The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 19, 1912, Image 1

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    Hlll'I'I.IKO IIV Till.
lMl.l i:hs n'KWM hkiivhjk
MUliUm "'''H"
Price, Fife CaU
Lightning Realty Deal Assures Fine Structure
Mysterious Surveyors Working Near Town
Dcinu lhiu uui
MII.IX I IK"! ioiiit nerm:
II,, lirmhrt "I lliohiiMOlitu I'mll
Iktllnf ! I.m llitlr Wink, Mini
Mill lilir Out ) Information n
lullir MrMlll) nl'll.rlr It.npln). i.
Mm) ll.ii.Hiia lie I intent lli-xnnl-IntTlirlr
their Work Hllh llm witiiut ii:i.i.s iiiia. iicsimimis .mm. mii.i, hcmuii.
maiic hhiiiv or HtiAi. imi nm imini:s
I In- riil.ngu Illume) Mini I'milli.
nil) AuntM In I'loa tin I nae Hi'
Imp till' Alli' llll.i.'a Wile
'..,il Mi" ,takr.l Hie IIMtlil At.
Intlir) Ni'l In Kill All).'...', Mill. I.
i- I'llirtll) lit
lulled I'irM xrlf
I.Ori ANHIIl.l'.rt. Jul) ly.- l.liimlii
HtilO'tn, I In' mngnilim writer, iiinlln
Cm I) rHiik Ci.n.i) (lit- Ne.ia lit
tin' Hindi iif Mini I'iii.r, nml llm
Slllllla lll)lll) III Mill tlllll la
iicitiv Kiuiiit-i' ih ruvia:iiiiii:iriii.itt. faction's plan.
III.IT .Ml'lllli:ili:il III ItAHIIA-J MXI I'lUIIT I.V COMfllKh
It.l lllll.Mt.V IS I.N J.WI., I.Vi
SI'lli: ill' l'illtTI..H )TCi:i H lie i:iilltpailrngo Contention Fight
- Mn) lie Hone Oter In llm tfrnatp
In spile of an Intirttew with tic
leriivi. llnly of Portland, printed In
I lip liijiitiil .tie TrtUiii hi l.i'.j(. i:,,.,nK Telegram. M the effect
llM L (ilv.ll l'lllM') l,na k
United Press KortUe
ItKNO. Net . July It'
I'tri) In n
i . .... .. . . ... . ... . . .. .
BlIDiWl slrr " l''ll " urte)..r uni mi mo wi.u.'aa mini in win inr
ki Wti rnniiKrii lr Hip past twiirow .rial tods) Hi- whs ..muilu.d
. . ..... l.ii. ..... I... ill.. All.irll.,v- lurl 11. ,,- It 1. ..v..
sera, in i'ns 'Injured and fltcp'opl.' are missing
bIIm (in AH . I Hi lllllll III" OIMII litmi !'" i'.mii.. ... irj i iruri-
bottic .Uir'ii Hin neighborhood
H1 sort lii t't sub.llrldid
Kir!) rlT illm-iurr Hip pur
no( thr .iri or Hip Im-oip Viliil
irr fixitlnt hr liiila lm brrn untiir-
M. Mini tin- murderer of llnrbnrn lloli-i
mini wniilil prnbnlilr nncr lm rnplur-
iimI, llc'inil)- Hlif rlfT Hilmllork In con-
'tliKi-il (lint tin- Kiillt) man tnilny oc
iiiimi it i'll In din riiiiiily Jail,
--llniiitcliiii ScmtuI ilnr ki n litiiri- hh tak-
Imliiy lirltiK I'll of tln miniicrt nml fnrwnrdol
nml tin1 llniix til lt-ii-r'iilnllrc
to Tot IIh Irf-unlll) llwtli hlilr'
l'n'iMiiiiu HN-rrliPk, nml u U'nnn'
Tiliu Im l!tiwlftfl '
roritT iioumk hvi'ahh '
Tin- Announcement Contra Following'
Hip Ik-riolon of Hip Countf Court
to Hart Work at Once on llie Con
trurllon of Hip .Npw Court Monw,1'1"
Coiintr Judgo Wonlrn Tlilnka tlie1 " r
Offer U n tiooil One
rerehul frimi M mil inn
iii-wn of it Icrrlric (lniidliiiml In Hint in I'ortlniul fur lilciitiflratlnn.
