The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 15, 1912, Image 3

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I'ure. Hweei 4 Freeh
iinirt every -y tn
bis sanitary llalo'a Market
Don't buy Iard rendered sit
months nm pack
Inn iimiao when you con get
iitiMi: riioiillcT fr better for
cl money.
Mil. ll, TI
Kl.ll. pall, 91.40
(Mb. pall, .411
Krctli nml clean, half lard am
half fresh, clean beef fat!
Kt.lh. Mll, 91.00
n.lli mII, .no
We liujr bark uur um path
,t it nl tOo Mcb, Ting you
that nuifli on each pall (bat you
citinut save on outside lard.
A trial pall of llila lard or
compound will " J"" '
uUr cuilomnr, for w have the
Klamath Falls Meat Co.
Ut Hi"' '" Hal"1 Markets
VROVHmHOHM, evrthg
All w'brk Guaranteed.
" 0.1 it Fellowa,' IIiiIIiIIiik.
Mown 2 IN.' i Phone 020.
AhMrarl, Insurant e
Mumliorii Ori'Hon Association
Till.. Men,
iiamniivh i:.xi'iii:hs
If you waul your stuff muvnd
mill niovrxl quirk, get Hnmahy'
litpreait tit ilo II, Coriinr Seventh
anil Main afreets Plume 1IIN
t'nll up l.'OMHTOCK, 695, If
you want any kind uf HELP
lleglster n( tint COMSTOUK If
).iu want employment.
.m . . "
on nl tint rati of N pur cnt per on
mi in linen Mnrcli I, 1901; tin turn of
13H0 00, alloruuys' f'.H, tliv nuin of
W GO, rotta mill illahiirsniiK'iil, nnd
llm nccruliie tout"
Now. therefore, by Irtitv of mild
I'M'Mill.jii, unit In compliance, with
jsald writ, I Imvn iluly levied on mid
(Promises, mul will on Mou.lny, tli
I Mil ilny of July, 1ft 1 S, nl 10 o'clock
a. ru. of audi day, at tha front door
of tho county court house, In Klam
ath rail, Klamath County, Oregon,
n.'ll nl pulilln niirtlnn, to llin highest
bidder, for cash, nil tint right, title
nnd Interest of tlin aliovci'iinmod de
fendants, unit each of them, In mul to
the following described real property,
Tlio NV, of Hoc 12, Tp. 41, H. It
1, i:. W. M , In Klamath County Ore
gon. Or mi murli llirrrot as may ! nee
eisary to untlafr aald execution
Tim prort'uiW of itiild sale will lie
appll'd In tlie satisfaction of nld v
nrullmi, order nnd ileiree. Intere-it,
nsla and disbursements, mid nccru
jllir? costs, nnd the overplus, If any.
I mere io, win nn imiti mm saw court
, to tin further applied, n liy law ill
j reeled.
Dated Dili lltli day of June. 1912,
W. II. IIAHNKS, Sheriff.
Illy Marlon Harass, Deputy.
t I4ll!l.(llk
to bo further applied, it by law .)!
reeled. ,
Haled this 1Mb day of June, 1012.
W II, IIAIINCH, Sheriff.
IS 26.2-D Id li
HmI to Him rontrrvatUn man
drau It otter a tanilbla tiaalt
run Mlikh to reckon. Taka
lumlirr for Irntanco, and ynu
ran ire rVldenrn on all eldr
nherr Iioux-k tliat wore built of
niHitl tinvr outlailed a (Pliera
Hon and am today (If tliay
hate been Klvon proprr caro) J
at a u WiMiil htil
Maaarura anil lilroMMlUt
Cum rorna, bunion nud In
KroHlnie toenalla, Mine, Tlmma
atop lialr from falllnc out In
flvn irrntmtiriU, and a pirma
limit cur for dandrurT, (Urn ua
a rail
No. 'JIT KlaiiMlli ,tc.
IOrdrr III Hliow 'ni
In tlio County Court of tlio Htat of
I Ori'Kou, for Klniiiiilli County.
1 1 1, tlin Matter of tlin Katalo nnd (luar
dl.inablp of I'dwln l.awreuce
In tlio Circuit Court of tlio Htat of
OrvKori, for Klamath County
l.'rmii II. Ilnnkln, IMalntlff,
,1, It. Itnnkln, Defindnnt.
