The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 18, 1912, Image 3

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lotil Ht.itwgo All Time
l In' Hilr' Mai art
i'r tour HiMitUy Dinner
,t rl.U'M.MIK.
All llirw itl Mi""' "lli
this '"' '''A' ''"l'lr THI' "'
1)11. (). A. HAMIIO,
All WnrlflunrniitiMf,
Villi I' DHOWS IIUIHllllg.
Itooiii 210.
I'liiint 020,
Our linn Ham Hnii.
. K'xxi lumen nam
Mini miftmlf
for Minltllitir.
Ik lrlr.
Uuulh Falls Meat O.
Oprnulni K'l r.'ail. Haira' "il
Ha-.liurt Market
ItMwrii nm. liiTI, WIT.
Abaiarla. Inaiiraiiir
Mniiihe Oregon AiUt!on
Tllln Men
If you want your (u(T mo veil
nml moved quick. gt Hnmaby's
Eipreaa In ilo tt Corner flvYotilli
nml Malll afreets, Plioan IIIH
Call up COMHTOCK, E9G, If
ymi want any kind of HELP.
Ileglafnr at Hie COMHTOCK If
yuu want employment.
i (,!! to the conservative wan
tucainf II offers a tangible baals
upon alilch to reckon. Taka
lumber, lor Instant, ami you
an irn ntlitvnro on all aide
br houies Hint wore built of
ood lino outlasted a genera
tion, and am today (If tiny
hit Un given proper care)
at good at now Wood hn
HooJ tbe teal, and be UllllMd
today i economically aa any
other msUrlal, considered from
ill Hn appearance, dura
lllll) and heallhfulneM. In III
lit )eu have precedent to go
by What other have don
ftlttt It ou ran do, and the lura
Wr hmidln lhM dayi I the
t'tod'Ut of 11 best "iiuallty"
nllli 'c lit I'nllMl States, It'a
tilsasuratlyaUow tt well aa
Is talk Iti various uses, and w
ar at your service from 7 to 6
dally Come In
Maaavura and ClilropoJIal
Cure rorna, bunlona and In
a tn ln toenails. Mma, Tlmmi
stop hair from falllne out In
Ova treatments, and a perme
limit curator dandruff, (lira ui
a call
V... UI7 Klamath Ave.
property, liaroliiiiftor described, of
itlil limine person, for Urn purposes
therein act forlli,
II l, therefore, nidi-rid lliul you,
Mini mli of yon, nml nil other per
oil" If imy there In-, ttlm are lnlr
nalid In nil 10 rtntii, iiii(mr before I lie
aiilil county roiirt on the S7tti dny of
July, I ll 2. nt 10 o'clock ii. in of that
dny, til the courl room of anld roiirt,
In Kliitniitli Kii I In, In ntil lomity nm)
stale, lo iliow cauan, If nny, why nil
order ahotilil not bo granted to the
anld Kiinnllnli to anil nil Id rrnt prop
nrly, mid that n ropy of thla ordir tin
rvcil on nil of aald linlra within anld
atalc, and lm piilttlnlirxt for n period of
four alircryt) ftrrka In tlia CrrnlnK
llnrnld, n dnlly nnwapnpor, of nenernl
rlrculatliiti, printed nml puhllahed In
Ktnmnth Knlla, Ktniuntli County, Or
Kou Thn renl property linrelnlieforn rec
firreil to la partlrutarly dcarrllieil na
followa, tn-wlt
Tim HK", of Hectlon fl, Townahlp
II, 8. II. ft, IC V M, In Klnmath
County, OrRon.
Dnteil thla 27th day of June, 1912
2ftri.2.i.2l Ii County Judge
Notlro of HIirrlrTa Halt
In Ui Circuit Court of the Htala of
Oraion, for Klamath County
Myra V UIoukIi, I'lalntlff,
Mario I. Olrrord and Albert J Hock.
Ins, tafndanta.
Nollre la hereby Riven Hint, by vlr
tue of un piecutlon nml order of aalo,
(duly laauiHl out of Hip nboc entitled
.. H1..I ....A. .... .1... l. .I.M ..
vi'.ii. H.i.. t.iinj trii iiiv . .ill tin hi
lilrjlioat bidder, for rnih, all tlm right,
llllo mid Intercut of thn rihove namnd
ilefnndanla In and lo tho followInK dc
airlbed renl property lo-wlt:
The, i:vi of NK'A i HW'M "f NB
i, ii ml NW'.J of JHJ, j all In hV-
Hon 20, Tp. 39, B. II 0, K. W. M ,
In Ktnmnth County, Orogon,
or no much thereof na may bn necr-
nry to antlafy aald execution.
