B !! van Standing of Contestants in Automobile Contest July 15. Second Bulletin No. 1. 3. S. 9.. 11.. IS.. 16.. 17.. 19.. II.. IS.. 2E.. 27.. 39.. 31.. 33.. 35.. 87.. Votes 7,500 30,800 3,000 3,000 3,000 6,140 10,740 3,000 6,500 3,000 10,430 3,000 13,720 2,000 3,000 3,000 3.000 2,000 3,000 No. 2.. 4.. 10., 12., 14., 16.. IS.. 20.. 22.. 24.. 26.. 28.. 30.. 32.. 34.. 36.. 38.. Votes 3,000 4,170 7,350 3,000 2,000 2,000 21,390 2,000 2,000 2,000 9,360 2,000 2,000 2,000 9,890 2,000 16,740 46,475 2,000 No. 39., 41., 43., 45., 47.. 49.. 51.. 53.. 56.. 57.. 59.. 61.. 63.. 65. 67.. 69.. 71.. 73.. 75.. Votwi 16,690 13,340 2,000 5,445 2,000 15,730 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 No. 40... 42..., 44..., 46.... 48.... 50.... 52.... 64.... 56.... 68.... 60.... 62.... 64.... 66.... 68,... 70.... 72.... 74 76.... Votes 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 8,540 2,000 2,000 2,000 29,420 77,930 2,000 2,000 2,000 No. Votes 77.. 2,000 79.... 2,000 81.... 6,200 83.... 2,000 85. ,, 18,210 87.... 2,000 89.... 2,000 91 2,000 93.... 2,000 95.... 2,000 !7 2.000 99.... 16.745 101.... 2,000 103 12. 00 106 2,000 7 2,000 109 . . 2,000 111 ... 2,000 113.... 2,000 No. 78... 80... 82... 84.. 86,. 88... 90 .. 92... 94 .. 96... 98... 100.. 102 . 104... 106... 108... 110 .. 112... 114... Votes 2,000 63,760 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 46,470 2,000 No. 117 111) 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135.. 137., 1.19 141 143 146. 147. 149 . 151.. 153., Votes 2,000 3,0011 IJ.7n 3 1. or.:, 2.0 00 2,000 2.000 2.000 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,(10(1 2,00(1 2.000 3.000 2,000 2,000 2.000 2,000 No 111 120 132.. 124.. 126... 128 . 130.. 132 . 134. . 136. 138.. 140 .. 142.. 141 146 MS 160 163 164.. Sptxial bonna of 10,000 Votes given with every suit lold reduction of one-fourth off. '4 until August lit. Take advantage Votes 3,000 3,000 2,000 8,620 10,73d 2,000 2,0110 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,00(1 2,00(1 76,470 2,01 2,000 3,000 2.000 2,000 2,000 Vi 166 157 U,'i 10 1 163 106. 107 109 171 173 175, 177. 179. IM ts.i, IsS 11.1 l7 Voles 2.01HI 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 2,00(1 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 Nit I Art I6N. 160. 163 164. 16(1. Hilt. 170. 172. 174. 176. 178 180. 182. 184 I Sit. 116 ISH 190 Voles N" Votes No. Vm 3,000 191 . 3.000 192 2,uoo 3,000 193. 2,000 194 2,000 3.000 196 . 2.000 I9. 3,000 3,01)0 197. 2.000 I UN. a.uiio 3,00(1 199. .. 2,000 300 J.ouo 3,000 301 3,000 303 3,000 3,000 303. 3,000 204 . 3,000 80,900 306 . 2,000 206 3 000 2,000 307. 3,000 208 3.000 2.0QU 209 2,000 310 IH.750 3,000 311 .. 34,700 313 3,000 3,000 3U. .. 3,000 314 48,2(0 3,000 316 . 7,366 210 3,000 3,000 317 .. 13,000 318 36,716 3,000 -j9 . 3,(1111) 330 r, in 3,000 3,000 3 .00 O 2.000 All lummcr sulta on aale at K. K. K. STORE Leading Clothiers CATHOLIC FREEDOM IS MUGHGREATER HERE Pope Will Issue Remarkable Docu ment In Commemoration of Con. sUatlse's Victory He Hoosts the United States United Press Serrlce ROME, July 17. In a remarkablo document about to be Issued by Pope "Plus X, world-wide recognition will be given by the supremo pontiff ot tie Catholic church to the United States as the country of the greatest religious freedom of today. It was learned today that the pope la now preparing an encyclical letter to go to srery bishop and archbishop In the world, which will be one of the moat notable documents ot his en tire pontificate. It will be Issued In celebration of the 1,600th anniver sary of Constantino's victory for the Christian religion over the pagan force of Maxentlus, which occurred October 12, 312 A. D. In view of the fact that this victory mad the Catholic religion the official state religion. Pope Plus, It Is said, will present In the letter a review ot the