'to J. It. Itnnkln, Defondnnt Abort
tn the nnmo of the Htnto of Orcxen:
foil nro hereby loqulrcd to appear
and nmiwur tlio complaint filed
iiKalnat you In tlio above entitled ault,
on or beforo the 12th day of July,
1912, thai belli tlio Inat day of pub
Mention of thin aiimmona, and the
laat day within which you ar ro
itlrcd to nnawer, na fixed by the or
ilur of publication of thl summon.
If )ou fall to appt-nr and aniwor,
the plnlritirt will apply to tha court
for tho rolM demandfd In aald com
Hahl ault la broUKlit to dlxaolre the
bond of matrimony now eilatlnR bo
tuecn you nnd the ptalnttlf; and
plaintiff In her aald complaint pray
the followliiK decree
1 Thai the bond of matrimony bo
il wem tho plaintiff and defendant be
2. That the plaintiff bo awarded
tho cuitody of the threo children
uniiird In tho complaint.
3 That alio have Judgment for ber
rotta ht-reln, and audi other and fur
ther rullcf nt to aald court may acem
Tho K'A of NB; BWU of NB
U, and NW. of m:t; all In Sec
tion 29, Tp. 3D, 8. K. , 13. W. M
In Klamath County, Orexon,
or ao much thoreof a may bo neriM
aary to aatlafy aald oxecutlon.
The proceedn of aald aalo will ho
applied In the antlifactlon of laid ere
rutlon nnd decree Including principal
urn, with Intrreat thereon; taxci,
penaltlca nnd Intereat, with Intercut
tliorcon; chartea on account of I rrl -Ration,
with Interrat thereon; attor
ney' fee; coata nnd disbursement,
nnd accruing coat, all n nforctaid,
and tho overplus, If any there bo, will
bo paid Into said court to ho further
applied na by law directed.
Oatrd this 12th day of July, IV 1 3.
W. II. flARNna, Sheriff.
Iy 0130. W. HAYDO.V, Deputy.
N'nwlialiki. an Ininnn l'rami
To N. II Nnwbatiki, Delia Sewbank,!,"luU,,,,,
(krtrude l Waltr nnd Jmo K. ' '' ' Publlahed onco a
N-mbanki, next of kin of .Id''" "" a ,orl0' oflitl,t ..utCM.,1n
........ , i..... ...l. wck In lie KvenlnK Herald, a dally
I.UHIIl l.WllO ,1IUU1 ,!. l.mA .t tin. .. M .r.r,ll...
ii'iwspHlicr. primeo aim puuiisnea ini"' "" hv.
win oner nnai proor in tuppori or nil
(Not OOal Land)
Department of tho Interior, United
Htntca Land Offlco at I.nkevlew,
Orexon, May 23, 1012.
Notlco la hereby given that Albert
Mark, whose poatolDca add re la
Olene, Oregon, did, on tho 9th day
of November, 1911, fllo In tbl office
sworn statement and application No.
0G134, to purchase tho NUU BEVi.
Hectlon 31, Townahlp 39 S., flange
1H i: Wlllarnetto Meridian, and
tho timber thereon, under the pro
visions of the act of Juno 3, 1R7S,
and acts amendatory, known as the
Timber and Btoue f.arr." at such
talue as might be 'fixed by appraise
ment, nnd that, pursuant to such np
illcatlon, the land and timber tboreon
luvu been appraised nt a total of
100, the timber estimated at 140,000
board feet, nt CO tents per M., nnd
, , , , , .11'iwapn icr. prinieo aim puuiisnea in
j. and esrh of you. are hereby , KMnB,h Coun, 0f0.
rd ih. N II .Sewbnnk.. "'I,,,,,. ,,r of()cr oMIn. Henry 1., lien-
"EKHX-I I E ?-"tT f-'ir it iiX'Wi
1 1: A I. N 0 ? I c c s
tliMhl the tet, and bn llllllled'y
.netii'i: roit nmt.HWTioN
(.Vol foal linU)
Deparimrnl of the Interior. United 1
Hlalra lnd Oltlre nt I.alioTloo,'
Urrcou. May 21, 1912, t
Notice hereby atven that Hot
on. Judce of said court, dated May
131. 1912, tho first publication being
Unade May 31, 1912
hteni: a iiAititinr,
Attorneys for I'lalntltT.