The proceed of aald anlo will hi
applied In tho Kntlafactlon of anld elo
cution and docreo Including U'lnclpnl
aum, with Intoreal thereen: Wxm,
pnnnltlea mid Intereat, with Interest
thereon; charge on ncrount of Irrl
gntlon, with Intereat I hereon; nttor
neya fee; coata and dlaburaomenta,
mid nccrtilng coata, nil na nfnreaatd,
nnd tho ovnrplua, If any there ho, will
bn paid Into aald court to bn furtlii.r
npplled na by law directed.
Dnl.d thla 12th dny of July, I 'J I J
W. II. HAIINKH, flberlff.
Ily Oi;0. W. HATDON, Peputy.
l2.'J-:.2-9 h
acrlbed land, and tbat the dafendanta
mid all other persona be forerer en
Jellied nnd debarred of niaertlng any
rliilm whatnvor In or to aald land or
icemlaca adveran to thla plaintiff, nnd
for aurli other and further relief aa
to tho roiirt mny aeem meet In tho
Thla itirnmona la puhllahed curau
nut to on order of the Honorable
Henry 1.. enaon, Judge of tbe Circuit
Courl of the State of Oregon, for
Klamath County, made on July I,
1912, nnd for the first publication
thereof la made In the Klamath Ite-
publlean on July 4, 1912.
Attorneya for Plaintiff
tbu Circuit Court of tho State of
Orexoii, for Klamath County.
J V. Jury nnd I). II. Illiedorf, 1'laln
(leorgo W. Ilrown; Hiram If. Kolsotn;
I'erl i:. Allen; I'rlco Allen;
Clmrlc. M. IleckMlth- Catborlno
It. Iirtkwlth; Krank 0. Millar;
Klnmath Cnnal Company, a Cm
poratlon; Alao all other pen.ins
or partlea unknown, claiming
nny Itlght, Title, lUtate, l.len or
Intureat In the Ileal Katato l
acrlbed In the Coi plaint.
lJutie. 1912. upon a decree made nnd !To (,,"'f W. Ilrown. Illrnm II. Fol
' ."JJ'J-Ml. U . !L
MITICK I'Olt rillll.lCATIO.V
entered of record In aald court on the
Kill day of June, 1912, In favor of,
the above-limned plaintiff, directing ,
Hip sntu of Hip prvtullea therein nnd
hereinafter deticrlbed, to antlafy the )
sum of f 1,000, with Intereat thereon at,
the rale of ft per rent par annum alnco i
Oi tolirr 29, 1909, thn further sum of i
11.000. with Interest thereon, nt the
.oiii, I'erl K. Allen, Price Allen:
Charlea M. fleckwlth, Catherine
It. Ileckwlth; Praak 0. sillier:
Klauiath Canal Company, a Cor
porntlon; Alao all other peranni
or imrtles unknown, claiming
nny Itlght, Title, Katnte, Men or
Intereat In tho Ileal Katato do
scribed In the Complaint.
rat., of ft per cent per annum slncn '" "' Nm" of h B"" "' Oregen:
llorember M. I08. the further sum U)" n1"' 0,,ch t you are hereby
IHpsrtmeut of the Interior. Unltedlof $1,000, with Interest thereon at aummoneu to appear ana nnsaer tlie
States lind OOlco at IjikeTlew.'tlie rata of S per rent per nnnum
Irnmplalnt filed In the nboro entitle!
(Not Coal Unds)
Department of the Interior, United
States f.and OOlco at LakeTlew,
Oregon, May 23, 1912.
Notice Is hereby glren tbat Albert
Mark, whose postofflce address la
Olene, Oregon, did, on tbe tb day
of November, 1911, Olo In thla office
sworn statement and application No.
0C131. to purchase the NKU 8EK.
