The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 15, 1912, Image 2

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Toalght aad Tomorrow
One of the BUon great feature,
"Tn Crisis," taken from the "101"
Ranctuv Thli feature consists of two
reels. Bastdcs two others, one com
edy and onsdrama.
Four new reett every chance.
Matloee eTtry afternoon at I: SO.
Program changes Monday, Wednes
day. Friday, Saturday and 8unday.
Jericho Club
- for -Odd
- only -
In basement of I. O. O. F. Tern
pie. Bowling, Billiards, Peel,
Card Rooms. Reading Rooms.
Private Sitting Room for Re
bekaha only.
Visiting Brothel s and Sisters
always welcome.
V the Economy Jar every
day In the year, Jut aa you do
any other cooking utensil, pat
up meats, soups, honey left
ma, lab, game, ate., aa wall
frulta aad Vegetables, and
you will bsj deUgitad with tk
Whether you can for pleas
ure, for family need or profit,
there la only one airtight Jar
the Bcemomy.
A book of reeipea for the
asking. (
Vitn Riper Bros.
Kxrlusltr Agents for Ctuise & Tens and Coffees.
Our Busilncs Is Good I
Our Customer aw Ooodl
Because our
are Good
A complimentary order will
convince you.
Yours unxloUs to. please.
Monarch Grocery
Try n run of our
alta cofkVi:"
None Heller.
Phone luni
We have everything ou
need for that Ashing trip:
Hook, lino, rods, reelt,
baskts, etc. We rint
tent, guns and camplug .
Plume flPSj Jacobs lllk.
Ladies Bazaar
Ladies Exchange
We sake specialty of
Imported Swiss Embroldr
German Bands and Laces
125 W. Fourth St.
' ftjlj saassssE jj&JUl
Is sure to uavo a pleasant and
refreshing close for those who
have awaiting them at home
that luxury which only a prop
erly appointed bathroom can
give.. And modem sanitary
Plumbing has placed them at
the disposal of rich and poir
alike, for few purses nowadays
are so limited as not to be able
to afford what was a few years
ago an almost priceless luxury.
If you desire to know all about
what a moderate sum they can
be Installed, call up GREELEY
For the Painful Smarting
That Follows Sunburns
Witt Hazel A
is the most exquisite preparation known,
leaving the skin beautiful, soft and white
it Is not sticky or greasy. Gloves can be
worn immediately after using.
It Is an excellent toilet preparation for
chapped hands, face, lips or any rough
ness. Fine for use after shaving.
Entered at the postofflce at Klamath
Falls, Oregon, for transmission
through the malls aa second-class
Subscription terms by mall to any ad
dress In the United Btatea:
One year "'
One month
W. O. SMITH, Kdltor and Proprietor
Published dally except Sunday ai Its
Tourtl Street
' 1
T?. 1 ,... ..Ht t thn Iter-
old for publication In this depart,
ment should not -exceed S00 words in
length nnd must bo accompanied by
the name nnd address of Ins sender. 1
A Century "f Pnwr
IMItor Herald:
The last century was n remarkable
period In the hlslorj 01 tho human
race. What especially matka It above
... ... ....... ......... 1
tall other centuries wnivn ""- .
before ll Is tho wonderful prngiesa
made In tho production of wraith. A
noted authority In reunomirs has cat-
ONCE In a while there I an cent
In tho history of a city that Is
more Important to the business man
and cltltcu than tho ordinary rou
tine of business, tu this day of prog
ress nnd development It Is tho live
city whose cltlicns tako advantage of
every opportunity to properly placo
its Importance beforo thoworld, that
wins In the race for growth and pros
Klamath Palls Is about to experi
ence such an event, when the cltlicns
will have an opportunity to prove to
official representatives of various
public organisations of the great me
tropolis of our state whether we are
worthy to be classed as one of tho
cities to be reckoned with In this
great commonwealth. A delegation
of some of tho most Influential men
of Portland will be here to gather In
formation on which to base a report
for our excuse for being on the map.
We, who live here, alt know what :i
wonderful city and country wo have.
but that wilt not do us any good un
less wo Impress this fact on the out
side world.
The first otllclal automobile excur
sion through Eastern Oregon will
probably arrive hero on Tuesday
They wilt have traveled many thous
anils of miles and seen much valu
able country, nnd If we nre to make
the Impression It will be up to
us to show them thevery best of ev
erything we have. They" will have
como by way of Lakevlew, and will
pass through the Sprague River Val
ley and nonanza. Thcx must be
shown the Irrigated section before
leaving for the northern part of the
An excursion will bo given to Mer
rill and return, and It Is desired to
have every available automobllo to
Join the party. Thero will bo ladles.
amour tho visitors, so that the local
auto 'owners should see that tho
ladies of tho city accompany them on
the trip to Merrill.