l,vr a economically a. any .,.,, Kn,, Oregnu, dh!
oihrr malrrlil. con.lder-d from 23 ny of wcmui,r(,9n( n
all iMilnta -appraranre, dura
tiiliiv and bralthtulnra. In Its
je lou hatn piecrdctiCP to go
lr What other have done
l You
' mitlrird
guardian of the person and estatn of
aald IMwIu Lawrence Newhanka, an
lliaane person, did, on the 27th day
of June. 1912. fllo a netltlnn In said
court, praying for an order of sate, at
(private sale, fur rath, of the real j
, property, hereinafter described, of
lasld Insane peraon. for the purpon-a
i.-.-i.. ..i cm. Iliecutor'a .ollc
,.,,v... .
It la, therefore, ordered that you. In (be County Court of tb Stata of
i. ... .i. .r a.. ..,i .11 ..m.. ...p.; r .. .. m . i. .... .. i1l.
Carter, whose pottofflfe address Is'""" ,,' '" ' 7 , i ' "'cu"' l"f '"" """'" "' """ "'
1 on Ihel ' M. .u...-; hiu.
eiie.i in rain eiinio. ni'i'rnr wimo inn in cil V Aiaiicr OI ice l.liaie 01 Jinn,
asld county court on the 27th day of (. Monguld, Deceased.
Jul). 1912. nt 10 o'clock n. m. of that Notlco la hereby given by the un
application nnd sworn statement on
tho 27th day of July, 1912, beforo C.
II. Do Lap, county clerk of Klamath
County, at Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Any person Is at liberty to protest
'this purchise before entry, or Initial
a contest at any tlmo before patont
Issues, by filing a corroborated affi
davit In this office, alleging facts
a hlch would defeat entry.
S. 30-7-20 r Register
file In this
otTtru tkorn statement and applica
tion No. OL323, to purchase tlio
Ntt'H HWU. 8ectlon 22, town
thlp 37 south, range 9 oast, Wllla'm
ul. It you can do. and h lm"'!rUo Mrrldlau, and the timber thereon
tier e handle these days Is the
product of tho best "iiuallly"
mills In the t'nlted Hlates. It's
ileaaurn to show It ss well as
ro talk. It various us, nnd we
are at four srrvtcn from 7 to
dally pome In.
There' No I'lace I.Ike Home"
Savidge Bros. Lumber C
f Phone 1341
fith St. n S. P. track
Block Wood ,?y$3.5ILiid
Dry Slab Wood XU
44 4' " 4f. $.3 C4
Limb and Body wood
4ft, llin I2in
Leave orderA at
O.K. Transfer Co. "or
'hoj'c N71 Cor. o and Main
Oregon Harness Co.
Phorta 874
P. C Carlson
Valiums 'CnlorlU' Mttai"
I k gtagajjsyssr j- -n-l
Most popular Utentll
deneral Ulectrlc Devices
lilectrle bcmonitratlon
Link River Electric Co.
Jrtl and Main Phonal Boi
under the provisions of the. net of
Juno 3, 1J, and acta amendatory,
known the Timber and Htone," at inch value aa might In fixed
by appraisement, and that, pursuant
en surh application, the land nnd tlin
tier thereon hnve been appraised nt a
total of 1160, the timber estimated at
140,000 board feet at 11.00 per
M., and tho laud at 120.00; that
tald applicant will off or final proof In
support of his application and sworn
statement on the 12th day of August,
1912, before C It Delap, county
clerk of Klamath county., at Klamath
Palls, Oregon,
Any perron Is at liberty to protest
tht purchase beforo entry, or Inltlatu
a contest nl nuy tlmo before patent
Issues, by filing a corroborated am
lavlt la this office, alleging farts
which would defeat entry.
0711.9 li Register.
(day, at the court room of said court, iterslgned, executor of tho estate of
In Klamath halls, In said county arid 'James C. Mongold, deceased, to tha
state, tc show rauie, If nny, why an creditors of and all persons having
order should not be granted tn the (claims against tho said deceased, to
said guardian tn sell said real prop- exhibit such claims, with the nscea-
crty. and that a copy of thlt order be
sened on all of said heirs within said
state, and be published for a period of
Xoll e of Sale It) Itefcree
In tho Circuit Court of the Htat of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
Itoslna llurkhardl, Mario Jalsur and
Karl Weckerl, Plaintiffs,
l-'red Wockurt, Dvfuiidant.
