" - I JsBgtBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJsslABlwa. Take Advantage of our Clean-up 5ale . 1-4 OFF The regular price on every SUMHER SUIT in the store K. K. K. TORE LEADING CLCVfHIERS ! Contestants, Take Notice Wc will give n 45 piece decorated Dinner set to the Contestant re cording the most votes between July 1 5 and August I. A set of Rogers silver knives and forks to the second highest, AUTO NEGOTIATES MEDFORD ROAD MM ANGELES MAN MAKES FIRST TRIP OF THK SEASON FROM MKDFORD TO THIS CITY BV WAV OF CRATER LAKE WORK IS PR0BRESSNI6 Oil FXPOSITION SHE SEVENTY FIVE HTHl'CTURES HAVE BEEN REMOVED AND DRAWINGS FOR FIRST BUILD I.VQ COMPLETED Tbe tint automobile to make the trip this season from Medford to tbU city br the war of Crater Lake ar rived In tbe city Sunday nlfht.. It waa the machine of J. J. Davla of Loe Angeles, who was accompanied br lira. Davla and two aona. We left Medford Tuesday," aald Mr. Davla. "On the other aide of Crater Lake we encountered aome now, but had no difficulty In pasting around It and reaching Camp Arant. The now prevented our driving to the rim, but we made tbe trip on foot, and were amply repaid for our efforts br the magnificence of the eight pre tented X6 our view. "It la a rayitery to me why-Crater Lake National Park la not better known to touriita. It la the moat magnificent acenlc apot I have ever beheld. "' The road from Camp Arant to thla city la very good. There waa a little enow about three mllea thla aide of tbe camp, but It li not difficult to negotiate." Mr. Davla and family left thla morning for Alturai, They will go on to Lake Tahoe, where they will spend tome time. Tbe aecond auto to make the trip waa that In which were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carey and Mlsa Leltcr Carley of Sacramento. Mr. Carley la a real es tate dealer In tbe Capitol City. PEOPLE YOU OUGHT TO KNOW REALTY MAN CATCHES BANTAM FISH .rv x -v E. II. Dunham, Doc Powell, Mr. Peck .and Will North left today br auto for Reno by way of HusanvlIU, and will bring back three new Reo Fifth automobllea for local parties. Mr. Dunham sold four of these ma chines, but tbe factory waa so flooded with orders that they could not fur nish the machines before fall. Tbe Portland and San Francisco agencies were also aold out, but Anally he waa able to get three machines from the Nevada agency at Reno. These cars have) been bought by J. A. Maddoz, 'W. Frank Arant and J. L. Cunning- J. A. While Injured J. A. White, proprietor of the White Palace saloon of this city, sustained a broken leg" Sunday afternoon while on n visit to ML Hebron. The injury was sustained by stepping into a rut, throwing him In such a manner as to break tbe bone of bis right aalge, The Injured member waa dressed', ami Mr. White waa brought home on the evening train and placed In rare of Dr. Atkinson. Doris Advocate. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I. Roberts and son and Miss Hattle White left today for Spring Creek for a couple of weeks' outing. wzriljuifk 1 mweweseyijjyi h lllXTlVaEltY GERTRUDE A CO. ssstUnery "Vacation Hate" Largs assortment of outing and oemping hats in tbe rough Jumbo Brats. Java Straw and Psanut Braid, in rolling or drooping brim or tbe popular straight brim sailors. Prices sjOc to f LOT. QERTRUDB ft CO., Fourth and Pine Streets 8peclsl to The Herald SAN FRANCISCO, July 16. In a report submitted by the building and grounds committee to tho board of directors of the eposltton, It was stat ed that tho drawings for the Service building, one of the first