f-tlmi Imt 11 1 tc tit Nine I'l'iMPim nrelictiire could not Imtp rmclinl Port
knnwti in Iihui bi-eli klllcil, iiIiip iiri Umi until toitn)', no wliui lictcctlrp
I lliilldllitf lo IIp Cre.tKl oj
I'ornpr of Flshlli nmi tlp
Mieeln In IamiI for Six Venrs Id
I irtlnnil Store nml ILiMnln Hani
Hiirc Coinianx Make Klerealli
Flre-1'roof Strut lure ThU Heaon
Follow InK till nnnouncoment lant,
nlnlit of tho Intention to itart wort; I
(lidnv rin thn rnnafntrf Inn nf n nnvL
ITtiliA.I ti,M Q-wl ' . .... .
""" n" " (lotirt lioiue In Hot Springs addttlorn
WASIIINHTON., I). C, July IS. iromen Hip offer of S, O. Johnson and)
III liuMlrnn fartlniin nn nrrti.irlnr furl W. I. Jolinton. of the Klamath Di-I
Hot ,leb.lW In 1,011, lioiuc. of con. vrtopm-nt comimny of $18,750 for J""" " 'MtUrf?
,.. i. .1 i ...i , i. I"1 '' frontas-P on Main .trect. on"hl'n c- A- Jordon r San rancUco
w' '"" ,,,, llSa,1,) "' ,r,-"IJ,:nt ,he corner of Main nn-1 Fourth street.. I " for the purchnao of
One of thu Qulckejt anil moit lm
lllnty unp out Hip Intirvlew he liailT,,,l ""mlnntlon will Up nttacked. runnlnK throiuh to Klninntli avenue,,hc Mllc nnd 8ou,e lta, Property
Tim lioillva wetn found llirpn mlloi not complclp Inforuintloii cuncernlnjVlKoroiiii dcfcinc are being framed, iln court houno nitiare.
Ilka Mill take mrr Hip wIUk-m fur iohii llin mil) "Iilch Man toiiwil llm mi"fl
iriMn-pinuiliiniliiniliU nttcriHHiii nl Into n rnr.liiR toriciii by Hip
HtpIIi'n told n illniiullr iitory Up uiMidoui fall of watar.
and the entire Chicago convention
on the corner of Klghth and Main
!-... ... Af !.. tt..iu r..i. -..
Tlu. nffnr l.x Iim.ii m.,l In ... ..". " imie. 1-.UI, iuiu
,i.. urrfn..rii, .,..'' lHtlon made a feaae with two
w VKbV- W,WV-W .- UUM 1.WU,.
Pkilnlilrd at lelictli bow I lie Mr.S'n
iiinraa lillliid to plead KUllly befnip
(i(.l, I'll Hin. am man) riimonthi' nllranl lirll.a hail Itch iumii!
(mat Our e.rl ha. It that thn ThU U the heart of the Harrow rte
Mfic; id a Hll line hoMly to ! ! . Hit Hip bribe, wrrp iiiiiircr..
mitttirtl bit mtualli Im'.-ii ni..lp.!ry, n tin- ib.p bad practically
tHthal Ihe lula now belli lM iul l'"l UOMI5. July U. Nicola CapMlll pl '.
irtju lt jln" of Hip iroHMP1 fimd. I' MIMIm. clahnpil that Jiarrow lm-'j,,ft ,r,l(.iu lu hU will a nunrl , HACUAMKNTO. July 19.'
Ipa i "I mil rinil lnreil Ibnl ic linn llinli.lti Mill' i.a
. ...... -. . ..... .... ,,,,,, vi, ,, (, UIIIIUII ui' lllirnHVU IIICI. ,.- .. n""Haw. ..v.waWH,a.. .