Notice I hereby kIyvii that, In pur
suance of n decree, made and entered
In Hie above entitled court and cause,
oil tho 34th day of June, 1913, tho
underalxiied, as referee, will sell the
premises hereinafter described, nt
public miction, to the highest, bidder,
for insh, such aalo to bo made at 10
o'clock a. in., on Tuesday, the 23d
day of July. 1912, nt tho front door
of tlin court homo of aald court, In
Klnnmth Falls, Klamath county, Oro-
The proper,!)- to be Hold being par
ticularly described aa follows, to-wai
Tho HI3V1 of NBW and tho NVl
of Htilt of 8ec. 4 J tho Htt'K of NWH
.ml tho Ntt'iJ of BWU of Bee. 3, nil
In Township .17, 8, It, 9, K. V. M.,
In Klamath county, Oregon.
Dated this 2 ltd dny of Juno, 1912.
O, A. KKAUBtt.
24tKin32 h Roforoo.
Notice of Sheriff' Halo
III tho Circuit Court of tho Btato of
Oregon, for Klnnmtli County
Wllllni B. Blough, IMalntlff,
Mario li. Clifford nnd Chas. N. Tib
belts, Defendauts.
Notlco Is' hereby given that, by vir
ion of an execution and order of sale,
duly Issued out of tho above entitled
court nnd cause on the 14th day of
Juno, 1018, upon u docree made nnd
entered of record lu said court on tho
13th dny of Juno, 1912, In favor of
the ubovu named plaintiff, directing
tho snlo of tho premise therein and
herolnaftor doscribod, to satisfy the
nuin ot $3,000.00 with Interest there
sari ''outliers, within six months af
ter tho first publication of this no
tlco tn the said eieiulor, at the office
four successive week In the Kvenlng'of llerryman & Duncan. 219 Odd Fel
Herald, a dally newspaper, of genoralliow! building, Klamath Falls, O re
circulation, printed and published In gun, which said ofOco the undersign
Klamalh Palls, Klamath County, Ore-c, tvKtl as his placo of business In
gon. ,011 matters connected with said cs-
Tho real property hereinbefore re-ltRlr James C. Mongold, deceased,
ferred tn Is particularly described as I FOUNTAIN,
follows, to-wlt: Kiecutor of tho Kstate of James C.
The Bi:S of Section C, Township Mongold, Doccased.
41, 8, It. 8. K V M. In Klamath Merryman & Duncan, Attorneys for Btn yatt Oregon
County, Oregon Said Kiecutor. :
Dated this 27lh day of June, 1912 ' patei nnd first published at Ktam-'
WM. B. WOItDKN. au, Knlls. Oregon, on this 12th day'
2S12I9-2C h County Judge 0( june, iot:, i
Nmlrc of Sheriff' Halo Attorneys for Bald Kiecutor. I
In the Circuit Court of tho 8tate of! I219-26310 h
Oregon, fur Kluuiatli County
Myrn V. Blough, Plaintiff. ' ' herlrTa Sale
v, ilu tho Circuit Court of the State, of
Mario I., (llfford and Albert J. Hock' Oregon, for Mamatn county
Notice for Publication
(Not Coal Lands)
Department of tho Interior, United
States lund Offlco at Lakevlew,
Oregon, Juno 29, 1912.
Notice Is hereby given that Oscar
K. Wllley, of Odessa, Oregon, who, on
Juno 8, 1912, made homestead entry
No. 03892. for tho 8H Stt. Section
H, Township 37 8., Range 7 E.. Wll
larnetto Meridian, has filed notice of
Intention to make final commutation
moof, to establish his claim to the
hind above described, before C. R.
I.V I .a p. county clerk of Klamat'i
county, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on
ire 19th-day of August, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
I.ynn Fulkerson, Paul Ilogardus, J.
0. Swan, tllrd Loostcy, nil of Klata-
7-4SlSr Register.
n -i i-i r ii-i. r i i- -ri n -n "
Ithk When things begin to look
pdark, sea Dr. Hermann at
once, he knows what you need. Up
to-tlato Optical Parlors at Pelley's.
Ing. Defendants. ueorgo li. aiorcy, riainiin.