Section 31, Township 19 8., Range
II H K.i Willamette Meridian, and
tho limber tboreon, under the pro
visions of the act of June 3, 1878,
and acta amendatory, known aa tbe
Timber and Btone," at such
value as might be filed by appraise
ment, and that, pursuant to such an
illcatlon, tbe land and timber thereon
have been appraised at a total of
100, the timber estimated at 140,000
board feet, nt CO cents per M., and
tho land at 130; that aald applicant
Mill offer final proof In support of bl
application and aworn statement on
tho 27th day of July, 1912, before C.
R. I)e Iap, county clerk of Klamath
County, at Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Any person Is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or Initiate
a contest at nnr time bofore patent
lisues, by filing a corroborated affi
davit In thla office, alleging fact
which would defeat entry.
R-3072C r Register.
Herald Want Ads
Wo hato aeyne ery dralratile eth
itrcet propert)faT sale Stephen
Hunter ftealty cV.
Fresh H-lnch alab wood at I2.KJ
per cord load la the best bur yon
ever made. Order early; don't wait
O. PBYTON. "tha wood ian." Phono
173. X 7-l-tf
Anyone aavlng land for al win
do well to lead full description, price
and terms to L. Jacob, rood 411,
hallway Kicnang building, Portland,
Oregon. 17-tf
HAV FOR 8AI.B Uave orders at,
K. K. K. Store. J. A. Houaton. lOtf '
WANTED Olrl for general houae
work, f 30 per month. Phono 1ST.
Parcel Delivery
Phone 1701
FOR BALK Seven 28x8 doors, AA CHICKS $8 per 100, shipped
1.000 feet 1x12. 9 feet Ions-. 400 anywbore; 33 varieties thorough-
feet 1x4 scantlings. Call at 117 Malnl,irftd nltie, ducks and eggs; fret
street nnd save money. . circular, ingieeioe Hatebecr. 107
Mt. vernon avj . San Fraaclaeo. CM.
l-j e-i-s-i
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room.
with batb, for ono or two gentle
men. 1113 Main street 3tf
FOR RENT Double house, com
pletely furnished for housekeeping,
suitable for two families. Inquire at
Horald office. 1-tf
NICELY furnished rooma at the Ore
gon House, Hlgth and Klamath
Tempm tueatei, Kttlurr oall l..t
p. m. Kvenlng, first performsnr
' IB, eonttonnns.
LOST Drown mute, weight l.llt);
brand figure 3 on left shonlfer,
notch In right ear. f 10 reward. C.
'J. WlUon, PaUley. 1HI
Oregon, May 31, 1913
Notice la hereby given that Rose
V Carter, whoan poatorflre addreaa Ii
Klamath Falla, Oregon, did on Ilia
33d day n( December.1911, file In this
office sworn statement and applica
tion No. 0&323, to purchase tho
NWU HWU, Section 33, lown,rieinlaet
since December It. 1909. the sum oti""" w,,,ln ,ljt WV ' n
1300. attorneya fen, and for the aum ."Mlcallon of this summons In tbe
ot I3S00. coata nnd llsbiirtjini-nta.l,:,,,m,ltU 'PuWIcan newspaper,
nnd accruing coata I An'1 " w' " "
Vow. therefore, by virtue of aldl'",u fn" ,0 nl'l'Mr answer or
everiillon. nnd In compliance wu, ntTlo plead ulthlntald time, tho
mid wilt. I hnvp duly levied on said .'InlllT for want thereof will apply
mid will un Tliuradny, the
"There'. Xn Placr Mkn Hnliip"
SivMfre Bros. Lumber Co
Phone 1341
6th St. at S. P. track
tySMWeod , UCi
u tt " 4ft $.3 Ci
Llifc and Body wm4
M, liin I2ii
Leave orders at
O.K. Transfer Co. lor
Cor. 6 and Mala
Pfcsns 8;T
Oregon Harness Co.