'uinn wnnli'd." aild Hip ilrputy nherlffl Uenntor Hoot pliina to -nk In the'and will bo accepted unlesa a higher I ,,' r " , . . or,,lx ye"r" ror "
neiiatc. ilcfeiidlng the nmnlnntlon. Price It offered.
Itccriii'm are iinw m.ircbliiK tho dp tbla morning "There nre ninny
brlii fur Hip iiiImIiik Tim liijuri'd wro HiIiikk Iii connection with the matter
l'liiK liikeii to U)cliMk. I lint I nm nut privileged nt IliU time
I In- ptinnTly lni in ImpoMllile lu " """ piiMIc"
oilmnln nt thla lime, but It ! dtl '""'f ' reward of JS.oilO for the
Hinted to bo great. ricut of the murderer of llnrhnn.
, linliman
dell will apenk for the itefene In the ejed In lu 23. foot lota Boon." aald
hoiie. The fpeeehea are planned for Judge Worden l.nt night, "and these
delivery next week. 'will be placed on the market. With
Norrlaof Nebrnnkn aald today I the proceed from the aale of theie
"The progressed will liao norm- lota and the fund of about 10,000
building which he t to erect. Th
I price to be paid for tho property la
Mr. Jordon left Tor ban Franclaco
on the train yesterday afternoon for
San Francisco, where he la to secure
plana for the building and let the
contract. Acordlng to thn leases the
thine to .1V If thn TaftlteS try that lalromtv nvIUhl for tho mirnruo m
Two scheme. 1 will Insist on being heard wilt not be handlcnntved for fundi in!bull,,nK to h ready for occupanur
lkill.r.-rrWllt has It thai the ITnmot- I lilt held out. ileliiaildlnc Hint "no onpl,. i.. .i...,,i,i l. ,,r,l ,,i,.r liln tinir,l.ri.r. lonilixuiii'il to li.inir tmtnv In renlv. and will dlscusa tho frauds 'ennmlotn thn new hiillillnr." f August Iblb.
nof lie trhi'iiip plan Iii vll Ihp lots b kllleil" He was willing otherwl.i'roI11 n1 ,inl Xmti tn, nboulil bp nt Hun Quentln were reprinted by which resulted III Tnft'a so-alltMl vie The offer of the Johnson brothers According to Mr. Jordon the build
! bring tsld out to people In tliPtu hatu the MrNnmarn plead guilty , t t r 1 1 n t d aiiiuui! Hioki who rtttend- Hoternur Jnhnsou. They arc Willie lory." for n Hlrp 0f court house iquaro aslln" ' to tie lwo "-orles and a base
lUit, kn nri not fnmlllar with lhn.Krplerlck lluutly ncned ,.,! tstt fuiicrnl lie nlmi riiiiested l.tils. I'lilnese, rpprleted to S.'ilcm. Other progressives plan to aid Nor,10 bject of considerable comment (meul store, and will be of reinforced
Wstloq of Hie trnrt Hleffeiis, In Fredericks' cro-ef that hl frli'lids sliuuld diiiire arouiid bci 13th. nnd Alexander Sinfscur. rls. Clapp and Cummin plan to de on ,j10 Htrfets today, especially as It ,cl nni1 concrete. It will be the
-onrrshli of the lam! which la 'Miiiliiatloli. discussed nt length llm so- hU glare The) did n September th fend Colonel lloosetelt In the sennte. it impossible to tell from the written""11 re""-r CIa" A bulldlnK In the
h.n.1. .mai- A. .r"
Portland rien 5ee Great
Future for Klamath Falls
Ultf mitryril tests III the li.illin of 'rial problem He said Hint while lie-
E. '. UcCuinai k This property was (goilatlug he know that John McNn-
solj under rnnlrnrl April 33, 19 10, 1 ittnrn was gullly, but lueril) of n
lo lie SniiUii-rti llentty company of'toclat crime.
I'oitlm.l A i ariui lit of 110,01111 wui ' I do nut billet c Hint the stnt. In
BlJf, but siiliteui nl puymeiitn were inarlliikT ri'pnratliui should Inkp lire."
sllowr.l pi Ui ,. ami (bp proM'rly he said.