Nollrw Is hereby gt en that, by vlr. '
tuo of on execution and order of sale. II. I lrccr and Barn II. Clreer, Ills
duly Issued out of the aboo entitled ( Wife. Defendants,
court arid cause on the 1 7th day of. Notlco Is hereby glveu that, by vlr-Juiu-.
1912. upon a decree made and l lo of nil order of sale nnd execution,
entered of record In said court on tlin duly l"" out of the nbovo cntltlod
I Ttli day of June. 1912. In favor of tourt and rauso on tho 12th dny of
tho nbove-immcil plaintiff, directing' July. 1912, upon n decree, mado and
the salo of tho premises therein and entered of record In said court nnd
IclidnaftiT described, to satisfy tho causo on the 12th day of July. 1912.
...... ... . I.. r.trtM a. (In, nlmVA n.mitil nliilnllff.
sum of l,uoo,wiiii interest iiiereon ni ' ' ..-.--
PASTURE at the "Sisters" farm tor
i herses: 320 acres, good pasture:
plenty of water; 3 miles from Klam
ath Falls on Midland road; fl.SO a
month. Joo Duermann. 9-8t
0,o rate of & per cent per annum alncn
October 29, 1909; tho further sum of
f 1.000. wllh Interest thereon, at tho
rnto or 8 per cent per milium since
Dccembor 14, 1908; tho further sum
of $1,000, with Interest thereon nt
tlio rnto of 8 per cent per annum
since December 14, 1909: tho sum of
1300, attorneys' fees, nnd for the sum
f'f38.00, cost nnd disbursement,
nnd accruing costs.
Now, therefore, by vlrtuo of said
execution, and In rompllauco with
said writ, I hnvo duly levied on said
piemlses, and will on Thursday, tho
ISth dny of July, 1912. nt 10 o'clock
n. m. of that day, nt tho front door of
the county court housii of said county,
In Klamath Falls, Oregon, sell, nt
public miction, to tho highest bidder,
for rash, nil tho right, tltlo ami Inter
est of tho nbovo-nained defeudantH,
and each of them, In mid to tho fol
lowing described real property, to
wlt: Tho SWU of Section 12, Township
41, B. R. 8, 13. W. M., In Klamath
county, Oregon;
Or so much thereof as may bo neces
sary to satisfy snld execution.
The proceeds of said sale will be
applied In tho satisfaction ofs aid ox
edition, order and docrco, Including
principal sums, Interest, costs nnd dls
bursemenls, attorneys' fees, and ac
cruing costs, and tha overplus, If any
the ro be, will be paid Into said court
illrocilllg mo saio oi cuo real iroenr
therein, and hereinafter described, or
u much thereof as may bo noccstnrr
to Mitltfy the follewing: The princi
pal sum of 13,000.00, with Intereat
thereon, at tho rata of 7 per cent per
Milium since. Novomber 17, 1910; the
sum of I20C.2S, taxes, Including pen
alties nnd Interest, levied against said
property for tho years 1909, 1910 and
1911, with Interest thoreou, at tho
rnto of 0 per ront per nnuum, sine
April 27, 1912; tho sunt of $ 1,319.00,
assessments nnd charges levied
ngalnst said property by the Klamath
Water Users' Association, ag-ijMw
United Stales of Amorlca, during tho
years 1910, 1911 and 1912, on ac
count of lrrlgntlou of said land, with
Interest tboreon, nt tho rate of 0 per
ront per annum slnco May 1, 1912;
tho sum of fGOO.OO, attorneys' fee,
and for $42.00, costs and disburse
ments of stilt, and accruing costs.
Now, thoreforo, by vlrtuo of said
oxecutlon and order of salo and In
rompllanco with said writ, I have duly
levlod on said real proporty.'and will,
on Saturday, the 10th day of August,
1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. of such day,
at the front door of the court house
of said court, In Klamath Falls, Ore-
eon, sell, at public auction, to the
highest bidder, for cash, all the right,
title and Interest-of the above named
defendants In aud to the following de
scribed real property to-wlt:
New Ilcauty Parlors. Shampooing,
halrdrestlng, manicuring and facial
work, by Miss Dorthy Dodd, at Mrs.
Illaucho Komps, rorrfor Second and
Main. 7-8-ra-f-tf
No matter how good It Is, and how
carcfully used, your watch needs
cloanlng every eighteen months.