present relations that sxlst be tween the Catholic church and most of the Important governments of the world. The remarkable feature, It Is declared, will be the pope's declara tion that the Catholic church today enjoys greater freedom and advant ages in the countries that are admit- edly Protestant than It docs In those that rank aa Catholic. A goodly portion of the letter. It is said, will be devoted to the liberty which the Catholic church enjoys In th United States, declared by the pope to be greater than In any other nation. JBspeclal stress will also be laid, as bowing the greater freedom which the church la coming to enjoy In Protest in t countries over thoso that are Catholic, In tho recent abolition in the oath of coronation for the king ot England, as taken by King deorge, of that portion referring to tha church of England to the exclusion of other creeds. SACRED WIDE MUSES DEATH OF PRIEST ITALIANS ARE CONKHOXTKD DV SECOND MV8TKHV OF KIND WITHIN A YEAR HAVE NOT A SINGLE CLEW United Press Service SALERNO, July 17. For tho sec ond tlmo within a year the Italian police are today facing the mysteri ous murder ot a priest, killed by drinking poisoned wlno while cele brating mass. Father Ralfaele Car delll, tho victim, bad Just partaken of wine which he had blessed for the mass, when he fell writhing at the foot of the nllnr. A tunic fol lowed among hundreds of worship pers, who rushed for the doors. Father Cardclll was carried to a nearby pharmacy, where he died. A chemical analrals of tho wlnn re vealed corrosive sublimate In large quantities. A similar tragedy less than a year ago waa never solved, and there Is little hone that the authors of the present crime will lie apprehended. I'ongra; the Unknown Heirs ot William J.Pengra; Also alt other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate lien or Interest in tho Real Es tato described In the Complaint herein. Defendants. To J. F. Muni; tho Unknown Heirs of J. F. Muni; John Frleso, th Un known Heirs of John Frleso; Al exander Martin, Sr.: D. J. Pen gra; P. J. I'ongra; the Unknown Heirs of P. J. Pcngra; William J. Pengra; the Unknown Heirs of William J. Pengra; Also all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the Real Estate descried In tho Com plaint herein: In the Name of the State of Oregen: ou and each of you are hereby summoned to appear and answer the complaint filed In the -above entitled suit within six weeks after the first plication, th land and timber there-laud answer tlio said complaint, ns on havo Icon npprnUod nt a total o( fixed by the comt's order (or the pub- $100, the timber estimated at 90.000 llrallon of this summm. board feet at f 1 per M.. and the land ( you fall In at'lesr and answer at 110; that said applicant will offer tu, ad complaint the plaintiff will final proof In support of his appllca- Blu,y l0 the court for the relief de- tlon and sworn statement on tho 30th n.....i..i in ,i. ..i.i .nn,..i.in, day of August. 1912 before C. It. De TB, ,,, ,, ,, h, ". ,,, Lap. county clerk of Klamath county. f m, , , , , Oregon, at Klamath Falls. Oregon '... .... . ,. ........ .. . .. , ..... iiuu -j mm iv, in iiiwca, i ,, in mo iuwii this purchase before entry, or Initiate ,.,, ,., i, , ., ,..i.i.. i. j contest at any time bsforo patent ' ....... ... -. .. ' , luuin ran re . fnai ni mi. i 11 in mm in Issues, by filing a corroborated am davit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. A. W OnTON. 7-4-8-29 Register .NOTICE FOR I'UIIMAATIOV Doaks Are Divorced Mrs. Annie Doak was granted a de crce ot divorce from James H. Doak this morning in tho circuit court. Tho ground alleged was desertion. The plaintiff was given the custody ot tnreo minor children. Herbert S. Crane was the attorney tor tho Dlaln- tiff. (Not Coal Lands) Department of the Interior. United States Land Office at Ukcvlew, Oregon, May 17, 1912. publication of this summon. In tho... """ ""."' "."i" '"V. J,WM Klamath Republican n.w.p.p, "i T ' "" ' And you will take notice that Ul, ' ,:., 7 ;V. 7. .:.""' ou fall to appear and answer or'" " ".T'' "" ""'" otherwise plead wlthlnsald time, tho,:?"" """h " "' "" ,on, daintier for wnnt .her.nf .in .nni. 6."