UtonntlfAllr '-wrtril hnrk In Hip' TIip witness di'iiled being nil an
orlfllMlowmr The prim to be paid nrchlst. but said he n u Cliristlaii.
for this Umt al Unit Hum was lit an which etptnlli why hnioiild nut ruu-
. dime the uilllB fur one crime with
Tfcr if(iH(i. sltlintiil due west Intiother.
of the city arm s the rlter nnd liter
the MIL.
There has bcrli but little nrllt'lt
in tlil tlrlnlir Humu limn ngn the
xttl mthuriiii mini., eilmustltr In
quliU rnnrrrtiii (. Inml proposition
In tbit tectbin t,ui nu olllrlal nutlmi
" ,'"n. I Annul con
The iiirtc)(irs now nt work Iriltn'eil till inurn
-c .. nice niiiK.,, ,liril). surteyor ntery hiiti-n fur Kliunnth rimnty The sun "'i '" " ' '"' ,,.,,. ,,i ,...-.''. "'Ink f -iitfiiR off Hie sage
"ratal, alio... i !:,.,, ,nl,rningls In Hi. I Hprlng n.l.Utlnii In llm Mute Immlgrntlon cnmn.lsslnuer. sec tuml land, of he Umi lUter .liter m nfw e,Men llayg.
t"Mt vehlrln is i.inded ,! MH, ui.tern i-iirt of llm clt rel.iry of nregoti ii.-teiupiuni. mn rt, ... .". lrnvt1. with ,mr noses rnlorod to such
'M". well in f II... kind t.i... nml Fresno ..rilliers wero.HI l."Kll" nml oi lli .pciiiim .um, urn ..r.......,i. ... ....- . ,. .
iliiM.siiiilheru end of the state east of the men who put through this project In
..........lulu mi. i inl.l of ili. ImniHiise llhe south end of the state, deserve
.- ..- M.. ..111. ..Ill PIIIII1T. .'I ..",.....'.. ..... - .-.-. - .
liner. C. 0. .Merrill .....I r wlH,,tn.t timber r.tches. he or ami (giliinc U))) yMw ,. ,, Him work wlarl.!iit....Hil.ll n..t the tl-ltnr nt tl.,.;H.wer. nnd the urk b.dng done In Xo u hwo m
Kt.iillmffloo.n0Or.Mirl "Inn nifl -wrll l'". Iiilo thn city tho re.lamnll.... of the hundreds ",,..,,.., lourU, eouutry
Imnnth cmnty Tim .Hi. The party In. lude.l C C. (Iiapiiinn.itl.ou.nn.l of i re nf r It h niirlPtil. ,, fc ff ,,, ,e , ,
Sunbiiriii'il nml rotered with
lint wild Kliilli'n oi sniisin.uuii o.i'i
l.i...r Irlt, III.. . tl.trtl 111 I'i.tll' ! ....... ...v...... .. .1.1. ...p.l.., it ..nun nl I I.
"" - u. ...... - t ,.,,. ... . ., ,. . ,1,. ,!
,. ,.!.... I Iflinn.l. PnlU frnlll I . I. ... ,.l.... ..... .. II""-" " .'......, ..... ........ ...v .....-.
... ... .. . ....- rriin nr ..'i..i? ... ..,",... ..... .-
nt r. 30 lut nteiiliig. slsinm-o of the pcopto of Fiirtlnml lu
t'liuiily Judge Worden, 8 T Sum their d.nelupinent He told of the
Under rei
ILnket'lew ;
unlimited credit. We hnte mnnytlno
hotels In Oregon, but this Is the tlnest
I have seen outside of 1'iirtlniul. and
I might ndd. Hint lu some features It!
cicell nny hotel In Portland, and It
offer lust what rate tier foot Is offered e"y. The Interior will be art dec-
for the Main street frontage. crnled, and the outside finished In
Tho offer of the Johnson brothers ' "I1" According to the announce-
'l as follews: "lent ,,lc building Is to be one of the
"Klamath Falls. Or.. July 1C. 1912. for ' hetwecn San Francis
To Hip Honorable County Court. " n"d I'ortland.