One person probably could tell tho
visitors many of tho Important re
sources of our country, but when
these facts are told by a hundred or
a thousand of our cltlicns no room Is
left for doubt, and our guests will go
away convinced that this country Is
as great as we, who live here, know
It to be.
It these people aro Impressed with
tho advantages of the route through
Eastern Oregon, It will mean that the
great percentage of tho tourist travel
will hereafter go through Klamath
Falls, both from the South and North.
It will give m the support of Port
land In our effort to secure connec
tion with tho prospective California
state highway, and will mean that wo
will reap the benefits due us from the
travel to Crater Lake.
By Joe Bush
And now comes 11 complaint ngnlusl
ouo of tho perpetual molloii pianos
operated In connection with on" "
the moving picture shows, but.
strange to relate, this Hoes noi an..
f 1 0111 the fierceness of the mimic
1 r.iolilii't sleep well last night"
culnted that In 11 gUcu period, while ,,, IU. t t,0 Herald force thts
population doubled, the production mornlng "One of the moving I'M
of wealth increased arte., times. Injturo show, has .1 new record In IU
other words, n worker can now, ;'!;;'r""So; .0 X?l
improved methods and tools, produce J nn , ,, ,, , ,,,, ,
more than throe times as WUCMJnttnkl,,,IM i,il mself In Inn mid
weiilth In a given tlmeasdld a work-(lu, u, , room wnltsliw with '
... .. . .. . .
er 11 century ago. it a pniiosopner . .cn.ur in my mow.
that ago could have foretold this fact. o
.... ..1.. ....,i.i tmi,. rnnui to the i ti ..ins liirrodllilo. hut there is 11
conclusion that In an age when wealth .young man In Klamath Kails, whose
could bo produced with so Utile effort ,.rly musical training " "'"
poverty would be no more, and eerv I,, , tlisat he mistook the singing "'
.... ....... . i .. 111!. .. fill! Ill SI
man, woman nnd child would iutvi'that gool oiu nymn, nu
Tl.nt unilltl IIBYC.I.Ifrul. ni" for I SIICO IIIHSir. II"
A Glean Scalp And Healthy Hair
...... 1. i...w. i, that a luxuriant nrowti
from tho use of HHmlNK
This Is tho procedure
V.h lie hair with warm tater aud a fur mp- rlu.s n,w.
,,!, rut, ll'o .call, with a. lift bri,.l, Hlrsu.iM.o-rul,
1,1 will and dry tho hair beforo combing.
'" , Ih.t lllrsutone Is not merely a hair ,,
" " " ,J,UM.o Klocug..., c.c.e.. II .to Pr-vent. ha,.
,rrl.l .lo-m...rl.l.c. .ol .llm-talr. IIm. ro.Ui of the
llrlrrm..w- - .laiolr, .rr.rrt. IU reln.-a,ol
.. Hie natural lHauly n.l color of tlio ha r.
Ninl'a lllrsutone should ba on your dressing tabls.
H sells at 60 ciinla and l V tho bolllo.
U N J it 1 WOODS
tilcntv aud more.
been a reasonable and logical conclu
sion, but that It has proven raise nu
of your readers ure well aware. At
this time It Is considered a conserva
tive estlmato that thore aro S.OOO.OOO
unemployed In the I'ntted States.
Most of theso ure nblo and willing to
work and cam a living for themselves
and families If given the chance. Hut
being denied tho right tu uiako a liv
ing honestly, some of them have dis
covered other "trades," nnd prey un
Insldo the pavilion last night beforo
ho dlscnere.1 that It was n religious
gathering, nnd not a dance, as he had
With tho new "I the excellent
prospects for 11 bumper fruit crop
romoa the statement of garage own
ers that the tourist crop Is looking up
Klimstli Kails was not tile uuiy
otwn that was uulet Immediately fol
tho community whero they happen to ,l)W,tl(. u, .imrl, r July celrbra
be. It Is needless to dwell on alt tho (()( T,)f) t.nw ,. n.tlt ndmlls
misery, crime and Injustice which can U(il J() r,,R(.,loIl fnllr- nfter tho
be traced directly to this great curse- P),,obrntOM 0tlceshle
Unemployment. - ..