structures to be erected on the exposition site, were practically completed, and that stud lea are under war for the grouping of minor buildings about the Fillmore street entrance and the entrance to the amusement concessions. Tbe report further showed that the engineering department is working on plans for the operation of tho sewer aystem, which Is to drain the exhibit palaces, and that these plana were three-fourths completed. Working plana for the fresh water system and the tire protection sys- tem are under nay. During the month of June about 350,000 cubic yards of material were deposited In tbe All from the dredgers John Mc Mullen and Oakland. During tbe pres ent month material haa been deposit ed at the rate of about 20,000 cubic yards per day. The work of constructing a sea wall has been completed, and the con tractors have about completed tbe All they have been making between liuchanan and Webster streets. Bids have been called for the Ailing In of lands In the Presidio and adjacent thereto, and these are to be received next Friday. Bids for tho construc tion of a fence about tbe exposition grounds are to be received the aame day. Up to tbe present day seventy-five buildings bare been moved from the exposition site at Harbor View. La borers under the direction of John McLaren, landscape engineer of tbe exposition are now preparing trees for planting, and tbe water aupply system for the nursery has been In sulted. Bids will be received on July ISd for tbe construction of three green houses, one potting bouse and the beating plant in the Presidio. Tho committee also reports that tbe city authorities have passed the necessary resolution to close tbe streets within tbe site of tbe exposi tion until January 1, 1917. And now tbe Ash stories are commencing to cohie In. Tbe lint, strange to rolate, does not concern heavyweights of the Any tribe, but diminutive speclmon. E. M. Chllcote, the well known real estate man, returned from a Aahln trip to Williamson River rapids Saturday night. trade fails mo suit ihreateneo Exchange itf nn Autoiiiolilli fur a Vollre for Publication s rj)Y hmmrcsTn i " "i i uii 7 v&y L - ' a j lint, pursuant In such application. tk mim iinn Hinoer inereon lis to ten ........ , appraised at a total of f 100, Id tla. (,oi ioi mm rr r(njrnnls4 110.000 board tmL .IMmrtuieul of the Inlrlor, United t f,o rents per M.. and the Isna .. Slates Uml OAIce at Ukelew,'o; tIRt ,,t applicant will 0fM Oregon. June 17. 1911 nnat proof In support of his applk V.l tj I 4 huPottW eltyjtsa ti a t m eve ska llnM aitiil aWiifii lal.ai.al aa. ... Team of Horn- and a Wagon May.., ". '"""" ?'" , V V a ..... . '" "' " ' llrliroe, .wIiim poitoRlce address It day of August, till, before C. 1 Result In Tno Well Known Klam. Klamath Falls. Oregon, did, on the U. county clerk of Klamath eos li Fall Men Engaging In n Lrgal 3d day of January, 1911, Ale In thltty, at Klamath Falls, Oregon Battle olllco aworn statement and applies Anv iterinn It at lih.riv i ... lion No 05 J37, to purchase the 8V ; , purchase before entry, or Initiate NW4. Section S9. Township 18 H. coute.t nl any lime before iMftt At a result of lulling horsm and nn ('ll A V .. :i r ORTO.S, llrgl.trr and with him he brougbtlauto In a trade. their prntnltet in be I ""I'' ,0. K," wllln"M" Meridian, I,.,,,,, ,,r mint n f,,,,,,,,,, l0. the story of tho bantam litigation between two Klamath Palls r,m ,, ""," ' ," u""" ""'am in tills omcr, allegltig weight Ash. Accordlnn to men. W. II. Wynett. proprietor of the liro,r""on" "' ,h" " "'-"' '. I",.lhlrli