Klamath Falls, Ore.: Thc rner store, which will be 30
"Understanding that you contcm- 90 Ic. " " leased to the Fort-
" plate selling the site occupied by tho lani1 re. nt well as tho basement.
present county tourt houfo. In Klamh'c" ' a' bo tlnished for a
utti Falls, Klamath county. Oregon.'10, i no nest room na ocen leascu
I nm prepared to make ou the fol " the llaldwln Hardware company,
lowing effer: nml wl" bo 35x110. built In L shape.
For that portion of sold site dc-.a"" with n 20-foot entrnnco on Klghth
scribed ns fotlews:
"Commencing at the corner of
Fourth street and Main street of tho
court house preperty: thence running
slxtyflvc (G5) feet west on Main
C I., nnd nf u. re of llm richest of bottom
bo nblo to cuter upon the luxuries of
1 I'll I II It III Ml I MUM" P'tlll'i IP '' "! ... ........ -s II HUH ll ""lllll II.IIV ti' M ."H.M..
mmnonljr , ,ft),IIB , ,tt)l. ,10 Kr.niiil t-nrly llil mnrnlnir. pihI at..i.imlll. of lli- I urtlaud n.mmer. opening to ..'it wiit'it i ) " '. , icCllro , 10 orilmry wn,.. Ild to
". fore, of moii were vmi'liiX'l I" Pr"!r"" l '"" M,H iinpitiiui.
Ths hiimii, i. , n i..... ... .1... '..,,,,.1.. i, ... ,,r tin. iHmlth. agriculturist O. W
... ... ,,,., a,,..,. ,,,... , ,.- i in ik ,.r, ..... ... .... -
ltdljr hern iiH".llnni'd, but In nrh 'structure.
thty !, refused to be tutor, llrlef nrn being prepiireil lodny
r'"'l. f. ii, ,.,,i,i nf tint inse recently
for Hie npp.'lil of the nisi
- . tred butiire Judge Cuke In thl city.
i:Klc. (.ii ifl. I,', whlrh It wiih sought to Nit'iire u
tli i A,,U' "f "'" ,,"s,,'', of'tl'l restrulnllig order to iiretenl H rec
nf it n,,hl l""1, f"r",l,, iirc'l'lanro lion "f tl" rourl houco In lh locality
"( lie sllter tup Hm flril ir1( (r deslgnnted. It I .'X'rt.''l Hint the
' , l"" "" l the re.ent Fourth of brief will be llle.1 tery hoiiii. nml l I
J"'; fi'lliriii AdilresscH werede- probable Hint the argument will be
""el liy,.,ril , ,,, ..,riHi.. ,,x. mil( n, Kupri'ino court .Muinliiy.
'"Hint tin. wrk of tlii.H.. who hml ile.i Whiit pltect, If nil), llm nppenl In
W'I ami prepnrui the mnsNlvo llm Hiipreiim nmrl lll Iiuvk on tlm
KM liurse Hunt, ,! roinpllnmntn'l (onstriiillnu work I n iiietlim.
" llflmlrl. nnd tin. Hitln Cryitnl, There I now iitnllublo fur llm niri)-
"b'IIuhiii glru vtlioiitiiniorlml'liiK nit of tlm work iibuul 73,000.
"'iiMlws sn ,. ,), ,0 aur-'TIm linlniico It I exported lo nilso by
' Ino pnrndi. . ,IP !,, f H riiuit Iiiiiisp miunro.
Turks Drive Foes
From Dardanelles
. . ..... . ..u al,.. jm. .!.. ,! ll... fiivHtn.
