county, made tho guests forget the oppressive heat of tho evening with his quaint witticisms. "This Is tho first time," sold' Mr. NEWPORT BEACH LOTS Rentes Insurance RICKMk& SMITH Newport Oregon On August tst a man will have in his left shoe an order for a pair of shoe.. Find him and get the order. Rich's Exclusive Shoe Store QUAMT I'OOT PI'ITI-kS" Cor 6th and Alnin 5t.. T II I I I JV (Celiiliiiinl Ciimrrle lliillillng II O T JS Iv I'. L. Turpla A. VUvTnrplii IT POWELL SiTtKirr. AT .MAItKl.T. H.S HIAMiSCO Itimiii, Wild prhnle lmllij:.ll M-r ihiy up milium hnlli, ..,Mi Ihiropeiiii plnu. , ,,. rm, ,,MM WESTERN TRANSFER CO. Olllre llimif IIIHI. Ite.ldemc I'll .u. HIS HEIIVICK iiu;i..wji: riniKiHT MOIMJ AM (iK.VI.il A L TIIANSI'EII IlltV WOOHI'OltNAI.i: I'aHM-ngei IHIY WOOIU'OltHAI.i: em l'iikeil I'p anil IMIteml .1 I...V !... I T...... --- ---..,., .,,i-.i..,i... Joo Moore V. U. Vtxi rlolc ,. .., .., . .-. mo to miu iiv time, nam an tains were encountered In summer, finelllng, "that I have felt called upon JEWP0RT or YAQUIMA BAV ORRaON'S IDEAL SUMMER RESORT i BOATINQ SWIMMING FISHING HU.NTINQ Deep Sea EXCURSIONS ALL SEASIDE DIVERSIONS Low excursion racs on all roads. First class accomodations FKUli II.LUSTKATED BOOKLET, AODKUSS SECRETARY COMMERCIAL CLUB J5xMvt:lIi In Altiwlo fTl Hide ItepienenUtiro of .Slit. man Clay A Co.'s li.iuni, ll u Hielnwny mid other leadlnx pl.iiius. Other makes nt mini eratii prices. Tuning and repairs Agency for WHITE HEWI.N'd MACHII. OLIVEIl TVPEWItlTEIt AM VIITOIt TALK I. NO MACIILM! IIiiiiKn, Siiillniiery mill I'll ion KtAMAIH FAILS MUSIC HOUSE Tun doors caM of PostullU'c. II. MAIWEX, Proprietor THE I.O.NO.IKIT.WUAIIV lAV Is suro to Iiiiyo it plousant uud refreshing close for those who ImYu iiwaltliig them nt homo Unit luxury which only n prop erly appointed bathroom can Klvu.i And modern sanitary I'lumhlng has placed them at thu disposal of rich and poif alike, for few purse nowadays nro so limited ns not to bo able to uffnrd what wai a few yenri . i'K an almost prlcelosi luxury. 1 11 you dcslro to know nil about what n modorate sum they can bo Installed, call up anEELKV