Pfaone 174
P. C. Carlson
Famous 'Colorlte' Metal'
JT-. a' .-w-.rwjv 4v M ".TV
Afoul popular Utcnull
OtHtnl Bltctrlc Dtvlcct
Sttetrlc UtmonitrMtlon
Wk River Electric Co.
a and Main Phoaaiam
ship 37 south, range 9 rait, Willam
ette Meridian, and the timber thereon
under the provisions of the art of
Juno 3, I 7K, and acta amendatory,
known as thn "Timber and Stone
j," at surh value aa might be fixed
by nppralieineut, and that, pursuant
in such application, the land and tlm
uer thereon have been appraised at a
total of lltO, the timber eatlmated at
140,000 hoard fret at II 00 per
lt and the land at 120.00; that
aald applicant will offer final proof In
support of bla application and sworn
statement on Ilia 12th day 'of August,
1913, bsforo C. It Delap, county
clerk of Klnmulh county., nt Klamath
Falla, Oregon
1Mb day of July, 1912, at 10 o'clock
a til of that day, at thn front door of
the county court home of said county,
In Ktamnth Falla, Ortgon, sell, at
public auction, to thn lilgheat bidder,
for raah, alt Hip right, HHe and Inter
eat of the abnve.nnmed defendants,
Not Ire ..f Hlc ot Ileal Property by
In the County Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
In the Matter of tbe Estate of Roy I.
Kllgore, Deceased.
Notice Is heroby given that, In pur
suance ot an order of the above en
titled court, made In the above en
titled matter, on the 12th day ot
June, 1912, the undersigned, as ad
inlnlatratrtx, will sell the premises
hereinafter described, at private sale.
to tbe highest bidder, such sale to be
mado for cash, provided I am offered
over $4,000 for said property, otLer
wlae I shall sell tbe sarao to tbe estate
of 8. W. Kllgore. deceased, for the
" "!-. .j ---... ... .-
II. H It. . It. W M. In Klamath ""'Ron. nna uecianng mo piainuneuum of 14.000.00. tho amount of In
county, Oregon. ,0 ' lno nf '" ' almple of tlie,teModnws due the latter estate by
Or ao much thereof ns may be ni-rre M,(1 ''""'bed lands, and that tho de-Hio estate of Roy I. Kllgore, de
aary to aatlafy said nierutloti fendonta and all other persons be for- ceased; said tale to be made on or
The proceeds of said sale will be rT enjoined and debarred of assert, after tho 26th day of July, 1912, at
nimllsd In tho stlsfsctlnn of a aid ex- ,n on "aim wnaisver in or 10 saia my resldenco In the town of llonnnra,
leciitlon. order nnd decree. Includlns',l,n'u nr I'"""''" adverse to this Onmath County, Oregon, subject only
An ...r.nn i. i iii.rtv m t.mie.i inrlncloal sums. Interest, coata and dla.l"n"",n nrm ,or ,ucn '"r Rna ,ur- to tho confirmation of such sale, as
Mil purrbaae before entry, or Initial. ,buraemen!e, attorneys' fees, and nr-",cr rc,lef n "10 Court ro" law provided.
jsBur your Wood XT'tael
You caa have tbe dealetti uiargta If j talk to sae before atac
Ing yoar orders. It'a what jntu save that asakce vom rich, sjet what
you mul.KAtt me talk ( you itioae 78A
W. G. BAITS Ewauna Lunber Co.'i Office
to the abovo entitled court for the re
I'rt demanded In th complaint flleU
In xald suit, to-wlt:
For decree determining alt adverse
claims ot tho defendants or any other
party or parties In or to the W'.i at
NKV; of Sec. 31, Twp. 39 8., It. 9. E.
W M. and the SKK of NWU of Sec.
and each of thm. In and to the fol-'5' nnd ho N'K NEU of Sec. 6.
I.l.,r .l..rrlt..l r..t nrnnerl. In. Twp. 40 8., It. 9. K. W. M. Also the
'NWi; of NW; of Bee. 8, Twp. 40, 8.
ThertWU of Section 12, Township, 9' K- w- ln K.nth County.
. .. - .. . ... .. On.rnn nnrl iu1tnm .l.n i.lalnltea
a mutest nt any limn before patent
lisues, by filing a corroborated am
latlt la this efflce, alleging facta
wblch would defeat entry.
6-7-8-9 h Register.
Notice of Hate by Referee
lit the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
ItOilua tlurkherdt, Marls Jalscr and
Karl Wrckert, Plaintiffs,
Fred Weckort, Defendant.