. l.l.i IIIII.IN ...r ..... r... ...................... -.. ... ,.,..,-. ,.,. .. ....JOV ll
.,p h. Hat.-. Publisher l'..rl..c)T.m.r.g1.t.unpr..j.... ...:...g... a bath, ns some of our party
Northwest. Dr. i I' (Mo. president ley .,d. h.M,p,.or country wn told of, T Jupt M
of the I'lrM Hunk of .l. nnd In conrlusl.,.. tlm hope w -"Hh, oemollol of oW 0enorn, KrtJ.
ud director of tlm lloiidlMniiiiorcliil pr.'SM'd of eenrliiB thn location of. a., ..n . .. ,, ,,..
u Club: J i: Hnwhlll. eerelr 'f Hit' H"' tormlnu of tho California IiIkH-I , ,.
Centrnl Oregon llote oiiuieiit l.t'iiguo, wny on hip iviainniit eoiiniy line, no , ,
. IT r. ly nf ll. Irnfflo .If.mri. llml the tourist routs could bo Tffwr tolling of ...olr P easnut ex
m nt nf tlm Oregnn Klclrlo. continued through IM.tern Orognn. IPorlences on tho excellent roads .of
, , mm nr of the imrl ' Clwuinmi was Introduced a. this .ecllon. he said he ell like
? l'l nnmni. with.,.,, uueuo. tho .i.e., who had the nerve
. n ' ' ?r,u Z f .mJ. I in". "lI'H"' lnm.T liillmalo.1 thai II o tncklo nnd carry ... fur forward
V llsliln. fn Jl l" Miiy woultl ho well to ox,,!,,!,, Home of thu the building of such tost .(retell, of
nrrltn heu thl otoiilim. lu thl" IMil) ..,..,,, Knod roads ns he hi,.! nlre.idy wit
uro .:. Frank, mad oolnoor...u ...,; " " - ' HH ml ' "rn
milker of tno I'.iriiiin.i a.hoiho.....' ' ." "- .'
Club: II. It. (llonii. of the Auto Chlniiiiiiiu without u niicue." replied
Ms n1,N'nN0,,''K' '""V -"
lliillun torpedo boms tried to
tl'T' ,mul"' " morning. Thoy
.l,r,i U'," 1,uek ,,y " Turkluli
w ' w r;"rl tlat two off llw bonUi
l' mink nn.i ii.. ... . . I
Tho cniiiioun.llng Htnrte.l Hliuultiuio
ously on thu i:uiopenii nnd ABlntln
shnroii. Thu llotlllu llml townrd tlm
Ackouii oil.
Mm. IM Hnvt I Horlously III nt
8iil ami (ho othors ilaningtd.'lior liomu on Kliinmtli ntuiiuo.
... . . ... ...... ... Ml.. ......... ..A ..... .....A
Clllb, nild I). I:. I IlirK, lltesioCK ligeiu .r. i iiiiiniuiii, m ......ii... .... .. ....v.
nr tlm O W R N. Co. I'ollonn Is located ul Klnmnth Falls
A .linen or jui.rn of tho rlil, of lluriis." He stated tlmt
worn u. tlm hotel ... greet tlm party tlm party . select tig all. uitomobllo
iil(.r ..nltnl. .....I llm- Iuirc.I mill- "'" "'"" i:in Oregon, nnd
P I, K .Inc.. tlm opoulng of llm Wltllo thnt llm n.P oa show not only
', enn liot.'l ..(tended tlm l.nnU..I '"" '"'"": " '; ' .
honor of tlm dlstl.iguUho.l imrl. nlsu tlm ncconimndntlons and lack of
"hi I, Iiokhi. nlioul 7 oVIock. ..cconin.o.lnt Ion. lonB He I onto. For
, ,1 opening reniiirks. It. II. Duil '"' lU lh n;,r"8 t
br who omcm..'d n. lo.tnm.lrr.;finWy ' t'o Penple what would
unit "ii" . l. wicitiditpi If thm nYiwu'tiMl tn nt.
lnte.1 Hint Hm Presont party was h "'.-" w ' --""-
ihn ilrst I'lithlludorH who mil trav "' " " ...--
, long, Khiinnth county, ns tlon. Ono of tho hoi. men shoulder.
muy 'irs'g.KlonoralFroi.u.nt.n.e ed nl of tho friendly criticism on
1 ,.i i,n...inr erossed through i mself nnd loft tho mooting. Ho re-
"mT. ,'" " "' . .V . . , I 1 2 I marked Inter that If "that Chinaman
l II.IIII..II i.nui.j .. .." .