..,BS- ,0 PUrcha the HW of the tolhe.hore.tm.rtc, fn;,h:;.. P.K' t,,e SE ' " JWU. Sec- John O'Nell. a merchant of Mount Hebron, Is transacting business here At Majestic Tonight and Tomorrow Imp "Through the Flames"; Dlson, "The Deputy's Sweetheart"; Majestic "Bought"; Eclair. "Keeping an Eye on Father," comedy. Benson Called to Portland Judge Henry L. Benson has been called to Portland on important busl nss, and will leave In the morning. H would have gone tbla morning, but remained for the reception of tho Pathfinder party, not knowing that the party would not arrive here until tomorrow night. He expects to be nome Monday, when the trial of the Jurr cat will be resumed In the cir cuit court; Socialist in a Quandary 8AN DIEOO. Calif.. Judy 17. Ssn Diego county socialists aro not suro today whether they will bo allowed to hold street meetings here durlnr the present national campaign, fol lowing a meeting Sunday which was stopped by the police. When District Organizer Floyd L. Lewis started to speak Just outsldo the restricted po lice reserves appeared, telling alt to move on. Rioting and general excite ment followed. IlllANXAN FOSTER Miss Blanche Foster of Round Lake and Louis A. Brannan of Fort Klamath were married todav bv nv. Oeo. H. Feeae of the a race Methn.n.t Church. The groom Is a nromlnrni rancner or wood River Valley, and tho bride Is one of the nonulsr school teachers of the county. She has been teaching at Fort Klamath tho past two years. to the above entitled court for tha re lief demanded In his complaint filed In said suit, to-wlt: For decree determlnlna all adverse claims of the defendants or any other party or parlies In or to th 8WK ot Section 21 and the SEi ot the 8E4 of Section 20, all In Township 36 South. Range 14 East ot Willamette Meridian, In Klamath County. Ore gon, and declaring the plaintiff to be the owner In foe simple of the said described lands, and that the defend ants and all other persons be forever enjoined and debsrred of asserting any claim whatever In or to said lands or premises ad verso to this plaintiff, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the court may seem meet In the premise. This summons Is published pursu ant to an order of the Honorable Henry L. Benson, Judgo of tho Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County, mado on the 29th day of June. A. D.. 1912. and the first publication thereof Is made In the Klamath Republican on July 4th. 1912. KUVKENDALL & FERGUSON. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 7-4-8-15 r T. O. McHatton, the local Jeweler, baa returned from a week's fishing trip to Sprague River, near Bly. Now Oflcera Installed The regular meeting of the Women ot Woodcraft was held last evening, whn the following officers were In stalled for the ensuing term: Fran ce Johnson, past guardian neighbor; Dlla Brubaker. auardien naihhoi, Nellie Summers, advisor; Mra.Adams, magician; Mr. Bleu, attendant; Mra Annie Biehn, captain of guards; M. C. McLaughlin, manager: Mrs. Konnn. lnnr sentinel, and Mrs. Hilton, outor. sentinel. HEALTH OFFICERS START CRUSADE At the reQUest of the mivnr. tha enter or police and Cltv Phvirin Truax today made a tour of a portion oi me city to Investigate the health conditions. The work is to be con. unuea until every section of the city Is visited. Property owners. whr sewer connections have not been maae will receive orders to mnv connections at once, and a general clean-up is to be made. Administrator's Notice Notice Is hereby given by tha un. derslgned, administrator