Notice Is hereby given that, In pur
sumire of a decree, mndn mid entered
In tho nbove entitled courl nnd cause,
on thn 34th dny nt June, 1911, the
undersigned, as referee, will sell tbe
premises hereinafter described, at
public miction, to tho highest bidder,
for ensh, sucll sale to bo madu nt 10
o'clock n. in., on Tuesday, the 23d
do)- of July, 1912, nt tho front door
of Hip court lioiuo of said court, In
Klnmntli Fulls, Klamnth county, Ore
Tho property to lm sold being par
ticularly described as follows, to-wlt:
The BEU of NI.U and thn NKU
of RKU of See. 4; the 8WU of NW
,nd tho NWU of HW W of Sec. 3, all
In Township 37. 8, II. 9, K. V. M
In Klnmntli county, Oregon.
Dnted this 24th dny ot Juno, 1911.
(1. A KRAU8K,
H-l.X-iri.22 Ii Referee,
Oiiler to Hhow Cause
I till I air-hi final, mt. ii i nr j -!, huh hi -
rrulns coata. end thn uvsrnlua. If anr""'cl ln '", Premise.
there be. will be paid Into ssld court. "" u'nions is puousnrc pursu
in h. further .nnll.d. ns hv law dlinl n rder of the Honorable
tmrl.A III I., llenson. Jui.p) ot tbe Clr-i
cult court or mr btate ot uregon lor
Klamath County, made on June 3Stb,
1913, and tho first publication thereof
Is made In thn Klamath Republican
on July 4, 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
74818 r
Dated this 18th day ut June, 1912.
W. II. 1IARNES, Sheriff.
Notice of Sheriff's Kale
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Klamath County,
(leorge U. Morey, Plaintiff,
II, I., flrecr and Sara II. Clreer, Ills
Wife, Defendants.
N'nlleu Is hnrnbr clvon that, by vlr-
I io of nn order of sale and execution. I
In tho Circuit Court of the 8tato of
Oregon, for Klnmath County.
I.'nrl K. Walker, Plaintiff,
duly lasued out of the nbove entltloil Dmilel J. Walker: the Unknown I
court and cnuio on tho 13th dy of
July, 1913, upon a decreo, made and
entered of record In aald court nnd
cause on tho 12th day ot July, 1912
In 'nvor of tho abovo nnmed plaintiff.!
illieclInK tho aalo of thn real property
tlu.rolti, nnd hereinafter described, or
pa I'liirh thereof ns may bo necossarr
to Mitlsfy the follewing: Tbe princi
pal sum ot (3,000.00, with Intereat
thereon, at the rate of 7 per cent per
ntmum alnco November 17, 1910; tho
sum of $206,28, tnxre, Including pen
alt lea nnd Interest, levied against said
property for tho yeara 1900, 1910 and
1911, with Interest thereon, nt tho
rule of (I per rent per annum, alnco
April 27, 1912; tho sum nf $1,219.00,
imnoHsmeiits nnd chnrgoa levied
against anld property by tho Klnmntli
Wnter Users' Association, nnd tho
In tho County Court of tho State of j United Stntes ot America, during tho
Oregon, for Klmimth County
Ii. tho Matter nf the Estate and Qunr-
illuuahlp or Edwin Lawrence
Nowlmnkx, nn Insane Person.
To N. II. Nuwbunks, Hello Nawbanks,
Gertrude I.. Walla nnd James R.
Nowbnnks, noxt of kin of said
Krtwln Lawrence Newbank.
You, and each ot you, are hereby
notified that N. II. Newbanki, aa
guardian of tho person and estate ot
aid rid win I.nwrenco Newbanks, an
liuann person, did, on the 37th day
of June, 1911, file u petition In said
court, praying for nn order of snlo, at
private sole, for cash, of tbe real
)ciuh 1910, mil nmi idiz. on ac
count of Irrigation of said land, with
Interest thereon, nt tho rato of per
rent per annum alnco May 1, 1912;
thn aum of $500,00, ntlorneya' fee,
nnd for $42,00, costs and disburse
mania of ault, and accruing coat.
Now, therefore, by virtue of aald
execution and order of sale and In
compliance with aald writ. I have duly
levied on (aid real property, ana win,
on Saturday, the 10th day of August,
1912, nt 10 o'clock a. m. ot such day,
at the front door ot the court house
of aald court, In Klamath Falla, Ore
gon, tell, nt public auction,, to the
llclra of Daniel J. Walker; tho
Unknown Heirs of John D. Wal
ker; Also all other Persons or
Parties Unknown Claiming any
Right, Title, Estate, Lien or In
terest In tho Ileal Estate de
scribed In tho Complaint herein.