............. . n..m.n ,,..AM A,t.1.. tinL ...
.... i.l,. MVIlll.lIll 1. .(IIUIIU .. .....II' UUVR .."
""'Sl't ,...,.,.....,,. ; won. eut off l,U ears."
guests from I'orlliuul nnd Contrnl Or-1 Mr. Chiipninn loniplliuentod Klnm
pkoii. John Irwin outltimd thu vnst ex. nth Full for Its flno hotel, and Bald:
... .. .., hi rnl pAnnlrnlniiil tn mv Hint thn
tent of Kininuiii couuij ....'i v, . .v. v-..- .. ,
"With your lakes and timber clad
mountains, )our unparalleled seen
eiy nnd tnlloy after tulloy of rich
lnn.L. wo will nil lite to soo a real
metropolitan city In Southern Ore
gon. I want to have tlm pleasure of
congratulating Klnmnth county upon
Its county court and tho progressive
spirit It has displayed. When your
visitors enter your city on these won
derful pntements thoy know they are
In it real city. It Is n great sensation
after trayollug for das over oven
the best of county roads. In tho
building of your county roads you uro
sotting nu oxnmplo Hint other conn
ties of tho state enn well afford to
Mr. Chnpmim said trirxt ho hml tho
names of 300 men who may go from
tho north to l.nkovlow tn August, and
while he did not expect that all would
(Continued on Page 4)
With the buildings already about
(f.uipli'U'd ami under construction,
and the new buildings contcniplntcd.
Including the new court house, build
street: this slx'y.flvo feet frontage to "K Bctlvlty In Klamath Falls will b
run through the block to Klamath 'rather brisk for the remainder of tho
nvemie. con.
"1 will pay you the sum of eighteen' Tour new ilreproof buildings hnrc
thousand, seven hundred and fifty nlniidy been completed this season.
(118.750.00) dollars, taking delivery 'Tnc Ileldy building, which Is to be oc
of said property when you can turn uiPli'd by the telephone cempany: tho
nine oter to hip free and clear of alt Ofienbacher building: the E.'ani
Incumbrances, except street Improtc I building nnd the Slough building.
:nents not et due: provided that twol in course of construction there now
Installments on tho street Improve- ore storo buildings by I). A. I.amb, C.
inents snnll have been paid, nnd thnt' I". Ullcy.Crl.ler & Stilts, (1. W.White.
nil building shall be removed fromHir.o stores, nnii mo sieihaso notoi
the property. Respectfully submitted, t ttore building. In prospect for
"8. O. JOHNSON, f'.rly construction nro tho court hoiisa
"W. I'. JOHNSON." nml the Jordon buildings.
Tho announcement of the starting
of work on the court house was ae- Attorney C. M. Onelll nnd Mrs.
compnn.ed by n stntcmont from the Onelll are the latest victims lu this
member of thn county court. In this 'city to get the chug-chug vagon fovcr,
the Intention of employing only home they liavlug within tho past fow days
Inbor. as far as possible, Is signified, 'purchased a two-seated Ford. At prea
A registration bureau will bo opened 'ent they have a chauffeur, but both
nnd, beforo employment, each appll Mr. nud Mrs. Onelll Intend to operato
emit will be investigated so that there i the niachlno themselves, and are un
will bo less opportunity for any wor- dergolng a course of tuition with that
thy person being overlooked. end lu view.
New York Police
Tremble in Boots
(lulled Presa Service
NEW YORK, July 19. An uncon
Armed report Is current hero that tho
gamblers have made a complete con
fession to District Attorney Whitman
concerning the gambling situation.
Constornatton prevails nt pollca
RoseTBTinptro and I.ibby aru still lu
the Tombs. Shnplro and I.lbby arc
I anxious to confess, lu hopes of get-
No names have been revealed In this 'ting Immunity, Whitman has so far
connection! 'refused to make any promises.