of the estate of Edward O. Thomas, deceased, to all persons having claims against said es tate, to present thorn. With nronnr vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice; to the adminis trator, at the office of Attorney F. II. Mills, 206 Odd Fellows' hullrilnv Klamath Falls, Klamath county, Oregon. Dated July 11, A. D. 1912. LEE S. THOMAS, l-ll'' Administrator. tlon 31, Township 39 8., Rang 114 E.. Willamette Meridian. anri tho timber thereon, under the provi sions of the act ot June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Tim. ber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and hat, pursuant to such annllcatlnn. th. land and timber thereon havo been appraised at a total of $200, the tim er estimated 280,000 beard fret. at 60 cents per M., and tho land it 860; that said applicant will otter flnnl proof In support of his applies, tlon and sworn statement on the .mil. day of August, 1912. before C. It. )eLap, county clerk of Klamath m. ty. at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to nmi..i this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by Mine a corroborated nift. llnvll In tills Office, nlln.lnr r.rl. winch would defeat the entry. A. W. ORTON. 7-4-8-29 r Register Meridian. Klamath roiinlr Omtan and for a decree of court, dccrneln that tho plaintiff Is the owner of said lands nnd entitled to tho potteaiilniil ot tho same, and that tho defendants! nor either of them, have any right, title or Interest In tho same, and that I they be forever barred from asserting any right or claim to any part of the' same. That this summons Is published onco a week for n iurlod of alt aur. eesslve weeks In the Klamath Repub lican, a nowspatxr, printed nnd pub llahed In Klamath Falls, Oregon, by an order of tho Hon. Henry L. Den. son, Judge of said court, dated July I, 1912. and tho first publication bring made upon July 11, 1912 C. M. ONEIl.L. Attorney for Plaintiff. 7-11-8-29 r Klamath Falls, Ore debtrdnras dun the taller flair, by the ittnlr of Hoy I Kllgure, de rraard, said sale to lie made on or after the 26th day of July. 1912, at my rraldruce In the town of llnnania, (Mmath County, Oregon, subject only to Km confirmation of surli sale, nt hy Inw prii Ideil The prfi'tty herrliibrfiire referred In U particularly itmrrlhnt ns fol lows, to-wlt An undivided mir-thlnl Interest In and In all of block 101 of llowne ad dition to the town of llnnania, In Klamath County, Oregon, srcor4li to the plat of said addition duly ft curded In the office of the rltrl tf aid county Together with ha trnttnttU, hereditament ami appurltniittt thereuntil belonging or In aaieks appertaining to said land, lnrMtt fiirnlluir, nature and Iron tf it the building llHin said prrmttra Dated this 26lh day nf June lU irrrA m kiliuiio; Administratrix of said lUtst .27-7-6 r ii o 'r is r, 'r u re i rv F. I Turpln A. W. Tiirplu (Itrlnrmmt ('nnrtn l!nlldln) 17 POWELL STREET. AT I.UK.T. HAX FIIAMMHl O ltM,mVIIi private liatH, Si.Mt wr itay U mIHikiiI imIIi, m.M European plan. IUls plmnra lu r4li t...ni summons In the Circuit Court of the State of uregon, for Klamath Conntv Luke E. Walker, Plaintiff, ra. F. Munx; the Unknown Heir ot J. F. Munx; John Fries; th Un known Heirs of John Frleso; Al exander Martin. Sr.: B. J. p.. gra; P. J. Pengra; the Unknown neire or i. j. Pengra; William J. Notice for Publication (Not Coal Lunds. Department of the Intrlor, United States Land Office at Lakevlew, uregon, Juno 17, 1911. Notice Is hereby alven timt inn,.. Brlscoo, whose noatofflce mtitrau i. Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, on th aa nay of January. 