This Insures good service and pre
vent wear. Let us dean It for you.
Yours for service.-
General House Cleaning
Electric Vacu tn Carpet
and Drapery Cleaning
We remove all spots and dirt
from carpets and rugs by the
electric vacuum process.
Phono Ml. Office 217 Klaamtli
MAPI.i: t'lUl'PK,
Our Sherbets and water less
are made with White Pelican
wator. fllve u an ordor for
a brick of Shofbet (or your
next enterlatuaient.
The SltitiMtc
Formerly Hoxey
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Herald Want Ads
We havw tome very (Kalrsbl 6th
ttrcet propetty for' ttls Stephen
Hunter Realty Co.
Fresh 18-Inch slab wood nt $2.R0
per cord load Is tho beat buy you
over made. Order early; don't wait.
O. lKYT0tf "tha wood man." Phono
173. V' 7-13-tf
HAY FOR HAf.B Leave orders at
K. K. K. BtoreVyJ. A. Houston. lOtf
""Calbage plants for sale. See Henry
Janttcn, near foot of Klamath ave
nue. l6t
FOlf'sAi.B--Seven 2"-8x8 doors,
1.000 feet 1x12, 9 feet long, 400
feet 1x4 scantling. Call at 117 Main
ttrcet and savamouey.
Anyone navlng land for sale will
do welt to len.Mutt description, price
and terms to l Jacobs, room 419.
Railway Exchange building, Portland,
Oregon. 17-tf
WANTKD fllrl for general hoase
work, $30 per month. Phone 117.
6-24-tf V
Parcel 'Delivery
Phone 1701
Are you Interested In KLAMATH
COUNTY! If rrowsco tho Stephen
Hunter Realty Co.v
odd bargains.
FOR RKNT Nicely furnished room,'
with bath, for ono or two gentle
men. 1113 Main atreet. 3-tf
FOIt RENT -Double bouse, com
pletely furnished for housekeeping,
suitable for two families. Inqulro at
Herald officer 1-tf
AA CHICKS $8 per 100, shipped
anywhere; 33 varieties thorough-
brod chickens, ducks and eggs; free
circular. Ingleslde Hatche'ry. 807
Mt. Vernon arj , San Francisco. Cal.
NICELY furnished rooma at the Ore
gon House, Sixth and Klamath
Buy your Wood Juel
- . at '
Wholesale PrioeM
Yon can have the dsstlere' margin If yon Ulk to me before pi
Ing your onlesa It' what you save that makes yon rkti, rsot w
you ma.'.e. urt m talk i you I'lionr 7Xi
W. C. BATES 'Ewauna Lumber Co.'f Office
That buys notea, warrant! and mortgages
That tells Inaurance, Bend, Employer Liabil
ity and Plate Clasa Insurance
On eaay terms an S-roora houae, modern, stoam-bcated, good loca
tion on Slxttstreet. part cash, balance can be paid In seven
years; small monthly payments.
ti.iOO A good residence lot In Hot Springs Addition; $150 dewn:
balance $40 per month.
IS30 A good lot facing two street, small house; $100 down; bat
anco $20 per month.
$900 Thrco good lots 'in Mills Addition; partly Improved; eas
$3,000 Takes 190 acres of land near Merrill; $500 cash; balance in
nine years.
640 Main Street
ROSS ffe CO.
Klanatk Fall
This is the Bank
'T1 HAT FULLY meets the demand of
the business man for an established
conservative banking house devoted ex
clusively to banking business. Hake it ,
your bank.
Capital $100,000
Vacation Time is at Hand
The Southern Pacific
Beginning May 3rd
Hound Trip Fares from KlamaMsiralU to Few I'-lnts, as follews:
CHICAGO 980.00
KANSAS CITY, Mo , $08.00
M KM I'll IS 78.0(
MONTUKAL, Quebec 9116.50
NEW YORK tie.50
PORTLAND, Maine $1151.30
ST. LOUIS $78.00
Rates to ull other principal points correspondingly low. Routes
optlonnl, except that on way via" Portland slight advance aver above
monttoned fares.
Limits Going trip, 1C days from date of sale; final return
limit October 31st. 1912.
For furtlicr inioiination vc especially reiiticcl yott
to call upon
Agent, Klamath Tails
Or write to
D. P, and P. A., 801 K St., Sacramento, Cal.