They nro so apparent that unyunn
not blind to all about them can seo
nnd know. Such conditions did not
exist n century ago. There wore no
Idle hordes, tramping over tho coun
try looking for work To be sure tho
workers of that age had to work hard
, IIM IHIItllAM mipu:x m ",M '" '"
rnior for mly Ow ilUlrllmlliiK eH-n. B hTH.
I'lll out the umputi l-el.m and hrlwl ' '
rity ,, . .
hlste .
(till) oar 10 racli uuw
vm. e; iiuRN
. -- - - -
The following realty transfers,
rontrurts. deeds, mortgages, etc., re- . 1 , n,oJ wt , colm,r ccrk,
In order to niako nature give up Mr I frBliheil br tt city ,! County
treasures, but they managed to earn
a crude living for themselves, rear
families, nnd. besides, pay tribute to
the feudal lords, which constituted
the capitalist class of that time. Tho
millionaires nnd the trnmps were not
known, but now, nfter the productiv
ity of tho workers has been raoro than
trebled, we And amongst us million
aires -by tho thousands and tramps,
paupers nnd "criminals by the millions.
It would seem, then, that the great
Inventions tho progress In the pro
duction of wealth, hnvo been of a
doubtful advantage to tho workers
It has not ruado their toll easier to
any great extent, but It has displaced
many of their numbers nnd forced
them to Idleness, crime and dlro pov
erty, for tho benefits have all cen
tered In the hands of those who own
the machines, and thereby they have
become masters of tho situation. Hut
after all, the Industrial rovolutlou of!
I.lnkvlllo Presbyterian church to
Klrst Presbyterian church of Klamath
Knllv deed, 110. lots I and 2. block
6, original town.
Marvin DuVnl to Kathurlue M.
Hall, warranty deed, $10, lot i,
block I, Knst Klamath Kails adJltlon.
J. I.. V. Williams to United Mates.
warranty deed, ft, right of way over
SW4 8VVs. Sec. 34-39.9.
Clement llradbury to United States,
warranty deed, 11. right of way over
lot fi, ay, SKW. Sec. 29; lot i. Bee.
3239-10, In all fi.77 acres.
Louis Fleishman to Agnes Klschrr,
warranty deed, 1225, part 209x209
feet In NK'4 NWli. See. 31.38-11 H.
Columbia Volley Trust company to
Syndicating Heally company, deed,
110, SU'iJ flK-i. H4 NIV'i HK-i.
Sec. 31-38-9.
Mary J. Anderson el vlr to United
! VA..tH Mann W sin
the Hold-Up Man
when all he can luka Iron jci
Is a check bonk, He knot Hit
It I. n't worth a rent tu turn It
Is n good plac tn open sli '
(omit with the Klist Tiu-i stl
Havings liank and a ni.
thing by check, When t
comes know 11 yuu carry in cuk
you'll need no burglar litiir.
mice That profession will lit
j oil severely alone.
First Trust and Savings Bank
Klamath Falli, Oregon
UtntoK u'arrnnlv HcmuI II. rllftll (if
ll?" L!!.'T:.r,.J," 'i," "VB: -r over SWt; 8WU. Bee. 2S-39-9.
Jos. W. Smith to United Htntrs,
Tho fault Is not with the new nietli
ods, the great Inventions and tho Im
proved machines, for that these
should como Is only natural nnd In
accord with tho law- of nature, that
all things follow the lines of least re
sistance, but tho source of the troublo
lies In the ownership of the machines.
This fact Is now beginning to dnwn
utinn ttiA tssilnita rt fltA U'uflil ThaV
are beginning to reallio that If they ln,,)r 'o'jV.'.
nrn nvan tit ivrnillmfn imvt-rtv Irnml '
Any person who limls glatr nl all, nrriK llirm Just as iiil.kl;
Hie) ran lw lis.l.
Ilue caili day that I allow nl In 'rt liirtratr Ike UoubW
Jul I list mm It more.
We have u frro ervlre of l.'vnniliiallnii In ie that I for nii)'lf
nml everjlMMly.
We imploy only Hie mt nppiutril inrlliiMU for testing the
e)e, mid nult aro always what llir) ahnul.1 lie.
Take adraiitagn of our offer,
II. J. WlntorH
(irniloatr nml Stale llrglttrml Optician.
"County Judgo Hcrnnrd Daly of
Lakevlew arrived In the city last eve
ning from Portland, en route homo
from attending the Klks Grand Lodgo
at Portland.
(Not Coal Lands)
Department of tho Interior, United
States Land Office at Lakevlew,
Oregon, May 13, 1912.