unnld itefesl the entry Mr. Chllcote. this Ash, al- Kalnlow grocery, and O O Hunch """ "v ""'""'"J "n a. me though lets thnn two Inch It npvpnra that tome tort of T1""l"'r "",1 H"""' Uw" ",,r'1 es long, had all of the trade as nde Saturday, whereby "lu" " ,nl,', rt""' ''' "I'l-rslse-markings of a toothsome ..Mr Wynett securedinn nutomobllo In ' ",nt. '". I'raiil tn such ap trout and an appetlto that exchnnge for a couplo of horoet and a ,"c-,,lon' '" " '" "'"'' '" did not falter at tackllugUnKdn. Mr. Hunch had tin, hnrte4'",.,"'vr '"T" "''''f1""1 1,t ,0,A' ' hook and bait Intended hod. nnd then left thum In n Inral llv .,,0n' thr ,lm,,,"r "" l 90."" for the largest Ah found lery liable. Mr. Wynett tried nut Ihn. ""'' fcrt nl " ,",r M "nd '" lM"1 hcreaboult. auto, nnd found It would not work ati' tU' ,,",, ,l, l,l,"fnl w" "tltit ... t.. . ' u.n r..i,i..,i ..,i. u 'Anal proof In support of his aiipllca mi. iiiiiruic was bc-i- ' v.....,- . i... . , . . . .... . ... . rompanlcd on the trip livh'"," l ent to the liter) .m hi,, nn.l V0" '", worn " on the SOlhllUrnes. who.e Hwtofflce addrtM b ll. Mnhcu and Karl Wud1"" "ck hit team '' of ". l. before C II. IK, Klanialti Falls. Oregon, .lid. ou Ite Mr. Hunch claims a lrnd. was r.ctu-,,B'' ru""'ir r"f" mamam rnuniy, isi nsy or iianii. 1II. Ale In Us MlTII'i: Hill I'l'IIMCATIIlN (Not Coal Ijiiiiiti liinrimiiil of tlm liilerlni, I oM Hlatit Uu.t Omre at UkeiUt, Oregmi. May 13, 191 J. Notice Is hereby given that Ava at does. They found excel lent Athlng at the rapids, and met a number of Ash lng parties. ally made. Mr. Wynett claims n.Or0BO,, Klamath Falls, (Iregon onV sworn slatemint and applkt- the irnue wut mtue tonuitloual on 'automobile proving satisfactory. ,. - Il.fore returning to tho """" "orryman nave oeen re city the party crowed the uln,''l l,y ,r" Bunch '" ",'c"r'' l1"""'' reservation and Inspected some land In tho north ern part of the county. The roads, Mr. Chllcolo mid, are In very good tbape, and good time Isj jonlble In a machine. Ion of the horses. Any I'trsou l at llatrly In urntrti """ 0' "aso. to purchase 1st tl.lt pun-hate, before entry, or Initial. NKKHWK, BKU8WU. NRUBKU. LOST -llrowu mule, weight 1.310;, brand figure 3 on left shoulder,) notch In right ear 'tin reward, r,.. .'I. Wilson, Paisley. lf..Jt a cunleit'tl Buy lime lieloic palmt lituea, hy filing n rorrnhnriltd affl davit lit this oMri', alleging facts which would defeat the entry. A W 7X39 OIITON. Register .NOTICE foil PIJIII.HMTIOV OAltROW WHS IN IMPORTANT RULIMB Court Decided to Admit linportant Testimony for Defense In the Trial of the Chicago Attorney on Charge of Complicity la Bribery Return Frosa Portland Mrs. S. E. Martin and two children and the two children of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ramaby returned yesterday afternoon from Portland and other points north, where they have been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsby stop ped oft at Eugene, where they will visit relatives for a few daya. Mrs. Ramsby and Mrs. Martin at tended tbe drand Lodge meeting of the I. O. O. F held In Pendleton. Nelson Rounsevell returned last evening from New Pine Creek. He will be here for several days attend ing to business matters. United PreM Sarvics LOS ANOELES, July 16. Clar ence Darrow won a big victory today when Judge Hutton ruled to admit tbe testimony of Colonel Tom John son, the attorney who acted aa coun sel for Franklin following the latter'a arrest on a bribery charge. Frank lin pleaded guilty. It Is expected that Johnson will testify that Franklin told htm that Darrow 'was guiltless of complicity In the bribery operations. Colonel Tom Johnson, Franklln'a attorney, testified that Franklin be lleved that Darrow was not connected with tbe bribery deal. He testlAed that Franklin offered to produce the "dark, mysterious stranger," who was tbe real man. When Attorney Ford rejected the proposal Franklin said: "Ob, yes; I know I am expected to say Darrow did It." WANTED Girl for general house work, $30 par month, I'honn 17. 