1911. file in this office sworn statement and nnniira. tlon No. 05237, to purchase the SW nwtt, section 29, Township 38 8., Rang 10 E Willamette Meridian and the timber thereon. nmUr ti.. provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known ns the "Timber and Stone Law." ut hum. value as might be fixed by appraise- m.nl an .I... .... . . ...., -.. w,i, jjursuHiii to such ap- SllMBoaa III tho Circuit Court of the State of uregon, for the County of Klam ath, as. C. (I. Merrill. Plaintiff. vs. Iword C.Drooks, Margaret C.Brooks, wlfo of Edward C. Brooks Hnttle Brooks; Heirs at Law of Qulncy A. Brooka and Llizle llrooks.Deceased; Charles Crans ton, Llda Cranston and Mell Wil liams, Heirs nt Law of Warrn C'rauston and Nettlo Cranston, Deceased; Charles E. V.'lldey; James B. Churchill ind O. N unwKins; Agnes Pierce and Al bert Hopkins Plerro, Heirs nt Law of J. 0. Pierce. Deceased; Also nil other Persons nnd Par lies claiming nny Right, Tltlo, Estate, Lien or Interest In the lands described In tho Complaint livroin, worciidants. To Edward O. Tlrooks, Margaret C. Brooks, Charles Cr.inato,, i.m. Cranston. Moll Wllllums, Charles B. Wlldcy, c. N. Hnwklns, James II. Churchill, Agnes Plorco and AILert HojiMin Plcno, Defend nnds above named; In tho Nnmo of the fitnto of Oregen: You aro hereby refiulreii in ,,,... and to answer the complaint of tho uuove named plaintiff filed against you In tho clerk's offlre of n. ni.-... mentlonod court, In tho above on titled suit, on or before tho 29lh day pf August, 1912, said day being the last day ot the nuhtimtir,., ..... Summons, and the last day that with- ... which you nro required to nppenr Nnllie of Sale of Ural Property hjr AdnilnUtratrli In the County Court of the Statu of Oregon, for Klamath County In the Matter of the Estate of Hoy I Kllgure, Deceased Notice Is hereby gltvn that. In our. suanco of mi order of tlm nboe in filled court, mnde In the aboie in. titled matter, on tho 12th day ot June, 1912, the undersigned, as ad ministratrix, will sell tlm iiremlio hereinafter dcncrlbod, at private sale, to the highest bidder, audi sale to be mnclo for cunli, provided I am offered i nicr n.dDO for said nronerlv. oll.rr. wise I shall sell tho same to the estate ( or H. W. Kllgore. deceased, for thei sum of 14,000.00, the amount of ln-1 WESTERN TRANSFER GO. omce Phnnr. IIMI, llr.Menrr Itmtte 4IW. HI'S NKItVICK II(1CMIH I'llKKIIir 1IOVIMI AM 4ii:.M.'II.W, TltA.NMI'lllt imVUOllli rOIINW.K 1'a.wnger. I'lcHt-l I7 .,) IMI.rtnl .n VU,r In Tnun Joo Moore jr. fj. Iti-ioIt ISvorvtliSiiu; Afit;lo Hole It. prrernUllvn lit riieriiun Clay A C Pianos, theHteluway nnd uther loading pIsniM Other makes at mod. .eratn prlrra, Tuning ami repsln Auriiry fur uifin: SEWI.NO MACIIIMX oi.ivrit Tvn:vniTi:it .wo VHTtllt T.W.KI.VO Mtt'HI.NK IIim.I.., Mailonrry nmt Pli lures KUMMH fMU IHSJC HOUSE Two doors mat of I'lulnlBcs II. MADSE.V, I'K.prlclnr Washing Clothes by Electricity faTKt4M H ' x. Uolng tho wookly washing nnd wringing by electricity with a lied Eloctrlc Insures p0r. feet work, and you cannot nf. ford not to lmv0 onn of thi-so machines In your homo. All back-nclilng nnd Hrlng Iiik ollinliiatod, Tho cover is entirely freo from mechanism, either limldo or out, and can bo raised or lowered t any tlmo without Interfering with the "lierntlon of tho machine. Vou can try a nd i:itictrlc in your homo f,,r fifteen days nt our risk. f B? iy ! LslBV tiMrm mam m Issmsir-ll ssksssmsmsmsi sssasi ii ic:?mviBBaBmsBsm ,. (gdgB32o-- ,53r j i . '0Hi,M, 0nctfl j, - A. : sasssaBBmsaammBBBBBBBSBBBi (jVgentJ- " w mr 'J Till: MI.XI.IItrT.WKAIIV IMV Is suro In have a pleasant an) refrrshlug close for those who have iiwnlllug (hem at lions that luxury which only a prop rly appointed bathroom caa Kite,. And modern sanitary I'liimbliiK has placed them t the dlapoanl of rich and poir nllke, for few purse nowadays are to limited as not to bo abl to nffnrd what waa a few yean ko nu almost priceless luxury. If u diwlro to know nil aboul what ii moduriito sum they can be Inatulleil, call up aHMKLKT r x rrs -Kr for Klamath County J