Notlco Is hereby given that Marlon
J. Uarnes, whose postofflce address Is
Klamath Falhi, Oregon, did, on the
9th day of October, 1911, file In this
office sworn statement and applica
tion No. 0C046, to purchase the lot 3,
!-.p. C.Twn. 37 S.. R. 9 E.. Wil'amettft
Meridian, and the timber thereon,
under the provisions of the act of
June 3, 1878, and acta amendatory,
known as the "Timber and Stono
Law," nt such value as might be fixed
by appraisement, and that, pursuant
to such application, the land and tim
ber thereon have been appraised at a
total of IC4C, the timber estimated
860,000 board feet at I.7C per M.,
and the land nothing; that said ap
plicant will offer final proof In sup
port of his application and sworn
statement on the 20th day of July,
1912, before C. It. Da Lip, county
cleric of Klamath County, Oregon, nt
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Any person la at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or Initiate
a contest at any time before patent
Issues, by filing a corroborated affi
davit In this office, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry.
5.23-7-18 r Register.
are oven to cradlcato poverty trom
their class thoy must themselves be
part owner In tho land nnd tho great
machines with which nil good things
arc produced, They aro beginning to
feci that so long ns they have to ask
another man for a Job for u chunio
to live, If )ou pleaso they nro not so
very much better otf than a slavo, and
as a remedy they propose to own
their Jobs,
That Is the utrugglo that is going
on nil about us today, and tho social
ist party Is tho political expression of
tho awakening working class. Where
do you stand on this Issue, friend? Ut
you wish to help make tho Inventions
of the ages a Meaning to humanity In
stead of a curse? It so, your placo Is
In tho socialist movement.
warranty deed, f I, right of way over.
jNWU DW',, Sec. 28-39-9.
W I Tlngley to United States, war-
ranty deed, II, right of way over
W i NW U , N V, SW fc . W i, 8K i .
S SKy. BWH Stt'U. NWli
SW'i 3(C. 33-39-9.
Jos. Stukel to United States, war-
right of way over KH
(Not Coal Lands)
Depaitment of the Interior, United
States Land Office at Lukevlew.
Oregon, May 29, 1912.
Notlco Is hereby given that Pblll?
W. Haync-s of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
who, on October f, 1910, made home
stead entry No. 04012, for the NW
Section 31, Township 37 S Range 7
i; Willamette Meridian, has filed
notlco of intention to make ilnal
commutation proof to establish claim
to the land above described, before
C. R. De Lup, county clerk of Klam
ath county, at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
on the 23d day of July, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses;
J. O. Swan, O. D. Cravens, Frank
Moorland, Uruce Uaddls, all of Klam
ath Fulls, Oregon.
6-13-7-18 r Register,
John llaxa to United States, war
ranyt deed, II, right of way over HP,
U SWU. Sec. 32-39-9.
Mrs. II. Mcdowiin to (leo. W. Kim
ble, warranty deed, 1100, lot 9, block
2, Slilpptugton addition.
K. . McDonald to F. II. Whltton,
warranty deed, 110, lots I, 2 and 3,
block 1; lot 1, block 2; lot C, block 4;
lot S, block II; lots 1 to S, Inclusive,
block 21, all In Opportunity addition,
and lots 4 and S, block 2; lot R, block
1, Carroll addition.
Rrma L. Cox to Thos. (1, Cox, war
ranty deed, f 10, pnrt of lots G nnd A,
all of lot 7, Sec. 6-37-9; part lot 1,
Sec. 1-37-8; part lot 1, Sec. 12-37-8;
all lot 1, Sec. 7-37-9.
F, C. Klatziihn In Anna L. Kliitzu
ha, quit claim deed, II, lot 3, block
2C, Merrill.
II. D. Wlthtnll to W. J. Summers,
warranty doed, 11, SWi Sec. .13.
IMIN .1. .I'MWAI.T, I'rrwlilriil. I. M, IH'IIII, Vlrr-Prrs. lira.
Illllir C. UITIIIIOIV. Hetrrfary.
Klamath County Abstract Co
Surveyor and Irrigation Engineers
mai-h. planh. iiniKPitiNTH, i.ti'. Klamath I'nUs, Orcjjon
Xeiv "Turkish Towel" Hat
The very latest Now York stylss of
tho Immensely popular Turkish
Towel hatH.
Knur styles at two prices
I. OH; "14.25
Also Llngorlo llutchers' Linen
French Plquo Eylct Embroidery, Vat.
Laces and Allover Lace Hats In the
most fashionable shapes for mid-summer
Prices I. BO t
Fourth and Pine Btreeu
Is an important factor in any business,
and often contributes toward success
Let us show you our stock of bond paper
and print for you a line of office sta
tionery which will prove a business