6-24-tf y NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION' (Not Coal Lands) lieparlment of the Interior. United States Und OAIce at Lakovlew, Oregon, June th, 1912. Notlcn Is hcrrlir lv.n ih.i ,n (lM ill.A ffnAla... M. ! I ... .,. .,. . rr niu reeled hy the commissioner of the band Be Given Medical Attention 'lenoral Und offlce, under provisions WIFE GIVES UP HER LIFE FOR HUSBAND! Haa Francisco Woman Succumb. He-1 (Not Coal Ijindt) lieparlment of the Interior, I'nlleil Slates Und Office at takftlew. Oregon, May 17. 1912 Noilco It hereby given that Janus pllcant will offer Anil proof la mv.u hi.h. Heetlon l. rnrnst 37 H. Range 9 I.'., Willamette Mrlt Ian, and the timber (hereon, tiastt the prnvlsluns of the ast of Just I, Is?, and acts amendatory, kuonnii the "Timber and Steins Ijiw," at lid value n might be Aied hy apprsttf nienl, and Hint, pursuant to turn sr pllratlon, the Und and llmh.r tbnt oii have been niprutMx at a total f I53H.7R; the ilmlir ettlmaltd tl 116.00m hoard feet (III par M., til f.3f..000 hoard fell at 76 cents per M . and the land at 110; that said s. First lioth Were In Wreck United Press Service CmCAOO, July 1C. Coroner Hoff man, tbe Illinois state railroad com mission, and tbe railroad are making tbreo separate Investigations of tho wreck on the Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy, In which thirteen peoplo were killed and flfty Injured. Blame for the wreck Ilea between of the Act of Congress approved June 27, 190! (34 Stats.. S17). pursuant to tho application of Marlon J.IIarnes, Serial No. 0012, we wilt offer at pub lic sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2. CO per acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., on tbe 18th day of July. 1912, at this offlce, the following tract or land: Lot 8, Section 13, Township 39 8 Range 10 K., Willamette Me rldlan. tale. 6-13-7-18 r Doctors Chilton and Hamilton re port the birth Sunday of a 9 tf -pound baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hous ton. Tbe mother Is reported doing vary well. Firs Causes Loss WHEELING, W. Vs., July 16. Fire destroyed tbe business district of Mannlngtbn, a town of 4,000 population. WILSON PICKS HIS CHMIGN LEMER McCorapa Elected Chairman of Na tional Committee Conservative Foiled In Attempt to Mock Klec km of Progressive Secretary United Press Service CHICAGO, July 16. The demo cratic national committee In executive session today elected McCombs chair man. Joseph E. Davis was elected secretary, and John I. Martin of St. Louts sergeant at arms. Davis was Wilson's choice. The conservatives attempted to block Da vis' election and re-elect Urey Wilson. Elks Take Side Trip J. J. Parker and Herman Force re tfcs only two of the Elks' delega tion 'to Portland from Klamath Falls who have returned home. A number went to Seattle to attend the Potlach and others remained for a few days to visit friends In the valley. O. W. White returned last evening from a business trip to San Francisco. designated W. ORTON, Register, for AriV llmraitnsj. elslml.. -. J