To Daniel J. Walker; tho Unknown
llclra of Daniel J. Walker; the
Unknown Heirs ot John D. Wal
ker; Also all other Persona o
Partlea Unknown Claiming uny
Right, Tltlo, Estate, Lien or In
terest In tho Heal Estate de
scribed In tho Complaint herein.
In tho Nnme of the State of Oregen:
You nml each of you are heroby
summoned to appear and answer tho
complaint filed In tho abovo entitled
suit within six weeks after tho first
publication ot this summons In the
Klamnth Republican newspaper.
And you will take notice that If
you fall to appear and answer, or
otherwise pload within aald time, the
plaintiff for want thereof wilt apply
to tho nbovo entitled court for the re
lief demanded In his complaint filed
In said suit, to-wlt: '
For decree determining all advene
claims of the dafendanta or any other
party or partlea In or to the east half
of Section 18, In Townahlp 80 South,
limine 14 East of the Willamette Me
ridian, In Klamath County .Oregon,
and declaring the plaintiff to ba the
owner In' fee simple of the aald de-
Tho property hereinbefore referred
to I particularly described as -follows,
An undivided one-third Interest Id
and to all of block 101 of Rowne ad
dition to tho town of Donanxa, In
Klamath County, Oregon, according
to the plat of said addition duly re
corded In the office of the clerk of
said county;
Together with the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenance
thereunto belonging or In anywise
appertaining to said land, Including
furniture, fixture and Iron safe In
tbe building upon said premlaea.
Dnted this 2Cth day of June, 1913.
Administratrix or aald Estate.
fl-27-7-15 r
ft, When thing begin to look
&0bdark. see Dr. Hermann at
once, lie kuov what you need. Up
-date OptlcnrrWlors at Pelley'a.
PASTURE at the "8!sters" farm for
horses; 320 acres good pasture;
plenty ot water; 3 mllea from Ktaa-
nth Falls on Midland road; $1.50 a
month. Joe Duermann. 9-4t
On Ing to the scarcity and high
prlco of livestock, and to tho fact that
wo have to purchase and feed stock as
much ns threo months In advanco to
bo sure of a p'lpply. and to tru further
fart that wo have to-pay spot cash at
tho time ot purchase for nil stock, wo
find It absolutely necessary to soil
meats for cash only on nnd after
August 1, 1912.
Hoping our many patrons will ap
predate our poaltlon In thla matter,
and thanking you for put patronag),
hoping for n continuation of the aam
under the new 'order ot business, we
remain, your..
N. D. All outstanding accounts
not settled "by August 10th .will bo
placed for collection. K. P. II. Co.
That bvyi notes, wurraiti aid ortjaajes
Tbat aclla Insurance, Bonds, taptoyera UaWl
lty and Plate Glaaa Insaxaace
On easy terms an 8-room home, modern, steam-heated, good loca
tion on Sixth street, part cash, balance can be paid la seven
yeara; small monthly payments.
$2,500 A good realdenco lot In Hot Springs Addition; I1S0 dowa;
balance $40 per month.
$ SCO A good lot facing two atnajta, sxaall houae; 1100 dewn: bal
ance $20 per month. BBjMr
$900 Three good loU In Mill Addition; partly Improved;
IC.000 Takea 190 acrea of land near Merrill; $500 caah; balance In
""""" . . , imwitWgWi.jgiiMtttif
J. W. R08S CO.
640 Mala Street naauUi Falla
This is the Bank
nr HAT FULLY meets the demand of
1 the business man for an established
conservative banking house devoted ex
clusively to banking business. Hake It
your bank.
Vacation Time is at Hand
The Sot tli earn
BetftanliiiJ May 3rd
Hound Trip Pares from Klamath FalU to Few PMnt. n follewa:
MEMPHI8 97S.00
MONTREAL, Quebec tllfl.00
NEW ORLEANS , -HiL... . $7S.OO
IN KW YORK eeavjf
PORTLAND. Maine ..
Rates to nil other principal points cortersy
optional, except that one way vi Pettis.
mentioned fares.
Llmlts--lola&ts4aiJjstjssjBMjBjBM return
I lm t October ).kl-aMMajBBaaBBBlBmaaT' ...
: especially reduce t vou
;.icr ...
Creiit, Klamath Falls "
r write to
D. F. and P. A., 801 K St., Sacramento, Cal.