eoorgo Hronson. engineer of the malll.h. m.'u ":,,:;" "u"r"'' S2;:h' rf''Lh L "IV" "." oVobctnVon "--- -- --" ""' nag or boforo the time mm.u i. iuu wvcfi.au named. Many think that the demo fog maue ll impossible to see the signals fc. tl. Pohlman of San Francisco was seriously but not fatally hurt. Ills wife, who refuted doctors' nfd until after her husband had been looked after, died on her way to the hospital II. Short, whom pottofflro address Is port of his application and iwora Olcne. Oregon, did. on the 1 7th day (statement on the loih day of Jalf. of November. 1911, Ale In this otnee 1912. before R. lie u,,, roast; sworn statement and 'application No.lclerk of Klamath county. Oregon, tl Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any person l al liberty to irotwt this purchase before entry, or Inlllau a mutest at any time hefnr. ruuii 05163. to purchase the HW. of tho AK!4. the SEW of the NW1',. Sec Hon 31, Tawntnlp 39 s Range 11 Vi I... Willamette Meridian, nnd the limber thereon, under (he nrovl Imiir.. l,v ntin. . -......,. .....i .a. Ions of the net of Juno 3, 1878, and jdnvll In this office, alleging fin. . .menuaiory. Known as the "Tlm.iwhlch would defeat the entry, bornnd Slone Law," at such value as I a w narnv might bo Axed by appraisement, nnd I S23-7-1h r I A. W. ORTON, rteglittr. Ailmlnlstrator'a Notice or Filing of Final Account In the County Court of tho Slate of Oregon, for Klamath County., u. In the Matter of the Estate of Andre I. Fugelberg, Deceased. J. Notice Is horoby given that I have Aled my Anal account and renort administrator of tho estate of Andrew I. Fugelberg, deceased, and the aim. entitled court has Axod upon 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of July 27, ., un mo time, and tho county i-uuii ruum in ino court hnn.n iviamaw county. Oregon, in tlm hi. of Klamath Fulls In said county, as mo ,i.ce, wnen and whoro nny person moy present nny objection or exeep tlon to anything therein contained, or HOTBJIv TURPIN F. I,. Turpln A. W. Turpln (llelnfoirnl Cmrrito llull.llng) 17 POWIXI, HTItEKT. AT MARKET, HAN' FIIANCIMCO iriuiin. ll'lil. ...!... .s "' "' " """ " Hhiikt (y u,,, ,i,M, fc,, ..no. "i"i IMS.II it, .si. .. .. I Willi l(ot)c la tAili room About ion excurtlonlHtH took n trln'to nnythlnir don. hi ....--.:.. on the strauer Wlnemn Sunday, trator, and at tho said time nnd place Thsy stopped at Rocky Point and Pel the said court will AnZ ...7..P .," irmn II. V PAtll,n n Ia .kM ,,.. -1 .. ... ' -. .n - .-.". 11m tiijr uuiiui saiu account 8:30 n. m. n,,.,. p. m. Teupieilteater, Matinee dally, 2:30 p. m. livening, Arst nerformanft 7' IK, ruOtlnunnt Tsmpls theater, Matrnee dally. 2:10 P. m. Evening, 'irst performance. 7:16, coatlnuoas. This notice Is nubllahml mP. 10 order 0' th above entitled court made June 17, 1912, and the Arst publication thereof Is made on June u, ll. ENDRE M. CEnKftllRnnii Administrator of the Estate of An. drew I. Fugelberg, Deceased. ' -I0-7-15 r WESTERN TRANSFER CO. "Mi l-hiM IflNi, HrsJOenco 11oimi 4U. IIIH HKHVICE IMfNMaK I'llKHUIT MOVIVO AMI h:nkkai TIIA.NNFEII IMIVWOOII l'OHHl,E I'-tMiiuer. VMu Up .,1 iwi,n any Plaro In Town Jo Moore it. it. 3,..o.ir J3 very tlii jtitg i iwitutilo HHHT i Holo HejM-rseHUtlve of Kherman Clay It C'o.'s l'lauot, Hut Hiclnwny und other leading plnnoa. othor makes at mod ernto prices. Tuning and repairs .gency for WHITE HEWING MACHINES. OMVIIll TVPKWRITKH AND VIOTOH TALKING MAOHINH Hooka, Hlallonery nail Met ares KUMATH FmSMtWC MMSE Two doors cast of I'ostolBce. II. MADHEN,' Proprietor K,